#RWBY Knightfall
arc-misadventures · 24 days
Blake’s an artist~!
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Rat!faunus Cinder: *Approaching Jaune, Wiggling Ears*
Jaune: *Frantically googling* Rat Ear Wiggle what mean?
Jaune: Male Rats ... If happy or curious ...
Jaune: Female rats ... Oh-
Cinder: Hello Jaune~
Jaune: Condoms first?
Cinder: Hm~ No~
Rats may wiggle their ears for many reasons, such as curiosity, out of joy or happiness, and in the case of Female Rats, to show Desires to mate.
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brokentrafficknight · 3 months
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ficretus · 15 days
*Inside of Cinder's head, some time in the future*
Cinder: I called for this meeting because I require an advice regarding something.
Kuudere Cinder: Meeting after all this time.
Tsundere Cinder: Pfff, as if I care. Didn't you replace us with that girl, what was her name?
Himedere Cinder: Emma I believe. Although I have a trouble remembering commoner's names, not that I care.
Cinder: It's Emerald you stuck up brat. Why do I have a Schnee inside of my head? Either way, Emerald won't give me an advice, so I called for you. Happy?
Dandere Cinder: Y-yes.
Himedere Cinder: So you called for us because Emily was busy? How insulting.
Tsundere Cinder: Well she sucked at her job anyway. Never cared about her.
Nyandere Cinder: I do nyat believe you.
Tsundere Cinder: Oh shut up.
Kuudere Cinder: I can see your reasoning. Emerald would just nod her head at everything and call it brilliant.
Kamidere Cinder: Flaw of lesser beings. Admiration is emotion furthest from understanding. Now regarding the plan to take every single power in the universe, I've made a simplified graph that even some of you could understand.
Nyandere Cinder: Nyat cool.
Cinder: We are no longer doing that.
Kamidere Cinder: What do you mean we are no longer doing that?
Kuudere Cinder: She changed her mind, she is now pining over a boy.
Kamidere Cinder: How does that factor in our plans?
Tsundere Cinder: It doesn't, she fell in love with that Arc loser.
Himedere Cinder: Could be worse, at least his family is famous.
Kamidere Cinder: *ascends to the sky* In that case I'm leaving this meeting. Farewell Cinder council... you were interesting for a while.
Kuudere Cinder: Well, that's Kamidere gone and Deredere didn't show up.
Cinder: Either way, I have a question regarding Jaune Arc. He helped me overcome my traumas and for whatever reason, forgave me for everything I've done.
Tsundere Cinder: What a dumbass.
Cinder: But now I'm confused about what are we. Are we acquaintances, friends, or perhaps something more. I'm afraid to ask him that so I want your advice.
Yandere Cinder: Have you tried stabbing people around him?
Dandere Cinder: T-that's bad.
Kuudere Cinder: Last time I checked he hated us for doing that.
Yandere Cinder: On the contrary. We got everything we ever wanted by doing that. Freedom, Maiden power and now *licks her lips* Darling Jaune.
Nyandere Cinder: She is kind of right. It got us out of Glass Unyacorn.
Himedere Cinder: Ask one of your servants to do it, don't dirty your hands. Mark or Emerson should be able to do it.
Cinder: I veto that. We are not stabbing anyone. Question is should I ask him out or not?
Dandere Cinder: Ask him.
Nyandere Cinder: Ask Nyarc out.
Yandere Cinder: Asking? When did that ever work?
Himedere Cinder: Don't ask him. Arc boy should ask you. In fact, he should beg.
Tsundere Cinder: Don't bother, he is beneath us.
Kuudere Cinder: I'm neutral.
Cinder: It seems majority is against. Well in that case...
Nyandere Cinder: Wait, I wanyant Kuudere and Tsundere to vote againya.
Tsundere Cinder: I don't remember asking your opinion you stupid cat.
Kuudere Cinder: Sigh... fine. *raises her hand in favor*
Tsundere Cinder: Grrrrr, fine. *raises her hand in favor*
Cinder: Oh, it seems majority is in favor now.
Kuudere Cinder: *giggles*
Tsundere Cinder: *blushing* What's so funny you frigid bitch?
Himedere Cinder: Ah, it appears democracy proves itself to be inferior system yet again. Do what you want commoners.
Cinder: Now that's decided, I'm returning to my body.
Kuudere Cinder: Returning? Who did you leave in charge?
Cinder: Oh no...
*in real world*
Jaune: I'm telling you Ren, Cinder has been acting weird this afternoon.
Ren: What do you mean?
Deredere Cinder: Uwu! I vuw you Jaune!
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falleri-salvatore · 6 months
Friendly Reminder: Throughout all official RWBY media, there is only ONE PERSON Cinder has shown ANY hint of attraction to.
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EDIT: I have been corrected. Turns out Cinder has shown attraction to Coco and Taiyang in RWBY Chibi.
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rocknroll7575 · 7 months
It was Jaune's birthday. Which means he deserves some presents. What does the sultry yet firey Cinder give him?
Cinder: Why, I'm gonna give him the greatest gift of all~!
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rachetmath · 10 days
Seduction Strategy
Yang: Jaune, I need your help.
Jaune: With what?
Yang: You see a friend of mines was having trouble pleasing his partner last time. She wasn't-
Jaune: He or she?
Yang: Pardon?
Jaune: Like is this person a he or she? Is their partner a girl or boy? I mean you and this person are two different people so-
Yang: Okay. I-I need help. I need another way to please Blake in bed. I've tried everything but nothing works.
Jaune: Why me though? I’m not in a relationship.
Yang: Come on, what about your sisters’ advice?
Jaune: Have they ever worked though?
Yang: Okay, yeah, j-just guess. I’ll take anything.
Jaune: I mean what are Blake's interest.
Yang: Well. She likes fish. And reading books. And that's it.
Jaune: Okay does she have a favorite book?
Yang: Well, she does, and it is called “Ninja of Love.”
Jaune: So read the book and find some way to focus that into sex.
Yang: Hm. Really?
Jaune: I mean, “Ninja of Love”, doesn’t that scream sex?
Yang: ….
Afterwards Yang read the book and put her plan into motion. Blake was heading to their room to figure out what Yang wanted after she texted her. She walked inside and;
Blake: Yang. What did you- *gasp*
Blake was in shock. She saw her girlfriend was wearing a very sexy ninja outfit. Her hair was in a ponytail. She was wearing black but the skirt was short. And her top was tight, revealing her breast. Yang smiles as she saw her girlfriend blushing at her and decided to make a move. She walked towards the bed, swaying her hips as she slowly laid down, giving Blake a lot of the details.
Yang: Hi Blake. Care to learn the ways of the ninja.
Blake: Yang. Why are you-?
Yang: Oh. Sorry. I should probably mention I read one of your favorite books and I was wondering… would you like to reenact a few scenes with me?
Blake gave Yang her answer as she strips down naked. Afterwards Yang and Blake were going at each other for weeks. Then when Ren asked on how she did it, she replied to ask Jaune. Ren was confused at first but she said “Trust him.” Ren then goes to Jaune for advice.
Ren: Jaune. Yang told me how you helped her. Can you help me with Nora?
Jaune: Ren. Come on, you know me, I am not qualified to help with your relationship problems.
Ren: I mean so far you have been able to help everybody with their issues by talking to them and listening. How is this different?
Jaune: Look man., figure that out yourself.
Ren: Jaune, please?
Jaune: Fine. Um. Just wear an apron that states "Baked With Love" and say "I have a new pancake recipe for you to try." I guess.
Ren: Hm. Alright I’ll try.*leaves*
Jaune: Don’t blame me if it doesn’t work.
Later that night.
Nora: Ren. What do ne-e-eed… Oh my
Nora was stunted for words. She was looking at Ren completely naked with just an apron as she stared at his butt. Ren turned around revealing “Baked With Love” imprinted on the apron and said the words exactly as Jaune told him.
Ren: Hi Nora. Sorry to have called you so late. But, I made a new pancake I need you to try.
Nora: R-really? So where are the pancakes?
Ren: Oh don’t worry. *pulls up his apron* I have a special one made just for you.
Nora saw what Ren was doing and she liked it. Afterwards Nora was blowing Ren like no tomorrow. Both Ren and Yang were enjoying the results of Jaune’s guesses. However one thing they never accounted for is Oscar listening in on them. Oscar wanted the same result so he can finally score with Ruby, so he asked Jaune for help. However;
Oscar: Jaune, help me score with Ruby.
Jaune: Nope.
Oscar: Please?
Jaune: No!
Oscar: Please.
Jaune: No!!
Oscar: PLEASE!!
Jaune: NO!!!!
Oscar: Why not?!?
Jaune: First, Yang will kill me! Second, you’re too young, so I don’t know why you’re thinking about this, after everything you’ve been through. Third, Yang will kill me!
Oscar: I'll tell Winter you almost got Weiss killed.
Jaune: You little bastard, you wouldn’t.
Oscar: I would. And she could kill you faster than Yang can.
Jaune: Damn, you right. Fine. Um… go to the store. Buy some whip cream and gum drops. Get naked. And make yourself look like a gingerbread man.
Oscar: What? Why?
Jaune: Ruby loves cookies. And you almost look like a cookie.
Oscar: Jaune that isn’t going to w- oh yes!
Oscar was feeling the up most pleasure as Ruby was bouncing up and down from his pine tree in her team bedroom.
Ruby: Yes. Harder. Harder!! Make me your wife, Gingerbread Man!
Oscar: Yes ma’am.
Afterwards, Jaune, finally thinking he’s done, was relaxing. That was until Cinder Fall appeared out of nowhere. She was very angry too.
Cinder: Seriously?
Jaune: What?
Cinder: I mean, come on, you can help everyone get laid but not yourself. Pathetic.
Jaune: Okay. What’s your point? Why is this your business? Also how did you get in this house?
Cinder: Okay?! Look Arc, I'll show you pity for today. If you can get me to sleep then you get me as your reward. No attempts on your life at all.
Jaune: What if I say no?
Cinder: Why would you?
Jaune: I mean Pyrrha was better looking than you. So is Winter. And Penny.
Cinder: I am very capable.
Jaune: Really?
Cinder: Must I-
Cinder stops and thinks for a minute. Jaune knows she loves to prove how better she is than everyone else around her. She thought for a moment and realized Jaune was toying with her emotions and pride. She smiled, giving him some credit but a failed attempt was still a failed attempt.
Cinder: Ah. You almost had me. Try again.
Jaune: Okay. Hand please.
Cinder: Why?
Jaune: Give me your hand and find out.
Cinder grabs his hand. Jaune uses his semblance to amplify her powers. Cinder felt a surge of power flow in her body as her maiden power suddenly activated. She then stares at Jaune, with smug look on his face.
Cinder: Wha- what did you-?
Jaune: Liked that huh?
Cinder: Um… no.
Jaune pulls Cinder close where her back is towards his chest.
Jaune: You know Cinder, instead of having to track down maidens to gain power. How about I let you take a bit of mines?
Cinder: Um… well you see- Ah~.
Cinder can feel Jaune’s sword rubbing on her butt as she blushes. Jaune continues to smile as he sees her so flustered. To Jaune, Cinder look so cute. However, he wonders why she so was easily tempted. He thought about it and came to the conclusion that;
Jaune: Oh. Cinder Fall, is this your-
Cinder: S-shut up!
Jaune laugh sand gently places his hand on Cinder’s face, turning her towards his own. Cinder was amazed by the glow of his eyes. She was enjoying this. She could feel his power coursing to her veins. She want more so bad she was close to kissing him however-
Cinder: No. You fool. We can’t. We’re enemies.
Jaune: So what? I mean we don’t have to love each other to make a fire. So, are you going to make the first move and express your dominance? Or am I going to show you how strong I really am?
Cinder giggles and turns towards him with her chest to his.
Cinder: Is that a challenge?
Jaune: If that’s how you want it to be.
Cinder: Then don’t hold back.
Jaune: Same.
Jaune and Cinder, without hesitation, kissed and spent a whole night in a ‘hatred’. Cinder was screaming in pleasure as Jaune brutally ‘stabs’ her.
Cinder: I am so glad I killed Pyrrha! ~
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infoglitch · 6 months
Arcfall shitpost: #1
(apologies this probably ain't funny at the start.)
Cinder: I fuckin hate you, you understand.
Jaune: surrre.
Cinder: I despise you! Throughout all of my schemes you were there to stop them! I despise you for that.
Jaune: whatever you say cinder.
Cinder: your a failure to your family and.... And I'm glad I stopped being a arrogant bitch.
Jaune: I know honey.
Jaune smiled at her as he brought her close and kissed her on her cheek.
Cinder:... You know I still think you killing me would've left you off 100 times better.
Jaune:.. I know you think that, part of me does too.. but that's the old side of me, the side of me driven by rage. But hey you managed to get rehabbed and you came out better than before.
Cinder: true... But look at us... A ex-criminal and her boyfriend, said ex-criminal murdering her boyfriends loved ones and people he held dear.
Jaune: said boyfriend, faking his beacon transcripts, harassing a fellow student even if unintentional, stealing a atlas airship, working with criminals that only made the countries leader spiral farther down when he clearly needed assistance... Murdering.
The two sat in silence before jaune held cinder closer.
Cinder: i guess we're both criminals.. though my crimes are worse... Gods I still don't understand how i avoided death row!
Jaune: turns out the law is cheap when dealing with the supernatural... And a few... Million lien... Dear Oum I still owe Weiss big time for allowing me to bail you out.
Cinder: speaking of the Schnee girl.. and also your friends do they-
Jaune: still want to see your head on the chopping block? Yeah.. ofcourse they still chat with me but uh.. yeah.
Cinder: I.. I really did fuck up every aspect of my life huh?
The two just sat there before jaune softly kissed her.
Jaune: I'll love you regardless.
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smh0217 · 6 months
Cinder: You amuse me. I will make you mine.
Jaune: Like a boyfriend or like a slave?
Cinder: Yes.
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Pyrrha: *Getting Headpats from Jaune* Hmmm!
Jaune: I'm surprised you want something so wholesome, Pyr!
Pyrrha: Well, *Side eyeing Cinder* I think there's nothing wrong with it.
Cinder: Grrr!
Jaune: I'm sorry you burned your tongue earlier Pyrrha! I'd been hoping you could try my stew for a while.
Cinder: *smug* Yes, truly unfortunate that you can't taste it all that much. It must suck that you can't appreciate Jaune's Thick, Creamy stew!
Pyrrha: *Snaps Spoon in hand*
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
How about Year Of The Rabbit with Cinder? Jaune will definitely enjoy this.
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Cinder: *Inside a dressing room* I hate this. Why do I have to do this?
Jaune: Well, it was this, or community service.
Cinder: Shit! This is pretty tight. How the fuck can someone wear this?
Jaune: Do you need help?
Cinder: No, thanks.
Jaune: Ok, let me know when you're ready.
Cinder: Yeah sure... How the fuck… Arg!... Ok, I'm done.
Jaune: Great!
Cinder comes out of the dressing room looking sexy.
Jaune: *Blushing* *Quietly* Holly shit...
Cinder: I only have to use this for 1 week, right?
Jaune: *Staring at her with his mouth open*
Cinder: Hey moron! I am talking to you!
Jaune: *Blushing* Huh?! I'm sorry, what did you say?
Cinder: *Annoyed, she approaches him* What's wrong, do I have something on my face?
Jaune: *Against the wall* N-N-No!!...
Cinder: *She slams her hand against the wall* Then what's your problem?!
Jaune: Um...*Takes a quick glance at her chest*
Cinder: Oh~ Did you just get turned on by seeing me dressed like this?
Jaune: *Blushing and looking away* N-No
Cinder: *Smug* (Hehehe… How cute~ I'm just going to tease him a little.) I think you did. I mean... *She puts her leg against his crotch* your friend here looks like he is getting excited.
Jaune: S-Stop it...
Cinder: Why? You don't like it?
Jaune: Is not that... is just that... this is somewhat inappropriate.
Cinder: (He's acting like a scared puppy. How cute~) What's the matter? is this to much for you?~
Jaune: *Red and about to explode* N-No!
Cinder: In that case...
She cups his face with her free hand and moves close to his ear.
Cinder: Do you want to fool around?~
Jaune: *Gasp!*
Cinder: Hehehe.... Just kidin-
Jaune: P-P-P-Please take care of me!!!
Jaune starts to unbutton his pants and...
Cinder: Hey! What are you- HOLY SHIT!
Moments later
Cinder is against the wall while Jaune is fucking her from behind. Cinder's stockings are somewhat torn and the bunny outfit is cut at the crotch to give access to Jaune's member.
Cinder: Ah~💕 Ah~💕 Ah~💕 (It's so good!)
Jaune: Cinder~💕
Cinder: (He feels so good. He's so gentle. It feels... It feelsh sho good when he goesh deep!!💕)
Jaune: Cinder!❤️‍🔥
Jaune begins to move his hips harder
Cinder: AAh!~💕 (What's this?!) Ah~💕 Ah~💕 (No! No! I'm already gonna....)
Jaune: Cinder I'm about to...!!
Jaune pulls hard on Cinder's hips, thrusting his whole cock into her and emptying his balls inside her.
Cinder: AAaaah!!!~💕💕 (So deep! Sho deeep!!!)
Jaune: *Still cumming* Oh fuck~
Cinder: (It's so good! It's sho goood...!!)
Jaune: *Worry* I'm sorry Cinder, I didn't mean to cum inside.
Cinder: *Legs shaking* How would you feel...
Jaune: Huh?
Cinder: *She looks at him with a sexy and tender look* How would you feel... about us dating? If we do that, we can have sex as many times as you want, you know?~💕
Jaune: *happy* Yes please!
He gently cups her face and kisses her passionately.
Cinder: Mm~💕 (I think... I think I'm falling for this man)
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arc-misadventures · 22 days
The Guardswoman
Ren: My Lord, Jaune Arc?
Jaune: What is it, Captain?
Ren: I am curious about something, My Lord.
Jaune: What is it?
Ren: I am not complaining, My Lord. But, why are so many members of the, Royal Guard female?
Jaune: That sounds like a complaint, Captain.
Ren: I mean no offence! But, I am just curious as to why.
Jaune: There are many reasons, Captain. There are many skilled female members of the, Royal Guard; they are more skilled in some aspects that the male members of the, Guard do not have, and vis versa. They are skilled enough fighters to pass the rigorous, and demanding hurdles to become a member of the, Royal Guard. They have earned their place here, Captain. Do not make light of the sacrifices they made to be here, Captain.
Ren: Understood, My Lord. But, is that all there is to it?
Jaune: Well if you must know one thing, Captain…
Jaune watched as several of the female members of the, Royal Guard pass by. He saw one in particular, Lieutenant Cinder Fall notice his gaze before sending him a smouldering gaze. He smiled at her before he returned his attention to the, Captain.
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Jaune: I love a woman in uniform.
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Cinder: Ready to go again~
Jaune: Cin-cin, It's been three time tonight!
Cinder: C'mon, you wouldn't dress that way if you didn't want it~
Jaune: I'm naked because you burned off all my clothes.
Jaune: *Cries of horror and Pleasure*
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brokentrafficknight · 3 months
Jaune truly does have Big "I Can Fix Her" Energy, which is why I would like to request Jaune and Cinder having a truce and watching failed-transparancy Duck PNGs.
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Vibin with the geese
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ficretus · 3 months
*Salem's castle some time after Vacuo*
Jaune: So... are we gonna talk about it?
Cinder: There is nothing to talk about Arc. It is a simple plan: Your gaggle of friends will get you back in exchange for location of the last Relic.
Jaune: I meant other things, like your mental breakdown during our last fight or how you're conveniently dodging questions about what drove you to do these things.
Cinder: I do not remember asking for a psychiatrist. You are surrounded by Salem's extensive book collection, do not bother me, read a book or something *throws a dozen of books at his feet*
Jaune: Violet Swirlsword, Selected works. *flips few pages* What even is this, some kind of play but it's all written in gibberish.
Cinder: It is not some gibberish Arc, It is Old Valean. Many of the finest works of Remnant's literature were written in it, including the play you are currently reading.
Jaune: That's great and all, but I'd prefer one in current Valean language, thank you very much.
Cinder: Is it really my fault your education system has failed you? Or I suppose in your case, you failed your education system. I really do not care, look at the pretty pictures in books or something, do not bother me. *murmurs* Now, where did I put it?
Jaune: Sigh... this one looks newer. What is this title? Property of C.F?
Cinder: I would prefer if you stopped reading aloud. *murmurs* It was somewhere around here I swear.
Jaune: *flips few pages* *snickering*
Cinder: *turns around* Are you trying to invent new ways of annoying me? Come on, spill it out, what is so funny? Share it with class.
Jaune: *clear throat* Dear Diary, I dreamt about him last night. He was so dreamy, way his eyes sparkled...
Cinder: Wait a minute...
Jaune: He was the one on the floor, yet I felt completely disarmed and powerless to resist his charm.
Cinder: *rushes towards Jaune* No no no no no no!
Jaune: I saw him in the hallway this morning, it was so embarrassing. Not only because I met him in person, because I didn't even know his name. I sent Emerald to find it out with an excuse of it being for the sake of our mission. My Prince's name is...
Cinder: *snatches the diary, red in face* Isn't your whole deal that you have seven sisters?! I'd expect at least you to respect woman's privacy!
Jaune: Come on, you have to admit that was funny. So... who is the dastardly prince who stole the heart of fair maiden of fall?
Cinder: N-none of you business!
*page falls out of diary with doodle Miss Cinder Arc*
Jaune and Cinder: AW COME ON!
*next few hours have been awkward in Salem's castle*
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madman479r · 1 year
Team ANCY reaction to Rusted Knight pt.2
Yang stood at the window of Jaune's home in the ever after. The whole situation was still bizarre, being trapped in a fairy tale land, finding out her friend/leader/boyfriend was the infamous and beloved Rusted Knight and seeing he had become a complete DILF was a lot to take in.
So that's why she was standing by the window, basking in the wind and moon light, naked as the day she was born, only covered in sweat and cum.
The creaking bed and Pyrrha's wild, lustful moans from Jaune's bedroom breaking the silent night.
"Guess your semblance can be useful outside a fight as well." Yang looked behind her to see Cinder limping towards her in a similar state, sweat running down her body, hair messy and semen dripping down her thighs, looking as though a short walk was taking every last bit of energy she had.
"Yep. While it's different from usual, I really like the kinda pounding Lover boy gave me." Yang purred, shivering but the feeling of cum sloshing in her womb made her shiver more. "He may be the Rusted Knight but he certainly hasn't gotten rusty where it counts."
Cinder gave a light moan as her pussy tingled, ever since she started having mature fantasies, having the Rusted Knight fuck her like a whore was one of them, and what luck she had.
"You were practically glowing." Cinder smirked, standing beside her partner/lover as the cool night air helped cool her down, shamelessly eyeing Yang's naked chest with a lick of her lips.
"Yeah? Well if I didn't know any better, I'd have thought your semblance was sonic screaming with how loud you were." Yang teased back, letting her eyes wander Cinder's nude form, lingering on her curvy ass she wanted to squeeze and spank so badly.
Cinder shot back. "Says you, miss "Oh daddy! Kiss my womb with your big fat cock!" Never thought you'd have a daddy kink." She smirked, giving exaggerated moans as she mimicked Yang.
"Like you and P-money weren't begging "please fill us to the brink with your cum, daddy"!" Yang nudged Cinder.
"Difference is you have a good relationship with your dad. I didn't have a father figure and Pyrrha has had to be a good girl for nearly all her life that the idea of being a naughty little slut needing to be punished gets her pussy dripping." Cinder argued.
"OH FUCK!" Came the muffled orgasmic scream from Pyrrha.
"Guess that's our que." Yang rubbed her thighs in anticipation, they both knew Jaune was far from done, and if he was alone for all these years he'd certainly be backed up, they couldn't leave Pyrrha to deal with that all by herself after all.
Yang went to the room but was stopped by Cinder grabbing her hand. "Hold on, you got something in your mouth."
Before Yang could question her, Cinder dove her tongue into Yang's gaping maw, practically cleaning out her mouth as Cinder's skillful tongue went over every inch of Yang's mouth, leaving the lucky poor blonde with shaking knees and a new wetness leaking from her gushing cunt. Feeling Cinder molest her tit didn't help in stopping her mini climax
Only when the need to breath became too much did Cinder pull away, leaving a strand of saliva between the two jutted out tongues, their hot breaths like steam in the cool air.
Seeing the dazed look on Yang made Cinder grow a smug yet sexy smirk. "Guess you're okay with me going next." That broke Yang from her lustful mind blank, knowing she had just been played. And with that, Cinder strode to the bedroom, hips swaying hypnotically "You can spend the time giving Pyrrha a tongue bath meanwhile." Cindet said over her shoulder, she had only opened the door before a rough callous hand dragged her inside, her laughter turning into sinful moans of pleasure shortly after.
Yang narrowed her eyes at Cinder's retreating form with mischievous eyes, promising to herself that when they're back home she'd buy the biggest, most intense vibrating dildo and shove it so far up Cinder's perfect ass that she'd feel the buzzing in her tonsils.
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