#Autoboy S
davetada · 1 year
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James at the Los Feliz Flea Market
Los Feliz, CA
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daytura · 1 month
Half-frames ... in cyanotype? :-)
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Yes, half-frames in cyanotype! :D
Tools... Canon Autoboy Tele 6, half-frame mode. Fomapan 100. Ilfotec HC. Lariceo brand cyanotype chemicals on watercolor paper, rinsed with regular tap water. Two panes of plexiglass to keep it all sandwiched.
Design notes... I'm grateful for the Tele 6's half-frame mode, autofocus, and autoflash, but boy, I really wish this point-and-shoot were more reliable. Even shooting in full-frame mode last week, it stopped advancing 3 times and I had to restart it each time, resulting in blank frames there.
Developing times for Fomapan 100 and Arista EDU 100 seem to be wildly different on the online chart, with 7 minutes for the former and 13 minutes for the latter. Well, I overagitated for 13 minutes, thinking these development times were interchangeable (they're literally the same film, the latter is an American repacking of the former). Not a good combo when, apparently, Fomapan/Arista EDU already has higher tonal contrast than other films. I most likely blew out my highlights, which is why you see the huge chunks of white below. Next time, I'm definitely developing for 7 minutes — or less.
Painting and drying the cyanotype compound onto the watercolor paper was as easy as can be, but I had to spend most of the day waiting for the rain to clear up, and waiting for my final package of plexiglass panes to arrive. I sat it out facing directly to the sun for 15 minutes around 6:45pm today. I think this printing exposure was actually fine -- certain images, like the one of my desk (#24) or lunchtime (#34) were tack-sharp and well-exposed.
I'm also shooting a roll of (leftover) Ilford HP5 400 through my recently-arrived Olympus Pen S, also a half-frame, but I'm even less confident in the metering for this next batch of negatives, since I'm metering by eye with Sunny 16. Sunny 16 is actually a very good rule of thumb that I've used successfully on my Canon RP w/ modern amenities, but with vintage cameras, you never know if the shutter or the aperture is 100% functional. (I'll tell you, though, this Pen S is a real cutie. It literally fits in the palm of my hand.) Ultimately, I'll have to develop and see.
Overall, this first-try turned out much better than I thought. I thought I would have a uniform grid of white squares, but there's enough detail here to help me decide which ones (or doubles!) I want to properly enlarge at my campus' darkroom this Wednesday.
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jinsei-pika-pika · 11 months
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Q1. プロフィールを教えてください。 「東京都出身の18歳です。洋服がつくれるようになりたいと思って、4月から文化服装学院の服装科に入学しました。去年から、相方の柊ちゃんと一緒に『女の子カルト』というユニットを結成して、活動してます。活動といっても、ふたりのラブラブ仲良し投稿をしているだけです!」
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Q2. 具体的に、どんな投稿をしていますか? 「いわゆる作品撮りです。衝撃を受けた映画をもとにして自分なりに、同級生のその歳ならではの鋭さを表したくて。その人自身の考えていることや、そのときのメンタルを景色とあわせて、フィルムカメラやビデオで撮影してます。この前は、うちらが生まれる前の1999年に公開された、『月光の囁き』っていう映画を再現して撮影しました」
Q3. どんなことを大切にして、創作活動に取り組んでいますか? 「なんとなくオシャレっぽいものや、ただ流行っているものをカタチにするのではなく、直感的にトキメキを感じたものをカタチにすることを大切にしています。私にとってはそれが、平成カルチャーであることが多いんです」
Q4. 平成カルチャーを好きになったきっかけは? 「名画座に行くのが好きで、そこで知ったり、親の影響で知って、好きになっていったものが多いから、気づいたら好きになっていたんですよね。
あ、これだけは言わせてほしい! 平成はレトロじゃありません!」
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Q5. これまででいちばん思い出に残っている作品を教えてください。 「3月に、原宿にあるデザインフェスタギャラリーで、初めて個展をしたんです。その名も『女子高生だったネ。』展。ふたりのこれまでの作品撮りや衣装などを詰め込みました。
Q6. これからやってみたいことは? 「女子高生は終わっちゃったけど、もっといろんな作品を撮りたいし、フリマとかもしたい! あとは、遊園地めぐりもしてみたい。次はどこでどんなふうに作品撮りしようかなって考えている時間が、とっても楽しいんです」
Q7. 宝物を教えてください。 「『Canon Autoboy S』というフィルムカメラです。いまのところ、これ以外のカメラは考えられないぐらい、写りが可愛いんです。いつもバッグに入れて持ち歩いてます」
Q8. 社会がもっとこうなればいいな、と思うことはありますか? 「若者のことを見落とさないでほしいです。若い人がなにかを始めようとするときに、『大人じゃないから』という理由でできなくなったりすることがあるので。ルールは大事だと思うけど、そういう部分は変わってほしいなと思います」
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Q9. 最近新しく始めた挑戦があれば、教えてください。 「挑戦っていうほどじゃないけど、専門学校に入学して、眠気と戦わないといけないことが増えて。最近、コーヒーを飲むようになりました」
Q10. 同じ時代を生きる10代にメッセージをお願いします。 「いま、ハッと気づいたときから、10代の終わりへのカウントダウンが始まっている気がするんです。10代が終わったからって魅力がなくなるわけじゃないけど、10代の異常な輝きは、世の中を揺るがす力を持っていると思います。
だから、何かしたいことがあるならチャレンジしてみてほしい! その経験は記憶に残り続けると思います」
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パジャマ/メルカリ シューズ/gravis ヘアゴム/柊ちゃんとイロチ 「洋服はリサイクルショップか古着屋さん、あとはメルカリで買うことが多いです。今日のイロチのパジャマもメルカリです。ポイントはヘアゴム! どうしてもこのヘアゴムをシュシュとつけたくて、地元の薬局で見つけて買いました」
■ラブリー天使ひなたのSNS ★Instagram
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女子高生倶楽部 【無料ホムペ作成 @peps!】 x83.peps.jp
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paincorpsrarefinds · 1 year
Canon Autoboy S Panorama 35mm Film Camera
CAMERA DEALS: Seller: gamangaman (100.0% positive feedback) Location: US Condition: Used Price: 64.00 USD Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/394599170214?hash=item5bdff180a6%3Ag%3Ak5gAAOSwyqBkTwqI&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338779481&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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CANON Autoboy S PANORAMA AF Film Camera also SURE SHOT Z 115 / PRIMA SUPER 115
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masak-kasam · 5 years
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g00melo5-art-blog · 2 years
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akiraeca · 5 years
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alexteltevskiy · 6 years
On a roll no. 6
If spending a Sunday afternoon stumbling half-aimlessly through an urban industrial neighborhood devoid of all lifeforms sounds like fun, you’ve come to the right place. Ladies & Gentlemen, I present to you the latest installment of my On a Roll series, aptly named Pedestrians Not Included.
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All puns aside, I did have a legit reason to be out and about: the other day I scored a Canon Z135 point and shoot camera at the local thrift store. Originally non-functioning, the mechanics inside were stuck due to disuse and copious amounts of sugary pop spilled all over the lens assembly a decade and a half ago. A quick CLA brought it back to life.
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Grabbing a chilled roll of Fuji Superia 200 out of my fridge, I hopped into my car on a Sunday afternoon and drove downtown. I decided on a location for my photowalk the way I always do - by taking a random exit on the highway, when the feeling strikes.
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Having just recently used a Contax TVS II, a premium compact zoom camera, my hopes weren’t very high for the IQ performance. The sharpness of that lens was a big, big letdown. I’ve almost just about given up on expecting sharp imagery from zoom P&S cameras. After examining the negs from this camera, I’m glad I haven't given up all hope.
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On paper, the specs appeared decent - 10 elements in 9 groups. But what really set this lens apart at a glance was the deep amber of the coating, liberally applied to all visible lens elements. This was “some premium stuff”, it whispered.
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The construction felt abnormally solid as well, all around. This was no Contax TVS II, mind you. But it has a metal faceplate, controls approximately where you’d expect them and a comfy little rubber grip formation. Viewfinder is average. It’s quick to turn on and retract. Sigh, but it doesn’t remember flash settings.
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As far as durability goes - the particular camera that I’d scavenged has seen some action in its previous life. But, apart from that pop drink lens freeze, it’s been durable enough to withstand and persevere.
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Packed with features, it’s got all sorts of modes and settings. Exposure compensation, servo focusing, etc. Some even come with date backs (mine didn’t, unfortunately) and a unique caption system that imprints a phrase to the image. My favorite feature - the spot metering mode. My most vilified feature - the crazy hard to close battery door.
PS: Sorry for the scratch running through most of the roll - it wasn’t my fault. It was the squeegee’s, which has since been retired.
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Long story short, it’s an awesome performer. The lens blew my mind when I examined the negatives. Brilliantly sharp across most of the zoom range. Doesn’t flare much. Medium contrast. Somewhat soft corners but nothing like the Contax TVS II. Feels very confident at 38, 50, 70 - the focal lengths I use the most. Very little distortion. The biggest shortcoming of this lens (if you call it that) is the truckload of vignetting that manifests itself in every shot. I, actually, rather like this imperfection, otherwise I wouldn't bother with film. Want perfection? Shoot an a7r III with Art glass.
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This actually leads me to another idea that I’ve been entertaining for a while... Just how much overrated some of the premium compacts are. 5%-10% more image quality for 1000% more money. That’s bad economics, blown out of proportion by social media. Sure, they have other features too, and are usually more compact (hence the name), but that still doesn't stop the fact that 1) their shots look virtually the same as ones from these cheap $5 cameras under normal conditions and 2) all of them will brick out and die eventually as compact cameras are generally unrepairable. But that’s a can of worms I’ll open up some other time.
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By this point you’re probably looking at me (figuratively) and thinking, how did this turn into a camera review? Well, I was just thinking the same thing. Maybe it’s because I just really like this camera AND I WASN’T EXPECTING IT. But enough about the tool, let’s look at the subject matter...
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... that was shot on a 24 exp. roll of Fujicolor Superia 200. For the record, I won’t be using Superia 200 or 400 anymore. Maybe a little Pro 400H here and there, and obviously the E-6 stuff. But no more cheap-o consumer film. The emulsion just doesn't sit well with me, my computer, my scanner and my software. The tones are miles off, the base is slippery and causes issues with my scanner. Not to mention that the film base is ever so slightly thinner and flimsier than comparable Kodak stock. Fuji really cheaps out on this one. No more. Gold 200 and Ultramax 400 all the way.
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The city was a joy to walk around that day. Most of the areas I passed through were completely silent, with nary a human or automobile in sight. It’s Sunday, after all.
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All the smokestacks were plugged up, bridges dormant and general machinery dreaming away in a gentle hum, getting some well deserved rest before the next work week starts.
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The late afternoon sun casting longish, inky shadows over cars, buildings and lampposts. Like a spotlight at a theater during intermission, bathing the stage, props standing, actors on a smoke break outside.
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It may sound counterintuitive, but for me, the city is especially fun at this time. A surreal feeling at times, it shows a completely different side when you’re all alone on the streets of its more industrial areas.
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You take it all in at your own leisurely pace, where neither pesky pedestrians nor tenacious truck compete with your camera for the scenery. It’s like a real-life video game where you’ve entered a couple of cheats to stop the missions and just walk around the level and admire the designers’ handiwork.
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Speaking of handiwork... I’ll quiet down for a bit and let the photos do the talking. 
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And with that stop sign, we’ve reached the end of the roll. Hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. It really is a great camera, especially considering the steal it goes for these days, completely slipping by the radar of most film fanatics. Fanatics that are so busy obsessing over which kidney to sell to afford a Contax T3 that they (in my mind) forget the nature of 35mm film photography instead of just going out and taking photos.
Until next time!
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okiixi · 4 years
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Japan in winter - January
Canon Autoboy S Panorama
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aarticle · 5 years
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Canon Autoboy S
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davetada · 1 year
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Alex and Sharon
Downtown LA, CA
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paincorpsrarefinds · 1 year
【MINT】Canon Autoboy S Black 35mm Film Point & Shoot body Camera From JAPAN
CAMERA DEALS: Seller: shonan-base-camera.japan (100.0% positive feedback) Location: JP Condition: Used Price: 79.99 USD Shipping cost: 35.00 USD Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/404196624045?hash=item5e1bff06ad%3Ag%3AGfgAAOSwXIFkCwQ9&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338779481&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Canon Autoboy MINI T Film Camera ( SURE SHOT TELE MAX / PRIMA TWIN S )
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masak-kasam · 5 years
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g00melo5-art-blog · 4 years
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Autoboy S
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