#Atlas Conneely
playstationmademe · 1 year
OCs as Characters
Tagged by @nightwingshero to try this quiz, thank you lovely! 💜💜
Tagging @simonxriley @tokillamockingbird427 @faccal @florbelles @unholymilf @verai-marcel @teamhawkeye and @cybersmallz, to try if you want to! 💜💜💜
(I selected 5 of my favs from the top 20)
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Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
Tony Stark (MCU)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)
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Mazikeen (Lucifer)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet)
Jessie (Pokémon)
Lydia Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
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Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)
Dr. Alan Grant (Jurassic Park)
Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead)
Eddard Stark (Game of Thrones)
James Gordon (The Dark Knight)
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playstationmademe · 2 years
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"Faolan? Love? Please, talk to me!"
No response. Not even a flicker in his open eyes. Just the steady rise and fall of his breathing. The voice of King Arthur spoke softy in Atlas's mind as the blade hummed on his back. I am sorry we were too late. It will be a mercy. His soul is gone.
Atlas shuddered as he slowly lowered his love's body down and pulled the sword from its sheath. He gently stroked Faolan's cheek, then, with both hands on the hilt, thrust the royal sword through his chest. Right next to his love's heart.
Yanking out the weapon and tossing it to the side without a care, he fumbles Faolan into his arms. Blood splatters across them both. Atlas, hands shaking, caresses Faolan's dirty hair as he feels the last of his breathing come to a halt.
"They'll pay for this", he promises to the air. "I will make them pay".
This piece is in honour of one of the most brilliant traumatic Call of Cthulhu sessions I've ever played. Thank you so so much @ziorre for bringing this scene to life! It's perfect! 🖤🖤🖤
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playstationmademe · 1 year
OCs on a Pirate Ship 🏴‍☠️
Tagged by @simonxriley @nightwingshero and @florbelles thank you loves! 💜💜
Tagging @verai-marcel @cybersmallz @strafethesesinners @slothssassin @unholymilf anyone else that wants to try! 💜💜 Link here!
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The Stowaway
You weren't meant to be here. You don't want to be here. But this was your only choice, if you wanted to stay safe. There's anger, where you're from, and hunger, and endless back-breaking toil. The only chance of a better life is somewhere far away. So you slipped on board the first ship you could see, and stole away to find a new life. You're hidden in the hold now, between the rough wood of the hull and the pressing weight of a pile of crates. Beneath you is a faded blanket, littered with crumbs from the ship's biscuits you have been eating. This voyage is long. Your plan was to spirit yourself away as soon as the ship next docked, but it has been days and days of open water, the gentle rocking of the ship beneath you and no land, no land in sight. You press yourself to the hull every time you hear footsteps go by, hold your breath in the darkness. The candle you took is melted down to a nub; you have not lit it today, to keep it as long as possible. If the sailors find you down here, they might put you to work. They might just throw you in the sea. All you can do is sit here, in your little rathole, and wait for your journey to end, one way or another.
The Captain
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This is your ship. Oh, but you worked for it. You joined your first pirate crew when you were little older than a child, learning the language of rope and rigging and the roll and sway of the sea. From there, you worked your way up, signing onto ship after ship, tailing sailors twice your age just to learn from example how a ship is run. And learn you did. By the time you turned twenty, there wasn't a shipboard task you couldn't perform. Then, one day, you had signed onto a ship under a notoriously bad captain - quick with the lash and slow with the shares. With the rest of the crew, you plotted and planned, and when the time came, you forced the captain and his officers onto an abandoned rock in the ocean, and took command yourself. Drunk on victory and rum, you promised your crew that you would be a fair captain, a shrewd captain, and make them all rich. Every day your head buzzes with plans and schemes, prizes more ambitious than the last. Yes, every pirate's luck runs dry eventually, but they haven't caught you yet, and you're proud of that fact. So you'll raid, and you'll fight, and you'll keep shipping out. These are your seas. And you'll hold them until your body rots in the deep.
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playstationmademe · 1 year
What form of love does your ship embody?
Tagged by the lovely @simonxriley to try this uquiz! Thank you! 💜💜
Tagging @florbelles @teamhawkeye @unholymilf @cybersmallz @verai-marcel and @nightwingshero if you want to! 💜💜
I'm doing this in the airport so I wasn't able to add my headers 😭 anyway...
X Tragedy Husbands (Atlas x Faolan, DnD/CoC)
love as tenderness
[ love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty ] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too”
X Never Fade Away (Nova x Kerry, Cyberpunk 2077)
love as light
[ love as a luminous force—warm, radiant, and golden ] when mary oliver wrote "light of the world hold me” and when charles bukowski said “I look at her and light goes all through me” and when david viscott said “to love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides”and when e. e. cummings said “lovers alone wear sunlight”
X Across the Stars (John x Kaidan, ME)
love as being known
[ love is knowing all of someone and loving them anyway ] when tim kreider said "if we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known" and when joe wright said "The idea that these two people know each other, knew each other when they first saw each other. That they recognized each other from their future" and when micah nemerever said "it was a relief and a horror to be known so perfectly"
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playstationmademe · 1 year
How Does Your OC Cry?
Tagged by @simonxriley to try this heart-wrenching uquiz! Thank you lovely! 💜💜
Tagging @cybersmallz @teamhawkeye @nightwingshero @unholymilf @florbelles and @verai-marcel, if you want to! 💜💜
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A lot has happened to you. It's demoralizing, i know. You cry with your head leaning against the wall, tears streaking your face. Your lip quivers but your mouth stays firmly closed. You keep your problems to yourself to not bother anyone.
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You are a sob. You've been through so much and the pain has finally caught up to you. You make soft broken noises as you cry. Your life has been hard and everything's piled up on you, and in this moment it becomes too much. You sob for a few minutes before the tears stop and you just lay in pain. One of the worst cries.
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So many big things have happened that a little one sets you off. You're angry and that anger turns to hot tears. You scream in frustration and try to verbally or physically release all of the anger by yelling/throwing things. Eventually you fall into a pile on the floor full of brokenness.
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playstationmademe · 2 years
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Atlas and Faolan (DnD): the last Christmas, before everything they had was gone.
Maverick and Josiah (RDO): hmm that snow is coming down pretty heavy. Maybe they should just stay in...?
Tagged by @simonxriley to try this cute holiday meiker! Thank you!! 💜💜
(M/F, F/F and NB ones!)
I'm so behind on these things so only a couple of tags this time! @verai-marcel @teamhawkeye and @cybersmallz, if you want to have a go! 💜💜
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playstationmademe · 2 years
Tagged by @florbelles and @simonxriley to drag some of my OCs through this uquiz! Thank you lovelies! 💜💜
Tagging @cybersmallz @nightwingshero @verai-marcel, @slothssassin and anyone else who wants to try! 💜💜
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The Harbinger
the harbingers have been through fire. you've got the scars to show for it. some people say harbingers are jaded- scary, even, to people who don't understand that the harbinger has seen the edge of the world and survived it. but being the harbinger means you're cursed to watch younger, brighter eyes fall for the same traps you did. trying to help isn't enough for you; you know what they're getting themselves into, and you want to protect them the way no one ever protected you, so why won't they just listen? it's frustrating. it's terrifying. no one should have to live through what you did, and i hope you know that you can't protect everyone but it's damn noble of you to try. it's not your job to save the world but i hope you know you've already made a difference to everyone who has taken your words to heart.
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The Werewolf
there's something inside a werewolf that's sharp, thorns and barbs coiling up in tight knots of vine even on their best days. halfway through a conversation, you'll forget your happiness and the pain comes back in a flash. you never meant to, but the sharpness has done harm on your behalf. it's defensive. it's leftover artillery from a battle you spent so long fighting that it still doesn't feel like it's truly over, does it? you want so badly to be soft. to take the hand that you are offered instead of baring your teeth. and it might be hard to believe, but you are soft. you're the softest one out there. it'll just take a while to untangle those vines enough to know that very little is often life-or-death, and not everything touches to hurt.
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The One Who Opened the Door
you turn the door handle. you call out, "who's there?" and the crowd has the audacity to groan, to get frustrated with you. as if the gift of hindsight was something you had. how the hell were you supposed to know you were born into a horror movie? no one bothered to tell you. say, if instead this was an action film, or a fantasy, would they still be telling you how silly of a mistake it was to press further on your quest? they would've commended you for your bravery. you thought you were going to be saving a princess in a tower, not getting stabbed in the back by a killer in the shadows. how is that fair? it isn't, and none of that was ever your fault. it is not wrong to believe things are good. your trust, your optimism, it shouldn't ever be mistaken for ignorance or stupidity. we need more people who open doors. how else are any of us gonna move forward?
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playstationmademe · 1 year
How do strangers perceive your OCs?
Tagged by the lovely @simonxriley, thank you always! 💜💜
Unfortunately I've been so busy lately, and I know I'm behind on these things, so tagging anyone who wants to try! 💜💜 Link here.
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They say sharks never stop moving
paint-stained skin. spontaneity. leaving an amusement park with a won stuffed animal bigger than you. messy hair and dancing in the kitchen. you have the soul of an artist. you're creative and your mind never really stops working. your best feature is probably your sense of style. you feel things very intensely, and may feel a lack of emotional permanence. you have a restless energy. you are always growing, always improving, always adapting. you may feel a lack of a sense of identity, but you don't have to know who you are all at once. you can find yourself in new ways every day.
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Full of golden light
the smell of soup cooking in the other room. golden hour sunlight peeking in through the windows. laughter that bounces against the walls and smiles you can't help but mirror. you're easy to approach. your best feature is probably your smile. you don't mind looking silly if it makes people laugh. you're not easily embarrassed. you're calm and you make people feel at ease. you're a good listener because you really really care what they have to say. people leave every interaction with you feeling just a little bit more loved. you're a kind soul, and people can see that. you mean so much more to people than you know.
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The ground beneath us is solid
sitting under a tree in summer. the sound of light rain on a metal roof and old wooden coffee tables. getting so absorbed in a story that hours pass without you noticing. you probably judge people who don't use coasters. your best feature is your hands. you're often pretty logical, but you're also very gentle. you're not aggressive, but you do have strong opinions. you like gardening. you have a deep need for comfort and security. you like things to make sense. you're afraid of circumstances out of control, but letting go helps you live so much more vividly than you could ever imagine.
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playstationmademe · 2 years
What is at your oc's core?
Tagged by @simonxriley and @florbelles a little while ago to do this uquiz for some of my OCs! Thank you beloveds! 💜💜 No tags as I'm super late, but if you see this and want to have a go, consider yourself tagged by me!
I've chosen the 3 kids that have been on my mind so much lately 💜💜
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acerbic wit
you're a mentor — an old scarred wolf, an injured soldier, a disgraced paladin. your teachings read as shamelessly pretentious, speaking in rhymes and biting down hard into anyone stupid enough to make the wrong move. this isn't your first life, nor your second, nor your sixth — you'll make the most of your time shackled to this world, no matter how many loops it takes to get it right. with every defeat, you reincarnate; a little smarter, a little quicker, crueler and nastier. will you choose to be brutal, equalizing, that final strike in the face of your enemies? will you go soft, become tender and domesticated? the choice is yours. it's not like i can stop you.
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silent admission
in tarot, the fool is numbered 0 – the number of unlimited potential. as the protagonist, he is ever present and therefore needs no number as well as no introduction. the world revolves around you in ways that i can't begin to describe, though you'd shrug it off if i were to begin to explain. i need you to know that time is running out. if you want to get this done, you need to start now. sloth is your greatest enemy in this world, and you can only run so far from the opposition when you start with such a disadvantage. keep your head high, yeah? the kid you were is still in there somewhere. you need to show him that it was worth it.
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animal intuition
loyalty is the saint you pray to. if you ever were stabbed in the back by your beloved, you'd probably apologize. to your enemies, you're fierce. to your allies, even fiercer. you cultivate a thick inner circle built on promises and devotion, fit only for the best of the best. it's impossible for most to even begin to dissect the type of person you are, owing to your unbreakable emotional walls and confusing philosophies. dream careers? body guard, movie star, unwitting pawn. don't let people get the best of that loyalty.
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playstationmademe · 1 year
OCs as Experiences
Tagged by @simonxriley to try another uquiz, thank you! 💜💜
Tagging @florbelles @teamhawkeye @verai-marcel @cybersmallz @nightwingshero to try! (sorry if there's any double tags 💜💜)
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You leave people feeling challenged (affectionate).
a shiver. a breath of cool winter air, a stick n poke tattoo; the last few switchbacks at the end of a hike. a deep red. a proud sweat, a delicious ache. early dawn’s blue hour. a favorite story you love to retell. the excited scream, the staggering leap into water below. not fearless, but not afraid to let a good memory leave a few scars or stains. while you have moments of being rough around the edges—an acquired taste, a book not fully grasped in the first read-through—you can rest knowing that there will be people that rise to your challenge. you give off a sense of knowing yourself, and while that could be the case, you’re still learning, too. the close people in your life aren’t afraid of your seasons, your come-and-go silence, or your own way of showing love. they’re there to stay. they’ll join you on that blue hour dock just to read. they’ll take that last-minute road trip to the desert. you’re here to say, “I know you could do it.”
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You leave people feeling nostalgic.
drug store valentine's cards. a favorite childhood song crackled through the radio; secret folded notes to find later. a soft yellow. christmas lights. knowing all the movie scenes that make your best friend laugh. birthday candles. a favorite hot chocolate mug. arcade carpets. lazy sunny saturday mornings. young, but not naive. you give people the sense of being held. falling asleep in the car and being carried safely inside. an acknowledgment that no matter how we age, there’s still something small and reaching within us that never goes away completely. (and that it’s not a bad thing.) there’s something sweet about you that feels hard to come by nowadays. a “they don’t make them like you anymore.” maybe it’s a chance to dip a toe back into childhood or a less pressured place—into imagination again, if even for a short while. a chance your presence gives in allowing people to enjoy it all more fully this time around.
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You leave people feeling alive.
if I were to emphasize what being an *experience* is with any personality, it's you. you are a good cackle. a thunderstorm. late-night skinny dip. 85 mph, but getting away with 90. the smell of humid summer nights. sharp silver. a meteor shower. letting go of the handlebars for just a moment. the pop of a champagne bottle. swimming in the rain. another street of city lights to explore. there is a deep hum of possibility, and you want to fly within the jetstreams of it. without testing the boundaries of how far someone will go, you do invite a sense of excitement; never playing into the rush, but delighting in the fact that you don’t have to go far to find it. this life is meant to be lived, and you will do it well.
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playstationmademe · 3 months
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Two stories. Two heroes. Their lives intertwined.
Template by @unholymilf (x)
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playstationmademe · 9 months
You know I had to make my DnD boyo in BG3 🗡️💫
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playstationmademe · 5 months
OC Interview
Tagged by the lovely @simonxriley thankyou 💜💜! Felt like doing this for OG universe Atlas and my aussie deputy.
tagging @florbelles @verai-marcel @cybersmallz @teamhawkeye @slothssassin and @udonnoodlz, if y'all want to! 💜💜
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Name: Atlas Conneely
Gender: Male
Star sign: Aries
Personality type: Entertainer (ESFP-A)
Height: 182cm
Orientation: Pansexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: Irish
Favorite fruit: Cherries
Favorite season: Summer
Favorite scent: Campfires
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Coffee
Average hours of sleep: 5 (usually in the day, night time is thieving hours)
Dogs or cats: Dogs, especially collies
Dream trip: Africa, he would love to explore the deserts.
Number of blankets: Boy runs hot, will generally be fine with 1.
Random fact: Atlas, the small time thief, fell in love with his uni professor, Faolan. The same professor who helped him develop his thieving skills, and introduced him to others in the 'business'. Atlas married Faolan several years later.
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Name: Max Taylor
Nickname: Dep, Tay, Rookie
Gender: Male
Star sign: Leo
Personality type: Mediator (INFP-T)
Height: 177cm
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: Australian
Favorite fruit: Tie between mangos and watermelon
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite scent: That first hit of rain on warm concrete
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Tea
Average hours of sleep: 7. He loves sleep.
Dogs or cats: Both, but prefers cats (except Boomer, who is the goodest boy ever)
Dream trip: Holiday in Japan
Number of blankets: 2, included a weighed blanket
Random fact: Worked part time as a barista before moving to Hope County. He was terrible at making those the foam designs.
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playstationmademe · 9 months
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The Bard 🌙 | The Warlock 🗡️ | The Paladin 🕊️ | The Ranger 🐾
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playstationmademe · 3 months
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Atlas Conneely | Half-elf | Pact of the Blade ⚔️
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playstationmademe · 5 months
What Does Your Soul Look Like?
Tagged by the lovely @simonxriley to try this uquiz, thank you! 💜💜
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An Orange Peel in the Sun
You're drying out, friend. You had your fun, your party is over. Your citrus scent has faded and you've lost your appeal. You'll grow brittle soon, your color will fade to brown. Call someone you love soon.
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Dog Teeth
You're vicious, but you're afraid. You have to make the first punch, and make sure your opponent can't land one. But you need to stop seeing everyone as an enemy. The only one being violent is you, your anger and your defensiveness is killing you. Take a nap, rest your head and clear your mind. Come back in the morning.
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