#Are we sure the hotspot that spawned them is completely spent?
lizzy-frizzle · 4 years
I just had to write the first date, so here it is~!
The First Date
Lizzy shows up in Reunion, she’s wearing the armor she wore while fighting Bahamut.
[It’s probably my nicest outfit? She’s a warrior, she’ll probably wear something similar.]
The two agreed to meet at reunion, and then leave from there. Since Sadu is unable to use aetherytes to teleport, Lizzy decided they can take a nice flight on their yol’s together to go to New Gridania.
Lizzy shifts uncomfortably, sitting on a rather rude rock.
[Why don’t they have benches here?]
It’s about midday, Lizzy wanted to leave early so that when they arrived in the shroud the sun would still be up. She wanted to make sure that when they’re walking through the Black Shroud the sun is setting. That’s the most beautiful time of day in the shroud.
That’s when Sadu showed up at Reunion. She was dressed in a traditional dress that Lizzy was unfamiliar with. Lizzy could feel her heart stop, along with her breath. Sadu looked a little uncomfortable in the outfit, not used to dressing up. Lizzy felt tremendously awkward for showing up in battle gear now.
“Hey, Lizzy,” Sadu said, tugging at the edges of her dress in a futile attempt to make it feel more comfortable, “I asked the mol for help, and they put me in contact with your scions, who told me to ask a short woman, Tataru? For help.”
[Ah, Tataru, that explains it.]
“You look,” Lizzy floundered for the correct words, “breathtaking.”
Lizzy looked down at her outfit and started feeling a little embarrassed.
Sadu looks Lizzy up and down, “I like your coat! There’s uh, some blood on it.”
Lizzy nearly covers her face in shame, “Oh gods, I missed a spot. Sorry, I wore this outfit when we fought the Elder Primal Bahamut, I don’t know who’s blood this is...”
Sadu’s face becomes one of that of curiosity, “Bahamut?”
[Does she somehow not know?]
Lizzy starts, “Oh, uh, Bahamut was this giant dragon that nearly wiped out Eorzea, he was reawakened kinda when me and Alisaie were poking around some old places.”
Sadu’s eyes widen, “You did it alone?”
“Ah no, there were a couple other adventurer’s, I’m not that strong.”
“I’m honored you would think to wear such an outfit around me.” Sadu admits, “So, this Gridania place, shall we go?”
“Yea,” Lizzy says, then her energy starts returning, “Yes! Uh, it’ll be a little bit of a flight, but it shouldn’t take too long.”
~At Rhalgr’s Reach~
“Hey, I wanna check out something real quick,” Lizzy says running over to a counter with some people dressed in strange outfits.
Sadu just watches and gets as close as she’s willing.
Lizzy appears to be looking at some necklaces, there’s one with a cloth band and some sharp angles as the focal point of the necklace.
Lizzy sighs, and walks toward Sadu, “It’s too expense, but I really want the Diamond necklace.”
Sadu stops for a minute, [Too expensive? People don’t just hand things to her? How disrespectful.]
Lizzy goes over to another counter and starts looking at other wares.
Sadu approaches the counter, and points to the necklace, “I’ll fight you for this!”
Gelfradus looks shocked for a moment, “Uh, miss, I’m certain you could kick my ass, but that’s not how we trade here.” he stops for a moment, Sadu doesn’t stop glaring, “I notice you’re a friend of Miss Lizzy, so how about I give you this instead, it looks identical to what you want, but I won’t lose as much profit. In return you don’t turn my face into mashed popotos.”
Sadu takes the necklace, and looks at it, then looks at the necklace Lizzy wanted, “Very well.”
They look similar enough, at least from what Sadu can tell, “Can you put something on it?”
~At New Gridania~
Lizzy and Sadu hop off their yols just outside the south gate, Sadu shifts nervously. Lizzy notices, and reaches for Sadu’s hand.
“Hey, this is your first city right?”
Sadu tries to force herself to relax, and initially doesn’t take Lizzy’s hand.
“It’s ok,” Lizzy reassures Sadu, “If people see you holding the Fierce Warrior of Light’s hand, they won’t think twice about you.”
Lizzy punctuates this with a giant smile.
Sadu reluctantly takes her hand, “Ok.”
Lizzy can feel how tense Sadu is through her hand.
“Relax, I’m here with you, and no one is going to bite.”
Sadu doesn’t relax, but she does walk a little closer to Lizzy.
The two wander through the streets, Lizzy shows Sadu all the hotspots. She shows her where Lizzy first became an adventurer, the Grand Company where she’s trained numerous people in her squadron. Sadu challenged each one to a fight, and promptly won against each one that accepted the challenge. They then went to the conjurer’s guild, where Sadu met Lizzy’s first mentor, E-Sumi-Yan. He was very intimidated by Sadu’s aura. They stopped at the amphitheatre, and luckily there was a play in practice. They didn’t stay long cause Sadu kept wanting to fight people that looked at her weird.
They approached the markets, and Sadu gripped Lizzy’s arm. The loud noises were a bit too much, and the crowds were a bit too overwhelming, so Lizzy decided to skip that one. Lizzy was hoping to buy Sadu something there, but decided it would be better to forgo it.
The two left New Gridania, and started wandering through the central shroud.
The sun started casting warm shadows across the area. With oranges and yellows mixing into a pure warmth when they struck your face. It was a calming time, They walked while discussing random things from their childhood, adventure’s they’ve been on, creatures they killed. Sadu eased up tremendously while they walked, opening up a lot more than Lizzy expected.
Then they entered the south shroud and the whole atmosphere had changed. It got dark, and the area had a heaviness to it.
“Ah, Odin again.” Lizzy stated as a matter-of-fact.
Sadu looked at Lizzy, “Odin?”
“Oh right, Odin is a primal, it appears randomly occasionally. I should probably go kill it real quick.”
Sadu’s eyes flared to life, “Can I help?”
Lizzy stopped slightly shocked, then realized, [Oh, right, warrior. Of course she’d wanna fight Odin.]
“Sure, it’ll be fun!” Lizzy starts running towards the source of the disturbance, Sadu following close behind, staff already drawn.
When they get to Odin, it’s standing there terrorizing some adamantoises.
“Alright Sadu, be careful, his attacks can be vicious.” Lizzy puts her ninja crystal in her pocket and pulls out a different one. Her outfit switches to robes and she pulls a book out. A glowing faerie appears out of nowhere. “I’ll make sure you’re as safe as I can, though.”
She concentrates on her book and Sadu feels a presence around her, “Ok Sadu, would you like to lead?”
Sadu begins casting a spell, as she starts, Lizzy also starts reading from her book. They finish their casts at the same time, and Odin is struck by two attacks at once in a flash of black and red. Odin casts out several swords towards the two, and one strikes at Sadu’s leg, it however is reflected off.
[A shield then?] Sadu thinks, as she summons several stones from the Steppe and begins casting Falling Dusk.
Lizzy sees Sadu concentrating on her Khun Chuluu, and prepares a strong shield and places sacred soil down under her. Then begins to try and distract Odin to give her more time. Odin spawns more swords, nearly breaking through some of Lizzy’s shields on Sadu, and tearing through her own, cutting her arm. Sadu’s spell completes, and a small meteor lands on Odin. The wind from the blast throws numerous innocent creatures back, but Lizzy and Sadu both stand where they are, watching the smoke clear, and a very dead Odin lay on the ground, before having it’s aether returned into the lifestream.
“See?” Lizzy gasps and winces at the wound on her arm, “Easy.”
Sadu walks over and inspects the wound, she tears off a strip from her dress, [Sorry Tataru.] Sadu begins wrapping Lizzy’s arm with it.
Lizzy could’ve healed herself, but decided this was nicer. She switches back with her ninja crystal, and sees the bandage and injury still in tact, but she doesn’t mind all that much.
The sky clears, and they notice that night is nearly on them.
Lizzy looks at Sadu, “That was fun, let’s go back to Gridania though before more things try to take my attention.”
They begin the walk back, Lizzy can’t help but notice how amazing Sadu looks under the moonlight, with the fireflies wandering among them. [This is perfect. I want this forever.]
When they return to Gridania, Sadu appears more relaxed this time, they sit just outside the Adventurer’s guild, their legs hanging off the cliff, as fireworks go off in the distance. They have a perfect view.
Lizzy had arranged for the fireworks show. Gil well spent, to be honest.
As they sit on the cliff side, their hands resting in each other. Lizzy spots a bit of cloth tucked under Sadu’s dress.
“Hey, what’s that?” Lizzy instinctively asks.
Sadu looks at where Lizzy was pointing, and noticed the necklace band hanging out. “Oh, uh.” she takes it out, and shows Lizzy, “I saw you wanted this, and since you took me on a pretty cool date, I just figured I should get you something, you know?” She fidgets in her spot, and tries to play it off as no big deal.
Lizzy turns to allow Sadu to put it on her.
“Uh, what are you doing?” Sadu asks.
“Oh, I just, thought” Lizzy starts blushing, “Well, I thought you’d like to put it on me, if that’s ok?”
Sadu blushes, and nervously brings it over Lizzy’s head. Then quickly goes back to looking at anything besides Lizzy.
“Thank you, it’s perfect.” Lizzy looks at Sadu watching the fireworks, each time one goes off she flinches, but looks in awe.
Lizzy looks down at the necklace and notices some writing on the backside. As she reads it she smiles.
~Back at Reunion~
Sadu hops off her yol, and turns to Lizzy, “This was a really nice night,” she starts to rub her arm, “I was really nervous cause this was my first date.”
Lizzy feels a wave of relief over her, “It was my first date too, if I’m honest.”
They stand in an awkward silence for a moment.
Sadu begins to speak, “So uh, goodnight then I guess,” she turns slightly, “I’d like...” Sadu takes a deep breath, and tries to reassert herself, “I want another date. Next one I get to pick.” She gets a fierce look in her eyes.
Lizzy can’t stop herself from her motions, and moves to hug Sadu. This time she doesn’t get flipped. Sadu however misread the motion again, and went in and kissed Lizzy.
They stand for what seems like an eternity in each other’s embrace, and when they part they both become extremely awkward and anxious.
The silence hangs as they fidget uncomfortably.
“Um, t-thanks” Lizzy splutters.
Sadu, flustered, responds, “You’re welcome.” And then runs off towards the Dotharl Khaa.
Lizzy collapses on the ground when Sadu is out of sight. Sitting down, all she can manage is to touch her lips with her fingers.
[The next date!]
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