#Aricka and Sam Winchester
Keep on ramblin’
(The Winchester Four)
(The story of four siblings, their beloved car, and the open road.)
(TW: knives, mentions of supernatural creatures, nightmares; panic, if I missed something let me know-!)
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Left town again for no reason
Hit the floor and I was away….
Another day, another town. 16 year old Aricka was far too used to life on the road; moving from town to town, hotel to hotel; constantly being shuffled around. She sat sideways in the backseat of her brother Dean’s precious Baby, a 1967 Chevy Impala. Her shoes were off; somewhere in the floorboard of the car; and on her lap was a sketchbook, on a makeshift table beside her was an art box full of crayons, markers and colored pencils, and she was currently using her brother Adam-who was sharing the backseat with her- as a muse. She had the basic outline done; now she was working on shading and making Adam-the- sketch look like Adam the person.
Nothin' wrong 'bout how I'm livin'
I know how long here I can lay…
The car pulled to a stop in front of a cozy little diner, and Dean handed her a fake ID; so for the time being she was now Aricka Cruise- a name that made her blush as red as the leather jacket she was currently wearing- as she scurried into the diner to get something to eat; Dean’s laughter echoing behind her.
She really hated her older brother sometimes. Truly.
Adam saw her coming and moved over in the booth so she could sit by him; and she grinned; Dean and Sam both knew that Aricka was Adam’s favorite, the two of them had connected like two wayward legos upon their first meeting years ago, when Aricka was nine and innocent and a chattering ball of energy.
She slid in beside Adam and he nudged her shoulder, and she dug her elbow into his ribs, prompting him to wrap an arm around her neck and pull her close to mess up her hair, which made her squeal. “ADDY-!” She protested.
“Children,” Sammy says; making both of them settle down; even though Adam was 26 and Aricka was 16. Dean walked in then; and shoved Sammy over to the window so he could sit down; proceeding to order what Sammy called “a heart attack presented as food.”
Aricka had stuck with her safe foods- a chicken sandwich, French fries; a side of applesauce and a sweet tea, knowing if she stuck with foods she liked and knew were good, she’d be good. Adam broke apart his cookie he had ordered and shared it with her; so she gave him some of her fries as thanks.
Dean gave her a quizzical look and she grinned at him as she dunked her fries in the cheese sauce she’d discovered the diner had, smearing cheese around her lips like when she was six, and was rewarded with a classic Dean Winchester grin.
Yeah. She loved her brother a lot.
Time is only
Passing if you think of it that way…
They settled down in their hotel rooms for the night- Aricka and Adam in one room, Dean and Sam in the adjoining room, everyone setting up the wards they were best at making, and then they met in Sam and Dean’s room to debrief.
They knew they were dealing with a shapeshifter, but they weren’t sure where it was or why it was targeting this area specifically yet.
Meaning Aricka was going back to school. So was Adam- but he was going to be a janitor: not a student.
Aricka couldn’t wait to be older so she could be more helpful.
This life of crime is lonely
But only if you let it in to stay…
The next day, Adam and Aricka walk to the high school together, his arm around her shoulder casually, likely knowing she had a mess of butterflies in her stomach, a promise to do all the talking if needed.
Adam and Aricka understood the quiet days just like they understood the loud days. It’s what made them so quick to team up on hunts like this, they could exchange a glance and know what the other was about to do; and could anticipate their move.
Adam enrolled his “niece”, and applied for the janitorial position, and they went back to the hotel room to find out what Sam and Dean had been up to.
Keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Keep on ramblin'…
Back in the backseat of the Impala, Aricka finished her sketch of Adam, moving on to sketch Sammy; reading a book, thumb and index fingers braced against his forehead, wanting to capture the focused expression on his face. Adam was writing in a journal he’d taken from the shifter case, likely recording what went right and what went wrong.
She reached for her phone and plugged her headphones in; not surprised when moments later Adam was nudging her arm for one of the earbuds, and she leaned closer to him so they could both listen to her music. She tapped his leg and he handed her the share size bag of peanut m&ms he had purchased when Dean had stopped to refill Baby’s tank. She leaned against Adam, and shut her eyes and listened to the music, letting it lull her to sleep.
Headed southbound for the season
Cut a trail no one would know…
She woke up to the sensation of being carried, and the scent of oil, apple pie; and the cheesy little tree car air freshener she had stuck around the mirror inside the car one day washed over her-Dean.
(The air freshener scent is black ice- if that helps with visualization of the scene.)
She relaxed and wrapped her other arm around his neck, feeling his lips press against her forehead, and she closed her eyes; feeling safer than ever.
So she fell back asleep.
To hell I ride before I give in
With the cavalry in tow…
Aricka gripped the blade Castiel had given her when she was eleven, and growled low in her throat as she saw the threat they were facing-
Five demons, possessing kids her age. Kids she could’ve been friends with; could’ve gone to school with.
Sam nudged her shoulder and gave her a sympathetic look, he knew what she was likely thinking. Sammy always knew what she was thinking. He was smart like that.
Together, they ran into the fray; letting Dean know they had his back, identical battle cries escaping them.
There was no denying that Aricka was the younger sibling of the three boys she traveled with.
After all; she was the best of them. Anyone would say it. Sam, Dean and Adam would be the first ones to do it.
Time is only
Passing if you think of it that way
This life of crime is lonely
Only if you make your getaway…
Adam was the first one to reach her, that night. The blankets were tangled around her; she was sweating through her clothes; and her eyes were wild with panic. Her closest-in-age sibling merely untangled her and cradled her against him, letting Sam and Dean take care of her clothes and blankets, while he whispered soothing; assuring words under his breath to her.
“Samandriel..” She’d whimpered, the broken-hearted cry of a lost love. “M-Manny..”
“I know,” Adam says. “Shh…. It was just a dream…”
“No… he’s dead…” she gulped. “G-go-ne…”
“Never gone. You remember him. He can’t be truly gone.”
Adam had learned and gained much wisdom during his time of hunting. His sister depended on his words. He had to make sure she knew.
He’d died and left her for too long; he had time to make up for.
He wouldn’t leave her behind ever again.
So, keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Keep on ramblin' (Oh)
Just keep on ramblin'…
The four Winchester siblings were stitched into each other’s lives undeniably. Irrevocably. The pull to stick together was too strong to avoid. As long as they had each other; their car; and the open road, they’d never need anything else.
Running headlong in the valley
Toward the hills of San Miguel
Pushing flat out for my freedom
Left 'em all a tale to tell, do tell…
And in years to come; long after they had been alive, their descendants would carry on their legacy, would continue the family business. Saving people. Hunting things. Keeping family first.
The Winchester Way.
As it was and as it always will be.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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hyperionshipping · 3 years
Tricks-!!! Boy am I glad I found you. Rogue vampire hunt went haywire and I just finished taking care of it. Dean is TICKED and currently out on the town trying to relax, meanwhile Sammy and Astra are doing research on the NEXT case * dramatic eyeroll*
Uncle Bobby said to say hello and he’ll see you soon. Castiel also said that he wants to visit you soon as well if you’re agreeable.
I hope to see you soon, stop by the Bunker sometime and we can make pumpkin pie- have Sam and Dean compete against us for some extra fun-!
See you really soon,
Aricka Winchester
Oh man, I miss y'all seriously. Dean still a worrywart huh? Know you probably handled those vamps damn well. I'm not surprised Sam and Astra are already doing research. They both need to take a break!!
I should call Bobby. I miss him a lot. You tell Cas he can visit whenever yeah?
Maybe I'll just stop by instead. Gotta get out and see the family again. I would LOVE to kick Sam and Dean's ass making some pie. (Dean sure would be happy to have extra pies)
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rosieshipper · 4 years
Rose’s random imagines
Some more supernatural angst
So y’all know those episodes where Sam or Dean end up in an alternate universe where things are different for them and perhaps their lives are better
So at one point, Rosie probably gets hit with a witch’s curse and falls into a deep sleep. While in said sleep, she wakes up in an alternate world where she was actually born a Winchester. Where Mary and John are her parents and Sam and Dean are her actual biological older brothers
They never started hunting, Rosie never became a half demon. Their life is perfect. Rosie is happy with her family and the life she’s living. But throughout the whole time she’s there, Rosie can’t help but get the sneaking suspicion that something isn’t right. She feels like she isn’t meant to be there
Eventually she realizes that John and Mary aren’t her actual parents and Sam and Dean aren’t her biological brothers. She slowly remembers that Sam and Dean found her while on a case and they took her in. She remembers how she became a half demon
Once she realizes the truth, her reality around her begins to crumble until there is nothing left but Rosie and darkness. But eventually, Rosie wakes up in the real world after Sam and Dean manage to cure the curse with an elixir. Rosie is saddened by the fact that her dream wasn’t a reality, but she is happy that she’s alive and with her dear older brothers for real this time
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @cringyalienships @nougatships 
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mischief-pixie · 4 years
f/o takeover
For the next few hours all asks will be answered my F/Os:
Pink equals romantic, orange is familial
Jack Harkness
Clara Oswald
Armitage Hux
Sherlock Holmes
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Send asks!!
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astralshipper · 4 years
Aricka is just an innocent sunbeam and nobody is immune to her Winchester Charm (trademark) And Sam and Dean know how much of a trickster she can be
djdjdjdDJDJFID I LOVE THAT the kind of s/i we all strive to have
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mariposalass · 5 years
Self Ship Couple Q and A
Got tagged by @husband-of-lucoa, I will briefly taking over the blog again just to do this. Putting under the cut because it is going to be a long one.
Introduce yourselves. Who are you? What do you like to do?
M: “Hi, my name is Mari, dorky as heck assistant librarian and aspiring writer trying to survive life without losing my sanity.”
P: “My name is Philip, I currently work as a journalist, but I also write stuff, usually letters or poems to Mari.”
How was your first meeting like?
M: “Well, me, my siblings Harry and Kairi, pals Kirby, Karina, Ahk, and Issa were actually visiting a Hamilton exhibit in Daly City more than a year ago. Harry had made a weird suggestion of using Ahk’s Tablet to temporarily bring life to the statues, which he took as a yes. They then got into a fight about it and had messed up with the configurations on it, which leads to...”
P: “Me finally back to the world of the living after being dead for 200+ years. The adjustment took a while to get used to this new environment.”
M: “But Pip here is a good student and managed to thrive in it as well.”
P: (blushes by Mari’s comment)
How did you get together? Who confessed first?
M: “It was an interesting first month we had: Philip had to share the same bedroom with Ahk, teaching him to use electronics, get him updated on the current news and events, stuff like that. Then the feelings started to grow like crazy as the weeks passed, and it was pretty hard to admit to each other and to our friends.”
P: “So I did approached Harry, Issa, Kirby, and Kairi about helping me set up a date on Valentines’ Day, it was meant to between friends at the backyard.”
M: “Yeah, it really was supposed to be that, but somehow the dinner, I accidentally ‘fessed up first out of the blue. I got tongue tied. Normally, you expect the guy to say the feelings first, but I broke that rule.”
P: “And a good one at that. 
What are your thoughts on PDA?
P: “I have no idea of what it does to be honest. And Mari can be quite squeamish over people trying to give her too tight of a hug at times.”
M: “Kids, go easy on your smooches and hugs because it could sometimes make some folks a little awkward about them.”
How do you show your affection towards each other/what are your love languages?
P: “Usually through chatting stuff that interest us, writing letters and poems to each, have quiet meals with just ourselves a few times a month.”
M: “Reading stuff together, watching films and TV shows, sometimes we even play a couple of games: video, computer, mobile, board and card alike.”
Who’s more introverted and who’s more extroverted?
M: (raises hand) Shameless socially awkward introvert here!
P: “So that leaves me the extrovert in the relationship then?”
M: Yes, because you’re almost like your dad, but not as ridiculously brash as he was.”
P: “Okay then...”
Who’s the big spoon and who’s the little spoon?
(Both sweatdrops like crazy because they are too nervous and chickened out to talk about it, NEXT QUESTION)
What do you like doing together the most?
M: “Just being two nerds from different worlds in love.”
P: “The fact that we can go well with the other and enjoy life despite such differences is quite remarkable. And I am sure that my folks would’ve jealous of us then.”
M: “Because we don’t a Reynolds situation behind our backs?”
P: “Or it could be pure weird luck and a wonderful support system and an amazing daughter on our side then.”
M: “That is really true.”
P: (winks back)
Tell us a fun fact about the other!
P: “She has to be the biggest history nerd I have ever known. Honestly, you could imagine how many hours she could go, going through facts less talked about or revisiting more common ones all the time. She has a deep interest on the House of Romanov and she couldn’t get over them.”
M: “He has a crazy knack for making people stunned by speaking in French for funsies and most people who don’t speak or understand it will get confused as I am when he talks to me in French. I really need to work on that area.”
P: “Do not fear, I can help you with that.”
M: “Just don’t make me fluster all the time, okay, my beloved?”
Tag other selfshippers and their f/os.
Only if you guys want to! Also anyone who isn’t tagged can also pick up from this to do their own :D
@jenny-snoopers-world and Snooper, @self-shipping-angel and Levi Ackerman, @astralshipper and Sam Winchester, @aricka-and-her-fictional-others and Jefferson Hatter, @ghoul-bellhop29 and Gideon Grim, @jaklovemail and either Jak or Ash Williams, @angelfairy-ships and either Terry Bogard, FGO Bedivere, Ada Wong, or Takumi, @yamiselfships and BSD John Steinbeck, @spectrumselfshipping and Lucio Dos Santos & Reinhardt Wilhelm, @withlovefromlyell and either Mon-El or Barry Allen, @soulnottainted with Copia/Papa Emeritus IV
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ao3feed-destiel · 6 years
We Have A...Little Problem Here
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2zRTy6X
by Destiel_12
Dean and Sam, along with my OC, Aricka Winchester, all get de-aged to their teen/child years. It's up to Cas, Gabe, and Jack to find a cure while dealing with all the memories that surface during this process.
Words: 315, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jack Kline/Original Female Character(s), Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Age Regression/De-Aging, Dean Winchester Needs a Hug, Sam Winchester Needs a Hug, Fluff and Angst
Link: https://ift.tt/2zRTy6X
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We Have A...Little Problem Here
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zRTy6X
by Destiel_12
Dean and Sam, along with my OC, Aricka Winchester, all get de-aged to their teen/child years. It's up to Cas, Gabe, and Jack to find a cure while dealing with all the memories that surface during this process.
Words: 315, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jack Kline/Original Female Character(s), Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Age Regression/De-Aging, Dean Winchester Needs a Hug, Sam Winchester Needs a Hug, Fluff and Angst
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ao3feed-castiel · 6 years
We Have A...Little Problem Here
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zRTy6X
by Destiel_12
Dean and Sam, along with my OC, Aricka Winchester, all get de-aged to their teen/child years. It's up to Cas, Gabe, and Jack to find a cure while dealing with all the memories that surface during this process.
Words: 315, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jack Kline/Original Female Character(s), Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Age Regression/De-Aging, Dean Winchester Needs a Hug, Sam Winchester Needs a Hug, Fluff and Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zRTy6X
0 notes
Jared Padalecki f/os
* is platonic or familial
Paul Harris- ER
Aricka x Paul, I’m gonna stand by you
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Clay Macgyver- young macgyver
Aricka x Clay, love is a puzzle not easily solved
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(Via Google)
Trey Lipton- New York minute
Aricka x Trey; senator boyfriend
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Wade- house of wax
Aricka x Wade, spooky boyfriend
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Thomas Kinkade- TKCC
Aricka x Thomas, cozy little Christmas with you
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Sam Winchester- Supernatural *
Aricka and Sam; moose and bunny
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Cordell Walker- Walker Texas ranger
Aricka x Cordell; sunrise, sunburn, serenade, repeat
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @callsign-revenge @tsundere-selfship
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The graduation of Aricka Winchester
(TFW 3.0-> Aricka, Adam, Castiel, Dean, Sam; and all the kids)
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This was it. The culmination of everything that 18 year old Aricka Winchester (known to the public as Aricka Campbell) had been working for since she was in kindergarten.
She was graduating from high school. She would be attending online classes for the one and only Juilliard School- on a full ride scholarship-! She still couldn’t believe it. Aricka had always wanted to be an actress someday- ever since Dean showed her clips of Grease as a kid- but now that it was within her grasp she couldn’t believe it wasn’t just a dream.
And that wasn’t all the craziness. Not only was she graduating today, but she was also the valedictorian, graduating with academic honors and a final GPA of 3.98- all those sleepless nights cramming with Sam or the long car rides where Adam quizzed her with flash cards had finally paid off.
But they weren’t the only ones who had pushed her to this point.
Ever since Dean discovered that his little sister had big ambitions of becoming a fancy Broadway superstar, he’d researched every theater in the local Lebanon area, drove her to countless auditions, held her after every heartbreaking experience and celebrated with every role she played. He helped her memorize lines, took her headshot countless times, and made sure she regularly updated her acting resume.
And every person in the bunker had helped or cheered her on in some capacity. Castiel was her third biggest supporter; always asking her about her favorite shows; learning all the technical names for the theater, reminding her to “break a leg,” before every show.
Finally, she would pay her family back tenfold for their belief and support in her.
It was time to graduate. And she was ready.
She wasn’t ready. Aricka felt her heart catch in her chest, her mouth dry like cotton, and her hands beginning to sweat. She couldn’t remember her speech- she couldn’t remember her speech-!
Whooshing. Wind- no, wings. The familiar flap of a trenchcoat. The scent of ocean and menthol cough drops.
“Cas…” she breathed; and the angel placed both hands on her shoulders firmly.
“You must breathe,” he says. “You have everything it takes to accomplish today. The hard part is over, yes? Today is about celebrating the hard work of the last four- no- eighteen years of your life.”
“Cas I’m not ready- I’m not ready for high school to end- I just got used to it -!” He pulls her into a hug - and she goes willingly, sinking into the angel’s grasp with a shaky sigh and a trembling body. “Cas I’m scared.”
“Good. To be scared means you’re human, and last I checked you were definitely human.” He laughs; the sound rumbling in his chest, soothing Aricka further.
“I’m being a baby, aren’t I.”
“No. You’re being a normal teenager who feels things,” he says. “It’s healthy to have emotions. To cry.”
“… You’ll be watching me right? Make sure I won’t fall?”
“If I even see you begin to slip I’ll “mojo” you back to standing,” he says, and she could hear the air quotes he wanted to make. It made her giggle.
“Thanks Cassie. I love you.”
Lips brush against her temple, right under her golden cap. “And I, you, sunflower.”
After several nauseatingly long moments, “Pomp and Circumstance,” began to play, and the gradating class of 2020 was ready to graduate.
Aricka turned to her right; takes seven steps; meets up with Samandriel- ah, yes. The angel- her soulmate-!- had went through the last four years of high school with her- under the name Alfie Johnson- and he was the salutatorian. She definitely wouldn’t have made it through the last four years without Manny at her side- he was her rock and her constant.
Dimly; she’s aware of Dean whistling and Sam quietly but also loud enough for her to hear proclaim, “Go Aricka!”
She grips Manny’s hand, he tucks it in his elbow; and he escorts her down the aisle to their row of chairs. The pair stand in front of their chairs and wait for the rest of their fellow graduates to file in after them.
“The 2020 class valedictorian is Aricka Campbell, under the guardianship of her older brothers Dean and Samuel Campbell.” The principal had to pause as an entire section of the bleachers erupted in cheers: whistles and stomping. “Aricka is a determined individual who remains committed to both her academics and extracurricular activities.As president of the theater and choral clubs, she introduced various musicals and advocated for the first ever glee club our school has seen. Throughout her high school years, Aricka has shone brightly in the spotlight onstage and on the field in marching band, as part of our color guard. She’s currently a member of the Battle of the Books club and has participated in drama, choir, band, FFA, newspaper, Spanish club, battle of the books, Solo and Ensemble and SADD since freshman year. She’s also been involved with the Sunshine club and tutors underclassmen in her free time.
Demonstrating her continued involvement in the community, Aricka participates in the local theater program over the summer, mentioning young children in the ways of the stage. . She has also participated in the Lebanon County Fair as part of their swine show and their creative music program. Upon graduation, she plans to spend time with her family on the road and at home, fully enjoying her summer before attending online classes at Juilliard School with a full scholarship. Ladies and gentlemen, your class of 2020 valedictorian, Miss Aricka Campbell.”
With sweaty palms and shaking breath; Aricka stood and made her way to the podium. She heard- very echoey but still heard- the cheers and applause of her family members as she organized the paper and calmed her nerves and breathing down. She looks up. Scans the bleachers. Finds a tan coat and green army jacket. Tense shoulders relax.
And then she speaks.
“Good afternoon. Loving families, fellow graduates, and supporting staff, thank you all for being here today. My name is Aricka Campbell, and I am your 2020 valedictorian.
We did it. 9,467,280 minutes later, we have arrived at the moment our parents or guardians have longed for yet dreaded- graduation. I can safely say, this was nothing like Grease or Grease 2. Dean- you let me down dude. You crushed my soul.” She laughs and can almost hear Sammy tease Dean and Dean rolling his eyes.
“I always knew today would come. My brothers have been preparing me for this day since I started kindergarten. When I was little, we moved around a lot because of the job my brothers had. But then we found Kansas, and we found home. To quote Dorothy Gale from my favorite book, The Wizard of Oz, “There’s no place like home.”” She turns the page and continues,
“To my fellow graduates, the next few weeks are going to feel surreal. I’ve already felt it. But I have some advice I hope will help. You all helped me fit in when I was new here; five years ago when I was a scared and nervous eighth grader. Now it’s my turn to return and repay you all.” She looks at the chairs of graduating students before her and sees several of her friends smiling back- none prouder than Samandriel of course.
“I like to think of life as a Broadway musical. Act one is over. We might have a long or a short intermission, depending on what the future holds for each of us. For me, I have a shorter intermission than some, because I will be attending college in the fall. But for some, intermission is going to be longer. You might be taking a gap year. Or you might be joining the work force, looking for a job leading to a career. Whatever your second act looks like, from your resident theater geek; break a leg. Or in layman’s terms, good luck.” She winks, does jazz hands, and several people laugh.
“To our families, you’ve been the supporting cast our entire lives, cheering us on and pushing us ever since we began kindergarten. I want to give my personal family a shoutout- but I have a lot of family here so I’m going with four people in particular.” She takes a breath, already getting emotional.
“Cas. Thank you for all the late night snack chats, the ones Sam and Dean didn’t know about until now- oops. Thanks for lending a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, and arms that give some of the best and warmest hugs ever.” She looks up just as the angel blows a kiss her direction, and she pretends to catch it right there in front of everyone. “I love you too-!” She clears her throat before moving on,
“Adam. We’ve been the “A-team,” since we met, and I’ll never forget the time you let me draw the muscle systems on you for a biology class. You always found a way to make learning fun and I’ll always be grateful for you.” Instead of looking for a reaction she pushes forward, saying,
“Sammy. You saw my academic potential and pushed me harder than I ever thought I could be pushed. You stayed up late with me countless nights and helped me memorize conjugations, formulas and procedures that I never would’ve learned without you. I love you more than words can express.”
Then came the one she knew would be hardest because of how easy it was to write.
“Dean. How can I thank you enough -? You raised me from the time I was a little kid- you’ve loved and supported me through thick and thin, and when you found out my biggest dream was to act you lifted me up to reach the stars. And now I’ve grabbed them. It’s truly all because you saw me better than anyone else. I love you De.” Here she looks up, eyes wet with tears and breath hard to find, “To infinity and beyond.”
Wiping her eyes: she smiles and says,
“And finally, to the staff. I’ll never forget the support and love I’ve felt from all of you. Especially the drama, choir, band and library staff. You’ve all been so supportive and wonderful and I’ll carry the memories of your teachings fondly.” One more final breath and she finishes,
“In closing, I’d like to leave you with the words of Walt Disney, “"Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do". "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them". "First, think. Second, believe. Third, dream. And finally, dare".” She looks up at the audience. Stares each graduate in the eye.
“Always dare to be different. Dare to have faith. And dare to dream. Thank you.”
“When I call your name, graduates please come collect your diploma and pause for a picture. Families refrain from applause until all names have been called.”
Aricka already knew her family would ignore that- you try telling angels what to do. She knew how hard it was from personal experience.
“Olivia Anderson… Howard Bradenton…. Aricka Campbell….” As soon as her first name left the principal’s mouth, she heard that same section of bleachers explode in cheers, appease, whistling and stomping of feet.
She blushes and apologizes to the principal, but a proud smile was on her face the remainder of the ceremony.
Aricka Winchester was loved. And she had the proof to show it.
Oh; and right before Samandriel went to get his diploma, he grabbed her; dipped her: and kissed her in front of the entire class of 2020, the staff, and every person in the gymnasium.
Yeah. She was definitely, completely, and totally, loved.
Aricka stood in the receiving line, Samandriel having “poofed” their diplomas to their shared room at the bunker, butterflies in her stomach as she waited to see who the first person of her family to emerge from the school would be.
…. And to nobody’s surprise; the first person was Dean. Her Dean. Neither of his AU counterparts, but the brother who had stepped up and taken care of her since she was four. The oldest Winchester immediately wrapped his baby sister in the biggest hug imaginable, one hand cradling her head against his shoulder like she was little again. No words were needed, but Dean still spoke. “I am so proud of you kid. The proudest. You worked so hard and now you’re here.”
Aricka soaked up every word, knowing Dean rarely got this emotional nor said this type of thing often; so she absorbed it like the sponge she was. “I meant it. I love you D.”
“Love you, short-stuff.” She giggled and he moved down the line. She was then swept off her feet by one very strong and tall and emotional Moose-brother of hers.
“SAMMY-!” She shrieks, laughing as he sets her down.
“She did it-!! You did it-!” She was nearly blinded by the megawatt smile Sam had on his face. “I’m proud of you squirt. I knew you could do it.”
“You were right Sammy. You were right.” She throws her arms around his middle and squeezes tightly, feeling his hand on the back of her head, the other around her shoulders. “I love you.”
Next was Adam; and he didn’t say a word as he tugged her in for a signature Adam hug. The two siblings simply held on to each other like cling wrap, Aricka’s face pressed into Adam’s shirt and his into the shoulder of her gown, eyes closed and hearts basically beating in sync as they stood there hugging. Aricka’s arms were under his, her chin resting on her own hand. Adam had one arm around her neck, the other firmly around her waist, this was a firm hug, a solid reminder that she still had him, and vice versa. “I love you,” was felt; not said in this moment.
Adam let go, and she was instantly pulled into four arms- Donna and Jody. Her honorary and true moms. She clung to them tightly and closed her eyes again, burrowing into their holds. “Oh baby…” Jody says.
“Great job pumpkin.” Donna kisses her forehead.
“Mom… mama.. I did it!”
“You sure did, and we’re so proud of you.”
“So proud.”
The next four in line were her brothers- from two different universes. First were the older two- versions of her brothers in a universe where they were heirs to a prestigious hunting corporation. In this universe they went by the aliases of Clay Forester and Alec Priestly.
“C’mere you-!” Alec- or Dean- said, reaching and grabbing her in for an almost rib-crushing hug, making her giggle. “You did that-! That speech was awesome.” She smiled- some things wouldn’t change, even in different universes.
“You should be proud of yourself,” Clay says- aka Sam. “I know I am.” The words made her smile. Just like her Sam, he scooped her off her feet, and she kicked them up in the air, sandals flopping lazily as she giggles.
“Clayyyy-!!!” He smacks a kiss onto her cheek and sets her down; the pair of them grinning wildly.
Then came two pairs of arms- one around her waist, the other around her neck. Her two little brothers- two versions of Sam and Dean from another universe Chuck destroyed. She wrapped her arms around each of them, tears flowing earnestly again, her little brothers almost overwhelming her with how much love she was feeling. “SIS!” 10 year old Sammy says. “You did it-!”
“You were so cool-!” 14 year old Dean added. She beams and hugs them again,
“Thanks guys. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Alright! Winchester family! Line up for a family photo!” Uncle Bobby yells. They’d got their hug- Bobby roughly dragging her in for a moment and kissing the top of her forehead, the grizzly bear of a man whispering, “Congrats rugrat,” in her ear. He winked when she grabbed her little brothers’ hands and led them over to her five older brothers- Clay, Alec, Sammy, Dean and Adam. Her little brother Dean- nicknamed Jason- linked their arms together and little brother Sammy- aka Thomas/Tommy- jumped on her back, making her grunt but laugh as she wrapped her arms under his legs.
“Okay you guys-! Look at the camera-! 3-2-1 SMILE-!” Jody yells; and on cue all the Winchesters- this universe and the others- exclaim,
“CHEESE-!” Showing off exaggerated grins.
Then Aricka and Manny posed, once normal and one where Samandriel dipped her and kissed her, her holding her grad cap in her left hand tightly.
Aricka Winchester was ready to take on the world.
She’d saved it enough times, how hard would college be-?
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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The Winchester Kids
(… aka I decide to add a whole buncha kids to the narrative.)
1. Aricka Winchester. The youngest Winchester sibling, the “eldest” of the Winchester children.
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2. Jack Kline. Biologically he’s the next oldest, but he doesn’t come into the picture until season 13.
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3. Claire Novak. The daughter of Jimmy, Cas’s vessel. She typically hangs with the Wayward Daughters but she sees Aricka and Jack as “cousins/siblings.”
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4. Ben Braeden. For my canon purposes he begins remembering that Dean is his dad and he decides to take on the family business.
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(An older Ben fancast for y’all.)
5. Emma Winchester. Dean’s daughter, she’s an Amazon and she becomes Aricka’s cousin/sister. They absolutely adore each other, and give Dean and Sam gray hair by the hour.
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6. Bobby-John Winchester. The shifter baby from season 6, rescued by Aricka before the alpha shapeshifter could snatch him away. Aricka decided to teach him to control his powers and use them for good.
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7-9. Krissy Chambers, Josephine Barnes and Aidan
Three teens turned hunters after their families died.
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10. Joe and Ryan Silver
They rescue the boys from being monster chow; Aricka adopts them as her little brothers.
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(The two boys behind Sam and Dean
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @letsgofoletsgo @yeehawselfshipping @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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The Winchesters take on Five Nights at Freddy’s:
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This started as an idea but it won’t leave me alone so-
The Winchesters have just saved the world for the hundredth time, and now they find themselves on what seems to be a routine salt and burn ghost hunt.
What they discover is so much more sinister.
Vengeful child spirits, stuffed into animatronics to perform for the masses, and then at night they seek revenge on the man who did this to them but end up killing the night guards on duty.
Aricka connects with two of the childrens’ spirits, Gabriel, who possesses the “normal” Freddy, and Cassidy, who possesses golden Freddy. They beg her to help them, to stop the bad man from scaring them and making them perform.
Aricka connects with them in a multitude of ways, one of them being through her sleep. They find her in her dreams and she asks them how she can help them move on. They tell her Cassidy has to face his fear of William Afton is one of the ways, and she promises to help him.
It’s not just Aricka on the case to help the kids. It’s a family affair, with her twin brother Sam; her older brother, Dean; and her little brother, Adam; along with the angel Castiel, working with Michael and Abby to help these kids.
Find out what happens in
SPN takes on FNAF- the series-!
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Meet the “upgraded” Winchester clan
Dean Winchester. The oldest son. Child of John and Mary Winchester.
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Sam Winchester. Second oldest. Son of John and Mary.
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Adam Milligan-Winchester. 3rd oldest. Son of John Winchester and Kate Milligan.
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Aricka and Eddie Munson. Aricka is older by five minutes. Aricka is the daughter of John Winchester and Katherine Miller. Eddie is the son of John Winchester and Bella Jones. They were born nine months apart. Hence why they look so similar in age and get called twins.
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Gareth Emerson. Son of John Winchester and Linda Emerson.
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Jane Hopper-Byers-Winchester. Honorary member of the family. Travels with the Winchesters and Cas to learn more about controlling her powers. Daughter of Jim and Joyce Hoppee-Byers.
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Hi John. I’m your daughter from another universe.
(Main timeline!Aricka and AU!John Winchester.)
(Finale of the Winchesters series. Aricka comes face to face with someone she knows but doesn’t know.)
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Aricka stares at the man in front of her like he had five heads. Sure, she knew what she was getting into when Dean asked her at the start of all this- the finding out the truth of his parents-well- their dad, his mom- and what their legacy actually was.
Aricka thought Mary Campbell was the most beautiful woman she’d seen. If she admitted it in her heart of hearts.
But now she was staring at the man who; in her and Dean’s universe; had left her. In the end it worked out for her own good, but when she was four all she understood was that her daddy didn’t want her. Plain and simple.
Dean was talking about how they’d saved Mary- saved Dean’s mom- and Aricka couldn’t do anything but stare at John. She wasn’t- scared, or mad, like she thought she would be. No.
Aricka felt such a deep sense of longing and something akin to a little kid seeing their parent for the first time after said parent left on a trip somewhere.
She saw all the features she had in her reflection in the face of the man in front of her. Their eyes, the way they were both chewing their bottom lip like their lives depended on it, they even had similarly shaped noses. She’d bet anything that John also had a semicolon shaped mole on the inside of his right elbow. Dean and Sam didn’t; so it must’ve been a dad inherited thing.
“I’m sorry- who are you-?” John asks, startling her from her reveri. Askance, she looked over at Dean, Jack, and Bobby. At Jack’s and Dean’s nods of okay, she turns back to John. Bracing herself, she said,
“Hi John. I’m Aricka. I’m your daughter in the universe Dean is from.”
Immediately she saw the reaction those words had on John- his eyes widen and his jaw drops slightly. He looks at Mary- who was also incredibly surprised- and then back at her; and Aricka felt sick. Anxiously sick.
He walks over to her, stands so they’re inches away from each other. She could tell he was staring at her as intently as she was him just moments prior. Now up closer, she could see various moles and freckles on his face, scars dotting his arms and neck, and she noticed the Akidra anti-possession mark on his arm.
“You- you my daughter?” He asks. She nods.
“From another universe.- I’m not sure what all I’m about to say-It’s a long story but-!”
Then John moved towards her. She froze at first, not sure what was happening, and then it hit her-
This AU version of her dad- was hugging her. The way she always wanted “her” dad to hug her. The way she could only remember her mom hug her.
Tears fill crystal blue eyes and she hugs back, not ashamed to wrap her arms around him and press her face into the jacket John was wearing. He only held on tighter, as if to make up for lost time, and his hand moved from her shoulder to her head, pressing her just a little bit tighter against him, but it wasn’t uncomfortable- it felt safe.
John only let go to stare back into her eyes, wiping away tears as he did; and to say- no, demand, gripping her hands as he did,
“Tell me everything. What you like. What you did back then. Did you- were you a hunter too-?”
Aricka looks back at Dean, then at Jack. And then she suddenly vividly understands just why she was allowed to tag along with Dean at all.
This was her mission.
Dean’s was to record their family history.
Aricka’s was to connect with the version of her dad that could’ve been.
With shaky breath and teary eyes, she looks back at John, squeezes his hands like he did hers. “Is there room for one more in that van?” She asks, and before John could answer Carlos was swooping in, wrapping a tight arm around her shoulders and guiding her over to the others.
“You’re more than welcome, darling. Come join the Monster Club.” She laughs, and was about to climb in behind Mary when it hit her-
“Wait,” she says, jumping out of the van-
And runs back to Dean. The man she owed everything to.
Aricka throws her arms around her big brother’s neck. “I’ll see you later on down the road?” She asks, not wanting to say goodbye.
“Of course. You know the way back home,” he says. “You do your thing. I’ve got my own gig.” Dean kisses the side of her head, ruffles her hair. “I love you, sis. Have fun with- well- our dad.”
She smiles. “I’ll keep them safe for us. For Sammy. Bring him by to meet us when he comes-?”
“You know it kid.” And then Dean gets back into Baby; his beloved car, which makes her exclaim,
“WAIT MY MIXTAPE-!” To which Dean laughed and pulled said tape out,
“You gonna educate them on our music-?” Aricka grins.
“You know it, big bro-!” He gives her a meaningful Dean Winchester Look, one she knew well; one she had been on the receiving end of since she was four years old-
I’m proud of you, kid.
She smiles; and waves as he drives away; and out of sight. She turns to the four in the van, waiting for her. Gripping the tape in her hand, she looks at Jack. “Watch over us, okay?”
“Always,” he promises. “But I’m staying hands off. You know this.” She nods.
“ARICKA!” She nearly jumped out of her skin at the very-Dean-like yell coming from the van.
John was waving at her. He was smiling and he looked eager to spend more time with her. The sight made her want to cry more, but she didn’t.
“COMING!” She yells back. Turns to Bobby. “Thank you.”
“I’ll always be here for you, little rascal,” he says, lips twitching up in a little grin. “You were always my favorite.” She grins and hugs him, giggling at the fake noise of protest from the grumpy old man. “Go on; get out of here.”
That was all she needed before she ran towards the van, grabbing John’s hand and letting him pull her inside.
The road awaited them.
And Aricka couldn’t wait to tell John all about her life.
Behold- I have a new sandbox to play in.
I’ve been thinking about how I would use the prequel The Winchesters with my usual canon, and I’ve decided I’m making even more universes for my beloved characters.
This is main canon timeline (2005-2020) Aricka Winchester, the girl who is dumped in Dean’s lap when she’s four years old and grows up in the hunter life, in a versions of the Winchester’s series that’s like heaven. She will travel with them and tell them what happened to her in her universe to prepare them for what they might possibly encounter. Making an entire new timeline.
However I said universes which means that as always I’m making new ships and new families and it’s going to be good chaotic fun.
Until next time-!
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @callsign-revenge @tsundere-selfship
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Introducing… Stranger-Natural-!
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Synopsis: Aricka Munson and her twin brother Eddie are the average ordinary “freak and geek” of Hawkins High in- well- Hawkins, Indiana, in the year 1982.
Or are they-?
Turns out, Aricka and Eddie, and their little brother Gareth (though nobody their friends know that) are actually from “the outside.” Meaning the world beyond Hawkins.
Things aren’t what they seem.
AND, on top of that, their last name isn’t even really Munson OR Emerson.
It’s Winchester. Yep. That’s right.
Aricka, Eddie, Gareth, and eventually Jane, are Winchesters- aka younger siblings of Sam and Dean Winchester, as well as Adam Milligan.
Follow Aricka, Eddie and their family as they find out why Hawkins is stuck in the past, HOW it got to be that way, and why it’s so dangerous if anyone outside of the Winchester family tries to enter or leave the town.
AU tag: Stranger-Natural AU
Tagging to boost: @astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @callsign-revenge @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship
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