#Aurora 001
docolives · 1 year
WHO: Livvy & @roryxmaddox
WHERE: Summer Bash & Carnival
WHEN: June/July, 2023
This was easily one of Livvy's favorite weeks of the year: everyone was running around in cut-offs and t-shirts, eating cotton candy, trying to win giant stuffed animals, just happy and having a good time. Herself included. And the only thing that could make the evening better was spying the brunette across the midway, breaking into a grin as she hurried over, not having had the chance to catch up with Rory in... god, it had been far too long, truth be told. There was so much between them, from childhood to the shared secrets of adulthood, and everything in between, and she was easily one of the closest friends that Livvy had, even now. Which meant that spending time with her at the carnival was always going to be a good time. "Rory, hey!"
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jaceeverett · 1 year
WHO: Jason & @roryxmaddox
WHERE: Cobblestone Cafe
WHEN: June, 2023
Boy, it hadn't taken long for it to happen. One moment, Jason was asking directions to Cobblestone, and next thing he knew, he was stopping in several times of week, either before work, after... sometimes during, if he ended up needing to run into town to stop by city hall or into the fire station. Always a black coffee, sometimes whatever baked good they had on special, just because he couldn't resist. Pulling open the door, he made his way inside, heading up to the counter with his hands in his pockets, pleasant smile on his face as he scanned the board. Pretending, as usual, that he needed to debate over what he was going to get, he noticed one of the baristas coming out of the back, seemingly done for the day, and glanced at his wrist, catching the time. "I'm just missing your shift today, apparently. Bad luck."
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resonette · 1 month
don't worry , god will forgive us .
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(   van helsing. accepting. )
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" you. "
the correction comes like sacrilege, almost. how brazen the flower maiden is when she looks at the goddess, casts her eyes upon her beauty, and still yet finds the bravery to correct her. it will get her punished, of this she knows, but she is not afraid. not she, who has looked upon the world and found it wanting. not her, who is responsible for the continued existence of her people. she is not yet princess, nor queen here, but she knows she is integral to this survival. they have made no mistake in ensuring that the flower maiden knows she will be sacrificed. that is why she must climb the foreseer's tower, seek his guidance, find a cure for her ailment before it is too late. before she dies, unable to help her people.
" our god will forgive . . . you. "
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" but what of me? there is no happy ending for me. i do not get to wed, nor bear children, nor see the beautiful flowers i spent ages of my life planting bear fruit or seed. and what of me, o aurora, for the only way for the rest of my people to carry on is when my blood is spilt? is that why ASTRA has cursed me in this way? is that why you have come to look upon me before i enter the foreseer's tower as so many before me have? i am going to die anyways; i would rather it be at the hand of a man who can present unto me the truth than be laid upon an altar to a god who refuses to look upon me? "
golden eyes tear up, here, wet and wanting like the most divine of waterfalls. it is like she is watering her garden, here, with the way the tears so freely streak down her cheeks, pale skin reddening with each breath the philean girl takes. her hands are overturned, her palms extended. if the goddess so much as wanted her to prostrate herself before her, she would, to prove her point. had the most beautiful of auroras chosen mankind? had there been another to finally, FINALLY , see what the flower maiden had begged for years , eons , lifetimes of seeing ?
" do you wish ASTRA'S forgiveness? because i do. i would throw myself to the wolves one final time if it mean ASTRA would end this hellacious cycle that has been thrust upon me. i cannot remember the lives that came before my own, yet i know they exist. i am dying, goddess, and i am scared. please - do not bar my path. please, o most beautiful aurora. let me find my truths, so that i might die knowing i did all i could. "
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loveofcharacters · 9 months
Kieran couldn't stop thinking about Aurora and the news he'd learned about William, about the event that destroyed their relationship. Their future. After she left, he'd let his emotions get the better of him. He yelled, he punched, he cried, he mourned the life he could have had all over again. After days of non-stop thinking, he'd decided, he wanted to end William. End him, once and for all. Impulsively, he was planning on storming to their headquarters and ending the man. When reaching inside his safe to grab his gun, when his fingers brushed up against a velvet box he'd forgotten about. The reminder was enough to know his plan was reckless. So when he left his apartment, he waited outside Aurora's apartment door instead. As he waited he pulled out the box and opened the lid to reveal the engagement ring he'd purchased. He sighed as he closed the lid and slipped the box into his pocket. Hearing the elevator ding, he looked up and rose to his feet at the sight of the blonde. "Ro, you can't avoid me for forever."
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dianaswhitney · 6 months
closed starter for @auroraxjackson location: cobblestone cafe
Diana always hated when her family wasn't the ones working the places they usually did around town. She found she usually got things free, but there were times like now at Stevie's cafe that the woman wasn't there and some new hire didn't know who she was. Leaving her stuff at home, she couldn't pay for her food and she rolled her eyes before looking at a woman at the table. "Hey! Would you mind paying for this? I promise I can pay you back. I just forgot my card and of course my cousin isn't here to spot me." Or just give her a free pass. "I swear I'm good for it."
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travisjackson · 8 months
closed starter for @auroraxjackson location: The Human Bean
It was the end of the school day and while Travis should've probably been heading home to grade some papers, he really wanted to get to the house he was building and throw all his time in that like he had been doing for the past several days. He was keeping his mind of things and keeping a low profile in his family so he hadn't paid much attention to the news of his niece being in town. He hadn't really seen her since she was a baby and even that was just pictures his parents showed off. He was curious about her, of course, but it wasn't something he just knew was going on right now with everything else happening in his life. So, he was there getting coffee before he would leave and seclude himself even more. He was waiting for his order so when he heard just his last name, he figured it was his. He went up and grabbed the cup before noticing a different first name and he turned around to see a woman standing there. "Sorry. I wasn't paying attention to what they called. Seems we have the same last name. You from here?" He asked and handed her the coffee.
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scarletsxnss · 1 month
@moondustlings for aurora and damien!
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they curl up on the backyard patio. wine bottles empty and wine glasses getting their use. good thing, too, since damien figured they looked expensive. everything in their home felt expensive. it was like a DREAM. he can't quite remember the life he had before the accident, but for some reason it felt like he couldn't have even imagined this. fabulous house, large backyard that's draped with artsy lights, and a STUNNING wife to spend time with. aurora was probably his favorite part of the entire fantasy.
he's been back from the hospital for a little over a month now. and every single day it felt like the two couldn't get their hands off each other—acting like a NEW couple. damien assumes it's because she's happy he survived, though when she tells him stories of their relationship, it never really sounded like there were any issues to begin with. 
with the wine melting into his system, damien hums and holds her close and softly pulls her lips to his. a tender kiss hightens the moment and quickly melts into something more than simply tender. before his kiss can get too FIREY, which their kisses tend to do, he pulls away slowly and bites his bottom lip. his glass is set to the side so his hand can confidently ROAM her body. specifically focusing on her ass.
"hey..." damien bit his lip. "i wanted to talk to you about something, but you have to promise you won't freak out on me." he holds onto her like he's SCARED she'll see him differently. after all, for him this relationship feels fairly NEW. after the accident, he just had to believe that there was TRUST here. but she did practically care for him through his entire recovery. so what's the worst that can happen?
"i'm not sure if i've talked to you about this in the past—obviously—but i've been having these strange... thoughts." his words stagger, like he's scared to let out the TRUTH. "we're very sexually PROGRESSIVE." damien speaks on facts before trying to gather opinions. "and i was just wondering how you felt about a little roleplay in the bedroom..?" for a moment his eyes flicker away, nervousness getting the better of him. he doesn't remember it much, but he likes to think this is how it felt like when he asked her out all those years ago.
"specifically—and this probably sounds crazy—what if we roleplayed as SIBLINGS..?"
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evelynrosewood · 3 months
𑁍❁༺ 𝑪𝑳𝑶𝑺𝑬𝑫 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 @auroraxjackson
Evelyn had spent the majority of last night in the company of a large glass of red wine and Ludovico Einaudi songs playing quietly in the background as she scribbled down notes she intended to sift through to hopefully form the next chapter of her book. What she had written seemed practically illegible to everyone else, but to Evelyn it was methodically arranged. It was colour coded, some things drawn in a table, some on a timeline, dialogue prompts scrawled in the corner, and so on. Her handwriting was usually incredibly neat (she could thank her mother for that), but she found just writing down whatever came into her head as fast as she could was far more efficient.
After waking up later and feeling like she might focus better in the company of other people, Evelyn packed up her notepad, pen, and laptop before heading down to Cobblestone Café, which had quickly become her favourite place to grab coffee and sweet treat. And that’s what she did: ordered a large black coffee and a cinnamon roll before making her temporary home in the corner of the café right by the window so that she could gaze out on to the street. Today seemed to be busy, both inside and out, and Evelyn was fortunate to have gotten the best seat in the house.
She was typing away, finally getting to a part of the novel she’d be wanting to write for a few weeks, when she noticed someone approach her, no doubt wanting to sit down at what seemed to be the only available spot left during the lead up to lunch.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Evelyn said, scrambling to move her things over to her side of the table. “I didn’t mean to take up so much space. Please, sit down. I don’t mind sharing the table.”
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xremus-lupinx · 4 months
where: honeydukes. who: aurora sinistra; @aurorasinistrax.
Remus' mind had been racing. One of his lesser qualities was that of being overly anxious. When left to his own devices he had a hard time keeping his head quiet. He often felt like the world was closing in on him. If it wasn't one thing it was another. This particular day his mind drifted to Aurora.
It wasn't that he didn't properly think about her but Remus tried to push thoughts of her away. He hadn't wanted their relationship to end but felt that he had to end it. He wanted to protect her from the war and felt that breaking up with her was the only way to do it. Then what does the witch do? One month later she aligns with the Order, putting herself in the line of fire. Remus couldn't forgive himself if anything happened to her.
Thinking about her led him to one of their special spots: Honeydukes. They were both fans of sweets and spent a lot of time in the store. It was like he could feel her there and he reveled in it. He allowed himself to wish she was with him but didn't know what he would do if she was. He had tried to keep his distance but the difficulty was off the charts. However, over the top of the chocolate frogs he saw the thing he had wished for. Aurora.
As if one of the chocolate frogs had lodged itself in his throat, all he could squeak out was a clearing of his throat followed by a cough.
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linagram · 1 year
[ 𝚊𝚜𝚊𝚑𝚒'𝚜 𝚝𝟷 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚒 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔
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asahi's voice drama is here, yay!! i am so scared for him, but also.. yeah, he can be kinda annoying.
okay, so just like i did with naomi, i didn't want to make his voice drama "too mysterious", because his victim is pretty obvious if you read his voicelines and mv description. it will reveal some new information about him and his relationship with the victim.. and something else too.
(just a note: as it was said in his profile, other prisoners can often hear asahi talking to himself, though it actually sounds like he's talking to someone else. i just wanted to explain that it's not him seeing hallucinations or anything like that though asahi is definitely not the most sane prisoner, but it's more like.. asahi created an imaginary friend to cope with everything that's been happening to him, though he can really see and hear them, but it's more because he's simply a child with an active imagination. and when you read his vd, this will actually sound.. very sad 😔
also, yes, i know his profile says that he doesn't talk much about his crime and he's very calm about it, meanwhile in this vd he almost proudly acknowledges that he did murder someone, while still claiming that he's not the bad guy here.. i realized that i like this version better when i actually started writing for him! but yes, he still doesn't remember some details of his crime that well or he just doesn't want to remember them.)
(divider link)
(sounds of footsteps)
Eiji: The next one is a bit.. unusual.
Miki: Right, Prisoner 007 is only.. eleven years old, I think?
Eiji: *nods* He's so young, but he's still a murderer. You really can become an unforgivable person at any age.
Miki: But still.. What if his murder was an accident? I just can't believe that someone so young could do something so horrible on purpose.
Eiji: Haha, Naomi wouldn't be happy to hear this.
Eiji: Considering his personality.. I can easily imagine him snapping and killing someone.
Eiji: But also something is telling me that he would be too weak to do that.
Eiji: How did he even murder his victim? We'll have to ask him about that.
(door opens)
Eiji: Hello there, Prisoner 007-
Eiji: I'm going to kill all of you one day and I won't even need a guilty vote to do that.
Eiji: *sighs* Guard 002, can you explain this?
(sounds of Asahi eating)
Asahi: Can't you see what I'm doing, dumbass?
Eiji: .. We're off to a great start.
Eiji: I.. I can see it, but we're literally about to interrogate you, so why are you sitting here and eating cake?
Asahi: Because I asked for one?
Eiji: ...
Miki: I can explain-
Eiji: Can I just vote him guilty already?
Miki: NO!
Miki: A-anyway, Asahi-kun, how are you enjoying your cake? Judging by your face expression, it's-
Asahi: Yeah, it tastes like shit actually.
Miki: Oh.
Miki: W-well, I've already told you that I'm not good at cooking and baking and if you need anything, you should ask-
Eiji: Then why are you eating it if you don't even like it??
Asahi: Because I'm gonna starve if I don't eat it?
Eiji: I'm pretty sure I saw you eating something like an hour ago.
Asahi: Yes, but that was an hour ago! A whole hour!
Asahi: I'm still growing and this whole situation is too fucking stressful for a literal 11-year old child, so yeah.
Eiji: .. So you're starving, huh?
(sounds of footsteps)
Asahi: What are you-
Asahi: !
(sound of Asahi's face hitting the table AND the cake)
Eiji: Here, I hope you like it~
Miki: Eiji-san!
Miki: I don't have anything to wipe his face..
Eiji: It's fine, just let him sit like this.
Miki: Oh, I found something.
Miki: Here, Asahi-kun.. I'm so sorry, Eiji-san is a very nice person, he's just-
Asahi: Don't call me that! We're not friends, you know.
Miki: O-oh, sorry..
Eiji: So, Prisoner 007, Yano Asahi. 11 years old, an elementary school student.
Eiji: We really have an 11-year old child here, in our prison.
Eiji: Just what kind of demon do you have to be to end up here?
Asahi: That's what I wanted to ask! Why am I even here? Why the hell would you send a child like me to prison??
Eiji: Because you're not only a child, Asahi. You're also a murderer.
Asahi: ...
Asahi: First of all, I didn't give you permission to call me by my name and second of all-
Eiji: I'm just trying to understand how your crime went. Like, who did you even kill?
Eiji: Was it a classmate?
Asahi: Nah, I wouldn't waste my time on them. Also, my classmates basically worship me and kiss the ground I walk on, so I don't have any reason to kill them.
Eiji: Wow, you sound a lot like one of the other prisoners.
Eiji: Then, was it a friend?
Asahi: I don't need friends. I'm too cool for other kids.
Eiji: Okay, lonely loser, was it your teacher then?
Asahi: No, though some of them definitely deserve to die.
Eiji: .. Was it a family member then?
Asahi: !..
Eiji: You're suspiciously quiet.
Asahi: Ugh, fine! Fine, I killed a family member, so what? I didn't even see her as my family.
Asahi: She.. she was nobody to me.
Miki: I think I heard something similar from you earlier, Eiji-san.
Eiji: You have no idea what I had to go through and here we're just dealing with a spoiled brat.
Eiji: Anyway, so "she", huh? Was it your mother? Or sister?
Asahi: .. I guess she was supposed to be my mother.
Eiji: "Supposed"? What does that mean?
Asahi: She told me that she was my mother, but she wasn't one.
Eiji: Can you just talk like a normal person?
Miki: Um.. Yano-san, I'm sorry if this sounds weird, but..
Miki: Were you adopted?
Asahi: ...
Eiji: .. I think we can take that as a yes.
Asahi: Hey!
Miki: Yano-san, being adopted is not something you should be ashamed of-
Asahi: .. I ran away myself.
Miki: .. You ran away from home?
Asahi: Not exactly, but.. let's just say I had no other choice.
Eiji: Back to the topic of your murder. Now everything is looking even worse.
Eiji: Did you seriously kill your own adoptive mother? Why would you kill someone who was so kind to you?
Asahi: Because she would never be able to replace my real mom!
Asahi: No matter how many cool things she bought me, no matter how nice she was, it wouldn't be enough!
Asahi: *starts sobbing* I just.. I want my real mom back..
Eiji: .. But have you ever felt loved by your "real" mother? Was she as nice and caring as your adoptive mother?
Asahi: .. I don't know-
Asahi: She was! Of course, she was!
Asahi: I know that, I have proof, she was so much nicer than.. that woman!
Miki: Please don't cry, Yano-san, we believe you.
Miki: Here, you can hug this plushie while we interrogate you.
Asahi: .. O-okay.
Eiji: You really killed her even though she accepted you into her family and gave you everything she had? So ungrateful.
Asahi: It's not my fault! She just..
Asahi: Fine, yeah, I planned the whole thing, but I..
Asahi: N-no, wait a second..
Asahi: If this whole voting thing is real.. and you really are going to vote me guilty..
Asahi: Haha..
Miki: Asahi! Here, let's take a deep breath.
Miki: Please calm down. Nobody is going to hurt you.
Asahi: I don't.. I don't remember..
Asahi: I don't remember what I wanted from her..
Eiji: Probably because she already gave you everything you could ever want.
Eiji: Now, about the murder method.
Eiji: How would you even kill someone? I can't imagine you being physically strong, so..
Asahi: Heh, I just had to find out her weaknesses. And she did have them.
Miki: Her weaknesses?
Eiji: If your victim is obviously stronger than you, you just have to find out what they're bad at. That way you can use that information to make yourself appear stronger than you really are.
Eiji: But what about your mother's weaknesses, Asahi?
Asahi: I told you, stop calling her my mother! And stop calling me Asahi, both of you! I hate that name!
Asahi: I'm going to tell my real mom everything about you two!
Eiji: Sure. When you get out of here. No, wait..
Eiji: If you get out of here.
Asahi: Mommy, this guy is asking me why I had to kill that evil woman! It's like he's trying to make me the villain!
Eiji: Now, stop it. This won't help you.
Asahi: Ah.. I see. I'll try my best to stay calm then.
Eiji: It worked! See, Guard 002, I'm actually good with kids-
Asahi: I wasn't talking to you- uh, idiot.
Eiji: "Huh? No swearing this time?"
Eiji: But who then?
Asahi: .. My real mother.
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Eiji: Are you pretending to be dumb or something? Your mom is not here. No one can help you. It's your fault for ending up here.
Asahi: Maybe if you turned around, then you would see her! She's standing literally right behind you!
Eiji: Ugh, I don't have time for your games.
Miki: Wait a minute, Eiji-san! Yano-san, do you really think your mother is with you in this room right now?
Asahi: You too.. Of course she is! She's been here from the very beginning.
Miki: So.. you can see her and hear her voice?
Asahi: ...
Miki: Yano-san? Is there something on my face?
Eiji: That's it, I don't care anymore, I'm extracting his song.
Miki: Eiji-san, but-
Asahi: .. Weird. Your eyes look just like hers.
Eiji: Prisoner 007, Asahi, sing your sins!
Miki: .. Huh?
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erdensalz · 7 months
a snowball thuds heavily into the snow to the right of shadow. knuckles is not the stealthiest, a bright red in a blanket of white, but he thinks he's learned enough of the ways of the echidnas to be able to surprise the third hedgehog he's meeting on this island. his travel has taken him through the canopies of the trees, looking for something to eat, perhaps grill over an open fire.
   then he spotted black below, and hopped off the tree he was occupying. only to throw a snowball. and then another, which lands to the left of shadow this time. as he's lifting another snowball in his hand, he's calling out angrily.
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   ' were i a hunter and you my prey, i would've struck you down ages ago! ' with the last snowball thrown at shadow's feet, he's instead starting to gather something akin to the size of a boulder in his fists, readying to throw it. ' who are you? '
@ultimatelifefcrm / sc
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waiting-on-a-dream · 10 months
aurora hi!! i got curious about something. so, like, even though milgram has so many bangers, the prisoners' real voices may actually not be as good (like for example mahiru says in her vd that she's not really a good singer, if i remember correctly). i was wondering, if you had to rank your prisoners' real vocals from best to worst, how it would go? :D
Yui - She's literally an idol, is this any surprise? Sure, she's better at dancing, but her vocals are still pretty good.
Haku - He has a bit of interest in singing.
Noa - She likes to sing in the shower.
Suzume - She has a nice voice, a bit soft.
Daisuke - He's in the middle mostly because I'm biased.
Akane - Hums songs under her breath while she walks.
Mayumi - Not bad. She'll hum while knitting.
Kiyoshi - Doesn't sing often, only sometimes when others make him join them. He would sound pretty good with more practice.
Rin - Going through puberty. Voice cracks.
Ichiro - He doesn't sing. He just doesn't feel the urge to. And he doesn't know the lyrics of most of the songs he listens to.
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full-tiltboogiearc · 11 months
@carp3diems // peyton x aurora
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"Are those nervous jitters I hear?" Peyton looks over at Aurora, tilting her head. She gives her an encouraging smile and pulls her over, positioning her in front of the mirror. The pair were in the middle of getting ready for Aurora's upcoming show in just a couple of hours. "Take a look at yourself. Look how gorgeous you are. You're gonna do amazing."
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elysiium · 2 years
& 𝐑𝐄.  MORGAN   /   @hlcynsouls​  ➔   ❪  shadow  market , new york city   ❫
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SHE  ISN’T  SURE  what  makes  her  turn  around  .  there  was  no  sound  ,  no  touch  ,  that  made  her  do  so  .  for  all  purposes  there  was  no  reason  at  least  physically  .  she  should  have  just  been  preoccupied  by  her  task  at  hand  :  a  dainty  little  pink  crystal  that  hummed  in  her  hand  (  it  was  for  one  of  her  spellcraft  classes  otherwise  she  wouldn’t  get  a  thing  herself  )  .  it  wasn’t  even  an  instinct  to  ,  but  a   ...  feeling  .  A  VIBE  as  the  kids  called  it   nowadays .  because  as  soon  as  her  mismatched  eyes  land  on  him  ,  she  is  sure  she  has  seen  him  before  ...  but  doesn’t  know  how  .  there  are  not  many  supernaturals  she  has  met  outside  of  her  family  ,  at  least  not  memorable  ones  .  she  has  to  know  who  this  stranger  is  .  she  ignores  the  protest  of  the  shopkeeper  as  she  wanders  away  from  the  stall  ,  crystal  still  in  hand  ,  as  she  approaches  them  .  ❛  do  i  ...  know  you  ?  ❜
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sinsoakedsaints · 1 year
closed for: @prxcticalmxgic
who: leroy lewis + vanessa gable
where: lake tahoe, meredith and bryce's wedding reception
With a drink in hand, Lee debated picking up a second one to join in, double downing champagne seemed like the only way to get through a whole wedding reception with his siblings and his ex-wife in attendance.
The wedding had gone off without a hitch, the happy couple looking like a picture of happiness and unity on the dancefloor after their first dance and he couldn't help but feel sorry for them. They were naive enough to think that it would always be that way.
He almost shared that sentiment aloud to his date when he realised that the person passing by him wasn't his co-star turned whatever-the-fuck, but his ex-wife.
"Vanessa." He says in lieu of a greeting, having no pleasantries to share with her, even forced ones. "I can't lie, I'm shocked you not only RSVP'd you actually came to a family wedding of a family you're not a part of."
He didn't much care that his siblings had differing opinions on that, he wanted to make his own clear.
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"Is the junkie with you, or should I check the nearest bathroom sink and find out for myself?"
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seolinah · 1 year
closed for @fadinglights // ft. austin
"You know, I was hoping this would get less awkward with time but, uh, no. Still awkward."
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