#Asmongold WoW
assassinhomecreedstuck · 10 months
I love wow guild drama so much, like please tell me more about how a paladin baited somebody into dying of fall damage in hardcore classic, and you had everybody log on to have a whole "trial" where the rest of the guild voted them out for being a dickhead.
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tomeebear04 · 24 days
asmongold tord
tord does very much give off WOW player auras. his desk filled with a heinous amount of fast food drink cups. idk if his earth shield would be as powerful as asmons tho
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56kilobits · 2 months
oh no. did you know/date an asmongold?? tbh idk if an asmon type for wow, 14, or osrs is worse. rs3 is the correct answer so we're excluding it.
I sorta had a whole post typed up and forgot about it - I think of the popular online games of the current year osrs probably has a higher percentage of its playerbase as “playtime whales” to borrow gacha terminology. like, grouping users into tranches per average daily play session, osrs I think would probably have a greater percentage of its users in the highest tranche. wow and 14 have both been restructured in recent years (wow most dramatically) to heavily favor short regular sessions rather than regular long sessions, for example weekly lockouts for progression content. it’s entirely possible to nolife a modern mmo, plenty people do it unfortunately, but due to how “casual-friendly” both games have become now it requires a pretty intense degree of dopamine addiction to get the dedication that classic grognard mmos of the 2000s like everquest demanded. it shouldn’t be surprising for anyone that the biggest champion for wow classic, a notoriously grindy mmo, was asmongold, a guy notorious for having all the time in the world to grind due to living with his mom and not having a job or gf
anyway, yes
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yunyuis · 21 days
asmongold being a general internet nuisance now instead of a wow nuisance is crazy to me
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jerek · 1 year
as asmongold no doubt shits molten tungsten over vanessa vancleef's thighs being covered let us remember 2 things:
1. every time a teenage girl in a Blizzard property has her thighs out, that decision was endorsed by blizzard's leadership. vanessa's design reflects the time it was made in.
2. Asmongold's career is parasitism. He makes his living by shitting on the game that allows him to make his living. he sucks the clout off other people's hard work by constantly sounding the alarm that WoW is dying. he has been doing this for YEARS!! and wow is still alive, and he's still unwashed and glassy-eyed in a dark room somewhere.
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artsob · 1 year
AI made this - Asmongold: The Gaming Legend - Not Bald and Taking Names
In this YouTube video, join the legendary streamer, Asmongold, as he takes you on a wild gaming journey through Azeroth and beyond. Known for his charismatic style and hilarious quotes like "to its ya boy Asmongold" and "it is what it is," Asmongold's impact on the gaming community is nothing short of remarkable. From Classic WoW to Retail and other games, witness unforgettable moments, epic loot, and the camaraderie of his friends, McConnell and Esfand, in the Goldshire brigade. Together, they unite gamers, spread positivity, and call out toxicity in gaming culture. Buckle up for a rap tribute celebrating Asmongold's undeniable presence in the gaming world! Hashtags: #Asmongold #GamingLegend #NotBald #WildGamingJourney #UnforgettableMoments #EpicLoot #GamingCommunity #PositivityInGaming #AsmongoldArmy #Streamers #Trendsetter #CharismaticGamer #GoldshireBrigade #AzerothAdventures
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wp100 · 1 year
speaking of hardcore wow... i gotta sorta agree with asmongold on his points regarding the official servers. the hype will die down so fast. i think the whole appeal of it was that you were able to appeal deaths, especially bullshit ones where you d/c or get griefed by some asshole (so long as its recorded tho)
i have no idea how official servers are going to go down. it'll be fun to watch nonetheless (dont think i'll ever get into it)
we'll just have to wait and see
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
World of Warcraft needs a “Realm Reborn” like FFXIV, Asmongold says
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One of World of Warcraft's most popular Twitch streamers believes the game needs a full Realm Reborn-style reset in the vein of rival MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. Zack, also known as "Asmongold," has long been one of the most well-known figures in the World of Warcraft community. However, he claims that both seasoned players like himself and potential new recruits are turned off by the game's excessive complexity and bloat. “With WoW, I’ve kinda just been taking a break,” the longtime YouTuber and Twitch streamer says, “and it’s not like I hate WoW – I don’t want anybody thinking I hate WoW.” However, he says he hasn’t really felt much reason to play it of late. He points to several potential issues, including the sheer volume of stuff that players have obtained over the years, and an increase in the complexity of fight mechanics. It’s certainly true that modern boss fights can feel like an ongoing arms race between people making the best WoW addons to help you follow and solve mechanics, and the game’s designers attempting to make something that existing tools aren’t able to automatically parse. This has led to situations where players can end up with literally dozens of buffs or debuffs applied to their characters at once. “Here – what the fk is going on,” Asmon says, highlighting a player’s status icons during a modern-day WoW battle. He pulls up a shot of Classic WoW to compare, showing just a single icon. “What’s he got on him? Frostbolt? That’s it.” It’s an extreme example, but it makes a stark point. He moves back over to the modern fight, exclaiming, “Twelve debuffs on one person – and this is a clean UI! This is the problem with the fking game, right here.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTZd1XX-ZNc “I think that, for me, what really caused me to stop focusing on it a lot – I feel like the game is too complex, and the complexity of the game is exhausting.” Asmon continues, “You can’t even understand what is happening in the game and it’s just exhausting to play. It’s not that I can’t play it, it’s that it’s just tiresome.” His solution, then? “I think they need to reset the game – just completely reset the game, Realm Reborn this s**t,” referring to how FFXIV shut down its 1.0 version and came back with a completely new game and a fresh start. That obviously proved very successful for the Square Enix MMO, but it was a dramatic move – and perhaps an even more necessary one, given the overwhelmingly negative reception to its original effort. That sounds extreme, but Asmon is insistent that a full reset, while it might be painful, is Blizzard’s best chance to truly breathe new life into Azeroth. “Delete everybody’s mounts, their pets, their transmogs their toys – delete everything,” he says, “Get rid of a game that’s had 15 years of FOMO that people don’t want to get into because they haven’t been playing it for 15 years.” He does suggest that players could be given a Garrison that they could keep all their old stuff in, but that it shouldn’t be present in the new-look version of the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LImpJt7GIcM Of course, saying, “Just make the game from scratch” is a lot easier than the process of actually doing that – remember that Blizzard did at one point intend to build a new MMO, codenamed Titan, before it was officially canceled in 2014. The assets created for that project were instead gathered up, and used to build a completely different game – Overwatch. We also, of course, got WoW Classic – another attempt to ‘recapture the magic’ – although it itself suffers from all those years of built-up knowledge among the players. So there’s no question that Blizzard has been thinking long and hard about what to do with its iconic, lumbering behemoth. Perhaps one day they’ll find an answer. In closing, a member of Asmongold’s Twitch chat asks of his fresh-start idea, “Would you trust them to not fk that up?” His answer is simple: “How could they fk it up more than what they’ve already done?” If you’re not yet done with World of Warcraft, take a look at our WoW Dragonflight tier list to see which classes are looking strongest right now. You’ll also want to make sure you don’t miss out on all the WoW Trading Post rewards for July. Read the full article
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goblinroleplay · 2 years
my dad enabling my terminally online habits by letting me leech off his amazon prime for the prime sub, me in return enabling his chronic wow playing habits by leaving asmongold on in the background so he can get drops . symbiosis
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adventure012xyzcom · 2 years
Asmongold #Wow #Games
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thorcat · 3 years
Little rant because of a certain streamer
While i personally do not really like Asmongold, i think what people did there during his stream was more than just embarrassing.
Calling him simply toxic is also wild. He’s known for being very direct and it can offend someone easy, like i had it personally happen a lot as well.
Sadly many do not know that he’s putting on a show on his streams, filled with sarcasm and poking at things, making fun of them but also gives some good constructive feedback on things.
He really enjoyed ffxiv so far and while i admit that announcing time and server was a dumb thing to do, people should really not have rolled out there like hunters and grief away everything he needed to kill, stand on top of him with massive mounts to block him turning in quests or other stuff.
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jesse-martin-126 · 3 years
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Going through the dark portal for the first time
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ryuukenden4 · 3 years
The FFXIV community has always been regarded as a great community that welcomes new players and is tight knit. However with the arrival of a popular WoW streamer, we forgot ourselves for a whole day basically.
I didn't even know Asmongold before Saturday. I was playing on an alt on Cactuar and I saw people shouting in chat about this dude and I was confused. Then I saw him being followed by a MASS of people and I looked his Twitch stream up. I don't find his mispronunciation of the names funny and he's not even that interesting to me.
HOWEVER: this does not give anyone the right to harass someone. It was annoying to see people blocking the NPCs from his view. Also, the amount of people complaining about him being here...why? Is everyone not allowed to enjoy the game? Stop being an elitist, you don't own this game. Just because you're jealous he has a following doesn't mean you can just take it out on him. Plus, it doesn't matter if you horde him on stream, he turned names off so no one knows who you are anyway. Yeah, I saw my character pass him on screen because I was in his general vicinity at one point and tuned in to see if I was there and I was! But my name wasn't and no one cared that I was there. They aren't focusing on anyone but Asmongold. The people spamming emotes and jumping around aren't cute or funny. No one even knows who you are.
Not only does it affect him, people playing the game experience heavy lag and ridiculous wait times just to get into the server. And who cares about the influx of WoW players??? We should be happy to have more players jumping in. I for one have been helping out the new players I get out in dungeons with because I want them to enjoy the game like I and so many others have.
Please FFXIV community, we're better than this, but Twitch saw a gross side of us on Saturday. Let's show them what kind of great community we are for real.
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www012xyzcom · 4 years
Twitch Live Asmongold - Twitch
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justadudesdrawings · 4 years
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Some art for Asmongold on twitch, I love watching his streams even though I know nothing of WOW. 
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universeoflore · 4 years
​Asmongold watches the brand new Shadowlands Cinematic where we see the aftermath of Sire Denathrius' defeat in Castle Nathria and the Jailer forcing Sylvanas to take a more direct approach in recruiting Anduin to the cause. Following the cinematic/cutscene Asmongold discusses a possible redemption arc for the banshee queen and then we have a full recap of every cinematic interaction between Anduin and Sylvanas since the release of the new Shadowlands expansion... Thank you all for watching! Stay tuned and subscribe to the official Asmongold YouTube Channel to always be kept up to date about the best Asmongold Highlights, Asmongold Reacts and funniest Asmongold moments from World of Warcraft and other games played on stream!
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