#Aricka and the Party
StrangerNatural: return to the bunker
(The Hawkins Seven, the Party, team free will; Aricka Munson-Winchester x Billy Hargrove. Aricka Hopper x Steve)
(After they killed Vecna, everyone involved with the UpsideDown fight move to Kansas. Aricka comes home.)
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(Aricka’s bedroom courtesy of Pinterest. If you want rooms for the teens and kids of Hawkins let me know-!)
All the cars that had left Hawkins pull into the garage of the bunker. Aricka pulls her baby- her ‘69 Dodge Charger- into it’s spot, right next to Dean’s car. She sits for a moment, anxiously gripping the steering wheel.
She was home. But was it still home-?
“Aricka?” Chrissy. “You okay, sweetie?” Always perceptive, that Chrissy Cunningham.
“Yeah,” she said. “Just a little anxious to be home.”
“Well, I don’t think anyone here blames you- for us it’s only been six months but for you it’s been six whole years. You have every right to be nervous.” Jeff, Lucas and Erica Sinclair had already exited the car, walking over to their friends. Aricka nods, and Robin squeezes her shoulder.
“Those brothers of yours seem to be the type to let you readjust at your own pace. Just take a moment to breathe.” Aricka smiles at her friends- two girls she’d considered sisters since she met them.
“Thanks guys.” She unlocks her door and climbs out. “Let’s do this.”
*time jump*
“Well- here’s the door shortstop.” Dean turns to her, and Aricka felt her eyes well up with tears. “I know I said it already but- welcome home.”
Aricka smiles and swipes at her face before walking up and gripping the door handle, twisting and pushing it open to reveal-
Home. Just like she’d left it.
The comforting smell of coffee, books, and something she never could quite identify washes over her, and Aricka walks over to the edge of the railing. Closes her eyes. Takes one long, deep breath in. Then opens her eyes.
She was home.
After a permissive glance, she walked over to the railing, climbed on, and slid down, duffle clutched tightly in her hands as she let out a victorious WHOOP-! And laughed, the others following behind her.
Billy walks over to her, takes her bag from her. “You okay?” He asks, those blue eyes searching for any sign that she was struggling. Aricka smiles back at him, stands on her tiptoes to kiss him.
“Honestly?” He nods. “I’ve got my family all together. For the first time in six years. I’ve never been happier.” She’d dreamed of the off chance of her two worlds colliding one day.
She’d never expected it to happen like this. But she was so happy it did.
“… and this is my room.” She pauses. “They didn’t take out the “Girl Cave,” sign. Huh.” That made her wonder- did they even touch her bedroom in the years she was gone?
Pushing the door open, she stepped inside so the kids and teens- the ragtag bunch of friends she’d managed to gather together, to turn into a family- could enter her space. “C’mon in guys. I’ve got plenty of space for you to sit, or chill out on. And I’ve got a mini fridge with drinks and a mini pantry of snacks- just help yourself.”
Dori walks over to the mini pantry, manages to find a snack that wasn’t expired after six years. “Aricka.." Dori starts, "I mean this in the nicest way possible. Your room is crazy!"
Aricka grins, and shakes her head. “I can explain each appliance if that helps. I’ve got a television, which I help pay for, a giant light that projects the planets and stars, the mini fridge and pantry are self explanatory…. I’ve got a karaoke machine, my lava lamp…My room at Wayne’s is just a toned down version of this. Eddie can vouch for me.”
Will climbs the ladder to her loft bed, where he found a familiar looking stuffed animal. “Chewie!” He picks up Aricka’s teddy bear. “You have two of them?”
“Yeah. Cas made the other one. He didn’t want me to be lonely.”
Dustin opens up the mini fridge, taking out a can of soda, "Aricka, you're officially the coolest person ever."
Aricka absolutely BEAMED at the kid. “I think you still hold that title. Professor D. Check out my computer. It’s like the ones in Hawkins but smaller, lightweight and portable.”
El picks up a purple cow print blanket. “Soft…” she whispers.
Aricka smiles. “You want it Janie?”
The girl nods eagerly.
“Then it’s yours now.” Jane grinned and wrapped the blanket around her like a cape, humming softly.
"Okay, but your tv is so... flat." Dori says walking up to it, "Are all modern tvs like this?"
“Yeah, it’s a flatscreen. Um- I don’t know how best to explain it. Sammy’s the tech geek of the five of us.”Max was currently sitting in the hammock in the corner of Aricka’s room, observing everything with her earbuds still in.
“Aricka- this photo wall- who are all these people?” Will asks, pointing to the photos along her wall.
Aricka’s expression turns to one of nostalgia. “It’s my family- uh- the rest of my family.”
"The rest of your family?" Dori asked
“Yeah. You guys all know I consider you my family now, right? Well.. these photos- they’re memories. Of people still living. Some who are not. But- everyone on this wall means something to me. This is how I commemorate their legacy.” Then she pulls out a book, containing various Polaroids. “Now, I can add more, and tell you all stories of the family I have here?”
“That's cool." Dustin smiles, looking over the pictures.
“That’s neat that you chose to honor them like that,” Steve commented.
“Thanks Stevie- oh, that’s my mama,” Aricka says, pointing at a picture of a woman in a police uniform. “Sherif Jody Mills. Aka mama Jody. She’s got a house for “wayward daughters.” I spent a few months with her when I was 14- I needed a mom really badly then. That’s when I started calling her that. Her and momma Donna. They both consider me their kid.”
Aricka selects her first picture- one of her and Dori at the arcade from a few months back- and hangs it right beside the one of Jody.
Dori smiles, and Eddie nudges their shoulder.
“… that’s Ellen and Jo.” Aricka is somber for this memory. “They died saving me and Sammy and De. Jo was-,” her lip quivers. “She was like my sister.”
A picture of Aricka and Eddie singing together goes beside them- a brother by a sister.
Dori places their hand on Aricka's shoulder, "I'm sorry."
Aricka shakes her head. Wipes her face. “I was ten. It was a while ago. I’m okay now.”
“Who’s that?” Will asks, pouting to a scruffy looking man.
Aricka’s whole attitude changed as she grinned. “Aw, that’s Garth-! He’s one of my best friends - he’s a werewolf who defeated the tooth fairy.”
Dustin's eyes widen, ".... I don't even know how to process what you just said." he chuckles.
Aricka giggles. “Trust me, you get used to it. Especially in this line of work. Dean and Sam are probably telling Joyce and Jim and uncle Wayne all sorts of stories.”
Aricka hangs a picture of the kids by a picture of a boy wearing a red and white striped shirt with a matching hat. She smiles fondly yet still with some sadness.
“That’s Samandriel. An angel. Um.. Billy knows already but he was my first boyfriend. He died a few months before I came to Hawkins.”
"Oh man... I'm sorry that happened."
“Billy and I helped each other in a lot of ways.” She smiles at the boy, who was looking at her pictures.
“You told me about this girl-said Buckley would like her.”
“Oh yeah, Charlie! Robin you would LOVE Charlie. She’s a total nerd and loves a good montage moment”.
"Sounds like my kind of girl." Robin says, "I'd love to get to know her someday."
“She’s gonna probably kill me when she finds out I’m back… and I haven’t texted her yet.. but in my defense it’s been six years technically since I’ve texted- .”
“Texted? What’s that?” Robin interjects.
“Oh!” Aricka pulls her phone out. “I’ll show you. Remind me we need to get all of you Hawkins natives phones- and phone numbers- and at least one social media app.” She pulls up her messaging app. “So this is Charlie’s contact information. I’m gonna click it, and this thread is our conversation- holy wow. June 19th at 8:45 was my last text to Charlie- lemme just send her a message.”
Aricka’s fingers fly across the phone keyboard as she sends out a message to her sister/friend.
“The prodigal sisters returns-! Missed you Cici.”
"Wow. Pretty convenient way of contacting someone." Dori said.
“Yeah, technology advances pretty quickly once y2k happens. My favorite invention thus far is the air fryer… genius.”
"The WHAT?" Dustin asked.
“It a machine that fries food but doesn’t make it greasy- it’s amazing”.
“Okay, that's the first thing we're gotta try as soon as possible." Max walks over and ducks under Aricka’s arm, wrapping both of hers around her big sister’s waist. “Hey there, it’s my all time favorite red headed teenager.”
Max smiles and leans her head against Aricka. “I’m with Dustin- I’m hungry.”
“Okay, I can make us some air fryer pizza rolls and French fries, how’s that sound?”
"YEAH!" Dustin exclaimed
“Yes please.” El says, followed by various agreements:
“Sounds good.”
“Whatever you make is fine.”
“I’d like it.”
“Heck yeah.”
Dean walks in then. Notices the redhead- Max, or as Aricka called her; MadMax. “Heard you say you’re gonna make food- but aside from that how’s settling in going? We have plenty of space for all of you to have your own rooms.”
“We’re good Dean,” the cheerleader with an edge to her- Chrissy, he reminded himself- says; a smile on her face. “Aricka’s just introducing us to the rest of her family.”
Dean woke up to a loud scream followed by two different sets of feet thumping down the hallway. He gave the two sets of feet five minutes to reach their destination before he gave pursuit, when he heard voices coming from room 20- the room “Little Red” as he’d nicknamed Max, had claimed.
“Hey, Maxie, it’s me and Aricka- just breathe. We’re going to stay here until you feel better.” That was Billy. Aricka had explained in brief detail the story of these two- and he felt a sort of older brother connection to the kids.
“It’s okay, MadMax, we’re at the bunker. Sammy De and Cassie wouldn’t let anybody who wanted to hurt us past the door. We’re all safe. We all left Hawkins. We’re starting a new life- a new family. All of us. We won’t let anyone get hurt- we’ll keep each other safe. Just go back to sleep.” That was Aricka. Hearing his, Sam and Cas’s names being listed as protectors brought a sad sort of smile to his face.
“I’ll fight off the bad dreams kid. You sleep now.” When the room went quiet after a moment, he poked his head into the room to check on them- and this time the smile on his face wasn’t a sad one; it was a fond one.
Max was in the middle of the bed, dried tears sticking to her red cheeks as she clung to Billy even in her sleep. Aricka had her arms protectively around both siblings- defensive even in sleep. Billy also had both of the girls in his arms, but the blanket had shifted down to their knees in the shuffle to get comfortable, he assumed. So he pulled the blanket back up so they wouldn’t get cold during the night, flicked on the nightlight Aricka had insisted each “kid” and “teen” get- having experiences with her own nightmares- and then quietly left the room.
They could all talk in the morning. If he was gaining new siblings, he wanted to help them any way he could.
Not that he’d ever phrase it that way. But they would know. And that’s all that mattered.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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hyperionshipping · 11 months
Two questions:
What’s little ones name 👀
Grace wants to know if she can come have a tea party with your little one 👀🥺
OKAYYY okay so. She's technically like... Not a True fankid. She's more so just like... An idea in my head I toss around sometimes. But I can answer these 8)!
Marnie! Though I'm toying with Marlowe as well. But Marnie was her original name when I first started stuff for her in my head
Of course!! I'd set 'em up, let them have fun in the playroom. I think I'd have a whole play kitchen for her 'cause she'd help me cook suppers and so, a lot of her pretend play would be cooking. Amongst the very real pirate journeys in her cardboard pirate ship, or, her boat shaped bed!
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letsgofoletsgo · 2 years
Dear friend,
You are hereby invited to the royal wedding of Queen Aricka of Glay Don Wood and her fiancé, Crown Prince Peter Parker, fondly nicknamed Tobey.
The wedding will be Tuesday May 31, at the Central Glay Don Wood Royal Castle, beginning at 5:30.
The theme is, “We’re Each Other’s Hero.” Dress like a wedding casual version of your favorite superhero from any media-!
The reception will be comfy/casual; in the Central Glay Don Wood Community Park, and begins at 6:45 with appetizers while the wedding party takes photos.
The dance floor will open promptly at 7 and close at 11:30. We will then relocate to the entrance of the park and send Aricka and Peter off with a flower petal toss that their carriage can ride over!
We hope to see all of you there.
Queen Evelyn Rose Grimhilde of Eastern Glay Don Wood.
Onyx and Jay shall wear their best attire 👔💕
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rosieshipper · 2 years
Dear friend,
You are hereby invited to the royal wedding of Queen Aricka of Glay Don Wood and her fiancé, Crown Prince Peter Parker, fondly nicknamed Tobey.
The wedding will be Tuesday May 31, at the Central Glay Don Wood Royal Castle, beginning at 5:30.
The theme is, “We’re Each Other’s Hero.” Dress like a wedding casual version of your favorite superhero from any media-!
The reception will be comfy/casual; in the Central Glay Don Wood Community Park, and begins at 6:45 with appetizers while the wedding party takes photos.
The dance floor will open promptly at 7 and close at 11:30. We will then relocate to the entrance of the park and send Aricka and Peter off with a flower petal toss that their carriage can ride over!
We hope to see all of you there.
Queen Evelyn Rose Grimhilde of Eastern Glay Don Wood.
Oh you bet that I’m gonna come to the wedding!! Wanda! Bust out the dresses we’re going to a wedding!
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mariposalass · 2 years
Dear friend,
You are hereby invited to the royal wedding of Queen Aricka of Glay Don Wood and her fiancé, Crown Prince Peter Parker, fondly nicknamed Tobey.
The wedding will be Tuesday May 31, at the Central Glay Don Wood Royal Castle, beginning at 5:30.
The theme is, “We’re Each Other’s Hero.” Dress like a wedding casual version of your favorite superhero from any media-!
The reception will be comfy/casual; in the Central Glay Don Wood Community Park, and begins at 6:45 with appetizers while the wedding party takes photos.
The dance floor will open promptly at 7 and close at 11:30. We will then relocate to the entrance of the park and send Aricka and Peter off with a flower petal toss that their carriage can ride over!
We hope to see all of you there.
Queen Evelyn Rose Grimhilde of Eastern Glay Don Wood.
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Oh thank you! Will be looking forward to it!
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sappy-secrets · 3 years
Dear friend of Glay Don Wood,
Well; to quote a popular holiday song, “Tis the season!” For a wedding that is.
Aricka and her longtime beau, Bernard Evergreen, are set to be married Friday, December 24, aka Christmas Eve, at 2:30, on the cliffs overlooking the kingdom of Central Glay Don Wood.
The theme is: An Enchanted Christmas. Dress up like royalty! Wear your finest gowns or suits.
You may bring as many plus ones as you like, just be sure to specify how many you’re bringing in the reply to this invitation!
Childcare will be provided as well as a child friendly menu at the reception.
The reception will take place in the Auradon Castle Main Ballroom, and begins promptly at 5:30 with the bridal party making their entrance then.
Aricka and Bernard will be sent off with a glow stick send off at 9:15, so at 8:45 collect your glow sticks and assemble outside on the castle steps!
We are so excited for this union and cannot wait for you all to see what Aricka and Bernard are planning!!!!
Very warmly and sincerely,
Queen Evelyn Rose Grimhilde of Eastern Glay Don Wood.
Your Majesty, Queen Grimhilde,
I greatly appreciate this invitation to what is sure to be a celebration to be remembered! With this message I would like to RSVP three individuals:
Myself, Samael Morritt
My husband, Detective Almond Cookie
And our daughter, Walnut Cookie.
We look forward to celebrating with you and are sending well wishes and plenty of holiday cheer to you, the happy couple, and all of Glay Don Wood!
Samael Morritt
P.S. Happy Holidays! 🎄
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disneymarina · 3 years
Dearest friend of Aricka and Killian,
Well; once again my sister has found her True Love. And it lay in the hands of Killian Jones, or as many know him as, Captain Hook.
Yesterday (October 28), as you all know he surprised her with a picnic proposal on the Jolly Roger; and she answered with an resounding yes!
The wedding is set for November 22, with guests being seated at 6.
The theme is, “A pirate’s life for me”,- dress like you are in a pirate movie/dress like a famous movie pirate. Or typical wedding attire will suffice- the couple doesn’t want anyone to be uncomfortable.
The ceremony will begin promptly at 6:30 P.M., Aricka being walked down the aisle by her brother David Nolan-Charming and sister Regina Mills.
The reception will begin at 8:30, with the bridal party entering then.
The couple will be sent off with sparklers as they make their way to a carriage that will transport them to their honeymoon.
Please RSVP before or by November 15, do so in replying to this ask or DM-ing Aricka to inform her of your attendance!
Thank you for reading this invitation and let’s make their day a magical one!
Her Royal Majesty of the United Realms,
Regina Mills, the Good Queen, Mayor of Storybrooke.
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good job @logical-princey :D
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astralshipper · 5 years
Hey! Just a reminder of the Bunker Halloween Party tonight! Wear a costume and bring candy and drinks!! Everyone's gonna be there!
Oh gosh, yes, definitely!! That sounds like so much fun omfg, I’ll definitely be there. And sorry, Sam, I’ll be stuffing my face with so so so much candy tonight, and it’s gonna be AMAZING. Thank you Aricka!! :DDD
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New Year’s Eve.
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I was dressed in my red and gold 1920’s gown with my hair up in a Victorian updo. Providence still hasn’t figured out my relationship with Van Kleiss. Only a few people knew that he had thrown the party. The ballroom was beautiful. The walls were colored like sand, the floor was made out of marble, the columns were gold with a bunch of carvings on the top and the bottom of them, the candelabra hung in the middle of the room.
Against the walls were white wooden tables with red table runners and a bunch of food on plates on the table. I was dancing by my self, waiting on midnight to be nye. I had just woken up from the spare bedroom a few minutes ago. Rex was hanging out with Annie, Noah, and another girl by the windows. Six and Holiday were talking near the stairs. Van Kleiss was nowhere to be seen. Even though the party is a masquerade, his arm would’ve made it completely obvious as to who he is. The time was 11:50 and I decided to look for him. I walked to kitchen, opened the pantry, and pressed the not-so-obvious button behind the floor. The door swung open to reveal a hallway. Before the door shut, I quickly walked in and turned on the lights. I eventually made it to the carpeted stairs, which I proceeded to walk up.
When I made it out of the room, I walked to my room. There, I found Van Kleiss sitting at my desk, reading. “Darling, I want people to know about us. Can you please come down so we can kiss at midnight,” I asked in a happy tone. He looked up and said, “Are you sure about this? If we make our relationship public, people will gossip about you.”
“That won’t bother me. I’m sure that I want this. I don’t want to keep it in the dark anymore.”
“Alright. Follow me.” And with that, he put his book down, and headed downstairs. As we walked downstairs, everybody stared at us. I could see the disgust in everybody’s eyes. “People are gonna talk. Let them,” I whispered into his ear. He gently lifted up my hand and kissed it. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I smiled.
Six noticed that Rex was probably gonna tell us off, and stopped him. Holiday had a disapproving look on her face. Almost everybody didn’t seem to notice the timer had 10 seconds left until midnight. I started counting down very loud and people quickly joined in. Van Kleiss faced me as 2 was said. He pulled me closer and when 1 was said, he started kissing me. I kissed him back. He put his mechanical arm around my waist, and I put my hands on his waist. Electro swing music started playing. I pulled away and asked him, “do you wish to dance?” He agreed to, and we danced until 1.
Tag list: @aricka-and-her-fictional-others
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Descendants coronation outfits part 3
The Notorius Nine
Mal Page:
I wanted to pay homage to her mystical fae roots, and her ties to the earth/nature magic that the Moors has. I tried to pay tribute to the movie dress, give her an Isle edge but also introduce this soft, new, Auradon girl look to her aesthetic.
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Crown princess Evelyn Grimhilde:
Evie is pretty similar- I didn’t like how it looked like a dollar store costume so I researched and found this beautiful dress that looks like a more realistic version of what she wears in the movie, plus it connects her to Hanover and their love of the stars/diamonds of the dwarf mines
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Jay Scheherazade
Jay gets to keep his canon outfit for the after party, but for the coronation itself I think he needs a more formal outfit, so I found this handsome maroon and black suit that he would look like a knockout in-! He could definitely still run and move around in this, and the subtle accessories make for a dashing Auradon gentleman vibe.
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Carlos DeVil-Radcliffe
For Carlos; I wanted to clothe him in white, because he is one of the purest and sincerest yet most powerful and brave guys I know. He is definitely breaking free of his mother’s grip and becoming his own person and the hero of his own story and I wanted his outfit to show that.
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Uma Nautica:
Uma’s dress was a bit tricky, but I pulled inspiration from her GORGEOUS cotillion dress and found this stunning turquoise layered dress with a bit of a mermaid flare to the skirt.
The beading looks similar to shells and sea glass you find on the beach and she could wear so many necklaces and other bits of jewelry with this outfit and it would look perfect with black combat boots as well.
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Harry (eventually Charming)
I was really excited to find a suit for Harry, because his outfit is a statement of how he has completely left his past (but not his sisters) behind and is embracing life with his lady and true love Princess Aricka Charming as his future and how he no longer wishes to be seen as captain Hook’s son
This champagne/cream white suit also lets him match with Aricka because it’s a neutral color and he could wear the hook in full size or let Uma turn it into a charm on a necklace for him to wear
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Gil Charming:
Gil not only leaves behind his past BUT the colors associated with Gaston by the time coronation comes around. Instead of always wearing light browns and tans, he embraced earth tones of emerald green, brown and creamy whites. He prefers light and airy material that allows free movement and makes him feel like a prince.
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Aricka Kore Page:
Aricka Kore and her boyfriend Prince Sebastian White are a cute matching pair in their midnight blue suit and dress and own the carriage ride procession to the chapel where coronation happens
She is proud of who her dad is and hasn’t thought about her mother’s approval in years. Evie made her this dress to introduce her as a princess of Olympus
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Azalea ( @letsgofoletsgo )
Given their love of gems, they would dazzle their suit with emeralds and onyx’s, representative of how they’ve come to embrace themself and their identity.
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The Second Chance Part One: The Potion
(Draco is summoned from his holding cell. Him and Aricka have a conversation. He takes the potion; and their new life begins.)
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( @jvh1988 I found this on Google, but I couldn’t find it on the gif search, just wanted to make sure I gave you the proper credit!)
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*August 1998, 3 months after the Battle of Hogwarts*
“I think if he’s with me, if he can trust me- we were in the same House in school, there’s an established connection right there. Please give me a chance with him- let me take a chance on Draco,” Aricka says. Kingsley gives her a long look.
“You’ve thought this through,” he said, that low, rumbling baritone of his wanting to shake the glass out the windows of the room they were sitting in. Aricka looks at her twin and they both nod.
“Of any of the candidates for this initiative, they need it the most. Especially Draco,” Aricka pleads softly. “He was just a kid, just like the rest of us. He wanted to protect his mother. The head Auror nods.
“Very well. You may have the Malfoy boy. And Harry, you may have Malfoy senior. I’m giving them each one chance. They step a toe out of line and it’s over for them.” Aricka nods.
“He’ll behave. I trust him.”
“See that you ensure that,” he warned sternly. “I want this to work as much as you do.”
“Thank you Kingsley. We both appreciate this,” Harry said, shaking his hand.
“We really do,” Aricka echoed. The elder man nods.
“Anything for the twins who saved the Wizarding World twice over.”
The room he was in was as cold as his holding cell had been. Draco looked around, but nothing held a clue as to what would happen next.He had been told that he was selected for the Second Chance Initiative, and what that would entail. He wasn’t all that keen on going to Azkaban, so he-begrudgingly but willingly- signed the contract and then was sent into this room; and the door sealed behind him.
The door opened, and both parties gasped when they laid eyes on each other. Draco took in the sight of Aricka Potter, who had saved him when the Fiendfyre blazed out of control in the Come and Go Room. He could still remember her soft hand gripping his with a startling amount of strength, could still smell her soft scented perfume and hear her voice even though she hadn’t said a word yet.
She was truly beautiful- her hair longer than he’d ever known it to be, cascading down her back in loose ringlets. She wore a pale blue shirt under a white cardigan, and a long flowing skirt that matched the top she wore. She also wore the ring of the house of Slytherin- that had come as a shock and yet not a shock all at once. Everyone had always underestimated Aricka in school- even Draco. He wouldn’t make that mistake again.
Aricka took in Draco and her heart tore in two. He wasn’t the same 18 year old she’d seen at Hogwarts. He wore a grey jumpsuit, and his feet were bare. His hair was a mess, and she ached to wonder why it was in such a state. He was thinner than she’d ever seen him, and he had yet to look her directly in the eye, and instead of sitting at the offered table, he sat in the corner of the room.
Well, whatever made him comfortable, she supposed. “Hello, Draco,” she said aloud. “Would you like to join me here? Or should I sit with you? Whatever you want is fine with me.”
The boy finally looked at her, and he stood, moving to sit at the table wordlessly. “You don’t have to tiptoe around me- I won’t shatter,” he said. There was the boy she went to school with, she thought with a smirk.
“Alright then,” she agreed. “First off- right away- can I make a deal with you?”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Depends on the deal.”
“Don’t worry, nothing serious,” she said. “I’ll let you call me Aricka if I can call you Draco. I feel like calling each other by our last names would draw some suspicion from our neighbors,” she said. The Initiative had the candidates and their caregivers living in Muggle society for six months- doing everything the way a non magic person would.
The deal had merit in Draco’s mind, he didn’t want to be the cause of any suspicion and alert the outside world to the Wizarding World at large. He nodded. “Alright then- Aricka. Tell me one thing- what do you get out of this? Eternal glory? Praise for taming the Slytherin Prince?”
Aricka met his gaze. “I get the satisfaction of knowing you’re getting the care you deserve,” she says in that soft manner of hers. The answer caught him off guard; and she found herself on the receiving end of a scrutinizing Draco Malfoy stare. She met it right on; grey-blue eyes meeting sapphire blues. “Draco, I want us to be friends. But if that’s too much, then can we just- work together? I don’t want you to be sent away anymore than you want to go- there.” She couldn’t even bring herself to say the word. “You’re so smart, I know you can do anything you set your mind to. And I know you never back down from a challenge.” She held out a silvery blue vial. “I’ll be there every step of the way. You’ll never find any judgment from me. I’m here to help you learn.”
The earnest tone of her voice was enough to convince Draco of her sincerity. He wraps his hand around hers, around the vial. “How old-?” He asks softly.
“Think of a time when you were happy,” she said. “From when you were little. Preferably before Hogwarts. The initiative really wants you to learn, and to depend on others.” He nods.
“… is five okay?” He remembered Christmas at that age- it had been his favorite because he had got a training broom and rode it til it broke. Aricka gave him a soft smile.
“If five is what you want, then five you shall be.” He nods. “Just focus on the memory from that age. The potion does the rest. Oh and one more thing- a quick question.” He nods. “I have to Apparate us to our temporary home- do I have your permission to carry you? You’ll fall asleep. If not; we can wait here until you wake up.”
“No- that’s fine,” he said. “I- I trust you won’t hurt me.” She smiled at that.
“I swear I’ll never ever hurt you,” she promised. Once again she caught him off guard and he shook his head.
“You’re just full of surprises aren’t you.” Not a question. She grins.
“Guess you’ll find out,” she replied. She looks at the watch on her wrist. “It’s time.” She meets his gaze. “I’ll catch you. Go ahead.” The words were exactly what he needed to hear as he unstoppered the vial. He held it to her as if to toast her, before holding it up and tipping back the contents into his mouth.
The effect was immediate, as he felt himself shrinking. Wide grey eyes met calm greens, and he reached for her, “Aricka-!” Was the last thing he said before he fell forward-
And everything went black.
Aricka caught the now five year old Draco in her arms, adjusting her grip so he wouldn’t fall; and before he could wake she took them home.
Once there; she set the boy on what was to be her bed. She covered him up, then took a moment to look at her new charge.
He was small- pale and his hair was even whiter than his school days. His cheeks were rosy, and he looked so innocent her heart broke once more. She smoothed his hair from his eyes. “I hope you can come to trust me, truly trust me, little one,” she whispered. Then she sat in the chair by the bed and waited.
Once Draco awoke, the hard part would begin.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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For any ship you’re into right now! @rosieshipper
Gonna answer for….
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The best boy-!!!
1. Our ship name is “Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy,” after our shared favorite Queen song.
2. Baby we’re THE ship, we’re the couple everyone wants to be, second only to Dori x Eddie ( @yeehawselfshipping 🫶)
3. I feel like Aricka Hopper would get mixed up with Aricka Munson so her and Billy get shipped together and I feel like also she might get shipped with Henry/001-??? Like a “I can fix him” ship thing.
4. Their first kiss, Aricka getting Vecna’d, them playing lead roles in their senior musical, then finding out that Aricka’s memories have been repressed for years and *spoilers*
5. “Idiots in love” “she fell first he fell harder” “Steve Harrington has a crush on Aricka Hopper,” “best friends to lovers” “worlds best babysitters” “The Party’s Actual Parents.”
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The wedding of Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper
(Jim x Joyce, Aricka Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Will Byers, Jane Ellie/Eleven Hopper)
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August 13 1987
Aricka stands in front of the mirror, her purple bridesmaid dress making her look like a cupcake. Her short cropped hair was curled and pinned away from her face, and she wore white sandals with buckles on them.
Someone knocks on the door and it opens to reveal- “Jonathan,” she says softly. Her new big brother opens the door all the way.
“May I come in? I have something for you that I want you to have before the wedding.” He holds out a wrapped gift.
“I wasn’t gonna give you yours til after but I can-,” Aricka starts but he stops her.
“No no, no, it’s fine. I just- I just want you to know I’m really, really happy that this is happening. I’m glad you’re gonna be my little-by- two-months sister.” The words almost make her tear up but she unwraps the gift and sees-
A brown leather bound book that says “Aricka, Will, Jane and Jon’s Adventure Book.” Carefully she opens it- and then the tears come. The book was FILLED with pictures Jonathan had taken of the four of them-
One at Aricka and Will’s first theater performance together. One of Aricka and Jane the day they officially adopted her- Jane had jumped into Aricka’s arms and cried. Aricka had a huge proud smile on her face. One of Aricka and Jonathan on graduation day- Aricka’s arms wrapped carefreely around his neck and his chin leaning against her forehead. One of them after the battle of Starcourt- Jane asleep in Aricka’s arms, Will leaned over against her. Aricka had a bloody lip and cuts on her forehead; and she looked exhausted, but this was the moment Aricka and Jonathan really leaned on each other for the first time. Clinging to their new sibling status. One of them and Argyle at the pizza place- Argyle holding up bunny ears behind Jon’s head.
So many memories. Will and Aricka on the closing night of her senior year musical. Jon and Aricka hugging in the reception line for that same musical. Aricka and her dad on graduation, then Joyce and Aricka and Jon together.
The last page didn’t have any pictures, but a quote instead: “A picture is worth a thousand words, but a memory is priceless.”
~ Jonathan and William Hopper-Byers
She looks up, tears dribbling down her cheeks as she sets the book down and walks over to hug him. Jon’s hug was as comfortable as ever, her chin on his shoulder, his temple pressed against hers, his arms around her back with hers around his neck. “I love you Jonathan Hopper-Byers,” she whispered.
“I love you too, Aricka Hopper-Byers. Now let’s go watch mom and dad get married.”
Aricka and Jon stood at the back of the chapel together, watching as Holly and Mike Wheeler walked down the aisle as the flower girl and ring bearer, and both stood with the bridal and groom parties when they finished. Next was Jane and Will, who linked arms and skipped down the aisle to the altar, the wonder twins making the audience chuckle fondly.
Then it was their turn. Jon offered his arm to Aricka. “Shall we; sis?” He asks softly. Aricka smiles, loops her hand through his arm; and pats his shoulder.
“Let’s go, big bro.” He smiles, a rare Jonathan Byers smile, and together they walk to the future.
“Do you, Jim Hopper; take Joyce Byers to be your lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, better or worse, sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?” Aricka was crying as she watched her dad get married, and Chrissy hands her a handkerchief to wipe her tears away.
“I do,” he says.
“And do you Joyce Byers take Jim Hopper to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, better or worse, sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?” Joyce smiled up at Hop and says as softly as Aricka had ever heard her,
“I do.”
“By the power vested in me; I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” Aricka and Jonathan beam at each other before bursting into cheers as their parents kiss.
“Hi; I’m Aricka, and I had the honor of being the matron of honor for my mama Joyce’s wedding. I was struggling to write a speech for today, and my big brother Jonathan said that I should do what I do best- write a song. So that’s what I did. Chrissy-?” The girl moves to the piano in the room, and Aricka moves to the sole mic stand. “This song is dedicated to my parents, my three siblings, and my husband. I love all of you guys so much. I’m feeling the love right now.”
Chrissy begins to play; and Aricka begins to sing;
“You don't know you've been looking 'til you find it
Don't know what you've been missing 'til it's there
It's stronger than a spell, it's magic in itself
It's an ever after like you've never felt…” she motions for her dad and mom to take the dance floor, and they do, gently swaying to the music.
“It's the sum of the times of your life…” Steve walks over to stand by her: and she grins as she sings to him,
“It's the person you're standing beside
And it's the pride that you're feeling inside
For who you are, you've come so far…” she takes the mic off the stand and starts jumping and spinning,
“I'm feeling the la-la-love
You make me feel alive
True love you can't deny…” Chrissy joins Aricka, adding a beautiful harmony to the song;
“I'm feeling that dream come true
Here with you
And love is around us too
Ooh, and I feel the love (I'm feeling the)
(Ooh, make you feel alive)…”
Aricka and Billy start singing together, sharing a mic as they dance, and Aricka Harrington’s siblings join her on the floor,
“The journey might not always be that easy
Twist and turns can take you anywhere
Together or apart, you gotta trust your heart 'cause
The power of true love will get you there
Yeah, it's the sum of the times of your life (Your life)
And it's the person you're standing beside (Oh)
Yeah, it's the pride that you're feeling inside (Yeah)
From where you are
And it's just the start…”
Will and Jane take turns spinning each other around, their laughter filling the room with love and warmth, and Aricka Harrington takes the chorus,
“I'm feeling the la-la-love
You make me feel alive
True love you can't deny
I'm feeling that dream come true
Here with you
And love is around us too
Ooh, and I feel the love (I'm feeling the)
(You make me feel alive)
(I'm feeling the)
(You make me feel alive)…”
Aricka and Steve are in their own little world; gazing into each other’s eyes and singing,
“For good and for better I found my forever
I can't wait to know where our story goes
This moment, this feeling is one you can't measure
I'm feelin' it
I'm feelin' it
Are you feeling it-?” And then Eddie Munson and Dori Henderson take their solo, hands clasped as they sing, (Eddie in parentheses)
“I'm feeling the la-la-love (I'm feeling the love)
You make me feel alive
True love you can't deny
I'm feeling that dream come true (Dream come true)
Here with you
And love is around us too (Love, love, love)
Ooh, and I feel the love-!”
The entirety of the Hawkins/Upsidedown gang were on the floor; the love they shared on full display, and Aricka finished the song she wrote with a soft,
“I'm feeling the la-la-love
I'm feeling the la-la-love…” and then her siblings- all three of them- run over to hug her.
Will was first - no longer the little boy who would press his face into her stomach, but now he would rest his head on her shoulder, one arm around her neck the other arm around her back, both of hers around his middle- and he was crying. “I love you Aricka,” he said. “I’m glad we’re actually siblings now. This is gonna be so great-!”
Jane was next. “Sisters always,” she whispered, as they had ever since El first showed up in Hawkins. Jane wrapped her arms around Aricka’s middle; and Aricka had one arm around her back, the other hand cradled her head to Aricka’s shoulder.
Jonathan waited patiently for his chance, and they hugged just as they had before the wedding. “Love ya sis. You did great,” he said.
Joyce and Jim follow them; Jim cupping Aricka’s cheeks and kissing her forehead as he had since she was a child, Joyce hugging Aricka and cradling the back of her head against her shoulder. “Thank you, baby,” Joyce whispers.
“I love you mom,” Aricka whispered back. “I love you, dad.”
“I love you too, baby girl.” Pride was not the adequate word Jim was looking for when he looked down at his firstborn- the little girl who had once been his only reason for living. He had done everything he could do so his daughter would be happy and be able to do whatever she wanted to do.
Now they both had the happy ending they deserved.
And Aricka couldn’t wait to see what the next chapter brought.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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Stranger Things Character Profile
Aricka Munson
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Full name: Aricka Estelle Munson
Meaning: Aricka means eternal ruler” or “ever powerful”. Estelle means star. Munson is a pet form of the word Magnus which means great.
Nicknames: Stella, butterfly, baby, sweetheart, bright eyes, twin, sis, She-Ra, Adora,
Birthday: April 28th, 1967
Birth place: Fishers, Indiana
Physical appearance and characteristics
Eye color: hazel-brown with flecks of blue
Hair color: brown but she dyes the ends of it different colors depending on her mood
Height: 5’3”
Dominant hand: her left hand
Notable features: her Mickey Mouse birthmark on her right elbow, her dimples, her freckles across the bridge of her nose and her cheeks
Jewelry: her ears are pierced, she has a helix piercing for her headaches, the top cartilage on her right ear is pierced. She loves wearing necklaces and bracelets and she has a few rings that she wears when she remembers to.
Accessories: a watch that belonged to her mom, she loves wearing beanies, she has glasses, instead of a purse she wears a small backpack.
Are they healthy: she’s as healthy as the average person in the 80s was.
Any allergies: she has a latex allergy, she has spring allergies- pollen, dust; etc.
Glasses: yes. She wears a pair of blue glasses that bring out the blue in her eyes.
Preferred hairstyle: she likes a pixie cut with bangs, her hair isn’t curly like her brothers’ are.
Skin tone: tan
Marks/scars: most of her scars come after the mess with the UpsideDown but here is a list of said scars:
Season one: her knees and hands get scraped up when she falls in the forest looking for Will, she gets a bloody nose from the fight against the Demogorgon
Season two: she falls and hits her head in the tunnels under the pumpkin patch, giving her a mild concussion, she gets cuts and scratches from shattered glass, mostly mild injuries this season
Season three: Aricka, along with Billy, Robin, Steve and Aricka Hopper are taken and tortured by the Russians who have been working under the Starcourt mall, in a search for answers about who they work for. She gains several bruises and cuts, as well as burns from the mall fire. She was also drugged and gets another mild concussion after falling in the elevator and hitting her head roughly against the door.
Chapter four: Aricka almost gets strangled by a demobat when it catches her off guard, she’s almost taken by Vecna but survives, she breaks her arm when she falls trying to get Max away from Jason carver.
Preferred clothing: she’s a rainbow of color, but also likes to have black clothing to even it out. She likes bright makeup and fun hair clips and has a collection of cute outfits she rotated through.
Speech style: she tends to speak faster than her brain forms the words, so she ends up stuttering and backtracking a lot. She gesticulates with her hands a lot when she’s talking; more so when she’s emotional or passionate about what she’s talking about.
Drives/motivation: she’s motivated by protecting her family, friends and loved ones. She would do anything to keep those she loves most safe.
Sense of humor: dark. She has a dark sense of humor, almost an existential sense of humor that is contrary to her bright personality.
Talents: she loves reading, writing and singing. She wants to either be a Broadway actress or a Disney voice actress someday.
This or that:
Private/public: she’s a private person. Being in public wears her out, she much prefers to spend time with her close circle of friends than go to a loud party.
Leader/follower: a bit of both. It depends on the scenario.
Daredevil/cautious: she can absolutely be a daredevil but when her family is on the line she is always super cautious.
Optimist/pessimist/realist: she’s an optimist and a realist. She can be super optimistic and look on the bright side but she also knows when to be realistic and to not get her hopes up.
Speaker/listener: both. She can talk and talk and fill up silence if needed but also she can be quiet as a mouse and listen to what her loved ones have to say.
Loud/quiet: both. Again she can be as loud or as quiet as the situation calls for.
Messy/organized; messy. This girl tries so hard to be organized but she just can’t keep herself organized to save her life.
Solo/team player: she’s a team player through and through. She knows she can’t do life on her own, she would much rather do it with a team.
Introvert/extrovert: she’s very introverted. Being in public wears her out and she doesn’t like how loud being in public can be.
Relaxed/serious: she’s a very relaxed person unless her family is in danger, then she’s serious.
Hometown: Hawkins Indiana, about a half hour from Kokomo, Muncie and Anderson Indiana.
Social class: lower-middle class, part of the blue collar class.
Education: she graduated from Hawkins and is currently fighting the UpsideDown but she does wanna go to college. Eventually. Someday.
First memory: meeting her best friend Chrissy Cunningham on the first day of kindergarten - they had the same backpack and wore the same Charlotte’s web shirt, and a friendship was cemented.
Worst memory: seeing her boyfriend Billy being beat by his dad when they were 18.
Best memory: kissing Billy Hargrove for the first time at the eighth grade dance when they were 13.
Most important childhood event/why: meeting Billy Hargrove on the swings in fourth grade. Because that’s when her whole life changed. And she met the boy who would later become her husband. Her soul mate. Her best friend for life.
Role models; her uncle Wayne, her older brother Eddie, Joyce byers, Jim Hopper, Claudia Henderson.
Where does she live and with whom: at the trailer park with her uncle Wayne and three brothers.
Where does she want to live: in California with Billy; Max and her and Billy’s future kids.
Type of childhood: happy. Safe. Loved.
Mom: Barbra-Anne Munson
Dad: Alan Munson
Siblings: three brothers: Eddie: Arthur and Ralph. She’s the second of four quadruplets.
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Best guy friend/boyfriend/Husband: Billy Hargrove
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Best girl friend: Chrissy Cunningham
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Best friends: Aricka Hopper, Dori Henderson, Steve Harrington, Chrissy, Robin, Patrick, Eddie, Arthur, Ralph, Jonathan, Vicki, Gareth, Jeff and Grant
Favorite kid of the party: Max Mayfield-Munson
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Any kids: several- Michael, James, Annabeth, BJ, Kevin, and Angela Munson.
Pets: a dog named Spike and a cat named Charlie.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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DWTS AU night five: Disney night
(… almost Aricka x Bradley)
(@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge )
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“For this week’s Disney filled performance, our dynamic duo took a trip to the Magic Kingdom itself, Disneyland! Find out what happened when they discovered they’d be doing a waltz to an iconic Disney love song.”
~~~~~~~ rehearsal package ~~~~~~~~
Aricka and Bradley enter the park and immediately duck into a shop where they purchased matching Disney ears- Cinderella and Prince Charming. “Aw; we match!” Aricka exclaimed and then they made their way to their first ride- Mad Tea Party. Their hands brush continuously as they spun their teacup- purple because it’s Aricka’s favorite color- and when the ride ended they made their way to Peter Pan’s Flight.
“So; Disney Week,” Bradley says. Aricka takes a bite of her Maleficent Churro and nods.
“We got the waltz,” Aricka says, “another slow dance but it’s to one of my personal favorite Disney songs, “So this is love.””
“Well; shall we find the princess and ask her what love felt like for her?” Bradley stood and offered her his hand and they took off to find the princess.
~~~~~ rehearsal room ~~~~~~~~
Aricka was wearing a practice skirt so her and Bradley could adjust to the dress she would be wearing for the performance. The pair were walking in a slow circle; Aricka holding her skirt with one hand, Bradley’s other hand behind his back as he spun her around, before pulling her close, her hand on his shoulder, his hand still behind his back as she walked forward, him backward, never taking their eyes off each other. “Good job Bradley,” she said softly, and he smiled down at her with a new emotion in his eyes.
“You too, coach.”
~~~~~~~ interview ~~~~~~~
“Bradley and I’ve gotten so close during this experience- his confidence as a dancer has only increased since the beginning and I am so proud of him. He has a natural aptitude for the slower dances, and we make sure to keep going with our momentum every week,” Aricka says, her voice soft and fond this week.
“Aricka… she keeps me going even when the dances are hard. It’s easy to want to dance with the right partner; and I think maybe she’s mine,” Bradley says; the most serious he’s been this entire competition.
~~~~~~~ dance ~~~~~~~~
“Dancing the waltz, with his partner Aricka Mitchell, it’s Bradley Bradshaw!”
A spotlight shines down on a handsome Prince Charming- Bradley; wearing red pants with gold trim; a white shirt with gold epaulettes and trim, and shiny black boots. He was extending his hand out to someone; and the camera pans out to reveal a beautiful Princess- Aricka- wearing a resplendent silver-blue dress with glass slipper heels. She floats down the stairs and into Bradley’s arms; and they begin gliding across the room; Bradley’s frame and posture was sure and certain, he would not let Aricka down. Aricka gazed up at Bradley like a true fairy tale princess, a soft and sweet smile on her face.
Bradley dips Aricka, and caresses her face as though she was made of glass, and lifts her up as the song reached the, “I'll touch every star in the sky…” lyric, and he spins them slowly, setting her down carefully before they executed the dance moves from the rehearsal room.
The song ends with a wistful; longing, “So this …is …love…” and Aricka and Bradley end the song face to face, Bradley leaning down so they were nose to nose, her hands cupping his face, his embracing her firmly, a Prince determined to never lose his princess- and the bell rang, and as he looked to see the source of the sound, Aricka ran, leaving behind, of course; the glass slipper.
~~~~~~ judges comments and scores ~~~~~~~
Pete: “I think I just saw my daughter fall in love on live television. Son, treat her right, don’t break her heart. Aricka; that was your best choreography yet, and Bradley, that was your best dance of the season.” Score of 9.
Bruno; “I feel as though I’ve just watched a fairy tale come to life my darlings! The way you connected to the song, it was like watching the movie in real time. Wonderful technique and execution.” Score of 9.
Carrie-Anne: “that was beautiful! The trust and vulnerability you had to be able to dance that song so beautifully together- that was by far the best dance of the night!” Score of 9.
Derek: “Aricka you are on FIRE, girl! Cinderella better watch out; you’re claiming your own fairy tale right now! The storytelling and magic and romance of that waltz was beautiful; I could feel the emotion the entire performance.” Score of 9.
Total score: 36/40
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DWTS AU Chapter One: Premiere Night!
(Eventual Aricka x Bradley)
(@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge)
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“Our first couple tonight is a debut pro and her first partner! Find out what happened when young pro dancer Aricka Mitchell met her partner, BAFTA, Teen and People’s Choice Awards winner Bradley Bradshaw….”
~~~~~~~~~ Rehearsal Package Footage~~~~~~~~
“Hi, I’m Aricka Mitchell. I’m 24 years old and this is my first season competing on Dancing With the Stars.” Aricka is sitting on a chair with a camera in front of her. “My parents are DWTS judge Pete Mitchell and former DWTS pro dancer Penny Benjamin-Mitchell. They are the sole reason why I dance today. I do everything to make them proud and I hope to win the Mirrorball Trophy my first year competing.”
The package cuts to show the door opening and Bradley Bradshaw walking in. Aricka claps her hands under her chin and wiggles side to side excitedly, “oh my gosh hi! How are you-!”
“I’m great, it’s nice to finally meet my dance partner,” Bradley immediately offered her a hug which she willingly accepted.
The footage cuts back to Aricka, hands over her face as she stage-screamed, “oh my GOSH, I got Bradley freaking Bradshaw, are you KIDDING me-?! He’s so talented and good looking, I know we’re going to have a blast.”
The footage cuts to Bradley; sitting backwards in his chair as he says, “I’ve watched a few seasons of this show and I knew it was something I wanted to do on my acting bucket list. I’ve seen Aricka dance when she was in the troupe and she just- lights up the ballroom so I can feel we’re going to have a good time this season together.”
Back in the rehearsal room, Aricka asks, “So, how much or little dance experience do you have?”
“I was a main character in the remake of Footloose, so I have that much dance experience. Plus my parents were and are firm believers in spontaneous song and dance parties.”
“Great. We’re going to be the best team this year.”
“And we’re going to win?”
“You know it!” Bradley and Aricka high five and laugh; and then the work began.”
**** jump cut*****
“And one two three- whoa-!” They trip and Aricka braced her arms on Bradley’s shoulders to steady him. “You good?”
“I’ve gotta get this right,” he says. Aricka smiles up at him reassuringly.
“You will. I know you can do this. Let’s try again.”
The footage cuts back to Aricka sitting in her chair, “Bradley has natural talent and charisma, but he gets in his head when it comes to letting himself relax and enjoy the music and not completely get lost in memorizing the steps. But it’s a challenge I enjoy facing, because it means he’s learning.”
Back with Bradley, we see him drag his hands down his face, “so this was a little more challenging than I originally anticipated, but Aricka is a great coach and she doesn’t let me stew too much if I make a mistake, she’s good at being the right mix of encouragement and constructive criticism.���
****jump cut***
“Watch me dance- YES-! Yes you did it-!” Aricka jumps into Bradley’s arms excitedly as he swings her around, “let’s do it one more time to lock it in.” The two of them return to their original position and redo the step Bradley had struggled on, and then the video faded out.
“Dancing the jive with his partner, Aricka Mitchell, it’s Bradley Bradshaw!”
Aricka stood in the center of the ballroom, one arm wrapped around her waist, the other in her hair mussing it playfully. Dua Lipa’s, “Dance the Night,” filled the room with playful music and Aricka flicked her arms out to the beat, and when it came to the, “don't you wanna just come along for the ride?” She motioned to someone in the audience; and Bradley slid out, literally, right to her feet where she pulled him up by his tie, kicking her feet out as he grabbed her hands and spun them both in a circle, and as the song reached the, “That's the moment I shine,” part hit, the spotlight shone down on them as Bradley dipped her with one arm, before pulling her up.
When the chorus hit, the couple exploded, pulling all the stops as they kicked their heels, hands out to the side, before Bradley grabbed Aricka’s hand, spun her twice, and as the chorus ended, hauled her up onto his shoulder as she reached for the ceiling as confetti rained down on them, before he dropped her, gripping her ankle and wrist as she posed for the camera, both of them panting, breathless from the fast paced energy the jive required.
The audience erupted in applause as Bradley helped Aricka stand up, pulling her in for a hug as she whispered an excited and proud, “That was so good!” In his ear. Grinning, he pulled her up into his arms again, carrying her bridal style over to the judges table.
“Wow! That’s how you kick off the season!” Alfonso says. “What a dance! Carrie Anne, we’ll start with you.”
“WOW! That was incredible, you two just set this place on FIRE! Aricka I can’t believe this was your first time choreographing a dance, you’re a natural! Bradley, the trust and care you have for your partner is incredible, it’s hard to believe you two didn’t know each other before this, the chemistry you have is insane! There were a few bobbles here and there but it’s all very fixable, but other than that, way to kick of the season!” Aricka squeezes Bradley’s arm and grins, mouthing the words, “Thank you,” as Bradley nodded.
The audience cheers as Alfonso says, “Pete; judge your daughter.”
Pete grinned as proudly as ever as he began, “what can I say other than that you, Aricka, are right where you belong. You have such a confident stage presence and I saw you before the dance even started helping Bradley focus and ground himself before the music began. This is the start of a dynamic relationship and I can’t wait to see where it takes you both.” Then he walks out from behind the table and quickly hugs his daughter to the delight of the audience as Aricka tried not to cry.
“Derek, it’s your turn.”
“I’m going to echo my fellow judges and say ARICKA, welcome to the pro ballroom girl! Like Bradley said in his package, you lit up this ballroom and made it your home. Bradley, I gotta confess, you’re a tall guy so I was a little nervous about that when it came to this dance but my man, you can DANCE! There’s a few things that need polished but like Carrie Anne said, it’s all fixable. Great job.” Aricka laughs and blows a kiss at Derek who pretended to catch it and hold it to his heart.
“Oh, someone call the fire department, because these two just set this place on FIRE! Aricka my darling welcome to the ballroom, I am so pleased by this choreography. Bradley, you have been holding out on us darling, you never showed us you could dance LIKE THAT-! The way you two moved, it was watching a scene from a romantic comedy, where the two main characters just met for the first time. Very wonderful the both of you, just fix those fine details and you’ll be golden.” Aricka and Bradley both laugh as Aricka leans her head on Bradley’s shoulder as he squeezes her arm.
“All glowing remarks from the judges. Alright you two: head on up to the skybox for your results!”
Bradley and Aricka beamed at each other as they grabbed each other’s hands and ran toward the stairs leading to the skybox.
“Aricka! It’s so good to see you up here as a PRO DANCER and not just a member of the troupe! How does it feel?”Julianne hugs the girl she saw a a mentee figure proudly.
Aricka laughs and leans against Bradley again, “Well I got a really good partner this year and it feels so incredible, Bradley puts his trust in me every day and I just want to honor that trust.”
“And she does,” Bradley says; and nobody in the audience or watching live could deny that the man had hearts for pupils in that moment.
“So; Bradley how different is this dance from what you know from Footloose?” Julianne asks.
“It has its similarities and its differences, but Aricka is super patient and takes the time to explain every new step we do together, I feel very fortunate to have been made her partner this season,” Bradley says.
“Alright, now let’s see those scores!” They turn to see the results:
“Carrie-Anne Inaba!”
“A fiery start to the season, it’s a 7!” Aricka wiggled and stomps her feet excitedly.
“Pete Mitchell!”
“Beautiful debut dance, it’s a 7!” Bradley grins and squeezes Aricka’s shoulder encouragingly.
“Derek Hough.”
“Way to kick things off, another 7!” Aricka’s jaw drops and she looks up at her partner proudly; and Bradley beams down at her.
“Bruno Tonioli!”
“Wonderful way to begin the show; that’s a 7!” Was proclaimed with a flourish. Aricka squeals and jumps into Bradley’s arms and he spins her around again,
“So proud of you!” She exclaimed.
“Right back at you, coach,” was said warmly.
And thus began a beautiful journey of love through dancing.
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