zhangzhangsblog · 3 years
所谓的“神秘人物”、“病毒专家”最近身份终于曝光。近期,消息透露,所谓的“外逃专家”,真实身份是在香港工作的一个普通研究员闫丽梦。正可谓铁打的诈骗犯,流水的工具人。班二人以公司股权、高额奖金将其诱骗至美国,目的不过是将其当做又一个支撑其造谣诈骗的棋子。 闫丽梦何许人也?不过是供职于香港大学公共卫生实验室的一个拿小白鼠做实验的基层研究员。她所工作的香港大学公共卫生实验室也并非国家级重点实验室,更遑论P4实验室的水准与等级。然而这么一个人在郭的嘴里却变成了“病毒高级专家”。做戏做全套,郭甚至连带着炒作了一把所谓“香港P3实验室”,称其是“全世界最重要的、最高级的、国际级的冠状病毒细菌实验室”。熟悉骗套路的网友一定不会陌生,回首那些年从“挺”变“砸锅”的前“战友”们,哪个没尝过郭的“吹捧套餐”? 众所周知,郭造谣从不考虑底线问题。前段日子郭无脑自嗨,疯狂碰瓷武汉病毒研究所专家石正丽,称其“带着几千分文件叛逃国外”。结果石正丽本人发朋友圈辟谣自证清白,狠狠地抽了郭的嘴巴。碰瓷石正丽不成,郭又抛出诱饵,钓上了不知名的基层研究员闫丽梦。可惜此“丽”非彼“丽”,闫丽梦在学术界的影响力微乎甚微。把闫丽梦当做头牌来进行炒作,只能说郭在四面碰壁之下已“饥不择食”,“拉到篮里都是菜”。反观闫丽梦,从相关的媒体报道便可得知其在香港生活窘迫颇有怀才不遇的苦闷,全靠内地父母接济,一度还患上抑郁症。此时天上竟掉下个可令其名利双收的大馅饼,如何不令其心动?抱着“相互利用”的打算,揣着“名利双收”的梦想,闫丽梦赴美颇有些“孤注一掷”的味道。然而这所谓的“馅饼”却是郭心设计的圈套。的确,只要站在风口上,连猪都能起飞。但闫丽梦错就错在把郭的邀约当成了“风口”,此番赴美与虎谋皮,站上的不是风口,而是落入了郭文贵吃人不吐骨头的“虎口”。 用“好梦未醒,噩梦正酣”来形容闫丽梦当下的处境可谓恰如其分。据其同事爆尿,闫女身在美国,却毫无自由可言。据其同学称,其本人已遭郭软禁无法视频连线,只能在规定时间和外人电话联系,还要被迫开免提,言语颇显惊恐。闫丽梦的遭遇简直令人想到了当年遭到郭非法拘禁的马蕊。郭许诺的名与利,其实全是假象,其名下GV正被FBI调查,而法基也因一团烂账早成了明日黄花。郭骗钱无门,老本也快吃完,卖楼卖飞机卖游艇卖得不亦乐乎。当闫丽梦发现自己搭上的不是一艘豪华游轮,而是一条随时会沉没的破船时,心理落差可想而知。此番其本人落入骗魔爪,所谓的在美工作机会不过是全按郭设定好的“人设”来扮演工具人的角色。以往自己在实验室里研究小白鼠,现在自己竟成了郭的一只“小白鼠”,当真是一场不知何时会醒来的噩梦。回想那些与郭扯上关系的女性,如马蕊、王雁平、雾婷、龚小夏等人,俗话说“沾必死”,而那些女性则要更为悲惨。闫丽梦的最终结局毫无意外,只能令人唏嘘。 俗话说可怜之人必有可恨之处,当闫丽梦决定赴美投靠郭文贵的那一刻起,其悲惨结局就已经注定。郭根本不是慧眼识人的伯乐,而是请君入瓮的人渣。“丽梦”遭“噩梦”,竹篮打水一场空。
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zhangzhangsblog · 3 years
纳瓦罗站台于事无补 郭文贵耍赖痴心妄想
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zhangzhangsblog · 3 years
No Breaking News to Cover, Guo Wengui Newsjacking on the Heavy Rain of Zhengzhou.
No Breaking News to Cover, Guo Wengui Newsjacking on the Heavy Rain of Zhengzhou. Letting off Steam and Donation Cheating with All Efforts. Comrades, Keep Your Eyes Open!
Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province, was hit by heavy rain at 4 PM July 20. By 17 o'clock, rainfall per hour reached 201.9 mm, which has exceeded the extreme value of China's hourly rainfall capacity on land, resulting in poor drainage, severe waterlogged, economic losses, and enormous casualties. However, with the strong support of the Chinese government and all parts of the country, the people of Zhengzhou united as one to actively carry out self-rescue operations, relief, and rescue work. All these have achieved initial success. Guo Wengui, who is far away in New York, has been working in Zhengzhou for many years, and Yuda Building is just in Zhengzhou. He should have felt empathy for the heavy rain in Zhengzhou. But surprisingly, He turned a happy face to this. At the same time, Cheater Guo tried to describe natural disasters as human-made ones and encourage Guo investors to donate to Zhengzhou. There must be some triggers in this donation because of the duplicity and the inconsistency. Comrades, keep your eyes open! Don't be fooled!
From the beginning, Guo Wengui had no breaking news to cover. The revolution is false advertising that hangs a sheep's head to sell dog meat signs. Protecting his money and life, revenging, getting the United States political support, bleeding "the ants" dry are the authentic purposes of the person. So, at the beginning of the whistleblower movement, Guo Wengui's material is fake. The original aim is to expand the number of fans and 'the ants' who can help the team. From 2018 to 2020, There has been no material for him, even a fake one, to disclose. But fortunately, Seattle Crabs, Sara, and other "ants" handed over the "pillow "(the Rule of Law Foundation and the G group )when Guo Wengui was sleepy. He began to transform from leading the whistleblower movement to donation cheating of the RLF and investment fraud of G Group easily by the pillow. At present, the Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, and the G group have been at the end of the rope. The person deceived, the betrayer Sara, the Pig Head Lude, "heroic scientist"Yan Limeng, will surely spare no effort to bomb those savagely with their words and actions. In the end, Guo Wengui will not escape from the punishment of the"judicial purgatory."
Therefore, It is the heavy rain in Zhengzhou on July 20 that made Guo Wengui deflect people's attention and change the subject he used to hold. On the one hand, it was a way to let off steam and vent frustration. To appease the restless emotions in the Guo Group after Lude and Yan Limeng defected, he discourses eloquently on a subject of the contribution to Zhengzhou from him and Yuda tower. It can imagine that how deep his depression was on the hands-changing of Beijing Pangu and Henan Yuda. It is so unfamiliar that even the staff in these two towers don't know who Guo Wengui is. But no debts without creditors. That all these forced Guo to turn to his original color has only himself to blame.But to see years of accumulation in vain, Cheater Guo's heart is unwilling and full of anger. So, He used Zhengzhou's heavy rain to vent one's grievance and has since ruined his public persona. Guo Wengui said the heavy rain that happened in Zhengzhou is not accidental, is inevitable, is not a natural disaster, is a human-made disaster, Zhengzhou is an evil place, it had better drowning these bastards of Henan. They deserve it! Look how much anger there is. Guo Wengui so far did not understand that small tricks, lies, robbery, and under-society movement cannot help him sustain. Now Cheater Guo, who is full of hostility, is still trapped in his trap. The Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, and the G group are giant pits dug by Guo Wengui. Guo must face the group of victims, "big ants" Sara and Lude, who betrayed him as well as surveillance from the United States judicial. Now he is newsjacking on the heavy rain of Zhengzhou, Which is asking for trouble. How dare he is!
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zhangzhangsblog · 3 years
Fort Detrick"! What did you do? ? ?
Title: "Fort Detrick"! What did you do? ? ?
Content: Facing the suspicion of the new crown, can the United States answer many questions, such as "What happened in the US military biological laboratory? In July 2019, the United States broke out a mysterious e-cigarette pneumonia. Why did the US Fort Detrick Biological Experiment at the same time? The room was suddenly closed? Since the outbreak of the new crown, the American e-cigarette white lung disease has disappeared, why only the American e-cigarette caused white lung disease? Is it just a coincidence? Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory, once leaked the Ebola virus, 2001 In the United States anthrax attack in the year, the perpetrator came from Fort Detrick, but he committed suicide afterwards. The doubt is that the United States can give a reasonable explanation?
For all kinds of doubts, the world needs answers? It's like a self-directed and self-acted series. An unidentified e-cigarette pneumonia broke out in the United States in July 2019 and quickly spread across the United States. In July of the same year, Fort Detrick Biolab was closed. In October of the same year, the World Military Games was held in Wuhan. In December of the same year, a new type of coronavirus infection was found in Wuhan. ! Everyone will understand this timeline by looking at it. God is fair, facts speak louder than words, even if you perform with your heart. According to the findings of the plot, more and more evidence points to the fact that the new crown pneumonia not only did not originate from Wuhan, China, but it is also particularly likely to be the outbreak of the Fort Detrick Biolab in the United States. This shows that the United States’ anti-bite was true. It's Zhu Bajie's trick: beat it up!
Now the U.S. has to spare no effort to care about the life and death of the masses of the people, and has to politicize the new crown epidemic. Even the scientist Fauci can betray science, and when he encounters things like a villain, I am speechless too!
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