#As for Matías you’ll see why soon (or not soon)
lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
Happy father’s day to Angel’s dad :D
The best dad in the WBTL universe <3
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mazzy-moon · 3 years
A Lone Butterfly - Chapter 14
Title of Chapter: Hide Out
Word Count: 2.6k (mostly smut)
Warnings/Tags: Explicit Language, Significantly younger ofc, Smut, Foreplay, Sex
Pairing: Javier Peña (Narcos) x Isabel Cotrille (OFC)
Summary:  After Javier leaves, Isabel's anger and frustration with him grow. Later, she and Javier are forced to confront each other, finally acknowledging the tension that's been building between them.
Notes: I didn’t want to give away everything in the warnings, but this chapter contains explicit sexual content. 18+ only, please.
This ended up taking me way longer to write than I imagined...
Hope you enjoy reading this. It’s a good one. x
Read it on ao3
It doesn't take long before Javier has left and Sanz shows up. I'm furious. He knows what the cartel did to me better than anyone, yet still he's forced me here against my will. I might as well go back to Oregon. I would be put back into Witness Protection, but at least I'd be more free than I am now.
I can tell Sanz isn't exactly enthusiastic about the baby sitting job she's been assigned, but she tries to hide it somewhat out of consideration.
"You know, he's only doing this for your own good."
"Don't start."
"But he's right. If you go and get yourself tangled up in this, we'll have an even bigger mess on our hands."
"I know." Arguing with her would be useless.
The day passes agonizingly slowly as I sit with my anger, unable to do anything about it. I try thinking about what I'll say to Javier when he comes back. Maybe I won't even say anything. I've never been a violent person, but I think if Javier were here right now I would slap him for putting me in such a position of helplessness. He said he trusted me once, though it's clear that can no longer be true.
At one point I try to lure Sanz out of the room by feigning hunger. She doesn't take the bait, and instead has food brought to us. I switch on the television in an effort to distract myself.
After a while, I've stopped counting the hours as they pass. The light outside suggests night is not far off. Worry starts to trickle in. Not for the first time today I wonder what Javier's team uncovered at the location. Did they arrive only to find out Matías lied to them?  Was it a a set up? Despite my anger at him, I'm anxious to see Javier, to know he's okay. I get up from my seat on the couch, suddenly restless, and start pacing the room.
Sanz's phone rings and she steps outside to answer it. Once she's back, her calm demeanor from before is gone.
"Pack up your things.  Peña's on his way and wants you ready to go once he gets here."
"But why-"
"You're not safe here any longer, just do as he says."
Fear replaces my anger. I don't argue with her.
Soon after my things are all stuffed into the suitcase, Javier crashes through the door. He barely looks at me before hauling my luggage in one arm and tugging me out the door with the other.
"C'mon," he says, his voice rough. "We've gotta get out of here now. The cartel knows you're in Columbia."
My eyes go wide as I allow him to lead me to the waiting car. He throws my things in the back before placing me in the passenger seat. He explains the details to me as we're driving.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"The Embassy's got a place a ways out, a hide out. You'll stay there until we get the cartel under control."
"So he was lying."
"Not entirely. When we got to the location, some of Matías's men were there. They ambushed us. Somehow, they must have found out we were coming. There's no way that's where they're keeping the girls though."
"How do they know I'm here?"
Javier's looks out the window, despondent.
"I went back to Matías's cell after the ambush, to confront him. During our... chat, he revealed that he and his gang knew the moment you arrived. Somehow, he's had eyes on you the entire time."
"Why not just send me back to Oregon?"
"We can't be sure they won't track you there also. They already have once. For whatever reason, whoever is operating this cartel is hell bent on getting to you."
I remain silent, stunned. How has the cartel been able to track my movements so closely? More importantly, why bother? They've already replaced me with at least a dozen other girls.
Javier and I drive for hours until it's well past dark. We pull up to a dirt road and drive down it for what seems like an eternity. As we near a little cottage, I notice a river bank running not far off. The car comes to a halt just in front of the house and Javier steps out to get me. The place looks like a setting for a horror movie, but I say nothing as we walk inside.
Now that the panic has settled somewhat, I remember the rage I felt from before. I remember the rough way in which he spoke to me, the way his hands dug into my arms as he tried to reason with me. And then, the door slamming behind him as he left, locking me inside. Deep down, I know he was only trying to protect me, but it still hurt. I wanted to be useful, wanted to help the women who were now in the same position I was once in. It seemed, though, I wasn't going to get that chance.
He flips the lights on and locks the door behind him. The place is surprisingly cozy.
"Are we safe here?"
"It's secure. Only a small number of people know this place even exists."
There's a tense silence between us as I consider bringing up what took place this morning. The events of the evening have made it seem less important. Before I decide, he beats me to it.
"I know you're still mad about this morning, Isabel."
I refuse to respond to him, so he continues.
"Just so you know, I wouldn't have done what I did if I didn't think it was the only way to keep you safe. If I had to, I would do it again."
My eyes meet his finally and I know he can see the defiance in them.
"I know you hate me for it. As long as I know I'm keeping my promise to look after you, you can hate me all you want."
I remain silent for a moment before responding.
"I don't hate you, Javi." I stare down at my hands, suddenly unable to keep eye contact as I make my confession. "I don't think I ever could. I just... don't like feeling like that. Helpless."
I glance back up to him, and his expression breaks me. Unable to control it, and annoyed that I can't, my eyes begin to water. I quickly look back down at my hands.
The floorboards creak as he closes the distance between us. He towers over me as he gently grabs hold of my upper arms.
"You're not helpless, Isabel. You never have been. Even when you were captured, you found a way out. It was you who took Matías's eye from him. You've always been strong. And brave. But that doesn't mean you don't deserve to be protected."
My throat closes up as his words warm me. Somehow he knew exactly what I needed to hear. I feel guilty for ever doubting him. I want to respond, but can't seem to figure out how.
He holds my face in his hands and brushes my tears off with his thumbs.
"Shh, baby, don't cry."
He pulls me into a hug. His smoky scent hits me and I feel instantly better. Clinging to him, I savor the strong feel of his arms around me. The urgency of our situation combined with our close proximity causes an overwhelming sweep of emotion to wash over me. I tilt my head, meeting my lips with the edge of exposed skin at his collar.
He groans. "Isabel."
I ignore him and go for his mouth instead. He beats me to it. His lips meet mine, gentle at first. He deepens the kiss almost instantly, and I feel his tongue sweep against mine. Not breaking contact, he backs me up until I'm flush with the wall.
As our mouths explore each other with tongue and teeth, his arms leave me to remove the leather jacket from his body. He comes back to me as soon as it hits the floor. His arms roam my stomach, back, and chest. As his hand comes up to gently grasp the base of my throat, he shoves one of his legs upwards, between both of mine. I gasp in his mouth as warmth pools to my center. His mouth leaves mine, trailing down from my cheek to my neck. At the same time, his right hand travels up to my breast, grasping it over my dress. My hips move involuntarily against his thigh. The friction causes a deep ache within me and I whimper at the sudden feeling of emptiness. Javier makes a sound that forces my hips to react again.
He places his hands on either side of them, holding me still. I open my mouth to protest, but before I can he hauls me up, forcing my legs around him. His lips meet my own once more as his tongue finds mine again. He backs away from the wall, aiming for the hallway. We don't break away from each other until we reach the bedroom and he sets me on my feet.
He leans down, moving his hands from my body up to my face.
"Isabel. If we don't stop now, I may not be able to," his eyes are closed as he utters the strained words.
"I just want you, Javi." I touch his jaw with my fingertips. "Please," I mutter, my voice breaking.
The single word that comes from him is barely a whisper.
"Fuck." He grabs my face once more and this time his mouth is gentle on mine, a stark contrast to the heated passion felt moments before. I fumble with his buttons, but his hands are quicker as he tugs off the shirt gracefully. I press my hands against his hard chest as his eyes study me. He holds me in his gaze as he removes my cardigan, leaving me in only the dress beneath it. He rubs one thin strap between two fingers.
"Is this okay?"
I nod, looking at him intently.
He pushes the strap down. The other one comes next until my sun dress falls to the wooden floor. There’s nothing under it except my panties. My arms fling to my chest in a sudden urge to cover myself up.
"Let me see you."
I allow him to guide my arms down back to my sides.
"It's not right," he mutters to himself as his eyes roam over my almost completely naked body.
I frown, suddenly insecure at his bizarre statement.
"It's not right that you're so beautiful, so sweet."
My cheeks warm at his praise.
"Lie down."
I back up until I reach the bed and allow him to push me back onto its softness. He props himself up on an elbow and continues to kiss me until I can't take it anymore. His hand lingers over my breasts- pinching, squeezing. Finally, he travels downward. He slips his hand underneath my panties, brushing over one spot in particular. When he removes his hand too soon, I softly groan in protest.
"Please," I gasp.
"I know what you want, Isabel, but you're not gonna rush me."
He moves then, leaving soft kisses down my abdomen until he's settled between my thighs. He doesn't waste time, pulling down my panties until their off and taking me into his mouth. When his tongue brushes against me the first time, my hands fly to my mouth. He breaks contact to look back up at me, and pulls my hands away.
"No," he says firmly, "I want to hear you."
He resumes his torture until the sensation becomes almost painful. His tongue moves against the sensitive area, faster then slow, bringing me closer and closer but never quite all the way. My hips writhe against him but he grabs hold of them, forcing me to stay still. The sounds that come from me are vulgar and if I were at all able, I would try and hide the moans escaping my lips. He doesn't stop until I practically beg him to.
"Javi, please. I can't- ," I manage to get out.
He lingers a few more seconds before crawling back up to me, his body hovering over my smaller frame.
He studies me, relishing my blushed and breathless state.
"I wasn't done yet, hermosa. I'll remember that later."
He kisses my mouth slowly. The obscenity of it makes our previous kisses seem ridiculously tame in comparison. As he deepens the kiss, he drops his hand once again. He brushes against the overly sensitive spot with his thumb and then eases a finger inside. As I moan into his mouth, I hear a groan escape him.
"You're so wet, Isabel."
My cheeks instantly heat as he says what is already obvious.
As he moves his finger slightly out and back in, the movements of his thumb slow, becoming even more tortuous. Once I'm nearly over the edge, he withdraws his hand and pushes off the bed, standing up.
He unfastens his pants and removes the rest of his clothing until he's completely bare. He stares down at me until my whole body is on fire.
“You’re beautiful like this, Isabel,” he says as his eyes take me in, ready and waiting for him.
His sheer manliness would terrify me if I didn't crave it so desperately. I let my eyes roam, ignoring my embarrassment. For as restrained as he's kept himself, it's clear he's been just as affected as I have.
He once again joins me on the bed, holding himself above  me.
"Tell me if you want me to stop."
I nod, but he's not satisfied.
"Promise me."
"I promise."
He shifts his body until I feel his erection right between my thighs. I part my legs as he slowly glides into me. The feeling is almost too much at first. Sensing it, he stops, but I urge him on.
"No- don't stop," I whisper breathlessly.
Once he's all the way inside I lift my hips off the bed to meet his. We set a rhythm against each other and the tension continues to build within me.  
I'm so close but can't quite seem to get there. He reaches his hand between our bodies to touch me, finally giving me the release I crave. I come undone around him, and he swallows my moans with his mouth.
Javier continues moving against me, his thrusts becoming more erratic. All at once, whatever control he had before just... snaps. He grabs hold of me, keeping me still, as he thrusts into me with unrestrained desperation. His groans become feral as he comes inside me.
He drops his head to the crook of my neck, catching his breath. Once he pieces himself back together, his hand grips the side of my face. His lips fumble around my cheeks until he kisses my mouth, then my nose.
"You okay?"
"Yeah... I think so."
He laughs softly, leaning over me and onto his side. He brushes wisps of hair back from my face with his hand.
"Stay here, I'll be right back."
Javier escapes to the bathroom and while he's gone, I pull back the covers. They feel impossibly cool against my heated skin. He returns and joins me once again on the bed. My eyelids begin to droop from exhaustion.
"I'm so sleepy," I say absent mindedly.
"Come here."
He pulls me to him, cushioning my head with one arm and draping the other around my side. The blissful aftermath of our night together lulls me to sleep almost instantly.
Just as I'm drifting off, Javier whispers something in my ear. I struggle to make out the words, but they escape along with my last thread of consciousness.
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closetspngirl · 6 years
Love Heals the Soul (Part 28) - The Fall
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Summary: The story continues...
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 2269
Warnings: swearing, all the angst and sadness, SUPER tiny thought alluding to rape, the word isn’t even mentioned in the story, but the allusion is there, torture (chained up, knives, burning, starving), hospitals...I think that’s all, let me know
A/N:  This is a rough one. Really rough. Continuation of the story the reader is telling Jensen, so everything is in flashbacks/italics. Please heed the warnings on this one. Also, I could have SWORN in a panel that I watched of Briana’s one day, that she mentioned her husband’s name, and that it was Juan. SO. That’s what I went with here, since keeping him nameless. Please let me know if I’m wrong. EDIT: Briana’s husband is José. I changed it. is always welcome! Italicized are lyrics, POV thoughts or text conversations; you can tell by the context
You woke up some time later in a damp and dark room, musty smelling with cement walls, arms chained over your head. You were sore, figuring it was because they weren’t there to play nice and roughed you up on the way there, but nothing was broken. 
You could tell that you weren’t…God you couldn’t even finish the thought. You just knew you weren’t. Your flannel was gone somewhere, leaving you in the white tank top that was underneath and your jeans. You were also barefoot. Awesome.
Your throat was dryer than the Sahara making swallowing difficult. Your arms hurt from being chained up for who knows how long, and your wrists…oh your wrists. You realized what kind of pain was going through them, not the rubbing of the iron on your sweat dampened skin pain. The pain was going down the arm, in the tendons. So much for everything. They were shot, you just knew they were. But you couldn’t worry about that now, you needed to try to get out.
As if on cue, you heard the door to your right open up and a man came through. He was nicely dressed, slicked back hair blacker than oil, mustache, navy blue suit and silk tie, a gold ring with a black onyx stone on his pinky finger. What shouldn’t have surprised you was the articulation with his English; it was damn near perfect.
“Hello Y/N. My name is Matías. How are you doing today?” he said with a Machiavellian smirk on his face, his accent underlying his words.
“I feel like I’d be doing a lot better if I weren’t chained up. Anyway we could just talk about this like two civilized adults?” You tried to keep a cool demeanor, but you were scared shitless and had no idea what he was going to do to you. Needless to say, there was a little edge in your tone.
He put his head down, a dark grin crossing his face as he turned his ring with his opposite hand. Without warning you heard a loud crack, as the back of his hand met your face, the pain was instantaneous, and you had an iron taste in your mouth. His ring having cut your lip. So maybe sassing someone in the mafia wasn’t the smartest move.
“Oh Y/N, you’re going to soon learn that you probably should be careful about your answers. This wouldn’t be the first time you’ve been told to be careful…now would it?” he asked you, not really looking for an answer. Moving in close to you he said, “Besides, where’s the fun in being civil?”
It’s all a game; he wants you to second-guess yourself. Those were good people.
“Now…” he said as he stood to his full height and walked behind you to a table you didn’t see before, different instruments and knives laid out, “Let’s talk about the fun you and I are going to have. I ask a question, and if I like the answer then you’ll be ok, for now. If not, well…”
You were able to crane your neck enough to see him pick up one of the knives, nothing bigger than what could fit in a pocket, lightly dragging it along your arms, down your sides, across your neck in the back but not breaking the skin.
You were whimpering now, scared out of your damn mind that Briana was the only one who knew you were here, and even then, she didn’t know where to find you.
He circled you, like a predator to their prey, deciding where to strike first.
“I’m going to keep this simple. I won’t touch that pretty face of yours, or your hands, make it easy for you to hide everything I’m going to do,” he told you, as he slid the blade over both spots as he spoke, still circling you.
“The rest is fair game. I also want you to live. I want you to see the scars that you’ll have, every day, and remember who did it to you, and why I did it. Your brother took my son. You only have him to blame for this.”
By the time he got to the end he was yelling, anger filling him over the loss of his son. You didn’t dare argue the fact that Jonathan didn’t take him, or that he died in his arms or that the whole event had caused nightmares for Jonathan every night after.
You kept your mouth shut.
Placing the blade back on your cheek you whimpered again. “Your protective older brother, where is he now? Why isn’t he here rescuing you?” Matías said, trailing the knife down your neck, to your collarbone.
You were too scared to answer, not sure if he actually wanted an answer, or if he was just taunting you. That was, until you felt the edge of the blade start to break the skin, a warm trickle of blood running down.
“I believe I asked you a question Y/N. Where is your brother?”
“I…I…don’t k-know.”
Drawing out the cut, thinking it had to be at least two inches long by now, “Would you like to try that again?”
“I don’t!” You were crying by this point, tears pouring down your cheeks, making lines in the dirt that covered your face.
He stopped. Seeming to believe you. For now.
Dragging the blade across your skin, trying to pick his next spot, choosing the opposite side of your clavicle, “Why did he take my son?”
Tread carefully…
“He…he didn’t. He was a d-doctor,” you inhaled sharply between sobs trying to get air in your lungs. “He found children that needed help after the earthquake…”
The knife hadn’t pierced you yet, and he wasn’t saying anything, so you decided to keep talking.
“He told me th-that he tried to save all the kids…b-but there was one that was too badly hurt…”
You felt the blade start to dig into you; you knew he didn’t like what you were saying. Whether he believed you and was upset by the events, or he still thought you were lying; you couldn’t be sure.
“Please! This is the truth!” you got out between heavy sobs.
But it was too late. Another cut, to your shoulder this time. You screamed out, knowing that you couldn’t be heard, and not because it was overly painful. Your body had been doing a decent job at keeping you numb to the pain, silently thanking the adrenaline that was coursing through you.
Matías walked moved slowly behind you, growling low in his throat. “No.” Cut. “He took him.” Cut. “He took my son!” Another two cuts across your back. His anger was back, loud, unwilling to believe anything you had to say. Feeling helpless and hopeless, you just let him do what he wanted, more pressure on your wrists as your body started to slump down.
God, just help me get out of here alive.
Matías stopped in front of you, placing the blade below your neck, lifting your chin so you were looking him in the eyes, cutting deep enough to do some damage, but not so deep that you bled out. He was right in your face, whispering low, “This is all for Elías. Remember this.” Not that you would actually be able to forget.
He spent the next several minutes dragging the blade into your skin, slowly; making sure you felt each and every cut. Making sure that they were deep enough to leave a mark, so that you would see the scares every day after. He was right, he never did touch your face or hands, and he never cut you deep enough to kill you. Although at this rate, you almost wished he did.
You stayed quiet, letting him do what he needed to do to seek useless revenge for his son.
This went on for two days. The third day you were trapped in that godforsaken place, he spent his time reopening every single wound he had made the days before.
You were hungry, thirsty, covered in dried blood, sweat and tears. You felt like your actual soul was broken. You were hanging here, damaged and broken, knowing your brother was gone; thinking it was just a matter of time before you were meeting the same fate.
The cuts he made covered your back and shoulders, collarbone and chest, went all the way up your arms to your wrists. He made you watch those ones, especially the ones that he made when he got to your wrists and seeing the previous scar tissue. You cried out when he cut you there, careful not to go too deep, but over those scars he knew he didn’t have to do much to cause the damage. The chains had done most of it, and scar tissue was always more sensitive the second time around.
He saw tattoo on your arm, the one that you and Jonathan shared. The knife dragged over to it, Matías laughing to himself.
“You know, I’ve seen this tattoo before. Only…it was here…” he said, dragging the blade up to your shoulder, right where Jonathan’s tattoo was. When he got to the same spot, you felt the knife dig in, crying out again, not just at the pain, but also at the thought that this man had this hands on your brother doing the same thing he’s doing to you. You were holding on to any hope at this point that Jonathan was still alive somewhere, trying to fight the denial that was slowly creeping in your mind.
He moved the blade back to your tattoo, “It’s only fair we keep them matching, right? Besides, what’s the point of a matching tattoo with a brother you don’t have anymore?” as he cut a line through the Celtic knot that was in your skin.
Your body fought on that one, it jerked, not really having a plan of action nor the strength to cause him harm. But between the force of your body against the chains around your wrists, it had been enough to dislocate your shoulder, making you cry out again.
The pain was too much this time, your body was starting to shut down, you could only hope it was its way of protecting you, and that it didn’t mean you were dying.
You heard another set of footsteps come in the room, sounding like they were so far away, asking for Matías, whispering something about letting you go, that there was enough on them to find them if they kept going.
Walking back over to you slowly, he took what seemed to be a hot coal, from somewhere behind you, not sure where the heat source was. He was standing in front of you again, holding it with a pair of pliers in his left hand, the small knife in his right.
“Well darling, it looks like it’s time for you to go. As promised, your face or your hands are just fine. But you will never forget this. I promise you that.”
As the words were spoken the coal seared the skin on your left forearm, followed by the knife slicing into your left thigh. You were screaming as loud as your body would allow for the state it was in. The last thing you remember was hearing that god-awful creature tell you that no one would hear you down here.
And then everything was black.
You heard beeping, a steady beep, but you didn’t know where it was coming from. Slowly you started to hear more noises as you came to. There was a man talking to people, not being able to tell yet that they were nurses and doctors. You swore you had heard that voice before, that you knew it, it was familiar. Then you heard him speaking in English, but only hearing one side of the conversation.
“Yeah, I’m here now…it’s bad sweetie…I’m going to stay with her until we’re back in Vancouver…I don’t know…cuts, bruises, dislocated shoulder…she was starved, dehydrated…she’ll be home soon…I’ll tell her…Love you too, Bri.”
Bri. He was talking to Briana. He said he loved her. Jose?
The beeping was getting faster. You could hear a commotion around the room but you couldn’t wake up. You wanted so much to wake up and see what was going on. See if it really was José, what you would give to open your eyes right now.
They didn’t. The world stayed black and went radio silent again.
Sometime later you heard the man’s voice again. “She’s still out…nurse had to give her a little more sedative…she should be awake soon…I will tell you the second it happens…”
You fought so hard to tell him you were here. You tried shouting for him, shouting for Briana on the other end of the line. But all that came out was a faint little whimper that should have made you embarrassed at your efforts, but it was enough to get his attention.
“Briana I have to go, I think she’s waking up!”
“Y/N, honey, open your eyes.”
His hands were warm on your cheek. You wanted so bad to see the man who took you in to his family over the course of being friends with Briana. You fought yourself, so hard, willing yourself to wake up.
And then you saw him. Those eyes that you saw in their daughter whenever she was around. The eyes that were always strong were now scared and filled with tears, giving you words of encouragement and praise for waking up.
Tags:@maralisa124 @somilotopia @delightfullykrispypeach @steffiemeheus @lizwinchester16 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @mystrie @supernatural-lover-teamfreewill @cats-are-untrustworthy @superromijn @gifsforgomez @sherlock44 @life-through-the-lenss @1233088 @fandomloveyeah @allonsy-yesiwill @amomentintime @headingforthe-target-of-insanity @justforsavingfics @ocean-waves-that-misbehave @justfloatingthroughtime @hobby27 @musiclovinchic93​​ @im-super-un-natural​​ @miserys-company23​​ @stellaa33​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @deanlovespiebabyandmeloljkiwish​ @winchester-top-the1975​ @siriuslyimmortal​ @zahiaouzidane @hopefulcolorcollectorsthings @perpetualabsurdity @justanotheraccount12345678910 @effulgenttales
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justputnam96-blog · 6 years
PopCap Games.
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In this instance, the at-fault chauffeur's insurer will certainly pay $25,000 and also your insurance company are going to spend you $75,000 for your overall from $100,000. After you gather all the concepts in your scalp as well as on your note pad, you ought to start along with an outline of what your blog post are going to be about. The app also deals with YouTube embedding, yet this really isn't suitable along with every blog site. . All auto scrapyards have to have a driver's licence provided due to the Atmosphere Agency or even Scottish Environment Defense Company to make sure that scrapped vehicles don't injure the environment (the only thing that battery acid, gearbox oil and motor parts) and that they are actually recycled appropriately. But I was curious concerning just what Delight Cho would have to claim regarding changing a blog site in to a business. In the following example our team will also add filler and also stroke to the rect, yet this time we incorporate it within the type and also turn this along with CSS3 improve property, like so;. Your blog post should be saturated along with your ideas on the business, as well as the path you observe your company observing as you process to the destination from your envisioned results. As soon as verified, you have the capacity to see merely your blog site or all the blog posts you currently register for, so that works as an audience too. Our company also do certainly not have various fashion designers hired that can help our company. Truly, this publication is actually essentially useless for assistance for anyone besides celebrities (which have their very own individual consumers and fashion designers anyway), however mildly engaging and made me think better regarding myself, like I possess equilibrium in my life.
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smolfangirl · 8 years
Spell it out for me
Prompt: „I’m a barista and you’re the obnoxious customer who comes through and orders a venti macchiato while talking on the phone the whole time so I misspell your name in increasingly creative ways every day.” (seen during Simbarficweek planned by @sky-girls)
She knew it was him the minute he walked into the coffee shop. Not that she waited for him to show up or anything. His voice simply managed to carry all the way to the counter, no matter how many people waited in line. Just like every other day for a week now, seeing him and his stupid phone made her roll her eyes.
It hadn’t been Luna’s day already. Starting work at an inhuman time, coffee got spilled and names were mixed up because the sleepiness messed with her. The last thing she needed was another of these customers with no sense for decency, or respect. But Simón completed an order for two girls when the brunette guy stood next in line, so she had no choice.
“Good morning, how can I help you?”, Luna managed to bring out in her usual working tone, despite the fact he showed no intention of ending his phone call. “A venti macchiato, to go. Matteo”, the boy replied as she expected, handing her 50 pesos. She stopped smiling as he looked at everything but her. Rude boy.
Her mouth only curled up again when an idea struck her. Although he likely wouldn’t even notice, in her eyes, it was the perfect revenge. Hastily, she scribbled down ‘Mateo’ on the cup. When she handed the cup over, he had no idea why she suddenly grinned brighter than the sun.
To her disappointment, he left the missing t uncommented. ‘Matheo’ on the next day didn’t bother him either, just as ‘Matio’. Each day, he repeated the same order in the same old way, like nothing had happened. His hand continued to be attached to his phone as if his life depended on it. But it wasn’t all bad. While Luna indeed wished he’d ask or at least acknowledge her spelling with a confused look or a raised eyebrow, she kinda liked this new extension to her working routine. She never had been one to mess up customer’s names on purpose, but with this guy, she understood the delightful satisfaction that came along with it. Him always ending up at her counter helped too, of course. Thinking of new ridiculous ways to spell his name when the shop emptied out after the morning rushes became a pleasing habit in no time.
Not a lasting one, however. After she came up with ‘Mat-o’, he stopped coming in. There wasn’t any sign of her favorite rude customer anymore, even when she stared at the door every two minutes. Four days later, Luna wondered if Matteo now annoyed some other barista in the city. The thought made her feel angrier than it should.
“Are you looking for someone?”, Simón asked while they cleaned up a bit. Caught off guard, she quickly turned her eyes away from the entry. “No, of course not. Nina is having her early class today, so who would I be looking for anyway?”
Her friend nodded, but he didn’t look convinced. “But you are watching the door a lot these days…” Just as he took a breath to ask further, the sound of the door opening interrupted him. Luna felt even more relieved when she recognized the loud chuckle and the face belonging to it. “I got this one!”, she hurried to say. Simón had no chance to protest.
“How can I…”, she started, trying to contain her smile before he cut her off. “As usual.” In spite of that, Luna giggled. You asked for it. Now aware of his eyes watching over her every movement, she kept smiling. The coffee machine worked slower today, or at least it felt that way, and it became increasingly harder to avoid these intense brown eyes. Why did his gaze feel so burning besides him talking on the phone? She nearly forgot to write down the wrong name.
He couldn’t wait to see what she wrote down this time. For a minute, he had worried she didn’t remember him, but then he noticed ‘Matías’ on his cup. It took all of his self-control to pretend he didn’t see it, but the unsatisfied and very cute look on her face when he left was worth it.
By now, he was back to coming in every day again. Sometimes as early as 8 am, sometimes in the afternoon. But somehow, always during her shifts. And despite Simón’s attempts to for once take his order, he still ended up at her counter. Instead of rolling her eyes at the sight of him, she now looked forward to the few moments he spent in the shop.
The next time she completed his order, Luna figured he was talking to his best friend. It had to be, since his voice got warmer, and sweeter like a tea spiked with honey. She imagined him ordering his venti macchiato in that voice and it made her stomach flatter slightly. Anyway, his nice voice didn’t justify her eavesdropping, but he wasn’t exactly whispering either.
“No, I’ll visit my grandma in Rome then. What? No, I’m not gonna tell her I suddenly like pasta with ketchup, what is wrong with you? No Italian deserves to hear that. Hm?” He paused, a grin on his face. “Yes. Yes, you are offending me right now. Why are you so mean to me?”
Waiting for the other person to answer, he mumbled a “Thank you” in Luna’s direction. It surprised her so much, she only stared at him. When she finally realized this hadn’t been a dream but an actual thing he had done, Matteo was already gone. His cup said ‘Martheo’.
Having looked up Italian names all evening, Luna planned on using “Manfredo” first. However, he walked in wearing a buttoned shirt she hadn’t seem on him yet, with hundreds of tiny little pizzas on it. She couldn’t help herself.
Curious about whatever name the adorable barista had come up for Matteo today, he reached for the cup. As soon as he read the word “Pizza”, the corners of his mouth pulled into a curve. Soon, Luna noticed that his whole face lit up, like the sun breaking through a layer of clouds. To her own surprise, she liked it. He seemed softer now, not as rude anymore. She liked it even more since she was the reason for that smile. It felt like her biggest achievement since she started working here. (Even better than reaching the upper shelf without Simón’s help for the first time.)
Making him smile wasn’t her biggest achievement for long. Half a week later, when she had chosen “Massimo”, he came back to the counter.
“Excuse me?” Luna, who was cleaning the coffee machine, lifted her head. His eyes caught her first, and the smirk he tried to hold back. After that, she noticed the importing thing, though: there wasn’t a phone in his hand. Just the empty cup. “Yeah?”, she said, somehow managing to sound like it wasn’t already the highlight of her day.
“That’s not my name”, Matteo commented, while he showed her the cup.
“Really?” Luna pretended to take a closer look. A laugh tickled her throat, but she didn’t let it out. Not yet. “But it says ‘rude regular who doesn’t know how to end phone calls’ right here.” For a moment, Matteo stared at her, mouth open, completely speechless. Then, he recovered. “Actually, that’s not what Massimo means. It means ‘The greatest’.”
“As in the greatest snob to ever walk on earth?” At this time, she allowed herself to grin. Flirting was new to her, and she felt Simón watching closely. But in her mind, he disappeared when Matteo’s face brightened up. “No, more like the greatest pizza. But… that’s not my name either.”
With a hand clasped over her chest, she gasped. “No way!”
Matteo chuckled, well aware he enjoyed this more than he should. “Do you want me to spell it out for you? Cause you need to remember it for when…”, he started, just to be interrupted by the other barista, a guy that obviously never found beanies in his size. “Hey Luna, can you come over for a minute? I need to get these boxes.”
Beanie boy pointed to the top of the shelf. It was ridiculous, Matteo thought. How could she possibly help him? She was tiny. Cute, but tiny nonetheless. Good for him, Luna refused to have any of it. “Simón, stop mocking me”, she laughed, “And anyway, I’m talking to a customer here”. Then, she turned back to Matteo. “You were saying?”
While he leaned forward, the smirk on his face returned. Immediately, Luna regretted not pulling out of this conversation when Simón gave her the chance to. Shamelessly putting wrong names on his cup? No big deal. Anything else, though? Anything else only happened in her imagination. At least until that moment. Seeing it turn into reality speeded up her heartrate in a new-found way.
“I said, you’ll need to remember it for when you’ll save my number in your phone.” She felt her cheeks heating up, along with her whole chest. “I’m not sure that’s what you were first going to say, but I’m not sure I want to know either. Also, how would I even be able to call you when you’re already on the phone all the time?”
Foolishly, she had believed this would defeat him. But unlike her, Matteo apparently knew what he was doing and didn’t even blink before replying: “I can buy a second phone. Just for you.”
In her daydreams their conversation went on, up to the point where she imagined being the one he talked to on the phone while waiting in line. But in reality, Matteo left without any numbers being exchanged. And honestly, Luna expected it.
The next day, he dropped in right after Simón called in sick. Having to work the counter alone, Luna naturally had other things than flirting on her mind. Even the fact that his phone was in his pockets for the first time went over her head completely. On the contrary, Matteo noticed the little note she had scrawled on the cup. By far, it was his favorite one, so this time, he decided to keep it.
Luna knew there wasn’t any reason for the disappointment spreading through her veins. Yet, it was there when he walked in after she had been looking for him all morning, and she had to discover the phone next to his ear. Matteo walked closer, eyes fixed solely on her, but she found it hard to return his smile. Why did it bother her so much? Why did her mind betray her like this? Letting her build up hope that he’ll hang up for once? Because as she learned just now, it only took him seconds to bury it.
“Well, I’m sorry”, she heard him saying as he reached the counter, “But I have to go now, there’s a very cute barista I need to talk to.” That was all it took to make her happier than she’d ever admit. After he shoved the phone into his pocket, she decided to just go for it, now or never.
“What can the very cute barista help you with?”
“How do you know I was talking about you?”, Matteo wanted to know. Once again, he leaned casually over the counter. Luna mirrored his movement, receiving a smile in return. “Well, I’m pretty sure you weren’t talking about Simón over there, and I don’t see any other barista.”
“Wow, not only cute, but also smart.” The grin on his face grew bigger and it was the best thing Luna had seen all day. “So, what can I do for you?”, she asked again. Her eyes widened as he pulled out the cup from the other day, the one that said “For Mario, brewed by Luigi”.
“I feel Mario should make up for Luigi since he always brews the best coffee in the city. What do you think?” Luna’s heart stopped. Was this a dream? A hallucination? Could this spark in his eyes be real? She had no idea. All she knew for sure was she wanted to find out. “I think Luigi likes to hear that.”
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mazzy-moon · 3 years
A Lone Butterfly - Chapter 10
Title of Chapter: Shower
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings/Tags:  Mentions of lack of sleep/insomnia, Vague mentions of kidnapping/past abuse,  (Somewhat) Resolved Sexual Tension, Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Smut, Angst, Age Difference
Pairing: Javier Peña (Narcos) x Isabel Cotrille (OFC)
Summary: Javier and Isabel are back at the hotel they stayed at a year ago. Unnerved and on edge by the events of the day, Isabel can't sleep. Javier helps give her the relief she craves.
Notes: Please read tags. This chapter contains sexual content. 
I was blushing writing this. Enjoy. x
Read this chapter on ao3
Time seems to have traveled backwards. I'm in the same hotel as I was a year ago, though the room is slightly different. Bigger, I think. And we're on the highest floor this time. Good thing I'm not afraid of heights, the balcony alone would be enough to make me nauseous.
Javier drove us here right after I identified the man who played a part in my kidnapping. There's more to be done, of course, but Javier insisted I needed to rest. As exhausted as I am, though, I can't imagine falling asleep. Seeing my attacker took more of a toll on me than I anticipated. If I could, I would collapse into the comfy bed fully clothed, but my body is buzzing. This will be a long night. I sigh.
I decide to take a shower. I need to wash the day off me. Peeling the layers of my clothing off one by one, I step under the scalding water. Even after I'm done scrubbing down every inch of my body multiple times and shampooing my hair, I stand there. I realize I don't want to get out. If I do, only one of two things will happen. I'll either stay up all night imagining the look on Matías's face as he stepped up to the glass over and over, or I will fall asleep only to be plagued by nightmares. So maybe I will just stay in here forever. I know the water is hot, but I can't feel it anymore. I can't feel. I slide down until I'm sitting directly on the tile, my knees pulled up against me. Without meaning to, I drift off.
I'm still half awake when the faint banging noises come from my room. The next moment, Javier bursts through the bathroom door. I don't even care that I'm naked.
"Fuck!" I can hear the panic in his voice. He throws open the sliding door to the shower. He climbs in, still in his suit from earlier. He pulls me up to him, clearly unaffected by my state of undress. Rather than turn the water off, he shifts the knob the opposite direction and places me under it. This time it's icy. The coolness feels good against my scorched skin. It's gone too soon when he switches it off.
"Isabel," he tries to get my attention, one hand patting roughly on my cheek. I open my eyes then and he relaxes slightly.
"Isabel, what the fuck were you thinking? The water was so hot, I'm surprised it didn't burn your skin off. How long were you in there for?"
"I don't remember. I fell asleep."
He lets go of a ragged breath. "C'mon, let's get you out of here."
He sets me on my feet and grabs a towel from the rack. I don't react as he dries me off with it and tugs it around my shoulders, wrapping me up. He uses a smaller towel to dry off my dripping hair, and then brushes it back from my face. For the first time since he opened that sliding door, I look directly up at him.
"I couldn't feel anything," I explain pathetically, my voice empty.
By the way he looks at me, I think I've broken something inside him with my words.
He guides me out of the bathroom and has me sit on the end of the bed. He pulls an oversized tee from a drawer and places it next to me.
"Here, put this on. I'm gonna go clean up real quick. I'll be right back." He tips my chin up. "Okay?"
"Okay," I say softly.
I pull the shirt on over my head and find a pair of underwear. I stumble towards the bed, burying myself under the sheets. The room is dark except for the glow from a small desk lamp. I hear the connecting door creak open. The bed dips when he reaches it. I love the way he smells. I fill my lungs with the smoky, pine scent.
"I'm just gonna lay here with you until you fall asleep," he whispers behind me. He's sprawled out on top of the covers.
We lay there in silence for what seems like hours. I'm as wide awake as ever. I don't fear the nightmares as much with Javier here, and I crave the sleep that won't come. I toss and turn until I'm facing him. I can tell from his breath that he's not out, just resting his eyes.
"I can't sleep." My voice is barely audible, but his eyes open immediately.
"Do you wanna talk?" Last time this happened, he stayed up with me for hours telling me stories of his past. It worked then, but it's not what I want now. I want escape.
I shake my head. "I just want to sleep," my voice cracks, "but I can't." I don't know why I'm telling him. It's not as if he can do anything about it.
He pauses, considering. "Do you trust me?"
I don't know why he asks this, but my answer is immediate.
"Turn over."
I do as he says and feel him tuck me into his chest so my back is flush with his front. He snakes an arm around my side and rests his hand on my belly. Now, I do start to tense up slightly.
"Relax, Isabel. This is about you."
Something in the smoothness of his voice makes my body obey him. His hand starts moving, tickling me.
"Just close your eyes and focus on the feel of my hand on your skin," he whispers in my ear, while sliding his other arm beneath my head.
"Forget everything else. Just listen to the sound of my voice." His hand continues its movement and I feel a spark of something light up within me. The feeling grows stronger until it becomes almost tortuous. He senses I want more then, and slides his hand underneath my shirt. Inching his hand slightly lower, he continues his movements but this time on my bare skin. It feels good, but it's not enough.
"You're so soft," he starts mumbling once more and I hang on his every word. "I'm gonna touch you now, Isabel. You'll tell me if it's too much, won't you?"
I nod. I couldn't possibly imagine stopping him as his hand slides over my panties, teasing circles over the fabric. I moan softly, unable to hold it in anymore. I hear a low groan come from behind me.
His hand moves to the band of my panties, and his fingers slowly make their way inside.
"Do you know how good you feel, Isabel? Too good. No one should feel this good," his voice is husky and thick.
My eyes flutter open as his thumb brushes over a spot no one else ever has. I feel myself whimper as he draws tiny, slow circles over and over in the same spot. My heart picks up, my breathing now ragged.
"Do you like that?" His voice is still heavy but he softens it as his mouth utters the words against my hair. I slowly nod, closing my eyes again.
"Hmm," is all I manage to get out. I'm suddenly glad he had me turn my back to him. Having him watch me in this moment would be too much.
"Good. You're almost there, baby. Just let go."
His hand increases its speed between my thighs and I feel the tension within me ramp up. The breathy moan that escapes my mouth is louder this time, but I don't even have a moment to be embarrassed about it before I'm over the edge.
"That's it. Just like that." Javier's voice propels me forward as he presses down harder against that spot.
The tension within me snaps all at once. My thighs clamp together, trapping his hand where it is. He doesn't stop until I go limp in his arms. He withdraws his hand from between my legs and pulls the blanket up from where its shifted off me.
His lips brush against the side of my face. "Sleep now, Isabel."
I'm out before I can begin to think of a response. No words will describe how good that felt.
I fall asleep in his arms, with the feel of his heartbeat against my back.
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mazzy-moon · 3 years
A Lone Butterfly - Chapter 15
Title of Chapter: Gone
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings/Tags: Mentions of sex trafficking/kidnapping/abuse , Mentions of rape, Mild violence
Pairing: Javier Peña (Narcos) x Isabel Cotrille (OFC)
Summary:  Isabel and Javier's time together is cut short when the cartel finds their hiding place.
Notes: This chapter ends kind of abruptly. I will post chapter 16 as soon as possible. :)
Read it on ao3
I wake to a low hum of noise echoing in the distance. Once my eyes are open, though, it's gone. I dismiss it as being in my head and settle back down into the pillow.
Javier's leg is draped over me, and my back is tucked into his chest. I can tell he's in a deep sleep from the sound of his breaths. I slowly pry my way out of his grasp, desperate for water, untangling myself carefully so as not to wake him.
As I lift up off the bed, a slight soreness in the space between my thighs sends vivid images of what took place only a matter of hours ago. Heat rushes to my cheeks, but I ignore it, tiptoeing to my suitcase. I pull on a tank and some sweats before making my way to the kitchen.
The sound comes back then, a low rumbling. Barely there, but there's no mistaking it. I peer out the kitchen window, but can barely make out the line of the trees in the darkness. Standing in the unlit kitchen, I force myself to remain still. The rumbling continues, but I can't hear anything else.
Seconds later, a shattering of glass sounds from the back of the house. I call out for Javier, and he comes running out from the bedroom, barely clothed and with his gun in hand.
"Isabel," he exclaims, panicked.
Before I can warn him, a figure appears directly behind him and knocks him out with the butt of a gun. He's falls to the ground before he has a chance to utter another word. I call out for him, all while knowing there's no way he can hear me.
Stunned, I look up to face the attacker. I can't make out his features in the dark.
"Hey there, chiquita, it's been too long," the figure states, as if we know each other. 
I dive for a knife from the counter adjacent to me. Despite my effort at speed, he grabs me before I have a chance to get to it. Without thinking I thrust my knee up between his legs. He doubles over in pain and I take my chance, running to Javier's limp body to pry the gun from his hand. I quickly turn and face the attacker, gun aimed and ready. He slowly places his own gun back into his belt and holds his hands up in surrender. I consider shooting him right then, but something stops me.
"Do you really know how to use that thing? You're nothing more than a girl."
Terrified and angry, I spit the words at him. "Last time I checked, the gun doesn't care who's behind it."
"Alright, alright. But listen to me- I think you'll find what I have to say very interesting."
He continues anyway. "I work for the Bogotá cartel. You know the one. You spent some time with us last year."
"What is it you want with me?" I ask, my voice low and trembling.
"Me? I don't want anything with you. I don't know why my boss is so obsessed with getting you back, it's only caused problems for us."
"Then why come here?"
"Dante made a promise to your father right before he killed him. He promised your father that his daughter would make him a lot of money as a sort of... repayment for killing his brother years ago. Dante doesn't like to break a promise."
I stare at him in horror.
"We would've taken you in Oregon, but couldn't risk getting caught with you at the border. So... we killed your friend instead. After that, we made sure Matías was caught. He was the only one you would remember seeing, and we knew you'd be forced to come back here to identify him. He wasn't exactly happy about that, but what choice did he have?"
"I won't let you take me."
"Oh, I think you will."
"Why are you so sure I won't just shoot you right here?" I raise my voice at him.
"You won't do that. Because if you try to, I'll put a bullet in your boyfriend's brain. I'm faster than you, chiquita. Of that you can be sure. Unless you come with me, he's dead."
All my plans of shooting the man in front of me disappear. I can't risk Javier's life. I won't. I could try and outrun him, but even if I could where would I go? We're in the middle of nowhere, and I didn't remember seeing even one house the way up here. There's no option left for me.
Slowly, I put the gun down.
"Smart girl."
The man grabs me, shoving me outside. Once we near the river bank, I realize what the noise I heard earlier was. A small boat sits on the water, waiting for us. There's another man already in the boat, and then another comes from around the side of the house. Once we're inside, one of them ties a blind fold over my eyes.
We travel on the water for forever. Once we stop, I'm guided into a vehicle. No one says anything. I think of Javier back at the cabin. Has he woken up yet? Will he be able to find me? I don't dare let myself hope. I think on the night before, the moments Javier and I shared. It seems like a dream now.
The vehicle comes to an abrupt stop and I'm pushed out. I hear a door open. They don't take the blind fold off of me until I'm inside. The place reminds me of the building with the cement room I was kept in before, but it's clearly more run down than that one was. We walk down a long hallway until we reach a wide set of doors. They open and I'm pushed through.
A huge table is the only thing taking up space in the room. Chairs are placed all around it. At the very end sits an older man, probably ten to fifteen years older than Javier. I know he's in charge from the way the other men are acting around him. This, I assume, is Dante. I push down my fear, trying to keep a brave face.
I'm shoved into a chair while Dante leers at me from across the table.
"Hello, Isabel. Nice to see you once again. Such a lovely face."
The tone of his voice make my skin crawl.
He waits for me to speak, carefully assessing me. I stare him down and give him the dirtiest look I can summon.
"What? You're shy? You were so feisty before, never kept quiet. That's why we kept having to drug you." He tilts his head, trying to figure me out, but I refuse to let him see how his words affect me.
"You won't get away with this," I say through my teeth. "Javier will find me."
Dante laughs, the lines around his eyes creasing. "No. He won't. No one knows where you are. We are very good at keeping our business secretive. Why do think Santiago's little task force still hasn't been able to track us down?"
Doubt starts to trickle in, but I can't lose hope. Even if Javier doesn't find me, I will find a way out. I have to.
Dante senses where my thoughts are headed. "And if you're thinking about escaping, Isabel, I would advise otherwise. You see, if you try anything, it won't be you who suffers. No, instead we will hurt Sasha."
The name conjures up a whisper of a memory from the far reaches of my mind. "Who's Sasha?"
"You don't remember? You two were so close at the beginning. She begged us to stop when we beat you. It got annoying after a while so we separated you from her."
I think of the crying girl I remember hearing all those months ago. Sasha. The name is slightly familiar to me now. If Dante was to be believed, this woman cared for me. I would have to figure out a way to escape without getting her hurt... or worse.
"I had such big plans for you at the beginning, Isabel. You were going to make me a lot of money. You see, in the past I was always a little repulsed at the thought of selling women for money, but that was before I found out just how profitable it could be."
"Why me?"
"There are many reasons you were the perfect target. For one, I knew I wouldn't have to worry about your father, since I had already taken care of him. And what better way to send a message to the DEA than to take the daughter of the man who killed my brother. It wasn't like you were difficult to get to. My men found you within a day and started tracking your movements until the perfect opportunity arose."
"But why continue to come after me? You've got more than enough girls to make you money." I needed an answer to the question. It didn't make sense why they would risk so much for me.
"It's true, we've more than compensated for your loss. But for whatever reason, I just couldn't let you go. You captivated me, and I admit, I became a little obsessed."
"I'm flattered," I say sarcastically.
"If anything you should be grateful. I've decided to keep you for myself. None of the other girls have that privilege,” he state as if I should feel honored. “Which reminds me, I want to apologize for what Matías did to you. I gave him strict orders to save you for the clients, but he couldn’t help himself.”
Suddenly, I feel sick. I was already aware of the fact that I had been raped, but the affirmation stings.
There is no way I'm letting this man get anywhere near me. I need to come up with a plan of some sort.
Just then, I hear the doors open and relief surges through me as I see Sanz walk into the room.
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