#Anyway if I sound salty is because I spent 6 years being invested in this
thyandrawrites · 8 months
Dabi danced then changed clothes and burned himself to near death again and everyone just left the fandom hdjsjshdhjs like his chapters used to give us early leaks just saying 💅 (but srs the pacing of this last arc has been horrible, for understandable reasons but still, and even tho the volumes have been selling well in japan bnha is not important or relevant to SJ currently so i wonder if hori doesnt hurry with the ending it wont eventually get canceled)
I don't think a title like bnha is under risk of being cancelled, ever, what with it being in the top ten sellers of the year. The rushing is just pacing issues and possibly editorial interference imho. The former is something Hori admittedly always suffered from. Overhaul's needlessly long arc comes to mind as the first example, but then also the overarching Todofam plot went at a snail pace, so much so that fans predicted where it would eventually go years before it became the focus. Hori's not the best at figuring out how much space to give to big plot points, and with the story reaching its climax and many character arcs converging, he sort of... Let down a lot of expectations? He tried to give everyone space but sorta ended up with a big messy soup imo.
But tbh it wasn't even the pacing issues for me. My passion for the series dwindled when a lot of character arcs took weird directions or straight up stopped moving. Which is as much Hori's fault as it is mine I suppose. I expected bnha to act more on its premises than Hori really wanted to, and as a result felt pretty "meh" when entire plotlines were swept under the rug or forgotten about in favor of character stagnancy and protecting the status quo
It's just... Eh. I'll own up to the fact that I probably shouldn't have expected the story to go my way, but I also think Hori wasn't entirely honest, either. The quality of the writing took a nosedive when Hori got scared by his own premises and backtracked. Personally, I find it a dishonest way to tackle the plot. Either commit or don't hype it up as though you intend to
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