#Arp 152
quiltofstars · 6 months
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M87 // Rolf Olsen
M87, also called Virgo A, is an extremely radio-loud galaxy, meaning it emits a lot of light in the radio. The source of this radio? Likely a supermassive black hole at its core!
This black hole, called M87* (M87-star), is about 6 billion times the mass of the Sun and has a size of about 120 AU, or about 3 times the distance between the Sun and Pluto!
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M87* was the first black hole to ever be directly imaged, a task accomplished with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) in 2019. This telescope works by combining the light-gathering power from several radio telescope across the world, effectively making a telescope as large as the Earth itself!
The black hole is currently swallowing up material and has a ring of highly ionized gas around it (shown in orange in the inset). Sometimes the black hole "burps" and emits a jet of matter. This jet currently measures about 5,000 light years long moving at about 85% the speed of light.
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wtf-triassic · 5 years
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By Ripley Cook
Etymology: Wrinkle Tooth 
First Described By: Emmons, 1856
Classification: Biota, Archaea, Proteoarchaeota, Asgardarchaeota, Eukaryota, Neokaryota, Scotokaryota Opimoda, Podiata, Amorphea, Obazoa, Opisthokonta, Holozoa, Filozoa, Choanozoa, Animalia, Eumetazoa, Parahoxozoa, Bilateria, Nephrozoa, Deuterostomia, Chordata, Olfactores, Vertebrata, Craniata, Gnathostomata, Eugnathostomata, Osteichthyes, Sarcopterygii, Rhipidistia, Tetrapodomorpha, Eotetrapodiformes, Elpistostegalia, Stegocephalia, Tetrapoda, Reptiliomorpha, Amniota, Sauropsida, Eureptilia, Romeriida, Diapsida, Neodiapsida, Sauria, Archosauromorpha, Crocopoda, Archosauriformes, Eucrocopoda, Crurotarsi, Archosauria?, Pseudosuchia?, Phytosauria, Parasuchidae, Mystriosuchinae 
Referred Species: R. carolinensis, R. manhattanensis 
Status: Extinct 
Time and Place: Sometime between 227 and 208.5 million years ago, in the Norian of the Late Triassic
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Rutiodon is primarily known from the Eastern United States; there are reports from Canada, as well, but these are more dubious. All reports from the Chinle Formation that were once assigned to Rutiodon have since been given their own names. It is known from the Blue Bell Quarry and the New Oxford Formation of Pennsylvania, the Cumnock and Pekin Formations of North Carolina, and the Ewing Creek Member of the Lockatong Formation and the Passaic Formation of New Jersey.
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Physical Description: Rutiodon was a Phytosaur, so naturally it looked ridiculously similar to modern crocodilians - and wasn’t one in the slightest. In fact, Phytosaurs and Crocodilians have a major difference - they had their nostrils far back on the head, close to the eyes, rather than on the tip of the snout. Rutiodon itself was very long, between 3 and 8 meters in body length, making it one of the largest animals in its environment. It had a very long, narrow jaw, with large teeth inside that grew much bigger at the front of the jaw. Weirdly enough, it was covered in armored plates like modern crocodilians on its back, sides, and tail, though this is a clear-cut case of convergent evolution - Crocodilians evolved from completely different Triassic reptiles. Rutiodon had a long tail, a squat body, and legs splayed out to the sides, just enhancing how much it resembled living crocodilians. 
Diet: Rutiodon would have fed on small animals and fish in its environment, using the hook in its jaw as well as the large teeth to grab onto struggling prey and hold it steady.
Behavior: Despite its uncanny resemblance to living crocodilians, it is difficult to determine whether or not Phytosaurs such as Rutiodon would have actually behaved like them. While being an ambush predator in the water it called home makes a certain amount of sense, that sense is primarily based on its resemblance to living analogues. That said, it’s also possible that the extreme length of its mouth would have aided Rutiodon in reaching and grabbing food that would be out of reach for a more snort-shouted animal (such as the large predatory amphibians that it shared a home with). It probably would have taken care of its young, though if it was more social than that it would have been more out of convenience than anything else. That said, Rutiodon seems to have been quite common, so groups of “I guess we’re all in this place together” may have been very common and a large annoyance to animals in the area trying to move through unscathed. 
Ecosystem: In general, Rutiodon lived in lake environments, usually near forests with decent amounts of water present beyond the lake. Flooding and swamp-like conditions were probably favored by this genus, based on its fossil neighbors. It was found in lakes, river deltas, and floodplains that would frequently turn into extremely overflowed swamps. In the Cumnock Environment of North Carolina, it lived alongside the large amphibian Dictyocephalus, as well as therapsids like Dromatherium and Microconodon and a variety of fish and unnamed reptiles. In the New Oxford Formation of Pennsylvania, it lived alongside another large amphibian - Koskinodon - as well as the fish Synorichthys, and potentially other Phytosaurs like Suchoprion and Palaeoctonus. Finally, in Lockatong, it lived with the Tanystropheid Tanytrachelos, the Kuehneosaurid Icarosaurus, the Protorosaur Hypuronector, the Rhynchosaurid Rhynchosauroides, unnamed dinosaurs, another Metoposaurid, and a variety of fish like Diplurus, Synorichthys, Turseodus, and Osteopleurus. All that fish would have made an excellent source of food for Rutiodon, along with those small Therapsids! 
Other: Phytosaurs like Rutiodon are a fun group of creatures that actually come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and aren’t all so similar to Crocodilians - they had weaker ankyls, no bony structure in the mouth to aid in breathing while underwater (though they may have had a fleshy one), and they actually had even more armor than crocodilians. That said, there is a chance Rutiodon and relatives are… stem-Crocodilians. What this means is, that living Crocodilians are their closest modern relatives. This is a subject of hot debate - they’re either the earliest branching members of the Crocodile-Relative group, or they’re closely but equally related to all modern archosaurs (so, they’d be equally Crocodile - and equally bird!) More research on these animals are sure to reveal further insights into their place in the evolution of the ruling reptiles. 
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources Under the Cut
Baird, D. 1986. Some Upper Triassic reptiles, footprints and an amphibian from New Jersey. The Mosasaur 3:125-153. 
Ballew, K.L. (1989). A phylogenetic analysis of Phytosauria from the Late Triassic of the Western United States. Dawn of the age of dinosaurs in the American Southwest: pp. 309–339. 
Carroll, R.L. (1988). Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution, WH Freeman & Co. 
Colbert, E. H. 1966. Ancient reptile of Blue Bell. Frontiers 31(2):42-44. 
Cope, E. D. 1878. On some Saurians found in the Triassic of Pennsylvania, by C. M. Wheatley. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 17(100):231-232. 
Doyle, K. D., and H.-D. Sues. 1995. Phytosaurs (Reptilia: Archosauria) from the Upper Triassic New Oxford Formation of York County, Pennsylvania. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15(3):545-553. 
Emmons, E. 1856. Geological Report of the Midland Counties of North Carolina xx-351. 
Emmons, E. 1857. American Geology, Containing a Statement of the Principles of the Science with Full Illustrations of the Characteristic American Fossils. With an Atlas and a Geological Map of the United States Part IV:x-152. 
Gaines, Richard M. (2001). Coelophysis. ABDO Publishing Company. p. 21. 
Gregory, J.T. (1962). Genera of phytosaurs. American Journal of Science, 260: 652-690. 
Hungerbühler, A. (2002). The Late Triassic phytosaur Mystriosuchus Westphali, with a revision of the genus. Palaeontology 45 (2): 377-418 
Jaeger, G.F. 1828. Über die fossilen Reptilien, welche in Würtemberg aufgefunden worden sind. Metzler, Stuttgart.
Kammerer, C. F., R. J. Butler, S. Bandyopadhyay and M. R. Stocker. 2016. Relationships of the Indian phytosaur Parasuchus hislopi Lydekker, 1885. Papers in Palaeontology 2:1-23. 
Kimmig, J. & Arp, G. (2010) Phytosaur remains from the Norian Arnstadt Formation (Leine Valley, Germany), with reference to European phytosaur habitats. Palaeodiversity 3: 215-224 
Long, R.A. & Murry, P.A. (1995). Late Triassic (Carnian and Norian) tetrapods from the southwestern United States. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 4: 1-254. 
Lucas, S.G. (1998). Global Triassic tetrapod biostratigraphy and biochronology. Paleogeog. Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol. 143: 347-384. 
Lyman, B. S. 1894. Some New Red horizons. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 33:192-215. 
Maisch, M.W.; Kapitzke, M. (2010). "A presumably marine phytosaur (Reptilia: Archosauria) from the pre-planorbis beds (Hettangian) of England". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen. 257 (3): 373–379. 
Mateus, O., Clemmensen L., Klein N., Wings O., Frobøse N., Milàn J., Adolfssen J., & Estrup E. (2014). The Late Triassic of Jameson Land revisited: new vertebrate findings and the first phytosaur from Greenland. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Program and Abstracts, 2014, 182. 
Nesbitt, S.J. (2011). "The early evolution of archosaurs: relationships and the origin of major clades" (PDF). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 352: 1–292. 
Olsen, P. E., A. R. McCune, and K. S. Thomson. 1982. Correlation of the early Mesozoic Newark Supergroup by vertebrates, principally fishes. American Journal of Science 282:1-44. 
Palmer, D., ed. (1999). The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals. London: Marshall Editions. p. 95. 
Schaeffer, B. 1941. Revision of Coelacanthus newarki and notes on the evolution of the girdles and basal plates of the median fins in the Coelacanthini. American Museum Novitates 1110:1-17. 
Sengupta, S.; Ezcurra, M.D.; Bandyopadhyay, S. (2017). "A new horned and long-necked herbivorous stem-archosaur from the Middle Triassic of India". Scientific Reports. 7 (1): 8366. 
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Stocker, Michelle R. (2010). "A new taxon of phytosaur (Archosauria: Pseudosuchia) from the Late Triassic (Norian) Sonsela Member (Chinle Formation) in Arizona, and a critical reevaluation of Leptosuchus, Case, 1922". Palaeontology. 53 (5): 997–1022. 
Stocker, M. R. (2012). "A new phytosaur (Archosauriformes, Phytosauria) from the Lot's Wife beds (Sonsela Member) within the Chinle Formation (Upper Triassic) of Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 32 (3): 573–586. 
Stocker, M. R.; Li-Jun Zhao; Sterling J. Nesbitt; Xiao-Chun Wu; Chun Li (2017). "A Short-Snouted, Middle Triassic Phytosaur and its Implications for the Morphological Evolution and Biogeography of Phytosauria". Scientific Reports. 7: Article number 46028. doi:10.1038/srep46028.
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eeraygun · 4 years
Top 246 Sonic Releases of 2020
001. Perfume Genius - Set My Heart On Fire Immediately 002. Splash Pattern - Sentinel 003. Pontiac Streator - Triz 004. gayphextwin & Pépe - gayphextwin / Pépe EP 005. Various Artists - SLINK Volume 1 006. Echium - Disruptions of Form 007. Henry Greenleaf - Caught 008. Sega Bodega - Reestablishing Connection 009. Summer Walker - Life on Earth 010. Charli XCX - how i'm feeling now 011. Various Artists - Physically Sick 3 012. Autechre - Sign 013. Off The Meds - Off The Meds 014. Brent Faiyaz - Fuck The World 015. Luis Pestana - Rosa Pano 016. Reinartz - Ravecoil 017. pent - - 018. Mark Leckey - In This Lingering Twilight Sparkle 019. Various Artists - Sharpen, Moving 020. Vanessa Worm - Vanessa 77 021. Aho Ssan - Simulacrum 022. Lyra Pramuk - Fountain 023. PJ Harvey - Dry Demos 024. Felicia Atkinson - Echo 025. Arca - KiCK i 026. Space Afrika - hybtwibt 027. Ambien Baby - Mindkiss 028. The Gasman - Voyage 029. Inigo Kennedy - Arcadian Falls 030. Raft of Trash - Likeness on the Edge of Town 031. OL - Wildlife Processing 032. Fyu-Jon - Furrow 033. Desire Marea - Desire 034. Octo Octa - Love Hypnosis Vol. 1 035. Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher 036. Jesse Osborne-Lanthier - Left My Brain @ Can Paixano (La Xampanyeria) OST 037. Various Artists - She's More Wild 038. Various Artists - Days Of Future Past [White Material] 039. Foul Play - Origins 040. Late Night Approach - The Naus Investigation 041. Amazondotcom & Siete Catorce - Vague Currency 042. Davis Galvin - Ntih / Icia 043. Patiño - Actually Laughing Out Loud 044. Various Artists - 2nd Anniversary Compilation [All Centre] 045. St-Antoine, Feu - L'eau Par La Soif 046. Xozgk - skllpt 047. Various Artists - The Sun is Setting on the World 048. DJ Python - Mas Amable 049. Peter Van Hoesen - Chapter for the Agnostic 050. Tracing Xircles - Air Lock 051. Ben & Jerry - Formant Fry 052. still house plants - Fast Edit 053. D-Leria - Still Standing 054. Florian T M Zeisig - Coatcheck 055. Hanne Lippard - Work 056. Shedbug & Rudolf C - Honey Mushrooms II 057. Carl Stone - Stolen Car 058. Ruth Anderson - Here 059. Sid Quirk - Ginnel Talk 060. Various Artists - Fluo I [Kindergarten Records] 061. Pump Media Unlimited - Change 062. VC-118A - Crunch / Plonk 063. Beatriz Ferreyra - Echos+ 064. Bearer - Precincts 065. PARSA - PAƬCHƜȜRKZ 1 066. Holly Childs & Gediminas Žygus - Hydrangea 067. Cosmin TRG - Remote 068. Obsequies - Carcass 069. Jake Muir - the hum of your veiled voice 070. No Moon - Set Phasers to Stun 071. Olli Aarni - Mustikoita ja kissankelloja 072. E-Unity - Duo Road EP 073. Benedek - Mr. Goods 074. Extinction Room - Extinction Stories 075. Hodge - Shadows In Blue 076. Various Artists - Tiny Planet Vol. 2 077. Floco Floco - On m'a dit 078. Breather - Ceremonies Of Aporia 079. Unknown Mobile - Leafy Edits Vol. 2 080. Wetman & Sword of Thorns - Apt E Vol 2 081. Borderlandstate_ the Best Kisser in L.A. - Hello Mainframe 082. Kiera Mulhern - De ossibus 20 083. Mads Kjeldgaard - Hold Time 084. Тпсб - Whities 031 EP 085. Network Glass - Twitch 086. a2a - A2A¹ EP 087. Wata Igarashi - Traveling 088. Joey G II - Pub Talk 089. Atom™ - <3 090. Valentina Magaletti & Marlene Ribeiro - Due Matte 091. Ewan Jansen - Island Diary 092. HOOVER1 - HOOVER1-4 093. Nazar - Guerrilla 094. Paradise Cinema - Paradise Cinema 095. Daisies - Daisies in the Studio with DJ Rap Class 096. Alloy Sea - Petrichor 097. Flørist - Intermedia 1 EP 098. Nandele - FF 099. Pro.tone - Zero Day Attack 100. Michael J. Blood - Introducing Michael J Blood 101. Various Artists - RV Trax, Vol. 5 102. DJ Plead - Going for It EP 103. Strategy - The Babbling Brook 104. Various Artists - surf000 105. Deft - Burna 106. Various Artists - WorldWideWindow 107. Lucy Liyou - Welfare 108. O-Wells - Ebecs 109. Special Request - Spectral Frequency EP 110. Anunaku - Stargate 111. Scott Young - Ket City 112. Various Artists - Stir Crazy Vol.1 113. Syz - Bunzunkunzun 114. Oozy Zoo - Sabertooth 115. Vanessa Amara - Poses 116. Carl Finlow - Apparatus 117. Al Wootton - Snake Dance EP 118. Oi Les Ox - Crooner qui coule sous les clous 119. aircode - Effortless 120. Tristan Arp - Slip 121. Andrea - Ritorno 122. Russell Ellington Langston Butler - Emotional Bangers Only 123. The Lone Flanger - The Photon's Path 124. SHelley Parker & Peder Mannerfelt - Decouple ]( Series 125. Esplendor Geometrica - Cinética 126. Casey MQ - babycasey 127. Gacha Bakradze - Western Arrogance 128. Fatherhood - Big Boy 129. Blawan - Make A Goose 130. Roza Terenzi, Roza - Modern Bliss 131. AceMo - SYSTEM OVERRIDE 132. Meitei - Kofū 133. Penelope Trappes - Eel Drip 134. Adult Fantasies - Towers of Silence 135. Plush Managements Inc. - Magic Plush 136. Further Reductions - array 137. Ben Bondy & Exael - Aphelion Lash 138. Pugilist - Blue Planet EP 139. Dylan Henner - The Invention of the Human 140. Cindy - I'm Cindy 141. Ulla - Tumbling Towards a Wall 142. EMMA DJ - PZSÅRIASISZSZ TAPE 143. 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Alex R - Last Attempt 200. Notzing - The Abuse Of Hypnosis In Dance Environments 201. Brain Rays & Quiet - Butter [SR081A, 2020] 202. Benjamin Damage - Deep Space Transit 203. BROSHUDA - Contemplative Figuration 204. Various Artists - Radiant Love IWD Comp 205. Paradise 3001 - Low Sun Archives 206. 011668 & S280F - Os 207. Kubota, Kazuma - Mind 208. HATENA - HANDZ 209. Leonce - Seconds & Fifths EP 210. Furtive - Sympathies IV 211. French II - Time / Tracker 212. qwizzz - slag ep 213. Gag Reflex - The Fae 214. Luca Lozano & Mr. Ho - Homeboys 215. CONCEPTUAL - Introspective Research 216. Xyla - Ways 217. Minor Science - Second Language 218. Fana - Karantina 219. Current Obsession - XXX 220. K. Frimpong & Super Complex Sounds - Ahyewa 221. Ali Berger - The Stew 222. Sleep D - Smoke Haze 223. Nick León - MAZE 224. DJ Delish - Khadijah Vol. 6 225. Sputnik One - Kerosene 226. OOBE - SFTCR 2 227. Burrell Connection - Breaks That Strung the Camel Back 228. Wayne Phoenix - Soaring Wayne Phoenix Story The Earth 229. D.Dan - Mutant Future 230. Distance Dancer - Distance Dancer 231. Nikki Nair - Number One Slugger 232. Vinicius Honorio - Metamorphosis 233. Tracey - Microdancer EP 234. Ntu - Perfect Blue 235. Bliss Inc. - Hacking The Planet 236. JLTZ - Tools From Another Mother 237. Omnipony - GHOST1 238. WTCHCRFT - ACID EP vol. 2 239. Mike - Weight Of The World 240. Hypnaton - Hypnaton 241. Granary 12 - High 1987 242. Elisa Bee - Orbit EP 243. Stones Taro - Pump EP 244. Alexis - Refractions 245. Ntel - The Dilution Effect 246. X.WILSON - YUK
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bestgreenac2-blog · 6 years
Important Factors to Remember Before buying an AC
Greatest Portable Air Conditioners That Could Be Taken Along in India
Do you wonder to heat your space in winter or how to survive a summer? It's time to consider a trusted and cost-efficient portable air conditioner that will maintain the temperature. This review can help you find. Paradis Paradis 150CREATE YOUR OWN PARADISE WITH PARADIS Royal Sovereign ARP-9411MULTI-FUNCTIONAL SOLUTION FOR USERS KEEPING UP WITH TECHNOLOGIES AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/MPERFECT SOLUTION FOR THE SUMMER HEAT Even though that Lloyd portable air conditioner comes at a price, it boasts build and supplies performance as that of much more costly models. Designed with sleek and rounded corners, it has. For adjusting configurations on the front panel of the appliance, you will discover a electronic control panel. The package includes a menu and altering settings remotely are also possible. Performance-wise, the Lloyd conditioner has high ranks. However, it is not merely the high BTU (12,000) that contributes to its performance. Thanks to the 2-directional purification system, the conditioner efficiency is multiplied several times. The 2.41 EER efficiency ratio amplifies the point. We believe this conditioner should come to your liking and eventually become your assistant in creating a comfortable atmosphere in your home. Comfort is essential for high productivity. The efficiency and functioning productivity of men and women who constantly spend time in uncomfortable temperature conditions worsen dramatically. This is exactly why make a favorable environment in your office or assumptions in which you spend most of your time, be it your home and you may want to think about buying the Paradis 150. This air conditioner has efficacy speeds - 12, 000 BTU airflow in 1050 W power consumption only. So, no matter where exactly you will install it, you will benefit from refreshing and instantaneous coolingsystem. The controls here are intuitive and simple. Even if this is actually the initial conditioner that you purchase, you will soon get the hang of it. Besides, all preferences are pretty clear and shown on a digital control panel.  5 star ac vs 3 star ac power consumption . Whynter Double HoseBREATH DEEPLY AND FEEL FRESHED, EVEN IF IT'S BOILING HOT OUTSIDE The AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/M air conditioner is acceptable for installation both in home and at different premises, like stores, cafes, offices, etc.. Based caster wheels, the unit is easy to transform and move on. The installation process is also simple and will take 5 minutes of your time the max. The AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/M has 12,000 BTU and boasts amazing seasonal functionality speeds which make 3.09 EER. The air dehumidification prices are also high, allowing the conditioner to remove excess moisture in the air. With the AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/M, then with draining water 17, you won't have to bother. The evaporation system will draw it away. According to feedback, the conditioner doesn't seem to disturb if left running all night and operates very quietly. The AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/ comes with a distant and has a backlit screen . The Royal Sovereign combines the performance of three appliances an air dryer, air conditioner, and a fan and is suitable for assumptions that are not much larger than 9 sq.m. in size. The conditioner is quite lightweight (26.76 kg) and therefore, can be readily moved around or even hauled if the need be. You won't need to carry it in hands. It has caster wheels and two handles so that you can roll it moving to another. Other conveniences include an electronic control panel, remote control, and an automatic evaporation system. With this Royal Sovereign purifier, you can put the period of time during which you would like it to keep running and return to the house that was chilled from work or walk all summer long. Lloyd 1 Ton WhiteCOST-EFFECTIVE AND AFFORDABLE The Whynter Dual Hose portable air conditioner comes with a handy LCD screen that shows operation modes, fan speeds, the indoor temperature and timer settings, and comes. As a result of this 24-hour programmable timer can turn on and off automatically in the time that is pre-set. The automobile drain technologies prevents moisture collection. The minute that the water tank is full, the air compressor switches off. The Whynter Dual Hose conditioner also boasts several fantastic purifying capabilities. Unlike air conditioners, this one employs two types of filters - washable and carbon atmosphere. The period of the window pipe amounts to 152 centimetres, which is enough to install the unit at any convenient spot.
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quiltofstars · 6 months
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M87 // Wei-Hao Wang
M87 is the biggest and brightest galaxies not just in the Virgo Cluster, but in the local universe! It contains several trillions of stars, weighing in at double the stellar mass of the entire Milky Way galaxy! Of course, most of the mass of the galaxy is made up of invisible dark matter, so the true mass might be 200 times that of the Milky Way.
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bestgreenac2-blog · 6 years
All About Finding the best AC in India
Greatest Portable Air Conditioners Which Can Be Heard Along in India
Whynter Dual HoseBREATH DEEPLY AND FEEL FRESHED, EVEN IF IT'S BOILING HOT OUTSIDE Comfort is very essential for productivity. Productivity that is working and the efficacy of men and women who constantly spend time in temperature conditions worsen dramatically. This is exactly why you may want to think about purchasing the Paradis 150 and create a positive environment in the office or premises in which you spend the majority of your time, be it your own home. This air conditioner has efficiency rates - 12, 000 BTU airflow in 1050 W electricity consumption only. No matter where exactly you will install it, you will benefit from instantaneous and refreshing cooling. The controls are intuitive and very simple. You will quickly get the hang of it, even if that is the conditioner that you purchase. Besides, all settings are pretty clear and displayed on an electronic control panel. The Whynter Dual Hose portable air conditioner features a convenient LCD display that shows performance modes, fan speeds, the current indoor temperature and timer settings, and comes with a remote controller for convenience of use. As a result of this timer, the conditioner can turn on and off at the pre-set moment. The automobile drain technologies prevents moisture collection. The moment the water tank is full, the air compressor automatically switches off. The Whynter Dual Hose conditioner also boasts some great purifying capacities. Unlike most cheaper air conditioners, this one uses two kinds of filters - air. The length of the window pipe amounts to 152 centimetres, which can be long enough to put in the unit in any convenient place. Paradis Paradis 150CREATE YOUR OWN PARADISE WITH PARADIS Do you wonder to warm your room in winter or the way to survive a summer? It's time to think about a cost-efficient and trusted portable air conditioner that can keep the perfect temperature. This review can allow you to locate the one you need. The Royal Sovereign combines the performance of three appliances - an air dryer, air conditioner, and a fan and is suitable for premises that aren't much larger than 9 sq.m. in size. The conditioner is very lightweight (26.76 kg) and consequently, can be easily moved around or even transported if the need be. You won't have to take it in hands . It has caster wheels and 2 handles so that you could roll it moving to another. Other conveniences include remote control a digital control panel, and an automatic evaporation system. With this Royal Sovereign conditioner, you can put the period of time during which you want it return to the home from work or walk all summer long and to keep running. The AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/M air conditioner is suitable for installation both in home and at different premises, like stores, cafes, airports, etc.. Based caster wheels, the unit is easy to change and move around on. The installation process is also straightforward and will take 5 minutes of your time the maximum. The AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/M has 12,000 BTU and boasts great seasonal functionality rates which produce 3.09 EER. The air dehumidification rates are high, permitting the conditioner to remove excess moisture in the air. With the AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/M, then about draining water manually you won't need to bother. The evaporation system will draw it away. According to feedback, the conditioner does not seem to disturb if left running all night long and operates. The AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/ includes a remote and has a large and easy-to-read backlit display. Though that Lloyd portable air conditioner comes at a price, it boasts of an excellent build and supplies performance as that of models and get the lloyd ac review here. Designed with corners, it has an aesthetically appealing appearance that will blend easily with just about any decor and interior. For adjusting configurations on the front panel of the device, you will find a simple digital control panel. The package includes a too, so navigating menu and are also possible. Performance-wise, the Lloyd conditioner has pretty substantial ranks. However, it is not only the high BTU (12,000) that leads to its functionality. Thanks to this purification system, the conditioner efficiency is multiplied times. The 2.41 EER efficiency ratio amplifies the purpose. We believe this conditioner become your long-term helper in creating a comfortable atmosphere in your property and should come to your liking. Lloyd 1 Ton WhiteCOST-EFFECTIVE AND Inexpensive
Visit: Best Green AC
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bestgreenac2-blog · 6 years
Get Smartest Air Conditioners
Greatest Portable Air Conditioners That Could Be Taken Along in India
Can you wonder to warm your room in winter or how to survive a summer? Perhaps, it's time to consider a reliable and cost-efficient portable air conditioner that can keep the perfect temperature. This review can allow you to find the one you need. Paradis Paradis 150CREATE YOUR OWN PARADISE WITH PARADIS Royal Sovereign ARP-9411MULTI-FUNCTIONAL SOLUTION FOR USERS KEEPING UP WITH TECHNOLOGIES AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/MPERFECT SOLUTION FOR THE SUMMER HEAT Even though that daikin split ac comes at a cheap price, it boasts build and supplies top-notch performance only as that of more costly versions. Designed with sleek and rounded corners, it has an aesthetically appealing appearance that can blend easily with nearly any decor and inside. On the front panel of the appliance, you will find a simple control panel for adjusting configurations. The package comprises a remote also navigating menu and altering settings remotely will also be possible. Performance-wise, the Daikin conditioner has pretty substantial ranks. But, it is not merely the high BTU (12,000) that leads to its functionality. Thanks to this purification system, the conditioner efficiency is multiplied several times. The 2.41 EER efficacy ratio amplifies the purpose. We believe this conditioner should visit your liking and become your helper in creating a comfortable atmosphere. Comfort is extremely essential for high productivity. The efficacy and productivity of men and women who spend time in temperature conditions worsen dramatically. This is exactly why create a positive environment in your office or premises where you spend most of your time, be it your home and you might need to think about purchasing the Paradis 150. This air conditioner has rather good efficiency rates - 12, 000 BTU airflow at 1050 W electricity consumption only. So, no matter where exactly it will be installed by you, you will benefit from instant and refreshing coolingsystem. The controls here are intuitive and simple. You will soon get the hang of it, if this is actually the conditioner which you purchase. In any case, all preferences are displayed on a control panel and clear. Whynter Double HoseBREATH DEEPLY AND FEEL FRESHED, EVEN IF IT'S BOILING HOT OUTSIDE The AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/M air conditioner is acceptable for installation both in home and in other assumptions, like stores, cafes, offices, etc.. Based on caster wheels, the device is easy to change and move around. The installation process is also straightforward and may take 5 minutes of your time the max. The AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/M includes 12,000 BTU and boasts amazing seasonal functionality speeds that make 3.09 EER. The air dehumidification rates are high, allowing the conditioner to efficiently remove excess moisture in the air. With the AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/M, about draining water 17, you won't need to bother. The evaporation system will draw on it away. According to feedback, the conditioner doesn't appear to disturb even when left running all night and operates. The AMFAH AMF-PAC-12K/ includes a remote and has a large and easy-to-read backlit display; you're to determine how to restrain it. The Royal Sovereign combines the functionality of three appliances - an air dryer, air conditioner, and a fan and is suitable for premises that aren't much bigger than 9 sq.m. in size. The conditioner is quite lightweight (26.76 kg) and consequently, can be easily moved around or maybe hauled when the need be. You won't need to carry it in hands . It has caster wheels and two handles you can roll it moving from 1 room to another effortlessly. Other amenities include an automatic evaporation system, remote control, along with a control panel. With this Royal Sovereign purifier, you can set the period of time during which you would like it to keep running and return to the house that was chilled from work or walk all summer long. Lloyd 1 Ton WhiteCOST-EFFECTIVE AND AFFORDABLE The Whynter Dual Hose portable air conditioner comes with a LCD screen that shows timer configurations, fan speeds, operation modes and the indoor temperature, and comes with a remote control for convenience of use. Thanks to the timer, the conditioner can turn on and off automatically at the time. The auto drain technology prevents excess moisture collection. The minute that the water tank is full, the air compressor automatically switches off. The Whynter Dual Hose conditioner boasts some great purifying capabilities. Unlike most cheaper air conditioners, this one uses two types of filters - atmosphere that is carbon and washable. The length of the window pipe figures to 152 centimetres, which is long enough to put in the unit at any convenient spot.
My Website: Best Green AC
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