#Arcana Twilight Hael
sleepytwilight · 4 months
Right person, right time.
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"Lilith... Run while you still can." Said Hael. "I promise I'll take care of your son so please... Please I don't want you to end up like this." He cried.
Lilith let out a faint smile as she glance at outside of her tower. The place where she was locked up since she arrived back to her world.
"I'm sorry." She smiles, "I don't think I can leave my baby alone... If I leave, they'll kill him and you. Humans, they are more dangerous than you thought. They may have no magic but together they formed a great soldier to defeat you."
"..." Hael frowns. "... This is not fair. He just want to use you for the throne, once he gets what he want, a heir from you. He'll kill you." Said Hael. "Don't tell me you're giving up. Lilith, you survived for 20 years, you can't just give up!"
"... I'm tired, Hael." She confessed. "Throne, wars and getting used. I'm tired of it, if he just want a heir from me then fine. I'll give what he want and he'll free me by killing me." She cried. "... I'm such a bad mother for wanting to die. My son, Astral... ... Hael, as my guardian, please... Take Astral far away from this empire." She ordered. "Please help me before I lost my mind."
"... As you wish... My empress." Hael nodded. "... Your son, I will make sure he knows how much you love him."
Lilith smiles at Hael comfort. Once the bell rings, it's the sign that she is soon to be wed.
"Go now, take Astral far away from here while everyone are distracted." Said Lilith.
Hael nodded, he turned into his cat form and sneaked out from the tower.
The maids entered the tower, as well with Lilith's stepmother, Evelyn.
"Well well well, our little Valentine's wedding day has come." She smirks. "What's with the long face, dear? Shocked that you're going to marry someone you don't know?"
"... I'm not sure, mother. Tell me about it." Replied Lilith. "Is this how I'm going to die?"
"... ..." Evelyn sighed. "You really an idiot... You could've run away when you get the chance. You have magic and a shape shifter by your side yet you still stay."
Lilith was taken aback that her stepmother knew about Hael.
"What you think I didn't realize that? A cat that been with you for 20 years, plus he's your mother's pet..." Evelyn scoffed, she grabbed Lilith hair and force her head out of the window. "Look around you, my dear. Everyone is celebrating your wedding. Funny enough they are also was the one who celebrated your death too..."
"Pathetic isn't it? This is how we live, my dear. If only your mother stay on her place, none of this wouldn't happen... We could've have a nice relationship." Evelyn huffed as she let go of Lilith's hair. "Despite having a blind eye and burn mark, you're going to be very beautiful on your wedding day." Said Evelyn. "I'll spare your son and your cat as wedding gift. I'm hoping I don't need to get rid of them."
Thus, Evelyn left the tower. Lilith pathetically cried, wondering why she's so weak. If only she was brave enough to fight back, despite all the abuse she still love her parents.
The maids tend Lilith, they helps Lilith gets ready for her wedding. She looks like a perfect princess.
"Your majesty, let me do your hair." Offer one of the maid.
Lilith looks over the mirror, her hair got longer while she was locked away.
"Cut it." Ordered Lilith. "I... Really hates long hair."
"I see... I understand, your majesty." The maid obediently obligated to Lilith order.
Lilith's hair once again are short, just like the day she arrived at Neb Aula. If Arcturus was here, he would love to put accessories on her hair.
"Thank you." Smiles Lilith.
Lilith took an earring from her drawer. A gift from Vega, her best friend. She slightly chuckles to herself, remember the good time. She wore the earring, a star shaped one.
"Your majesty, you have to take off your ring." Said one of the maid. "It's against the protocol, your majesty have to wear the ring that given by the groom only."
Lilith huffed, she look over her ring. The ring that Sirius gave her, she never take it off even after everything he had done.
"I'm going to die soon, won't it be just cruel to not let me do what I want?"
"That's... ... Alright, your majesty. We understand." The maid sighed, she pities Lilith. "We will escort you to your wedding."
"My father won't be escorting me, huh?" She smiles faintly. "I expected it."
As Lilith walked alone down the aisle, while her father the former emperor watched as she getting humiliated by the gossips.
Lilith gaze shifted to her groom, Adam. The famous Duke and the witch hunter. She never understand how he could proposed to her when he barely know her.
She could feel her half sister, Eve is glaring at her. Her little sister used to talk about Adam all the time.
'ah... This is already tiresome.' Lilith thought to herself.
"You look gorgeous." Complimented Adam. "No need to be shy, we're soon to be husband and wife."
"Ah... Right." Lilith forced herself to smile.
She recalled the day Pollux shot the fake Sirius on her wedding day in Neb Aula. She had no idea that fake Sirius proposed to her- anyway... She hopes Pollux is here to shoot Adam.
Spica if he was here, he would love to nag her. Asking why she's all gloomy on her wedding day but bought every expensive gift for her. It's his way to worry, Lilith imaged Spica will be the one who walked her to her wedding, he would shows off to everyone.
Alpheratz, the man she never bother to say his name properly and only call him 'Phera'. She missed him already, he wouldn't hesitate to save her. He always saved her.
Arcturus, Spica, Pollux, Alpheratz, Vega and Sirius...
She was very happy to be able to experienced her own life.
Giana, Rigel, Thuban, Schedar and Altair. She hopes they're fine without having Polaris.
Lilith snapped back from her thoughts, realizing the pope has almost finish his recital.
"And you, Lilith Valentine. Will you take Adam Roosevelt as your husband?" Asked the pope.
Lilith hesitated. "... I—..."
"Her answer is no as her actual husband is standing right here." A familiar voice came out from the crowds.
Lilith turns around and the man is none other but Sirius. She dropped her bouquet of flowers, as tears rolling down from her cheeks.
"Pardon, but you are interfering a royal wedding. Who are you?!" Adam raised his voice.
"Don't you hear him? He is Lilith only husband! Sirius, the first sorcerer of Canis major!" Pollux join in. "Now bow down you bastard!" He took his gun and aimed it on Adam.
"Uh- Poll, we want to avoid bloodshed." Arcturus joins in. "Lilith you're very beautiful but we're saving you now!"
Lilith's stepmother got upset by sorcerers who disturb the wedding.
"Lilith dear, who the hell are these men?!" Asked Evelyn.
"We are her friends." Said Vega. "Hello, Lady Evelyn. Long time no see, did you had your fun after you executed my parents?"
"Y-you—!" Evelyn suddenly fell into fear. "It can't be, I thought you're dead!"
Vega smirks as Evelyn misery.
"Well, guess you didn't did a good job on killing me. Too bad I'm here to save my best friend, consider yourself lucky that I hold myself for her."
"Okay, I got the kid and Hael." Alpheratz entered the hall, already feels tired as he saw Pollux aiming to shoot Adam. "Okay kiddo, how about we go out so you don't have to see bloodshed-" and Alpheratz walked out once again.
"Haha... This is real, right?" Lilith muttered to herself. "Sirius, everyone... Is that really you guys?"
"... Yes," replied Sirius. "Sorry for taking too long to rescue you." He apologized.
"Better late than never.." Lilith ran into Sirius embrace, "you're really real..."
"Of course we are." Join Pollux. "Now shall I shot him and your ass mother?" Asked Pollux.
"No Poll, we should go now." Said Arcturus. "Spica can't hold the portal forever."
"I see you're still wearing the ring.." smiled Sirius. "Let's go home now, Lilith."
"Yes!" She smile as she wipe her tears. "Let's go now."
"Wait Lilith, are you seriously going to run with these bunch of men?! They're—" Adam was quick to shut up when Pollux shot the ceiling making a loud noise.
"Shut the hell up-" said Pollux.
"Well, we gotta make our run." Added Arcturus.
"This kid take a lot after Sirius..." Said Spica as he pokes Astral cheeks.
"Well I'm praying to God that he takes after Lilith personality-" replied Alpheratz. "Hael is sleeping, that old cat is probably relief that everything is alright now."
"Guys, we're here!" Arcturus ran as he wave at Spica.
"Talk about time." Spica smiles out of relief. "Seems like Sirius is carrying Lilith. Don't get jealous, Alpheratz."
"Are you teasing me right now?" Scoffed Alpheratz. "Now, I just want to support Lilith all I can and wish her happiness with Sirius as she deserves."
"You're... Getting matured. I'm proud." Add Spica.
Once again, Lilith's back to Neb Aula. The towers are long gone yet everything seems peaceful.
"Did you like it?" Asked Sirius. "While... I was recovering, I fixed everything. Monsters has been erased from this world." Said Sirius.
"It's... Beautiful." She smiles.
"Yeah you lovebirds-" Alpheratz faked a cough as he handed Astral to Sirius. "Your son, don't cry in front of me-"
"... I won't." Sirius gently caress his son. "God... I really messed up, didn't I?"
"I said don't cry in front of me—" Alpheratz sighed. "I'll just leave you guys be... Family bonding.."
"It's okay, Sirius... I'm here now." Said Lilith.
"How... How can you still be waiting for me? I caused you a lot of pain yet you...." He cried as he hug his child gently. "And I abandoned our son because I was so selfish..."
"Because I love you, Sirius. You came back, didn't you? You came back for us." Lilith smile softly as she hold Sirius face. "I don't mind waiting for thousand years for you because I know you'll come back to me."
Sirius smiles, he gently took Lilith and embrace her along with their son.
"... I really don't deserve you.." whispered Sirius.
"But I deserve you." Replied Lilith. "You're my everything, Sirius."
"Heh... You're making me cry." Sirius slightly chuckles. "Our son... What did you named him?"
"Astral." Answered Lilith. "It's the name you chose."
"Ah... I'm pretty good with name, hmm?" He smiles. "Astral my son... I promise I'll be a good father to you."
"You will be the perfect father." Said Lilith.
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canon-vi · 5 months
- Marin, I love him!
- Natasha, even his mother doesn’t love him, calm the fuck down!
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Lilith and Kitty- Hael by @sleepytwilight
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sleepytwilight · 3 months
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sleepytwilight · 5 months
Hael in your style?
Finally got a courage to finish this one-
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canon-vi · 5 months
I forgot what the idea was 😿
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Lilith and Hael by our pretty @sleepytwilight
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canon-vi · 5 months
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Little Lilith and Hael by @sleepytwilight
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sleepytwilight · 6 months
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[basic information]
Name: Hael
Age: 80 (kinda immortal)
Gender: male
Species: shape shifter (the last kind)
Height: 190 cm
Likes: Getting pats, salmon, tuna, watching birds, kick Sirius in his sleep
Hael meet with Lilith's biological mother years ago, he fell in love with her then decided to follow back to Mid Eartheim and protect her. When Lilith's mom died, he decided to stay in his cat form to protect Lilith from dangers.
Transformation (To Cat and Owl)
Poison breath
His opinion on fellow sorcerers
"He's a sweet boy, perhaps too sweet. It's quite refreshing to known someone this kind still exist."
"We both got something in common which is protecting Lilith. I am not complaining at all since he provides me foods for free. Well, one complain I have is, he put too much work on her which caused her not to spend more time with me."
"He isn't what he looks like, his soul does not belong to the body he is in now. At first, I thought he don't be trusted but later one, I know this little boy just want to makes everything right. He's a sweet little boy like Arcturus."
"He's definitely not an average sorcerer. Despite being lazy, he's very strong. I like him, he bought me salmons on occasion. I wonder how will he react to my human form."
"Ah, this unlucky bastard. I do not understand why Lilith love this... Thing so much. He's just a lowly star that'll bring her misfortune much more than little boy."
"I remember him from Lilith's childhood. He's always around her until his parents was executed. I don't know what happened after that as the young boy disappeared, turn out he was in Bound Arlyn all along. He's a good child, yet many misfortune fall upon him."
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