#Asra as usual bringing the Feels to the table lmao
the-iron-orchid · 3 years
🍻 - “ who are you, really ?” from Jinana to Asra
(drunken confessions meme)
S/he knows the question isn't really fair; even outpacing him by two to one, Jinana holds hir liquor far better than Asra does. But after all those years of being faced with an enigmatic front and mixed signals, it's so hard to resist cornering him sometimes, finally having him at a disadvantage.
Asra's eyes go wide, then he blinks slowly a few times, putting hir in mind of a baffled owlet. "I..." He pauses, sliding slowly down until his head is resting on his arms on the table, still looking up at hir. "I'm the one who'll do anything... to see you happy," he says. The words are somewhat slurred, but certain. "I'm the one who'll spit in Death's eye for you." He closes his eyes, a smile curving his lips.
"Who am I...? Yours."
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devorass · 6 years
Suggestions for the prompt thing: main cast day at the beach, Asra taking the apprentice to a Burning Man/Extravaganja type festival, Nadia being a fashion designer who finds her muse in the apprentice, apprentice coming home to find Julian trying to get into their apartment because he’s drunk and thinks it’s his (he lives next door)
aa i love all of these! thanks for sending them in
Main Cast-Day at the Beach
Asra-He probably loves going to the beach late evening/during sunset, and feels his magic rejuvenate with the water-He’ll show his excitement subtly, his smile a little brighter than usual, his posture more relaxed-Just wants to hold hands with you and run knee-deep into the water, even if he’s not wearing a swimsuit-Will play-fight in the water with you, collect shells he thinks you’ll like and make them into a necklace later on when you’re back home-Would collect sea water for magic rituals to take back with you-When it gets dark he’ll just sit by the water’s edge with your hands in his and your head on his shoulder, just taking in the sounds of the waves and the still of the night-Just a big ol’ sweet sap, really
Julian-Day at the beach? More like Night at the beach-It would probably not even be a planned trip really-Stumbling out of a nearby pub, he hears the sound of waves crashing on shore and his ears perk up-And when he notices a path towards the beach? He turns to you with the most dubious smirk-“How about some skinny dipping?” he suggests-and now here you are-Laughing like kids and dipping one another into the water -He’d wrap you up in his coat once you’re outside the water, “so you won’t catch a cold”, he says, not bc he’s embarrassed now after your skinny-dipping venture, ofc not--While you’re both drying up, he spends the time with you in his lap, telling you stories of his time with pirates and stories of Mazelinka’s pirate captain days
Nadia-Honestly, when she wakes you up one day saying ‘We’re going to the beach!’, you’re not even surprised-Like, it’s Nadia. She loves to spoil and surprise you, and she’s the best last-minute planner you’ve ever seen-She loves your excited smile when you’re close enough to the sea to see the ocean-Would probably set up a private area for just the two of you-You’d think she’s a countess, maybe things like stepping on seaweeds or mossy rocks would bother her-But don’t forget, she was raised by the sea-side-She loves the beach more than anyone-Would be content to just spend the day swimming and sunbathing with you-You can ask her what any kind of fish you see is-she’ll know -By sundown she happily rubs her hands on your sides to warm you up, before taking you back home for a warm shower with her ;)
Asra taking their apprentice to a Burning Man-like festival-Honestly, you’d be somewhat surprised he’s into this type of thing-But if you know anything, it’s that Asra is full of surprises-He takes Faust along, since she’s used to warm desert climates, and he knows she can rest in your tent if things get too rowdy/crowded-He’s not much of a drinker, but he might smoke a little whilst you’re there, if you’re both comfortable with it-Would love to walk around and see all the art installations, meet all the people he can meet-You’d probably end up with a huge crowd of new-found friends within hours of your arrival -Since Burning Man is a kind of festival where everyone is involved and can present artworks, music e.t.c, he’d love to play some music with you-Would make and bring incense, dried sage e.t.c with him to give to others! -Spends the night with your new friends, but will look forward to snuggling into you back at your tent -He’d honestly be impossible to wake up in the morning lmao, and being in the middle of a desert? His fluffy hair would become bed-hair galore (but who are we kidding, it’s still be adorable)
Nadia a fashion designer and the Apprentice is her muse
-She’s a world-renowned designer-No, really, she’s famous af-Think brands like Dior, that kind of famous-Her last collection was successful, but it’s been a few months with no news from her company-She hates to admit it, but sitting late at night at her office, her hands forming vice-like grips into her hair, she can’t help but admit it; she has no inspiration-The feeling of defeat turns into fatigue, and she trudges to her bed at the late hours of the night, disappointment coiled tight into her chest-The next morning she’s walking to the coffee shop by her apartment, when a figure catches her attention, walking by her on the street-It’s you-She’s not sure what drew you to her; you weren’t wearing anything extravagant, nor were you doing anything that caught her attention-But you passed by her and it’s like a surge of colours erupted behind her eyes, a dozen ideas and a new-found inspiration burning in her belly-Without thinking, she took a hold of your wrist, gently tugging you in place.-You turned to her with a bemused expression, one that mirrored hers as she realised what she’d done.-Stumbling over her own words, she muttered out a confused ‘Please, let me draw you’-You could’ve said no, you could’ve called her a creep and ran away-But you didn’t-You both settled over talking in the coffee-shop nearby, letting her explain her reasoning-The more she sat by you and talked with you, the more she felt like you were The One for her-From the way you spoke, to your laugh, to the gleam in your eyes; she felt the same way she felt when her hands gripped her pencils, when her hands seamed through fabrics and colours.-You agreed to letting her draw you, and with a flourish, she took out her sketchbook and pencils right then and there, sketching your face with such care you felt a blush creep onto your cheeks-You thought that she’d draw you and that’d be it, and to your surprise, you felt disappointed at the idea-But that couldn’t be further from the truth-When you were about to part ways, Nadia stopped you, taking hold of your arm and scribbling down her phone number on your palm.-Not long after, you became friends, and from friends you soon became lovers-She saw you not only as her muse, but as her beloved, as the person she’d give up anything and everything for-On the night of the release of her new collection, she brought you up on stage as she gave her opening speech, thanking you for the inspiration you gave her, for your love and patience-You became the power couple of the fashion industry
Julian accidentantly trying to enter your apartment bc he’s your drunk neighbour
-It’s 3am on a weekday, and you were midway through a sweet dream when a bang on your door woke you up-You blinked owlishly for a few seconds, trying to figure out what exactly it is that woke you, when you heard another bang on your front door, the sound of clinking metal and a loud mutter-You were being robbed. That’s the only thing you could think of. What else could it be?!-Cautiously, you gripped your cell phone in one hand, ready to call 911, and on the other, you grabbed a pan from the kitchen, raising it over your head as you neared the door and looked through the peephole.-Outside, you could see a tuff of auburn hair, could hear a low voice muttering a litany of what could only be curses, judging by their angered tone and-you assumed that was russian? -Oh god, was the russian mafia after you? Why?!-Taking in a deep breath, you opened the door, readying the pan in your hand…-…Only to come face to face with the most beautiful pair of eyes you’d ever seen-Well, first you saw a dude’s chest. Then you slowly looked up over the tall figure and. Well.-Wasn’t that…wait, you saw this man before. That’s your neighbour! Mr. Ugh, Mr…-“Devorak?” you muttered, trying out the surname you remember seeing on the door besides yours.-“Depends. Who’s asking?” He asked with a wink, leaning down to face you. -He cocked his head to the side, eyeing you up and down slowly.-“That’s weird. What’s a pretty face like you doin’ in my apartment?” he asked, “Not that I’m complaining”, he added with a shrug.-You tried to explain to him that he got the apartments wrong, battling the blush on your cheeks, but to no avail; you could smell the liquor on his breath from a mile away, could see he barely stood on two feet, leaning his body on your door for support.-After a moment of contemplation, you sighed, easing the frying pan down and to the side before you attempted to help him in.-“How much did you drink”, you mumbled under your breath as you wrapped a hand across his waist, hoisting him up the best as you could.-He didn’t answer your question; the moment you hoisted him away from the doorframe, he became instant deadweight, his eyes fluttering closed, small snores puffing air onto your neck.-You tugged him as far as your couch, dropping him there with a thud, but even that didn’t wake him.-You knew, of course, that taking a stranger into your apartment was a huge risk, reckless even.-But you knew this guy. Well, not exactly-but you saw him around a few times, and know he has a sister that lives in the neighbourhood because you saw her in the building often and chatted once on twice and-well, he just looked so defenceless. You didn’t feel threatened.-You filled up a glass of water and set it on the table beside him, then grabbed an extra blanket and threw it over his lanky frame.-You went to bed after that, but sleep didn’t find you until hours later, the feeling of his eyes on yours threading its way into your subconscious every time you tried to rest.-By morning, you woke up with a pounding headache, and for a moment, you thought all of last night’s happenings were just a weird dream.-But as you stretched and padded your way towards your kitchen for a cup of coffee, you knew this was no dream; not when the very same tall, dark, rowdy man from last night was taking slow cautious steps towards your front door.-He noticed you as you came to stand behind him and slowly turned, his expression like a deer caught in headlights.-“I-um-hello..?” he started, last night’s suaveness thrown out the window.-You greeted him good morning and waited, trying to will the awkwardness away, but he seemed to hangover to form a coherent sentence, and your headache wouldn’t let you form any rational thoughts in the moment.-“Thanks for um, for letting me stay. I shouldn’t have drank so much I must’ve mixed up our apartments since I live next to you, sorry I-“-You couldn’t help but laugh at his awkwardness, the way his nose scrunched up in embarrassment.-“Drink responsibly” you said with a grin, and invited him for some coffee.-He declined, hurriedly bidding you goodbye and rushing through the door, but you couldn’t blame him; the guy woke up hangover on his neighbours couch.-You spent the rest of your day like usual, but come evening, there was a knock on your door.-You opened it, and to your surprise, the same face that greeted you this morning stood there, a small smile tugging on his lips.-“I realised we never introdcued ourselves. And we live next to each other, and I did essentially spend the night here so…it’s only right” he said with a shrug. You noticed a box in his hands, and when he noticed your gaze, he smiled sheepishly.-“Ah, thank-you cookies. My sister insisted I should repay you, and I thought, what is the most universally loved thing? Cookies. So, here you go” he handed the box to you, the sweet smell drifting from it warm and inviting. -“And hum, I’m Julian. Julian Devorak.”-You introduced yourself in return, lavishing in the way he tried your name out on his lips, looking to you for reassurance.-“You know”, you started, “cookies go great with coffee. And with company.”-He needed no further invite-He was sprawled on your couch, eating cookies and laughing with you within minutes-And before either of you realised it, spending the day with each other, spending nights in one of your apartments, became a habit-And later on, when you were moving boxes from one apartment to the other, you laughed together over the awkward way you met.
i went overboard with this last one im sorry, i just have a fic in the works with the exact same plot and couldn’t help myself lmao
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It gets hot in the shop
A/N: UM SO. This is my first...👀...story for the fandom. To have tumblr not break down my door like the FBI, its gonna be labeled ‘Mild’ coz its not as...👀...as it could be. That’s ‘Spicy’. I’m also gonna be posting The Arcana stuff here to get more attention for my blog. 
And of course, to go along with my new hyperfixation, Sven belongs to @satanasss666. (Also there’s two endings to this, lmao)
Another slow day in the shop had Sven twitchy from boredom. Not a single customer had come through the door and it might have something to do with the incredible heatwave the city was under. Despite being a coastal city, Vesuvia was by no means immune to such bouts of hot weather.
Everyone was suffering; hardly anyone in The Markets, in the Town Square, and not especially anyone coming to get their fortune read. It was frustrating in a way Sven couldn’t describe. Maybe because Asra was gone and he was left alone with Aneirin. Who he’d had some strange sexual tension with since the fight at the Coliseum, who was driving him crazy with the small looks and fleeting touches, who’s just across the main floor primping and preening like he had some hot date he needed to impress.
Dark gold eyeliner, bright gold eyeshadow, gold lipstick, gold nail polish…he had a real hardon for gold. Not that it didn’t look good on him. He was practically dripping in the valuable metal, through his paints and silks and his eyes. Those ridiculous arm silks and arm bands were off, for once, as well as his usual high-collared top for something a little more lowcut. That just revealed more of his tanned skin, his neck exposed now. A single bead of sweat dripped down from his neck to his neckline, absorbing into the material.
Sven was almost…enchanted, although he’d never tell that to the pretentious peacock.
“Do you see something you like, darling?”
Speak of the devil…    
Aneirin was looking smugly at Sven, gently blowing on his hand. He finished with the nail polish and even his toes were painted. Sitting on the counter, he had one long, smooth leg dangling, the other bunched close to his chest. His free arm was resting on his knee. He looked like one of those expensive dolls Nadia would have in a collection and Sven hated how much he had been staring at him.
“I see a painted up doll in some noblewoman’s ridiculous doll collection and I’m wondering why anyone would waste so much money on one.” He grumbled, looking away with a blush on his cheek. He was sitting in a chair, tilting it back on its hind legs, with his own legs propped up on a table.
The asshole had the audacity to laugh. It was still sweet and tinkling, like soft spring rain on a roof. “Coming from you, I will take that as a compliment.” He shifted, now both of his legs hanging off the side. “Come now, darling, it is entirely too hot to be as grumpy as you are!”
“Its even more reason to be grumpy.” He snapped. “We haven’t had a customer all day, Asra’s fucked off somewhere, and I haven’t been so bored since I fucking started here.”
“Hm.” He didn’t like the tone of that hum. “I am here, darling. Perhaps we could make our own entertainment?” The words were purrs and Sven couldn’t help himself; he looked back at the other man. His eyes widened as his throat dried up like a flower in the desert.
His legs were now spread wide, the lewdest invitation ever. His hair was undone out of its ponytail, cascading around his shoulders. The silken ebony and ivory locks looked so good to tug on Sven wondered what it would be like to just pull them to snap his head back, revealing more of that glorious neck to bite and mark.
The golden eye that demanded his attention was paired with the lighter one, both intently focused on the warrior-magician. Aneirin’s tongue darted out to delicate wet his painted full lips and one perfectly manicured finger raised to beckon him forth. And, damnit all, he obeyed like a dog coming to his master. The walk towards the siren before made his feet feel heavier, although that could just be the pressure building up in his crotch.
Something deep and primal inside of him snarled with satisfaction as he slotted perfectly between the other man’s legs, pressing their sexes together in delicious friction. The little aroused gasp Aneirin let out when they touched made the thing growl louder. Sven put his hands on Aneirin’s hips and Aneirin cupped his cheeks with his own hands, the two close enough to share breath.
“Tell me something…Sven,” His name was a filthy purr, and that made him shiver. “Have you ever wondered what it would be like…to look down and see golden lipstick smeared all over your body?” He slowly slid his hand down to his neck. “Your neck…your chest…” His hands moved lower, taking a moment rub his nipples.
“Your stomach…your hips…” His hands finally rest on said hips. He scooted closer, so close that they were basically plastered together. “Your cock?” The word sounded so dirty coming from the normally articulate Aneirin and Sven actually did growl, making the other man chuckle.
He ghosted his lips across Sven’s, but they went to his ear, where the hot breath somehow sent a vibration straight to his dick. “Would you like to see that first hand, darling?”
Original Ending
Sven almost burst in his loose pants right there. He wanted to take the other man on the counter right then and there. Anything to hear that voice lose control and scream his name over and over again.
But it seemed Lady Fate hated him, as Asra chose that right fucking moment to walk into the shop. “Hello, you two!” He replied cheerfully, looking down at something his bag. “Did you two get along -”
His words were cut off by a startled yelp. His head snapped up to see Sven stomping away, Aneirin going over the side of the counter. “What the hell?!” He rushed towards Aneirin’s side, making sure he was alright. “What did you do?!”
Instead of the usual pout and tattling he expected, Aneirin looked up at him with annoyance and anger. “Has anyone ever told you that you have the world’s shittiest timing?” He got up without taking Asra’s help and stormed off himself, leaving behind a very confused master and snake.
Turning to Faust, he asked, “What did I do?!”
Implied Spicy Times Ending
Asra walked in the shop around dusk, having been at the Palace for most of the day. True, he didn’t have to spend that time there, but it was nice to get out of the heat. And he hoped that his apprentices would find a way to bond.
While the fight at the Coliseum seemed to bring them closer, he could still tell there was some tension there. Leaving them alone might help them get along better.
Putting his bag up, he looked around the main floor but found it strangely empty. “Hello?” He called out, stepping further into the shop.
There was a muffled curse and some shuffling. He took a few more steps before suddenly being greeted by a…rather disheveled Aneirin. Hair a tangled mess, makeup smeared to all hell, his eyes wide with…panic?
“H-Hello, Master!” He croaked. His voice sounded like he had been screaming non-stop for the whole day. “Welcome back! How was the Palace?” He spoke a little too loudly and Asra was suspicious.
He narrowed his eyes. “Fiiine…” He said slowly. “What…have you been doing?” He also noticed that he was covered in a blanket, folding it over himself like a cloak to conceal his body. “Are you really cold in weather like this?” His tone was incredulous and Aneirin laughed awkwardly.
“O-Oh, you know! Helping Sven beat the heat, a chilling spell gone wrong! Haha!”
“Uh-huh. Where is Sven?”
“H-Here!” The other apprentice came around the corner and that’s when Asra’s eyes really bugged out of his eyes while Aneirin groaned, burying his face in the blanket.
He was covered in golden, lip-shaped marks, some of them surrounding some pretty nasty bites; one on his neck, another around a nipple, and a third one on his hip. There were even more hickies and his pants looked like they were haphazardly thrown on and his face was an interesting shade of red. “Yeah, we were just…practicing some spells and shit.” He was pointedly looking at anywhere BUT Asra and it was all he could to not burst out laughing. “I’m gonna…go. Take a bath.”
“Good idea.” Asra supplied helpfully and Sven left without another word, giving Asra a good view of the almost animalistic scratches on his back. He climbed up the stairs and his pants rode down just enough to show the top of a bite on his asscheek.
Once he was out of sight, Asra zeroed in on Aneirin with a shit-eating smirk. “Well…”
Aneirin, for his part, held his head high and looked as dignified as he could in this situation. “I always mark what belongs to I and I alone, Master.”
“You sure do.”
“Yes. I do.” He turned, intent on following Sven upstairs. Asra noticed the obvious limp, but waited politely for him to be out of sight before he started cackling and snorting.
At least his apprentices were getting along now.         
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