#Anyways I genuinely love all the creators QSMP introduced me to
QSMP is incredible because I'll be watching one of the streamers then get up and start cooking or whatever while still listening, and 10 minutes later I'll be like, "Oh yeah. I don't speak Portuguese. I have no idea what anyone's saying."
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spamminginks · 8 months
Ok this doesn't pertain much to QSMP other than the fact that it has introduced me to Missasinfonia.
I am so happy that the QSMP has introduced me to so many international creators and their other projects outside of QSMP, more specifically Missa. Dude is just such a genuinely kind, funny, great artist, and SUCH A MUSICALLY TALENTED person (coming from someone who is also musician).
Dude can sing, rap (he has really nice flow), play the guitar, piano, and as ridiculous as it sounds, otamatone (and more but I am very early on in my binge watching). Just in his last video alone he made two original gag songs that are really well written musically. He played a bow like how you would pluck a chello in the first one and the second was just flat out a romantic love story song about his new Hatsune Miku and Kirby otamatones (the emotion, the passion, the cinematography) which includes vocal runs and harmonizations from both otamatones which ends with him making them kiss, mwahs and all, and then them having a child. He also has made some original songs in the past that have made it onto my current song list. My personal favorite is Aquí estoy, which is a punk rock song with great electric guitar, vocal harmonizations and synth keyboard.
On top of that, he has incredible editing skills/style, really entertaining and has funny video bits. Bro is a powerhouse and it shows. Anyways this was just a silly little appreciation post, that's all.
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murky-tannin · 9 months
Oh my God thank you for finally saying it. im gonna be honest, i have begun to hate the fact that politics were even introduced to qsmp at all like. a LOT. It was so just extremely unnecessary and i cannot even understand why they thought it would work on an International Server of all things; politics are such a genuinely serious and touchy part of everybody's day to day life and then combining that with the massive culture clashes in politics of this being an international server is. Bad! Politics do not belong on this silly mc server it just like I just kind of think the whole thing sucks!! I don't think any of the things the political element has introduced to qsmp has been interesting, only mediocre at best and annoying and frustrating at worst.
and it also annoys me, like you said too, about how q!forever is now just introducing all these random things that make no sense and don't need to be on the server and don't serve anything for the story when all the election candidates said that wouldn't happen. I love qsmp but i think this all just sucks. id say id now just wish for a revolution and anarchy arc but. We'll never fucking get that because twitter users and twitch chatters can't behave like normal fucking people. Sigh
The way I see it qsmp already had politics. Good and interesting politics. It had a governing authority with heavy variety in how they would interact with those they governed + the large mystery. It had the Ordo and the developments the organization has gone through in terms of goals, execution of said goals, leadership, and of course it's relationship with the above governing authority.
While the community toxicity is a major strike against it as an idea, I think the elections/post elections as a concept themselves could be interesting If they Actually Remembered Anything They'd Discussed For Months instead of forgetting the minute Forever got elected. Yknow. All that stuff about how it's a supposed distribution of power actually meant to further consolidate the Federation's own? About how they've been perfectly fine as a commune with no figurehead and the governing force + all the laws have been nothing but harmful? YKNOW?????
Having characters mostly aware of these things and engaging with the presidential role through that lens would be unique and interesting. Instead we have "here are laws about furniture and waystones to vote on and also jail for some reason. And no one remembers why this is all stupid as fuck and not the point despite months of heavy discussion and hyper awareness." and it sucks. It just sucks. It's not fun to watch. It's exhaustively boring at best and frustrating at worst.
Also whoever came up with the system shouldn't have combined the meta with the presidential role. That heavily fucks with the roleplay and characters.
I don't even trust the creators to roleplay a revolution because they've forgotten why they don't like the presidential role in the first place. Generally when they talk about it they fall in the same category as ccForever. Just saying and doing tropes with no thought behind it. Which I don't hate the ccs for or anything- I'm pleasantly surprised by their rp in general and I guess it gave me too high expectations of them. It just sucks that it's such a major and central plot.
Anyways my optimism has completely crashed and burned sdfghjk
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