#Asahi is sof boi
rachi-roo · 3 years
Ashfudjdnfksksnfia Queen PLZ! >////w////< As you wish!
Haikyuu: Asahi tickle Headcanons!
Asahi, the gentle giant from Karasunos volleyball team. How can someone so big be so soft? Here are a few examples of just how soft this big ball of mochi can be~
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Asahi is a Lee. 99% Lee. He just loves the physical contact, reminding him of the strong bond he and his friends have.
Honestly, when it comes to tickles this man is like a big ol' puppy who wants belly rubs, though he's far to shy to actually ask for them. So his friends make sure to ask him at least every other day if he wants some tickle time. His burning red cheeks are all the answer they need.
As Ducky here informed me, Asahis most sensetive areas are his tummy and sides.
Most of the time, he will try and be still for his ler, that's the best way to get the best tickles.
Raspberries are his favourite. The way he twitches and giggles in anticipation is just pure, untainted gold~
He always has to have something to hug, since he can't stand seeing what's going on. Make sure to give him a hoodie, bag, a big plushie, anything that he can squeeze the life out of whilst you give him what he deserves.
He doesn't mind rough or soft tickles. Anything that gives him that sensation will do.
He won't talk much during his wrecking, his face buried to deep in whatever he's hugging. However, if you did want to hear his laughter better, you'd have to get someone to pin his arms up. Tag-team that big boi.
When attacking these areas his laughter is big and hearty. A little snort here and there too~
Another spot he's sensetive is his ears. If you're not a giant then you'll have to wait until he's sat down or make sure you can jump high enough to sneak a little puff of air into his ear.
Ear tickles make him squeak, yes squeak. He will scronch his neck and shoulders up like a little turtle hiding from a predator.
A great way to tickle this spot is whilst he's napping. Just a little whisp of air or even a feather if you have one on you. His sleepy giggles are too pure for this world and those who've heard them are blessed and should feel honoured.
This man is so easily flustered. Just a nose boop is enough to have him giggling and blushing.
Lots of head shaking, lots of leg flailing but other than that, he's a very well behaved Lee. 100/10 highly recommend~ 🧡
Although Asahi is a Lee, that doesn't mean he won't give his friends an affectionate tickle or two.
Big hands. Big huuuuuge hands. And what they do? They tickle. Really, really... Gently. Yes, despite his huge hands he's incredibly gentle.
Too gentle. It's cruel how nice he is whilst he's being the ler. He doesn't even realise he's teasing you when he talks.
'Having fun?'
'Haha, that smile is precious.'
'Well that was an interesting sound.'
Of course it depends on who he's tickling and why. If it's Noya because he's being a little shit his choice of words are more along the lines of-
'Done being an ass now, gremlin?'
'You need to learn your lesson.'
But even then, he's still so gentle. Probably because he's worried he'll hurt those small people.
He doesn't like to pin as such, but will definitely sit on the victims waist, just to keep them from fleeing.
His tickles are random, scittering and scribbling fingers. Usually just sticking to the victims torso.
Big boi is just such a softie. And I wouldn't want him any other way 😚
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95% Lee - 5% Ler
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
Asahi! 👀 Where the sof boi going? ❤️
Asahi is taking you to a sunflower field. He’ll set up a blanket on a nice green patch of soft grass, and lay amongst the beautiful blooming flowers as you gaze at the clouds together.
Send me a character from my fandoms and receive a date headcannon x
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crowsimagine · 6 years
If you're not too busy, pls can I request some Daisuga where they're taking care of the rest of the team who have been turned into kids?
I love smol crows awwwww
Daichi scans the kitchen,searching for that one box of cereal he knows Narita likes-
“Daichi-san!” Tanakaleaps at Daichi, who’s taken by surprise and fumbles to catch the toddler fromfalling. “Tanaka, no running!”
Noya runs towards Daichithat very second, jumping up. “Kiyoko is having her hair done by Suga!”
“Great,” Daichi sighswhile Tanaka wiggles. “I want to do her hair! Will she let me?”
“Maybe Asahi will let youplay with his if you ask nicely.” Daichi sets them down. Noya grabs Tanaka’shand and pulls him to the noisy living room.
Narita pokes his headfrom around the kitchen table, smiling sweetly and waiting patiently for his snack.
Daichi chuckles and picksup Narita, resting him on his hip. “Narita, you’re a good finder. Want to helpme look?”
Narita nods and points tothe next cabinet. “I think it’s there!” Daichi opens it and finds the Cheerioson the second shelf. “Good job, kiddo.”
In the living room, Suga finishes braidingKiyoko’s hair, adding a butterfly clip. 
“There we go,” Suga smiles, lifting heroff his lap. Kiyoko mutters a soft “thank you” and walks to Yachi.
“Ah,Kiyoko-san, you look so pretty!” she awes, holding a volleyball plush to herchest. The dark-haired girl sits beside Yachi and the two begin playing withtoy cars.
“Bakayama!” Hinata huffsand sticks his tongue out at Kageyama, who keeps a tight grip on a vibrantlycolored volleyball.
“Hinata!” Suga gasps.“Where did you learn that?” He marches over to the bickering pair and puts onhis best dad face. “What’s going on?”
“Kageyama won’t sharewith me!” Hinata whines, pointing at the scowling boy. “I had it first and youonly drop it!”
“Kageyama, that’s notpolite,” Suga says as Hinata huffs again. “You two can share the volleyball,it’s more fun than playing by yourself. And Hinata, we don’t curse. You’re bothgoing in time-out.”
Tsukishima from theopposite corner snickers at the two, unnoticed by Suga who lifts up the two whiningboys. He heads to the kitchen and puts them on the tiny stools in differentcorners. “Daichi will watch you and say when you two can return to the livingroom.”
Daichi turns his head.“Hinata, Kageyama, were you two fighting again?”
“Yes,” their dejectedvoices reply from their time-out spots.
Daichi sighs as Naritafinishes eating his dry cereal. “May I go play?” He nods and helps Narita downfrom his seat. He walks to the living room and rejoins Ennoshita and Kinoshitain their “movie.” Yamaguchi hugs one of the dinosaur toys he’s using whileplaying with Tsukishima and pads over to Suga.
“Yamaguchi, what’swrong?” Suga asks when he sees the young boy’s sad face. “I want to play withthem,” he says, pointing at the three “filming,” “But I want to play withTsukki!”
Suga chuckles and bendsdown, petting Yamaguchi’s head. “You can ask Tsukishima to go over with you.Maybe they’ll make a film about dinosaurs.”
Yamaguchi brightens andthanks Suga as he returns to Tsukishima. The blond waits a moment afterYamaguchi asks him and heads over to the three with the now smiling freckledboy.
“Suga-san!” Tanaka calls.“We tangled Asahi’s hair!”
“Oh dear.” Suga rushesover to a sniffling Asahi and jumping Noya. “It’s oaky, Asahi! Your hair lookslike it’s in a bun!”
Suga sits down and gentlylifts Asahi into his lap. “It’s okay, we’ll untangle your hair.” Asahi rubs hiseyes. “I don’t want my hair cut off!”
“You won’t!” Sugapromises. “I’m great with hair, let me work my magic.”
“Are you a wizard?!” Noyaexclaims, eyes lighting up. “You can teach us cool tricks!”
“Sure, we’ll go withthat,” Suga replies. He soothingly runs his fingers through Asahi’s hair. “Thismay be a tad painful but it’ll be okay in the end.” Asahi sniffles again.“Okay.”
Back in the kitchen, Daichiraises his wrist, checking his watch. He pinches the bridge of his nose, hopinghis next action won’t be a mistake. “Hinata, Kageyama,” he calls and the twotoddlers lift their heads up curiously. “You two can go play together, nicely.”
Hinata leaps up and racesto the living room. “Not so fast!” Kageyama cries out, running to catch hisbright-haired friend. “Slow down!” Daichi calls out to them.
Kiyoko and Yachi, eachholding an array of toy cars, join Tanaka and Noya. “Your hair would look nicein a bun!” Yachi says. Asahi looks at her. “Really?”
Yachi nods, fiddling witha yellow car. “Yeah! You’ll be a cool action hero!”
Asahi smiles lightly. “Thankyou, Yachi-chan,” he says, relaxing a little. Suga continues to unknot Asahi’shair.
Kiyoko briefly leaves toget Asahi a fuzzy Teddy bear. She quietly hands it to the long-haired boy witha sof smile.
“Kiyoko is so nice!” Noyasays and excitedly adds, “Let’s follow her example, Ryuu!”
“Noya-san, you’re sosmart,” Tanaka responds with a grin. They race around to find toys for Asahi.
“That’s okay!” Asahitries to tell them but they pay no heed.
By the time Suga is done,Asahi is covered with pillows and blankets and many toys. Suga laughs and givesthe long-haired boy a hug. “Your hair is all done. And on the bright side, lookat how much your friends care about you.”
Asahi gets off Suga’s lapand after thanking him, hugs Kiyoko, Yachi, Noya, and Tanaka.
Suga and Daichi share alook of pride. Even though raising their crows is a hard and challenging job,they wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Thank you for the ask!!
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discoursecatharsis · 6 years
watched the new swimboy ep and im crying old swimboy memories are flooding me to the brim, i was like an excited lil kid throughout the whole ep and that ed god that ed is hitting all the right buttons on me bc i love animated dancing boys so much and kyoani's crisp A++ animation makes it so gorgeous and haru my boy you're becoming more sof and friendlier than how you were back then HE'S GROWING UP and older ikuya looks hella gorgeous now that we got more angles. I missed these swimboys so much
Free! makes me so happy, I’m glad it’s back, I missed these Water Days. :’)
I adore this ed already! Not as much as Splash Free or Future Fish, but I love that pretty much everyone is included, it was so cute and silly and ahhh. And YES Haru becoming more friendly and open, I’m so proud of how much he’s grown. I love seeing everyone older too, Asahi’s still got those adorable little blushies under his eyes and on his nose and he’s still such a friendly sweet guy and ahh. I’m so looking forward to this season
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