#Armont De'bayle
housedebayle · 5 years
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The Bayle Family of Ishgard
And it was clear as day, the stories of their lives were written upon their visages... 
For better or worse.
⦃ Guillemont • @coolthulhucultist  |  Astrelle • @pain-and-pistolet | Hestia • @progeny-of-the-fury |  Carina • @carina-debayle | Armont • @halone-from-the-otherside | Denz • @darkknightsbread | Jancis • @jancisstuff ⦄
Artist @dancinfox | Revisions from original by @khmariexii-art
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jancisstuff · 5 years
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Being Bayle
Offer to join the family’s magical connection, Jancis weighs the risks and agrees for multiple reasons. A typical cold night out in the rundown manor in Coerthas, Nuarmac performs the ritual, Jancis bearing the union to a cascade of memories, not her own, and finally hearing the voice of Denz’s departed mother and the peaceful vision of Guillemont. Overwhelmed by the ritual, she’s carried back to the Shroud
I had experienced before, in certain ways. Helping ebb the generations of thoughts and feelings. I did not drown. Carina took Torene, and Denz made the long trek back to the Shroud for me to recover.
I am quite aware of where they are, or random thoughts that come that are not mine own. It took moons to quiet the recollections of the dead. Still, it is nice to dream of her. The woman I should not know.
And it is nice.
April 16 2019
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progeny-of-the-fury · 7 years
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The Truancy of Guillemont: Resolution | Part V
Log date: 2/21/18
OOC Note: The text in these logs are strictly for the reader’s enjoyment. Anyone using the knowledge displayed within this text without the participant’s knowledge risks the potential of blacklisting from future communication and roleplay. Please do not meta-game!
Due to the length of the log, it is instead being linked to an outside location.
Tags: @truth-of-the-warden @darkknightsbread @halone-from-the-otherside
Some suns had passed since that confrontation with Guillemont, and still nothing came of it. Truly I was a fool to believe anything would come from such, that they would see me as their family worth defending. Killian and I argued plenty over it, over my fears. But… they have yet to be elevated.
Read the full log here!
Truly… was I capable of being… Hestia?
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carina-debayle · 7 years
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The Hunt for Air Crystals: Trouble with Goblins
Log Date: 5/19/17
OOC Note: The text in these logs are strictly for the readers enjoyment. Anyone using the knowledge displayed within this text without the participants knowledge risks the potential of blacklisting from future communication and roleplay. Please do not meta-game!
Tags: @halone-from-the-otherside
Approaching the cave entrance after having stopped by Quarry Mill for extra supplies, Armont and I scanned the outside of said cave before slowly entering. We had a goal in mind: finding a specific catalyst for Hestia’s medication. It would not cure her, nor might it even give her any sort of lasting relief, but as a mother it was all I could do to make my baby’s life better...
"The should be the right one, if I studied the geography here correctly... not that I do not know the Shroud geography of course!" Carina scoffed out, squinting down at her map before eventually tugging out her reading spectacles to look over it better.
Following just behind his wife and off to the right, Armont would soon slow his pace as his wife's did. As she pulled out the map, the taller Elezen would lean over to peer down at the map, his eye darting from its landmarks to his wife's face. He had this horrid feeling that his wife was not good with directions, moreso reading a map, but he had to hold some faith in her. "How far in rests the crystals we need for Hestia?" He asked as a thunder and lightning crackled behind them, though the cave remained somewhat silent for the moment.
Grimacing with every strike, but managing to keep her cool with the loud sounds, Carina let out a few deep breathes. "Crystals are typically found deep within these caverns. We will have to venture in rather deep. Though the crystals aren't too uncommon, we simply need them is cluster is all," she nods, beginning to march forward. "At least there isn't a lot of beast tribe activity around here... outside of Goblin camps but, they typically keep to themselves," she waves a dismissive hand.
The man nodded as he pulled the spear from his back to use as a walking stick. Once the two had reached a certain point within the cave, he'd bring his free hand up to unfasten the eyepatch to take it off. Tucking it away with a few blinks as the deep glowing crimson began looking forward, he'd nod towards her. "Aye. With any luck this will be a simple walk in and out." He pursed his lips in thought. "Carina, dear, what color of crystal are we looking for?"
"This particular cluster is a wind one, so green," Carina murmurs out, rolling her map and storing it away into her satchel. Occasionally kicking a few rocks beneath her boots, the woman glances around with a blink at the dark walls, Joseph wandering at her feet. After a few moments of the cavern darkening, she tugged out a small lantern, dropping a small fire shard within it as it combusted into a flame. "At least the thunder is harder to hear he-" as if on queue, a thundering crash was heard that echoed throughout the cave. Startling the poor Hyur, Carina dropped her lantern as it rolled away from her some, squatting down as she covered her head, "ah! Ah..." she mumbles out to herself, her face scrunched up some as she waited a moment to compose herself. Breathing in and out, she eventually stood back up to her feet and marched over to snatch back up the lit lantern. "That was far too close to be thunder..." she says out in almost a whisper, beginning to quickly walk back toward the entrance of the cave. In their venturing deeper, the duo had passed some other tunnels, choosing to keep a straight path. Once at the 'entrance' Carina was taken aback to find the entrance sealed shut with stone, "wha... what happened?!"
Armont De'bayle blinked as he watched his wife drop the lantern, staggering himself some as his hands moved out to stabilize himself in a readied manner. Once the woman leaned forward to pick up the lantern, he would hold a hand out for it. Soon mounting it on the end of his lance as he held it out forward, his gaze would soon narrow as it met the stone entrance. "Perhaps the 'thunder' that we had heard was the work of the goblins that you speak of, and this boulder is the result of that boom." He sighed while reaching out to graze his hand against the coarse rock. "Shall we venture down another path or can you split this rock with your axe?"
"I fear I did not bring my axe with me, as I had many other tools to carry with me in order to mine for this crystal, and it was would have been too much to carry even for me. Seems we will have to seek out another path," she grumbles out, poking a finger to her glasses to slide them farther up the bridge of her nose. "Goblins..." she glances down at the rocks, noticing their broken form. "These do appear to have been caused by explosives... no frying from thunder," sighing, Carina ran a hand through her messy hair with a huff, "well, we have two other tunnels we can venture down... however, we may not be alone. So we should more than likely proceed with caution. If there truly are Goblins in here, they are more than likely treasure hunting."
"If they view us as beings who hold treasure, the only treasure they will find is a spear erupting through their chests." Armont huffed out while turning to point the lantern towards one of the other routes. "Does this look promising to you?" Armont asked, his crimson eye flickering down the narrows as it's vision cut through the dark. If the woman looked to him, she would notice the red eyes slit had grown from the exposure to darkness, allowing him to see better than most in it.
"Mmm..." the woman thinned her lips out, her eyes looking between the three paths, "well... there is no best way, but one way will lead to what we came for and our potential exit. Whether we find unwanted visitors is to be seen..." Stepping forward, the Hyurs smaller footsteps echoed around them as they began down the darkened tunnel, her stare occasionally turning to look toward Armont’s crimson eye.
"Should we check if there is any moving air then if we are to progress down this path? If the air is still, it likely does not have an exit." Armont stated, but continued down the path next to his wife. "Another... Another question on the crystals. Do they, glow?" He questioned silently and softly over to her.
"It depends on how strong their aether is," she mumbles out, reaching to tug her glove off and lick two of her fingers. Reaching a hand up she felt for air. "Large clusters tend to glow, however depending on how small it is, it might not, or it might be very faint… I feel a light breeze, this seems like it could be the right way... or it might lead into a more open cavern. We will have to see," she nods, her eyes lingering back onto her husband, "I am sure we will noticed though, if we see the crystals."
Nodding towards his wife, the man would continue on next to her. Bringing a hand to be placed onto her shoulder, his spear arm extended out further to light the path ahead of them, though this was done moreso for her, as he could see further than the light portrayed. "Aye. Tis the boon we get for walking in the dark and looking for glowing clusters."
"I would certainly say that is more on the lucky side," she laughed, "more lucky than the current situation we're in..." smiling up to the man, Carina stops short as her foot stepped on something. Glancing down, she spotted a long metal wire, "huh..." lifting her foot, a loud snap was heard as a swoop net came swinging down, snatching Carina up with it. "Ahhh!" she shrieked out as the net lifted her up toward the slightly widened ceiling of the tunnel they were travelling down.
"Pshhhh shkoooh, simple Uplander. Toungeflaps give away your location," came the echoing voice of an obvious intruder. Waddling up on a higher perch, a single Goblin was waving their long feet about in a shake. "Psssshhhk, tall one, leave your metalcovers and your small-lander will be released."
Looking up as his wife was suddenly casted up violently to the ceiling, Armont would shake his head after listening to the Goblin. "Nay, mine armor shall stay on I am afraid." He boldly stated before his eye erupted with red aetherflow. Soon lightning himself, the man would leap up in attempts to not only cut the wire with the tip of his lance, but catch her with his free arm in the same breath.
"Northlander don't!!--psshhhkkk" the Goblin wanders back as Armont swiftly jumped up, the net snapping from the blade of his spear. Carina let out a grunt as her husband tugged her into his arms, having already been making her own efforts to escape the binds. Falling from her, both her dagger and spectacles clanked against the stone beneath them, one not surviving the fall. "Pshhhkkk, we will get armour tall-one! Skooooohhhh!"
Armont grunted towards the goblin as he gracefully landed with wife in arm. Placing her down with a peck on the cheek, he'd lean down further to hand her the knife that fell. "You should watch your step my lady." He taunted in a playful tone as he handed her over the lantern to hold. "They look to my armor for scrap I assume, yes? That is what Goblins need most in their lair."
Gritting her teeth some, Carina took the dagger back, shoving it into its sheath at her back. "It is a bit dark I fear... but I certainly will be far more cautious now," looking up, the Goblin appeared to be nowhere in sight. "Mmm... Goblins, well yes they like junk as much as they like treasure. They would probably melt it down to use it build their machinery- AH!" crouching down, Carina scooped up her broken spectacles, "weh... just my luck," she whined out pathetically.
Joseph lingered in the darkness a bit behind them, without Carina's direct orders, he felt no inclination to act much unless absolutely necessary.
"A-are you going to be able to continue on without those?" It wasn't like she was going to need them in the dark to read anyway... Beginning to walk forward some to scout out the area ahead, Armont shook his head some as he turned to look back to his wife. "Do you think they would be willing to trade?"
"It will be fine," she sighs out dishearteningly, "I will just have to get them repaired now. A trade? Hmm..." poking the broken glass out of her spectacles, Carina held onto the bent frames. "Perhaps. They have little desire to kill, as much as they do collecting junk. If we make it worth their while, I am sure we can get out without any more issues."
"Aye, I see no reason to kill something that seems to not wish to kill us as much as just wanting metal. Should we... yell out for them? Ask for a trade?" He said to his wife as she mourned over her glasses.
Raising the bent frames up to her face, Carina waved them some, "how about we lure them out?" she smirked. 
Moving farther into the tunnel, and making sure to take extra care as to watch her step, Carina and Armont eventually entered into a wider cavern. Within the cavern were some softly glowing green crystals, littering the walls, "ah!" Carina spoke out some, tossing the spectacles to Armont, "lure them out with these and..." she looked up, the sound of thunder far more prominent though the caverns small ceiling opening. "They are more than likely in here, and they will probably not leave us alone. I am going to mine for the clusters, see what you are able to do!"
Armont caught the bent glasses with a hand. Nodding in agreement with his wife, he'd venture out into the center of the cavern to shout. "We are here for a few good lumps of the green crystals that glow about these paths. If you wish to trade metal for rock, I would be more than willing to part with some of our metal in exchange." He said loudly, turning to speak once more. "You all have likely melted down poor metals once before, but what if I offered you Ishgardian Steel?"
"Psshhhh khkooooohhh..." the heavy sound of muffled breath could be heard in some mass as a few dozen different Goblins came out from within the shadows, "northlander metal? Psshh, what trade, what want?" the groups of Goblins waddle some, their floppy feet slapping against the stone loudly.
Armont had a certain glimmer in his eyes at their curiosity. Soon tossing over the glasses which were made from the same metal as an initial gift of friendliness, he'd motion over to where his wife stood to point at the glowing rock that she was mining out. Tossing one over to them as well, he'd return back to the middle with a content expression. "There is no need to cause harm, when we could make a deal and avoid any bloodshed. I have more metal than that, as you can clearly see, so what say you? A few large clusters for a bit of mine armor?"
Murmuring amongst one another, a single Goblin stepped forth. One far more ornate than the others, "Pshhhkkk, Kobblepot Steamflappers does not trust northlander! Take tall-one, take metal shell!" they ordered out. Bolting forward, the group of Goblins ignored the spectacles Armont tossed out toward them, rushing forward toward the man with wired rope in hand to tie the man up.
The man was swift to react towards their advance as he began to unbuckle the shoulder plate on his right shoulder, he'd hand it over to one of them with a smirk, the shoulder plate taking the place of the wire. "One more advance and you lose a business partner. You wish for treasures and metals? Who says this needs to be the last trip we take out into these mines?" He questioned, ensuring his tone was firm as he spoke to them.
Halting their movements with a skid, the Goblins panicked between one another. "Northlander would kill! Would kill, ruthless tall-one! Pshhhh!" they cried out, snatching up Armont’s shoulder plate, "all metal! All metal!"
"And yet I stand without weapon drawn unless in the defense of mine own partner. Would you wish to stand by your false words any more, or do you wish to trade?" His words sounded more impatient, perhaps a tactic to be used to pressure them into understanding or following through with the deal.
"No trust Northlander! Like to deceive! Think they are better than Kobblepot! Pshhhh Shkkooooofff...." the leader cursed out, "want tall ones metal! We not care of small one!"
"I offer my shoulderpad for the time being. The armor I wear -may- be offered if you pull your allies back while we discuss. Is that not fare? Or shall we continue with what we are doing while I either deal with you lot or we continue on?"
Grumbling out, the leader turned back toward his gang, mumbling in hish tones, as the others scattered into the darkness, "quickly Northlander, we have not much time to waste, pshhhh."
Armont would walk up to the leader of the group, though leaving enough room to react if there were any ill-willed movements made against him. Extending the hand out that held yet another glowing shard from the cave, he'd look back up to the head. "How much of this do you possess?"
Letting out a muffled breath, the leader wiggled his overly weighted head up toward Armont, "as much as we need North lander, pshhhhkkk small one mined much while you stood, refusing to give metal!" he scoffed, motioning a shovel toward where Carina was.
Shoving the last of her cluster into her satchel, the woman was swiftly cornered by Goblins, "shiiii...hello! I do not have anything... of any spectacular value one me," she offered out cheesed smile, one of the Goblins shoving a gun to her face, "o-oh that's not necessary!" she laughed out nervously. Once securely her pack, she brought a hand out to her mouth, "Armont! I think it's about time we left!" Ducking down, Carina swiped a leg out toward the beastman, attempting to knock it off it's large dangly feet and snatch its gun from its grimey hands. Letting off a shot that managed to barely miss the Hyur, Carina yelped some as the Goblin hopped up and onto her head, them all following in a sort of strange dogpile. "Gahhh, come on!"
Armont De'bayle sighed heavily as he lightened his body with haste. In a split second's notice, he'd jolt forward with great speed, snatching his shoulder plate from the Goblins hands before attempting to knock him out with it if able. "Perhaps we should, aye!"
Motioning its hands away, the Goblin yelled out, "no! No taking back! North lander give this metal to us!" though it was far too late, as the shoulder pad was snatched from its hands. Choosing to retreat into the darkness, the Goblin whistled out for its partners, "bring small lander and her tools!" the leader ordered out. 
Struggling from under the weight of at least three or four other Goblins, Carina managed to slide her way from under them, bolting in the direction of Armont with an arm stretched out. "Arrgg--grab my hand!" she cried out, the Goblins all hopping forward once more to latch onto her legs.
Armont De'bayle reached out to take her hand tightly as it was extended out. Soon the woman would feel her body lighten against Armont’s touch as the man attempted to rip her back towards him, though with not enough force to do any damage to her and only knock off what goblins were tethered to her. "Come! We move swiftly!" He shouted.
Being tugged into him, the woman's cheek smacked into his armour somewhat harshly, though not enough to injure her despite the force, thankfully. Grumbling some, she rubbed a hand to her stinging cheek before motioning a pointed finger back, "Armont! Is the ceiling to high for you to-" she stopped. Joseph! Right, where was he again. Standing by the damn entrance, "Jo! You could have done something!" she yelled out, the Goblins rushing forward toward them. Looking back to his Hyur with an annoyed stare, the beast finally made his move forward, rushing between the pair to poke his horns out toward the oncoming Goblins, making them skid on their path.
Armont De'bayle knew that the little purple blob of shit was going to stab him for this, but he quickly leaned down to grasp onto Joseph tightly along with Carina. Taking a crouching pose for a brief moment, his eye would flare dangerously as he dumped aeromancy into the trio before leaping out of the cave. Soaring a bit higher than needed, the three would soon touch ground with the top of the cave lightly, Armont quickly dropping Joseph to avoid any wrath, and watching him for anything coming.
Letting out a loud shriek as the trio launched into the air, her hands desperately holding to her satchel and to her husband's arm, Carina found herself a bit on the more frazzled side as they landed. "I-I will never get used to that..." she murmured out, her hair messier than usual as the cries of upset Goblins could be heard from the top opening. Growling out in anger, Joseph huffed out as he walked away from Armont, moving away from the group to find an edge that would lead back toward the original entrance.
"Well my lady, twas not the outcome I foresaw, but it is one I will take nonetheless." His eyes looked saddened as they drifted back to the hole. Taking the shoulder pad he had pressed against his chest tightly, he'd toss it back into the cave they jumped out of. He was silent for a moment, but under closer inspection, Carina would notice that he hand a clenched fist held tightly against his chest. With it, was a smile. "...So the world will know the might of Ishgardian Steel..." He mumbled to himself, a glimmer in his eye as he said it.
Offering her husband a plain, unamused expression, the woman shook her head, "I hardly think the Goblins will put it to good use dear. Let us head home, I have the clusters for Hestia’s medicine," she smiled,  brushing off her outfit. "Oh an Armont."
"Hm?" He questioned, looking to his wife with a pleased expression himself.
"I took a test earlier today, a special mix of alchemic properties that- er, well, anyways..." the woman moved over to him, tapping her knuckle to his gauntlet, "it's official! I'd say you're going to be a Papa, but you already are," she offered him an endearing smile.
Halting his motions as he heeded her words and heeded them well, the woman would soon find her husband upon her. Wrapping his arms under and around her arms, he'd scoop her up into a strong hug as he held her in the air. He was speechless, extremely happy with their family.
Laughing out happily as the man rather easily snatched her up into a hug, Carina wrapped her arms to the man's neck as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. Feet dangling in a rather silly fashion, Carina patted a hand to Armont’s head, "let us head home, we've had enough adventure for one night! Though it was exciting, perhaps we should go adventure hunting more often?"
"Aye, we certainly have a weapon to finish. Just the two of us."
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Reunion of the Wanderer
Denz sought a remedy for a problem of his, seeking far and wide for a solution. Finding himself in the deepest recesses of Limsa’s housing districts, Denz is stopped by a familiar presence, one he had not sensed in years...
The wayward De'bayle prowled the streets of the Mist, going off rumours and directions given to him by half-inebriated Lominsians about where he could acquire some… “special goods.” Following his haphazard directions, he found himself in a back alley in the housing district, facing down a robed figure. Denz narrowed his eyes, calling out “The locks flourish once more.” The man bowed, reaching into his pocket while cackling. “Aaaah, a soul in need of succor. Fear not, for -this- is all that you need.” The older man withdrew a potion, Denz sucking in a breath and closing the distance swiftly. “Finally…” Reaching out to grasp the neck of the vial in his hand, his empty reaching for a gil pouch before he froze. A feeling, nearly fleeting in it’s presence, brushed upon his mind. A softer presence, one who reflected that of his mother in many ways, but still remained apart from her. His voice came out breathless. “Astr-…” His voice faded as he dropped the vial, liquid spraying out as it shattered and the man yelled out! “MY HAIR GROWTH POTION!” Denz pushed past him, indirectly dropping his decoy gil pouch on the ground as he rushed off in the direction of the mental beacon, colliding with alleys and stone walls as he struggled to make his way towards it. Towards his long-departed sister.
Within the lobby Astrelle De’bayle stood, eyes staring unfocused at the door that would lead her up to her apartment. The three at the front desk all looked at her strangely, brows raised as she continued to stare straight at the door, long fingers already curled around the handle. Something at the back of her mind nagged and begged for her attention - something familiar and all-at-once distant; a presence she had not felt in many, many cycles. The nearby Roegadyn Mender took charge, slowly leaning in and tapping a fat finger to the woman’s shoulder. “Ye alrigh’ lass?” she croaked uncertainly, tossing a glance back at her fellow co workers. They all shrugged and urged her to continue to pester the woman who seemed unaffected by the poke. Again the finger came and Astrelle turned on her heel, rounding on the Roegadyn with a flat expression. They stared then, long into each other’s eyes in complete silence before the Elezen female raised a finger up to her lips, hushing the Roegadyn before she speak up again. “Go,” she murmured in a low, commanding tone, pushing past the Mender and to the doors leading outside, flinging them open as she stepped into open streets of the Mist and turned cerulean eyes along the road to scan warily; but excitedly.
Denz came barreling down the path towards the apartment building, seeing the doors open and that signature light that came off a person who also bore their tattoo. Denz failed to let his eyes break away from the figure, trying to garner her appearance before colliding face first into a street lamp pole. His visioned lit up with a loud clang and a yelp, before blurring as Denz stumbled to the ground in pain. Yep… That was her brother alright.
The moment Astrelle set her eyes upon his glowing form, she knew– it was a brother of hers. The corners of her mouth tugged into a small smile; strained but happy, she squinted to determine which it was before the figure ran face-first into the pole and collapsed to the ground. “Denz,” she sighed, striding over to the man with a quick but measured step. As she arrived over his body, she examined him in silence before extending a helpful hand for him to grasp. “Hello, Denz.”
Denz held his gloved hands to his eyes with a groan, feeling her draw closer, blinking harshly in her direction to better ascertain her form. At first glance, Denz didn’t appear all that different. His hair was still poorly styled and fell in a short cut over his head, the same boyish look he had so many years ago, but closer inspection would show he had actually grown significantly in size. Getting to a knee, and taking a hit that should’ve knocked most people out, his endurance was reinforced by the built frame he now had. Blearily taking the hand, his fingers were no longer the soft, piano-playing, book-reading articles he once hand, pulling himself up without relying on her. He was taller than her now. He actually looked like a respectable young man, and the scar that was covered half his cheek had shrunk to only a reminding of that dark day. His forehead was red with growing pain, but he shook it off as he looked upon the woman with clearer eyes. “A-Astrelle…” Those eyes quickly misted with water, looking over her sporadically. “Wh-what are you doing here?”
A quiet grunt escapes Astrelle as the man pulls himself up by her hand, the woman’s weight shifting slightly to counteract the pull. “I..” she began, looking over his features with fascination; a soft noise escaped her, catching in her throat as she fully began to realize the reality of the situation and how real the man in front of her was. “..I am glad to see your head is still just as thick,” she managed to speak finally while forcing a chuckle out, her emotions flooding from her wordlessly in quiet tears. She herself looked different; it seemed that the recent years had been unkind to her. Deep lines along her mouth and dark bags beneath her eyes betrayed the lack of sleep she was allotted, and a faint scar ran along the sigil on her forehead - one that would be unfamiliar to any within the family. She gave him a wry smile and folded her arms beneath her modest bosom.
Denz blinks away his own tears, rolling his discomfort from his shoulders as he let out a struggled laugh as well. “A-aheh, well… The Dragonsong War does that to you.” He raises his eyebrows. “How long have you been back? Have you heard….” Denz tilted his head, curious to see what she knew about… everything.
Deep cerulean eyes studied him for a long silence, the tears fading as her face set into a scrutinizing look. “..nearly a moon,” she replies, raising a hand to wipe at her cheeks. Using the flannel wrapped around her waist to dry her hand. “I have no news of Ishgard, if you mean to ask me. I know only of the ins-and-outs of Vylbrand fishing market.” She sets him with a studious gaze, her jaw set firmly. “Is there news I should be made aware of?”
Denz lets out a gasp, hands coming out to his sides. “W-Is there?!” His own fingerless gloves come up to his face, rubbing away the tears that were still present. “By Halone, sister, th-” He paused, the title strange on his lips, but he tilted his head, continuing. “There… is so much I wish to tell you. Would… would show you-” He gestures upward to his tattoo, before holding out a hand hastily. “B-but it would mean more to simply have you see everything yourself!” He turns, placing a hand on his chin in thought before beginning to pace. “There’s Ishgard, the War, Jancis…” He turns back around. “A-ah, and of course, seeing Armont and Guillemont as well.” He gestures out to her. “His own journeys ended not too many months ago, and he has since reconvened with us, and Armont…” Denz trails off, letting out a breath with wide eyes. “We’ve… all been through much, hardly recognizable if not for the sigil emblazoned on our heads.”
Astrelle nods, giving Denz a long once-over. “I had noticed,” she remarks, her voice hitching slightly as the tears threaten to flow from her eyes once more in a mixture of pride and shame. Gulping down her emotions, though they may still be picked up on by the man. “It seems there is much to fill me in on,” she sighs, brushing a long hair from her view. “I am glad that Armont and Guillemont are well; I, too, have stories to tell.. though I am surprised to see you here of all places.” Her brow furrows. “Pray, tell me at least what brought you here, brother. We can get up-to-speed soon, but.. /why/ are you in the Mists?”
Denz opened his mouth to speak, before all that came out was a strained throat noise in hesitation. “A-eh….” He looks to the side, before his hand started running along his scar. “I… was looking for a certain… remedy to a problem of mine.” He blinks, realizing his poor wording. “I-I mean, hair growth! On my /head/! I lost… most of it recently and…” He sighed, hanging his upper body for a moment. “I just… wanted to consider all my options.”
The woman fixed Denz with a long, calculating stare before a single brow lifted. Her eyes flicked to examine the short, boyish cut of his hair; her lips twist into an uncertain frown. “A hat,” she suggests in a matter-o-fact tone. The frown dissipates and turns upward, an endearing smile forming now. “..though it is nice to see it has not changed much, Denz.” Giving a small sigh, she moves to wrap her arms around the man in a brief hug, careful not to hit herself against the sturdier or pointier parts of his armor. “I have an apartment if you wish to come in. I had been about to enter when I ..” she brings a hand to her forehead, allowing a long digit to rest on the mark there.
Denz sucks in a breath as she wrapped her around around him, before the plated shoulder pads and parts of his sleeve clinked to wrap around her as well. It was an honest hug, tight and emotional as Denz had always given, before letting her go. “I… would be honored to join you.“ He gestures an arm out, allowing her to take the lead.
Astrelle leads them silently through the lobby and up to the final floor, the door just before the end of the hall where she stops. Digging into her pocket for a set of keys, she unlocks the door and steps inside, ushering her brother in. "It is sparse,” she admits with a sigh, looking around the nearly empty apartment – room, more like. “It has served my needs while I am here. Sit where you care to.” She moves to the center where the lone Doman set-up is placed, kneeling before it with a forlorn look. Swiping auburn hair and tucking it behind a long ear, she sets Denz with a tired smile. “Would you care for water, Denzel?”
Denz walked in, taking the word sparse lightly until seeing just how little his sister had to work with, stopping with a throat noise and looking about. “By Halone, Astrelle…” He saunters in slowly, head swiveling as if expecting to find something more. “I thought -I- was living a minimalist life, before…” He sees her sit down, following suit and unraveling his sheathed greatsword from his back, laying it against the ground as he lowered himself to a sitting position. “Water is…” He tilts his head with an endearing smile. “Wonderful.”
The woman’s lips twitch but she manages to keep her expression calm; it seems her lack of decoration and furniture does bother her just a bit. “It is good for thinking,” she shrugs, leaning over to take a large jug from the table and pour it into one of the two cups she has. She leans further to place it on Denz’s end, pouring one for herself and settling back with legs folded beneath her. “It is good to see you again.”
Denz settles in politely, leaning against one leg as she poured his water. He nodded his thanks once it was filled, taking it into his hands to sip upon it. He smiles as the container left his lips. “You as well… The last time we saw each other is not a fond memory, and I’ve prayed for years now that that might change.” He clears his throat, setting his water on the table. “But, I am an open book. What would ask of you me?”
Astrelle’s brother’s upfront nature isn’t unfamiliar, though she does seem to flinch at his mention of their last meeting. Her eyes avert from him, peering at the only thing adorning her walls as she takes a long swig of water. “There is much I feel I should ask,” she admits, hesitant in her speech. After a long moment of consideration, she trains her eyes back on him. “What of Ishgard?”
Denz lets out a humored scoff, widening his eyes for a brief moment. “WELL…” He clears his throat. “The Dragonsong War is over. ” He let that statement stick for a moment, eager to see how she would react.
“Over?” Astrelle repeats. It would appear that she is awaiting his confirmation, her hands placing the cup down gingerly though they quickly find their way back to it, fingers wrapping around securely in search of something to hold; blue eyes widening in surprise. “Surely you jest, Denzel.”
The youngest De'bayle’s eye twitches ever so slightly at the use of his full name, but he breaks through it with a smile. “‘Twas not but a year and a half ago did Ishgard open it’s gates to the Eorzeans. After their triumphs against their numerous primals and the Warrior of Light spearheading the efforts, Nidhogg drew his final breath upon the Steps of Faith.” He placed a hand on his chest. “I was on the bridge, fighting with the armies. We couldn’t see the battle but we saw the intense flares of aether, the shouting and cursing of the dread wyrm, and then… A beautiful discharge of energy, and the glowing silhouette of Nidhogg drifting heavensward.” Denz’s eyes grew bright telling the story, clutching his fingers into a fist before looking back at Astrelle. “A thousand years, sister… and now we’re free.”
Astrelle listens with intent, her ocean-blue eyes fixed on Denz as he recounts the events that seem so farfetched to Astrelle. If those emotions were felt through their connection, it would be the only way of discerning a proper reaction; she gives a simple nod as he finishes, taking another sip of her water and placing the cup gently in her lap. “That is good,” remarks her low, calm voice. “I am glad to hear that Ishgard will now know peace. I assume the Archbishop has begun to change the policies then, if the draconians are no longer a threat.”
Denz holds up a hand. “E-er…” He rubs the back of his neck. “There… is more change than you would imagine.” He sucks in a breath, returning his gaze to his sister. “The Archbishop died a traitor, seeking to use aether and power beyond his means. The Warrior of Light was forced to slay him and our Most Holy Heavens Ward.” Denz grit his teeth at this, before losing his stress. “The… clergy as a whole was brought into question. There have been many secrets kept from us, the greatest of them being that /we/ began this war. Our first sin, stealing the eyes of Nidhogg’s consort and enraging the dragon into an endless frenzy that would only end with every ishgardian burned.” He holds out his arms. “The Vault is practically empty, our people have been losing their faith, yet throughout all of it, our Knight-Captain Aymeric sought to lead the forefront of change. The High Houses and the minor nobility now make up the House of Nobles, and the most notable of the low-born, the merchants, Brumesmen and caretakers make up the House of Commons that now dictates our republic.” Denz halts his explanation, give Astrelle a moment to soak that all in.
“It seems,” Astrelle sighs as she leans forward, placing her half-empty cup onto the small table, “that I have missed much.” The faint lines around her mouth deepen as she purses her lips in thought, eyes closing as she absorbs the information. It was good that she spent so long from home, it seems, as though it is a shock to her, it is nothing that she cannot process. Allowing herself a few moments to register his words, she gives a small nod. “I did not ever think there would be a day when the low-born would have voice in Ishgard.” She sucks in a breath and releases, fingers tapping idly against her halfslops. “That everyone should have voice is good; perhaps the future will allow Ishgard to transgress for their sins. The War..- ah, what I mean to ask is if there are any dragons left?”
Denz nods his head. “… We actually did not end this war alone. Yet again thanks to the Eorzean Warrior of Light, Nidhogg was brought low by the combined strength of the Warrior and his own kin, Hraesveglr. We… have peace with the dragons, those that are not tempered to Nidhogg’s rage, at least.” He chuckles, leaning back to look at the ceiling. “I’ve actually worked for those dragons, and while they’re stubborn in their ways, they were ready for peace as well.” Denz looks back down at her. “So, aye, there’re plenty of dragons remaining, though since we’ve achieved peace, they must also recuperate from their own losses.”
“The dragons fought against Nidhogg?” This information ushers a raise of her brow, keen eyes studiously peering over her younger brother. “And you say you’ve worked for these dragons as well, Denz? Truly I have been gone for too long, it seems.” She shakes her head in disbelief, grasping her cup of water and raising it to her lips - halfway up though, she halts its advance and opens her mouth to speak. “You fought in the Dragonsong War, brother. You’ve worked under /dragons/, those that we warred against for many, many turns. The Archbishop is dead for treason, as well as the Heavens Ward, and yet- you sought an elixir for hair-growth /here/, in the Mists?” A small, light-hearted laugh escapes her. “I am glad you survived.. as well as the others– Armont and Guillemont. Where are they?”
Denz’s head seemed to shrink further and further into his shoulders as his sister spoke, as if he expected her to begin berating him, before she started laughing, his ears perking up slightly and letting out a laugh at the ridiculousness of her statement, despite how sadly true it was. “Hahah… Armont is… home. Er-” Denz holds up his hands, closing an eye with a guilty look. “Armont and I… had to resign the house to the city, so… Our home is locked away.” He gives her a sad smile. “Despite all that, I truly do not believe we will ever have it back, lest Armont wishes it for sentimental reasons. We’ve made our homes here, with the people we’ve chosen to be with.” Denz’s eyes cast to the side. “Like Armont’s hyur wife.”
Astrelle’s soft laugh dies out at his new information and her face falls flat. “The home is gone.” It isn’t repeated as a question, rather stated in a low, disbelieving tone. “All this change in Ishgard and we are to leave it behind, then? Perhaps I was too hasty in my return.” She finishes the rest of her water and places the empty cup firmly on the table, adjusting her position to combat the numbness creeping into her legs. She freezes at the last statement and slowly cocks her head to the side, her long auburn hair falling to her shoulder. “Armont is bonded.. with a /hyur/? Not a noble then, I assume, but Ishgardian?”
Denz lets out a nervous chuckle, adjusting his own seating as he held up a hand. “If anything, sister, you heralded in the change we would all soon face before anyone of us had the bravery to.” He smirks, shaking his head. “And… no, she is no ishgardian. No noble. Hardly Eorzean. Quite the opposite of what you would expect Armont to find in a woman…” Denz looks to the side.“ I… also am with a hyur, myself. N-not bonded, not yet, but..” Denz goes back to rubbing his scar in embarrassment.
The woman takes her brother’s words with a flat expression, her unamused expression hiding the scowl that threatens to plaster itself on her face. “Do not mock my decision, Denzel,” she retorts in an even voice, “You know the reasons as to my departure.” She huffs through her nostrils and straightens her head, humming a pensive note at his admittance. “So Armont has taken a betrothed that is not of Ishgardian blood? And you, dear Denz.. how interesting. I am to assume that she is the 'Jancis’ you mentioned earlier?”
Denz holds up his arms. “It wasn’t a mock!” His tone gets higher pitched as it oft did when arguing with his siblings. “I was commending you on frontiering the change we would all inevitably face!” He clenches his hands, gesturing his arms out in a self-calming gesture, before looking back up at her. “Aye. I think you will come to enjoy her, should you wish to meet. She is… much like mother.” Denz stretches his mouth. “Aaaah, not to say -that- is what I love about her, but…Mother was always so warm and caring, even to those outside the family. Jancis… she emulates that perfectly, and she proves that I can still strive to be a better person.” He clears his throat, looking back to the door. “We, for the most part, all live within the Shroud, among the various housing districts in the Lavender Beds. Guillemont as well.”
Astrelle curls her lips into a small dismissive smile. “Of course,” she remarks, nodding sagely at the sight of his frustration. Her features softened and the wry tone in her voice drops at the mention of Mother, her chest rising in a deep breath. “Then I am glad you have found some peace with this Hyur. I can only hope Armont has found the same with his Eorzean woman.. what of Guillemont?” No sooner does the question leave her mouth, does she seem to rethink it and teeter her head about gently. “Ah..perhaps not,” she admits with a sheepish look, setting a considering look at the jug of water. Deciding against a refill, she again speaks up. “The Shroud.. does it remind you of Coerthas /before/? It must in some way,” she muses, mostly to herself, before stretching an arm above her head. “As you can see, I’ve had a brief sojourn here in Limsa. It has treated me well enough, but.. it seems that we are destined to bring together the family. I have been gone for too long, Denz … I wish to see familiar faces once again.”
Denz allows her to think to herself, before he is addressed once more. “There will be familiar and unfamiliar faces unlike to greet you, but I assure you they are all family.”  stands up, hand going for the hilt of his greatsword. “If hesitation ever halts your pace, just know there is someone you would not dare miss meeting… But I will keep their identity a surprise for now.” He loops his sheath band around his shoulder, tilting his head. “'Tis a long journey from here to the Shroud. Dare I ask if you would like an escort?”
Astrelle lofts a brow at the obscured identity; a surprise? She nearly gave a derisive snort but refrained, finding it too impolite even for herself. “An escort?” To that she did laugh, pushing herself to her feet. “Brother.. I have guided my own path for nearly ten Summers - I need no escort; I will, however, accept my family to walk alongside.” She offers him a soft smile, moving up to gently pat his arm before nodding to the door.
Denz tilted his head. “As I suspected.” He looked around the room once more. “Er… Have you no additional clothing or travelling supplies to bring with you?” He backpedaled slowly to the door, though would halt upon her answer.
Astrelle glances down to herself, frowning at her own attire. Clearing her throat, she reaches up to scratch at the back of her neck - something, it seems, that Guillemont and her share in their motions. “Ah..” She turns on her heel and makes for her bed, falling to her knees and digging underneath it to procure a small, brown linen bag. “I am ready,” she announces; the bag would contain only a folded, most certainly wrinkled dress, a hairbrush, a pair of boots, and a small dagger.
“… Riiiight.” Denz sounded wholly unconvinced, and more than anything, shocked that his sister made it as she did. Shouldering his blade once more, he lead her out of the near-empty room and out towards the docks for a Shroud-bound boat.
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jancisstuff · 5 years
Armont Meets Torene
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 March 14 2019
Armont stops by and asks to meet Torene, humming a poem to her, and spending much of the night with his niece while Jancis deals with boxing up pie for her friends.
A blue bird perches upon child’s shoulder Such a smile to see, one would have to behold her. Emerald eyes filled with such light, the pride of a soldier. With future filled so bright, such words will always be told to her.
Jancis Milburga notices someone is inside and tries to be quiet, her foot gently guiding the door shut. Armont De'bayle brought his head up from what looked to be prayer. With a soft smile about him, he would nod in her direction. "Perhaps the Fury can bring some form of clairity for this troubled mind." He said with a hushed chuckle. "Pray you have been well my lady?" Jancis Milburga steps forward a bit, smiling lightly as she saw Armont's. "I have no doubt She can." She answers softly. "I am healthy and whole. Life has been busy. I am well enough. There is pie." She ended with a soft cheer, hefting the stack of boxes she carried. Armont De'bayle quickly shuffled to his feet with haste as his view came to the boxes. "I can take those from you my lady." He hummed out happily. "You simply point, and I shall place? Aye?" He looked down at the boxes, attempting to inspect what they might be or contain. "More greens for this room I assume?" Jancis Milburga doesn't protest. They're warm and the smell of pastries comes through the parcels. She smiles in good humor, shaking her head and motioning upstairs. "Thank you. Please, you are the tallest man I know, pray be wary."
Armont De'bayle 's head dipped down some as he brought one of the boxes up to his nose. "A chocolate of some sort?" He cooed out,  following Jancis. Jancis Milburga: "There is spinach quiche, rolanberry cheesecake, and sheperd pie." Armont De'bayle laughed. "So I was no where near close!" Jancis Milburga helps Armont again, finding spots to put the boxes on the shelf and trunk. Armont De'bayle looked about the room for a time as he walked through it. "A lovely, cozy set up you have here my lady. I assume you decorated it yourself?" He asked, eyes stilling looking about the place.
Jancis Milburga nods slowly, heading back towards the door. "I. I did." She rubs her cheek absently. Everything in the room was purposefully high enough for an elezen to walk through without discomfort, though perhaps the hanging pots were an obstacle. They were new by the look of them. "I will be back anon. Forgive me. Pray help yourself to a box, yes? I was planning on having one sent to you."
Jancis Milburga ||The room was something of a garden and something of a workshop. Pictures and maps, dried flowers, and other items of sentimental value were where projects weren't. The workshop was tidy, and there was a small bed with a stuffed animal tucked within. Armont De'bayle nodded as he looked about the room. Taking one of the boxes in hand after setting down the rest, he would look inside to see exactly what she described earlier. "I will make sure to bring it home for both Carina and I to enjoy my lady." He looked to her as she took a moment to leave, offering a smile. Soon drifting over towards the potions, he would gently, gently pick them up. Jancis Milburga ||Color sloshed within, some of the contents settled to the bottom. The smell of rosemary was noticable among the other myraid of scents. It was labeled as a kind of anti-venom, particular for a large vilekin. Jancis Milburga headed back up the stairs, peeking in. "And Little Aegisan? Would he enjoy it?" Armont De'bayle raised his brows at the collection. He thought his wife had a collection of potions. "Always the healer, you are..." He muttered to himself, his eyes eventually making it to the stuffed animal nearest him. Seemingly stuck in solace, he was frozen at its sight, lost in thought.
Jancis Milburga caught sight of Armont looking over the room, giving him a thoughtful look after her question. She stepped slowly closer, watching him over the bundle in her arms. Armont De'bayle 's eyes were still fixed on the plushie. "I believe if he is anything like his father, he will have quite the tooth for sweets." He smiled, soon looking back to Jancis and the bundle in her arms. Jancis Milburga: "Is that why you smile like that?"
Armont De'bayle: "I smile because I live a life filled with such joys in it, my lady."
Jancis Milburga ||A fluff of soft dark brown hair peeks out from the swaddle, green eyes peeking through. Would Armont have any recollection as a boy of seeing his youngest brother, it would be quite the reminder of that memory from the shape and forehead of the baby. Hands curl on the blanket, gripping it as green eyes look around at the shapes about her. Jancis Milburga smiles softly at Armont's words. "I have not heard that poem before."
Armont De'bayle: "Pray you prepare yourself, for the sight of your child may inspire another." He chuckled, stepping forth to look at the child with a cheeky smile. "A beautiful child you have, my lady." He whispered as to not disturb the child to a new face. "...May I?" He asked as two hands extended out slowly.
Jancis Milburga actually tries to prepare, shifting her feet into a better stance. She nods, murmuring a 'yes, yes you may' and lifts her arms out to Armont. Green eyes find the ribbons on Armont's armor, quiet and examining everything. The face was and wasn't familiar for obvious reasons. She was small, but properly chubby for a child of her age. Hands came out, tiny digits to grasp at the red ribbon. Armont De'bayle "Aye... Come here little one..." Armont cooed out to the child as he reached forward to take her into his arms. With a slow, gentle sway he would bring the child close to the red ribbons on his tabard. "Ever the curious one?" He questioned out, a happy look about the man as he looked to Jancis.
Armont De'bayle >> The beginning was going to be for Jancis with a bit of a word change, but I figured Jancis would like it more if it was made for her daughter. :) Jancis Milburga leaned on the wall, watching the two interact with a soft awed expression. Color filled her face out of warmth alone as she smiled and answered, "I think so. It is subtle, but grows each sun I am with her. Others tell me that as well. How she studies things." Jancis Milburga ||Armont's voice would catch attention, eyes going up to the source. There was a triangle. Baby-soft fingers reached up and tried to grasp at the triangle, failing and only brushing at Armont's chin a few times, before staring at it without further attempt.
Armont De'bayle chuckled at that as a plated finger moved out to boop her nose softly as she looked up to Armont. "A climber at such a young age... Possibly a mountaineer?" Another pearly smile was given. "A proud uncle I am, that is for certain. Does she take fond to anything in particular? Aside from bread of course."
Jancis Milburga ||The tiny girl pauses at the pooking finger, perplexed by the quick hand that came so close then away. Everything that came got stared at, taken in. More intently than Jancis stared at things. She was six months, but her size and demeanor could easily mistake for five from Armont's experience with children. Her mouth opened at the smile and she settled in the man's arm, still watching and examining.
Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me, Armont. I have not given her any bread yet." Armont De'bayle looked to Jancis while a hand fetched the small ribbon with a smaller red metal piece at the end. Suspending it before the child, he would softly wave it infront of her. "I expect to see her in rank one of these turns my lady. Another pride of the family for certain." Jancis Milburga: "She likes her hand a lot right now. And watching. I noticed she likes shapes so I try to give her balls or blankets with shapes on them. There is a lady in Drybone that has many wooden blocks. She lays on her stomach and pushes them around." Jancis Milburga asks, "In rank?"
Armont De'bayle: "Aye, perhaps she would be a lancer... Or perhaps a star gazer in the observation areas south of Dragonshead! It is her life to live, and I shall embrace what choices she makes happily as her uncle." Armont De'bayle: "I shall make way to Ishgard soon. I believe I know of something she would greatly enjoy!"
Jancis Milburga ||The sparkle. The armored hand holding the red ribbon. Green eyes locked onto it and watched awhile. It moved so. The girl clapped her hands together twice, then curled up, watching the swinging tassle with her own silent wonder. Jancis Milburga laughs with Armont, her eyes going to the baby with motherly tenderness that finally came in comforting company, rare to see the amount of care that could flood the conjurer. "Something she would greatly enjoy. I wish to show her everything I can. More people than myself so she can make that choice. It is important. You can show her things I cannot. And also be there should I not be."
Jancis Milburga: "I have taken her to places through Eorzea. I have a bracelet with charms that show her to people she can trust and be cared for, should I go. Or I am not close. It is her choice. You are one of those people, Armont." Jancis Milburga confesses, "I must needs make a charm that befits you. So when she sees it, she thinks of you." Armont De'bayle offered a small chuckle at her words as he brought a finger low so the child could grasp onto his finger. "Torene is it not? I have heard the name before..." He whispered out almost to the child herself. "If you so wish for me to be the watcher of your child if you are unable to, I shall do so with the best of mine being my lady. It is an honor." He looked to Jancis, a bright pearly smile upon his face. "I can show her all that I know of, all of the good of me of course, though I am not - Jancis Milburga ||The girl reaches up. A little bracelet of jade beads on silk rest on her arm. It's enough where it won't fling off immediately. She tries to get the metal end of the ribbon. Jancis Milburga ||Torene gives up and takes Armont's finger instead with both hands, gripping at the armor with baby strength. Armont De'bayle the only whom can teach her many things. There is always her father who can teach her much of what mine monther knew, there are plenty within the House whom can educate her, and then there is her mother, who can teach her how to be caring, how to be kind and to love all before casting any stone."
Jancis Milburga bowed her head at Armont's words briefly before smiling back up at him. "Casting stones? If she likes conjury." She chimes in. Jancis Milburga: "Yes. Torene. Torene de Bayle. Who told you her name?" Armont De'bayle laughed. "Aye, and there is the kindness she will inherit for certain. Like mine own children, I cannot wait to see the person she will become in life."
Jancis Milburga smiles up at him. "I yearn to see it myself. Twelve willing. It is a large duty."
Armont De'bayle: "Until then my lady, enjoy her while you can. They grow up quickly."
Jancis Milburga gives Armont a meaningful look at that! Armont De'bayle almost looked somewhat sad at his comment, the child he held in hands giving him a feeling of his own daughter not long ago. He nodded, almost to himself in silence. Jancis Milburga comes up beside Armont and looks over his arm at the pair. "She will be six moons soon." She says quietly, "We do the best we can with the time we have." When Jancis comes closer and talks within sight, Torene smiles. It's soft, cheeks lifting and eyes going to her mother.
Jancis Milburga: "If you keep talking to her and she knows your voice, she will smile at you in kind, Armont." Jancis Milburga: "Cherished Torene. This is Armont. He is funny and strong and very gifted. He could leap many yulms and not trip once." Armont De'bayle smiled kindly at her kind words. "Aye, and perhaps when you grow just a tap older, I can treat you to more than simple holding." He cooed out, tapping her nose gently to his word. "Hestia always loved her fathers 'daring' leaps from small hills. I believe it is why she wished to be a Dragoon at such a young age." Jancis Milburga ||The grasped finger once again got her nose! Soft hands clapped on the gauntlet, Torene looking up at the cooing man, mouth open. She reaches up, but the prominent elezen nose is not within reach. Jancis Milburga laughs softly, "Loved it more than Carina did. I do not understand. Anyone would. It looks like flying to me. Torene. Her name is a gift of a wish like that. Named for someone who helped lead a new way of life and was strong and smart. And a dragonrider. It is from a book of fantasy. But it is a good wish and not one that must hold her. How else can someone name someone else so young from the start?" Jancis Milburga: "Would you like to stay awhile? I could use a hand with Torene as I address these other pies."
Armont De'bayle looked to Jancis, offering the child back should she wish to hold her. "Pray forgive me, I do not wish to hold her forever should you wish to hold her." He laughed. "Of course my lady, I would to hold her for a... good bit longer if you do not mind."
Jancis Milburga reaches out and half takes Armont's offer. Sharing holding the girl a moment to brush the soft locks of hair and and inspect Torene's face before kissing her forehead, then moving her arms away again. "A good bit longer?" She gave Armont a thoughtful look of regard, empathy filling her eyes as she could only fathom how much pain the father had endured. "No, no I do not mind."
Jancis Milburga: "Torene does not seem to mind, either." Armont De'bayle 's arms wrapped around the child once more as he softly walked through the room, softly singing a small poem that came across mind. "My Lady, would you mind if I asked you to attend a trial for Hestia? Mine brother believes her last before taking the helm of the house is to fight her father in combat, and I would love to see you there." Armont De'bayle: "Should you be able."
Jancis Milburga didn't answer immediately. She had been listening. Her hands paused in her work on writing quick notes to attach to the small boxes of pastries. She was repeating the words she could recall, eyes flooding with emotion to the point she had to close them. Jancis Milburga: "A trial? For Hestia. Against you?" Armont De'bayle looked to Jancis with some concern. "My lady, are... are you okay?" His words were soft before answering her. "Aye, he believes it should be the final trial. Once complete, she will fully take hold of this House. It is an honor to be truthful." Jancis Milburga rubs her face and murmurs, "Forgive me, I overheard some of your words." She takes a slow breath, still touch deeply. "I would not miss it. I want to be there. What if you defeat her?" Jancis Milburga: "I remember you fighting once. I was holding Hestia. She was Torene's size. You and Carina were trying to settle down a friend who had lost control. It is an odd change." Armont De'bayle: "It is strange how time can settle things, no? No matter what happens, I shall embrace it, just as I told you I shall embrace whatever path your child may chose to follow. Aye it may be bitter sweet to lose to mind own daughter, but it is an honor to be there for her, something I could not do with mine own father sadly..." Jancis Milburga: "Sadly. I do not understand as well as I wish to. To only know stories and the name of this man that makes your shoulders rise higher. Surely his would, too?"
Jancis Milburga murmurs an apology at her emotional words, "I mean. I mean he would feel so honored and so happy to see this." Armont De'bayle: "Your words honor me so, Jancis. One of these nights I will not only tell you of my father, but I will tell little one here of him as well. Perhaps come then I will have mine gift for her?" He cooed out, leaning over to press a soft peck at the top of her head. Jancis Milburga ||Torene had been watching Armont mostof this time, either his hands or his face for what she could see. Soft skin was under his lips, fluffy hair on her head like downy feathers. A hand came up to grip awkwardly at Armont's chin and the other clapped gently on the other side.
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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House de Bayle - Zike’s Promotion to Knight-Captain
Zike invites some others to his grandmother’s home for a celebration dinner, gifting them with names and keepsakes.
January 17 2019
  "Lady Jancis, it is with a smile and a warm heart that I invite you to have dinner with me and a select few other friends after the ceremony tonight. I do not know where I would be without your constant kindness, support, and friendship. Because of this, I give you a button I was given as a child. Because just as clothes tear and must be mended, you have done wonders to mend my soul. When I was an outcast, you were there beside me, and those of us that have been outcasts for one reason or another are those I resonate with. They are the ones I am proud to invite to this very special gathering. I hope you can come, it means the world to me."
                Zike Lancean
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jancisstuff · 6 years
Laurels with Armont
February 6 2019
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Jancis catches Armont doing too much paperwork and asks him to help set up for Menphina’s time in the sanctuary. The two talk about seeing one another again and a bit about failure, finding comfort after distance.
Jancis Milburga walks through the hallway, arms full of laurels, and notices the office door being different than usual. Curious, she creeks open the door and looks inside. Armont De'bayle managed to look up from what paperwork he had about him. With a pleasant smile, he would tap the quill in hand twice upon parchment before placing it into its inkwell. "Good evening Lady Jancis! Pray everything is safe and sound on your half?" He chuckled some, his frame straightening against the chair. Jancis Milburga gives Armont an intent look before coming closer, inspecting his desk and the paper and giving the inkwell a long look before meeting the man's gaze again. "Good eve, Armont. How long have you been here?" Jancis Milburga: "I am safe. On my half. I got laurels." She hefts her arms with the bundles of aromatic stems and leaves. Armont De'bayle looked just past the woman in green to the clock on the wall. "Some while it would appear. Another night claims mine mind once more." He looked at the womans attire for a time, blinking some. "I do not believe I have seen you wearing such clothing before. New? Or perhaps I just have not been around enough to see it. Nonetheless, it is a lovely color of green." His eyes shift to them, nodding. "So it would seem. Might I ask what your plans are for the night my lady?" Jancis Milburga looks down at herself. "It is. Something for the cold it is nice to bundle up with." Her expression softens the more he talks. "Something claims your mind? Besides this paperwork? I am decorating the sanctuary. Remember that crystal we found? You should come with me. I could use the help and you could use rescue from papers. Especially these kinds. Records and signatures and complicated words." She gives the papers a regarding look. Armont De'bayle gave a cheerful laugh in response. "I am working on something that I believe will assist mine daughter when she takes the mantle, and any whom come after her. Regardless, it will not be done tonight, so I should not slave over it as if it could be." He stood up, arms stretching out with a grunt. How long he had been sitting in armor remains unknown. "Aye, I remember it well! It sounds like another grand venture in the making my lady. At your side, once more." Jancis Milburga: "No you are not a slave. I do understand that desire for your project now. You will be refreshed to come back! Grand? You taunt me." She repeats in soft fondness. "I have been trying to share thoughts and challenge some of the house these past moons." Armont De'bayle canted his head towards those words. "Oh? And how do you wish to challenge them?" he said with a raised brow and a soft smile. Baking? Sparring? Singing? The possibilities were endless. Jancis Milburga turns and opens the door with her elbows, smiling up. "Depends on the moon. Fire. Ice. Writing. Carrying. Forgiving. That was one of the hardest ones." Armont De'bayle would take the gauntlets off of the wall hanger before leaving. "It's odd to say, but I believe I have more feeling with familiar gloves than without." He chuckled some, understanding how odd that must have sounded. "A little slice of Ishgard, right here." He muttered, looking about the room with a large smile. "It is beautiful my lady." Jancis Milburga smiles in good humor agreeing as she set down the plants. "Yes?" She beamed at his words, coming over to look at the painting he was near, "Others helped. The glass is all from your home. This altar, too. The other wood is from here so there is a connection. I hope. Built together." Jancis Milburga: "And then others here with Halone. She should not be alone." Jancis Milburga ||There's a steady hum from the crystal that hung in the center of the ceiling, set into the disk Armont had guarded and helped in the past summer. It's soothing and calming. Armont De'bayle smiled at such kind words. "Not every blessing we have received has hailed from Ishgard Jancis. We have certainly found a few diamonds in the rough when veturing out, no?" He beamed, looking from the paintings to Jancis. "You have been nothing but to our family and to our house. I do not dilute my words when I say it is an honor to be surrounded by such graces." Your eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Armont De'bayle. Jancis Milburga: "Me a rough diamond?" Armont De'bayle chuckled. "Nay, a diamond that shines out from the rough, my lady." Jancis Milburga laughs and rubs her cheek absently, "Byregot's Grace, your poetic words." She bows her head quickly before snapping it back up, eyes squinting from her smile. "Do you want to help me? I wish to bundle up those laurel leaves and leave them by the benches and walls. You can tell me how you have been while we do. Or I can tell you more about the challenges. They are always available even if the moon for that particular Twelve has moved on." Jancis Milburga: "Some people believe if they miss it, that is the end. And you know better than most that is not true." Armont De'bayle nodded as he stepped forward to assist. "I would love nothing more than to aid in whatever way possible." He stepped forward, most of his frame clinking together from the metal plates he wore. Moreso when he began to gently bundle up the leaves. "My time returning to the house has been nothing but grand so far. In doing so, I have been able to see the natural leadership in mine daughter and what various faces she has brought in. Aside from the new, it is very calming to know that those whom I enjoyed seeing are still about. Armont De'bayle took a soft breath of air in, letting it out silently before speaking again. "There is you of course, mine dearest sister, Denzel, and Alleria." Jancis Milburga split up the string she had to bind up the bundles, handing him some and watching with some interest how dexterous gauntlets could be, sap and the like getting on her fingers as she made her own bundles. "That is calming. Yours, too. It was not like that for some time. Astrelle, though, she has been a calming comfort. I know these moments and grand feelings come at a high cost. All the more reason to cherish them. Mine daughter." She knots another bunch, adding it to the growing pile. Jancis Milburga: "When you talk like that, she sounds like you." Jancis Milburga: "You state life in lists and how it makes you feel and the duty you have to it and the importance and what you must do. Hestia does that a great deal." Armont De'bayle smiled at that, though his expression soon ended just as his motions had. He remained silent for a time, simply looking down at the leaves in hand. "I have failed her, Jancis..." His frame tensed up at the very sound of it and through gritted teeth, he said it again. "I have failed her as a father, and I do not know if I can ever repair that which I have robbed from her..." Jancis Milburga froze at his words a moment, eyes moving to watch him tense up and listen to the his tone. Jancis Milburga takes a slow breath. Jancis Milburga: "Now you sound like Denz." She blinks slowly and meets his gaze. "Armont. You, and she, knows that you did the best you could at the time. And it is not fair. And it is a sorrow that will stay. I." Jancis Milburga pauses and looks thoughtful. Armont De'bayle took in another deep breath of air, letting it out slowly as his face slowly turned to Jancis. "I have spoke to her once before about it, admitted the same, though it always seems to creep back into mine mind. I am proud to see where she is, but I have offered little means of a foundation as mine father had done for me." He brought a hand up, waving it through the air dismissively. "I apologize, my lady. I have gone off rails." Another breath of air passed through his lungs. "Sound like- Armont De'bayle Denz? Is... Is he troubled?" He raised a brow. Jancis Milburga: "Please do not apologize. I like you like this as much as happier times and jousting. That was one of the challenges, you know? The ones I spoke of before. To confess and forgive. Forgive yourself. The past cannot be repaired, but that is gone the present is here. And so are you." Jancis Milburga sets down the bundle she had half-done. "Is Denz troubled." She repeats. "His hair is like yours." Jancis Milburga: "He said failure a few times. I heard from Lord Nathaniel he said it then, too." Armont De'bayle heeded the womans words and heeded them well. "Is... Is everything fine with mine brother? Is... Is everything fine with you both?" He asked, placing the string down along with the leaves as his frame shifted to be squared with hers. Jancis Milburga quiets and shakes her head, eyes shifting to Armont off and on with an apology in them. Armont De'bayle gritted his teeth some. "He had not notified me if something has come between the both of you... Perhaps I should have pursued him more when he would leave, just as he did the night of our return in Ul'dah." Jancis Milburga does much of the same, shaking her head without word. Armont De'bayle stepped forward to place a hand on her shoulder, his leather glove creaking some with its motions. "My lady, I would turn back the hand of time if such a power were within my grasp. I would undo all the damages of this realm, undo all the pain that I have caused, undo your woes and even mine brother... Even the death of my other, but I do not hold such a power..." He fell silent again, as if he had answered his own troubles in that very moment. "I suppose there is little I can do now, but- Armont De'bayle attempt to mend what damages I have caused." He stepped forward, wrapping his plated arms around the woman tightly with eyes closed. "I know not of what you or mine brother are going through, but you both will always and forever be within solemn prayers." Jancis Milburga stayed still and listened, her eyeline to Armont's chest at her smaller stature. As she was compressed, there was not stiffening, eyes open as she was encased in armor. Closing her eyes she leaned into the comforting embrace, freeing one arm then another to return it, fingers dug into the tabard in mutual comfort.
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