#Attenborough WEF WWF Nature Biodiversity
dragontrailz · 4 years
David Attenborough - The Colonialist
More platitudes are being rained down on David Attenborough now that he’s finally beginning to notice the destruction of our planet and the consequence of climate change. Yet, a closer look at how he frames his arguments reveals many contractions. I find his late life pleading to be too little, too late. ‘Curbing excess capitalism’ - what does he even mean by that? What is he himself prepared to give up? Will he stop flying around the world lecturing us all about what we need to do? We need a new paradigm, reforming capitalism isn’t going to do anything. 
His latest Netflix film offers up a hugely oversimplified narrative. Notice how the World Economic Forum have been embedded into the narrative? It was noticeable that once he began talking about 'solutions’, the problem was immediately framed as overpopulation. There was no talk of economic growth, affluence, inequality, urbanisation or industrialisation driving the problem. One coherent solution, would have been to push for a ban on pesticides. Yet there was no mention of the impacts of agrochemicals have on biodiversity collapse.
Blaming overpopulation plays into EcoFascist narratives that lay the blame at regions like Africa, which have growing populations, but where per capita resource use is much lower than in the Global North. 
Attenborough’s other solutions? He mentions 'rewilding’, but this is another colonial agenda that's associated with land enclosure and prioritised usage for the privileged few.
Attenborough has spent his whole life trying to make nature look beautiful when all around him it was being destroyed. He’s now a spokesperson for WWF (who back his latest film) and (alongside Jane Goodall and Greta  Thunberg) the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WWF are associated with all sorts of wrong doing whilst supposedly protection of nature - land grabbing and displacing Indigenous people from their land being the most well documented.
The head of WWF International is Pavan Sudhek, one of the brains behind the financialisation of nature, that’s documented in the film, Banking Nature. In addition to land grabbing the film documents some of the latest scams such as biodiversity offsetting and species gene banking - the short selling of biodiversity that’s a death spiral for the fabric of life on earth. 
The WWF made another film recently, only in this film they platformed the banksters who want enable this deal for nature. You can watch the film here, decide for yourself what their agenda is
What else will magically reverse biodiversity loss and climate change? According to Attenborough, renewable energy. Again, this is populism, there’s no mention of the ecological impacts of metal mining or the resource constraints imposed by the limited amounts of critical metals.
The World Economic Forum aka the Davos set are at the heart of much of what’s gone wrong with processes at the UN level. They communicate their message via the big  NGOs, such as WWF and well known faces such as Attenborough. Recently, the biodiversity circus has been plain for all to see. As the UN conference played out a few weeks ago, figures such as Attenborough and Monbiot have once again been rolled out to lecture us on how things should be done by trying to make a case for protecting 30% of land in nature reserves.  
Much of what Monbiot, Attenborough and the rest say sounds good on the surface but doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Next year the banksters grand plan will be codified in Kunming, China where world leaders will be attempting to enacting a 'New Deal for Nature’. Like the UN IPCC COP process, the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) is likely to be a corporate captured horror show, with WWF, the Nature Conservancy and Greenpeace all dancing to the WEF’s tune. This is one of the most complex scams I’ve ever seen. A lot of people are going to be confused by this process and what it really represents.
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