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cyanide-latte · 4 months
Get to know my TWST OCs pt. 1
"What Are They Twisted From?"
Figured maybe doing a series of posts like this would help friends and mutuals get to know my OCs better!
(I'll also throw in some of the other characters aside from my main boys, given they're also important, even though I've not mentioned them much!)
Copper Benoit: Though this wasn't originally my intention, Copper wound up being a double twist! Initially he was a twist of Penny from The Rescuers and this remains set in his backstory and aspects of his appearance and design, as well as how he interacts with others early on. But during a lot of the brainstorming process with my wanting to incorporate elements of Penny continually finding so much pirate treasure during her captivity, I realized that a lot of his development took a totally different turn, and ultimately he becomes a twist of Captain Barbossa from the PotC movies.
Mr. Gorgania Stone: Copper's abusive captor, twisted from Madame Medusa from The Rescuers
Mr. Hiram Lurk: Stone's lackey, twisted from Mr. Snoops from The Rescuers
Augustus & Octavian: Stone's pet alligators (nicknamed Gusty and Tavie by Copper,) twisted from Brutus & Nero from The Rescuers
Old Flynn: an elderly cat beastman who worked at the orphanage where Copper spent his early years of his life, twisted from Rufus from The Rescuers
Wei Renqiao: while some details will be subject to adjustment and fine-tuning as I continue to do research and study appropriately, WRQ is twisted from Shan Yu from Mulan!
Wei Xinyi: the bigender/genderfluid older cousin of WRQ and fellow community leader, Xinyi accidentally wound up being a twist of Fa Mulan from Mulan! Happened before I realized it and honestly I like it too much to not just embrace it.
Wei Gang: the uncle of both Wei Renqiao and Wei Xinyi and fellow community leader with them, he has aspects twisted both from The Emperor of China and the First Fa Ancestor from Mulan
Hé: a young dragon secretly being raised by the Wei family, Hé is inspired by the Great Stone Dragon that was accidentally broken by Mushu with personality elements from Cri-kee (though they can shift to travel size for convenience~) from Mulan
Chrysanthos Shroud: while I think it's safe to say that all born members of the Shroud family have aspects of Hades in them (which is such a huge part of why I love them and I wouldn't have them any other way,) a great deal of the snappier aspects of Chrys's personality and his vulnerability issues are twisted from Meg from Hercules. Chrysanthos; his friends call him "Chrys", at least they would if he had any friends.
Ilias Shroud: Chrys's father, twisted from The Fates from Hercules
Kallisto Shroud: Chrys's mother who married into the family, twisted loosely from The Muses from Hercules
Debating whether to do OC nicknames from Floyd and Rook and the reasons behind them next, or whether to go over Signature Spells/Unique Magic for each character next.
The Anatole Siblings: more recent OCs, these three are twisted from the kittens from The Aristocats
Taglist: @tixdixl @ramshacklerumble @inmateofthemind @changeofheart69 (I know y'all already know the majority of this but still) @blithesharem @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @snailsrneat
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More Sivvus things
- Values politeness, etiquette, propriety.
-Has a weakness for people who are an absolute hot mess even though it drives him up the wall
- Pride, Vanity, Ego are all things he embodies that could be described as faults
- Believes he is selfish and self serving, and is- UNLESS he's loyal to you. If you're under his skin, he's incredibly dedicated
- Obsession with order and control
- Very physically sensitive, considers it rude to touch him without permission but won't hesitate to summon his vines and restrain or control you/move you without care for /your/ consent, should he see it warranted to do so (and he often does)
- Not great with other people's emotions or his own. Will judge you for your outbursts
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uldren-sov · 5 months
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@plushchimera "she does not want comfort nor seeks it from her friends" 🥲 (I'm gonna blame Seven!)
Listen I wanted to answer this here bc it might get a little long lolol
or at least it's not all seven's fault lolol
It more has to do with her coping mechanisms and like her view of her place in the band, plus like things that have just like, never changed with her.
Despite not like really needing a lot of comfort because she already has like proven to herself that she can manage on her own, survive on her own, through Seven leaving. It's a huge boost of her self-confidence. AND she was never really that level of open or vulnerable with anyone but Seven. So, it's not as though she like closed herself off from her friends when Seven left, they were never just in that position to begin with.
NOW throw all the responsibility and her position as leader on top of that so that there's even less incentive to rely on the band for things she might see as needing to be her problems (and ONLY her problems.)
Does she default into older, bad, habits? YEAH PROBABLY. But that just comes from a shitty childhood rather than Seven leaving. It's just a mix of her perception/responsibility of being the leader, people relying on her to work, bad coping habits stemming from her loneliness and isolation when she was younger, ............... AND OKAY YEAH MAYBE A LITTLE BIT OF SEVEN'S BULLSHIT.
nevermind i'm blaming seven too
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scribbledquillz · 1 year
Ravka walks into a tavern. What does she do first?
Shots shots shots!
Revka isn't one to like drawing unnecessary attention to herself, even before earning the Hero of Ferelden title. It's as much a personal preference as it is a holdover from her life in the alienage - a quiet elf that keeps their head down is a safe elf. She's also learned a great deal of caution thanks to the happenings during the Blight, assassination attempts and a particular former Crow's influence on her. Zevran would have made certain she knows how to read any room she walks into, spot any potential concerns and know her best way out in a worst case scenario.
So the first thing Revka would do in an unfamiliar tavern would be to find her way to a table out of the way in a less densely occupied part of the room, but still with a handful of strangers around to offer a little cover. Preferably one near a window that would be wide enough for her to fit through she could reach in a handful of strides. She sits and watches the room. She takes note of all the doors that lead in and out, whether it seems like they lead to other rooms, the kitchen, a closet and which ones would be best used if something were to happen and she couldn't reach the main door. She watches the people next. The ones in leathers or other armor are noticed most easily ofc, but she makes a point to give every patron a look over, watching for the signs Zevran taught her of hidden weapons beneath fabric or tucked into a boot, as well as the overall feel of the room. Are things lively and jovial, or does the air feel tense?
Once she knows who she should keep her eyes on, if anyone, as well as a basic idea of where her best exits are should they be needed, she lets herself settle in and relax. Drinks come next, though how many and how strong depends entirely on how things around the hall look. (If everything is calm and untroubled, THEN it's time for shots lol)
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inevitablemoment · 5 months
Gonna be honest about Cathleen... she can be a selfish bitch at times.
I say this as her creator-- Bless her heart, but she can be a vain, calculating monster.
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mistresstrevelyan · 1 year
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New DAII Headcanon: Desideria Hawke learned how to shapeshift from Malcom before he passed. This is her preferred form. Look, she’s vain AF, ofc she’ll choose this. She can also infiltrate the Winter Palace this way!!
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thedegu · 7 months
some thoughts about ale (my oc)
god so ale, love of my life, blorbo of all time. one thing I want to talk about dearly with them is their issues of identity. now due to backstory stuff, they've considered themself dead for the past decade, give or take a year or two. because the person they were before someone tried to kill them and the person they were after are just, to them, completely different beings.
Now they are a binder (a 3.5 class that I highly recommend), meaning they bind to vestiges. Small bits of power from powerful dead beings such as gods, heroes of the past, liches, and fiends, to name a few. Now, part of that is that whatever vestige (lets say Naberious) they bind to takes a ride inside their body. so that the vestige can have something like being alive again. Not in the driver's seat, mind you, but having some influence on Ale and their interaction in the world- it isn't a one-way thing.
With ale being at 9th level, that means they can bind to two vestiges. so inside their body, they have their own soul plus two temporary, passengers. only echoes of these once powerful beings but very much present.
So functionally, ale has three souls inside their body. well, actually they have five; due to story reasons and magic item finds, they are permanently bound to two additional vestiges. one who is just a tiny echo, barely there but still providing some amount of power, and Delvar-nar, who is just a guy that ale can speak to and get advice from. Delvar-nar is fully within ale's body (heh) and a terminate fixture to the meatsuit.
Ale's soul, the one that they thought was their own. is actually a reincarnated hero from another multiverse who chose to be in this current world to save it like they saved their previous home. Now, this previous incarnation, Acamapichtli, ale considered a completely separate person from themself, but they are getting more and more memories filtered into their head from their time as this great hero that those lines are being blurred.
ale presents themself with a very strong personality (16 cha). They fill up rooms with their presence and let people know who they are. they are never Not 100% themself, even when one of the vestiges they've bound to is trying to take control. mostly because they are afraid that if they slip even slightly, they will lose their grip on who they are, they will be lost entirely.
which, depending on the day of the week, might not be the worst thing ever. like if one of the vestiges takes complete control, or Acamapichtli, turns out to be a completely different person, well, its not really Ale's problem anymore. not exactly a win-win as ale likes existing and generally prefers that, but its a 70/30 thing, and if it does happen then so be it-- it won't be their problem.
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haganez · 2 years
I LOVE UR OCS DESIGN!! id love to hear about them!
this teres they are a undercover freako. jist is just they got tired of waiting to be saved and just started hurting people and that has worked so far for them also its fun. revenge is good and being petty is always an option
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thiefbird · 1 year
OK I'm actually putting my Thoughts about Dirthail in a real post instead of just tags bc I had a breakthrough on his character development in the tags of my last post.
Dirthail, when we first meet him in the Brecilian Forest, is aggressively anti-human. He and Tamlen kill the humans who found the ruin without a second thought. It's not the first time he's killed shems, not at all, but it's the first time it's had distinct negative consequences for Clan Sabrae(we know that the effects are the same whether he kills them or not, but in game, he's caused a great deal of danger to his clan).
He loses Tamlen, the first person he's ever loved, because of those shem, and he blames them for it. And he blames Duncan, too! Duncan should have found Tamlen, not him. Duncan should hexes looked harder for him.
And then Duncan, despite his rage and hatred, recruits him. Saves him from the Taint. On their hike to Ostagar, Duncan lets him rant and rave about anything and everything, and he listens. He listens to what Dirthail says, and takes his concerns seriously.
He expects to be looked down on by the Wardens for his ears and his vallaslin, but there are other Dalish among them, who are seen as equal to the human or dwarven Wardens.
The Wardens die. He meets Morrigan, who is human but knows Dalish magic, who is as bewildered by shem society as he is. He gets close to her, to Alistair, even to Leliana to some extent. They're not just shem to him now, they're people. And his hardline, all shem can die stance softens, a lot, because these people he loves are shem, too.
Dirthail, as we meet him at the beginning of Origins, would join Fen'Harel for the promise of elvhen liberation, and he wouldn't even blink at the idea of it killing all humans. That almost makes it more tempting, to him.
But by the end of Origins and beginning of Awakening, he wouldn't. He was willing to sacrifice himself to save Thedas, despite everything, and having done it, he isn't willing to throw that away. He's gotten Ostagar for the Dalish, he's gotten an Alienage turned into a Bannorn with an elf as the Bann. Things are getting better.
I'm not saying this is necessarily a good thing in his development(oppressed people don't need to soften their radical politics to be good people!!), but I've been trying to figure out why the way I write Early Dirthail and Late-game/Awakening Dirthail are so different from each other while still definitelythe same chara, and I've figured out why!
It's interesting, bc most of my Wardens get hardened by becoming a Warden, similarly to how you can harden Leli or Alistair, but Dirthail was actively softened by it.
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aela-targaryen · 1 year
Writing currently, and although my fic and its main character Nomasaki (OC) is a tragedy... the true tragedy is her parents, Kyo and Mikomi. Particularly Kyo, her father.
Think about it.
Imagine meeting the love of your life and having to leave after your daughter is born because your best friend's crazy advisor signed your death warrant. You then live the next 17ish years in exile believing they're safe, only to find out when you're released that the village was actually destroyed. Oh, and your wife is dead. Also, you're only free because there's a war for the fate of the world. And when your daughter finally meets you, she thinks you abandoned her because you thought she was born a monster. But that's not all - your wife is brought back as a lifeless zombie by the ones who started the war and near kills your daughter, forcing you to help defeat the woman you once loved. And then you get a tree through the leg and have a permanent limp because of it.
Mikomi, her mother, on the other hand... was born to the head family of her clan. Her parents died of a fever, leaving her as the last Yamamori at sixteen. Imagine living alone in your clan's huge empty house, picking herbs, hunting in the wilds, and avoiding the villagers because they think you're the literal embodiment of the village's downfall. At eighteen, you meet the love of your life by chance and have a whirlwind romance. You have your daughter, but your husband leaves for your family's safety. He tells you he'll return. Years go by, and he does not come back. Melancholy sets in. Your daughter grows and asks where her father is, but you can't bring yourself to answer. She begins to learn the cruelty of the world, and you try to teach her how to survive in that world. But you get sick. You end up on your deathbed and your grieving 10-year-old won't stop crying. You want to cry, too, because you don't want to abandon her. And then you die. But then you wake up during a war, but you have no control over your new form. You are forced to kill your daughter, who has grown into a shinobi. You end up killing her guardian - your summon from your old mortal life, but it was his sacrifice. You come face to face with your love after all these years, but it's only to say goodbye.
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Hi folks,
I don’t write personally very often; still, I wanted to take the time to say it’s good to be formally back after a time of being off-grid. 
The pandemic has been, to put it mildly, excruciating on all of us to some degree in multifaceted ways.
Like many of us, I quite abruptly experienced deep loss during that time.
Loss of the worst kind; a parent. My father.
The man who took me out in the woods, taught me to appreciate nature, stories, hard work, education, love.
You know a loss is truly profound when the quiet in your life is deafening.
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That's the truth of the weight of grief; I simply survived. Not thrived, but survived.
During that time there was no writing, no painting, no time spent in the woods. 
I didn’t -- or more aptly, couldn’t -- post this year about Father’s Day. 
And that’s OK. 
Lately, I’ve been forgiving myself for not being OK; trying to give myself that empathy I so often extend to others and yet so seldom offer myself.
Truthfully, it is still hard to get my head around the fact that I cannot simply pick up the phone and hear his voice with the simple push of a few buttons. 
But it’s OK not to be OK sometimes. It’s OK to be vulnerable. And it is OK to start putting your life back together whenever you can, however you can, crumb by crumb.
One thing I am sure of is, I was so lucky to be loved. And dad truly loved my art. 
He always cherished my insane doodles, painted my room walls white as a kid so I could draw on them, and he often made doodle requests. 
It’s time I let myself get my joy back, one doodle at a time.
So here is to new beginnings, and here is to the rebirth of old flames kindling. <3
I love you, dad -- and thanks for being in my corner every time. 
I know you still are. 
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-  A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
GIF Source: hekate1308
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About Sivvus! For roleplay and ask purposes
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Q: since he's a virgin, does that mean we have to be respectful
A: absolutely not. Please objectify the man. You can be as disrespectful as you want
Q: what's his sexuality
A: Sivvus is for everyone! He's potentially, possibly /capable/ of maybe any kind of partner. *shoves parchment lists of nearly humanoid monsters under the table while coughing* uh, anyway, no limits.
Q: Is he (insert any variety of neurodivergent)
A: if you vibe with him, you can absolutely have your interpretation! I'm not gonna verify anything though.
Q: does he end up with any one person?
A: he's designed FOR this blog, which means I'll ship him with multiple characters all in their own universe/AU. Sivvus really is for anyone whose interested, but I play him as he is so if he's a shithead or doesn't vibe please don't take it out on the author, I swear I'm nicer than he is 😅
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tamariasykes-art · 2 years
I decided to jump on the bandwagon of fan made item descriptions/ in game items for Elden Ring OCs. I don’t have a template for the actual meme and I haven’t been in a drawing mood for a very long time so I’ve decided to just write something. Might write more in the future because this is pretty fun!
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Rikimerr: Reedcutter
Former weapon of Rikimerr, a young Tarnished. A sturdy katana forged long ago in the distant Land of Reeds.
A reflection of its owner’s spirits, the blade too, was broken once struck by loss.
Scales primarily with Strength and Dexterity.
Rikimerr: Broken Pot Talisman
Throwing Pot crafted by Tarnished Rikimerr Once sealed inside were a variety of components, now they have either spilled out or clumped together
Greatly raises the potency of throwing pots but also decreases damage negotiation by a similar measure.
Riderrk: Sorcerers Staff
A handmade staff of dark wood, embedded with red and purple glintstone alike. Before the Shattering, such a creation would have been frowned upon by the Academy. Perhaps one day someone may recognize its brilliance.
Scales of both intelligence and arcane.
Riderrk: Gilden Ring
Ring made of steel, coated in layer of fractured gold and a socket now devoid of its clouded blue stone.  
A gift from Godrick the Grafted to his most trusted adviser.
“My dear lord, I do not want a ring of gold. Unlike your spirit and the lineage you stem from, it is weak and easy to bend. If you wish to gift me a ring, I ask that it be made from steel.”
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scribbledquillz · 1 year
*screeches in late* for the triangle questions:
Revka: of your greatest shames, which would you never voice aloud to either Ceral or Zevran?
Ceral: what is something you resent or dislike about your parents? (Again, something you wouldn't admit to Revka)
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
*screeching in equally as late with some angst* Bless you, Mo for making this possible 🙏 (answers given around the time of origins rather than inquisition like the others - Ceral is about 12 here)
Discomfort Rating: 10 out of 10
If she could stay silent, she would. But the words come unbidden, dragged up and free from her throat as though by line and hook with all the raw agony such things promise.
"Should have been me," she says, eyes gone distant. Hollow. "Should have been me who died. Mam, Da... Wouldn't have gone to such shit if they'd still been 'round."
And with that she stands, a black cloud storming toward the nearest door. The conversation is over, and anyone with decent sense would know it best to let lie.
Discomfort Rating: 8 out of 10
"I don't know." The young boy rubs a hand awkwardly at the nape of his neck. The way his eyes cast about the room to anything other than the asker's face makes his disquiet at the subject clear. "It's hard to dislike someone you don't really remember. And what I do... It gets blended together all wishy washy like. What was Mam and Da and what was Rev, you know?"
"I guess there's the letter, though. I, um. Found it in the house one day when Rev was out. Stuffed in a little nook near Rev's - theirs' at the time, I 'spose - bed. It was made out to Da, but I can't think he'd have hidden it from Mam. It was from the man he worked for. Messere Campisano, or something. He. He'd offered to take us from Denerim. All of us, not just Da. He had a home in Antiva, a manor with work for him and Mam and even Rev if she wanted it."
"We could've left. We could've gone somewhere else, but I poked 'round a little more with Rev - didn't let on just why - and she didn't know anything 'bout some letters or Antiva. Why'd they stay there? If we could all go, why didn't we leave for this other place? Maybe... Maybe if we had, things would be different. Better."
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gaia-mix-nicolosi · 3 months
There's a character list now
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mistresstrevelyan · 1 year
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Skyrim reimagined as a BioWare game. Also...these two are living rent free in my head, I downloaded this mod for shits & giggles...and then I caught feelings & now I am a mess...again. But a new Rhia ship...in her original universe? (Remember, she was originally from Tamriel. As an Imperial who became Nerevarine...look, it was insanely intense!) Skyrim!Rhia is named after Morrowind!Rhia and DA!Rhia is named after them...it's...yeah. Anyway, aren't they pretty?
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