#Armadillium Maculatum
potato-cat-999 · 1 month
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Gray zebra isopod morph!!! Also my springtails are proliferating nicely and the zebras have babieessss!!!!! Eek!
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crevicedwelling · 7 months
I've done a little research into isopods for beginners and have landed on two species: Armadillium vulgare and Armadillium maculatum. I'm kind of split between both of them, because dont want to get two different species imedeatly. Out of these two, which one would you recomend for a beginner?
I offer these species the same care and both do very well in captivity. it’s a matter of personal preference: do you like the fancy stripes of maculatum versus the broad palette of mutant vulgare colors? and if you have no preference then just get what’s cheapest
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bluestempigeons · 2 years
New pods! (round two)
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Armadillium maculatum (mix of spot and stripe varieties)
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Cubaris sp. "Panda King" (bonus picture of porb (panda orb))
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crevicedwelling · 7 months
I'm planning to cover my enclosure with pieces of oak bark and how much floor space should I roughly cover? Also the website I wanted to by my Armadillium maculatum from doesnt have them in stock rn, only the yellow morph, and I dont know if I like the colouration. There's still Vulgarium as a last option, but I kinda want something more flashy. Do you have any other recomendations for easy isopods for beginners?
at least as much bark space as the isopods will take up (they’ll cluster, so that’s the bare minimum), and as much as you want.
any relatively inexpensive isopods are easy to keep. making a list would be exhaustive and it’s easier to just say don’t go for the expensive Spanish and Asian species
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