#Aricka and the Hawkins Seven
StrangerNatural: return to the bunker
(The Hawkins Seven, the Party, team free will; Aricka Munson-Winchester x Billy Hargrove. Aricka Hopper x Steve)
(After they killed Vecna, everyone involved with the UpsideDown fight move to Kansas. Aricka comes home.)
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(Aricka’s bedroom courtesy of Pinterest. If you want rooms for the teens and kids of Hawkins let me know-!)
All the cars that had left Hawkins pull into the garage of the bunker. Aricka pulls her baby- her ‘69 Dodge Charger- into it’s spot, right next to Dean’s car. She sits for a moment, anxiously gripping the steering wheel.
She was home. But was it still home-?
“Aricka?” Chrissy. “You okay, sweetie?” Always perceptive, that Chrissy Cunningham.
“Yeah,” she said. “Just a little anxious to be home.”
“Well, I don’t think anyone here blames you- for us it’s only been six months but for you it’s been six whole years. You have every right to be nervous.” Jeff, Lucas and Erica Sinclair had already exited the car, walking over to their friends. Aricka nods, and Robin squeezes her shoulder.
“Those brothers of yours seem to be the type to let you readjust at your own pace. Just take a moment to breathe.” Aricka smiles at her friends- two girls she’d considered sisters since she met them.
“Thanks guys.” She unlocks her door and climbs out. “Let’s do this.”
*time jump*
“Well- here’s the door shortstop.” Dean turns to her, and Aricka felt her eyes well up with tears. “I know I said it already but- welcome home.”
Aricka smiles and swipes at her face before walking up and gripping the door handle, twisting and pushing it open to reveal-
Home. Just like she’d left it.
The comforting smell of coffee, books, and something she never could quite identify washes over her, and Aricka walks over to the edge of the railing. Closes her eyes. Takes one long, deep breath in. Then opens her eyes.
She was home.
After a permissive glance, she walked over to the railing, climbed on, and slid down, duffle clutched tightly in her hands as she let out a victorious WHOOP-! And laughed, the others following behind her.
Billy walks over to her, takes her bag from her. “You okay?” He asks, those blue eyes searching for any sign that she was struggling. Aricka smiles back at him, stands on her tiptoes to kiss him.
“Honestly?” He nods. “I’ve got my family all together. For the first time in six years. I’ve never been happier.” She’d dreamed of the off chance of her two worlds colliding one day.
She’d never expected it to happen like this. But she was so happy it did.
“… and this is my room.” She pauses. “They didn’t take out the “Girl Cave,” sign. Huh.” That made her wonder- did they even touch her bedroom in the years she was gone?
Pushing the door open, she stepped inside so the kids and teens- the ragtag bunch of friends she’d managed to gather together, to turn into a family- could enter her space. “C’mon in guys. I’ve got plenty of space for you to sit, or chill out on. And I’ve got a mini fridge with drinks and a mini pantry of snacks- just help yourself.”
Dori walks over to the mini pantry, manages to find a snack that wasn’t expired after six years. “Aricka.." Dori starts, "I mean this in the nicest way possible. Your room is crazy!"
Aricka grins, and shakes her head. “I can explain each appliance if that helps. I’ve got a television, which I help pay for, a giant light that projects the planets and stars, the mini fridge and pantry are self explanatory…. I’ve got a karaoke machine, my lava lamp…My room at Wayne’s is just a toned down version of this. Eddie can vouch for me.”
Will climbs the ladder to her loft bed, where he found a familiar looking stuffed animal. “Chewie!” He picks up Aricka’s teddy bear. “You have two of them?”
“Yeah. Cas made the other one. He didn’t want me to be lonely.”
Dustin opens up the mini fridge, taking out a can of soda, "Aricka, you're officially the coolest person ever."
Aricka absolutely BEAMED at the kid. “I think you still hold that title. Professor D. Check out my computer. It’s like the ones in Hawkins but smaller, lightweight and portable.”
El picks up a purple cow print blanket. “Soft…” she whispers.
Aricka smiles. “You want it Janie?”
The girl nods eagerly.
“Then it’s yours now.” Jane grinned and wrapped the blanket around her like a cape, humming softly.
"Okay, but your tv is so... flat." Dori says walking up to it, "Are all modern tvs like this?"
“Yeah, it’s a flatscreen. Um- I don’t know how best to explain it. Sammy’s the tech geek of the five of us.”Max was currently sitting in the hammock in the corner of Aricka’s room, observing everything with her earbuds still in.
“Aricka- this photo wall- who are all these people?” Will asks, pointing to the photos along her wall.
Aricka’s expression turns to one of nostalgia. “It’s my family- uh- the rest of my family.”
"The rest of your family?" Dori asked
“Yeah. You guys all know I consider you my family now, right? Well.. these photos- they’re memories. Of people still living. Some who are not. But- everyone on this wall means something to me. This is how I commemorate their legacy.” Then she pulls out a book, containing various Polaroids. “Now, I can add more, and tell you all stories of the family I have here?”
“That's cool." Dustin smiles, looking over the pictures.
“That’s neat that you chose to honor them like that,” Steve commented.
“Thanks Stevie- oh, that’s my mama,” Aricka says, pointing at a picture of a woman in a police uniform. “Sherif Jody Mills. Aka mama Jody. She’s got a house for “wayward daughters.” I spent a few months with her when I was 14- I needed a mom really badly then. That’s when I started calling her that. Her and momma Donna. They both consider me their kid.”
Aricka selects her first picture- one of her and Dori at the arcade from a few months back- and hangs it right beside the one of Jody.
Dori smiles, and Eddie nudges their shoulder.
“… that’s Ellen and Jo.” Aricka is somber for this memory. “They died saving me and Sammy and De. Jo was-,” her lip quivers. “She was like my sister.”
A picture of Aricka and Eddie singing together goes beside them- a brother by a sister.
Dori places their hand on Aricka's shoulder, "I'm sorry."
Aricka shakes her head. Wipes her face. “I was ten. It was a while ago. I’m okay now.”
“Who’s that?” Will asks, pouting to a scruffy looking man.
Aricka’s whole attitude changed as she grinned. “Aw, that’s Garth-! He’s one of my best friends - he’s a werewolf who defeated the tooth fairy.”
Dustin's eyes widen, ".... I don't even know how to process what you just said." he chuckles.
Aricka giggles. “Trust me, you get used to it. Especially in this line of work. Dean and Sam are probably telling Joyce and Jim and uncle Wayne all sorts of stories.”
Aricka hangs a picture of the kids by a picture of a boy wearing a red and white striped shirt with a matching hat. She smiles fondly yet still with some sadness.
“That’s Samandriel. An angel. Um.. Billy knows already but he was my first boyfriend. He died a few months before I came to Hawkins.”
"Oh man... I'm sorry that happened."
“Billy and I helped each other in a lot of ways.” She smiles at the boy, who was looking at her pictures.
“You told me about this girl-said Buckley would like her.”
“Oh yeah, Charlie! Robin you would LOVE Charlie. She’s a total nerd and loves a good montage moment”.
"Sounds like my kind of girl." Robin says, "I'd love to get to know her someday."
“She’s gonna probably kill me when she finds out I’m back… and I haven’t texted her yet.. but in my defense it’s been six years technically since I’ve texted- .”
“Texted? What’s that?” Robin interjects.
“Oh!” Aricka pulls her phone out. “I’ll show you. Remind me we need to get all of you Hawkins natives phones- and phone numbers- and at least one social media app.” She pulls up her messaging app. “So this is Charlie’s contact information. I’m gonna click it, and this thread is our conversation- holy wow. June 19th at 8:45 was my last text to Charlie- lemme just send her a message.”
Aricka’s fingers fly across the phone keyboard as she sends out a message to her sister/friend.
“The prodigal sisters returns-! Missed you Cici.”
"Wow. Pretty convenient way of contacting someone." Dori said.
“Yeah, technology advances pretty quickly once y2k happens. My favorite invention thus far is the air fryer… genius.”
"The WHAT?" Dustin asked.
“It a machine that fries food but doesn’t make it greasy- it’s amazing”.
“Okay, that's the first thing we're gotta try as soon as possible." Max walks over and ducks under Aricka’s arm, wrapping both of hers around her big sister’s waist. “Hey there, it’s my all time favorite red headed teenager.”
Max smiles and leans her head against Aricka. “I’m with Dustin- I’m hungry.”
“Okay, I can make us some air fryer pizza rolls and French fries, how’s that sound?”
"YEAH!" Dustin exclaimed
“Yes please.” El says, followed by various agreements:
“Sounds good.”
“Whatever you make is fine.”
“I’d like it.”
“Heck yeah.”
Dean walks in then. Notices the redhead- Max, or as Aricka called her; MadMax. “Heard you say you’re gonna make food- but aside from that how’s settling in going? We have plenty of space for all of you to have your own rooms.”
“We’re good Dean,” the cheerleader with an edge to her- Chrissy, he reminded himself- says; a smile on her face. “Aricka’s just introducing us to the rest of her family.”
Dean woke up to a loud scream followed by two different sets of feet thumping down the hallway. He gave the two sets of feet five minutes to reach their destination before he gave pursuit, when he heard voices coming from room 20- the room “Little Red” as he’d nicknamed Max, had claimed.
“Hey, Maxie, it’s me and Aricka- just breathe. We’re going to stay here until you feel better.” That was Billy. Aricka had explained in brief detail the story of these two- and he felt a sort of older brother connection to the kids.
“It’s okay, MadMax, we’re at the bunker. Sammy De and Cassie wouldn’t let anybody who wanted to hurt us past the door. We’re all safe. We all left Hawkins. We’re starting a new life- a new family. All of us. We won’t let anyone get hurt- we’ll keep each other safe. Just go back to sleep.” That was Aricka. Hearing his, Sam and Cas’s names being listed as protectors brought a sad sort of smile to his face.
“I’ll fight off the bad dreams kid. You sleep now.” When the room went quiet after a moment, he poked his head into the room to check on them- and this time the smile on his face wasn’t a sad one; it was a fond one.
Max was in the middle of the bed, dried tears sticking to her red cheeks as she clung to Billy even in her sleep. Aricka had her arms protectively around both siblings- defensive even in sleep. Billy also had both of the girls in his arms, but the blanket had shifted down to their knees in the shuffle to get comfortable, he assumed. So he pulled the blanket back up so they wouldn’t get cold during the night, flicked on the nightlight Aricka had insisted each “kid” and “teen” get- having experiences with her own nightmares- and then quietly left the room.
They could all talk in the morning. If he was gaining new siblings, he wanted to help them any way he could.
Not that he’d ever phrase it that way. But they would know. And that’s all that mattered.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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Aricka Munson, Aricka Hopper, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove and the 8th grade dance
(Pre Aricka Munson x Billy Hargrove, pre Aricka Hopper x Steve Harrington)
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(Via Pinterest)
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(Top to bottom: Aricka Munson, Billy Hargrove, Aricka Hopper, Steve Harrington)
Aricka and Billy:
He asked her after basketball practice let out. Aricka was dressed in her Hawkins middle school cheer uniform, holding her pompoms as she headed back to the locker room, when Billy jogged over to her, cheeks flushed red and curls askew from practice. “Hey,” he says, pausing to catch his breath. She smiles at him.
“Hi Billy,” she says. “What’s up?”
“The dance- it’s this Friday. Do- do you want to go together-? It can be as friends, no pressure.” Her smile widened as she processed his question.
“Oh, of course-! I’d love to go to the dance with you Billy,” she says. “My uncle could take us, we could ride in the back of his pickup. It would be fun!”
Only Aricka Munson would think sitting in a dress in the back of a pickup would be fun. But that was why he liked her so much. She made him feel safe, but also kinda like his insides would light on fire if she hugged him too long.
“Yeah, sounds good,” he says. “I’ll wait for you and walk you home.” The two part, but not before Aricka could give him one of those hugs he was too used to getting now.
Aricka couldn’t wait to tell Chrissy what had just happened. And Billy couldn’t wait until Friday.
Aricka and Steve:
He asked her after theater rehearsal ended. Steve was helping stage manage the fall play- Dorothy in Wonderland- and Aricka was the main character- her first lead role.
“Hey, movie star,” Steve says, as Aricka makes her way over to him, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “You looked good today.” She smiles soflty.
“Thanks Stevie.” They walk out to the front in silence, and then he asks,
“So- the dance is coming up Friday. We make a good dancing duo- would you- maybe want to go with me?” His face was bright red and she saw how his hands were shaking slightly. His nervousness was endearing; and she melted at the thought that he was nervous about asking her to the dance. She takes his hands and smiles.
“What time are you gonna get me?” She asked. He grins down at her.
“Is seven too early?”
“No, Steve. Seven sounds perfect.”
Aricka and Billy:
It was 6:45 when Billy arrived at the door to Aricka’s trailer. He was wearing a pair of khaki pants, brown shoes and a pink polo shirt- he’d had to escape out the window, but it was worth it, to take his best friend and crush to the dance. In his hand he held a special gift- something special just for Aricka.
He brushed a few leaves off his shirt and straightened his collar as Wayne opened the door.
“William.” Wayne insisted on calling Billy by his full name, but coming from him, it didn’t bug him as much. “Come on in and sit a spell, she’s still getting ready.” He claps a hand on Billy’s shoulder and guides him into the kitchen portion of the trailer. “Looks like you got into a tussle with a forest. Might wanna fix that before she comes out.” Billy swipes a hand through his hair and winces at the few leaves that came off.
“Sorry sir, I had to sneak out- my old man wouldn’t have appreciated my color choices.” Wayne scoffs.
“As if you wearing pink is gonna tarnish his pitiful reputation. He does enough damage on his own.” He looked like he might insult Neil more but then Aricka breezed in and Billy truly felt he now knew the difference between pretty and gorgeous-
Aricka was wearing a light blue dress made of a material that seemed to float around her, with tank top straps, and she had brown sandals with a white strap on, and her hair- usually held up in a ponytail- was curled and framing her face, and she had a bleached denim jacket on. If he wasn’t used to her usual look, he never would’ve noticed the subtle tinge of blush on her cheeks and nose, nor the glimmer of lipgloss.
She blushed as she realized Billy was already there, and dug the toe of her sandal into the floor of the kitchen. “Hi B,” she said. He waves casually and smiles, standing and walking to her, like this was any other day.
“Hi Aricka. I like your dress- is it new?” She blushes and nods.
“Got it special for tonight.” He holds out the paper rose he’d spent hours on making to her, and she lit up, accepting it.
“I won’t even need to water it!” They both laugh and she rushes to her room to set the flower on the table in her room- that used to be Wayne’s, but as Aricka got older he decided she needed her own space as the woman in the house. She came back with something in her hand. “Almost forgot-!”
Billy takes the gift from her and grins as he examines his newest gift from Aricka- a poem about “Billy the Great.” He would spend hours that night reading it, memorizing it, and then carefully tucking it away with his other hidden treasures.
“Are you young’in’s both ready now?” Wayne asks as he reaches for the keys to his truck. Aricka grabs Billy’s hand and smiles at him as they make their way to the dance.
Aricka and Steve:
If Steve told you he wasn’t nervous at all about taking the police chief’s daughter to the dance- he would be lying to your face. In all honesty; he was petrified. But he was more focused on the fact that tonight he was going to maybe kiss her and tell her that he’d liked her since fourth grade at least- maybe longer.
In his hand he held a slightly squished bouquet of flowers- two pink roses, two sunflowers, and three white lilies, because he knew lilies were her favorite flowers. In a bag in his hand was a necklace that had a key on it- he currently had the reciprocal heart necklace. He just hoped she felt the same way about him as he did about her.
Aricka opened the door and grinned; her eyes widening at the limo waiting for them. “How did that get all the way through there-?” She motioned to the forest.
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” Steve says; handing her the flowers with a flourish. Then he saw what she was wearing and his heart almost stopped. It was a pale lavender dress that went to her knees, crisscross straps around the neckline, and she wore white and brown sandals. Her hair was half up, half down with a matching purple bow in her hair. “Woah…” he whispered.
She shifted her weight from side to side. “Too much?” She asks. He frantically shook his head.
“No-! No. No you look- you look great. Real great,” he says. “You look beautiful.”
Her face turned a bright pink, “aw.. Stevie…” The nickname made the boy blush too, and he reached for her hand.
“Hi Chief Hopper!” He called into the house. Aricka’s dad waved, finally walking to the door.
“Have her back here by 10:30,” he said. The dance ended at 10, but Hopper knew they’d probably go get ice cream before coming home. Aricka hugs her dad and he holds her a little tighter than usual, kissing the top of her head before sending her on her way. “Have fun you two.”
“Bye dad!”
“Bye Chief!”
*Billy and Aricka*
The middle school basketball star and cheerleader made their way into the gym, Aricka gasping in delight at the decorations- the theme was Starry Night. Thousands of glow in the dark stars filled the gym ceiling, and models of the solar system were hung on thick black cords. The floor had a projection to make it look like the galaxy, swirling and spinning around them.
Loud music poured from the speakers as they walked in, Aricka spying their friends across the room. “I see Chrissy and Robin!” She says. “Oh, look there’s Eddie and Dori.” Aricka’s twin had been over at their mutual friend Dori Henderson’s house getting ready for the dance.
“Look- Steve-O and Aricka H just got in,” Billy said. Aricka was still holding his hand, their fingers intertwined perfectly as they looked around. He still couldn’t believe it.
Aricka had initiated the contact, pressing their pinkies together in the back of the truck. Billy had flipped his hand over, and she had interlocked their fingers, neither of them saying a word. He had to let go to climb out of the truck, jumping down and then grabbing her by the waist to help her- something that got a look of approval from her uncle Wayne.
“Oh; I love this song! Dance with me Billy,” Aricka said as a slower song began to play. But not just any slow song- “Hopelessly devoted to you,” from Aricka’s favorite musical, Grease. Olivia Newton-John’s voice fills the gym as Billy and Aricka join their friends in the middle of the dance floor, Aricka turning to face Billy as he carefully and admittedly a bit awkwardly moves to put his hands on her waist, hers wrapping around his neck.
“I know I'm just a fool who's willing
To sit around and wait for you…” Aricka sang under her breath, and Billy merely smiles as shakes his head and he joins in,
“But baby, can't you see there's nothing else for me to do?..” her eyes snap to his, and a pink blush covers her cheeks as she continues,
“I'm hopelessly devoted to you
But now there's nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm out of my head
Hopelessly devoted to you…”
*Steve and Aricka*
Olivia Newton-John’s voice filled the gym as Aricka and Steve swayed together, his arms encircling her back, her hands on his shoulders. The two had eyes only for each other. They might’ve only been in eighth grade, but they knew what they had was more than platonic affection for each other. “Hold on to the end", that's what I intend to do
I'm hopelessly devoted to you…” Aricka sang, and Steve joined her on the chorus,
“But now there's no way to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm outta my head
Hopelessly devoted to you…”
Aricka’s stomach flip flopped in cartwheels, her palms were sweating as she realized what was happening-
She was at the dance with the most popular boy in her grade- her best friend!- and she was falling in love like she was a character in her favorite Disney movie.
Steve took her hand and spun her around before pulling her back close, seeing Billy do the same to Aricka Munson out of the corner of his eye. “Aricka…” he said as the song ended. “I really really like you. Like- for more than just a friend.”
Aricka smiled that sweet; beautiful smile of hers. “Really?” She asks. “I really really like you, too. Like- more than just a friend like.”
Steve grinned at her, that big Stevie grin, and leaned down to kiss her cheek as she laughed. “So- will you be my girlfriend?” He asks.
“I thought you’d never ask. Yes-!”
*Aricka and Billy*
“Dancing Queen,” was playing, Aricka and Billy screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs. They hadn’t left each other’s side all night, neither wanting it to end. Aricka laughed and looked over at Billy and grabbed his hand, and he spun her around twice.
Aricka was the first person to see past the top layer he showed. She was the first to realize that something was wrong. She got him help when she could and she made sure he had a place to go when it was Really Bad.
“Can we talk somewhere?” He asks over the pounding music. Aricka nods, gripping his hand and letting him lead the way out.
As soon as they were alone, Billy allowed himself the luxury of hugging Aricka, who had no objections to his actions. “I need to tell you something, but I don’t want to ruin the first good friendship I’ve had.”
“Billy you can’t even ruin our friendship,” Aricka promised. “You know I love you no matter what.” That was another thing he’d had to get used to after befriending Aricka- her love was given as freely as her hugs.
“I- you know. You too,” he mumbled with a red hot blush. She smiles and rubs his arms assuredly. “And I- I like you. Like- you know- how a boyfriend likes a girlfriend.”
Her smile widened and she squeezes his arms. Carefully. Not roughly. “Oh, Billy…” she whispered. “I’m so proud of you. I know that must’ve been hard for you to say.” She really did- she knew feelings weren’t his strongest point. But she also knew he was trying to get better at it. “I like you like that, too.”
His eyes lit up; and he eagerly scooped her back up in his arms, swinging her side to side as she giggled. “Willyoubemygirlfriend,” he asks in one breath. She giggles against his shoulder, and that was really all the answer he needed.
“Nothing would make me happier,” she says.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @callsign-revenge @tsundere-selfship
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Aricka and Steve relationship timeline
Trigger warning: cancer mention, death mention, divorce mention, if I missed anything let me know-!
February 20th 1967- Steve is born
April 24th 1967- Aricka is born
August 1974- Aricka and Steve meet for the first time- they shared a table in kindergarten. They don’t speak to each other a lot because they have different friends.
August 29th 1977- Aricka and Steve are assigned partners on a book report project. They discover they have a lot in common and when Steve’s friends exclude him for hanging out with her she claims him for her own friend and has him join her friend group. They’re ten years old.
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The entirety of 1978- Aricka’s seven year old sister Sara dies of leukemia. Her parents start fighting and split up. Aricka decides to live with her dad. Throughout all of this Steve, Dori, Billy, Aricka, and Eddie never leave.
Spring break of 1979- Aricka finds out Steve’s parents are barely home and he’s alone a lot. She agrees not to say anything but says he can stay at her house anytime he wants and her dad won’t mind.
September 1981- Aricka and Steve kiss for the first time under the starry ceiling at Hawkins middle school. They become a couple on this date as well. They are 13 years old.
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November 6th 1983- They’re 16 now. Will byers goes missing and they were a couple of the last people who saw him. They go looking and find nothing. Eventually they find him but they get involved in something way bigger than either of them; and find themselves leaning on each other more than ever before.
Entirety of 1984- they’re closer than ever. They guard each other’s backs and study harder than ever to be on top of things for graduation. They help with UpsideDown related issues and keep their heads down unless it’s something to do with their interests.
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March 13, 1985: El officially becomes Jane Alicia Hopper, Aricka’s little sister.
March-July 1985- Aricka moves in with Steve immediately following graduation. The two plan to get married as soon as possible and work multiple jobs to do so. They end up captured and tortured under the Starcourt mall and are subsequently drugged with truth serum.
August of 1985- Steve asks Aricka to marry him. She obviously says yes.
September of 1985- Jim Hopper asks Joyce Byers to marry him. She says yes.
November 1985- they elope with Aricka Munson, Billy Hargrove, Dori Henderson and Eddie Munson as witnesses.
March 1986- neither of them fall victim to Vecna’s curse but they do have key roles in his demise. Aricka helps Aricka Munson and Billy protect Max and Lucas in the Creel house while Steve is in the UpsideDown actually taking Vecna down.
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August 3 1986- Sara Jane Harrington is born. Named after Aricka’s sister. 7 lbs 3 ounces.
August of 1987- Jim and Joyce finally get married. Aricka gains two new brothers- Will and Jonathan.
July 7 1988-Keegan Joseph Harrington is born. 7 lbs 4 ounces
May 1989- Max, Jane, Will, Mike, Dustin and Lucas graduate from Hawkins High School. Dustin is the valedictorian, Max is the salutatorian; all six kids are in the top ten of their class.
November 17 1989- both Aricka Harrington and Aricka Munson are in the little mermaid-! Both as sisters of the main character Ariel.
August 9 1990- Scarlett Gabrielle Harrington is born. 8 lbs 2 ounces.
November 22, 1991- Aricka is in her second Disney film alongside Aricka Munson- she was one of the girls obsessed with Gaston and Aricka Munson was the feather duster Plumette.
January 13 1992- for some reason, a portal from the UpsideDown opens. A child version of Steve falls out of the portal. Aricka and Steve decide to adopt him, and they nicknamed him SJ.
June 14th 1992- the portal opens a second and final time and two boys and a girl fall out of it- and Aricka and Steve welcome Emily into their home. Aricka and Steve are now 23. Jane is 19.
August of 1992- Aricka and Steve help move Jane into her college dorm- Anderson University- she wants to discover a cure for cancer.
February 14 1993- Dahlia Rowan Harrington- the final Harrington baby- is born. 6 lbs 4 ounces. Their first and only NICU baby.
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @callsign-revenge @tsundere-selfship
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