happyliviin-blog · 7 years
I told myself so
I saw you at softball practice while you were at track. You ran and ran and would say hi to me between laps even though we never talked. I remembered you as the tall and very dark dude who was kinda weird. You'd come to my table at lunch and touch my hair and said you like it. Id even catch you staring at me in the cafe. I didn't ever say anything to you, but i told my friend about you. The weird dude. You got my snapchat and thats how it started. I was determined to be just friends, thats it. I told myself I would not get attached. I knew you lived in a different country and that you had a child, maybe even a girlfriend still. But look at me now. All those little conversations in the cafe, snap chatting all the time, seeing you at practicing, going into town just us and saying its not a date and “carrying” you to Walmart because you don't have a car here, it all added up. I caught feelings. 
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happyliviin-blog · 7 years
There it was
A good week ago i finished my first year of college and i loved it. Every minute, i did not regret it, even if i would of done anything to not go to practice. I miss every minute of it already. As J left, water welted in my eyes. As I left my Bahama “friend” without a kiss and just a friendly bye, i felt pain. Pain i wasn't going to show him, but just played it off. I was NOT suppose to be getting attached and that why he didn't kiss me. So i had to show him i didn't care. I simply left. I hit and miss his snaps too, but as I'm face timing him now...i just get this feeling. I put his hoodie on the other day bc i was freezing and that was the only thing i had and as i smelled it, i remembered him exactly. His nappy hair, goofy smile, always dancing, high pitched singing, and even sleeping with him naked. I miss it all, but its so easy to see that it can't last. I even find myself saying you aren't my type. But why is it hard? Bc i gave you my all? Bc I'm not trying to separate myself that much? But yes, college is over. I miss my friends and my own lifestyle. There was freshmen year. There it was.
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happyliviin-blog · 8 years
The Nights I Live For
Its the late Saturday nights, car filled with friends, music blaring to your favorite songs and your crush driving your car. Its the little things that make me smile. Going to the party and not being able to find it and having to run through a corn field. Being outgoing at the party and making a bunch of new friends. Having to pee behind a truck with you best friend x10 within an hour. Driving back home and holding your crushs hand. Having him admit that his retweet was about you. Knowing that he told his friend that were a thing. Sleeping with him and waking up to him shirtless. Watching videos the next morning of what happened last night and not remembering. I live for this kind of happiness.
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happyliviin-blog · 8 years
Real Life
You see all these funny stories i write which are real, but these aren't a typical night or serious feelings. Serious like how my mom is disappointed in me and how i stay at J’s house because my roommates have been annoying me(?) and how all these boys that I'm friends with think i talk to so many guys. I will explain myself.
Mom situation: My mom has been sending my messages about what I've been doing in college. I had no idea how she found out i slept with someone or that i went to a party and got completely drunk. She wouldn't even answer my calls for me to ask about it. When i went home yesterday was when i figured it out.  I left my iPad at home and she had been reading all my iMessages...so she knows everything and knows i wanna fuck Eddie lmao I left and got back to school last night thinking we were on a good page. My mom got me a new car and obviously she wouldn't let me have it if she were still mad but once i got settled into my dorm i realized she had logged back into my iMessages. I called her and we settled it again. We are trusting each other that i don't do bad things and that we leaves my iPad turned off.
J’s situation: My roommates go home every weekend and i like to never go home...haha sounds bad, but its true. Plus, my roommates don't do a lot besides go out with their boyfriends. I mean its fine that you stay home because school and softball everyday takes a lot out of you, but I'm not like that. Ive created a bad habit of staying up late with J to like 3am. Why do we stay up so late? We typically go to Marcell and Tonys house everyday/night. We just walk in and use their speaker and they won't notice we are there until they walk into their front room, but well chill in there and in Marcell and Tonys room.
I haven't updated you on Marcell: So we talked for a week and then he hated me is where i left off. Its been off and on ever since. I still want to be just friends and he is just now accepting that. The beginning of this week he argued with me saying,” i hate you, but i still care about you.” I forgot to tell you about this, but i stayed at his house Saturday when i partied because i was locked out of my house. This is how i knew he really still cared about me. I guess that night i also told him stuff about other guys so i found out why he hated me too. He still let me pass out on his bed though! Don't worry he didn't even touch in bed. Marcell and I are fine now. He still flirts with me, but i put him off. He’ll play around and say babe, but i ignore it. Haha, but I'm happy to be friends with him.
Im not a hoe: So not that a bunch of guys know that i talk to a bunch of guys or anything, but i feel that like my softball team thinks I'm a hoe. Not like a straight up hoe, but like a flirt? Like yes a lot of guys try talking to me and yes i talk to them, but i don't flirt back. I havent done anything with any guy here besides Marcell which was just a kiss and i was actually talking to him. I haven't had sex at all. Yes, still a virgin and people don't believe me lol. There is really only one guy i want here because I'm obsessed and thats Eddie. We still don't talk a lot either:( Saturday i guess i did message him and tell him I'm obsessed though! Haha turnt Aubry needs to stay away from her phone. He knows how i feel and he's chill about it. Im glad everything is out in the open though now.
Sorry for not writing in awhile and blowing up feed with so much stuff that has happened.
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happyliviin-blog · 8 years
Typical College Saturday
Last Saturday it was J and I hanging out again. This is when i just started staying the night over there. I had stayed over there for 7 nights in a row....till i drove back home and when i came back i had to stay in my dorm because we had curfew because of having a softball game the next day. Anyways Saturday night there was a party at the typical guys house and of course we went. We first told the two guys from my last post they could pregame with us. Their names are Ronnie and Dom btw. So it was just J and I at first until we heard a loud bang on the door and the door swung open and the two little white boards we have on the door fell off. I went to get the door and it was two guys just standing at the bottom of the stairs. They told us to come down, but i shut the door and locked it! They left, but later we found out who it was. Once Ronnie and Dom came over the drinks we had were gone! Haha and they also brought two others guys. This was boring so we all walked to the party house. This guy who was holding the party was the one who banged on our door!! HE WAS SO GONE. Since softball is strict about getting caught at a party and stuff, we only stayed for like 20min and then walked to J’s duplex. This is where the real turn up happened. Its one of those you had to be there situations, but other roommates were over and Ronnie and Dom came over. Someone was sick so they tried to put all of us to bed. The boys, J and i were all laying down and Ronnie got up and threw up in the bathroom! Dom cleaned it up and i guess it was Ronnies first time drinking...later we found out Ronnie has a girlfriend and Dom tried to talk to another girl so now we aren't trying to be anything with them, besides friends. They are both super cute, but we say yeet to them. There are too many fuckboys in the world.
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happyliviin-blog · 8 years
Lamest Friday
Last Friday was the most boring Friday of my life. All my roommates went home and all my friend Julisas roommates went home also. So Julisa and i just hung out in her room all night listening to music. We would get so bored that we took like 4 walks just around campus waving and saying hi to people we didn't know. Thats what i love about my school. Everyone is so friendly and talking to strangers is normal. You can walk into someones dorm who you don't know and they'll be cool with it. Anyways, one time J and i went walking at like 12am and these two cute boys, we knew who they were and talked about them, had said hi and to let them know when we got back. So we got back to J’s duplex and told them we just got back. They came over and were super chill and stayed for like 30min just talking about who they were. Once they left they both gave us a hug and said they'd be back to watch a movie with us sometime. When they left we freaked out and fell on the ground laughing. At this point we thought these new friends would evolve to something else...
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happyliviin-blog · 8 years
Ill Walk You Home
The other night i was walking around campus alone talking on the phone with Erin and Mackinzie. These two guys, from the Bahamas they said, came over to me and was talking to me and saying they'll walk me. I just said okay and kept walking when a car drove past and yelled, “Aubry, why are you talking to those guys?” I had no idea who it was until he came over to me. It was Marcells best friend, Tony. Tony was kind enough to tell the Bahama boys to go away and that i was on the phone. I can honestly say many guys have came up to me when i am by myself at night. Its not very fun either.
My heart melted. Why can't all boys be this kind? This is like stuff you'd see in the movies rather than the guys you see in the real world that are all man whores and think they're the shit.
Sorry for this baby rant.
Thanks Queen Bs
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happyliviin-blog · 8 years
Just now I realized I've had many firsts lately, such as this being my first post. I want to share my experiences and funny memories with you and my friends. Me and two of my closest friends made this account to keep in touch with each other and you're welcome to follow along! 
So I recently moved into my college dorm as a freshmen and its treating me well. I have a memory for the books from last night. My college has this app and this guy has been messaging me. He asked if we could hang out last night so I let him come over and meet my roommates and such. He stayed for awhile. The last thing we did was play Cards Against Humanity. Right after this he fell asleep and the rest of us got ready for bed. We were going to let him just stay here, but then we decided we should just wake him up. We don't know him very well so we were scaring ourselves. My roommate, Sam, went to see if he was still breathing because he had stopped snoring and right when she was by his face he turned towards her and woke up. Sam jumped up and sprint to our room. I was just dying of laughter and practically peed my pants. I think he felt bad he fell asleep, but he got this things, cleaned up and left. I messaged him after telling him sorry we didn't wake him earlier and he was chill about it. 
Here goes one of many funny nights.
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