#Author: TwinOne!(Carla)
deancaspinefest · 1 year
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when the stars align
Author: TwinOne! | Artist: lotrspnfangirl Posting on Wednesday March 22
Camping was something Castiel’s family loved for different reasons. Amelia loved to cook over an open fire, Jimmy enjoyed hikes the most, his niece Claire preferred riding her bicycle, and his son Jack always asked for stories while stargazing. The plan was simple. Drive to the lake, spend some time with his family, eat some good food, sleep under the stars and then drive back in time for work on Monday morning. It was the perfect plan for a perfect weekend. Then his truck broke down.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
“How’s it going with the search for a mechanic?” Amelia asked when she saw him walk her way. “None of the ones I’ve called are willing to help in any way and Triple A does not have an available tow in this area.”  Cas sat on the chair next to her with a groan. “Did you call everyone in the area?” “I did.” “No luck?” “No,” he said dejectedly. “But I left some messages. There’s still hope that someone will call me back, right?” “At 5 pm on a Saturday?” With another groan and a mumbled ‘you’re right’ he opened the Triple A app again, the eta message had changed to unavailable at the moment. “At this rate, I’m going to be stuck here all week.” “Don’t exaggerate.” He looked back at her, she grinned. “At least until Monday or Tuesday.” “Ames! I don’t know if you realize the seriousness of this situation right now.” She offered him a glass of lemonade which he grabbed with an exasperated sigh. “Listen to me, Cassie. If no one can help you by tomorrow. We can squeeze into our car and drive back together. We might have to leave a few things behind, but everything is replaceable.” “What about Balthazar, I can’t leave him behind.” “Your attachment to that truck has always been a mystery to me.” she said. “I’m sure he’ll be fine if we let someone know you left him here.” “But–” His phone ringing interrupted him. He stared at the screen and said, “Someone is calling back.” Amelia quickly took his empty glass. “Well, what are you waiting for? Answer it!” He nodded and answered the call. “Hello?” “This is Dean, calling from Winchester Garage.” Cas looked at Amelia and smiled, he could hear machines in the background and other voices talking. “Hello Dean.” “I heard the message you left and thought to call back.” “Thank you! I really appreciate you calling back.” “Let me guess, no one else has?” “No.” Cas’ whiny answer caused Dean to laugh on the other end. “Well, what can I do for you on this fine Saturday afternoon?”
 [continue reading on Ao3 on Wednesday March 22]
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