xremus-lupinx · 7 days
"A surprise dinner sounds like a great idea. It wouldn't be a surprise for me of course, but I think I can manage. Go along with it so the guys don't get jealous," he laughed. "Hell, I'll help you plan. If you need it, that is. You're always on top of your game. I'm sort of just an ornament that stands by and watches with the best of intentions. But truly, we need time together as a whole. It's been far too long and we can't let all this," he waved his hands, "keep us from one another."
As he listened to Lily speak, he couldn't help but wonder how she could possibly see herself as not doing enough or not juggling life. She always had it together -- even when she didn't. She always managed to have some semblance of an actual life. It was true that life at the present moment wasn't what it once was but she was Lily Evans. She could do anything. "I only speak the truth," Remus lowered his head, looking Lily in the eye, "truly. You're doing amazing things." He wrapped her in a hug. It seemed like he needed one and if he had learned anything from everyone he had hugged he gave the best ones. "You'll never be alone, no matter who wants it to happen. None of us will be."
As they sat down and Lily stopped talking about herself the tables had turned. Now it was about Remus and what was happening in his life. Merlin. "Where to start?" He settled into the seat. He hadn't spoken to anyone about anything he had going on in his little bubble. It felt strange being given permission -- encouragement -- to talk about something other than the war or state of the world.
"The date with Greta was a bust. Alara set us up but, Merlin, I was so tongue tied I couldn't even remember the poor girl was obsessed with cheese. How could anyone forget that?" He laughed at how absurd it was. Greta had been his friend for years and cheese had been her life. Suddenly going on a date with her made him forget she had a love affair with cheese? Remus wiped his brow. "Probably for the best. Not exactly -- uh -- well..." he stumbled, not having said the words out loud before. "I'm not exactly over Aurora." He coughed and the laughter stopped. He wanted to go further but couldn't get the words out. "It's been, well, a big trial with that one." So much had happened.
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"I agree, I'm just going to choose a date and tell everyone that their attendance is mandatory. It will be a pleasant surprise when everyone shows up and finds out that there's no business, only dinner and good company for a night. I think we could all use it, at least I certainly could." It felt she only saw her friends in passing anymore, it was unacceptable.
Lily smiled softly, offering a small shrug. "Some days I question my place at the Ministry." She admitted. "Those days when there is no new information, no successful mission. I always feel like I need to be doing more, but there just isn't enough time. I'm not juggling things as well as I wish." She hadn't admitted that to many, not even James. She knew he would reassure her that she wasn't a failure, and inwardly she knew she was doing the best she could. Still there were days when it was all just so defeating. Still as he assured her that she was doing important work, she smiled up at him. "Thank you."
"That's what they want to happen, for the lot of us to feel alone. It's important we're there for each other, continue to check in with each other and make sure we're all doing alright. We're stronger together." As they arrived at the Leaky Cauldron she sat down, glad to have found a quiet corner so they could talk without too much noise or interruption. For a moment she could only blink at him as he made a list of everything going on. "The war and the order can wait, let's leave the heavy topics." She sat forward. "I'm going to need some clarification on the others mentioned. You went on a date with Greta?! And what about Aurora? You can't leave a girl hanging with so little information Lupin!"
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xremus-lupinx · 16 days
It was one of her favorites. After all the fights, betrayal and heartache a sweater of his was still a favorite of hers. Remus was over the moon. She must have still felt something. Anything was enough at that point.
“I’m glad to hear some people had the privilege to spend time with you on your special day. Would have been wrong for you to be alone the whole day. Who did you catch up with?” He was hoping there wouldn’t be another person she was interested in. Though if that were the case wouldn’t that person be there with her? Remus wanted Aurora to be happy whether it was with or without him but wasn’t some jealousy human nature?
He coughed when she repeated the word. “Yes. Love.” He coughed again. “I’m glad you love the cake.” Though he wished she was saying I love you. He took what he could get. And for her to love his gestures meant the world. She was allowing him into her life, even if it was on a small scale.
“I would love to stay for food and a movie,” his heart fluttered. Such good memories of them curled up together watching whatever she had picked out, laughing at the screen and one another’s reactions. But he highly doubted they would be cuddling this time. He hoped they would. Merlin, he hoped. “Wouldn’t want to break tradition.”
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Aurora could feel the apples of her cheeks start to burn at his comment. She wasn't expecting him to show up and if she did, she would have still worn his sweater. It brought her a comfort. "It's one of my favourites." The door is closed behind him, trying not to let any awkwardness sink in. This was all she wanted, was to spend her birthday with him, that she didn't want to say something that would make him leave.
"I ran into a couple people." Big celebrations were really never her thing. Over the years, she had always been excited to spend it with Remus, that she was a little caught off this year, not that it mattered now. He was standing in her flat.
"Love?" That word didn't slip passed her, bring a flutter to her stomach, and a smile to her lips. "I love it." She reaches out to take the cake from him, making her way to the kitchen. "Did you want to stay for food and watch a movie?" He didn't have to, but she would have liked if he did.
Aurora places the cake on the counter, turning to look at him, trying not to get too caught up in her emotions. "I'd really like if you did. It sort of became our tradition on my birthday."
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xremus-lupinx · 23 days
Just the sight of Aurora was enough to soften Remus. She was wearing his sweatshirt. It was an old one he’d lost so long ago. He had seen it on her plenty of times but when they split up it was one of the few things he couldn’t find. She’d kept it. And now, on her birthday, after everything that could go wrong having gone wrong, she was wearing it. He smiled softly. “It still looks good on you.” After saying that he hoped she wouldn’t take offense and slam the door. Instead she did the opposite. She welcomed him in.
He lowered his head as he had hit it on the doorframe too many times before and walked in, legs still wobbly. He couldn’t believe she was making this so easy on him. He didn’t deserve it. He deserved a slammed door with no words spoken.
Remus looked down at her. “I’m surprised I caught you alone. Or home at all. Thought your calendar would be full — or, at least, it should be.” He shook his head and wiped his face. Maybe that was the wrong thing to say.
“Of course I remembered. Hard to forget someone you love’s birthday. Twenty-five is a big year, yeah?” He cleared his throat. “I made you this,” he handed her the cake, one she had taught him to make. “It’s not as good as when you make it but I did my best.”
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After her time at the bar, Aurora made her way home, which was the long way. First her feet carried her over to Remus' place, where she stood outside, contemplating if she should go see him, but with everything that happened the last couple weeks, she felt torn. Was there enough hope and faith to fix them? She missed him. Her heart ached for him. Yet, there was this unknown hesitation.
She made her way home after standing there for five minutes, noticing a few letters left for her, and changed out of her clothes and into something for comfortable; one of his sweatshirts that was like a dress on her. Aurora opened a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass when she heard a knock on the door. She wasn't expecting company.
Her brows knit together, placing her glass down before going to open the door. Shock hit her, catching sight of Remus standing there with a cake in hand, homemade and her favourite. "Rem..." She could feel the tears prick in the corner of her eyes, happy to see him. "Come in." She opens the door wider for him, closing it behind her. "You remembered."
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xremus-lupinx · 25 days
where: aurora’s flat. who: @aurorasinistrax; aurora.
It was a special day, one Remus always remembered. Aurora’s birthday. This year she was turning twenty-five, a milestone of sorts. It was the first birthday he hadn’t shared with her since the break up. He felt sick to his stomach. He wanted to celebrate with her but the last time they saw each other wasn’t under the best of terms. She left him a note saying she needed time. He doubted there was enough time between then and the present but he had to try.
Remus carefully wrapped the gift he bought for her and finished the cake he baked with care. Aurora could have baked her own cake but that should never be the case for anyone. Someone else should always bring it. He wanted to do it as right as he possibly could.
He carried the gift in his pants pocket and the cake with care. He could have apparated to her flat but didn’t want to ruin the baked good. When he got to the door he was nervous to knock but there was no turning back. He had to do it.
With a knock on the door came a lump in his throat waiting for it to open and hoping she would let him in.
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xremus-lupinx · 30 days
“Don’t let this have been my one chance. My only chance. I’m begging you,” Remus’ eyes welling up uncontrollably. “I fucked up. I really fucked up. I didn’t learn but I’ve learned now. I won’t do anything like this again. I won’t go behind your back. Please —“ he took her into him. “Please—“
He knew he wasn’t begging for her love. He knew she loved him. It was a matter of her staying. He wanted to rewind but couldn’t. If only he had a time turner — this would be when he would use it. He would fix his mistakes for the woman he loved so deeply and find a way to make everything right for them both. He may not have deserved her anymore but he wished he did. He would grovel as much as he needed to.
“Don’t —“ Remus said as he reached for the hands that let go of his shirt. As long as she had been in contact with him he had a chance but she had cut off that tie. Tears streamed down his face. She couldn’t trust him. “I’ll do whatever you want to regain your trust. Anything,” he pleaded. “We can make a strong relationship learning from mistakes and I’ve learned from mine. You’re your own woman. I should’ve known better.” He did have issues with her being in the Order but there was no way he could stop it so why fight so hard against it?
“I do love you for you. For all of you. I swear it, my moon."
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Why did he have to say all the right words now? After everything they had been through, communication was the one key component of their relationship that was lacking, and now brought them back to what felt like déjà vu. It was too much for her heart to handle, when all she craved, needed, was him. "This was your chance Remus." Aurora had to stand her ground, or she would continue to keep him chances, and nothing would be fixed.
"The thing is, you didn't think." Her fingers tug at his shirt, taking a deep breath, before she finally did pull away from him, wiping at the tears that streamed down her eyes. "How do we fix this? I feel like I can't trust you, if I can't trust you, what will our relationship be like?" Those words coming out of her mouth, made her sick to her stomach.
"I need time Remus. You need time to accept that I'm going to be part of the Order, regardless of how hard you try to push me out. You need to be able to fully accept who I am and love me, for me." Were they coming to an end, again, before they could even start their second chance.
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xremus-lupinx · 30 days
Seeing Frank’s large smile and welcoming — as always — nature, Remus couldn’t have felt more warm. Though the alcohol helped. He wasn’t a huge drinker anymore but loved the feeling of release that came along with it. He felt like he could breathe for a second rather than being so tightly wound up. Of course his friends also helped with that. Frank plus alcohol plus friends equaled just what the healer ordered.
“So many people should be here! It would be ludicrous if there weren’t!” Remus using a big word even while under the influence. “You’re worth it, Frank Longbottom and don’t you forget it!” Remus stood there for a moment taking it all in.
“Yes,” he laughed, “I have already begun to party. Is that such a bad thing?” He attempted to wink but it was something he couldn’t do sober let alone while drinking. “Let’s give us another hug,” he went in for another.
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It all started with James, the boy had always hung around and somewhat looked up to Frank and he'd certainly taken to being a brotherly figure to him. Soon enough his whole group of friends joined in and the wizard had always opened up his door for them. Alice complained about it a lot, especially when the boys showed up unannounced at late hours on week days, but Frank actually enjoyed having them around. Remus seemed to be the most centered one of the group and he was terribly kind and committed to saving their world just as much as they all were. He was happy to have them in his life and felt absolutely grateful that they'd shown up tonight to celebrate with him.
He embraced the younger wizard, a tight squeeze to show his appreciation before letting go, a wide smile on his lips. "It's still so great to see so many people here, glad to have you too Remus." Frank offered, gesturing the barmaid to get him a drink. "Seems like you've already began to party, how are things going my friend?"
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xremus-lupinx · 1 month
She didn't pull away. That had to be a good sign, right?
"I should have talked to you," he said, leaning into her. "I didn't think it would turn into this." He did know it wouldn't be good but he honestly didn't think it would rip them apart again -- for good. The option seemed, not harmless but out of good intentions. He needed to stop acting out of good intentions and start truly listening to her. Stop asking for favors and start talking to her about his concerns. "I want to do better. Please give me a chance to do better. What can I do?" Remus begged, clinging to her so tightly he could break her.
He wanted to carry her to his room and lay her on his bed just so he could curl his body against hers as he did in the hospital. He could recreate the time they had there and realize that everything could be okay again. It didn't have to be over. They could start anew. He could start fresh and give her what she wanted and needed. In that moment he was wishing he could erase asking the favor from Edgar but it was too late.
"No," he pleaded, gripping the back of her shirt, "please don't go. Don't go, Aurora. Let me fix this. Please."
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Aurora hated this. Her heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces and was this the final straw between them that would tear them apart forever. All she wanted was to spend her life with him, but him making decisions for her, for them, without talking to her, would always be their demise. Remus had to have faith in her and that was what felt lacking.
She did not pull away when he wrapped her arms around him, wishing to feel them once more around them before she returned to an empty bed and loneliness that would plague her. "You should have talked to me, Rem." Her fingers grasp at the sides of his shirts, resisting the urge to pull away, not yet, she didn't want to crumble in front of him. "I can't do this. We can't be together if you can't trust me." A pause. "I should go."
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xremus-lupinx · 1 month
Remus could read Aurora like a book. He had seen the expressions before. He had caused those expressions before. She was questioning him. She was questioning them. She was full of questions and doubts. Remus hated that he had done to this to her again. He should have learned from his previous mistake but he felt like she wouldn't understand where he was coming from. That was part of the book he couldn't read in the moment so he made choices he shouldn't. Her eyes were beginning to tear up. He hated himself in that moment. Remus was never able to handle her tears. It tore him to shreds.
"I haven't had the right to do anything," he said breathlessly. "I only wanted to see what Edgar thought about the situation. I didn't ask for you to get kicked out of the Order. At least I didn't do that. Doesn't that count for something?" he asked in a frustrated tone -- frustration at himself. Her tears flowed. "I didn't try to break us, Aurora. I never wanted to break us." Remus wanted to hold her but knew she wouldn't stand for it. But he had to try.
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Aurora could feel her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. Blinded by the fact that she felt he was trying to control her life, that it was hard for him to sit down and have a conversation with her about it, that everything they talked about in the hospital vanished. Why couldn't he trust her abilities and choices? She could feel the tear start to swell in her eyes, fingers tugging at the fabric of her jacket. They were supposed to be happily together, but here they were.
"You had no right to do that!" Her tone stern. "If I was everything to you Remus, you would have talked to me, let us come to a decision on this together, not go and make one for me." She might have agreed with him, but now, not now, her stubbornness kicking him and she was digging her heels into the floor. Aurora could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks. "Why did you have to break us again?"
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xremus-lupinx · 1 month
"Oh, I've been here," Remus said above the noise of the crowd. "It must have been you that I've been missing," Remus smiled warmly, firewhiskey in his veins. "Well, I am still friends with certain guys so trouble does tend to follow at least a tad. But I'm doing my best." He looked around to see if he could find James, Sirius or Peter but they must have been in the center of a circle somewhere.
As a younger boy the marauders truly were terrors. They didn't care who they played pranks on or how they acted. They absolutely were fun-loving and did care about others but they liked to have fun. While Remus was part of the group he was definitely the brains but that didn't mean he didn't get into trouble as well. Apparently Rosmerta remembered them ..."fondly".
"I like to think I've grown up some but I'll always be a boy at heart. Is that really such a bad thing?" The tipsy Remus asked.
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Starter for Remus Lupin & Rosmerta Abbott ( @xremus-lupinx )
Remus Lupin. One of the four young guys that had caused quite some trouble when Rosmerta had started working at the Three Broomsticks years ago. Although she knew that it was mostly Black and Potter who were causing the trouble mostly. Lupin seemed to be the responsible one out of the four. She placed the drink in front of him that he had ordered and looked at him. “It must have been quite some time since I saw you last here in Hogsmeade. I hope you’ve been staying out of trouble since leaving Hogwarts.”
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xremus-lupinx · 2 months
Remus had already been at the Three Broomsticks for a bit before Frank showed up. Of course, that was the whole point of it being a surprise. He had had a couple of drinks and was feeling a bit tipsy by the time the birthday boy had walked through the door. When he finally did, Remus had a smile from ear to ear. He didn't see Frank often, only at Order meetings and even then they didn't really speak. But this environment was different. It was a celebration for him.
In complete honesty, Remus had an enormous crush on the older Gryffindor when they attended Hogwarts. It was brief as Frank was only at school as they were four years apart but Frank was his first male crush. He always had a soft spot in Remus' heart for that reason. But he would never admit it to him. Ever. It was a happy little secret.
He walked straight to Frank and opened his arms for a hug. "When I got the owl Alice sent there was no need for convincing," Remus said, his brain a little sloshy. "Of course you're that important!"
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where: his surprise birthday party who: open
Frank stared in disbelief at the crowd that had gathered to celebrate his birthday. While doing something special hadn’t even crossed his mind, the fact Alice had planned this surprise was rewarding in so many ways. First of all, he felt the love and care of the friends surrounding him, something he truly valued. He also believed it was wonderful that they could be there today, considering everything that was going on, every moment counted. “I really can’t believe she convinced you all to come, I’m flattered but honestly,” the wizard said as he took a sip of his drink, “you really are here to celebrate my birthday? I’m not that important.”
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xremus-lupinx · 2 months
Wringing his hands Remus realized she wouldn’t sit. Not a good sign. So he himself remained standing, arms crossed out of guilt. He could see the heartbreak in her eyes. He didn’t want to lie. Remus Lupin didn’t lie. He’d played stupid hoping she was there for other reasons but obviously she wasn’t. He scratched his forehead then returned his hand to its previous home.
He hated seeing her in such turmoil. He hated that he put it there even more so. Again. But he hadn’t forced Edgar’s hand, he just …nudged it. Like that would fly.
“You mean more than the world to me. You’re my everything, Aurora. My reason for reasons. You’re all I want and need,” he begged. “I went to Edgar with concerns because I hated how you jumped in front of me,” he said honestly. “I was worried you would do it again whether it be for me or someone else and would end up in a similar or worse position.” He wasn’t lying. “I expressed my concerns with him and …well, yes. I asked a favor. It doesn’t have to be forever but maybe you could get more training in?” He hated hearing those words coming from his mouth but he was realizing that maybe it was a possibility. It’s not like she was kicked out of the Order. “You’re still part of the Order after all. Things change everyday. You’d probably be surprised at what you can do while you — you know, take a little break.”
He had lost her again. That was the truth.
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Aurora stood, glaring at Remus the second he opened the door, instant hurt engulfing her. Why would he be so adamant on breaking them up again? Did they not just agree they were stronger together? It confused her and everything they shared over the last few days seemed to disappear. He made a choice for her and did not have a conversation with her.
She made her way inside, ignoring the offer to sit on the couch, instead, she turned to face him, arms bridging over her chest. "Why?" He could play stupid, but her gut feeling knew it was him. "Why make another choice without talking to me? Do I mean that little to you?"
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xremus-lupinx · 2 months
"Wormtail and his scurrying. It is a sight to see. Why he chose a rat I'll never understand. He could have chosen anything and he chose a rat?" Remus shook his head with a smile. "He's, well, different. At least it wasn't a toad, I suppose." He looked at James. "I would never be behind dirty work," he smirked. He may have been the brains of the group but it was more to make sure the four didn't get caught and get into too much trouble if they could afford it.
Of course James couldn't leave it at that. He had to address the Aurora issue. In great detail. It's not something Remus wanted to hear. He was always the voice of reason, not James. So for his friend giving him such detailed advice and insight made Remus' insides hurt.
"Aurora keeps saying she needs to make her own decisions. I know she can make her own decisions -- and obviously she has -- but I worry too much about her to have let her make that choice. I wanted to keep her out of the limelight. She's too important to this world ...to me. I almost feel like part of the reason she joined was despite me. It was a kick in the face." Remus took a deep breath. "I don't love having control. I never have. You should know that, James. I love her. Deeply. Too deeply. That's exactly why I've done what I've done. Not to take away her autonomy but to save her, treat her as well as I could ...regardless of walking away," he squeaked out, barely believing the last part of the sentence. He never wanted to leave.
Remus rubbed his face. His eyes were dry. "She's on the right side, yes. And I'm proud that she's made the decision to support the Order but there are so many ways she can support the cause without being directly in the Order. So many things that wouldn't put an even bigger target on her back than she already has. I would support that a million percent." He cleared his throat. "But I'm scared." He wasn't sure if he should bring it up but he did.
"James, she and I were put on a patrolling mission last week and i tried to shield her when two death eaters showed up. She ended up jumping in front of me and was hexed. She's not ready for this. My fears are coming true. I can't hold her hand if she's dead."
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"My dirty work?" he said, placing a hand on his heart as though he was affronted. "I like to think it's a collaboration. You're kinda the brains behind the operation, Moony, so I think you're the one who's got us doing your dirty work, if anything." This wasn't strictly true, and they both knew it, but it made enough sense that he could put up an argument.
James made a face. "It's so pretentious. Prancing. Although I guess it's better than all the scurrying Wormtail does." He laughed along. "Yeah, maybe you're right. About both things. But when have we ever cared about something as irrelevant as safety?"
The shift in his demeanour was palpable, with the way the air suddenly thickened. James listened. "Yeah, mate, that sounds awful. I can't even imagine having to make that decision and then having to deal with this. You're so brave for it." He knew all of this already, of course, but Remus could say the same thing to him again and again, every day, and he'd still listen and react as if it was the first time. "I just think that sometimes, protecting the ones we love doesn't mean hiding them away. It's important to let them make their own decisions, follow their own heart. Because then, who do you love more –– them, or your control over them, y'know?" He looked at Remus. It was how he felt about all of his friends. If he could put them all in a bubble charm and float them away to safety, take on all of the fighting himself, he would. "Every night Lily goes out on Order business, to be honest, I'm fucking terrified. I want to tell her not to go. But if she didn't go out in the face of danger to do what's right, she wouldn't be Lily." His eyes were alight when he spoke of her, amber melting into gold. "Aurora is doing the right thing. It's hard to watch, I know, but she's doing it regardless. We should be proud. This is why you love her. The fear you feel, wanting to protect her, that's always gonna be there. The only difference is, in the middle of all this shit, whether you've got her hand to hold, or not."
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xremus-lupinx · 2 months
Remus was cleaning his flat. After being with Aurora he hadn’t had the time to properly take care of things at home — a task he didn’t much enjoy but he didn’t like living in chaotic mess, just organized mess. He hadn’t gotten too far before he heard a knock at his door. It wasn’t a pleasant knock. Then he heard Aurora’s voice behind it yelling. Shit.
He took a moment to collect himself. He knew what this was about and wasn’t looking forward to the encounter. She had to know she wasn’t put on mission duty which meant she knew he had something to do with it.
“I’m — I’m coming —“ he said as he shuffled to the door, opening it and allowing Aurora inside. He pretended not to know why she seemed so upset. “Are — are you okay? What’s going on?” Remus asked as he made a spot for them to sit on his messy couch.
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where & who: @xremus-lupinx's home
Aurora was livid. She didn't have proof that he was the one who did it, but considering what she just went through, it had to be him. He never wanted her to be part of it. Though, she was still part of it, but he had no right to ask that she be taken of missions.
It broke her heart, considering everything they had shared over the last few days and it felt like he was leaving her all over again.
He knocks at his door. "I know you're home, Rem." She shouts, "we need to talk." Why did he do this? Where was his faith in her?
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xremus-lupinx · 2 months
"You're very welcome," Remus replied. He wasn't lying. She looked great. He should count himself lucky to be seen with someone so attractive. Especially since he was so eternally awkward. He still didn't know how he had gotten so lucky in the past. Maybe it was the way he laughed at his own jokes. "Well, I am comfortable, yes. But maybe I should be a little uncomfortable? To show I tried a bit harder? Isn't that how these things go? I haven't been on a date in so long I --" he stopped himself and shook his head with a small smile. "let's just say it's been a very long time."
He was rambling. He had to figure out a happy medium between being quiet and talking too much. It wasn't an easy feat. But he already knew Greta so why was this so hard? Because it had the word date attached to it. It meant that it could potentially turn into something. It wasn't just two friends enjoying each other's company -- not in the traditional sense anyway. It was a way of seeing if they were romantically compatible. Were they?
"You say 'roping in' like it's a bad thing. It's not a bad thing, you know. I did say yes, after all. I could have told her no." Would she have listened was another story but he had never tried saying no. "It could be nice to have a date. Maybe. Right?" Foot in mouth, Remus.
Suddenly he remembered what could always get Greta talking. "Cheese! Tell me what's new in cheese!"
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"Well thank you very much." The dress was one she got recently and the color went amazing with her skin. Greta felt confident in it and thought it suited her well, she was glad that he seemed to agree.
"I think what you're wearing is just fine." Greta reassured him with a smile. "As long as you are comfortable, that's what matters." It didn't make sense for people to force themselves into something they weren't comfortable in or didn't feel like it was reflecting themselves. She could tell that he was a bit nervous so she tried to project an air of calmness, hoping to put him at ease.
At his joke she couldn't help but chuckle, once again noticing how out of his depth he seemed. He never acted like that when they ran into each other before, so perhaps the setting of this date was overwhelming to him. "I know Alara kind of roped you into this, we can forget this is meant to be a date and hang out as friends. Catch up normally."
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xremus-lupinx · 2 months
Remus could feel Aurora tighten her grip on him. It's just what he needed. Instead of him holding as much as he could, having her show that in such spades meant more than the witch would ever know. He wanted this. Forever. He squeezed his face tightly as though it was another way of getting closer to her. He was home in her arms.
The longer they laid there the longer the longer he had to think about how he was going to approach Aurora about the Order. Finally it hit him. It wasn’t getting her out but he could ask Edgar to not put her on missions anymore because of the way she handled the situation. He didn’t want to go behind her back but it had to work. It had to keep her from harm’s way as much as possible. With that thought he allowed himself back to Aurora, knowing that he was going to do was right.
Seeing the large, bright smile on her face was what he wanted to keep in the world. She deserved the world and he wanted to keep it that way. And he wanted to give it to her. All of it. He also wanted the future they talked about. Their future was a beautiful one that people only dream about but with Remus and Aurora it would be sparkling. “We’re the only ones able to pull off such a future, my moon,” leaning in for another kiss.
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xremus-lupinx · 2 months
Remus could feel Aurora tighten her grip on him. It's just what he needed. Instead of him holding as much as he could, having her show that in such spades meant more than the witch would ever know. He wanted this. Forever. He squeezed his face tightly as though it was another way of getting closer to her. He was home in her arms.
The longer they laid there the longer the longer he had to think about how he was going to approach Aurora about the Order. Finally it hit him. It wasn’t getting her out but he could ask Edgar to not put her on missions anymore because of the way she handled the situation. He didn’t want to go behind her back but it had to work. It had to keep her from harm’s way as much as possible. With that thought he allowed himself back to Aurora, knowing that he was going to do was right.
Seeing the large, bright smile on her face was what he wanted to keep in the world. She deserved the world and he wanted to keep it that way. And he wanted to give it to her. All of it. He also wanted the future they talked about. Their future was a beautiful one that people only dream about but with Remus and Aurora it would be sparkling. “We’re the only ones able to pull off such a future, my moon,” leaning in for another kiss.
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Aurora ignored the little voices in her head, warning her not to hold on too tightly, knowing that until they sorted out their issues, it could end. The thought alone about them ending was enough for her to hold on tighter. He was the missing puzzle piece to her life. Everything made sense the closer he was to her. She couldn't survive without him.
The last thing on her mind was the Order. Subconsciously knowing that once she was out of the hospital and spoke to Edgar and Alastor, she would ask for more training. Aurora was disappointed in herself for freezing up the way she did, that wasn't like her. She also wanted Remus to help her, to be her guide, that way they could learn to work well together, adding more dynamics to their foundation.
Remus' words brought an ease and an adoration, that despite the slight pain she was feeling, her body flushed against his, resting her head on his arm. "Good." A smile lingers on her lips. "I always want you. I want that future we talked about." A marriage and family, even with his concerns about being a werewolf. It was something they could always figure out together.
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xremus-lupinx · 2 months
“Thank you. If she needs anything you’ll be the first to know,” Remus replied. “I assure you she’s being well taken care of.” He had been doing all he could since she was released from the hospital. She wasn’t one hundred percent but close to it. He was there to help and watch over her. Except for this errand. She knew he was going to tell what happened and she insisted.
Remus listened to Edgar. “Much bolder indeed. It’s maddening and infuriating.” He took a deep breath. “Yes, she jumped in front of me. I was trying to protect her, knowing I could take them but she got out of reach. There was nothing I could do. The hex went directly at her. I tried, tried to go after them but they cowered into their ridiculous smoke.
I don’t know what they were doing there. Neither does Aurora. She suggested we go back and see if there are any clues left behind. I don’t know if they were out looking for just anyone or if it was a planned attack against Order members. It could easily be either but I wonder if it was the latter.”
Remus didn’t want to ask Edgar for anything but he plucked up the courage. “May I ask you a favor?”
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Edgar was pleased to hear that Aurora was doing well, slightly disappointed in himself for not making it to the hospital when she was admitted. At least he knew Remus was there, even knowing the history between them. "If there is anything you need from me, let me know. I will make sure she has it." He smiles.
The wizard leans back in his chair, arms bridging over his chest, waiting for the one in front of him to explain what happened. "They are getting more bold." Edgar was afraid of this happening. He worried about what the dark lord might be up to, knowing that they needed to secure a few Death Eater's to get information from them. A plan in action.
"She stepped out in front of you?" That concerned him, knowing that anyone would do it for the person they cared about, but still, willingly putting oneself in harms way was not good. "Do we know what they were doing there?"
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