#Arian's Sanses
ant1quarian · 6 months
More Wander
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He's just... so fun to draw?
It's silly
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ariansaus · 7 months
Hello Hello!
Welcome to my blog!
This is the place where I toss all of my many AUs.
Y'know, these ones:
Undertale Orange
Stalkertale - Amnesia
The Underelements
Twisted Sanses
Aviantale (Which is talked about on my other blog)
Government Sanses
Fuck Society Sanses (The relatable ones)
Tags are:
#Arian's AUs
#Arian's Sanses
#Arian's Silly things
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flockverseshenanigans · 2 months
☆ Welcome ! ☆
Welcome to our blog, Flockverse Shenanigans :D
Our main blog is over on @ant1quarian !
This is a blog for story telling purposes and to post about the silly shenanigans we have between us as a system and also between us and other AUs and Sanses.
The Flockverse Story will be written and posted up on Ao3, with links here !
System members that frequent this place are:
Anonymous Asks are on in the Inbox if you want to ask anything about us, the AU, or how an alter from Flockverse feels about any other Sans out there :D
Tags are:
#Flockverse Rambles
#Flockverse Writing
#[Alter name]'s Rambles
#[Alter name]'s Art
#[Alter name] Reblonks
#Flockverse shenanigans
Characters are:
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ant1quarian · 7 months
... Also 'cause I haven't drawn it yet, I thought you all might like to know that CC!Avian do, in fact, have mouths with incredibly sharp teeth.
Just like their other counterparts :]
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ant1quarian · 7 months
What if you made a plushie version of the avian boys and gifted it to them as a courting gift after you figured out they were trying to court you? (ft, Sans, Red, Axe, Dust, Killer, Nightmare & Error)
Sans would be super flustered, and super appreciative. He'd keep the plushie in his nest all cozy-like and show you it excitedly whenever you turn up to visit him.
Red secretly loves it. He eyes it with faint amusement and he's really happy that you want to court him as well, but he's not going to be like Sans when it comes to it. You don't think he likes it until you end up in his nest one day and your plushie is sitting there in prime condition.
Axe loves the plush- and loves to get you to smother it in your scent so he can snuggle with it at night. Sometimes he hands it back for a day so that you can snuggle with it while he has his scent on it.
Dust probably stares at his look alike before simply nodding. He definitely likes it, though. Keeps it in his nest in the corner that's the least likely to get wet.
Killer actively shows you how much he loves it, keeping it with him almost always. He likes to pull it out and show you it with a happy grin. It's not necessarily in a very good condition, but it's definitely well-loved.
Nightmare gives you a forehead smooch as thanks. He loves it, and he'll often start staring at it silently with a happy expression on his face. It's common for him to snuggle up with it or sit it in his fluff.
Error absolutely adores it and will make you one in return. 'Cause then at night it's kind of like cuddling each other from afar and he really likes that thought. You'll see him happily grinning whenever he plays around with his plush.
Hehe, plushies. Gotta love 'em
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ant1quarian · 4 months
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"Damn. Well, I won't say no to that."
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ant1quarian · 4 months
Westerntale Utmv Boys' Kisses
Bad Sanses Edition!! ( Feel free to ask for others )
Westerntale Killer's smooches aren't often, as romantic and cuddly as he loves to be (cough cough you better catch him before those commitment issues make him flee cough cough), but when they do they're often incredibly romantic and equally as playful as they are soft. He's the type to dip you with almost every kiss he gives. Very sweet. Very gremlin-like. He's also definitely the type to show you off.
Westerntale Dust's smooches are even less frequent. He's not the type to initially kiss you himself- preferring to wait for you to ask. But if he does kiss you by himself, he always asks for permission first. Usually a quiet "kiss?" is uttered before he gently tips your head up into a breath-taking smooch. His kisses are, more often than not, gentle and soft, but the affection they carry steal the breath from your lungs. ( Something he's quite good at- stealing. )
Westerntale Horror's kisses are usually frequent and usually gentle little pecks to your cheeks, forehead, hands, or nose. On the very rare occasion he smooches you on the lips, it's usually quite brief but very, very affectionate. Kind of like a content little nuzzle, essentially. Very comfortable, very affectionate.
Westerntale Nightmare's kisses are usually actually quite nervous. He's a charming, prideful, gremlin of a bastard but he is terribly nervous when someone he genuinely dearly cares about decides they want to smooch him. He gives kisses very affectionately, but not often- and always in private. Expect to see a semblance of a dopey grin on his flushed face afterwards, too.
Westerntale Cross' kisses are always gentle and brief. Very muchly affectionate, often placing a hand on your waist and gently tracing his finger over your cheek before letting you go with a soft grin. He's another very, very affectionate one, and willing to show you off in public if that's something you want.
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ant1quarian · 4 months
what are all of the western bad sanses like on a lv high?
Teehee. Rubs my hands together evily
Killer's magic becomes erratic. His SOUL siphons off more, jolting magic that fills the air with an ambience of danger. A singular, red ring for an eyelight will form in his left socket. His body heat shoots up and he now has two moods:
You're gonna fucking die or I'm making a nest and putting you in it and you are not getting out.
When he's in his "You're gonna fucking die" state, it's never towards you- though the danger of existing near him during this is still a bit of a risk (collateral damage, bro is throwing shit).
"I'm making and nest and putting you in it and you are not getting out" is purely an instinctual reaction to danger. A deep, primal, incredibly powerful urge to keep you safe activates during the time where he is, most definitely, at his most dangerous and therefore: you have become the safest person on the planet for that moment.
Dust goes non-verbal and, quite simply, hides when he's not wanting to commit mass-genocide. He'll likely be shaking and fuzzy-headed, but he can recall one prominent thing: You. He wants you to stay with him- and if you don't, he's going to come and find you.
Anyone who stands in his way can and will be mercilessly slaughtered.
Horror during an LV high is... attentive, but lethal. Anyone who he doesn't know close enough that comes into your shared territory is going to have their head crushed in.
He's insanely strong, and I can guarantee you, from the moment he's got you bundled up in blankets with some warm soup, curled around you like a particularly affectionate dog, there is no one that can touch you without facing severe consequences.
( Save for the other boys )
Nightmare with an LV high is a slightly more dangerous, slightly less filtered, slightly more violent Nightmare. Never to you, of course, but he gets pretty jittery, too. Bouncing on his feet or rapidly tapping his distals against something.
Cross doesn't get LV highs anywhere near as frequently, but when he has them, they're always sudden and he acts more sick than anything else. This is a time where if anyone steps on the territory (that isn't someone he knows well enough) he is Fucking Them Up, but otherwise he's going to be all fuzzy-headed and bleary-eyed, reaching out to you like a little kitten.
Thank you for the ask! If you have any more questions, feel free to drop 'em in my inbox! :D
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ant1quarian · 3 months
Fae Folk
Vampire (not the "I Want To Drink The Sexy Neck Milkshake" kind lmao)
Will o' Wisp
All of which include these variations of Sanses:
Fatal Error
Blueberror (Goes by Blue here)
They're all very much goobers- feel free to ask about them! Whether it's about them as characters or their worlds, environment, world building, societal norms, or in an x reader context!!
Tags are:
#Arian's Cryptids
#Cryptidverse [Species
#[Species] [Sans]
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ant1quarian · 4 months
Poly headcanons with the western bad sanses?
Cracks knuckles
Killer and Dust are almost constantly posturing. Expect these two dumbasses to tackle the other if either is getting jealous, often resulting in a play tussel of sorts- even if both are genuinely pissed.
Nightmare is a reasonably needy guy. He's going to try to soak up your attention as much as possible. Luckily Horror is around to haul that dumbass away from you and give you free time.
Please pay attention to Horror. He'll act like he's fine just helping you out mediating with the other boys, but he wants to be coddled dearly.
Cross and Dust are tolerant of each other. They don't fight, but they also don't talk a lot.
Killer is very insecure about his position being with you with the other boys being around, too. Make sure he knows you love him despite all of his chaos.
Dust is going to curl up to you like a cat. During his LV highs, you and Horror (and sometimes even Killer, funnily enough) are the only ones allowed near him. He will burrow under blankets and hold your hand in an inescapable grip.
Cross is going to make cookies for you. A lot. And he and the other boys are going to do all they can to lessen the workload.
Thank you for the ask!! If you have any more questions, feel free to toss 'em at me :D
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ant1quarian · 5 months
Dust - Prison AU
( From the story "Bone-a-fied Criminals" which I'm considering changing from an x-reader to something else )
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( Drawing says:
Gloved hands
Collar too high of a grade (causing constant lethargy and bad magic transfer)
Magic isn't strong enough to create full-face shadow
Sharp teeth
He's just a silly guy, who you can feel free to ask about!
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ant1quarian · 3 months
Oof, it's so tiny in his fingers...
Well, if food isn't good, what about flowers? I'm a little at a loss as I love cooking and baking for others and that's my go-to
Still, I'm up for figuring this out!
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[the flowers given have been tucked into his circlet. they won't perish.]
"thank you, dear. would you like some flowers, too?"
(mm... you're making me tempted to keep you.)
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ant1quarian · 6 months
From The Minecraft thing I'm doing:
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The quality got butchered.
That's me. I'm Horror (Well, I play him) :]
Currently working on a bigass build that you won't get to see until it's finished :3
Hey, might even make a montage or something for it, for the funnies
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ant1quarian · 3 months
t h e m
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Saw and Killer interacting for the first time amuses me because I have no doubt that he just randomly appeared suddenly in the AU the Bad Sanses were in and was like: "oh cool, other skeletons to mess around with"
And Killer is just. Weirdly unnerved by Saw's presence
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ant1quarian · 5 months
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Me wanna know more About fren's prison **Blink* What it about? How many people?
Points you are absolutely welcome to know more! :D
Prison AU: Multiversal Universe connected to the void that has somehow found a section of The Void which is far more solid than others, allowing there to be a prison erected there.
How many people?
As many Sanses as you can think of (aside from AUs I am not aware of-)- as well as some Papyri sprinkled in here and there!
'Tis a very silly goofy giga-max security prison!
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ant1quarian · 3 months
Okay but what if I wrote a TNMN Dust interactive story. Where you guys can either comment/vote and it changes the outcome
Is that. Something you guys want? 'Cause it'd be fun as for me
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