#Atsumu just put you on his top three of all time list like clearly he’s telling his brother that this happened
kiwanopie · 1 year
reader in the crime lord kiyoomi au who's kinda like csm's kobeni
she can get twitchy (minus the bawling) when she gets a front seat of "business" but...BUT...
when the situation calls, she can brandish out a knife and kill if she needs to
then switches back to neurotic once it's over but she doesnt have to worry. kiyoomi is there btw
He knew you were a scout, knew you had the reputation to back it up.
But he thought you just were hard to catch.
“We had a deal.”
Kiyoomi crosses his arms from where he’s standing at the head of his office, back perched against the ledge of his desk as his former associate stands opposed before him - along with his fleet.
He should be scared. He is scared. A man of Ichiro’s stature, with a reputation like his. A fleet of six men that produce a mountain of bodies collectively, the unbeatables. Men like him who promise pain and suffering in the wake of death, now double-crossing him with the intentions of taking everything he has or to die trying. To be on the wrong side of this man is to be marked for death - or worse. His hands are in charged fists resting at his sides, with the full intent of using them. And whatever fate is meant for Kiyoomi and his men, has been so promised to be worse than death.
He’s petrified. But he’s more proud than to show it, vexed then to show it. And his expression twists sourly as he stares at the man smirking before him.
“And I did what you wanted, didn’t I?” Ichiro shrugs. “I helped you get your money, you helped me get my guys out of the pen.”
“Then what’s the big fuckin’ show about?” Atsumu scoffs beside him.
Ichiro glances at the young woman perched securely behind Kiyoomi’s desk, hair curled and pretty as you look upon the crowd with curious alarm. Pretty fucking thing puts the cherry on top of all the cushy shit this tall bastard’s got. Riches and power, control over the most valuable assets in Japan and now this pretty fucking dame? It’s been too long he’s spent looking at this mean mugging bastard and seeing him have all the things that he wants - all the things that should belong to him. And now that he’s got his boys?
Kiyoomi’s scowl deepens when he follows the man’s gaze, as if some ugly freak should have the audacity to stare at his angel like that.
He plants his hands on his desk, leaning forward a bit as if it’ll make him bigger.
“You’re making a big fucking mistake.”
Ichiro snorts. “You think you can scare me? There’s not a single ounce of me that doesn’t see you as the conniving little mouse you are.”
Kiyoomi doesn’t flinch when he inches forward, barely reacts when his men reach for their guns.
“I’m gonna take what belongs to me.”
“You’re gonna come up empty handed.” Kiyoomi replies firmly. Something clicks behind him, one of his men mumbles something under their breath, but whatever should come his way is sullied by something that remains sure.
“I have contingencies.” It won’t save him but it’s the truth. “You kill me and you lose any chance at getting what you want.”
“Then I won’t kill you.” Ichiro shrugs. “There’s worse things I could do anyway.”
“Oh, I bet. That’s why I’m not worried.”
Kiyoomi huffs as he leans into his desk, eyes gazing lowly at Ichiro from where he stands above him. There’s a snark in his grimace, a smugness that pinkens the morale of the men who surround him. He keeps his face in his truths and puffs out his chest a little. - Even as his number two glances at him like he knows it’s hollow.
“Because a meathead like you could never fit in a position like this.” He crosses his arms again. “You’re not careful, you can’t manage deals. You think all of your problems can be solved with brute force.”
Ichiro scowls as he continues. “You wanna know how I got as far as I have? Why I have all the things you think belong to you? Because I’m not just some sadistic freak, I’m a businessman. I know how to carry a conversation, I know how to follow basic fucking directions. I would’ve at least had the two cents to make my foe an ally before double crossing him. - But you’re a stranger.”
“You’re a pig that shit his way into my office, too focused on the smell of his own ass to realize he’s like every other hog who thinks he’s special,”
“You’re filth.” Kiyoomi shakes his head. “And you’re out of your fucking mind if you think anyone’s gonna see you as anything else besides that.“
Ichiro glares blankly at Kiyoomi as the room falls into a tense silence. There’s a taut pull in the air that becomes ear popping as the feelings linger. Every man in this office has become so fraught with alarm that they’ve all frozen in place, breaths now so shallowed that they’ve become restricted. Everyone’s waiting on the other to make the first move, and with Ichiro so locked up like he is, Kiyoomi can’t make heads or tails of who it’s gonna be.
Maybe that’s the point.
Because Ichiro’s arm comes up so fast that Kiyoomi barely sees him do it. Distended veins stress as he distributes the weight into the single arm, and steps forward like he’s putting his all into it.
Ichiro is known for being strong, he’s known for being the bull of underground Japan. They say there’s nothing he hasn’t put a hole in by now, nothing his fists can’t chew through like construction paper. It’s why he never gets caught, you’d be out of your fucking mind to stop a wrecking ball like that with your bare hands.
Which is why Kiyoomi’s surprised when he’s not immediately grated into ground beef when the punch lands, when it never lands. - Closing his eyes at that hard gust of wind that follows after a loud crack! So forceful that it rushes into his nose and takes his breath away.
When his eyes flutter open he’s nearly so taken aback that he gasps. His arms unfold and he’s suddenly placing all of his weight on his feet.
Your arms are bruised already, from the ridges of your wrist to the low of your elbow. Crossed arms blocked in a shielded maneuver that reflects the soft lights of his office. You stopped his punch. All but materialized in front of him and stopped The Bull’s punch. Not even Bokuto had the means to do something like that.
And from the looks of it everyone’s too shocked by it to do anything, even Ichiro freezes in place.
Your face scrunches somewhat painfully as you look upon his offender, eyes still lit in evening light as you keep your arms held securely in front of you.
Kiyoomi opens his mouth and then closes it again, leans forward to reach for you as he gathers himself in awe.
And then freezes when Ichiro starts to move again.
He’s quick. “..You think you can-“
You’re quicker.
The sound of his fingers breaking is less alarming than the sound of meat tearing, than the look on his face when he hunches and his knife - Kiyoomi’s knife that you must have swiped from his desk without him knowing - is keeping him from doubling forward. His blood stains the carpet.
Your expression remains unchanged as his eyes well up with tears. You're an unstoppable force as you raise the other hand up high and his coughed out plea comes out gurgled.
It takes one swipe to have him pouring out before you.
There’s a bubbled out giggle of disbelief that Atsumu doesn’t even notice he’s let out as his blood stains the office floors. Flesh and meat fall with a hiss as it lands on the carpet and he’s gone like he never existed.
Kiyoomi chokes out bewilderedly. “Wha-… Baby-“
One of his men charges forward.
He barely even gets the chance to step forward when the sharp sound of a moving blade cuts through the room. You’re so fast that he barely sees you touch him. But he knows you have when he stops in place.
He stumbles back from the lack of air as the members of his fleet look on in muted horror, reaches for his neck and panics when his fingers come back wet. I mean he knows you’re fast, everyone does. It’s half the reason you made elite quotas. That’s not surprising.
No, the surprise comes - and what he assumes is the other half of what graduated you to elite status - is when he finally falls to his knees. Blood pooling as he gushes and steaming in the conditioned air.
You all but decapitated him.
Kiyoomi takes a few disbelieving steps back as Atsumu literally gasps this time, smiling with his mouth open like an excited fanboy as you look upon the dying man with indifference - and watches his body limply drop to the ground.
The five opposing men freeze in place as his body meets the same fate as their leader.
You’re soft as cotton when you look up at Kiyoomi. “Are you okay?”
He blows a raspberry.
“Am I-… Angel you-… Your arms,” Kiyoomi worriedly reaches for you. “Oh my god, your arms. Let me see. How much do they hurt-“
Atsumu kisses his teeth at the five shaken men now standing still at the door. “Does anyone else wanna die?”
He glances at his boss, currently fitted into the role of a worried husband in front of all these dangerous men. This guy really doesn’t have any shame.
“Any of you idiots still ready to go against us step forward.” He scowls. “You see what happens!”
No one speaks up.
“Then get the fuck outta here!”
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pink-imagines · 3 years
promise - pomegranate tea
request: Hi, I really like your writing. It's so cute <3 Especially the english breakfast tea with Iwaizumi. Can I please request a pomegranate tea with Atsumu? Thank you :)
a/n: i don't know if i like this one or not but i hope it suits your taste :)
warnings: angst with a fluffy ending
mha masterlist
hq masterlist
requesting rules
prompt list for haikyuu requests pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
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He has to lose what he has to realize that it couldn't be more perfect. You could take a lot of his personality but when it never stops and he never seems to open up for you it has to stop. It takes him time to realize that he's not just playing around with you, and that your absence affects him more than he thought.
You had given him a final chance. Two times. He had stood you up two times. Once was more than enough to make you feel embarrassed. But two just made you feel stupid. The only reason you stayed with him is because when you were actually together it felt so nice. It seemed like he cared about you enough to deserve that final chance. Yet here you were, in the rain, and Atsumu was nowhere to be seen. You were just going on a simple café date, like you had before. The only difference now was that you weren't walking there together, leaving Atsumu with the responsibility to actually show up. You really wanted this to work, you knew that he was so much more than the show he put on. Clearly he didn't think the same. In your head were thousands of thoughts and malice comments that you wanted to say to him. You wanted to call him, but in the end decided against it. He got a simple three word text: You're a douche. The only thing you could do now was turn off your phone. You didn't want to go home, in case people would wonder why you came home so early. But you couldn't just walk around, it was raining way too much for that. You were stuck by the unused bus stop. No one would pass by, busses didn't drive there anymore and people wouldn't walk around there in the rain. Of course you could make your way to the café and call up one of your friends, but even though that text was so short it dragged all of your energy out of you. So you were stuck.
Atsumu was playing around with a volleyball in the gym. Practice had already ended. "Weren't you going on a date?", Osamu asked, ready to leave. "I cancelled.", he shrugged. "Did you tell her that?", Osamu asked but Atsumu wouldn't answer, "You know if you keep doing that you're really gonna regret it one day." "Whatever.", he sighed, "It doesn't matter." "It matters to her.", Osamu argued, "Y/N seems to really care for you, you won't find people who unconditionally love you like that a lot." "She doesn't-", Atsumu stopped and mumbled out the rest, barely audible. "Sure, whatever you say. All I know is that either she's still waiting for you in the cold or she's walked out of your life forever. Either way you're being an asshole.", Osamu pulled up his hood and got ready to walk out to the rain. "Watch it you-" Osamu had already left. The volleyball bounced a few times against the floor before eventually just rolling away. Maybe he had been an asshole. He should've at least told you that he wouldn't be going. Atsumu got out his phone to see a single text. You're a douche. It hurt more than he thought it would. He stared at the picture he had set as your profile picture on his phone. You had been going out for a few months. It had been fine but Atsumu had decided to distance himself as of late. Why, he didn't fully understand. No matter what you had still stuck by him and cheered him on. Like a good person. Like a good partner... God he was a douche. Atsumu grabbed his jacket and rushed out the door.
Twenty minutes had gone by. You were ready to leave, but were waiting for your face to turn back to normal again. It had gotten red and puffy, not only from your tears but the cold weather aswell. You got out your phone to check your face with the camera app. But as the screen lit up in front of your eyes you noticed that Atsumu had read your message. He hadn't even answered... You heard footsteps running toward you and you stared deeper into your phone so that they wouldn't see your face. Nobody ever walks here, of course that had to change today. The footsteps didn't walk past the bus stop. They actually stopped right in front of you. "You're still here?", it was Atsumu's voice. "It's too late.", you muttered, "Go away." Your eyes stayed on the read mark under your text. "Don't be like that, Y/N...", he sighed, "... c'mon, let's go. You'll catch a cold." "No, just leave me alone.", you put your phone in your pocket and kept looking down at your shoes. "Y/N-" "Why won't you just listen to me?", you cut him off and finally looked him in the eye. He had gotten wet from the rain, but he still didn't step into the bus stop. There was something in his eyes that you couldn't make out. Then again, everything had gotten a bit blurry when you saw him. "You do realize that you're the one that left me waiting out here in the rain?", you sniffled, "Don't even try to make up excuses. I told you that I wasn't going to do this anymore." "I know...", Atsumu sighed as he desperately tried to look for the right words, "... I should've... nevermind. I doesn't matter what I should've done. I know that playing around with your feelings was wrong, and I'm the last person who should say this but... I-" "'I can't see myself without you', yeah sure.", you sighed, "Your apologies won't make this any better you know?" "You're right.", he nodded, "I'm not good with emotions, okay? I'm really trying to say something but I don't know how." "Then just don't and leave me alone.", your words almost hurt yourself more than you thought it hurt him. "I just want you to know that I hadn't realized that I could feel this way.", he admitted, "I didn't come here because I thought it was an easy way out. Clearly it just made everything worse..." "Yeah. You did.", you felt your eyes start to water again, "So then why did you come here again? Why would you do that to me?" You started approaching him, making him back up until he couldn't go any further. He was backed up against a tree on the other side of the road. "Why would you do that!?", you yelled at him and hit his chest repeatedly, "Just leave me alone!" Atsumu didn't run away, he didn't leave you alone. Instead he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in closer, letting you cry against his chest. You had stopped hitting him as soon as you felt his warmth surrounding you. The sound of his fast-paced heart could be heard clearly through his chest and despite being in the rain for so long he was still warm. You cried to your hearts content while Atsumu made small circles on your back with his thumb. "I'm really sorry... I've been a douche.", he whispered, "I'll leave you alone, but not now. Let's get you home so that you won't get a cold, okay?" You hadn't ever heard his voice be this soft. It was as if his words could break you, even though saying those words broke him. "I don't really want you to go...", you admitted, "... I'm still mad at you, and I will be for a while... but I still want you to stay." "Then I'll be here for as long as you want." "I didn't mean it that way.", you leaned your forehead against his chest to fully avoid eyecontact, "I still have feelings for you... and I still would've even if you hadn't showed up at all. Logically I don't want you here anymore... but I don't want to let go." "So..." "Just stay... don't you dare get smug about it.", you said harschly. "I won't. Promise.", he put his head on top of yours. "You better promise to not bail on me again too.", you leaned back to look at him, "This was supposed to be your last chance." "I know, I know... I'll make it up to
you.", he said geniunely, "Promise." The weather started clearing up. As the clouds started getting more scarce the sun started peaking out. It made you feel warm... it also made you realize how drenched Atsumu actually had gotten. "Why didn't you take an umbrella?", you groaned, "You do realize that you can get colds too, right? Why won't you be more careful?" Atsumu let out a laugh and smiled at you. "Don't just smile at me!", you exclaimed and slapped his chest lightly, "You need to take better care of yourself! You're an athlete." "Yeah, yeah.", he said, "You're so naggy." "Well, I have a reason to be.", you huffed. Atsumu brought you back into his embrace again. As he breathed in he closed his eyes. This was safety. This was warmth. This was home. "I'm really sorry... I've been so stupid.", he muttered against the top of your head. "I told you your apologies wouldn't fix this, didn't I?", you sighed, "Just do better." "Yes ma'am!", he chuckled and stepped away from you. It would be a lie if you said you didn't miss his embrace, whether he was cold and wet or not. He held out his hand to you and flashed a bright, charming, smile. The sight before you could be compared to that of a happy dog that had just heard the word "walk" or "park". Even though he had hurt you it felt like it was worth it. You could be an idiot by accepting this, but then you'd just have to complain about it later. Right now it seemed like he wanted to change. "I'll take you home.", he said, "Maybe we could go out tomorrow instead, if the weather allows us." "Sounds nice.", you nodded and took his hand. And change he did.
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