#Astrology Remedies for Child Related Problems
mastershivaastro · 7 months
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Are you suffering from Child Related Problems? Master Shiav is the famous Indian Astrology is the best solution for Child Problems that helps the childless couple to get blessed with a baby and parents to bring a change in the behaviour of their offspring.
People have long regarded astrology as a powerful tool for understanding and addressing various aspects of life, including child-related problems. Parents and caregivers often turn to astrology remedies in order to seek guidance and solutions for challenges their children may be facing.
Master Shiva Astrology's remedies for child-related problems can encompass a wide range of issues, including health concerns, academic difficulties, behavioral issues, and emotional well-being. By analyzing the birth chart of the child, astrologers can identify planetary influences that may be affecting their development and provide targeted remedies to alleviate these challenges.
Expert in Providing Accurate Solutions for:
Evil Spirit Removal Expert
Love Back Specialist Astrologer
Health Problems Astrologer
Husband and Wife Problem Solution
Jealously and curse Removal
Love Relationship Problems Solution
Negative Energy Removal Expert
Powerful Love Spells
Psychic Reading
Removing Witchcraft
Spiritual Healing
Stop Cheating Partner
Stop Separation
Voodoo Spell Caster
𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘀:
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗨𝘀: +44 7432479339
𝗪𝗲𝗯𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲: https://www.mastershivaastro.com/
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howtoexloveback · 9 months
Child Problem Solution By Vedic Astrology
In the family, the child is the greatest source of getting pleasure. Every married couple wants a child to complete their life or they crave for the beautiful kids. Unfortunately, some couples do not accomplish the wish of getting their kids. At that moment, they have only one option to adopt a child. Some couples are ready to adopt a child that is quite good, but the Guardians are not ready…
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lua-magic · 7 months
Seventh house 🏠 and your soulmate connection.
Seventh house is house of marriage, profession, business and also about your spiritual enlightenment. Your seventh house can reveal alot about you because it is opposite to your first house
"Universe is just reflection, What you see in the world is a reflection of yourself'
So, if you are the person who constantly whines and complains about other people and see only faults in other's then your seventh house is afflicted.
Everyone Is You Pushed Out.
Next time, when you say something wrong about other person, or get triggered by someone easily, remember, it is all inside you.
To make your seventh house good, best remedy is to constantly analyse your triggers and your emotions that you hold towards other person. Once, you start to work on your own triggers and aggressions your seventh house will improve.
Fifth house is your first child, while seventh house is your second child.
Wherever, your ancendent lord goes that house is extremely important because you have the power to control that House 🏡.
First Lord in seventh house 🏠
You control your profession, buisness and also your partner.
You are responsible for your own Business and for your married life.
Your partner is your mirror image, if your partner is triggering you, then the problem is within you.
Second Lord in seventh house 🏡
Your financial status and family would control your married life.
Your professional success and marriage are dependent on each other, more happy you are in marriage much better your finances would be, and if your financial stability gows downwards then even your married life will lsp start having problems.
Third lord in seventh house 🏠.
Communication is very important in marriage, more you communicate with your partner, much better your married life would be.
More skilled you are, much better your professional life would be, so keep learning new skills
Fourth Lord in seventh house 🏠.
Your mental peace and domestic environment would effect your married life.
If you are balanced emotionally then, much better your married life would become. Your mother could Play and important role in your married life.
When you have fourth Lord in seventh house, it is recommended to work in foreign land away from your place of birth.
Fifth Lord in seventh house 🏠
Fifth house is of romance and seventh house is of marriage, shows love marriage.
This is extremely good combination, as it shows love and affection between two partners.
Your partner is your past life soulmate, and you both would be connected in spiritual realm as well.
Native can opt for teaching career or profession.
Sixth lord in seventh house 🏡
It is not so good combination, be careful about your married and partner as sixth house is of debt and diseases.
However, if your partner is in sixth House related work like, doctor, Healer, service , lawyer or in job, then this combination will not give much bad results.
Seventh Lord in seventh House.
It is good combination, your married life depends alot on your partner.
Your partner will control or influence your both married and professional life.
You can do buisness in partnership.
Eighth Lord in eighth House 🏡.
It creates problems in married life, as partner could be insecure, and could also give extra marital relationship.
Native can face domestic abuse and violence as well.
Partner could be highly suspicious in nature and would be sneaky in nature.
Go for partner who are into eighth house related activities, like Banking, mining, Astrology and occult.
Pay attention to red flags if you have eighth Lord in seventh House .
Ninth lord in seventh house 🏠
Good, ninth house is house of luck. Your partner would be lucky for you.
Never disrespect your partner, because you will damage your ninth house, house of divine blessings.
Tenth lord in seventh house 🏠
Partner would be hard working, laborious, and could be even your colleague.
Native experiences major transformation regarding his professional life after marriage or after 30year.
Eleventh Lord in seventh House
Here native partner could be covetous, over ambitious lustful, and even narcissistic.
Native could Marry his/her friends as well. Native would be extremely friendly in nature and always look for friend in his/her partner.
Native get gains from his partner.
Twelfth Lord in seventh house 🏠
Native marries outside culture, race and religion.
Usually partner is from foreign land and different background.
Native could experience problems in bed pleasure and mental disturbance and isolation after marriage.
Native should have spiritual approach towards marriage and should treat marriage as spiritual bond. Native should marry partner who are into meditation and yoga.
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If you have Venus in third house or third house Lord in seventh house then you get attracted to opposite sex easily.
If you have Venus Mars combination, you have lot of physical attraction 🧲 towards opposite sex
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nefertitiacai · 1 year
Astro observations : "I GOT IT FROM MY DADDY" (AND MOMMY) edition
yk that one "DADDY" song by PSY sksksk
🪷 Venus in 4th house is an indicater of person being very beautiful and blessed with good looking genetics. They can also be conventionally attractive since 4th house also rules homeland, so they may be deemed as attractive where they live. A genetically blessed placement.
🪷 Jupiter in the 4th house is also an indicator for having a feature that may be "large" that runs through the family. Like being voluptuous or tall. Again a "genetically blessed" placement.
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🪷 Sun/Jupiter in the 10th house individuals can learn a lot of stuff related to careers and build connections through their father.
🪷 Moon/Saturn in the second house may have some distinct facial features which resemble their parents. As both are considered planets that rule over parents and the second house rules over face.
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🔴 (TW: Generational Trauma) ⏬
(also the observation and remedies which I've mentioned are purely based on generalization, if you may be dealing with it on a serious note then consulting a medical/health care professional is what is required💚)
🪷 Those who have Mars/Chiron/Saturn/Pluto in the 4th house/cancer/conj Moon may beat themselves up for a certain "flaw" which they consider themselves to have. This habit or problem may make them feel powerless. As if they are unable to change it. However, in actuality that "problem" didn't start with them but may be a generational thing/a characteristic which got inherited from a family member. [Our genetics play a major role in general with the way we are today (yes even personality-wise). But one can change it by will and if they indulge in self-improvement techniques like meditation, visualization, journaling with clear intentions, and other mindful activities]
📚 (PS. as a book enthusiast to others who are into reading self help books I'd recommend those who are dealing with such problems to read the book "It Didn't Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle" by Mark Wolynn 😃)
(TW: mommy issues) moon conj Pluto placement and being notorious with mommy issues.
However, in my case, I have this placement and I don't feel it to be like that. My relationship with my mom is a very typical one. We have different views on certain stuff but we aren't toxic. Nonetheless, what I consider really to be toxic is my mom's side of the family and her childhood had also not been the best. So this placement actually may be something regarding the fact that your mum had to go through a lot and if you know that fact then it is easy to forgive her and give her a tight hug whenever you can.
This placement can also be an indicator of the child's mom going through a stressful phase during the time of the birth.
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🟢 TW over, ok enough with sad stuff now 🤧
🪷 It is an observation but I've noticed Sagittarius, Pisces, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Leo placements folks may resemble their father's looks and personality-wise distinctively. Like there's that one feature that they may also be known for like, "you have a smile like your dad". It may be due to them being ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, and sun respectively, the celestial bodies which deal with "fatherly figures" in astrology.
🪷 Leo, Cancer, Aries, Gemini and Capricorn placements 🤝 acting all wholesome and cute when their mom is around.
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🪷 If you and your sibling both have prominent mercury placements then you might hear someone saying this at some point "oh YoU BOth LoOk likE eACh otHer a Lot" and y'all will be like "b*tch no, from which angle, I am obviously more gorgeous 😤" 
🪷You know being a Sagittarius 🐎(also honorable mention Aquarius and Pisces) this proverb literally go with us for our parents 'You can lead a horse 🐎 to water but you can't make him drink '
📚[ PS.  if the horse is willing then only it'll drink, you can't drink water on its behalf. (That's the universal truth with life btw, you are responsible for your own tasks. Others can only guide you but in the end, it's you who will have to act, innit)]
Even though it is for our own "good" and "wellbeing" that our parents do and force these placements to be doing things in a certain way these placements will only "keep drink up to it" if it gives them a feeling of expansion and freedom. (That's why Sagittarius and Pisces placements are deemed to be "irresponsible" but that's not the case. And Aquarius placements have a reputation to be "rebellious" but that's unlikely. These placements most of the time may think ahead of their time and may have a bigger picture on things that's why they may consider certain tasks to be irrelevant (however it can also backfire and this certainly doesn't mean to be an excuse to run away))
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🪷 Virgo and Libra placements tend to have good mannerisms which may be taught by their parents. They are big on punctuality. Also, they are well-behaved and sweet people. Often being talked about as "their parents raised them well". 
Virgo is associated with the 6th house which is also the house that rules over service so they tend to be helpful. Libra on the other hand is associated with the 7th house which is the house of partnerships, that's why they like to treat people with kindness and have a pleasing appeal. Like a comrade. (Although this also has a shadow aspect to it, this can make these placements to be perfectionists in unhealthy amounts and they may start to have people-pleasing tendencies. They may also grow pessimistic since many people may view their kindness to be their weakness, which is not true at all you guys, y'all are great and don't fall into what those low vibrational people have to say.)
It's 11:11 while I type this 💫 also, umaru chan is so adorable
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archersarrow-tarot · 11 months
| The 12 Astrological Houses |
Each house is associated with a zodiac sign and it’s planetary ruler.
House 1: House of Self😬
Aries • Mars
“I am.” The first house influences your image, your appearance, your ego, identity, your temperament, how charismatic you are, your attitude, your dignity, your self-image, your consciousness, first impressions people have of you, your sense of self, how you interact with the world, self-awareness, your outlook on life, self-actualization, and your choices.
House 2: House of Posessions🪞
Taurus • Venus
“I have.” The second house influences your earning ability, how you spend money, personal resources, self-worth, your assets, possessions, finances, values, earnings, loans, accumulations, lending, attachments.
House 3: House of Communication
Gemini • Mercury
“I think.” Third house influences your communication, thought processing, Curiosity, perspective, language, how you transport, technology, early education, learning, your relationships with your siblings and neighbors, reactions, how you learn.,
House 4: House of Roots
Cancer • Moon
“I nurture.” The fourth house influences your home, family, childhood, how you practice self-care, emotional security, private life, you roots, ancestry, genetics, foundations, old age, real estate, traditions, youth, agriculture, mining, nurturing.
House 5: House of Fun
Leo • The Sun
“I will.” The fifth house influences your beauty and what/where you find beauty, love, passion, talents, self expression, pleasure, children, gambling, integration, performance, vacations, romance, hobbies, fertility, casual sex, and inner child.
House 6: House of Service
Virgo • Mercury
“I serve.” The sixth house influences your health, wellness, service, duty, routines, healing, coworkers, forgiveness, pets, diet, mentorship, meditation, hygiene, helpfulness, forgiveness, and skills.
House 7: House of Relationships
Libra • Venus
“I partner” The seventh house influences your partnerships, relationships, connections, marriages, contracts, foreign affairs, feedback, equality, confrontation, invention, and how you relate.
House 8: House of Debt
Scorpio • Pluto
“I desire” The eighth house influences your death, magic, tattoos, inheritance, authority, occult, regeneration, Transformation, how you bond with others, your attitude towards growth and change, other peoples money, reproduction, respect, and your regulations.
House 9: House of Opening
Sagittarius • Jupiter
“I see” The ninth house influences your big ideas, beliefs, education, philosophy, expansion, publishing, media, Internet, legal, understanding, purpose, spirituality, ethics, love, religion, and how you interact with in-laws.
House 10: House of Public Space
Capricorn • Saturn
“I use” The tenth house influences your professional path, social standing, public personal, ambition, fame, career, reputation, social status, power, boss, public space, and business.
House 11: House of Hope
Aquarius • Uranus
“I aspire” The eleventh house influences your groups, networks, aspirations, community, coalitions, social circle, cooperation, earned wealth, teamwork, wishes, strategies, goals, balance, art and culture trends.
House 12: House of Transcendence
Pisces • Neptune
“I dream” The twelfth house influences your introspection, your unconscious, your shadow self, your remedies, your discriminations, what you fantasize about, your secrets, how much you isolate self, your problem-solving, how you release, your addictions, and how you follow orders.
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lifeofuswithmt · 11 months
Astrology Notes✨🎋
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Rahu-ketu transit 2023🌌🌏🌼
Rahu is going into the sign of pisces.
Ketu is going into the sign of virgo.
Rahu is our desires, obsession, stubbornness, a kind of thirst. So wherever is Pisces in your chart, Rahu will affect that house. Rahu will create a thirst in you for the things of that particular house. Now whether you take action to get those things or not is up to you. But Rahu is trying to make you achieve that.
Similarly ,wherever is virgo in your chart that house will get affected by ketu. Now what ketu does is it makes things related to that house difficult to achieve. But if you detach yourself from those things, those things will come to you by themselves. That is the lesson ketu is trying to teach.
Example for better understanding:
If rahu-ketu transits is affecting your 11-5 house then( that means pisces is in 11th house and virgo is in 5th house).
Rahu(desire amplifies/obsession/stubbornness)in 11th house-chance for multiple income streams, network-friend circle increasing./control it, don't make it an obsession. If you're having desire, do it.
Ketu(kneel down/detach) in 5th house- you tend to get more distracted in your studies.relationship with your elder child, spouse of elder sibling may get cold/bad. Only remedy to that is just accept it and embrace it. Do things for them. Its literally like kneeling down to them.In reality, If you merely accept what is written above heartily and actually comprehend intuitively. Your relations will get better.
Problems with romantic affairs, conceiving etc might also be seen. Just detach from these, also this person will be focusing in 11th house activities due to rahu so that can help accept and detach.
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in the natal chart(where rahu- ketu are originally present in your chart), Rahu-Ketu imparts the same properties but for a lifetime. But in transit, this is happening for 18 months.
So for next 18months the person in above example will be experiencing above mentioned things.
Note-rahu means north node
Ketu- south node
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subho00099 · 3 months
Tantrik in India
When you search powerful and genuine tantrik in India the man Samrat Shastri come first. Tantrik Samrat is one of the top tantrik from India who with his tantrik power can eliminate your all type of problem within a month. If you facing any problem related to your affairs like boyfriend girlfriend problem if you are facing any problem after marriage or if you are facing are relationship problem in extra marital affairs then you can speak to tantrik Samrat for your solution. Tantrik Samrat is one who can make every impossible think to possible that you can’t imagine. If you Find find that someone in your office or in your business trying to harm you some enemy trying to deprive you then you can come to Samrat tantrik. Specially any types of health related issue due to effect of negative energies can be solved by his remedies.
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Best and Genuine real Tantrik Can Show Your Results in 30 Minutes. Here Samrat Shastri is one who can show you result before asking any amount from you. That’s proof his genuity.
Horoscope Analysis for Research Purpose By Samrat Shastri –Tantrik Astrologer
He is one and only tantrik in India who is attached with the top 10 Temple where tantra kriya is done in India.
Temple where tantrik in India Visits.
1. Kamakhya Temple, Guwahati, Assam
2. Kalighat Temple, Kolkata, West Bengal
3. Vaital temple, Bhubaneswar, Orissa
4. Eklingji Temple, Rajasthan
5. Balaji Temple, Rajasthan
6. Khajuraho Temple, Madhya Pradesh
7. Kaal Bhairav Temple, Madhya Pradesh
8. Mahakaleswar Temple, Madhya Pradesh
9. Jwalamukhi Temple, Himachal Pradesh
10. Baijnath Temple, Himachal Pradesh
India’s top tantrik Kriya is done in these 10 temples among them Tarapith and Kamakhya is most popular. Samrat is one of the active member of the Tarapith and regularly visit there for his More than 500 clients. Parents whose child is not concentrating in their education after his advice and tantrik Kriya their child is successfully achieve a good result in their examination.
So without any doubt you can call Tantrik Samrat in this following number or just put your number in message box you will get a free consultation over phone after satisfaction you may visit his chamber physically.
Chambers: Besides Kolkata, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Contact No. 8240833103
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trimbapandit · 3 months
Understanding Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog: Meaning, Effects, and Astrological Significance   
Kaal Sarp Dosh can happen to any person whose birth chart has all the planets aligned between Rahu and Ketu. Not only that, if you have ever killed a snake in your past or present life, then you may have to suffer from the curse of this yog. 
As there are 12 types of Kaal Sarp Dosh, people get inflicted by them and face varying ill effects. Among the types, Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog is the one that many people may be experiencing. If you are someone who is affected by the same, then let's tell you more about it including the ways to get rid of it. 
What is the Astrological Significance of Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog? 
As per the Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog astrological significance, this dosha occurs in the Kundali when Ketu is placed in the fifth house which is the house of Intelligence, study, education, profits and love. While the Rahu is seen to be located in the Eleventh house which is the house of income. Whereas, all the other planets appear to fall between these two houses causing adverse impacts on a person's life.
What are the Negative Impacts of Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosh? 
According to our learned Pandit Ravi Shankar Guruji, there are several negative impacts of Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosh that one person may experience in their life including
The native may be attracted to illegal activities or white-collar crimes.
There may be problems in obtaining higher education 
One may have conflicts in relationships including with elder brothers or paternal family members. 
Problems and disputes with children are common. 
The native may experience difficulties in conceiving. 
There may be ongoing stress and anxiety in life besides loss of memory.
Problems in love life and marriage will be there. 
Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog can cause problems related to property and finances
Are There Any Positive Impacts of Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosh? 
Just because Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog's meaning can be referred to as being a dosha in Kundali does not mean that it will not have any positive impacts in life. Any person inflicted by this dosha will be able to have good monetary income and experience victory in legal disputes. The ones who have invested in the share market may gain profits. In addition to this, a person may become spiritually rich and engage themselves in healing activities. 
What Precautions Should A Native of Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog Take?
If any person has been inflicted by the  Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog, then certain precautions should be taken. These precautions can stop the ill effects from growing stronger and causing more problems. Some of them include 
Stay away from any kind of legal activity.
Give attention to the health of your child.
Focus on being concentrated and rely on your healing powers or spirituality.
Try not to get into a fight with siblings or any kind of unnecessary fights.
Try to be calm as much as possible and not get aggressive.
Remedies of Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog 
There are a few remedies that you can follow as a remedy of Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosh as per our Pandit Ravi Shankar Guruji (Contact: 7720000702). He confirms that one needs to follow the procedures mentioned below:  
Make sure to worship and praise Lord Shiva. 
Remember to chant the mantras of Lord Shiva with complete dedication and faithfulness.
You must also focus on chanting the Rahu mantra.
Keep a Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog Yantra in your home. 
Give charity including feeding barley and millet to birds.
You can choose to wear gemstones by consulting with a priest 
The Kaal Sarp Dosh puja can be performed to eliminate the dosha from your kundali.
Eliminate Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog from Your Life Entirely
There's no need to search elsewhere if handling the Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog effects appears unbearable. Above all the remedies, performing Kaal Sarp Dosh puja can help you overcome the negative of the dosha. At Trimbakeshwar Jyotirling, we can assist you with the guidance of our learned Pandit Ravi Shankar Guruji. Our most seasoned pandit ji will assist you in positively changing your life. In addition, we will give you an in-depth horoscope reading and effective solutions to live a desired lifestyle.
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ramnathguruji · 5 months
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Clients highly value our astrology services for their accurate predictions and steadfast reliability. We specialize in Match Making, Jyotish (astrology), Court Cases, Love Marriage, Delayed Marriages, Childlessness, Horoscopes, Lal Kitab, Money Problems, Business Issues, Child-Related Concerns, Marriage Challenges, Career Hurdles, and more. Additionally, we offer a variety of Gemstones and perform remedial Pooja Path for all nine planets. #astrologerincanada, #hindupriestincanada, #hinduism, #vedicastrology, #numerologyastrology, #tarotreadingastrology
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mastershivaastro · 7 months
Are you suffering from Child Related Problems? Master Shiav is the famous Indian Astrology is the best solution for Child Problems that helps the childless couple to get blessed with a baby and parents to bring a change in the behaviour of their offspring.
People have long regarded astrology as a powerful tool for understanding and addressing various aspects of life, including child-related problems. Parents and caregivers often turn to astrology remedies in order to seek guidance and solutions for challenges their children may be facing.
Master Shiva Astrology's remedies for child-related problems can encompass a wide range of issues, including health concerns, academic difficulties, behavioral issues, and emotional well-being. By analyzing the birth chart of the child, astrologers can identify planetary influences that may be affecting their development and provide targeted remedies to alleviate these challenges.
Expert in Providing Accurate Solutions for:
Evil Spirit Removal Expert
Love Back Specialist Astrologer
Health Problems Astrologer
Husband and Wife Problem Solution
Jealously and curse Removal
Love Relationship Problems Solution
Negative Energy Removal Expert
Powerful Love Spells
Psychic Reading
Removing Witchcraft
Spiritual Healing
Stop Cheating Partner
Stop Separation
Voodoo Spell Caster
𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘀:
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗨𝘀: +44 7432479339
𝗪𝗲𝗯𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲: https://www.mastershivaastro.com/
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lua-magic · 4 months
Moon and your pending Karmas.
Moon is the most dengerous planet, as it is fast moving planet and it continuously waxes and wanes, which brings fluctuations in nature of a person and person experiences mood changes.
Now, it is proven even by scientists and by quantum physics, the reality is just our "Experiences" and this experience is shaped by "Moon" that is why everyone is experiencing different realities at the same time.
Whenever Moon is afflicted by Malefics it is most dengerous and troublesome position for moon and person experiences, suicidal thoughts, depression, OCD, financial issues, stability in life, and an
Moon is the planet that gets afflicted very quickly.
Anytime moon is debi or afflicted Jupiter also becomes afflicted because Jupiter is exalted in fourth house which is house of Moon.
Moon is exalted in second, fourth and eleventh house as well .
Moon is debi in sixth, eighth and twelfth house
"So, best remedy of Jupiter is improve your moon"
Fourth house from moon lies your pending karmas and there you will experience most problems in life.
"If your moon is in first house then fourth from moon is your fourth house".
So native experiences mental health issues like mood swings, anxiety, depression, problems with mother, OCD. So, person needs to work continuously on his mental attitude in his life.
Moon in second house
Native experiences issues with making decisions and remain confused in life, as now fifth house is getting afflicted, which house of intelligence. Most of the time, person education will not be useful and native will work in entirely different area of life. Native can get problems with his/ her child as well.
Native should read more books and continuously update his knowledge.
Moon third house.
Person would make many secret eniemies and and might suffer from health issues and debt in his life time. Person sometimes becomes too greedy, lustful and angry which is why keeps getting involved in unnecessary fights.
Person should always work on his/her own triggers and must focus on healing.
Moon in fourth house
Native experiences problems in relationships and with his/her spouse.
If person owns business or are in partnership then it creates problems in partnership as well . Moon in fourth keeps native in his/her comfort zone and makes person extremely Moody.
Native should choose his/her partners wisely.
Moon in fifth house 🏠
Here, native experiences lot of transformations and has to let go lot of emotions from him/her. Native doesn't like to show emotions in front of others but feels everything deeply inside. Person experiences lot of pressure or load in his mind
Person has anger issues , ego problem.
Native needs to do lot of shadow work so that he/she can release their emotions
Moon sixth house
Person Jupiter is getting afflicted here, so native experiences problems in long term goals, visions, problems with his/her luck and also causes problems in education.
Remedy is to follow your ritousnes and morality in your life and always make long term goals
Moon in seventh house
Moon in seventh house native (Male) gets attracted to the wife of other's married men easily it also gives native problems in jobs and profession and native continuously shifts or Changes his/her carrier.
Remedy is to learn to manage your sexual desires and choose your profession wisely.
Moon in eighth house 🏠
Moon in eighth house is not so good position for moon as person has lot of hidden emotions and traumas that he/she needs to work on. Native also faces issues with his/her gains and financial issues.
Person feels isolated and depressed and are unable to make friends in his life time.
Only remedy that can work for native is to learn astrology and occult.
Moon ninth house
Native experiences sleep related issues or bad dreams in certain cases. Native could suffer mental health issues like OCD, insomnia, and problems in bed pleasure.
Native needs to follow spirituality and do meditation.
Moon in tenth house
Person has problems with his/her personality and health issues as well
Native might be introvert, and experiences frequent weight gain and loss issues.
Native should continuosly work on his/her personality.
Moon in eleventh house.
Person experiences problems with his/her family, and problems in gains, if moon is in good position and exalted then person experiences good and sudden gains but if moon is afflicted then person experiences unstable flow of money.
Remedy is to be careful about the words you use, don't hurt anyone by your words and take care of your food habits.
Moon in twelfth house
Person experiences issues with their siblings and problems in starting any work.
Person would be too lost in his/her own thoughts and suffer from depression.
Person lacks courage and can't fight for his/her desires.
Native needs work on his/her subconscious mind .
If you love my work kindly keep supporting me, so that I can make more astrology content and help everyone.
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astroincanada · 10 months
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Our unique astrology services, highly esteemed by our clients, offer accurate predictions and unwavering reliability. We specialize in Match Making, Jyotish (astrology), Court Cases, Love Marriage, Delayed Marriages, Childlessness, Horoscopes, Lal Kitab, Money Problems, Business Issues, Child-Related Concerns, Marriage Challenges, Career Hurdles, and more. Additionally, we provide various Gemstones and conduct remedial Pooja Path for all nine planets.
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asrtron · 11 months
Get online service of your any kind of problem by our verified astrologer
Astrology puja services refer to the performance of various religious kundli matching by name ceremonies, rituals, and prayers based on astrological principles. These services are typically carried out by trained astrologers or priests who have a deep understanding of astrology and its influence on a person's life. Here are some common astrology puja services:
Birth Chart Analysis: An astrologer may analyze your birth chart (also known as a natal chart or horoscope) to determine your strengths, weaknesses, and life path. Based on this analysis, specific pujas or rituals may be recommended to mitigate unfavorable planetary influences or enhance positive ones.
Graha Shanti Puja: This puja is performed to love or arranged marriage prediction by date of birth free online appease specific planetary deities (Grahas) in Vedic astrology. It is believed that by performing this puja, the negative effects of certain planets can be mitigated, and their positive influences can be enhanced.
Rahu-Ketu Puja: Rahu and Ketu are considered shadow planets in Vedic astrology and are believed to have a significant impact on a person's life. Special pujas may be performed to pacify the influence of Rahu and Ketu in one's birth chart.
Mangal Dosha Nivaran Puja: Mangal Dosha, or the Mars marriage astrology by date of birth Dosha, is a belief in Vedic astrology that certain placements of Mars in a person's birth chart can bring negative effects to their married life. A puja can be performed to negate these effects.
Grah Dosh Nivaran Puja: Similar to the Mangal Dosha puja, specific pujas can be performed to mitigate the negative effects of other planetary doshas or afflictions in a person's birth chart.
Astrological Remedies: Astrologers may recommend various remedies, including the wearing of specific gemstones, the recitation of mantras, and the observance of fasting and other rituals to address specific astrological issues.
Vastu Puja: Vastu Shastra is the Indian science of architecture free 2021 predictions by date of birth and time and design. Astrology and Vastu are often intertwined, and Vastu pujas are performed to bring harmony and positive energy to a home or business space based on astrological and Vastu principles.
It's important to note that beliefs and practices related to astrology and pujas can vary significantly among different cultures and regions. These services are often sought by child birth prediction in kundli individuals looking for guidance, solutions to life's problems, and a sense of spiritual well-being based on their astrological beliefs. If you're interested in such services, it's advisable to consult with a qualified astrologer or priest who can provide guidance and perform the appropriate pujas based on your specific astrological needs.
Online kundli matching services, also known as online horoscope matching or online guna milan, are web-based platforms or applications that provide the ability to child prediction by date of birth match the birth charts of two individuals to assess their compatibility for marriage or other purposes based on Vedic astrology principles. Kundli matching is a traditional practice in Hindu culture, primarily in India, to ensure that the prospective bride and groom are well-matched in terms of their astrological compatibility.
Here's how online kundli matching services typically work Birth Details: Users are required to input their birth details, which include the date, time, and place of birth for both the bride and groom. These details are crucial for generating accurate horoscopes.
Horoscope Generation: The online service generates the horoscopes (kundlis) for both individuals based on the provided birth information. These horoscopes include information about the positions of celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars at the time of their birth.
Guna Milan: The service calculates the compatibility between the two online astrology consultation horoscopes using a system called "Guna Milan" or "Ashtakoota." In Guna Milan, certain characteristics and attributes are matched, and a score is assigned to each factor. The higher the score, the better the compatibility.
Analysis: The online service provides an analysis of the compatibility based on the Guna Milan scores. It may also offer insights into the strengths and potential marriage prediction by dob challenges in the relationship. Recommendations: Some online kundli matching services may provide recommendations or remedies to mitigate any perceived astrological issues or doshas, if they exist.
It's important to note that kundli matching is a traditional practice love marriage or arrange marriage prediction deeply rooted in Indian culture and Hindu astrology. Many people consider it a valuable tool for assessing compatibility, but it is not a definitive predictor of a successful marriage or relationship. Compatibility should be considered in conjunction with other factors like personal values, communication, and mutual understanding.
Several websites and mobile apps offer online kundli matching services, and they can vary in terms of features and accuracy. If you are considering using such a service, it's essential to choose a reputable and well-established platform. Additionally, it's a good idea to consult with an experienced astrologer or priest for a more personalized analysis and advice if you have concerns about astrological compatibility. To know more information about it you can visit the site www.myastron.com
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
A very simple answer to this question is that there are no specific gemstone which gives peace of mind and success.
The word peace and success is a VARIABLE WORD and the meaning of it will differ from person to person as every person see it from their point of view. What is success for a person may not be same for other person, because the every person view it as per his need in life.
For example a person lost his peace of mind due to many reasons like :
1. Health issues
2. Wealth issue
3. Education isuue
4. Child birth issue
5. Marriage, love break issue
6. Career problems
7. Problems at job
8. Unable to own a home
9. Unable to travel abroad
10. Finance issues
11. Etc etc etc etc etc
So it is seen that how a person can lose his peace due to so many events in their life.
So when a native ask an astrologer such questions then the astrologer study his horoscope to see which is the planet responsible for such disturbance in the life of the native.
Then co-relating with the present mahadasha the astrologer study which can be the best remedy to pacify the negative impact of that planet for the ASKED EVENT BY THE Querent.
So what could be a remedy for native for his marriage issues NEED NOT BE SAME FOR THE OTHER PERSON HAVING SAME ISSUES.
A good astrologer will study the whole horoscope and then only identify the gemstone needed for the native as per his horoscope and his need for that event.
Nothing is ready made or custom made in astrology as in there are so many variable parameters in astrology that no astrologer can HAVE A DIRECT CONTROL OVER IT. IT IS ONLY AND ONLY CONTROLLED BY GOD HIMSELF.
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ramnathguruji · 6 months
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Our astrology services are highly esteemed by our clients for their accurate predictions and steadfast reliability. We specialize in Match Making, Jyotish (astrology), Court Cases, Love Marriage, Delayed Marriages, Childlessness, Horoscopes, Lal Kitab, Money Problems, Business Issues, Child-Related Concerns, Marriage Challenges, Career Hurdles, and more. Additionally, we offer various Gemstones and conduct remedial Pooja Path for all nine planets.
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astrologysupport1 · 1 year
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 Analyzing the Placement of the Sun in the Birth Chart:
To check the strength of the Sun, the first step is to examine its placement in your birth chart or Kundali. The house and zodiac sign occupied by the Sun offer insights into its influence on different areas of your life. Consulting with an experienced astrologer can help you identify the Sun’s placement accurately.
 Remedies for Strengthening the Sun:
 Chanting the Surya Mantra:
Reciting the Surya Mantra with devotion can help strengthen the Sun’s energy and balance its influence in your life. One powerful mantra is:
“Om Hram Hreem Hroum Sah Suryaya Namah”
Chanting this mantra daily, especially during sunrise, can invoke the blessings of the Sun and enhance its positive vibrations.
 Wearing Ruby Gemstone:
Wearing a natural and certified ruby gemstone can amplify the positive energy of the Sun. Consult with an astrologer to determine the appropriate weight and metal for the ring or pendant.
 Offering Water to the Sun:
Performing Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) and offering water to the Sun during sunrise can be a powerful remedy. It demonstrates reverence to the Sun and helps strengthen its energy.
Observing Sunday Fasts:
Observing fasts on Sundays, the day associated with the Sun, is considered auspicious. It is believed to appease the Sun and balance its energy in your life.
 Explore the effect that What happens if the Sun is weak in your birth chart?
 When the Sun is weak or afflicted in an individual’s birth chart, it can manifest in various ways, affecting different aspects of their life. Here are some potential implications of a weak Sun:
 Lack of Confidence and Self-Esteem: A weak Sun can lead to a lack of confidence and low self-esteem. It may make individuals doubt their abilities and struggle to assert themselves in various areas of life, such as personal relationships, career, and decision-making.
 Difficulty in Leadership and Authority: The Sun represents leadership, authority, and power. When it is weak, individuals may find it challenging to take on leadership roles or assert their authority effectively. They may struggle to gain recognition and respect from others.
 Lack of Vitality and Energy: The Sun is associated with vitality and energy. A weak Sun can result in a lack of physical and mental energy, making individuals feel drained and fatigued. They may struggle to maintain enthusiasm and motivation in their pursuits.
Career Challenges: The Sun’s strength is closely linked to career success and professional growth. A weak Sun can hinder progress in the workplace, leading to challenges in achieving career goals, lack of recognition, and difficulties in establishing a successful career path.
 Difficulty in Father-Child Relationship: The Sun also represents the father figure in one’s life. A weak Sun can signify challenges or strained relationships with the father or paternal figures. It may lead to a lack of support, guidance, or a disconnect in the father-child relationship.
 Lack of Clarity in Life Purpose: The Sun signifies one’s life purpose and direction. A weak Sun can create confusion and uncertainty regarding one’s true path and purpose in life. Individuals may struggle to identify their goals or find a sense of fulfillment and meaning.
Health Issues: In Vedic astrology, the Sun is associated with physical health. A weak Sun can indicate potential health problems, especially related to the heart, eyes, and vitality. It is essential to take appropriate measures to maintain good health when the Sun is weak.
 It’s important to note that while a weak Sun may present challenges, astrological remedies and lifestyle adjustments can help mitigate its negative effects. Consulting with an experienced astrologer like Pandit Kapil Sharma ji can provide personalized guidance and suggestions to strengthen the Sun’s energy and bring about balance, positivity in your life.
 How to make Sun happy with different mantras?
 Sun Mantras: Chanting specific mantras dedicated to the Sun can help in appeasing and strengthening its energy. The most commonly recited mantra for the Sun is the Gayatri Mantra:
Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe
Divakaraya Dheemahi
Tanno Surya Prachodayat
Another powerful mantra is the Aditya Hridayam Stotram, which is a hymn dedicated to Lord Sun. It is advisable to learn the correct pronunciation and recite these mantras with devotion and faith.
 Surya Ashtakam: An eight-verse hymn dedicated to Surya, expressing devotion and seeking the blessings of the Sun.
It is important to chant these mantras with proper pronunciation, intention, and regularity to derive maximum benefits.
 Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar): Practicing Surya Namaskar, a sequence of yoga postures dedicated to the Sun, can help in aligning with the Sun’s energy and promoting overall well-being. Regularly performing Surya Namaskar early in the morning can be beneficial.
Offer Water: Offering water to the Sun during sunrise is considered a potent remedy. Fill a copper vessel with water, add some red flowers or red sandalwood powder to it, and offer it to the Sun while reciting mantras or prayers.
 Wearing Gemstones: Wearing gemstones associated with the Sun, such as Ruby (Manikya), can help enhance the Sun’s energy. It is advisable to consult with an experienced astrologer to determine if wearing a gemstone is suitable for you based on your birth chart.
 Charity and Donations: Engaging in charitable acts and donating to causes related to the Sun, such as supporting educational institutions or organizations that benefit children, can help in appeasing the Sun’s energy.
 Remember, it is always advisable to consult with a qualified astrologer who is our Pandit kapil Sharma ji for a knowledgeable spiritual guide.
 Wanna know how to check surya in kundali?
In astrology, the position and strength of the Sun, known as Surya, in the birth chart or Kundali, play a significant role in shaping an individual’s personality, traits, and life events. By analyzing the placement of Surya in the Kundali, astrologers can provide valuable insights into a person’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of growth. Here’s how you can check Surya in your Kundali and some powerful mantras associated with the Sun.
 To determine the position of Surya in your Kundali, you will need the exact date, time, and place of your birth. With this information, an astrologer can prepare your birth chart, which is a graphical representation of the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth. The Sun’s placement in the birth chart will indicate the zodiac sign it occupies and the specific house it falls in.
Consulting with an experienced astrologer, such as Pandit Kapil Sharma ji, is highly recommended for understanding the role of the Sun in your birth chart and finding suitable remedies. They can analyze your chart, consider planetary placements, and offer personalized guidance and mantras to strengthen the Sun’s energy and mitigate negative influences.
An expert astrologer like Pandit Kapil Sharma ji can provide valuable insights and remedies tailored to your specific needs. They can help you navigate any challenges caused by the Sun’s weakness or unfavorable placement in your birth chart. By incorporating their advice, which may include chanting powerful mantras or performing rituals, you can enhance the positive influence of the Sun and improve its impact on your life.
 Get the strong sun remedies in female
A strong Sun in a female’s birth chart signifies confidence, leadership qualities, and a radiant personality. However, when the Sun is weak or afflicted, it can lead to a lack of self-esteem, difficulties in career advancement, and a sense of being overshadowed. Fortunately, there are remedies available to mitigate the negative effects of a weak Sun and restore its positive influence.
Get consultation from Pandit Kapil Sharma ji to identify the specific remedies suitable for a weak Sun in a female’s birth chart. Some common remedies for a weak Sun include performing Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) yoga practice regularly, wearing a Ruby gemstone (Manikya) on the ring finger set in gold, offering water to the Sun during sunrise while reciting the Surya Mantra, and observing fasts on Sundays.
Additionally, chanting mantras dedicated to the Sun can be immensely beneficial. The Gayatri Mantra, which is considered a powerful invocation of the Sun, can be chanted daily to strengthen the Sun’s energy. Other mantras like the Aditya Hridayam Stotram and the Surya Beej Mantra can also be recited with devotion to alleviate the negative impact of a weak Sun.
When the Sun is weak in a female’s birth chart, it can result in various challenges and imbalances. Here are some remedies that can help alleviate the negative effects of a weak Sun:
Surya Yantra: Placing a Surya Yantra in the home or wearing it as a pendant can help strengthen the Sun’s energy. The Yantra is a sacred geometric diagram representing the Sun, and its presence can enhance positive vibrations.
Sun Bathing: Spending time outdoors in the early morning sunlight can be beneficial for strengthening the Sun’s energy. Engage in activities like walking or sitting in the Sun while ensuring appropriate sun protection measures.
Donating Items of the Sun: Offering donations associated with the Sun’s qualities can help balance its energy. Items such as wheat, jaggery (unrefined sugar), red cloth, or gold can be donated to the needy or to a temple.
Chanting Sun Mantras: Regularly chanting mantras dedicated to the Sun can invoke its positive energies. Some powerful mantras include “Om Suryaya Namaha” (Salutations to the Sun) and the Surya Beej Mantra: “Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namaha.”
Performing Sun Homa or Yagya: Seek the guidance of a knowledgeable priest to perform a Sun Homa or Yagya (fire ceremony) to appease and strengthen the Sun’s energy. This ritual involves offerings to the sacred fire while chanting mantras and prayers.
Remember that these remedies are meant to support and harmonize the Sun’s energy. It is advisable to consult with an experienced astrologer or priest who can assess your birth chart and provide specific guidance based on your unique astrological configuration.
Experience the transformative power of astrology by consulting Pandit Kapil Sharma Ji
 Take the first step towards a brighter and more fulfilling future. Contact him now for a personalized consultation and unlock the secrets of your birth chart to improve the influence of the Sun in your life.
 Pandit Kapil Sharma Ji suggests a combination of traditional rituals, powerful mantras, gemstone recommendations, and personalized guidance to improve the influence of the Sun in astrology. By following his advice and performing the prescribed remedies with devotion and faith, you can strengthen your connection with the Sun and unlock the potential.
Consulting Pandit Kapil Sharma Ji can provide you with valuable insights about your birth chart, helping you understand the placement and influence of the Sun. His profound astrological knowledge and compassionate guidance will empower you to make positive changes, align with the cosmic energies, and enhance the Sun’s positive impact on your life.
 What are the different Sun Remedies?
To improve the strength of the Sun in astrology, there are several remedies that can be practiced. These remedies are believed to appease the Sun and enhance its positive influence in one’s life. Here are some common Sun remedies:
Worship and prayers
Donating and charity
Wearing gemstones
Respecting and honoring father figures
Homa or fire rituals
Understanding the strength of the Sun in your birth chart is crucial to manage a positive impact on various aspects of your life. By checking whether the Sun is weak or strong, you can take appropriate astrological remedies. Consulting with an experienced astrologer, such as Pandit Kapil Sharma Ji, can provide valuable insights and personalized guidance to strengthen the Sun’s energy. By incorporating remedies such as chanting mantras, wearing gemstones, performing rituals, and observing fasting, you can harness the transformative power of astrology and improve the influence of the Sun in your life.
It is recommended to consult with an experienced astrologer such as Pandit Kapil Sharma ji, who can guide you on the most suitable remedies based on your birth chart and specific planetary placements. They can provide personalized guidance and mantras to strengthen the Sun’s energy and mitigate any negative influences. Remember that the effectiveness of remedies may changes and it is crucial to have faith in astrology.
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