#Aricka x Carlos
Descendants self ships and tags
1. Jadir Ali Scheherazade x Aricka Juniper Rose Florian
A whole new world, Aricka x Jay
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2. Carlos Oscar DeVille x Aricka Désirée Legume
Aricka x Carlos, sunshine and sweets
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3. Harold Everett Hook x Aricka Claire Charming
Hooks and harmony, Aricka x Harry
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4. Sebastian Caius White x Aricka Kore Page
Aricka x Sebastian, an immortal kind of love
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5. Tobin Castor Darling x Aricka Isabel Gold
Aricka x Tobin, we found Neverland
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6. Clayton Rupert LeBouff x Aricka Melanie Rose
Aricka x Clay, I walked with you once upon a dream
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7. Louis Alastair Wyse x Aricka Vivienne Grimhilde
Aricka x Louis, sidekicks and sweethearts
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Descendants Canon: Meet the Notorious Nine
(Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Gil, Harry, Azalea and Aricka Kore Page.)
(CW: heavily implied child abuse.)
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Aricka Kore Page was good at observing. She was queen of the shadows after all. They were her domain, her birthright as daughter of Hades. Her smoke-blue hair and cobalt blue eyes were a dead giveaway as to her her father is, and her pale skin and vicious cackle was a dead giveaway as to her mother.
Right now, she was observing Gaston Jr and Trois, who were arguing loudly over something, and she crept closer to further eavesdrop.
“I should be the one to shoot it down, I saw it first.
“No, I’m older. I deserve the pride of shooting a Bore-adon limo down,” Jr growled. Her blood ran cold at that statement.
An Auradon limo- a MARKED Auradon limo- on the Isle of the Lost-?! The last time they were there they were investigating the kidnapping of a prince from one of the kingdoms. The prince was never found but if he’d been a baby then they never would’ve. The person who did the deed would’ve hid their tracks way too well for them to find him.
Breath in her throat, she scampered through the shadows to the Dragon’s Den. Her twin sister’s domain. Here, Aricka was a mere lackey, not a princess, but that was just as she liked it. She would defer to her twin’s rules anytime she wanted. She chucked the largest rock she could at the “Falling Rocks” sign and as a soon as the stairs were low enough she leapt up and took them two at a time.
She tripped on the last step and fell into the meeting area of the room, startling Evie and Carlos who were also there with Mal. She scrambled to her feet, “Mal-!” She panted. Hand over her chest to regain her breath. “Jr-Trois- Auradon limo- HERE-!”
“Easy, Aricka,” Evie guided her to the ratty couch in the Dragon’s Den, where they both sat down. “Slow down and catch your breath. Then tell us what you saw in the shadows.” Carlos moved to get Aricka’s favorite item in the Den- a soft ratty, holey purple blanket that didn’t smell like mold or seawater, but instead Evie had sprayed it with a liquid that smelled nice. She’d called it lemon verbena. It smelled like the sunshine Aricka loved seeing in Auradon.
If a limo was here that could only mean that Ben had successfully convinced his parents to agree to the VK Isle Reformation Proclamation.
“Mal…” she says, once she could breath without panting. “I heard Gaston Jr and Trois talking about shooting down an Auradon limousine- if they were correct and they saw a limo here on the Isle-,”
“Then that reformation plan you mentioned when you got home was agreed to.” Mal says, crossing her arms. “Which means we need to plan. Carlos, Evie, go to the Junk Shop and make up and excuse to drag Jay from his dad’s grip and grab Azalea when you do.” She turns to her twin. “You and I are going to the docks to grab Uma Gil and Harry. They’ll leave Jonas and Desiree in charge of things while we talk. Meet back here when you get them, E and Carlos.”
With plans in motion, the four teens went about their respective tasks.
Fifteen minutes later, the well named Notorious Nine were assembled in Mal’s carefully hidden Dragon’s Den:
Demigoddess Fae Mallory Bertha Page, eldest daughter of Maleficent and Hades, legally adopted stepdaughter to Lady Persephone of Olympus.
Demigodess Fae Aricka Kore Page, youngest daughter of Maleficent and Hades, legally adopted stepdaughter of Lady Persephone.
Future vizier in training Jadir Ali, son of Jafar and an unknown mother.
Princess Evelyn Rose Grimhilde, daughter of Lady Regina Grimhilde and Graham Humbert, Regina’s Huntsman.
Super genius Carlos Oscar de Vil, son of Cruella de Vil and William Cecil Clayton.
Captain AND Princess Uma Adira Nautica-Facilier, daughter of Ursula and Dr. Draven Facilier.
First mate Harold Everett Hook, son of Captain James Hook and Queen Narissa.
Master-at-Arms Gilbert Castor Legume, son of Gaston Legume and Paulette Dupont.
Azalea Ixoria, daughter of Hyacinth and an unknown father.
“Right,” Mal says. “The day Aricka said would come has come. Uma, I trust your crew is ready for a seamless transition from your rule to a crew mate of your choice?”
“I selected Jonas, son of Razoul and Mother Gothel, for temporary Captain and Desiree, daughter of Shan Yu and an unknown mother as First Mate,” Uma says.
“For Master-at-Arms I picked Bonnie, daughter of Evelyn Deavor and Arthur Harrow,” Gil added.
“Hadie is taking over the shadows while I’m gone”, Aricka said, knowing that she would go by default to help whoever was going to Auradon.
“Ginny Gothel and Hermie Bing are in charge of our turf whilst we’re away,” Mal adds. “The orphans have been moved into the basements of Bargain Castle, Uma’s Fish and Chip Shoppe, and the various ships we have in our control.” It wasn’t the best solution but it was the only one they had. “Harry, does your older sister know which children are moving onto her ship?” The eldest Hook sibling had procured the Arabella when she was 16, five years prior. She had a fine crew she’d carefully accrued over her rule as captainess, and when Mal had first proposed this manner of action she was the first to join the force.
“Aye,” the first mate drawled. “She’s cleared all the space she could, just waiting for the signal.”
“Uma, your crew ready for new crew members?” Mal confirmed. The teal-and-aquamarine haired captain nods.
“Jonas, Bonnie and Desiree know that they are to let any orphan child who says the code onboard. If they don’t know the code they have to vet them carefully, but if they pass the test they may also be sent aboard.” They would never turn a child away unless they tried something like actively murdering a crew member or one of the main Notorious Nine members, but they still had to be cautious in their actions.
Mal nods. They knew Auradon would pull the key players off the Isle first, to get a feel for things, so they’d been preparing for this day even though it seemed like a crap shoot.
Now that it was here nobody really liked the idea of leaving their turf so exposed, but it was for the good of the kids on the trash heap of a “home” they lived on that they would go.
“Aricka. We have an idea of how things will work thanks to you, but we still have to make sure we don’t meet their expectations. They want us to be evil, so we need to blend in as much as possible. This is where your expertise comes in. You will have to guide us through the social aspect of everything along with Evie, and make sure we don’t make a spectacle of ourselves,” Mal says, locking eyes with her sister. The sapphire-haired princess nods, having expected this.
“Jay, you Harry and Gil are on bodyguard duty. You’re the three strongest looking guys we have, and they’ll be expecting you to be ruthless and mean. So while you are the muscle you’re also to be kind and earnest and you need to each find a hobby that doesn’t purely rely on your strength.”
“Does this mean I can’t play Tourney?” Gil seemed genuinely upset about that notion, and Uma was quick to assuage it,
“No, Gil, you just need another hobby that shows how much of a good person you can be, like drawing or making jewelry or something.”
“Harry, you can join my sewing business I’ll be starting in Auradon,” Evie offered quietly. “We can say that once you get settled in Auradon you realized you didn’t just like sewing basic repairs but you had an eye for fashion as well. Once you get comfortable as a tailor you could start your own shop, and we could be allies in that regard.”
Harry blinks at this, considers, then shrugs. “Might as well, Blueberry,” he says, which was as close to an agreement they would get from him.
“Jay, use your parkour abilities to join some dance classes, show the perfect prissy Auradon kids how the Isle does dance,” Aricka Page says, teasing her allies for how they addressed her mainland friends.
Jay considers this, knowing Aricka would have been able to find classes that fit all their strengths and personalities. “Yeah, that could work… great suggestion Aricka,” he says and offers a hand for her to high five. The shadow princess smiled brilliantly at the Agraben, and reciprocated, interlocking their fingers and shaking their hands.
(It was no secret that Jay had a huge soft spot for her, her having been the one to discover the true atrocities his father committed against him, and had dragged him to her dad one night when it was particularly bad.)
“This has to work, guys. Our parents will likely make us try to get the wand or something to break the barrier down, but we have to play the long con, which means no stealing the wand. We have to be smart and vicious and ruthless but loyal.” Mal looks around the Den. “Head back to your respective parents. They’ll expect us to be oblivious so act like nothing is amiss.” The crew assembled nods their understanding. “Disperse. Meet at Bargain Castle with your parents when Maleficent assembles us.”
Thirty minutes later, the well named Notorious Nine were shuffled into an expensive looking limo marked with the Auradon royal crest.
The time had come for a new era.
Whether it was for better or for worse was yet to be seen…
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @sappy-secrets @tsundere-selfship @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @callsign-revenge
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Harry is MY boyfriend; you don’t tell me who to love-!
(Part two)
(Aricka x Harry Hook. Aricka and the Hero Kids. Aricka and the Isle Kids. Aricka and Chad Charming.)
(The aftermath.)
(Note: in my Descendants canon Emma Swan is the teen daughter of Snow and David Charming, of the White Kingdom. Killian is the son of Will and Elizabeth Turner. )
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Evie, Aricka and Harry stumbled into the room the Charming twins shared together (their mother had payed the school to allow them to be in the same dorm), and Mal magically locked the door behind them. Aricka was pulled onto her bed, which currently housed Chad, Uma, Gil, Aziz, and also now herself and Harry.
Harry pushed her so she was leaning against her twin; and he surprised everyone (excluding herself and Uma) by laying his head down on her shoulder, arms wound tightly as possible around her middle. She busied herself by running her fingers through his too perfectly gelled hair, mussing it up back to his usual style, noting that Chad was undoing her own perfect French braids- all twelve of them, symbolizing the hour her mother ran down the palace steps when she was still just a scullery maid- and detangling every knot and snarl he came across with a gentle hand.
Mal and Evie were warding the room, while Ben and Jay and Doug were discussing how to keep everyone in the room safe until the noise died down. Uma was doing the opposite of Chad and was braiding Gil’s hair, the golden curls easily manageable and braidable it seemed. Aziz was texting furiously- probably letting his awesome protective parents know that he and his friends and cousins were okay and all in one place.
Carlos, Lonnie, Audrey, Jane L, Jane C, Emma, and Killian were all on Chad’s bed, Carlos being wedged between Jane LaFae and Audrey, both girls asking if he was alright and seeming very protective of him.
Aricka’s stomach churned and she felt like she might cry. She was suddenly aware of a presence in front of her and she looked up to see Azalea hovering nearby, a worried look on xeir face. The look was enough to make her face crumble and the first few tears fall down her cheeks. “Oh- oh no,” she mumbled, “my- my makeup- it’s- I’m- oh no-!”
Harry immediately sat up, hands coming up to cup her face, thumbs wiping away the salty water slipping from her eyelids, as her shoulders began to shake. “Love, you’re not tainted, not dirty. Crying is natural and healthy and your body needs this release to move forward. Just let it happen. You’re safe here; everyone here loves you.”
“But my mascara- my eyeshadow- I’m dirty, Harry. Unclean. Gross….”
“You are absolutely not gross,” Evie says, tugging one of Aricka’s hands from Harry’s grip, “I cry all the time, am I dirty? Or unclean?”
“N-no-!” Aricka cried, face pale and eyes red rimmed. “Evie you’re beautiful and lovely and smart and kind and-!”
“Then so are you. Purely because you are an Auradon girl who never stops trying to be better and to understand.”
“I can’t- Chad- she said- she said-!”
“I got this,” Chad says, “excuse me a sec Harry.” The pirate moved over so Chad could take his spot. “Hey sis-a-roo. Sis. Sissy. Twinny. Look at me. I’m right there with you. I don’t think what our mother taught us was right. If we were gonna be rejected the second we showed a flaw or imperfection everyone would’ve already left but look up.” She shook her head. “Ariellllllll….” He sang. “Come on tiny. Teeny. Itsy-bitsy…. Starburst?” Nothing. “Butterfingers?” The name got her to finally look up at Chad only. “Look around us. Please?”
She glances around the room to see what Chad saw-
Everyone was still there. Watching her, granted, and yes that was humiliating all in itself but they-
They didn’t think she was loathsome for having runny makeup and nose. For having a torn skirt. For having a bright red slap imprint on her cheek.
“Chad…” she whispered. “You- they- I don’t understand-?”
“Oh, evil,” Mal says, “of course you knew how to comfort us about our crappy parents; you’ve got a crappy mom.” The purple haired demigoddess Fae suddenly marched over and wrapped the pale-blonde princess in a protective but careful embrace, “my mom used to do the same thing- act all flowery and sweet one minute and the next she was pulling the rug from underneath me.” Aricka was shaking again, face pressed firmly against Mal’s light purple jacket. “You’re une princesse guerrière, and I am going to be your fée protectrice.”
Aricka gulps and whispers, “You are ma reine des fées, Mal. Have been for a while. Ma reine dragon, as well.”
“She’s right about that, min modige kriger,” Uma says, wrapping herself around Chad, “while your perfect parents tried to take our voices- while my mother stole voices- Aricka, you GAVE us your voice. Gave us A voice. You spoke for us when we couldn’t or risk being sent back to the Isle.”
“U-Uma, I wish you had been born here; safe, wish we could’ve all been friends from the beginning,” Aricka croaked; and then Uma was hugging her, saying,
“That’s why you were our first chosen friend here. You never once saw us as different, you saw us as friends you just hadn’t truly met yet. You saw us as equals. You explained to us how you worked, how life here worked.”
“She’s right, meine Kriegerprinzessin,” Evie said, adding to everyone calling Aricka a warrior princess. “We chose you.”
“Since the moment we met you’ve been my compass, my treasure, mo chridhe, love, nobody is replacing you.”
“Chad; we didn’t forget you, you’re every bit as dear as your twin. You both helped us in different ways.” Then CHAD was crying and Aricka gripped her brother and then every VK and Hero Kid was in a giant cuddle heap.
“I- I can’t believe she hit me,” Aricka whispers. “She’s never hit me before-,”
“And if she knows what’s good for her she never will again,” Jay said, affirmed by Azalea.
“I’m going to make protection bracelets for you and Chad; if she tries anything you’ll just have to activate the beam and we can teleport to you or vice versa,” Mal swore.
“Same here princess, you and all the hero kids, you’re all getting some form of a protection charm,” Uma adds.
“I want one for Aricka Page,” Seb White suddenly spoke up. “She can handle herself but- it would make me feel better. Knowing we can find each other.”
“We can make that happen,” Azalea assured. “Everyone in this room has done so much to help us it’s the least we can do.”
“Indeed,” Evie says. “I will make sure that all of you get something of ours to ensure everyone knows you’re under our protection.”
“Hey-um-princess Aricka-?” Gil. Aricka wiggled up so she could see the blond pirate. “Those things you said back there- did you really mean that?”
Aricka and Chad don’t even glance at each other as they both move over to Gil, moving as two parts of the same brain almost. Aricka slowly reaches for Gil and then when he didn’t flinch or move away she wrapped her arms carefully around him, Chad doing the same. “Gilly…” she says. “You are the sunshine of this group. We need sunshine to thrive. We all love and need you, Sunny. Don’t doubt your place here. You try so hard; and you’re so Good. You just absorb everything good like a sponge, and you smile at the smallest pleasures. I’m proud to call you my friend. My sunshine. My Gil.”
“And you’re super strong and athletic,” Chad adds. “You’re going to be one of the best graduating Tourney players in Auradon. And one of the best swords and shields players. I bet you could even learn to be a super amazing chef, with all the recipes you’ve been working on.”
By now the “sunshine” of the group was crying too, and Aricka sent Uma a panicked apologetic glance, only for the teal-haired pirate to wave her on. “It’s okay Gil, they mean it,” Uma asserts. “Aricka and Chad only say what they mean. If they say you’re sunshine, they’re just affirming what we all think and know.”
“Oh wow…” Gilly said, glancing at the twin royals who looked so much like him- Aricka with her light blue eyes and pale blonde hair; Chad with his smile and curls and the similar facial structure. “Oh, wow… you really mean it- you meant it all-,”
Aricka was about to speak and assure him when the door opened-
And her dad walked in,
Then everything went chaotic once again.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @sappy-secrets @rosepetalcharm @mariposalass
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