#Artist: lotrspnfangirl
deancaspinefest · 1 year
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The Waiting (is the hardest part) |  Mature |  37,432
Author: Kinetic_Passion
Artist: lotrspnfangirl
When Dean returned from the Endverse, Chuck cursed him to time travel uncontrollably for the rest of his life. Although only archangels can time travel, Cas finds his own way to be there for Dean.
Never knowing when Dean will appear again makes things tricky to navigate, even after they sort out their feelings, since they often find themselves with an earlier version of the other. Still, despite the uncertainty, they find creative ways to make the most of it and to make things easier for each other.
Throughout the years, as Dean continues to appear at different ages, Cas starts to see more of Dean’s past and the pieces of their relationship fall into place.
Link to fic  |  Link to art
Pairings: Dean/Cas; (Sam/Eileen; reference to past Dean/Lee)
Warnings: Major Character Death (though he continues living on earth because time travel)
Tags: Time Travel AU; Time Traveler’s Wife AU; Canon Adjacent
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Title: Basic Instincts
Author: @butterflyslinky
Artist: @lotrspnfangirl
Rating: Explicit
Summary: On their way to a new home away from their father, Sam and Dean find a pregnant, feral omega who’s recently escaped from a horrible situation. The omega, identified as Cas, soon latches onto Dean, who’s determined to save him.
Warnings/Tags: Rape/Noncon, Underage, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Domestic Violence, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Attempted Suicide, Dubious Consent, Abortion, Self-Induced Miscarriage, Pregnancy, Castration, Abuse, Omega!Dean, Omega!Cas, Top Dean/Bottom Cas, Kidnapping, Lavender Marriage, Cas/Lucifer, Past Cas/Meg, Trauma Recovery, Implied Incest, Referenced Prostitution, Involuntary Secondary Sex Change, Breast Feeding, Intersex Omegas, Supporting Character Death, Workplace Sexual Harrassment, Cuddling and Snuggling, Feral Cas, Cults, Murder, Dehumanization
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deancasbigbang · 7 months
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The Proposal Plan
Author: CassondraWinchester
Artist: lotrspnfangirl
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, Bobby Singer/Jody Mills, Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum
Length: 29652
Warnings: N/A
Tags: Alpha Castiel, Omega Dean, Romance, Comedy, Fluff, Feel Good Fic, Meeting the Parents, Clumsy Castiel, Romantic Comedy, Smut
Summary: Dean and Castiel have built a beautiful life together over the past five years, sharing a deep and unbreakable love. But as Dean's 30th birthday approaches, his traditional parents throw a curveball: they want to finally meet the elusive "Castiel" who has stolen their son's heart. Embracing the opportunity to make a good impression, Castiel eagerly agrees.  But there's one small hiccup: Castiel's clumsiness seems to have a knack for creating awkward situations wherever he goes. Nevertheless, undeterred by his tendency for mishaps, Castiel is fueled by his unwavering devotion to Dean and a genuine desire to win over his parents. He embarks on a weekend getaway, with the hope of placing a ring on Dean's finger as the ultimate birthday surprise. Will his charm, albeit unconventional, be enough to win over his potential in-laws and secure their approval? Or will the weekend end with Dean's parents questioning their son's taste in Alphas? One thing’s for certain: this birthday weekend will be filled with laughter, love, and a few memorable mishaps that will be retold for years to come.
Link to Fic | Link to Art (NSFW)
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spnmusicalbang · 1 year
SPN Musical Theater Bang Masterlist
As the curtain falls on this year's Musical Theater Bang, let's have one more ovation for the amazing writers and artists who contributed! You can revisit their original cast recordings below.
Truth, Beauty, Free Will, Love by @Tossukka with art by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes Summary: Dean is a courtesan and the star of a nightclub longing for a normal life and a chance to find his brother again. Castiel is an angel living in the shadow of his siblings, wanting a chance to make his own choices for once. One night their paths cross. This story is about truth, beauty, freedom but above all things, this story is about love.
Phantom of Midsommer's Nightmare by @Kyra_Kiara_Elizabeth_Mai with art by @zybynarx Summary: During some downtime at the bunker: Cas is worried about Dean it has only been a few months since Dean was cured, the mark is draining him everyone can see it, and desperation leads him to a long shot. Sam is using this time for research, his own personal interest. Until Donna calls him with a conundrum. Dean is trying to lay low, relax, and not let everyones worry get to him.
Sugar, Butter, Flour by @raimykeller with art by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes Summary: Dean works in a diner in a small North Carolina town and is a genius at creating unique pie recipes. Without any family of his own, he has carved a space for himself in a little group of loving misfits who work with him at the diner. When fellow waitress – and Dean’s best friend – Kelly finds out she is pregnant by her deadbeat husband, and their diner loses one of their line cooks, Dean’s quiet, but boring life is changed instantly. Join Dean as he falls in love, protects his found family, and bakes a lot of pie.
As One In Love of Chess by @Raven_Fuchs with art by @lotrspnfangirl Summary: Drama student Dean Winchester has a lot riding on the university’s annual big musical. Not only is his graduate thesis tied up in the production but if he’s cast as one of the leads it will be his graduate showcase as well. The choice to produce selections from the musical “Chess” means that there really are only two male lead roles up for grabs. He never could have imagined how his life could change when he meets a blue-eyed music grad student. While the characters on stage are unlucky in love, can the actors avoid a similar fate?
Oh He's a Curious Cat by @preetkiran1016 with art by @hexentaenzerin Summary: It’s Dean’s last year at Juilliard’s school for the performing arts. He’s almost done, ready to jump into the acting world- when Professor Balthazar takes a year sabbatical. Castiel Novak filling in as his substitute makes surviving the year a hell of a lot more difficult, Dean’ll tell you that much. Between learning to dance in a lycra cat suit, dealing with his friends and their constant teasing, and Novak staring daggers at him every second- Dean’s not sure he’ll make it.
Three Little Pigs by @hectatess with art by @lotrspnfangirl Summary: What happens when the fairytale ends? When the curtains are closed, what becomes of the characters? Well, those that survive lead their lives. And sometimes those lives collide again. Like with one little pig and a big, well, only slightly larger than average, but still bad wolf. And their offspring…
Oh, Lover (I'll Cover You) by @lotrspnfangirl with art by @deancodedcastielenby Summary: Nearing Christmas, when the city was frozen, a group of friends found the warmth they were missing. 
My Unfortunate Protuberance by @whaddyameanno with art by @aleriya-darling Summary: Dean and Cas have been in a long-distance relationship for two years, and Cas always goes to Dean’s opening nights, knowing just how important it is to his boyfriend. When plans fall through and he isn’t able to go anymore, Dean gets upset. Will this spell the end of their relationship? Or will Cas find a way to make it to the show and make it up to Dean?
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deancas-stabfest · 1 year
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Author: @fandomgeeklife Artist: @lotrspnfangirl Rating: T Word Count: 7,605
Tags: Fix-It, Fluff, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Angel Castiel (Supernatural)
Dean and Castiel are on their first hunt after Castiel came back from The Empty. Dean is angry with Castiel because he didn't tell him he came back for a couple of months. They are trying to repair the shattered trust.
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dcbtv · 2 years
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Title: a twin flame bruised stays blue
Author: awomanredacted
Artist: lotrspnfangirl
Song: All Too Well
Posting date: 9/18
Rating: M
Any archive warnings: none
Top 10 main tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Character Death, Homophobia, Emotional Infidelity, Internalized Homophobia
Summary: It's been seventeen years since Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester's high school romance ended in heartbreak and betrayal. Seventeen years since they've laid eyes on one another. Castiel is the scion of a powerful New York City political family with some unsavory secrets, while Dean's painful childhood in a conservative Staten Island community and the end of his relationship with Castiel continues to haunt him. Over the course of one night at a glitzy charity ball, they meet again. But will the closeted Manhattan DA and the tattooed bartender be able to overcome their devastating history, or is forgiveness not in the cards after this love affair maimed them both, all too well?
Author SM: Twitter // Ao3
Artist SM: Twitter // Ao3
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And The Dreams Bring Back The Memories
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Fic title: And The Dreams Bring Back the Memories
Author name:
Artist name:
Genre: Wincest
Pairing: Sam/Dean, non-explicit Sam/Jess
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Amnesia consent issues; NSFW artwork in Part Three
Word count: 22,700
Summary: Sam Wesson woke up in an ambulance in 2003 and couldn’t remember how he got there. He’s got an admissions essay in his duffel and a letter that says he has a full ride to Stanford, but he has no idea who he is or where he comes from. It leaves him feeling like a freak, not knowing who he is or what he’s done. One thing he does know is that the mysterious stranger with the green eyes and leather jacket who keeps appearing and disappearing is someone he can’t stop thinking about.
Link to art: A03
Link to fic: Master Post
from Supernatural and J-Squared Big Bang Challenge! https://ift.tt/KBmJ8HG
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spndystopiabang · 2 years
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Finding Humanity
Author: CLeighWrites
Artist: LOTRSPNFangirl
Rating: Explicit
Length: 22,024
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Jesse/Cesar Cuevas (mentioned)
Warnings: Minor character death, kidnapping, graphic violence, zombie-style cannibalism
When the angels fell, something happened to them, and as their grace depletes, they begin to turn feral and crave human flesh… and brains. When C meets Dean while they’re out scavenging for food and supplies, things start to change. C becomes human right before Dean’s eyes. What will the other angels think of C bringing a human back to their abandoned airport and turning into one? What will Dean’s Drill Sergeant father think if he brings an angel back to their compound? What are the demons (fallen angels whose grace has depleted completely) think of angels turning into humans?
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Artist Sign Ups Closing Soon! 🥂
Artist sign ups for the Dean/Cas Roaring Twenties bang close March 15th, so make sure to sign up before then! 
Make sure to join the discord to stay up to date on challenge information. Please make sure to read the rules and familiarize yourself with the challenge schedule before signing up. 
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the mods!
- @allmystars-i, @lotrspnfangirl, @wolfnprey
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deancaspinefest · 1 year
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Other Worlds Than These  |  Teen  |  21k
Author: allthismusic
Artist: lotrspnfangirl
In the Empty, you relive your regrets. But the worlds that it has dropped Castiel into aren’t familiar to him. Over and over, it sends him into universes he doesn’t recognize, although he expects that they exist — or existed — in some form or another.
Dean is always there, but it’s not his Dean, and maybe that’s the Empty’s point. What it offers him, if he’ll just be quiet, if he’ll just behave… it’s nice, it’s what he never thought he could have in reality, but it’s not real. It’s not Dean.
But when he finds himself in a world that looks like the Empty itself — a dark, eternal void — Castiel is confused. This isn’t some corner the Empty can try to tuck him away in, so long as he’s willing to accept a life he knows isn’t quite real. This feels different, more genuine.
And the version of Dean that comes to rescue him… he feels real, too.
Link to fic | Link to art 
Pairings: Dean/Cas (Cas/Dean Smith, Cas/Endverse!Dean) 
Warnings: N/A
Tags: Canon alternate universes; fix-it, angst with a happy ending 
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spneldritchbang · 3 years
Demonic Desires
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Title: Demonic Desires Writer: jdl71 Artist: @lotrspnfangirl Pairings: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester Rating: Explicit Warnings: Minor character death, Possession, Demonic possession, Demons, Forced blood infusion, Abduction, Fighting, Pining, Mutual Pining, Angst, Bondage, Non/con, Touching - non/con, Rape, Boy King of Hell Sam Winchester, Demonic abilities, Consort, Come as lube, Forced blood-drinking, Forced demon turning, Top Sam Winchester, Bottom Dean Winchester Summary: While on what Sam and Dean think is a simple hunt for demons, they find themselves ambushed and at the mercy of the demons holding them. Sam discovers the reason why the demons want him and Dean. The demons mean to bring about the rule of the Boy King of Hell using any means necessary. Sam finds himself in a nightmare he thought had ended with the demon Azazel’s death.
Link to fic Demonic Desires || Link to art Graphics for Demonic Desires
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deancasbigbang · 7 months
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three days before we met you
Author: TwinOne
Artist: lotrspnfangirl
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Length: 21490
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Tags: Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Hunter Dean Winchester, Doctor Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel is Jack Kline's Parent, Minor Character Death, Blood and Violence, Survival, Badass Dean Winchester, Near Death Experiences, Happy Ending
Summary: Mary is late coming back to the bunker after her last supply run. Normally Dean didn’t think much about it, she’d been known to disappear for an extra week or two when she’s on one of her runs. What had him worried was the fact that they were living in the fucking zombie apocalypse. Stumbling into Castiel and Jack on his search is just coincidence. 
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spnmusicalbang · 1 year
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Three Little Pigs
Author: @hectatess | Artist: @lotrspnfangirl
Pairing(s): Castiel/Dean, Gabriel/Sam, Michael/Adam
Warnings: no archive warnings apply
Tags: Musicals, K3 Three Little Pigs, Fables, Alternate Universe - Animals, John Winchester’s A+ parenting, Neglect, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Metatron is Marv
Summary: What happens when the fairytale ends? When the curtains are closed, what becomes of the characters? Well, those that survive lead their lives. And sometimes those lives collide again. Like with one little pig and a big, well, only slightly larger than average, but still bad wolf. And their offspring…
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spnregencybb · 3 years
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Thank you to the writers and artists who contributed to the second round of the SPN Regency Bang. While a smaller round this year, we had some amazing fics and art produced from it.
Thank you again for supporting us this year!
-nickelkeep, imthatpeculiarone, ellen-of-oz
Master list below the cut.
A GOOD RUN PAIRING: BALTHAZAR/VESSEL Author: MaggieMaybe160 | Artist: aggiedoll
REMEMBER WHEN PAIRING: DEAN/CASTIEL Author: verobatto/BENKA79 | Artist: ncdover1285
FORBIDDEN PAIRING: SAM/DEAN Author: lotrspnfangirl | Artist: ncdover1285
RARE AS ROSES PAIRING: DEAN/CASTIEL Author: scienceblues | Artist: aggiedoll
A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME PAIRING: SAM/JESSICA Author: Center_Of_The_Galaxy | Artist: ButterflySister
AMARYLLIS  PAIRING: SAM/EILEEN Author: nickelkeep | Artist: blusxa
A NOVEL AFFAIR PAIRING: DEAN/CASTIEL Author: EllenOfOz & MalMuses | Artist: blusxa
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pherryt · 7 years
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I’m getting to meet several of my tumblr friends through Gish which is totally awesome! this is @lotrspnfangirl - she was my artist for my CBB! (you know the one - I’m Broken )
 We met up for the Museum Gishmeet and then just chatted for a while after. Tons of fun! Everyone wave hi!!
(Her picture came out better. This was me totally pulling a Jensen in my attempt to operate the phone camera :P ) 
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The Covenant and the Prophecy
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Fic title: The Covenant and the Prophecy Author name: paleogymnast Artist name: lotrspnfangirl Genre: RPF Pairing: Jensen/Misha/Felicia Rating: NC-17 Word count: 85,943 Warnings: graphic violence, fantastic racism, magical eugenics, body horror, explicit f/m/m sex, implied/discussed m/m sex, homophobia, speciesphobia, vampirism, and pretty much anything you might encounter in high fantasy or urban fantasy Summary: For 2500 years, House Ackles ruled the Kingdom of Mor-Thir, in relative peace and harmony. Together with the three adjunct Royal Houses, House Day, House Padalecki, and House Collins, they formed a sacred Covenant with Magic to protect the continent of Fearann Draoidheil and her inhabitants, magical and not. But 25 years ago, House Ackles died in a mysterious cataclysm and Royal House Collins rose to power and brought about a great Reformation of the Kingdom. Now Mòr-Thìr lies in ruins, ravaged by civil war, its government increasingly hostile to those with magic, as whispers of mysterious black orbs and boxes spreads throughout its displaced refugee populace. But all is not lost. Twenty-five years ago, a Prophecy foretold the coming of a new age when the four Royal Houses would be united, three by marriage, and one as the General to defend them all. Many think the Prophecy died with House Ackles, but did it? Four strangers are about to discover the answer. This is their story. Link to fic: Story on AO3 Link to art: Art on AO3 from Supernatural and J-Squared Big Bang Challenge! https://ift.tt/G4NVIzL
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