#Aurelia Ridolfi
mistresstrevelyan · 5 years
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Me too, Cassandra, me too!
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mistresstrevelyan · 5 years
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mistresstrevelyan · 5 years
☆ - happy headcanon for Drusilla!
One of the happiest moments of Drusilla’s life is welcoming her sisters to Skyhold. Both Aurelia and Calliope visited her there while her father refused to take back disowning her. (Her mother later showed up as well, leading to the slow reunion of the entire family. Her father never reconciled with her though, his pride won’t permit it, Herald of Andraste or not, this makes him feel like the charge of heresy was even more deserved than before)
All three Trevelyan sisters gave soirees and performed together again (Drusilla missed singing outside the Chantry more than she knew), they have the greatest time performing Antivan folk songs. Like this one:
Both Aurelia and Calliope are excellent players of the virginals and lute, thus making little pieces like that heartachingly beautiful. Bull cried when she sang this btw. :P
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mistresstrevelyan · 6 years
OC Fact Meme: Nadja once got into a fight as a kid with another girl because the girl called her mother a witch which is ironic because [spoilers].
OH I love this! 
Aurelia (Drusilla’s middle sister who took her in after she was sentenced and disowned by her father) is basically diplomatic Hawke x 10 but when someone called Drusilla a fraud and a heretic within earshot she nearly let her blades do the talking. She’s not proud of it but Drusilla means the world to her and she’ll fight anyone who insults her because that’s just who she is. 
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
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Drusilla truly has an attractive family, doesn’t she?
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
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Introducing Aurelia Ridolfi, nee Trevelyan, sister to Calliope and Drusilla Trevelyan. 
I mean, I’ve already introduced her before but now I’m beginning her playthrough and thought some refresher Meta might be helpful. Aurelia is the second eldest of the Trevelyan sisters and the only one who chose to wed in the Rhia ‘Verse. Known as La Bella Aurelia throughout the Free Marches, she wed Lord Rodrigo Ridolfi of Antiva, second son of the Conte di Ridolfi, in 9:24 of the Dragon Age. 
Aurelia is far less devout than Drusilla and more of an open romantic (Rodrigo’s last anniversary gift to her were a couple of white peacocks, she was over the moon, she LOVES grand gestures like this), meaning that she’s far less inclined to believe she’s Andraste’s Chosen than Drusilla was. In this AU she would still be married and have her four children (In fact, she becomes pregnant with her fifth child, Emilia Susanna, during the last few weeks of the war against Corypheus) at Skyhold. 
Does that completely exclude romance? Well, not quite. But you’ll have to wait for for Meta posts to find out. Anyone in particular you want her to romance? She was your chosen Inquisitor, so I’m curious!
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
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She’s had a really, really bad day. I also really like using these jammies on her vs. the red ones for Drusilla. It’s a lovely connection. But the poor dear needs a hug. (Unlike Drusilla, she’s terrified out of her wits here)
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
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My Inquisitor has such an attractive family. <3
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
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Something that occurred at the Temple, or so Varric says in his book:
Varric: Copper for your thoughts, Glowy One?
Aurelia: I wonder where it’ll land.
Varric: Where...what will land?
Aurelia: The arrow I am planning to shoot up the Breach. Think it’ll land in the Fade?
Varric: No idea. Chuckles?
Solas: The Fade is no laughing matter, it is in fact....
Aurelia: Varric, if we get out of this alive, remind me to never ask him about anything ever again.
~~~~~~~Two Years Later In Trespasser~~~~~~~
Aurelia & Varric: Well, shit.
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
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Meet the Trevelyan Family: Aurelia Ridolfi, nee Trevelyan.
Known as La Bella Aurelia all over the Free Marches, Bann Antonio’s middle child wed Lord Rodrigo Ridolfi, second son of the Conte di Ridolfi of Antiva in 9:24 of the Dragon Age. Their main residence outside of Antiva City is Rodrigo’s mansion at Tantervale where they spend the summers with their four children: Bianca, Licia, Elisabetta and Valerio. 
She also happens to be the only of the surviving Trevelyan children to be married before the Breach.
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mistresstrevelyan · 4 years
OC tidbits
I was tagged by the lovely @brialavellan​ (I’m honoured, you are one of my fandom HEROES) and without further ado, here is my Inquisitor, Drusilla Trevelyan:
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“By feeling their pain, I protected myself from my own.” (Anne Triutt)
Full name: Drusilla Flavia Trevelyan
Race: Human
Gender: Cis female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her 
Family:  Bann Antonio Trevelyan (Father), Lady Lucette Trevelyan (Mother), Calliope Trevelyan (Sister) Aurelia Ridolfi nee Trevelyan (Sister)
Birthplace: Wycome in the Free Marches
Job: Sister Agnese of the Chantry (Former. She was convicted of heresy, treachery - She had concealed her extremely weak magic using an enchanted circlet - and defying Chantry law. Thus convicted she was publicly defrocked by her abbess and declared anathema. Had her sister not taken her in, she would have died), Inquisitor, Mystic of Andraste, Priestess of the reformed faith (Vivienne reinstated her after becoming Divine)
Phobias: Giant spiders and Spell Purge. After the Templars tortured her with this ability, she is triggered by it. As in badly triggered. As in Cullen got an earful first time he suggested using it at Haven.
Guilty pleasures: Singing, swimming
Morality alignment: Lawful Good
Sins: Lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
Virtues: Chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized 
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious
Agreeable / Disagreeable
Cautious / Reckless
Patient / Impatient
Outspoken / Reserved
Leader / Follower
Empathetic / Un-empathetic
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Traditional / Modern
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: ‘Drusilla/Blackwall (OTP: Sacred and Profane), Drusilla/Vivienne (OTP: Ti conosco e ti amo)
OT3: None
BROTP: Drusilla/Varric, Drusilla/Josephine, Drusilla/The Iron Bull
NOTP: Drusilla/Solas (Post Trespasser)
Tagging everyone who wants to do it!!!
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mistresstrevelyan · 6 years
♥ & ☮️ for your DA ladies
♥ - family headcanon
For Rhiannon I want to mention a family headcanon NOT tied to Highever but to the family she has after the Fifth Blight. Her daughter Teleri Esclarmonda was very much a lucky and unexpected blessing. Rhia had worked with Avernus to undo the Joining prior to the Calling after having reclaimed her identity as Lady Cousland. The infertility was one of the first things that came undone. She conceived and miscarried several times, Teleri however she carried to term and gave birth to at Skyhold. This is her all grown up, a candidate to Ferelden’s crown: (Anora & Eluned prepped her and her Cousland & Mac Tir heritage only adds further to her claim. The Theirins are no longer what people think of when they think of Ferelden’s sovereign) 
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Her mother’s hair, her father’s endless love of animals as well as his patience for them and the sweetest smile in all of Skyhold.
Desideria actually makes an effort to Friend Carver because after losing both her father and Bethany she clings to her family as tightly as she can. Even moreso after Leandra’s death. Legacy really helped them to grow closer and she is insanely proud of him being a Grey Warden under the Heroine of Ferelden’s command. Other than that, she has often used her Amell connections to her advantage. (Desideria is extremely ambitious and has no shame in that regard) She even pulled a Thorn Birds with Sebastian (Except that she married him) Her first child with Sebastian is Madeleine “Maddie” Vael, Princess of Starkhaven. 
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Drusilla Trevelyan was taken in by her sister Aurelia Ridolfi nee Trevelyan after having been declared anathema and a heretic by the Chantry (With a very public humiliating defrocking by her mentor) and it was this that led to a great quarrel in the family because their father, Bann Antonio Trevelyan, had disinherited Drusilla and didn’t want to lose Aurelia as well. The eldest of the three sisters, Calliope Trevelyan, often played peacemaker but it wasn’t until the Inquisition made it to Skyhold that the Trevelyans OFFICIALLY supported it and Drusilla as her Lady’s Herald. It’s a messy situation that I’d like to explore further during the DA4 timeline. (Whenever that game comes!)
☮️cooking/food headcanon
Rhia is a miserable cook. If Alistair provides charred rabbit, her pottage isn’t much better because she cooks it for too long (Her mind always wanders). Morrigan nearly set her on fire once for ruining a batch of olives they’d found in an abandoned garden. (She used them to spice up her pheasant stew) She tries to get better at it but after several failed attempts the party relieve her of cooking duty and have her on guarding duty instead. (Her being an insomniac played right into that)
Desideria on the other hand loves being cooked for and to cook for people. First thing she did after buying the mansion was hiring a cook. From Orlais. That caused quite the ruckus. But ofc everyone and their Mom wants to borrow the cook for their festivities after being invited to one of the Champion’s banquets. She usually agrees with it and the fee goes 100% to Jurian, the cook. Orana joins the household as Jurian’s apprentice and his kindness in addition to Desideria’s affection really helps her blossom past Hadriana’s abuse and cruelties. Orana eventually becomes an independent master cook, some of her pupils cook at Halamshiral for Empress Celene. (And work with Briala)
Drusilla is mainly indifferent when it comes to cooking except for Grandmother Floria Trevelyan’s Satinalia treats made of cinnamon and nutmeg. Floria supports Drusilla through ALL her hardships, in utter defiance to the Chantry as well as her own son. But the matriarch’s word goes further than that. Floria visited Skyhold once, in her eighty-second year, and baked treats for her favourite granddaughter one last time. She gently passed a week later and had her pyre in Skyhold’s rose garden, as she had requested in her recently altered will. Drusilla inherited the recipe and keeps it as a treasure.
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
Introducing Tiziana Trevelyan aka Mother Juliana
Now, this is the first DA OC of mine whose entire family and circumstances are created by me, so let me start with the most influential family member, her youngest aunt, Tiziana Trevelyan aka Revered Mother Juliana, abbess of the cloister Drusilla ends up in at Wycome.
First, an image of the lady, as she is during the DAI timeline:
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This is her faceclaim, the unforgettable Gladys Cooper. Tiziana is the youngest sister of Bann Antonio Trevelyan, as such, she was pledged to the Chantry at a very young age. Unlike Drusilla however, Tiziana rebelled against this decision and it wasn’t until Antonio’s father, the late Bann Enzo Trevelyan, threatened her with being disinherited and ousted from the family that Tiziana complied and began her novitiate aged 16 in 9:01 of the Dragon Age. This whole affair imparted a sense of impregnable discipline and order to her, a near obsessive need to enforce the rules and not let anything slide. This was, in part, due to no mercy being shown to her free spirit, however, it did not make her cruel or vicious....just extremely withdrawn and devoted to her work. She made her Eternal Vows at the very young age of nineteen, something unheard of in the Chantry in most parts of Thedas:
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Following her Eternal Vows, Tiziana requested to serve at Wycome, a request that was granted within days, as the cloister there was in dire need of someone as devotedly efficient as her. She became Mother Juliana at the age of twenty-four and abbess before turning twenty-seven in 9;12 of the Dragon Age. Meaning that she has been abbess for almost as long as Drusilla has been alive. Tiziana adored her little niece, spending a great deal of time with her to make sure that her story wouldn’t be a repetition of her own. Tiziana was also Drusilla’s first teacher (Philosophy, music, meditation, prayer, theology) to prepare for her novitiate. Drusilla admired her aunt greatly, to her young eyes there could be no holier, no more devout woman than Mother Juliana, a shining example she took to heart every day.
Dark clouds came when Drusilla realised that there wasn’t just a lot of bitterness behind the pious exterior but also a spreading sense of envy the older woman felt due to Drusilla having found peace, joy and delight both in being a Sister (At the time) and in her bond to her beloved Lady. Drusilla’s way of “claiming” Andraste that way struck Tiziana as irreverent, bordering on the heretical. She tolerated it however, due to the fervour of youth she felt she’d lose soon enough. After all, she herself did, why would Drusilla prove any different? But Drusilla’s devotion remained, her bond to her Lady as close and as devoted as ever. Drusilla made no secret of it and while several of her fellow younger sisters loved her for living her faith so openly, it also gained her a lot of negative scrutiny. Tiziana had thought she would have to save her from her own fate and when that turned out to be an unfounded idea, both resentment and envy undermined their close relationship. Don’t think that Drusilla was a hapless victim in all of this though. Drusilla scorned Tiziana’s traditional worship and judged her for being miserable where she, Drusilla, was both content and at peace. 
Things came to a head when Drusilla was denounced as a secret mage and the Chantry used that to not only convict her of treachery but snatched the opportunity to accuse her of heresy, perversion of doctrine and conspiring with her peers to spread her misguided interpretations of Andraste’s teachings. Drusilla was put in solitary confinement under guard by Templars who were instructed to blast her with Spell Purge every full hour while Tiziana, aka Mother Juliana, led the Council of Mothers who tried and sentenced Mother Agnese, aka Drusilla Trevelyan. It was Tiziana who spoke the verdict as well as carrying out the public defrocking of her exhausted, tortured niece. Drusilla was then handed over to her sister Aurelia Ridolfi and her husband Rodrigo.
What happened to these two who were once inseparable family? There’s more to say, especially Tiziana’s reaction to the Herald Of Andraste business and ofc her becoming Inquisitor. Let me know if you want to know more. And here’s a picture from happier times:
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@untilstarsfall This might interest ya.
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
Drusilla Trevelyan, quick facts and family pre Inquisition
Full name: Drusilla Flavia Trevelyan
Date Of Birth: Bloomingtide 1st, 9:08 of the Dragon Age
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches (Without heels)
Eye colour: Silver blue
Hair colour: Dark brown with a brunnette glint in certain light
Marks, tattoos, scars: Several beauty marks on her neck. A scar across her face from a bout against a would be assassin. The blade was poisoned, leaving the scar more prominent that it would otherwise have been. (She still can’t have hot drinks without her lips stinging) No tattoos.
Face Claim: Polly Walker
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Parents: Lady Lucette Cecilia Trevelyan, nee de Montespan (She is half Orlesian) & Bann Antonio Flavio Trevelyan
Siblings: Lady Calliope Trevelyan (Sole Heir and current Head of House Trevelyan) - Born Drakonis 4th, 8:99 of the Blessed Age, Lord Giulio Trevelyan - Born Harvestmere 12th, 9:03 of the Dragon Age - Died Firstfall 24th, 9:30 of the Dragon Age (Victim of the Blight), Lady Aurelia Ridolfi, nee Trevelyan, Born Harvestmere 7th, 9:06 of the Dragon Age 
Family Home: 
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Career: She completed 4 years as a lay sister at the age of twenty-two. Her novitiate ended two years later when she took her vows and became Sister  Agnese at the Cloister Of Our Lady in Wycome. She finally made her Eternal Vows at the age of twenty-nine in 9:38 of the Dragon Age at the same cloister. Rather than choosing a life solitude and contemplation, Drusilla became an active priestess, singing the Chant, hearing confessions, celebrating weddings, leading prayers at funeral pyres and name days and so forth. And then things went horribly wrong. Several circumstances led to her extremely weak magic being exposed, leading to a trial and the Chantry stripping her of her titles and declaring her both anathema and a heretic. While her family name provided her with security when it came to a death sentence, Bann Antonio disavowed all knowledge of her, believing her to be the latest manifestation of a family curse.
Motto: While she acknowledges the Trevelyan family motto, she has always had her own as well. It is: Nam Amor Dominae Meae, meaning For The Love Of My Lady.
@osunism This might be of interest to you. <3
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