knightfall-4-life · 1 year
Knightfall For Life 2
Jaune: *currently tied to a chair* Whatever you do to me, I’m not telling you anything!
Cinder: *caresses Jaune’s cheek* My, those certainly are some brave words. Fitting for a Huntsman of your stature.
Jaune: *glares at Cinder* What do you want?!
Cinder: Impatient, too? Surprising. What I want is information. Namely, the location of the Relic of Knowledge.
Jaune: And if I refuse to tell you?
Cinder: *chuckles* Then I predict you will have a lot of blood on your hands by this time tomorrow.
Jaune: You monster!
Cinder: *rolling her eyes* Haven’t heard that one before.
Jaune: You’re psychotic! No wonder your stepmother never loved you!
Cinder: *a frown replacing her coy smile* W-well, you-
Jaune: I see now why you were always alone as a kid. 
Cinder: I-I wasn’t always-
Jaune: Because you’re just a deranged lunatic who can’t even realize when she’s out of her depth.
Cinder: *sniffles*
Jaune: Oh, I’m so sorry, my love. Was that too much?
Cinder: *nods as she wipes away a tear slowly sliding down her face*
Jaune: I’m so sorry. Come here.
Cinder: *sits on Jaune’s lap before nuzzling into him*
Jaune: There, there. You’re not any of those things.
Cinder: *hugs Jaune tighter*
Jaune: You’re the most brilliant, wonderful, and most beautiful woman on Remnant. Nobody else comes close.
Cinder: *whispers into Jaune’s ear*
Jaune: You’re also the smartest! Not to mention an amazing mother and wife!
Cinder: *whispers some more into Jaune’s ear*
Jaune: And you're also the best cook on the planet!
Cinder: Do you mean it?
Jaune: Of course I do! In fact, the number three thing I look forward to after a successful mission is to eat your delicious and scrumptious dinner!
Cinder: What are the first two?
Jaune: Coming home to my beautiful wife and amazing daughter, of course!
Cinder: *blushes* Thank you.
Jaune: Feeling better?
Cinder: *nods*
Jaune: So, shall we go back to where we left off? Or do we start all over again?
Cinder: *gets up from Jaune’s lap before grabbing a nearby whip with a sly smile on her face* Let’s start all over again.
Jaune: *gulps*
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