#Anyways how is everyone i have a migraine and can't focus on writing
jadewritesficshere · 1 year
Thinking about supportive boyfriend Steve with a Reader afraid of needles
You were regretting listening to Steve. Steve doesn't go to the doctors. The last time he went was when his nanny took him when he was a kid sick with the flu. Steve refuses to go, not because he can't afford it, but because his dad said it was a sign of weakness. That being said, you hadn't felt well in a few days. You felt better than the start, but you felt weak; you barely wanted to get out of bed. Steve took one look at you and immediately declared you go to the doctors. As stubborn as you were, Steve was more stubborn and persistent (plus you were too weak to resist when he had pulled you up from the bed and dragged you out of the house into the car).
But sitting in the emergency room, you regretted your choice as soon as the nurse said, "We need to draw some blood". Your stomach turned. Your heart started beating faster. Your palms became clammy. You had little to no fears, but needles? Just the thought of a needle caused your anxiety to spike.
"Babe?" Steve's concerned voice filters into your ears as your breathing picks up. "Hey, look at me," Steve grabs your hand and squeezes it. You glance over into his brown eyes, full of concern and compassion for you. "It's gonna be okay." You shook your head and mumbled," its a needle no it won't I'm-" "You're gonna take a deep breathe, and you squeeze my hand as tight as you need okay? I'm right here with you." Steve used his free hand to push some hair from your face and smiled gently at you. You tentatively give his hand a squeeze.
The nurse walks back in the room and you wince. The nurse smiled at you and held up the needle. "Nonononononono," you squirm back in the bed. "Shhh, it's okay Babe," Steve murmurs, squeezing your hand reminding you of his presence. "I'm just going to use a butterfly needle, it's small, and just think of butterflies!" The nurse says with a tone that sounds too sweet in your mind for what she was about to do to you. "What if I don't like butterflies?" You whine and Steve starts laughing, causing you to glare at him.
Steve holds your hand the whole time, whispering "you're so brave" "you're doing so well" "I love you" and "you're so strong Baby". Your eyes are screwed shut and you try to focus on the warmth of his hand in yours. You barely notice the prick of the needle piercing your skin. It doesn't take long before the labs are drawn and the needle is removed, a bandaid being placed on your arm.
You open your eyes slowly to look into Steve's, "I'm sorry." Steve's brows furrow and he frowns," For what?" You exhale and let go of his hand," For being a baby...scared over a silly little needle." Steve rolls his eyes and grabs your hand again," First off, you're allowed to have fears. There is nothing wrong with that. I'm scared of centipedes." You laugh," What? I didn't know that!" Steve nods," Yup. There is no need for those many legs, and they're so wriggly. Second, you aren't a baby, but you're my Baby. And I'll always take care of you." Your heart warms at his words. Steve grins before kissing you. You pull back shocked," Steve, I'm sick!" He pauses before shrugging," Worth it."
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osp-originals · 1 year
Requests??? Okay, but like actually prompt/suggestion (if you'd like one):
Someone's sick with something and they wake up with a headache. They tell their friends to try to cancel out on a plan citing that they're 'tired and not feeling the best', but their friends are like "I'm sure you're fine" and "You can sleep in the car," etc. Cause they've been planning whatever trip for months.
Then the sick person is like "💪 Yeah! I can definitely do this!" So they get up and don't actually tell their friends that they actually feel horrible and sick. At wherever they went, after a bit the sick person is like "oh, maybe I can't do this" then decide to tough it out anyways.
Then they end up passing out because their headache turned into a migraine and uh oh pain dizzy. Then just to add insult to injury, their friends don't understand that it's a *migraine* at first. When they wake up to the bright lights of one of them checking for a concussion or something, they end up getting sick from the pain.
That was way more then I actually planned on writing, but I like my stupid descriptors. Also your writing is so fun and cool :D
Omg thank you! I’m using my new film crew characters for this bc I put it off so long lol
TW: fainting and emeto, of course
Lucas woke up with a banging headache. He also felt tired and a bit off in a way he couldn’t place. He figured out he was probably sick.
And to make this all the more inconvenient, Lucas knew he always gets dizzy or lightheaded in response to severe or prolonged pain. It had always happened since he hit puberty, and there was basically nothing he could do about it except try to mitigate the pain. It hadn’t kicked in yet, but he would have to keep it in mind.
Today was not a great day for that (not that any day is). Today was the first day of shooting for Penelope’s short film. He really couldn’t miss that.
Still, he didn’t want to expose his friends to any illness if they didn’t want to risk it. He laid in bed for a minute, trying to decide what to do, and eventually decided to call Penelope.
“Hey, Luke!” she answered almost immediately. “Are you on your way over?”
“No, I-“ he stuttered, confused.
He propped himself up in bed and looked at his clock.
9:30 already?
“I actually just woke up,” he admitted.
“I must have forgotten to set an alarm. Anyway, I’ve got a bit of a headache and I think I might be sick.”
“Oh, no,” she replied. “Are you still up for the shoot?”
“Oh, I thought you wouldn’t want me to come.”
“Well, I want you on camera. If you’re really not feeling good I’m sure me or Armando could do it, but I’d like to have you.”
“Alright, then yeah. I’ll just grab breakfast. I’ll probably be ready in about 30 minutes.”
“Okay, nice! See you there. And make sure to take care of yourself. I don’t want to have to bug you about that all day.”
“I will, I will. See you soon!”
“Text me when you’re on your way.”
Lucas hung up the call.
He popped an ibuprofen, ate some cereal and brushed his teeth as quickly as he could, then headed out the door.
“Hi Luke!” said Regan when they saw him.
“Hey,” he said to everyone with a wave.
“There you are!” Armando called out. “Of course you get here after we’re done setting everything up.”
Lucas gave a half-hearted chuckle. He knew he was joking because Lucas was usually one of the first people to arrive on set, second only to Armando and sometimes Penelope.
Regan and Jessica were in front of the camera and Armando was behind it, getting them into focus. Magnus was having his makeup done by Vio. Raj was holding the boom mic. Thomas was wandering around aimlessly. Penelope was watching the pop-up screen connected to the camera to see what Armando’s shot looked like.
“Have you started shooting yet?” Lucas asked Penelope.
“No, but we’re ready to,” she answered.
“Alright, let’s get going then!”
Lucas had hoped that his duties as camera operator and director of photography would keep his mind off of how he felt, but they didn’t. He had to constantly fight to stay focused on the camera.
Armando was the AD, as usual, because telling people to pick up the pace came naturally to him. He was doing a fine job, but Lucas was making his job difficult. Armando kept having to tell Lucas to focus and listen.
Vio noticed Lucas’ slightly paler than normal complexion, frequent rubbing of his nose bridge and temples and lack of focus and energy early on. They were always observant about that sort of thing. They started asking him if he was okay every once in a while and making sure he drank water.
As time went on, Lucas’s headache grew worse. He asked Penelope for painkillers, but she didn’t have any. She told him to drink water. He did, and it didn’t seem to make any difference.
He started noticing how dizzy he was right around lunch time. Fortunately it was well-timed, because he could sit down while he ate a slice of the pizza they got delivered. He hoped that nutrition would help with his lightheadedness. He felt a bit better after sitting for a while, but alas, they had to continue shooting.
He did his best to get good shots and keep up the pace, but he kept feeling worse and worse. The greasy pizza became heavy in his stomach and he felt it churning around every time he moved. The dizziness kept getting stronger as well.
During a take, a wave of dizziness and lightheadedness hit him so hard he was sure he would pass out if he didn’t do anything about it. He couldn’t let that happen. If he passed out, he would drop the camera.
He squatted down and set the camera gently on the tile floor. He heard a couple of confused voices around him, probably Armando’s and Vio’s, but he couldn’t tell what they were saying. They sounded muffled and distorted.
He leaned his head down, breathed deeply and covered his eyes, blocking out the light.
He felt a hand on his back, then another one. The voices sounded worried and like they were asking questions. He wished he could answer them.
“I’m sorry, I just got really dizzy for a second,” Lucas explained.
He wondered if that even came out coherently.
Someone lifted his chin and took his hands away from his eyes. He tried to open his eyes to see who it was, but the light was just too bright. The dizziness only got worse. He started to feel weak.
The next thing he knew, he woke up laying on the floor.
As he regained consciousness, a bright light shone directly into his face. It felt like the light was stabbing through his eyeballs and into his brain.
The pain made everything spin and his stomach throw itself around before he could even react.
He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to block the light with his hand, but his arms were too weak to lift.
“Oh, god!” he exclaimed.
Muffled voices chattered around him again. The light shut off, but the stabbing pain lingered. His stomach couldn’t take it.
“I’m gonna puke, I’m gonna puke, I’m gonna puke,” he repeated urgently.
Someone rolled him over onto his left side just in time for his abs to clench, forcing greasy pizza mush mixed with stomach acid out onto the floor.
He groaned and finally opened his eyes. Luckily, now, people were standing over him, blocking the overhead lights.
“Was that it or are you going to puke again?” Vio asked, holding a trash can.
“I don’t know,” Lucas breathed heavily.
“Do you think you can sit up?” they asked him.
“No,” he said frankly.
“Oh. Should we- should we call an ambulance?” Vio said to Penelope.
“No, don’t,” Lucas objected.
“Are you sure? Passing out and then throwing up is really bad,” Vio opined.
“Yeah. I just have a really bad headache,” he said.
“Oh, could it be a migraine?” Penelope asked.
“It probably is,” he told her.
“That explains it,” she said.
“Really?” Vio questioned. “I know people throw up from migraines, but they don’t usually pass out.”
“Lucas always gets dizzy when he’s in, like, a lot of pain,” Penelope explained. “I’ve seen him pass out from it before, when he broke his butt.”
“What?” Vio questioned.
“He broke his ass bone and then passed out,” Armando said. “It was hilarious.”
“Yeah, it was pretty funny,” Lucas said with a chuckle.
“Oh, okay then,” Vio said. “You’ll have to tell me that story later. But for now, are you feeling any better?”
“Yeah. I’ll be fine,” he assured them, propping himself up on his elbow. “I’ll just take a break.”
“Of course,” Penelope said. “Armando, you can do camera. I’m sorry for even asking you to come in today, Lucas.”
“It’s okay,” he told her. “I’m sorry. I should’ve known.”
“It’s okay. You go take a break,” said Penelope, gesturing toward a bench down the hall. “We need to keep shooting.”
Lucas slowly and carefully stood up. Vio steadied him with their hand on his shoulder, even though when standing, he was much taller than them.
He walked down the hallway, stumbling a few times. He was glad Vio was there to catch him.
They reached the bench and he sat down, then leaned his head down and covered his eyes like he did before.
He heard a sound that was undoubtedly a trash can being placed in front of him, then someone sitting down next to him on the bench.
“Thanks,” he said.
“No problem,” said Vio.
Vio stayed with him as much as they could. They would occasionally get called over to help fix a costume or answer a question about the production design, but they were by Lucas’ side for most of the time.
Eventually the migraine subsided and Lucas drove himself home.
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devils-dares · 1 year
Anon get a life challenge. Literally people on the internet with takes like that are irrelevant.
Some of us have lives and things to do outside of working on fanfics WE put out for yall. If you fucking wanting something done asap DO IT YOURSELVES!!! telling someone to kts is literally so fucking childish, just cuz ur not getting what you want immediately.
Writing takes so much time and energy!!! @ anon YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW THIS PERSON
You don't know what the fuck they are doing outside of writing so stay in your fucking lane bro.
Devon, I hope you have a good rest of your day/night depite those absolute lugnut anons you are getting. In the end of the day, they clearly have nothing better to do, and are just garbage people who need to get over themselves. Keep going at your own pace and I hope you feel better.
thank you truly for typing this out. i don't think non-creators realize how much time, effort, and energy it takes to make something. being so blantantly for real under the cut/tw for mental and physical health, hospitals
thank you for supporting me, for being here, for reading my material, reblogging my works and leaving comments. i'll try my damndest to be here for all of you.
this past week has drained me more than anything ever has. i went from going to the college campus nurse to thinking i could die while getting fucking rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. i have been holding it fucking together at home by the seams, the literal seams. coming out of the hospital on wednesday, i was diagnosed with a rare form of complex migraine, added onto an already not widely known form of chronic dizziness, as well as possible endometriosis. i am at my fucking wit's end. i am in chronic pain. i can't fucking focus anymore. i'm crying every chance i get when i'm alone because i am overwhelmed with every single thing possible. i've been playing this game since i was 14 and i'm 19 now, and there's not going to be any improvement, and i have to come to terms with that.
for those who aren't medically dependent on someone, this might not make sense, but i need to get it off of my chest: i feel like a burden because my family is too fucking nice. they've been there every single goddamn step of the way and misstep i have hurts them too. i felt so bad laying alone in that hospital bed that when my parents burst through the doors i sobbed and apologized over and over again because i immediately knew i ruined everyone's days and weeks.
for me to come to my happy place where not really anyone knows that about me, just to be told to k word myself when i'm already fucking on the edge of it anyway is just so fucking draining. i have near nothing left to give. i'm trying my best.
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softxsuki · 3 years
URGENT REQUEST Good morning lovely! I'm so sorry if this is rushed. A close friend and college of mine recently took their life, just a few days ago, due to depression. During the time of finding out, I felt alone and responsible for ignoring the one call he made to me minutes before he had done anything. Not a lot of people comforted me, and I think it may still be settling in. Would I be able to get a Bakugou x fem!reader comfort for this scenario? Thank you, and please take care of yourself.
Bakugou Comforting Reader After Their Friend Takes Their Own Life
******National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255******
Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Suicide, Mentions of Depression, Reader bringing herself down, guilt
Genre: Angst, Comfort
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: In which you struggle with your emotions after your friend takes his own life, but Bakugou is there to comfort you in any way you need.
[A/N: Hello anon. First of all, I want to say I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. I can't to begin to imagine how you must be feeling right now. I don't know you personally, but his passing is not your fault at all, so I hope you'll be able to come to that conclusion one day as well. I'm honored that you felt comfortable enough to share this with me and I hope that Bakugou is able to give you some form of comfort during your time of need through this oneshot. Take as much time as you need to heal and remember that it's okay to cry about it! When my aunt passed, I found crying to be one of the things that helped me deal with all my overwhelming emotions. I too felt guilty after her death, and I honestly still do. SO it will definitely take time, but just take each day at your own pace. There's no rush, and I promise you, one day you will be able to move on from these confusing feelings. Until then, I hope you have your own support system, but if not, I'll gladly offer you my own support. My messages are always open, or even my asks. But if you don't feel comfortable showing who you are on tumblr, you can message me on discord ( this goes for any and everyone). My user is pardonkookie#9657. I'm free to talk any time of the day (literally I'm always up until like 4-5am). Just giving you the option incase you need someone to vent to or just someone to listen to you. I'm a great listener :). Anyway, my thoughts are with you lovely, I really hope this oneshot is even a tiny bit helpful to you. In the rare chance that this makes you feel worse, please let me know and I'll delete it immediately. Take care <3. Also, sorry this took a while to write. I had the worst migraine all day and couldn't focus.]
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That was how you felt. Days had passed almost in slow motion since you received the news that your friend and fellow colleague took his own life, but you still couldn’t believe it. It felt so surreal. You hadn’t returned to work since, calling out sick without giving a reason why.
You had spent the last few days since finding out, in your apartment, dragging yourself to just get out of bed in the morning and eating at least one meal for the day. You still didn’t know how to feel, it was as if you couldn't come to terms with his passing, but you still felt the heaviness of the news on your chest.
The people close to you who you did confide in just apologized for your loss and wished you the best, but they didn’t understand. How could they understand the pain of losing someone that used to be a part of their life, but now no longer exists in it? Losing someone to natural causes is painful enough, but at least their loved ones knew it was their time. Having him leave so suddenly on his own terms, when you could have possibly helped, hurt on a different level.
Your peers only knew that he had passed, but they didn’t know that he had called you minutes prior to taking his own life. Why did I ignore his call? Why couldn’t I just pick up the phone? Those same thoughts ate away at you for days now, the guilt becoming too much to bear.
You had been alone for a few days as your boyfriend, Bakugou, was out of town on hero business. You didn’t want to bother him, so you kept the news to yourself, trying to cope with it as best you could. The loneliness was getting to you though, as there was no one physically there to confide in or comfort you. You desperately needed someone to knock you out of this numbness that ran through your whole body. You sighed, wishing Bakugou was home so at least you’d have someone. Anyone.
He wouldn’t be home for a few more days, and being as busy as he was, he hadn’t had a chance to call you since his departure. What if something happened to him? Feeling a knot form in your stomach, you rush for your phone and dial his number, but it goes straight to voicemail. The numbness was soon replaced by panic and desperation.
“C’mon Katsuki, pick up. Please,” you whisper to yourself, now feeling fidgety, only wishing to hear his voice.
A few attempts later, each call goes straight to voicemail and you're seconds away from completely breaking down. As you’re about to call Kaminari to get some information from him, you’re stopped by the sudden sound of keys entering the lock of your door. He's home early.
You jump to your feet and run to the door, desperate to see the man you were worried about. Familiar blond hair pokes out between the door as he finally opens it and you jump into his arms, not even giving him a chance to drop the bags that he was carrying.
“Woah,” he staggers back from the sudden impact of you flying into his arms, but regains his balance and holds you steadily.
With your head in his neck and your arms wrapped tightly around him, you inhale his scent and begin to shake. Heavy tears flow down your face as loud sobs finally escape your lips for the first time since hearing the news of your friends passing.
Bakugou immediately knows something is wrong as your tears aren’t happy tears from seeing him. His bags are abandoned in the hall as he leads you into the apartment, closing the door behind him, never once pushing you away from him.
“Hey hey, what’s wrong?” he asks you, gently rubbing your back.
“Why- didn’t you- pick up,” you say between sobs, your period of numbness now fully gone as overwhelming emotions came over you, “I thought something happened to you!”
He’s in shock at your words and scrambles for his phone in his pocket, but finds it dead.
“I’m sorry baby, my battery must have died. Why’re you crying over that? I’m here. I’m okay. Tell me what’s really bothering you. I know it can’t just be that.”
You don’t answer him, still full on sobbing, but he patiently waits for you to calm down as he leads the both of you to the couch, taking a seat before bringing you into his lap, arms still firmly wrapped around you.
Once your sobs are under control, you finally answer him.
“You know my friend I worked with?”
“Yeah? What about him?”
You swallow the lump in your throat, but move closer to him, desperately needing the contact as you continue.
“He took his own life a few days ago,” you tell him, your voice wavering slightly at the bitter words.
Bakugou visibly stiffens under you, bringing your head into his chest as you continue to explain the details to him. You even express your guilt out loud to him for the first time. He draws small circles into your back, humming every now and then in acknowledgment so you know he’s listening to you.
“You’ve been dealing with all this on your own this whole time? Why didn’t you call me? I would have rushed back home.”
“I didn’t want to bother you,” you mumble into his chest, still not ready to look him in the eyes, in fear that he might be disappointed in you.
“Idiot, you could never bother me,” he huffs, squeezing you tighter in his arms, “I’m sorry ‘bout your friend.”
He almost seems unsure of how to comfort you with his words, so he does with his actions. He leans down to leave soft kisses on your head, trying his best to at least show you that he was there for you. With you
“I should have done more, maybe he’d still be here,” you mutter into his chest once more, making Bakugou’s kisses cease.
“Hey, look at me,” he tells you, his tone a lot more serious now, as he tilts your head to look at him, “Don’t say that.”
“It’s true!” you yell, the guilt eating away at you full fledged now.
“Y/N,” he starts, using your name which he never used unless he was serious, “Depression isn’t something that just goes away when you tell someone that you’re there for them. It’s a complicated emotion that sometimes takes years to get over, but others can’t ever find their way through it. Even if you had answered the phone, you don’t know what he would have told you. You can’t assume that things would be different if you had answered. You’ll destroy yourself in the process and I’m sure your friend wouldn’t want you to do that to yourself.”
You stay quiet, taking in his words as Bakugou continues to hold you close, reaching for your hands as he brings them up to his lips, peppering small kisses to the soft skin.
“It’s just like with my work. Being a hero isn’t all fun and games. Yes, I’m able to save many people, but I always lose some in the process too. We can’t save everyone no matter how much we want to, baby. I’m sorry you couldn’t save your friend. Really, I am. I hate seeing you like this,” he continues with your hand still in his own as he tries his best to comfort you so you stop blaming yourself.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, going to move away from him, but he won’t let you.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about Y/N. You don’t need to say sorry for this. What happened, happened. Now we just need to work on getting through it. Tell me what I can do for you and I’ll do it. Anything to help you so I can see your smile again. So you can be happy again.”
It felt good to hear someone finally give you actual support rather than throwing empty words of condolence at you. Though you still felt like you didn’t deserve to be helped, you knew you couldn’t continue to let this dwell in you or you’d find yourself consumed by depression too. You couldn’t do that to yourself or have Bakugou deal with that either on top of his busy schedule.
“Just stay with me, please. Don’t leave me,” your grip on him tightens, scared that he’ll just vanish between your fingers.
“I won’t,” he reassures you, telling you the words you need to hear, and the words he intends to keep.
Over the next few weeks, Bakugou is by your side. He takes time off from his agency and encourages you to continue to take time off work as he allows you to mourn when you need to and offers you a warm embrace whenever you need him. He knows it’s going to be a long journey before you feel back to your normal-self, but he’ll be with you until your smile returns.
Any criticizing talk about yourself is immediately shut-down. He refuses to hear you talk badly about yourself for something that was completely out of your control. Bakugou will remind you every day just how wonderful a person you are along with how much he loves you.
You still have a long way to go before you’ll be able to move forward, but know that you will be able to think about your friend one day without feeling guilty or sad. One day you’ll be able to look back on all your memories with him and smile that at least you had the chance to have him in your life and make those happy memories with him. Until that day though, you have an amazing support system around you reminding you that everything is going to be okay, and that it’s okay to cry and express yourself, but he’ll make sure you’re never alone through the whole process.
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Posted: 11/17/2021
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leahblackk · 3 years
Lies pt.2
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(The gif is not mine. Whoever made this thank you so much and I’m sorry)
Summary: Spencer wants to apologize and explain everything to Y/n, but will she let him?
Type: Angst
Hey!! Look, I wanted to make just two parts and that's it, but while I was writing it more ideas came to my mind. Anyways, enjoy!
People who asked me to tagg them; @rexorangecouny and @b-a-utiful​
. . .
Y/n stared at, what seems now, a really awful and boring white wall in front of her. Blanky and space out from reality.
When she stepped into the bullpen with Emily Johnson, everyone stared at her in shock, but at that moment, she thought that was because of the fact that her boyfriend cheat on her with a criminal, an unsub until she looked at her left and let a sigh out of her lips. After all, it wasn't because of what had happened. It was because of the girl by her side.
They approached her and asked her questions. She gave them answers without the minor detail of what really happened with Cat. The one people said she didn't need to worry about. But they were wrong, so was she.
Hotch called the Johnsons, and they were happy, thanking Y/n for her act of bravery.
Her coworkers noticed her odd behaviour; after all, it was a room full of profilers, yet they didn't ask her what was wrong, maybe because they didn't want to push her to talk.
Y/n was thinking.
How was she supposed to move forward after what has happened in the last hour?
How was she going to "get over it" and move on?
Not after all the desires and dreams, she had with Spencer. The one she thought was the love of her life, the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life—the one she loved.
The one who had her hands on Cat's hair, kissing her like he was in love with her, kissing her in the way he kissed her.
They used to have a beautiful relationship, even before they started dating. Y/n had found a best friend and a lover in Spencer's embrace.
She thought about all those nights when they watched Star Wars and discussed the storyline. When they watched Harry Potter and agreed, they both belonged in the Ravenclaw house, and they also were Hufflepuff and a little bit of Slytherin, and they definitely hated Umbridge.
And those nights were they cuddle up in bed, whispering in each other's ear how much they loved each thing of them and how much they loved each other, how important they were and how happy they were because they found each other.
God, they even shared an apartment.
Now she was there, thinking about Spencer, her Spencer or the one she thought was hers.
Y/n was forced to get out of her memories and mind when her coworkers approached the man she was just thinking about. Her heart hurt just to see him.
She wiped the tears in her cheeks and looked at him.
Spencer gave his coworkers polite smiles, trying to focus on the only thing he wanted, Y/n.
His eyes looked over the bullpen, trying to find his girl so he could go and tried to explain himself to her, even when he knew it was going to be difficult because she was very proud, just like him.
Then his hazel eyes land on her. She looked away from her boyfriend, not so boyfriend. His world stops. She looked beautiful. She always looked beautiful.
But then he noticed her red eyes, and then he knew. She has been crying.
He would go over her ignoring everything else, not caring about anyone but her, hugging her, asking her why she was upset, and trying to make things better. But he couldn't, because the reason she was crying was his fault.
She looked at him hurt. And then she stood from her chair and took her purse. Ready to leave.
Spencer panicked, watching her walk in front of him. Spencer starts walking.
"Y/n," He said, but she didn't stop. "Y/n please" now tears were in his eyes, taking her elbow.
"Spencer, please let me go," She whispered. Her voice cracking at the immense pain she was feeling, hoping that Spencer would let her go to their house and packed everything so she could leave him.
She didn't dare to look at him. She knew she wasn't that strong. And how could she? When she was feeling sad, and like the world was on her shoulders, Spencer was the one who comforts her. But what happened when he was the reason she felt that way?
"Let me- Just please let me explain." He begged.
"Let you explain what?" She finally looked at him with anger and sadness. "The way you dared to kiss her when you told me how much you hate her? When I was the one who comforts you when you were sad about all the things she did to you? Do you want to narrate to me word by word how well you enjoy that kiss while I was in fucking front of you?" Even though everyone stared at them, they didn't know why they were arguing because she wasn't yelling even when she wanted to, neither did he. They were the only ones who knew what was happening.
"No, I want to explain why I did what I did."
"Spencer, please" Y/n looked at him in disbelief. "There's no other reason. I think it is pretty obvious. You didn't had the guts to tell me you didn't love me anymore. You didn't tell me that you were lying all those times when you told me that you loved me and you wanted to be with me."
"I never lied. I love you, but you didn't tell me either about the letters she was sending you. So I guess you weren't honest."
Y/n chuckled in disbelief. "You know why I didn't tell you about those letters?" Spencer nodded. "I didn't tell you because I thought It was nothing. You were there with so many problems and those horrible migraines that I didn't want to add more. I cared about you."
Spencer's eyes soften at her words. "But I don't care about anything about that, Y/n. You are my girl. You are my entire world. I want to be there for you, even if I am not so well because you are always there for me. I want to help you, doesn't matter what."
"I was." She said.
"What?" He asked, confused.
"I was your girl. We are over."
. . .
After the fight they had, Y/n turned off her phone because people called her, asked her what happened. She didn't have the energies to answer those calls.
She just left, now, Spencer's apartment with her belongings. She didn't want to bother anyone and answer their questions about what happened. She could have stayed at Emily's or Penelopes, but she didn't want to.
So she turned to her old house. It was cold and lonely, maybe because she felt that way.
Y/n had bought a house when she came into Virginia. When Spencer and her started dating, Spencer decided that it was better to stay in his place because it had a better view. It wasn't that cold like hers and, in Spencer's words, was cooler than hers.
But she didn't put her house in sale, maybe because a part of her knew something like this could happen, and she never liked to stay at her friend's house for too long.
She sat in her old coach and took her phone out of her purse. She turned it on, feeling the light way too bright on her face.
The phone started getting all the notifications, all the messages, and all those missed phone calls.
The first one she answered was Penelope. She knew she would freak out because she wasn't responding.
Y/n didn't say anything more than she was okay, repeating the same answer to all of her friends.
She listened to her voicemails: her friends and four of Spencer.
Y/n bit inside her cheek, thinking if it was a good idea to listen to it, but before it was too late, she did.
"Hey, darling. My angel, I really don't know if I can call you like that anymore, but you are always going to be my angel. You obviously know who I am, and I also know you don't want to talk to me, but I think this is important, and-"
"Sorry, my last voicemail got cut. I was saying that I am really sorry Y/n, you don't even have an idea" His voice broke. "I-I got home right now, and you are not here. I wasn't expecting you to be either, but-"
"You're not here, and your things either. You left a sweater though. The white you- your favourite. The one you always put on even if it doesn't match with your outfit because you say it is comfy. And, it smells just like you-"
"I know I messed things up. I swear I have a reason and an explanation for all of this, but please come back. Come back to me because I don't think I can't live without you. I can't stay in this empty cold house. Remember when I told you to come to my home because yours was colder? It was because you were here. Every time you are in my home, it gets warmer and feels like home because home is not home if you are not here with me. I love you, please, never forget th-"
Tears came down her cheeks. All those emotions she was avoiding were out now. She felt pressure in her chest. I felt like the reality hit her hard. She was feeling alone, she was cold, and she needed him yet she knows it is not correct.
Her phone started ringing; Hotch.
She tried to calm herself down. Breathing in and out.
"Hey, Hotch, what's up?"
"You don't have to pretend when you are around me, Y/n," He said.
Hotch knew her very well. He was like a father to her, and Y/n like a daughter to him.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I-I Hotch I- I really don't want to talk about that."
"You don't have to, but please don't pull away just because of the way you are feeling. I know it is your way to defend yourself from the world, but today you got us pretty worried. You know we live in a world where there are not so good people, and we thought. I thought something had happened."
"I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention. I swear, I just needed my time alone."
"That's okay, but next time let us know, and I will tell you that I'm here for you, always. You are not alone."
"Thank you, Hotch. It means the world to me."
"Any time, kid."
. . .
After she took a bath and ate her dinner, it seems like she was doing everything on pilot, and maybe that was the truth, but she didn't know what to do.
She sighs and sits in her coach. She couldn't sleep.
Her phone buzzed next to her. Confused, she took it and saw who was calling her; Hotch.
She frowned and answered it. Y/n didn't have enough time to greet her boss when he was already talking. "Did Spencer call you?" He asked. Concerned?
"Yeah, he did, but-"
"Did he tell you to come to the office?"
"No, it was for other reasons. Why?"
"You need to come. Right now."
"Why? Is everything okay?"
"We have a case."
. . .
Y/n drove fast to the Bau, concerned about what Hotch just told her. She parked her car and took her purse out of the vehicle. She saw JJ just got out of her car as well.
"Do you know what is going on?" The blonde one asked.
"No, I thought you did.
Both confused women walked inside. Everyone was there.
"What it is, Hotch?" JJ asked and took a seat next to Emily. Y/n sat next to Penelope, far away from Spencer, who was looking at her in pain. Derek sat in the chair next to him, the one he saved for her, having hope she would take it.
"Spencer," Aaron said, giving the word to the young doctor. Spencer stood up and walked in front of everyone, where JJ usually briefed the team. Giving Y/n a quick look, but she was busy playing with her rings. A little hope grew in him when he saw she was still wearing his.
"I received a strange call today after I-I left Cat in jail. The voice said that my mom was in danger and that I need to protect her, so I brought her here. Hoping I can take care of her while we find the person who wants to harm her."
Y/n knew Diana Reid. She was a beautiful woman, and Y/n loved her. Besides what happened to her and Reid, she felt sorry for him. She wanted to help him.
Reid got out of the conference room and returned one minute after with her mom, who was shy at first, but she smiled when her eyes found Y/n.
"Y/n, it is so lovely to see you. Please come to say hi. I've missed you." Y/n smiled and stood up from her chair and hugged the woman. Spencer smiled at the encounter between the two women he loves the most. "How are you, darling? Look at you. You look absolutely stunning. How is my Spencer treating you?"
She looks over to Spencer, and he just looks at the ground. "I-I'm okay, and everything is okay." She lied.
"Oh darling, I'm glad."
"Mom, I think we have to start working. Do you mind waiting for me?"
She nodded. "Yeah, can I come back to your boss's office?"
"Yeah, please. Follow me." Hotch said, walking with Diana to his office.
Y/n walked where she was before, and Spencer followed her and stood in front of everyone. "Pretty boy, tell us how we can help," Morgan said.
"I-I actually think that we have to take this as a usual case. The profiling an-and everything, but Hotch said that we need to keep eyes close to my mom, and she doesn't trust the agents around, she has to be with someone she has spend time with and, I can't be with her because I need things to do, so-"Spencer looked at Y/n hoping she can understand what he was saying. Everyone looked at her, but she was looking at the ground until she heard nothing but silence.
"Pretty girl, that's your call." Morgan teased.
"Oh yeah, of course."
. . .
After everyone was brief, Hotch came back and told everyone what to do. Y/n had to keep Spencer's mom company and work with the profiling. Everyone was leaving to do their duties, but Y/n and Spencer were the last in the room. Not on purpose, of course.
When Y/n was exiting, Spencer took her wrist. She turned around to look at him with a severe face, and Spencer felt nervous. "I'm sorry, I know you don't want to talk with me, but I really appreciate what you are doing for me after all that has happened between us and-"
"Doctor Reid, I'm not doing this for you if that's what you’re thinking. I'm doing this for her, even though you don't deserve anything from me, and how I said, is for her. She's an amazing woman, and she doesn't deserve any of this, so please don't confuse things. If you excuse me, I have things to do." And with that, she left. Leaving the young doctor with the words in his mouth and with a hurt heart.
Y/n walked the short path to Hotch's office and opened the door. Diana was looking over the window. She turned around and looked at Y/n.
"It seems like we have a girl's day." She said, and Diana smiled.
. . .
Y/n spent almost the whole day with Diana Reid. It was now three in the afternoon. She already delivered the profile but still hasn't got a clue of who the person might be.
Spencer was getting desperate, but every time she saw her mom tried to look the calmest he could. Y/n always exited the room every time he did so.
Diana thought it was to give them space, but they didn't look in love as always. At least Y/n didn't. Spencer always looked at her in that way, trying to capture her attention, but he failed.
She didn't make any comments, but the last time Spencer came into the office, she couldn't stand that anymore. "There's something going on with you and Spencer?" The question took the doctor in surprise.
"Um, no. Everything is okay."
"Darling, you are not a very good liar when it comes to Spencer. What is going on?"
Y/n knew Spencer didn't deserve anything, but she couldn't bring herself to tell his mom the truth. "I don't know. It was just a fight we had earlier. Nothing to worry about."
"I see. I know Spencer can be a little bit of an idiot for being a genius, you know? He never loved anyone in the way he loves you. You are his very first girlfriend. He didn't even talk about any women until he met you, and he couldn't stop talking about you over and over again. I knew you were pretty special, and I know Spencer can sometimes be challenging. I mean, he's a man, after all. What do you expect?" Y/n chuckled. "But I do know that man loves you, and whatever that happened, it has its fix."
So Spencer didn’t told his mom about Maeve?
Y/n wanted to believe her. She tried to think it would be a way to fix things and everything could go back to normal, but she also knew something of its magnitude would be difficult.
"Hey, how are we going here?" Spencer asked. "Y/n um, they need you outside."
"It was fun to talk to you, Diana. I'll see you later."
"Thanks for spending the day with me."
"It was my pleasure." Y/n smiled, and without looking at Spencer, she exited the room.
She walked downstairs where everyone was. "Y/n, Hotch wants you to go where he's right now. The police said they have a witness. Morgan and Prentiss are over there right now." JJ informed.
Y/n nod feeling a strange sensation in her stomach. She took her purse that was on her desk and walked out.
Y/n walked through the parking lot until she found her car and unlocked it. She sat in, closed the door and put her purse in the other seat. When she was about to start the car, someone knocked on her window.
.  . .
"Y/n told me you two had troubles." Her mom said. Spencer looked at her with panic in his eyes. "Don't worry. She's too loyal to tell me what you did wrong. But you have to understand she's an amazing woman, and there's no one like her in the world. Besides, she's the only one I like for you. "Spencer lightly laughed and nodded.
"I know, mom. I messed it up." He looked at her with watery eyes.
"Oh hun, come here." She hugged him. "I know it is hard, but I do know she loves you. You should talk to her and tell her how much you love her and that you don't want to lose her. Go, now."
Spencer felt encouraged and walked out of the room, going downstairs where JJ, Emily, Morgan, and Hotch were. No sign of Y/n. He frowned.
"What is going on?" He asked.
"Spence," JJ started talking.
"Don't "Spence" me. What is going on?”
“Y/n got kidnapped.”
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