#Are More Sali viral
avitaknews · 4 years
Video: पवन सिंह का होली सॉन्ग 'अरे मोरे साली' वायरल, दर्शकों को पसंद आ रहा जीजा-साली का प्यार
Video: पवन सिंह का होली सॉन्ग ‘अरे मोरे साली’ वायरल, दर्शकों को पसंद आ रहा जीजा-साली का प्यार
पवन-प्रियंका का होली गीत वायरल भोजपुरी सुपरस्टार और सिंगर पवन सिंह (Pawan Singh) का ‘अरे मोरे साली’ (Are More Sali) होली सॉन्ग में ग्लैमर का तड़का और शानदार लटके-झटके दर्शकों को काफी पसंद आ रहे हैं. होली पर जीजा-साली के प्यार भरे अनूठे रिश्ते पर फिल्माया गया ये गाना धूम मचाए हुए है. News18Hindi Last Updated: February 26, 2021, 11:21 PM IST भोजपुरी सिनेमा जगत में अपनी अलग पहचान रखने वाले पावर…
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didanawisgi · 3 years
by Rossella Talotta
To the Editor,
I read with great interest the article by Vojdani et al. [1], concerning the hypothesis of a molecular mimicry mechanism between the nucleoprotein/spike protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and self-antigens. Viruses are notoriously involved in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases [2], and the authors reasonably conclude that such a cross-reactivity might lead to the development of immune-mediated disorders in COronaVirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) patients in the long term. The authors also suggest that a similar scenario might take place following COVID-19 vaccination.
Vaccine-associated autoimmunity is a well-known phenomenon attributed to either the cross-reactivity between antigens or the effect of adjuvant [3]. When coming to COVID-19 vaccine, this matter is further complicated by the nucleic acid formulation and the accelerated development process imposed by the emergency pandemic situation [4]. Currently, lipid nanoparticle-formulated mRNA vaccines coding for the SARS-CoV-2 full-length spike protein have shown the highest level of evidence according to the efficacy and safety profile in clinical trials, being therefore authorized and recommended for use in the United States and Europe. Although the results from phase I and II/III studies have not raised serious safety concerns [5], the time of observation was extremely short and the target population not defined. Reported local and systemic adverse events seemed to be dose-dependent and more common in participants aged under 55 years. These results presumably depend on the higher reactogenicity occurring in younger people that may confer greater protection towards viral antigens but also predispose to a higher burden of immunological side effects.
The reactogenicity of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in individuals suffering from immune-mediated diseases and having therefore a pre-existent dysregulation of the immune response has not been investigated. It may be hypothesized that immunosuppressive agents prescribed to these patients mitigate or even prevent side effects related to vaccine immunogenicity.
Besides the mechanism of molecular mimicry, mRNA vaccines may give rise to a cascade of immunological events eventually leading to the aberrant activation of the innate and acquired immune system.
RNA vaccines have been principally designed for cancer and infectious diseases. This innovative therapeutic approach is based on the synthesis of RNA chains coding for desired antigenic proteins and exploits the intrinsic immunogenicity of nucleic acids. In order to avoid degradation by RNases, RNA can be encapsulated in nanoparticles or liposomes, which deliver the cargo inside target cells following a process of endocytosis. mRNA is then translated into immunogenic proteins by cell ribosomal machinery [6].
However, prior to the translation, mRNA may bind pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in endosomes or cytosol. Toll-like receptor (TLR)3, TLR7 and TLR8 are able to recognize chains of double-stranded (ds)RNA or single-stranded (ss)RNA in endosomes, while retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I) and melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5 (MDA5) may detect short and long filaments of dsRNA in the cytosol. The final result is the activation of several pro-inflammatory cascades, including the assembly of inflammasome platforms, the type I interferon (IFN) response and the nuclear translocation of the transcription factor nuclear factor (NF)-kB [7].
Importantly, the up-regulation of these immunological pathways is widely considered to be at the basis of several immune-mediated diseases, especially in genetically predisposed subjects who have an impaired clearance of nucleic acids [8]. This could particularly hold true in young female individuals, due to the over-expression of X-linked genes presiding over the antiviral response and the stimulatory effect played by estrogens on the immune system. The X chromosome hosts several genes involved in the immune response, including TLR7 and TLR8 genes, and about 10% of microRNAs indirectly controlling the activation of the immune system [9].
Therefore, young and female patients who are already affected or predisposed (e.g. immunological and serological abnormalities in absence of clinical symptoms, familiarity for immune-mediated diseases) to autoimmune or autoinflammatory disorders should be carefully evaluated for the benefits and risks of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. According to epidemiological data, these subjects may develop the infection asymptomatically or pauci-symptomatically and it is worth noting that, in line with the article of Vojdani et al. [1], the presence of autoreactive cells and autoantibodies cross-reacting against SARS-CoV-2 epitopes may even turn naturally protective towards the infection. Until proven otherwise, the administration of a nucleic acid vaccine may instead put these individuals at risk of unwanted immunological side effects by either sensitizing the PRRs or generating cross-reactive cell clones and antibodies. Moreover, COVID-19 mRNA vaccine might differently stimulate myeloid or plasmacytoid dendritic cells (DCs), generating an unbalance in the downstream cytokine pathways that play a crucial role in autoimmunity and autoinflammation [3].
Modifications in nucleoside and nanoparticle composition through a proper manufacturing may help to prevent some of these drawbacks. For instance, the substitution of uridine with pseudouridine was shown to reduce immunogenicity and type I IFN production while enhancing the synthesis of viral antigenic proteins [10]. A strong type I IFN response may, in fact, negatively affect the vaccine efficacy by suppressing the process of mRNA translation [10]. However, type I IFNs play a beneficial role in strengthening the antiviral response, as they favor the maturation of DCs, the CD8+ T cell-mediated cytotoxicity and the secretion of several cytokines, like interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23 [11]. Notably, polymorphisms in the genes encoding these cytokines or their receptors have been associated with the susceptibility to autoimmune diseases [12]. Additionally, an excessive production of type I IFNs may result in the breakdown of the immunological tolerance and, therefore, in autoimmunity [10].
Lipid components may also dictate the type and intensity of the immune response, by enhancing the production of IFN-γ, IL-2 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α with the subsequent activation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes. Although this is not the case of the authorized COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, future formulations containing adjuvant like TLR agonists [13] may exacerbate pre-existing autoimmune or autoinflammatory disorders and should therefore be discouraged in this cohort of patients.
Given the current state of the art, my view is that individuals with a dysfunctional immune response should receive the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine only if the benefits of this approach clearly outweigh any risks and after a careful evaluation case by case.”
1. Vojdani A., Kharrazian D. Potential antigenic cross-reactivity between SARS-CoV-2 and human tissue with a possible link to an increase in autoimmune diseases. Clin. Immunol. 2020;217 doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2020.108480. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
2. Talotta R., Robertson E. Autoimmunity as the comet tail of COVID-19 pandemic. World J. Clin. Cases. 2020;8:3621–3644. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v8.i17.3621. [PMC free article] [PubMed
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3. Goriely S., Goldman M. From tolerance to autoimmunity: is there a risk in early life vaccination? J. Comp. Pathol. 2007;137:S57–S61. doi: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2007.04.013. [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar
4. Kostoff R.N., Kanduc D., Porter A.L., Shoenfeld Y., Calina D., Briggs M.B., Spandidos D.A., Tsatsakis A. Vaccine- and natural infection-induced mechanisms that could modulate vaccine safety. Toxicol. Reports. 2020;7:51–64. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2020.10.016. [PMC free articlePubMedCrossRefGoogle Scholar
5. Polack F.P., Thomas S.J., Kitchin N., Absalon J., Gurtman A., Lockhart S., Perez J.L., Pérez Marc G., Moreira E.D., Zerbini C., Bailey R., Swanson K.A., Roychoudhury S., Koury K., Li P., Kalina W.V., Cooper D., Frenck R.W., Hammitt L.L., Türeci Ö., Nell H., Schaefer A., Ünal S., Tresnan D.B., Mather S., Dormitzer P.R., Şahin U., Jansen K.U., Gruber W.C. Safety and efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. N. Engl. J. Med. 2020 doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2034577. [PMC free article
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6. Marć M.A., Domínguez-Álvarez E., Gamazo C. Nucleic acid vaccination strategies against infectious diseases. Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. 2015;12 doi: 10.1517/17425247.2015.1077559. [PubMedCrossRefGoogle Scholar
7. Reikine S., Nguyen J.B., Modis Y. Pattern Recognition and Signaling Mechanisms of RIG-I and MDA5. Front. Immunol. 2014;5 doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00342. 342-undefined. [PMC free article PubMed] [CrossRef Google Scholar
8. Pelka K., Shibata T., Miyake K., Latz E. Nucleic acid-sensing TLRs and autoimmunity: novel insights from structural and cell biology. Immunol. Rev. 2016;269:60–75. doi: 10.1111/imr.12375. [PubMed [CrossRefGoogle Scholar
9. Schurz H., Salie M., Tromp G., Hoal E.G., Kinnear C.J., Möller M. The X chromosome and sex-specific effects in infectious disease susceptibility. Hum. Genomics. 2019;13 doi: 10.1186/s40246-018-0185-z. 2-undefined. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar
10. D’haese S., Lacroix C., Garcia F., Plana M., Ruta S., Vanham G., Verrier B., Aerts J.L. Off the beaten path: novel mRNA-nanoformulations for therapeutic vaccination against HIV. J. Control. Release. 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2020.11.009. [PubMed
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11. He S., Mao X., Sun H., Shirakawa T., Zhang H., Wang X. Potential therapeutic targets in the process of nucleic acid recognition: opportunities and challenges. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 2015;36:51–64. doi: 10.1016/j.tips.2014.10.013. [PubMed [CrossRef] [Google Scholar
12. Vandenbroeck K. Cytokine gene polymorphisms and human autoimmune disease in the era of genome-wide association studies. J. Interf. Cytokine Res. 2012;32:139–151. doi: 10.1089/jir.2011.0103.[PMC free article] [PubMed [CrossRef [Google Scholar
13. Liang Z., Zhu H., Wang X., Jing B., Li Z., Xia X., Sun H., Yang Y., Zhang W., Shi L., Zeng H., Sun B. Adjuvants for coronavirus vaccines. Front. Immunol. 2020;11 doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.589833.[PMC free article [PubMed CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
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nicholasleo · 2 years
Vegan Social Media Discourse
It seems that every day, there is a war waged between vegans and their opposition on the battlefield of social media. This discourse most popularly occurs on social network websites like Facebook and Twitter. A quick search of the word ‘vegan’ will yield arguments of many different flavors. Some of the discourse is well informed with references to scientific publications from both sides and some of the discourse is apparently driven solely by emotion and is rife with misinformation. The consistent trend between all of these interactions is that neither side will apparently budge.
A survey of vegans active on social media in Turkey shows that the target group of this social media discourse is both for vegans and non-vegans (Erben & Balaban-Sali, 2016). One participant stated that they prepare content exclusively for highly educated individuals (Erben & Balaban-Sali, 2016). This was based on the assumption that highly educated individuals are more open to different opinions.
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(Are, n.d.)
Aside from the general debate side of this social media content, it can also be used as a tool to make their symbolic action stronger. Using social media posting to spread the word about vegan activism events can attract the significant interactions from both sides of the debate. People debating under a post about an event will give it a stronger pull in social media algorithms and thus reach an even larger audience. Whether intentional or not, attracting the opposing opinions can increase the virality of vegan ideas. This is an important tool to be employed by activists who want to spread awareness to these ideas.
Are we supposed to be vegetarian? (n.d.). Www.medicalnewstoday.com. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320047
Erben, Ş. E., & Balaban-Sali, J. (2016). Social media use of vegan activists in Turkey. Global Media Journal, 6(12), 75-88.
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sambinnie · 4 years
How are you? I wish I had something more incisive to greet you with, but the speed with which everything occurs means it would be irrelevant, distasteful or a viral punchline a few hours later. 
I have been to the cinema for the first time in six months, and continued my regular habit exactly where I’d left it by attending a first-thing-in-the-morning screening of Tenet with only one other person in the cinema, sitting miles away and also on their own (the only way to watch a film, I say). Fucking Tenet, though. I mean, I have really missed going to the cinema, partly because I love films and partly because there’s such a small-scale decadence to occasionally going there solo at 10am on a Tuesday morning, and those tiny pleasures (which, of course, are currently no longer tiny) are just the things to keep me going.
But the film. Oh god, the film. I wish… I wish I could collate my thoughts into something which doesn’t just rapidly descend into a frustrated scream. I wish success didn’t mean people couldn’t say no to you. I wish I liked Nolan’s Batman films, for a start, since so many seem to get so much from them (see also: Breaking Bad, Killing Eve and Line of Duty), but I’ve always found them silly, really dumbly written, and badly made — I can’t hear much of the dialogue, and the action sequences are frequently shot with so many cuts and movement that’s it’s impossible to follow, something George Miller could teach him about so beautifully — and they’re so bloody solemn. Gotham is a grim place, but there’s a boring pomposity in fetishing that one-note grimness, and Nolan has it nailed. Having a character genuinely laugh at something doesn’t render your film light-weight; it creates contrast, and human engagement, something these serious (but sci-fi)/serious (but fantasy)/serious (but adult man dresses in a cape) films too often lack, as if a strained, one-note way of speaking will cancel out the frivolous, actually enjoyable genre aspect of the film. 
That lack of humanity is shared by Tenet. After a certain point, I simply don’t care. Is the nuke going to explode before Batman can something something something? *shrugs* Will the Tenet team manage to stop some sort of bad thing happening? Yes? No? Don’t mind, fine either way. Is Tenet nice to look at? Yes, but in a sort of “Christ, are we still holding up billionaire oligarch lifestyles as an aspirational thing at the moment?” very pre-2020 mood. Does it make sense? No, but that alone doesn’t mean it isn’t good — some great films, and some great Nolan films, take several goes to fully enjoy, and some are more enjoyable with every watch. Do I give a single fig about the outcome of the film or for any character after 20 minutes? Nope.
One major issue is that Nolan has made Inception, a masterpiece of film-making meta-commentary. How, once you’ve watched Cobb and Ariadne discuss the leaping-about way of conversations in films/dreams (stopping and starting in completely new locations) can you take the same thing seriously between Neil (Neil. Neil.) and The Protagonist? (I would like to see how many women read this screenplay along the way and just gave a small, inner sigh at the main character being named 'The Protagonist’.) As their boring expositional chats chop between pavement and public transport and plaza, one can’t help remembering how well Nolan previously pointed this out, yet has reverted to that self-conscious device to no benefit at all. It’s like he’s never seen his own films.
Similarly, the much-lauded aeroplane scene is completely without the necessary ingredient of tension because we’ve already been shown what happens, not just in other films but in this one, about fifteen minutes before. It’s like Bill & Ted promising they’d do whatever it was they needed right now, but in the future, and their momentary problem being solved by a loose sense of timey-wimey future self-ness. There’s nothing at stake at the airport, and between us being shown what happens and the scene beginning, nothing has happened for us to even hope the mission isn’t completed. It felt like the criminally underused Himesh Patel was in an instructional video for fuss-free plane-borrowing; compare it to the similar scene in Casino Royale (perhaps the only modern Bond film worth bothering with) and the flatness and mechanical nature of Tenet is all too apparent. The twists of the film, such as they are, are likewise foreseeable for even the least Pauline Kael among us. Who could it be under the mask? WHO COULD IT POSSIBLY BE? 
The Prestige, an earlier film of Nolan’s, is such a contrast to this that I’m stunned I didn’t watch it the moment I came home to clear my brain out. It’s smart, logical, moving, tense, engaging, and if there are plot holes (probably) I didn’t care because a) I really, really cared about what happened to each person, each of whom spoke and behaved like humans, not AI script-bots, and b) it gave this household a v useful shorthand nickname for anyone who wanted something one day but completely inexplicably changed their mind or denied it the next. I recommend it. I do not recommend Tenet. 
Of course, I feel guilty for caring so much about this, and writing about some fucking multi-squillion-dollar film with everything else happening. I am feeling extremely, crushingly ineffectual presently, and have completely come off all social media which from time to time would remind me of the efficacy of protest, of letter-writing and petition-signing and contacting one’s MP, so change feels hopeless and November’s blows seem inevitable. I am trying to knit my mind back together before then with small acts of body-work: cooking and running, drawing and swimming. I worry that I will drown in guilt and fear if I stop for a moment. It is pathetic, but I am still breathing, for now. 
My cynicism-filter is also at its finest mesh, because it cannot cope with the reality of our leaders and the UK’s political discourse: only small-fry stuff gets through, the Sali Hugheses and Jack Monroes, small-time fantasists who manipulate and virtue-signal to build lives of back-slapping consumerist celebration and Twitter Power Leader Boards. I’ve listened again to The Purity Spiral, and also to Desperately Seeking Sympathy, and wondered how many intelligent, kind-hearted people waste time supporting these innocent, victimised mini-Trumps just because they use the right buzzwords and also appear to hate the Tories. 
I wish I could give you some of the lights in my heart that keep me going — the occasional pure moon-eating delight of the people I live with — but here are more feasible treats instead.
Mike Birbiglia’s podcast Working It Out is a treasure, particularly the first episode with Ira Glass, which I think everyone who works in a creative field will listen to and wish they had an Ira Glass to critique their work. I like the idea of documenting works in progress, and not carrying any shame when things don’t work yet.
The Rose Matafeo episode of The Horne Section podcast, because I love her and I love stupid and brilliant songs. Several housemates have discovered Taskmaster too, which makes this a nice bridge.
Sarah & Duck, the BBC programme for tiny children. We never really used kids’ TV when they were little, but this now functions as a salve for when we’ve watched something truly terrifying like Poirot or a Marvel film, and besides the fact that Duck is absolutely fucking hilarious, the animation is staggeringly beautiful. The Islamic geometric patterns of the garden hedge; the soft blue-green hum of the “glow” section of the library, filled with lamps and luminescent books; the motes of dust caught in the sun-rays of Scarf Lady’s window. It’s a balm. 
Thanks to two housemates becoming great cooks over lockdown, I’ve rediscovered lots of my cookbooks and found 2015’s Simply Nigella to be a real corker. The rice with sprouts, chilli and pineapple, the drunken noodles and the Thai noodles with cinnamon and prawn are worth the entry fee alone. It’s quite chicken- and pomegranate seed-heavy, but even if you don’t like those, it’s extremely nice to be eating something that isn’t on our usual five-meal rota (and is also extremely delicious).
I was solo for some of the summer, and managed to watch a few excellent films, including BlacKkKlansman, The Peanut Butter Falcon and Love & Friendship. Cannot recommend these highly enough (*whispers* particularly the latter because it’s as painfully sharp as Austen should be, and we’d made the mistake of watching Emma. and I’m still so cross I’m not sure I’m ready to discuss everything that was wrong with it publicly yet).
I read Esther Williams’ memoir, The Million Dollar Mermaid. Perfect for anyone who loves that period of Hollywood, and full of juicy (as well as some pretty traumatic) episodes from the swimmer and actress’s amazing life. To give you a sense of it, chapter one is called “Esther Williams, Cary Grant, and LSD”. Super good. 
I hope you all keep well, pals x
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adityamatta · 4 years
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As we face this global pandemic, it is important that we stay indoors. maintain physical distancing and focus on building a strong immune system which is a crucial shield against infections.
While we are confined to the house, it is important we maintain a regular routine which includes daily exercise, eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, maintaining good gut health, getting adequate sleep, and managing stress levels.
Our immune system works as the frontline defence mechanism against disease-causing microorganisms and protects us from all viruses and microbes that our body is exposed to. A healthy lifestyle along with a well-balanced diet containing all the essential macro and micronutrients is vital for optimal functioning and maintenance of the immune system.
Protein is a versatile macronutrient that sustains life and has a particularly important role to play in boosting immune function. Though we all know about the importance of protein, Indians are deficient in our protein intake. On an average an individual needs 0.8-1.0g of protein per kg Ideal body weight. Recommendations may vary depending on several factors such as physical activity, age, co morbid conditions like kidney disease etc. As per the General Consumer Survey (PRODIGY) conducted in 2015, 73 percent of our population is deficient in protein intake with 93 percent of our population being unaware about their daily protein requirements.
It is important to consume good quantity and quality of protein daily for the immune system to function at its best. A quarter of our plate at every meal must be protein.
A good quality first class protein is one with high digestibility and has all the essential amino acids required by the body. Sources: all animal products like eggs, meat, fish, poultry, milk, milk products like curd, paneer, whey. Proteins that are partially lacking in one or more essential amino acids eg, cereals and pulses are called incomplete protein.
Combinations of foods such as cereal pulse combination like idli, dosa, pongal, khichdi, dal rice etc. in 4:1 proportion helps improve the quality of protein in a vegetarian meal if you are unable to meet your protein requirements through diet alone, protein powders containing good quality protein can be included to bridge the gap. You can consult a qualified dietician to plan a diet tailor made to meet your protein and nutrient requirements.
vitamins which help boost immunity
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an anti-inflammatory vitamin and plays a critical role in enhancing immunity. Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A which when ingested is converted in the wall of the small intestine to vitamin A.
Sources of beta carotene-carrots, sweet potatoes, red and yellow peppers, tomatoes, dark green leafy veg, pumpkins, asparagus, mangoes, drumstick leaves.
Vitamin B6
Vit B6 plays an important role in supporting biochemical reactions of the immune system.
Sources: fish, poultry, nuts, chickpeas, dark green leafy veg, bananas, papayas.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a vital nutrient in the formation of healthy red blood cells and DNA synthesis. Vitamin B12 along with folic acid plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system.
Sources: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is the most powerful antioxidant known to boost immunity. It also helps in the regeneration of Vitamin E.
Sources: Indian gooseberry (amla), guava, orange, sweet lime, lemon, bell peppers, berries, red amaranth leaves, cashew fruit, kiwi, strawberry, broccoli, etc.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential to immune function and helps regulate the body’s immune response. You can get your dose of Vit D by standing in sunlight either on your terrace or balcony without sunscreen during the day preferably between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. If your levels of Vit D are low, consult your physician who may suggest a Vit D supplement.
Sources: Egg Yolk, cod liver oil, mushrooms, sardines, fatty fish
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in regulating and supporting immune system function. It prevents oxidation of Beta Carotene and Vit A in the intestine.
Sources: nuts such as almonds, pistachios, seeds like sunflower seeds, flax seeds, garden cress seeds In addition to protein and vitamins, certain minerals like zinc, magnesium, selenium along with omega 3 fats play a key role in boosting immunity.
We can also give our immune system a boost by adding anti-viral foods easily available in our kitchen like garlic, fennel, ginger, cloves, tulsi, turmeric and coconut oil.
Making simple tweaks to your diet by including immune boosting nutrients to help to fight infections. Lastly, do not forget to maintain hygiene by washing hands regularly, wear masks when out maintain physical distancing.
(Sheryl Salis (RD, CDE, CPT, CISSN, ND, MDHA) is a Registered Dietician, Certified Diabetes Educator and Founder of Nurture Health Solutions)
For original version on mywordink.com visit: http://www.mywordink.com/health-fitness/pump-up-the-protein-and-vitamins-in-your-diet/
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lyricsstopus · 4 years
सज के सवर के जब आवेलु Lyrics – Khesari Lal Yadav & Priyanka Singh
सज के सवर के जब आवेलु lyrics (Saj Ke Sawar Ke) is the viral Bhojpuri song from Hindi Bhojpuri movie Muqaddar. The song is sung by Khesari Lal Yadav & Priyanka Singh. The music of the song is composed by Madhukar Anand and lyrics of the song is written by Azad Singh. The music of the movie is released under the music label Wave.
सज के सवर के जब आवेलु Song Details
Song : Saj Ke Sawar Ke (सज के सवर के जब आवेलु )
Film : Muqaddar
Singer : Khesari Lal Yadav, Priyanka Singh
Lyrics : Azad Singh
Music Director : Madhukar Anand
Music Label : Wave
सज के सवर के जब आवेलु Lyrics in Hindi
सजके सवर के जब रानी आवेलु दिनवे में मन गड़बड़ावेलु राती में सपना तू अपना दिखाके हमरा के काहे तू बरावेलु
राजा कईला ब्याह तू मोटा जाइबा हो खाईबा मेहरी के हाथ ता घोटा जाइबा हो
सुनीला शादी से होला बर्बादी तबो तो दिनों दिन बढ़ता आबादी
मर्दे के मान हां छिली ऐ नु जाना बढ़ेला लोड जब जाके पछताला अबे से काहे बैरावेलु ऐ गौरी हरियर गछिया सुखावेलु
राजा कईला ब्याह तू मोटा जाइबा हो खाईबा मेहरी के हाथ ता घोटा जाइबा हो
सुनीला प्यार नीक लागेला कुँवार में मेहरी के करी मर्द रही जब उदार में
रानी अंबानी के झर जाला पानी होला डिमांड जब ले रहेला जवानी कैसा ना भेद बतावेलु ऐ रानी चेहरा पे अहारा छरावेलु
राजा कईला ब्याह तू मोटा जाइबा हो खाईबा मेहरी के हाथ घोटा जाइबा हो
Saj Ke Sawar Ke Lyrics
Saj Ke Sawar Ke Jab Aawelu Ae Rani Dinbe Main Man Gadbadabe Lu Rati Main Sapana Tu Apana Dekha Ke Humara Ke Kahe Tu Darawelu
Raaja Kai La Biyah Tu Mota Jaiba Ho Khaiba Mehari Ke Hathe Ta Gota Jaiba Ho
Sunila Shaadi Se Hola Barbaadi Tabo Ta Dino Din Badhata Abadi
Marade Ke Man Ha Pichhiliye Nu Jala Badhela Load Tab Jaake Pachhatala
Abe Se Kahe Darawabelu Ae Gori Hariyar Gachhiya Sukhawelu
Raja Kai La Biyaah Tu Mota Jaiba Ho Khaiba Mehari Ke Haathe Ta Gota Jaiba Ho
Sunila Pyaar Neek Laagela Kuwar Mein Mehari Ka Kari Marad Rahi Jab Udhaar Mein Rani Ambaniyo Ke Jhar Jaala Paani Hola Demand Jable Rahela Jawani
Kaisan Bhed Batave Lu Ae Rani Chehra Pa Aahara Charawelu
Raaja Kai La Biyaah Tu Mota Jaiba Ho Khaiba Mehari Ke Haathe Ta Gota Jaiba Ho
सज के सवर के जब आवेलु Video Song
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
Who on The Internet Can You Trust to Give You Truthful Beauty Reviews?
Last year, cult favourite skincare brand Sunday Riley settled an investigation with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) after it was revealed that the company’s employees had been posting fake positive reviews of its products on Sephora’s website to help boost sales. 
In October 2018, a former employee shared a leaked email from the company on Reddit that encouraged employees to write positive reviews and disapprove negative ones. “We need to make sure the reviews for clients stay positive and help generate confidence in the products,” read the directive. “If you notice someone saying things like I didn’t like ‘x’ about it, write a review that says the opposite.” The email went viral after a screenshot was also shared by social media watchdog Estée Laundry, which is considered the beauty industry’s version of Diet Prada. In the end, the FTC banned the company from posting fake reviews but didn’t impose any fines. 
Given how much consumers rely on product reviews—a seemingly sacred space for getting honest feedback—this social media snafu invites the question “Whom should people trust in the beauty industry?” In an age where consumers value authenticity and demand transparency, the proliferation of fake product reviews and “sponcon” has created a certain level of mistrust. Add to that a few self-styled experts with questionable or no credentials and you’ve got a murky landscape that’s difficult to navigate for the average beauty consumer. 
It’s precisely this environment that has given rise to Estée Laundry. The anonymous beauty collective is made up of friends working in the industry who were tired of the lack of transparency, inauthenticity and accountability. The account has garnered over 150,000 followers, including beauty editors, influencers, industry professionals and even celebrities like Victoria Beckham, who has her own namesake beauty brand. Arriving on the beauty scene with guns blazing, Estée Laundry has called out copycats, shady practices and the lack of diversity and inclusivity. It has also built a community of active users known as “Laundrites” who aren’t afraid to voice their opinions. 
Similarly, Reddit, where the email from Sunday Riley was first leaked, is another online community where beauty lovers converge to dole out and solicit advice for any skincare concern under the sun. The subreddit r/SkincareAddiction has over 1.1 million users with threads on sunscreen, skincare concerns, skincare routine order and more and is overseen by 10 moderators. While the community has been a literal skin saver for many, sound advice isn’t always guaranteed (even though the subreddit’s rules state: “Don’t ask for or hand out medical diagnoses. We are not doctors, so we can’t diagnose your skin condition”).
Reddit can be a mixed bag, says Michelle Wong, a science educator from Sydney, Australia, and the founder of Lab Muffin, a website that uses science to debunk beauty myths. A former moderator for the subreddit, she explains: “On the one hand, it’s quite good because you have an up-vote system. You can check into how reliable they’ve been in the past. On the other hand, there is an element of groupthink there. The things that get voted up may not necessarily be correct because it’s a majority-rules sort of situation.” 
“A lot of people have influence who in the past never would have. They’re creating little niches for themselves, which is great, but it’s also a detriment when it comes to your health if they claim to be experts but have no real training in a field.”
– Dr. Shereene Idriss
The popularity of Reddit and Estée Laundry also demonstrates how people are seeking out beauty information and advice from different sources than they once did. A decade ago, you might have seen a dermatologist or consulted the pages of a magazine. Today, you could be getting advice from a YouTube star or Gwyneth Paltrow. More importantly, just as social media has democratized the beauty landscape and made information more easily accessible, it has also given rise to armchair experts. 
“A lot of people have influence who in the past never would have,” says Dr. Shereene Idriss, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City. “They’re creating little niches for themselves, which is great, but it’s also a detriment when it comes to your health if they claim to be experts but have no real training in a field.” 
At her practice, Idriss has met people who use sunscreen pills as a form of sun protection and have turned to DIY fillers after watching a YouTube video—neither of which are recommended. “People come in repeating false information,” she says. “I had someone who got a sewing needle and decided to do a deeper microdermabrasion on her face, which gave her a really bad infection.” 
Tired of the misinformation she was hearing about skincare and cosmetic procedures, Idriss started #PillowTalkDerm. What began as an occasional Instagram story to educate her audience turned into a YouTube channel because of its popularity. And while dermatologists are not always easily accessible, Idriss is an example of how some have made their way onto social media to share their expertise and connect with an audience who wants to make sense of all the noise.
The desire to combat myths in beauty is what also compelled Wong to start Lab Muffin about nine years ago. “It really annoyed me,” she says. “I was seeing a lot of debunking of myths in the medical sphere, but I wasn’t seeing it in beauty. I thought it would be a great way to reach out to people and try to change the landscape a bit.” While the beauty scene has changed considerably, some of the same myths persist, says Wong; she’s tackling them along with new ones that have cropped up with the rise of clean beauty and the greenwashing that comes with it.
While it’s getting harder to sort fact from fiction in the beauty world, there are people—and brands—in the industry who are trying to keep it real with their honesty or expertise. Beauty is a powerful multi-billion-dollar industry, but at the end of the day, it’s consumers who get the last word—and breaking their trust is bad business all around.
Looking for more beauty pros and influencers who pride themselves on being brutally honest? Here’s five people you can trust to give you truthful beauty reviews:
Image courtesy of harper collins canada
Image via Instagram/@yanash
Image via Instagram/@ssssamanthaa
Caroline Hirons
This facialist and published author of Skincare: The Ultimate No-Nonsense Guide isn’t afraid to call out beauty BS with her frank takes and skincare knowledge.
Yana Sheptovetskaya of Gel Cream
Former magazine editor Yana Sheptovetskaya, known as “the anti-influencer,” shares her honest product reviews and steers clear of ads and sponsored content on her feed.
Sali Hughes
The beauty columnist for The Guardian offers a guide to the best beauty products; she has also published two tomes: Pretty Honest and Pretty Iconic.
Samantha Ravndahl
The Canadian beauty YouTuber and influencer is known for her candour and doesn’t accept PR samples, calling them “incredibly wasteful.”
Stephen Alain Ko
This Toronto-based cosmetic chemist and formulator brings a science-based perspective to beauty products and keeps his followers and readers of his blog, KindofStephen.com, on top of beauty-industry news.
The post Who on The Internet Can You Trust to Give You Truthful Beauty Reviews? appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Who on The Internet Can You Trust to Give You Truthful Beauty Reviews? published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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lyricsstopus · 4 years
लहंगा लखनऊआ लिरिक्स – Khesari Lal Yadav & Antra Singh Priyanka
लहंगा लखनऊआ लिरिक्स (Lehnga Lucknaowa Lyrics) is the viral Bhojpuri song by sung by Khesari Lal Yadav and Antra Singh Priyanka from the album Lehnga Lucknaowa. The lyrics of the song is written by Akhilesh Kashayap and music of the viral song लहंगा लखनऊआ is composed by Shyam Sundar. The song is released under the music label Aadishakti Films.
लहंगा लखनऊआ लिरिक्स Details
Song: Lehnga Lucknaowa
Album: Lehnga Lucknaowa
Singer: Khesari Lal Yadav and Antra Singh Priyanka
Lyrics: Akhilesh Kashayap
Music Director: Shyam Sundar
Music Label: Aadishakti Films
लहंगा लखनऊआ लिरिक्स in Hindi
जान मारे लहंगा इ लखनऊवा
गली में गरदा उड़ाबत चली मचे ला लइकन में खलबली
अरे ए बाबू
गली में गरदा उड़ाबत चली मचे ला लइकन में खलबली मार लेनी सेंट जब हम गमकउआ
ए गोरी तोरी
पुरनका ह का व्यास? अरे ना हो इ खेसरिया के हा
ए गोरी तोरी चुनरी बा झलकउआ का…? जान मारे लहँगा ई लखनउआ
ए !
गोरी तोरी चुनरी बा झलकउआ हटा.. जान मारे लहँगा ई लखनउआ
ता हम का करी
कातिल जवानी फरेबी अदा बा एही प ए बाबू दुनिया फ़िदा बा गऊआं जवार हिले शहर बजार हिले तोहरे अदा पर सारा यु. पी. आ बिहार हिले
अरे ह हो विद्या कसम
कातिल जवानी फरेबी अदा बा एही पर ए भईया दुनिया फ़िदा बा लगता की पिके आईल बाड़ देसी पऊआ
ए गोरी तोरी
उँह अरे मुँह महक रहा है हटिए
अरे रजनी गंधा तुलसी खाएं हैं ना रे
ए गोरी तोरी चुनरी बा झलकउआ जान मारे लहंगा ई लखनउआ
चला हटा…
ए गोरी तोरी चुनरी बा झलकउआ जान मारे लहंगा ई लखनउआ
झुमका पर झारखण्ड बा पगलाईल पूर्वांचल के दिल नथिया पर आइल तोहरा पर परल बा नज़र रंगबाज़ के का…? हरदी लगाई ले चिरई उड़न बाज के
अरे सब बुझाता
केतना ले जाता?
झुमका पर झारखण्ड पगलाईल पुरबांचल के दिल नथिया पर आइल
अखिलेश खेसारी ढेर बोली जनी रऊआ
हे गोरी तोरी
अरे बोलाएं का सोनू जी को श्यामो आकाश के बोला ला
चुप रहा
ए गोरी तोरी चुनरी बा झलकउआ का…? जान मारे लहगा ई लखनउआ
गोरी तोरी चुनरी बा झलकऊआ ना मनबा… जान मारे चुनरी ई लखनऊआ
अरे मुअब का ?
लहंगा लखनऊआ लिरिक्स in English
Lehnga Re Lehnga Ee Lakhnaua Gali Mein Garda Udaawat Chali Machela Laikan Mein Khalbali
Arre Oh Babu
Haaye Gali Mein Garda Udaawat Chali Machela Laikan Mein Khalbali Maar Leni Scent Jab Hum Gamkauva
Aye Gori Tori Puranka Ho Ka Be Arre Na Ho Ee Khesariya Ke Ha
Aye Gori Tori Chunri Ba Jhalkaua Kaa Jaan Maare Lehnga Ee Lakhnaua Aye
Aye Gori Tori Chunri Ba Jhalkaua Hata Jaan Maare Lehnga Ee Lakhnaua Ta Hum Ka Kari
Katil Jawani Farebi Adaa Ba Ehi Pe Aye Babu Duniya Fida Ba Gaua Jawaar Hile Haan Sehar Bazaar Hile Oye Hoye Tohre Adaa Pa Munni Up Aur Bihar Hile
Sach Arre Haan Ho Vidya Kasam
Katil Jawani Farebi Adaa Ba Ehi Pe Aye Bhaiya Duniya Fida Ba Lagata Ke Peeke Aaila Bada Desi Pauwa
Aye Gori Tori Arre Munh Mehak Raha Hai Hatiye Arre Rajnigandha Tulsi Khaye Hain Na Re
Aye Gori Tori Chunri Ba Jhalkaua Ta Jaan Maare Lehnga Ee Lakhnaua Chal Hata Aye Gori Tori Chunri Ba Jhalkaua Hmm Hmm Jaan Maare Lehnga Ee Lakhnaua
Jhumka Pa Jharkhand Ba Paglail Purvanchal Ke Dil Nathiya Par Aail Tohra Pe Paral Ba Nazar Rangbaaz Ke Ka Hardi Lagayi Le Chirai Udanbaaz Ke Arre Sab Bujhaat Aa Katana Le Jaat Aa Ka Ganwa
Jhumka Pa Jharkhand Ba Paglail Purvanchal Ke Dil Nathiya Par Aail Akhilesh Khesari Dher Boli Jaani Rauva
Aye Gori Tori Arre Bulaye Ka Sonu Ji Ko Shyamo Aakash Ke Bula La Chup Raha
Aye Gori Tori Chunri Ba Jhalkaua Ta Jaan Maare Lehnga Ee Lakhnaua Oh
Gori Tori Chunri Ba Jhalkaua Na Manba Jaan Maare Lehnga Ee Lakhnaua Arre Muaba Ka
लहंगा लखनऊआ Video Song
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Are More Sali Lyrics – Pawan Singh | अरे मोरे साली लिरिक्स दुगो रखले बानी Dugo Rakhale Bani Lyrics – Pawan Singh Bol Bam Song | Kamar Dolala Ae Bhaiya – Khesari Lal Yadav भतार गइले दिल्ली हो लिरिक्स – Khesari Lal Yadav | Bhojpuri Hit Holi Song Lahanga Lal Ho Gayil Lyrics – Khesari Lal Yadav
The post लहंगा लखनऊआ लिरिक्स – Khesari Lal Yadav & Antra Singh Priyanka appeared first on LyricsStop.
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