#Aricka and Adam Milligan
Keep on ramblin’
(The Winchester Four)
(The story of four siblings, their beloved car, and the open road.)
(TW: knives, mentions of supernatural creatures, nightmares; panic, if I missed something let me know-!)
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Left town again for no reason
Hit the floor and I was away….
Another day, another town. 16 year old Aricka was far too used to life on the road; moving from town to town, hotel to hotel; constantly being shuffled around. She sat sideways in the backseat of her brother Dean’s precious Baby, a 1967 Chevy Impala. Her shoes were off; somewhere in the floorboard of the car; and on her lap was a sketchbook, on a makeshift table beside her was an art box full of crayons, markers and colored pencils, and she was currently using her brother Adam-who was sharing the backseat with her- as a muse. She had the basic outline done; now she was working on shading and making Adam-the- sketch look like Adam the person.
Nothin' wrong 'bout how I'm livin'
I know how long here I can lay…
The car pulled to a stop in front of a cozy little diner, and Dean handed her a fake ID; so for the time being she was now Aricka Cruise- a name that made her blush as red as the leather jacket she was currently wearing- as she scurried into the diner to get something to eat; Dean’s laughter echoing behind her.
She really hated her older brother sometimes. Truly.
Adam saw her coming and moved over in the booth so she could sit by him; and she grinned; Dean and Sam both knew that Aricka was Adam’s favorite, the two of them had connected like two wayward legos upon their first meeting years ago, when Aricka was nine and innocent and a chattering ball of energy.
She slid in beside Adam and he nudged her shoulder, and she dug her elbow into his ribs, prompting him to wrap an arm around her neck and pull her close to mess up her hair, which made her squeal. “ADDY-!” She protested.
“Children,” Sammy says; making both of them settle down; even though Adam was 26 and Aricka was 16. Dean walked in then; and shoved Sammy over to the window so he could sit down; proceeding to order what Sammy called “a heart attack presented as food.”
Aricka had stuck with her safe foods- a chicken sandwich, French fries; a side of applesauce and a sweet tea, knowing if she stuck with foods she liked and knew were good, she’d be good. Adam broke apart his cookie he had ordered and shared it with her; so she gave him some of her fries as thanks.
Dean gave her a quizzical look and she grinned at him as she dunked her fries in the cheese sauce she’d discovered the diner had, smearing cheese around her lips like when she was six, and was rewarded with a classic Dean Winchester grin.
Yeah. She loved her brother a lot.
Time is only
Passing if you think of it that way…
They settled down in their hotel rooms for the night- Aricka and Adam in one room, Dean and Sam in the adjoining room, everyone setting up the wards they were best at making, and then they met in Sam and Dean’s room to debrief.
They knew they were dealing with a shapeshifter, but they weren’t sure where it was or why it was targeting this area specifically yet.
Meaning Aricka was going back to school. So was Adam- but he was going to be a janitor: not a student.
Aricka couldn’t wait to be older so she could be more helpful.
This life of crime is lonely
But only if you let it in to stay…
The next day, Adam and Aricka walk to the high school together, his arm around her shoulder casually, likely knowing she had a mess of butterflies in her stomach, a promise to do all the talking if needed.
Adam and Aricka understood the quiet days just like they understood the loud days. It’s what made them so quick to team up on hunts like this, they could exchange a glance and know what the other was about to do; and could anticipate their move.
Adam enrolled his “niece”, and applied for the janitorial position, and they went back to the hotel room to find out what Sam and Dean had been up to.
Keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Keep on ramblin'…
Back in the backseat of the Impala, Aricka finished her sketch of Adam, moving on to sketch Sammy; reading a book, thumb and index fingers braced against his forehead, wanting to capture the focused expression on his face. Adam was writing in a journal he’d taken from the shifter case, likely recording what went right and what went wrong.
She reached for her phone and plugged her headphones in; not surprised when moments later Adam was nudging her arm for one of the earbuds, and she leaned closer to him so they could both listen to her music. She tapped his leg and he handed her the share size bag of peanut m&ms he had purchased when Dean had stopped to refill Baby’s tank. She leaned against Adam, and shut her eyes and listened to the music, letting it lull her to sleep.
Headed southbound for the season
Cut a trail no one would know…
She woke up to the sensation of being carried, and the scent of oil, apple pie; and the cheesy little tree car air freshener she had stuck around the mirror inside the car one day washed over her-Dean.
(The air freshener scent is black ice- if that helps with visualization of the scene.)
She relaxed and wrapped her other arm around his neck, feeling his lips press against her forehead, and she closed her eyes; feeling safer than ever.
So she fell back asleep.
To hell I ride before I give in
With the cavalry in tow…
Aricka gripped the blade Castiel had given her when she was eleven, and growled low in her throat as she saw the threat they were facing-
Five demons, possessing kids her age. Kids she could’ve been friends with; could’ve gone to school with.
Sam nudged her shoulder and gave her a sympathetic look, he knew what she was likely thinking. Sammy always knew what she was thinking. He was smart like that.
Together, they ran into the fray; letting Dean know they had his back, identical battle cries escaping them.
There was no denying that Aricka was the younger sibling of the three boys she traveled with.
After all; she was the best of them. Anyone would say it. Sam, Dean and Adam would be the first ones to do it.
Time is only
Passing if you think of it that way
This life of crime is lonely
Only if you make your getaway…
Adam was the first one to reach her, that night. The blankets were tangled around her; she was sweating through her clothes; and her eyes were wild with panic. Her closest-in-age sibling merely untangled her and cradled her against him, letting Sam and Dean take care of her clothes and blankets, while he whispered soothing; assuring words under his breath to her.
“Samandriel..” She’d whimpered, the broken-hearted cry of a lost love. “M-Manny..”
“I know,” Adam says. “Shh…. It was just a dream…”
“No… he’s dead…” she gulped. “G-go-ne…”
“Never gone. You remember him. He can’t be truly gone.”
Adam had learned and gained much wisdom during his time of hunting. His sister depended on his words. He had to make sure she knew.
He’d died and left her for too long; he had time to make up for.
He wouldn’t leave her behind ever again.
So, keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Just keep on ramblin'…
The four Winchester siblings were stitched into each other’s lives undeniably. Irrevocably. The pull to stick together was too strong to avoid. As long as they had each other; their car; and the open road, they’d never need anything else.
Running headlong in the valley
Toward the hills of San Miguel
Pushing flat out for my freedom
Left 'em all a tale to tell, do tell…
And in years to come; long after they had been alive, their descendants would carry on their legacy, would continue the family business. Saving people. Hunting things. Keeping family first.
The Winchester Way.
As it was and as it always will be.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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Meet the “upgraded” Winchester clan
Dean Winchester. The oldest son. Child of John and Mary Winchester.
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Sam Winchester. Second oldest. Son of John and Mary.
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Adam Milligan-Winchester. 3rd oldest. Son of John Winchester and Kate Milligan.
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Aricka and Eddie Munson. Aricka is older by five minutes. Aricka is the daughter of John Winchester and Katherine Miller. Eddie is the son of John Winchester and Bella Jones. They were born nine months apart. Hence why they look so similar in age and get called twins.
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Gareth Emerson. Son of John Winchester and Linda Emerson.
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Jane Hopper-Byers-Winchester. Honorary member of the family. Travels with the Winchesters and Cas to learn more about controlling her powers. Daughter of Jim and Joyce Hoppee-Byers.
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Introducing… Stranger-Natural-!
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Synopsis: Aricka Munson and her twin brother Eddie are the average ordinary “freak and geek” of Hawkins High in- well- Hawkins, Indiana, in the year 1982.
Or are they-?
Turns out, Aricka and Eddie, and their little brother Gareth (though nobody their friends know that) are actually from “the outside.” Meaning the world beyond Hawkins.
Things aren’t what they seem.
AND, on top of that, their last name isn’t even really Munson OR Emerson.
It’s Winchester. Yep. That’s right.
Aricka, Eddie, Gareth, and eventually Jane, are Winchesters- aka younger siblings of Sam and Dean Winchester, as well as Adam Milligan.
Follow Aricka, Eddie and their family as they find out why Hawkins is stuck in the past, HOW it got to be that way, and why it’s so dangerous if anyone outside of the Winchester family tries to enter or leave the town.
AU tag: Stranger-Natural AU
Tagging to boost: @astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @callsign-revenge @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship
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