#Asala Adaar is Fire
sugarbubbleslove · 2 years
Back in Dragon Age Hell
I had been getting the urge to replay the series because I thought up a new look for my Qunari and, well, I wanted to start from the beginning lol
1 - As my Amell who romances Leliana but sleep with Morrigan in order to have the DR child, do you think Leliana knows of it? Does the Warden tell Leliana? Does Leliana guess when she sees the child? I'm just curious to if it was ever stated at some point.
2 - Was Shock supposed to be the starting lightning magic? Because I had a quick look and noticed that Lightning required 18 magic to unlock (despite every other starting magic doesn't require any points) yet Shock is basically free? Mix up at some point?
3 - I really wanna punch Jowan. I'm gonna help him because yeah, my Amell doesn't know the truth and believe that his best friend isn't lying to him but I still want the option to punch him (Especially since I HC that my Amell had a crush on Lily and was heartbroken to discover that she was the one Jowan was talking about the entire time).
4 - Does anyone else wish Senior Enchanter Leorah was a companion. No, I don't care for Wynn. Yes, I tell her to eff off. But Leorah seems so interesting that I really wished she had been an option.
How do you think could it have happened? Wynne died so Leorah takes her place (of course, the spirit healing spec would have to come a different way since I don't really see Leorah having that ability.)
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magneticmage · 3 years
Fic drabbles;
"Do you ever miss it?"
Armashok Adaar set down his staff as he wearily collapsed onto the log by the evening campfire and turned his horned head towards The Iron Bull, "The Qun or Par Vollen?"
There was a brief pause before he shrugged, "Both."
Armashok scratched at his beard, "Yes and no. Some days more than others."
"Even though you are a saarebas?" The question lacked the malice of most Qunari, the unspoken question of where his araavard was. But it still rattled something sharp in his chest. A reminder of why he had left so many, many years ago.
"Even then," He admitted quietly, "The Qun was about purpose and direction and control. Something I felt I needed for a long time. Before I met my current araavad and wife, Herah. She would take me somewhere secluded and direct me to practice my magic, to hone it like the warrior I once was. That it was my new asala, to replace the blade that was taken from me when my magic showed. At first, I was reluctant and refused. Then, after a mission where we nearly died but were saved by my magic, I began to understand what she'd meant. I was as much a weapon as any other saarebas, any Qunari. The difference was that I could learn to control my own magic, resist my own demons, withouttm the need for a handler."
The Iron Bull frowned, "So, you chose to be Tal-Vashoth then. To abandon the Qun because it tried to control you."
"Not quite." Armashok held up his hand and called fire to his glowing palm. His companion did not flinch away, but he could still read the wary tension in his shoulders. Cullen carried that same tension. It was a fear of mages, of magic. He did not blame them. He had been afraid once, as well.
For a moment, he let the fire dance across various parts of his arms and hands, shaping and sculpting it as a potter would raw clay. He continued speaking as the flames turned brighter, burned hotter under his control, "I have not abandoned the ways of the Qun. Not truly. I have only realized it has not served its intended purpose for me. I do believe that all things and people require guidance and something to follow, some rules to adhere to, some thing important enough to work towards for themselves-even if that is for the benefit of others. That it can become their asala. Their soul. If they want."
The Iron Bull folded his arms, "So, you think you can bend the Qun to serve your needs? How is that different than the Chantry?"
"We are all flawed mortals, Bull." He shrugged, "Organizations are as fallible as their leaders and their followers. I admire the Qun for what it can be; purpose, dedication, humility. I simply realized that I could not work within the confines set by those who had founded it as it is now. I chose to be a person in a room of people who did not wish to see me as such. I chose to value the family and love I had found within it and carry that faith beyond its reach."
The Iron Bull was quiet for a moment, seeming to take these words into consideration. What went through his head, Armashok could not say. But he was drawing comparisons to his own life, if the intense stare he gave Krem said anything.
He set a hand on his fellow qunari's shoulder, "You can honor the beliefs of the Qun and not be a member of the Qunari as a country. You can be a person in a room of people who say you are nothing more than a weapon. Think on it, but know that you will always have my help no matter the nature of the request."
Bull gave a laugh, "You finally decided to make a move on me, Boss? Gotta say I didn't expect it."
Armashok shook his head and gently headbutted him, "Tempting as you are, my handsome fellow Qunari, I am happily married. Perhaps, another time, should she ever give me permission."
He nodded and offered a drink. Armashok took it. Raising it up, he declared, "Now to drink away all those annoying existential questions for the evening, aye? Tomorrow, we fight a dragon and celebrate our victory!"
"Cheers to that," The Iron Bull responded, seemingly relieved at the change of topic.
So they drank and chatted of other things-old battles, the memories of home, their shared love of bloodshed and dragons-well into the night. When they finally headed to their tents-Armashok to his with his daughter, Kara, and Bull to his with Dorian and Pyrmar Cadash-the only ones still awake were Solas and Paeriel, who had moved off for some privacy in the early dawn hours.
Months later, even despite the forced choice of his people, The Iron Bull stood resolute in his new purpose, his new family. Armashok had managed to bolster Krem and the other mercenaries with the aid of the rest of their inner circle-thus securing the alliance with the Qunari and saving the Chargers, but it took some quiet affirmations after for Armashok to fully realize the effect his words had left on his companion.
He was surprised once again, years later, when The Iron Bull-Hisraad no longer-stoof firm against the Dalatrass' orders. He was loyal to his family of Chargers and lovers in Dorian and Pyrmar. He had found his new purpose; A Qunari at heart despite the brand of Tal-Vashoth.
Armashok Adaar could only smile as he embraced his brother-in-arms before they parted for Tevinter.
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mactirian · 8 years
Muse Aesthetics BOLD any which apply to your muse. Italicize what they like. remember to REPOST & not REBLOG. feel free to add to the list. Asala Adaar fire. ice. water. air. earth. claws. fangs. wings. scales. gold. diamonds. grass. leaves. trees. roses. metal. iron. rust. rain. hail. snow. lava. fog. sky. clouds. storms. swamp. flowers. silk. leather. cotton. ribbons. bells. sun. moon. stars. blood. dirt. mud. porcelain. silver. steel. sugar. salt. fragrance. mistletoe. lilac. lily. glass. wood. paper. wool. fur. smoke. ash. ocean. maps. sail. bruise. scar. wind. spices. light. dark. dawn. dusk. shadow. paint. charcoal. kettle. wine. hard liquor. sweat. dust. bare feet. canine. feline. coffee. tea. books. scratches. burns. chapped lips. split knuckles. petals. thorns. hay. glitter. heat. cold. steam. frost. candle. coin. sword. dagger. spear. fists. whip. axe. staff. arrow. trident. hammer. shield. spikes. sand. rocks. roots. feathers. crystals. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethysts. herbs. chamomile. shells. waves. lightning. thunder. sunlight. moonlight. clay. stone. brick. lions. bears. wolves. tigers. coeurls. jaguars. horses. snakes. dragons. eagle. falcon. bluebird. raven. fruit. honey. meat. poison. medicine. bones. ink. dance. song. prayer. tower. key. lock. spring. summer. autumn. winter. bandages. scarves. boots. letters. handkerchiefs. I’m tagging: @tainted-knight, @shepofships, @valerieaks
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