#Anyways Melami Golmine my beloved
pebbledragon78 · 10 months
RANT: My Actual Opinion on Melami Goldmine (As well as a character study)
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This is not a Rain Code meme-post, but rather a small vent about Melami Goldmine. More details will be below the cut.
I’m not sure if it’s too soon for me to say this, but I assume to have built a reputation here based on how much I talk about Melami. I make sure to talk about and feature her in every Rain Code post of mine, as many of you have probably noticed. But is the affinity that I have for her actually genuine? I want to talk about that today.
First, I want to start off my speech by mentioning what we see from Melami when we first meet her. Back then, we saw Melami as a cheerful, outgoing girl who heavily liked clothing and reading people based on what they wear. Of course, she also had her Spiritism Forte, which would have most likely been one of the most effective Fortes in the game had it not been for its numerous restrictions. But we always saw that as nothing but an added quirk to her character, and nothing more.
However, this is where I want to begin my insight on her actual character. Now, this could just be my way of seeing things, but I wonder if I’m the only one here who sees her as a sort of cryptid.
Like think about it for a minute; A good portion of her actions don’t make sense at first, she doesn’t perceive life, death or clothing the same way that everyone else does, and she always knew more than she let on, beyond the outgoing girl that we initially perceived her as.
Of course, while Melami is not nearly as creepy or as foreboding as Vivia, she still had some degree of oddity to her that set her apart from the other Master Detectives, just enough for the player to think, “Yeah she’s definitely hiding something” in a doubtful manner. She had something off about her compared to everyone else in the game, and that’s saying something considering the colorful cast of characters we were given.
Like, not even the Gumshoe Gabs revealed much about her upbringing or how her Forte influenced her as a child; Much of it was left to the player to figure out for themselves. In retrospect, there was a delicate mixture to her between benevolence, glamour, extroversion, relevance, and mystery. It was a beautiful sight to see.
I don’t know, I just found it really cool how Kodaka explored on such a unique personality throughout the course of the game, especially in the more vital events that happen in the later chapters. Of course, I’m not gonna spoil anything, but damn; She was just, really really cool. That’s the only way I can summarize her, honestly.
Am I looking too deeply into this? Probably. But I suppose that’s what happens when you really like a fictional character. In any case, I’ll post another collection of Rain Code memes sometime in the future; I’m actually close to gathering 10 memes. So uhh yeah, look forward to that and thank you for listening to my little rant.
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