#Aspara-chan OC
slugmanslime · 5 years
how does one go about like... getting their oc to make friends with another persons oc? like i want oc oc friends........ helb me ples
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slugmanslime · 7 years
5, 11, 29 from the 'not so nice oc asks' !
you sent this to me a million years ago pickle im a monster i love you 
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear. Well, on the surface Aspara seems to have a developed fear of eyes; she can only make limited eye contact with strangers, but the better she gets to know you, the less it bothers her. As far as repressed fears, well... she doesnt like talking about it, but she fears her own species. The fact that the first Saiyans she met were half violent and half sadistic kind of scarred her in a way, and she still remembers bits and pieces of her childhood before the launch. The deep dark fear is the easiest to bring to light I would say-- abandonment. She has been consistently abandoned throughout her life and instead of hurting less every time, it cuts even deeper. 
11. Do they have any vices? Around most unguarded things that she deems of value (ranging from unclaimed food to a pretty bracelet) her hands become very sticky. Of course, if confronted she’ll confess in a heartbeat, but in previous situations where theft was her only means of survival, she picked up a few tricks. 
29. Does what they cannot see scare them? Oh, absolutely. Her unconventional development through the influence of foreign peoples and the fact that she frequented numerous atmospheres between the weight of space pressing down on her unregulated pod means that she has suffered damage to her brain and psych unfortunately. She has irrational fears that may often manifest as delusions under inordinate amounts of stress; she fears them most when she can’t see them anymore, because she knows they lurk just below the surface. 
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slugmanslime · 7 years
im bored
anyway uhhhhh my sideblogs are rly empty rn if you wanna send asks/start threads 
My Piccolo RP Blog
My Vegeta RP Blog
My OC RP Blog
i enjoy interacting with canon characters and ocs so we can all have fun!
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slugmanslime · 7 years
Really excited to redo Aspara's backstory and @princess-allii even helped me recreate her outfit today!!! Now I just gotta commission someone for it 😫
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slugmanslime · 7 years
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Got my baby girl Aspara commissioned at Hamacon and I'm in love again
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slugmanslime · 7 years
“Lake Placid Remake”
thank-you commission for @creamsodabubbles for the Piccolo icon! this was a good warm up to get back into things, i thought i oughta post it here too :)
Pairings: None really? kind of Piccolo/Rumina/Aspara Warnings: uhm... water Word Count: 1,610 Fic Type: Fluffy One-shot
There was a significant difference between the afternoon sun versus the shade it created in conjunction with the massive, ancient oak on the bank of West Lake. Ants marched along the gnarled roots that wove through the mossy patches of dirt at its base, and the young Saiyan nestled in their crooks was more than happy to enjoy the show. Dappled shadows fluttered across the angled planes of her face whenever a breeze rolled through, flashing sunlight into her vision briefly. It didn’t annoy her, as it might have any other person, as she had her sights much more focused on something else… well, someTHINGS else.
“Aspara! Come check this out—Piccolo is TOTALLY sliming it up in here!” Any other taunts made by her fellow student were drowned out by raucous splashing and growling by none other than the Slime Man himself. Aspara adjusted against the trunk, scratching her back idly with a grin as she watched her two favorite Namekians have a go at water rugby, minus the nets and ball. Rumina was no match for Piccolo, strength-wise, but he grappled as best he could, sneaking in kisses, bites, pinches—anything that would be considered fighting dirty and resulted in him being dunked underwater, over and over.
“Rumina, you know you aren’t amphibious! If you keep teasing him you’ll end up developing gills!” Her laughter carried across the freshwater waves lapping at the shore, causing her mentor to pause mid-murder of her fellow student.
“You know, I would have half a mind to stop teaching this brat a lesson if there was something else to distract me.” She made a mental note of the baritone in Piccolo’s raised voice mixed with the sound of the water, as she had with Rumina; another nice thing to be remembered about this day. She raises a hand to wave off the comment, but is cut off before she can open her mouth.
“Are you kidding?” Rumina spluttered, rubbing lake water from his eyes angrily. “If anyone gets to double team you in chicken, it’s gonna be me and her! Come on, Aspara, we aren’t getting any younger!”
With a flick of her hand, she brushed a lock of sweaty bangs from her eyes. “Don’t you know fish live in there? How would you like it if a giant fish just waltzed into Capsule Corp. one day and just started shoving us around? No thanks, guys, I’ll pass.”
The comment elicited a grimace from the cranky Namek. “Don’t remind me about the fish for Kami’s sake.” Dissatisfied, Rumina crosses his arms with a huff, and just as suddenly dropped his arms to start wading through the water, in her direction. “And you two call me the drama queen? The unfairness is tangible, people!” Unbeknownst to him, a distinct trail of translucent goo was left in his wake, leaving Piccolo sneering and attempting to dodge the sludge. He was acutely aware of his bodily functions, and cared immensely, while it seemed that his newest pupil was more, ah, care-free.
His toes dug into the sandy mud beneath his feet, Piccolo observed from afar as Aspara was unceremoniously hoisted over Rumina’s shoulder—hilarious, considering that she was A) taller than him and B) caught completely unawares—and dumped into the murky lake water. The corners of Piccolo’s lips curled upwards, a single snaggletooth glinting in the sun, when she finally surfaced and launched herself at the younger Namek, with all the fury and grace of a water-logged cat. Birds were startled from the guardian oak with their yowls of laughter, and before he knew it, the duo had drug themselves out to his station, hip-deep in the cool water with minnows fluttering past his ankles in an attempt to flee the calamity they brought with them.
Rumina caught his breath first, still laughing whenever he had the chance. “I was victorious! Now it’s your turn to get dunked on, Sensei!” He slung a clawed hand around his drenched partner-in-crime, who was starting to look less and less enthused about being soaking wet in a cotton t-shirt and jean shorts. Aspara leaned into his side anyway, disregarding his slick body as she wiped hair from her eyes once more.
“Yeah, yeah, you got me in here, you big jerk. I’m playing one game of chicken, then I get to dry off!” A small shiver passed up her spine as a cloud shadow hovered over the trio, momentarily dampening in the mood. Gooseflesh danced upon her skin, and with cheeks darkening she deftly crossed her arms over her pricked chest with a quick look over at Rumina, and up at Piccolo. The look he returned her left her pinned, blush darkening; he hadn’t caught on had he?
She doesn’t have time to answer herself before Piccolo scooped her up, just as playfully as Rumina had much to her chagrin, and deposited her unsteadily upon her friend’s shoulders; Rumina wobbled and squawked, but managed to keep his balance by grasping her toned thighs, claws pricking her skin. Aspara didn’t seem to mind, or at least, she just continued laughing at him, delicately grasping the sides of his head to find her balance. “Ru, the game hasn’t started—don’t let him put us in the water yet!”
Panting, Rumina attempted to glare up at her, failing of course but he improvised by giving her inner thigh a sharp nip; he nearly drew blood, and issued an apologetic kiss to the area post-haste. His chest still heaved however, the sandy muck he was sinking into making his skin absolutely crawl; combining this with his own approximate body weight on his shoulders and you have a very regretful young Namek. “Ahaha, yeah, right! Don’t worry, I won’t let you down!... Yet…” Rumina shifted forwards slightly, looking for higher ground, and instead found more sand, making him lurch back in alarm. “Guys—guys! This sucks, I change my mind. No oceans, and no lakes, done and done.”
Aspara yelped and hunched over her friend’s head in order not to topple straight into the water, looking at him as angrily as she could from such an awkward, upside-down Spiderman angle. “Ru, come on, you’re the one who wanted to try the lake! Look, I love you but, there’s still sand and you still slime, I’m sorry sweetie. Now please don’t drown me?” Her attention was drawn upwards momentarily when their mentor chuckled, staring down at them with crossed arms and an amused smirk.
“Rumina, wasn’t the lake your idea anyway? I was under the impression that you liked it with all the colorful vocabulary you used to persuade us to accompany.” With a single finger, Piccolo reached out and placed it on Aspara’s forehead, before flashing them the cheekiest smile and giving her a nudge. With just enough pressure to put her off balance, Aspara squealed, arms wind-milling in vain for balance she no longer had. Almost as if in slow motion, her thighs clamped around Ru’s neck, and as he was unable to dislodge her, he went down with that sinking ship as well. Piccolo roared with laughter as a torrential wave of lake water splashed upon him, and the two irate students popped above water after a pregnant pause, swearing like a couple of sailors.
Amid his laughter however, Piccolo failed to notice their preparation for a double-team attack; the way their eyes slid to each other, the evil grins that crept onto their faces. As a result, for the first time, it was Sensei who got a mouthful of slime and minnows. Sweet, sweet revenge, something best served wet, in this case. The ruckus that the trio caused was enough to scatter the surrounding wildlife from the shores within a three-mile radius; splashing, shouting, laughing filling the air. As time passed and the sun started to set, the elder Namekian was left to drag his exhausted charges back to shore, one clutched under each arm like a sack of Dragon Balls. Up through the shallows, the cooler waves of dusk lapping at his ankles, and into the twists of roots at the base of the oak tree is where they collapsed into a heap, slick arms and legs tangled together tiredly. While the temperature may have been dropping, the cooler summer air didn’t seem to bother the trio, snugged into a pile as the fireflies began their nightly rumba among the stars.
Rumina, surprisingly, was the first to speak, worming his way closer to Piccolo’s side. “Thank you, guys… This might not have been very fun without you.”
“Might? Give us some props, Ru! We love you, of course we came, aaand made this the best day ever… just for you.” Aspara’s fingers crawl across their mentor’s chest to twine with Rumina’s, thumb brushing over his knuckles. Cuddled together, still damp but as giddy as little kids, the two pupils exchange charged grins; Rumina brought their entangled fingers to their mouth, planting tiny kisses along Aspara’s fingertips.
A snore followed by a throaty sigh ends the heartfelt moment and draws their attention upwards, where a thin line of drool is seeping from the corner of their respected mentor’s fanged maw. Aspara snickers, withdrawing her hand to cover her mouth in hopes of not waking him, while Rumina rolls over and starts searching for his camera in the duffel bag they brought, cackling openly. Withdrawing his prize and aiming it, grinning like a loon while crouched over poor peaceful Piccolo, a thrill of happiness shot through his heart and settled in his stomach, a pleasant warmth.
Rumina supposed he might be up for maybe one, just one, more lake day…
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slugmanslime · 8 years
Ship: Aspara/Tatsoi :3 for any of the sentence starters
hurts incoming
“Are you going to cry now?” Malice dripped from every word, splashing silently to the soil that spanned the space between the two Saiyans.
Her chest was heaving, as if by taking in more oxygen she could suddenly dry the wetness spilling over her eyelids. Damn him, damn him to every imaginable hell there was for building up her trust before shattering it at her feet.
She could hardly form the words, her mouth dry and her throat thick. “You relish the pain you cause those who care about you, don’t you?” Trembling fingers formed terse fists at her sides, nearly piercing the skin with the amount of rage and embarrassment she contained.
“Hardly. Only yours… Sweet, sweet Aspara.” Honeyed words rolled off of Tatsoi’s silver tongue, crumbling what little resolve she clung to; one sob wretched from her aching throat, followed by another softer one. “You love me, and I only wish I could love you. But why would I? I’m so much better at hurting people…”
“I don’t want to hear any of your poetic nonsense, Tatsoi! I want my friend back, not this—not this Curbita wannabe!” Weakly, Aspara threw her fist towards him; not truly with the intent to harm, but just to release some of the sour energy simmering in her core. The blow was caught in his dexterous fingers, like a mouse under a cat’s paw, and with the same amount of pressure.
The atmosphere around them grew momentarily darker with a dense cloud blocking out the sun, casting an aura of iciness over the duo. Her gasping breathes dwindled to whimpering gasps as she struggled to withdraw her hand from his grasp, to no avail. His voice was carried on a chilly breeze, tickling her ear right before every delicate bone in her hand snapped—and her resulting shriek sent the ravens in the tree above them scattering, echoing her cry.
“The desire to be like her disappeared the day I met you; I am only myself—just what you asked me to be.”
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slugmanslime · 8 years
Pairings: N/A; OC Shenanigans Warnings: mentions of violence, cursing, angst Word Count: 1,904 Fic Type: Oneshot Drabble okay so not that anyone wants to read this but I thought I oughta put it up anyway just in case
A fic with mine and @lilacboii ‘s OC’s Aspara and Tatsoi! this is taking place at a rough patch in their friendship 
The first thing that she noticed was how different the air was. It was much crisper, and didn’t have that strange stale lilt to it that she doubted anyone but her noticed. The same heaviness that had weighed upon her shoulders when she passed through the doorway into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber vanished as if it had never existed at all. Hell, maybe it hadn’t. There were a lot of things that Aspara was beginning to pick up on, that didn’t quite seem to exist. Mere inches out of the doorjamb and it was as if her feet were cemented to the ground when every doubt, every fear, every thought that had been quelled and assuaged by her training was pushing at the surface, looking to break free once more.
Three years it had been for the young woman and her surly Namekian mentor; three grueling years of mental and physical battle, emotional bonding, and all around healing. But to the rest of their companions, a mere 3 days had come and gone. A few simple days of fighting, eating, sharing laughs, and getting fully into the swing of having two more children around with Saiyan blood. One of whom Aspara despised and couldn’t get away from and the other… A heavy, clawed hand descended on her shoulder and startled her from her reverie.
“You would think after all that time you could control your ki better. Stop being so nervous.” She responds with a scowl, gazing up at Piccolo over her shoulder.
“I’m not nervous! I’m anxious, there’s a difference.” Aspara smirked and finally forced herself forwards, drinking in the halls of Kami’s Lookout with fresh eyes. Perhaps now that they were finished with the first leg of her training, she could spend some time here with Dende and practice her meditation. Piccolo would have her hide if she stopped working with her ki.
There were times when her predisposed Saiyan rage would win through and she nearly caused a brawl with her mentor due to his natural knack for testing her patience. As much as Aspara loved learning new languages and studying the history of planets, there was something about exchanging blows and learning difficult sets of kata that satisfied her like nothing else. Of course, these were all important in Piccolos opinion—a strong mind worked the best with a strong body—but to try and reach her full potential they would spend hours upon hours at a time simply meditating. He would sit stoically, silently, murmuring to her mentally how she much reach within herself to the core and feel how her life force flowed—coursing through her like the ocean yet standing as firm as a mountain. It was a fifty-fifty chance that Aspara would get frustrated and think about swimming or hiking instead, much to her mentor’s annoyance.
The stone of the outer patio was warm under the soft soles of her shoes, and Aspara blinks slowly, adjusting her eyes to the natural sunlight she had been starving for. Too busy marveling at a blue sky that she knew wouldn’t turn into a blank slate, she didn’t have time to register the lanky princeling lurking in the same area, braced with his back against one of the large marble pillars a handful of yards away. An airy voice fills the void between them, something familiar that’d taken on a foreign hardness.
“You look older,” Aspara whipped her head towards the source of the voice, brows furrowing. “Not much taller though. Shame.”
Tatsoi was expressionless, and she hadn’t expected any less from him considering the circumstances of their last meeting. She can’t suppress a small wince, drawing her arms to fold across her chest as she eyes him sorrowfully.
“Yes, well, older and wiser, I guess they say. You’re still here? I would’ve thought you’d be rendezvousing with my br—with Argus.” The scowl felt natural on her face at this point, and she attributed the fact to the only person she had spent the last three years with. Speaking of the devil (demon, rather), Aspara sensed his ki lingering behind her, in the depths of the hallways. He must have sensed Tatsoi before she did and wanted to give them… quality time.
She didn’t want quality time with this version of her friend.
Though his crimson locks glinted in the dying sunlight, his incompatible eyes did not have the same luster as he stood tall, very tall. He and Vegeta had spent their three years in the chamber before them, and she had hardly had time to grow accustomed to his new self before engaging in the same training. A sigh graces her lips, puffing into the muggy air without much gusto.
Tatsoi took his time strolling up to her, but was still giving her a few feet of personal space as he studied her. She wasn’t supposed to feel self-conscious, but the way he had last spoken to her brooked much confusion on how he viewed her now. “I already have. Things have changed dramatically over the last week, for all three of us, wouldn’t you say?”
“You’re kind of forcing me to agree. I couldn’t care less about that brat though, but I’m sure he was thrilled with your transition, thanks to Vegeta’s… training.” Disdain was thick in her voice, her words dripping with them, and despite his calloused remark about her height, she only had to tilt her head marginally to hold his gaze.
“Thrilled is one way to describe it. He even acted like he’d missed me. I’m still flattered.” If she hadn’t been so close to his face she would have missed the way his lips quirked upwards for a millisecond, hinting at more than he was letting on. Fine. Let him have his secrets.
“I would be disgusted if I were you. Good thing I’m not. You that is.” Aspara tosses her head to the side, unused to having to be so calloused with him. “I still am kind of disgusted, actually, I won’t lie to you.”
Hands firmly in his pockets, the princeling blinks at her slowly—she couldn’t tell if he was getting bored with her or simply didn’t care. Aspara didn’t know which one infuriated her more. “I know you are. Its debatable whether its righteous but, then again, you’ve never really been able to let things go, have you?”
Her lips peeled back into a snarl, arms lashing to her side with clenched fists. “And just what do you think you know about me, Tatsoi?” The way she uttered his name is only a step above a spit. “How many months were we friends before you disappeared with that lunatic and came back some—some hoity-toity snobbish jerk? You don’t know me. I doubt you ever even wanted to!”
“Of course I wanted to. But I was broken, and all you wanted to do was fix me. I wanted to know you, to know true friendship, but it’s like you saw how desperate I was and…” Tatsoi’s throat flexed at this first display of emotion. “I never had a mother, and I damn sure didn’t need you to become one.”
Bile rose in her throat and her mask of anger morphed into one of shock and embarrassment. How unfair it was of her former friend to throw such low blows—it wasn’t as if she had been trying to smother him with any maternal instincts. And yet, the shame remained. Was Aspara really so far gone that she couldn’t form normal platonic friendships with people, even those of her own race? Her arms return to their protective position across her chest, and she damn near chokes on an apology that she can’t seem to spit out.
“You didn’t need a mother, you’re right Tatsoi. What you needed was love, and compassion, and I’m sorry I ever tried to give that to you. I’m just thankful that dear Prince Vegeta rejected me, or I may have ended up like you.”
Like him? Tatsoi clamped his jaw shut, anger flaring wildly for a moment before he reigns it in, and stared coldly down his nose at her. He was better now, better than all of them! Aspara, Argus, Piccolo—he had a clear mind that could focus, he could separate his emotions from battle, and he didn’t need her fucking compassion.
“What, you mean stronger? Faster, more honed, vicious, and precise? Yes, how terrible that would have been, wouldn’t it?” The words rolled off his tongue in a droll manner, as if he was having to explain all of this to a child. Which is funny, considering the fact that she was even more his senior now. There was a little voice in the back of his head, the one that was telling him that he was being petulant and she cared about him, but he shut it down fast. The princeling remarks quietly to himself that he’s getting good at that.
Something akin to pride swells in his chest at the look of complete indignation and enraged longing that overcomes the older Saiyans features; it served her right for thinking that they could both train to become stronger and still stay so open with each other. Maybe if the princeling was being fair he would say something about the plan that he and his mate had hatched, but why should he? This planet was a proverbial gold mine—and would stay that way depending on if they could capture and kill the beast they had accidentally brought as a house-warming gift. Regardless, there was an odd sensation smothering the smugness that was all too familiar and unwelcome at the same time. His thoughts were mingling with his feelings, regret and contempt battling for a stronger hold. He doesn’t allow either to be victorious however, turning on heel and using a leisurely gait to carry him across the cobbled patio until he reached the steps.
“It would serve you well to stay away from us, from now on. Unless you’re looking for a fight.” Stunning mismatched sapphire eyes lock with damson ones for a moment before flickering forwards again. “Not that you would win, if my memory serves me right.”
“Ha!” The simple, barked laughter was scorned and sour. “That was three years ago, soldier. Next time our paths cross, I may just have to remind you of that.”
Distantly, he heard Aspara’s footsteps retreating haughtily as she sought out her mentor, and the quavering of her ki alerted him to her heightened emotional state. Pathetic; not even three years with the gruffest alien on the planet could teach the girl how to control her energy.
He continued sensing her ki spikes for miles after he jettisons from the Lookout’s steps. The voice whispered once more in his mind that he wouldn’t be able to feel her so vividly if he didn’t still care for her. With a cool, collected mental flick of the wrist, he quieted his mother for the last time that day. Tatsoi was sick unto death of shutting her up.
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slugmanslime · 8 years
okay so i just finished the first fic ive written in 6 years and its for @lilacboii with our oc’s and im hhh
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slugmanslime · 7 years
its lit
okay ahhhh im really excited to announce its finished! Aspara’s blog is updated, the theme is refreshed, and all of the pages have been edited :3 its like a whole new blog and im soooo freakin excited!!!!
if anyone wants to interact please hmu because im pumped abt this!!
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slugmanslime · 8 years
i didnt mention but my bday is next month and my girl allii gon draw Aspara for me and i aint never been this hype yall
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slugmanslime · 8 years
Aspara's never experienced a Christmas on earth and I can only imagine her trying to hand-make gifts for literally every person she's ever met because the concept of gifting close friends and family is a silly notion-- everyone deserves a gift. Except Argus. Maybe Argus.
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slugmanslime · 8 years
strugglin bc I want to RP real heckin bad but it's with my OC and ain't no one know her and it's a travesty imo
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slugmanslime · 8 years
And I've been thinking, YKnow, Aspara isn't much of a fighter but she is extremely emotional and that kinda gives her an extra boost in battle. She's learning really fast how to harness her betrayal and hurt into anger but she doesn't have very much variety in her attacks so, yah.
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slugmanslime · 8 years
I keep thinking about Aspara's dialect and it makes me laugh cos she'll be like "Well, of course my dear madam, that would be lovely" and then 0.01 seconds later she's like "lmao whadya mean by that dood"
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slugmanslime · 8 years
Kinda shy and embarrassed to post about my oc but I love Aspara she is so happy go lucky and really a dime.,, as in she's got two sides basically she's cool and rad and sweet and curious and then she's consumed with bloodlust but yknow-- only if you're on her bad side. Tune in for more oc shit later
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