avatarismblog · 9 years
Omg!!! CLICK THE LINK ABOVE and Read this! 
Ignitechannel.com has published an awesome article featuring Avatarism!!!! Thanks to writer Wesley Thorincatha for this beautiful piece of work!! 
Coming up this Sunday April 26th 2015
Avatarism: Spiritual Superhero Workshop
The Last Avatar Film Premiere Screening
Info and Tickets here:
FB Event Page
The Las Avatar Movie FB Page https://www.facebook.com/thelastavatarmovie Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHCgcYbbSEc
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avatarismblog · 9 years
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Avatarism presents Notes from #Activ8 iRev. Alexander Polinsky March 29, 2015 Full circle church Venice Difference between a robot and a player character in the game if you are robot in the game then the game has programmed you The game tells the robot how to act and react but mostly how to attack. If you suspect someone is a robot then they are most likely playing in style and within a system that they did not fully choose. Automata, drones, mundanes, muggles. Quick to complain about life, sickness prone and under nourished with inspiration, a robot is a fairly squandered thing. If you are a player then you are the architect of your own game You become the master, the conductor of the construct, the mutation in the system A player character with a purpose You create the purpose The character is the communication! Use your character to slather the world in your unique style of excellence! When you are making up your own parameters and exceeding your own limits you can realize the power of your own creative will. The will is the way. Not the things we say, or the crystals we buy, or the gurus we seek You createThe ecka grata! The one pointed focus The essential points of interest The things you will embody They become part of you and then when that happens you become a living breathing communication of that story that you're writing. We are not only here to learn nothingness, to empty ourselves to renounce our bad habits and relinquish our fear.... We are also here to do something to create something To give something back into the stream To encode our story with love and gratitude This time is precious So remember that breath is a necessity and a ritual practice. To be inspired is to breathe in To be inspired by others is to breathe in their love and Grace To be inspired by God is to breathe in godlike energy We can Literally breathe in that which we love inhale peace inhale togetherness inhale love and become one with it It's like right here in the circle is an immense amount of love and spiritual support can you feel it? If you can feel it, say yes! So the question becomes what do we do with this immensely powerful immediate and supportive circle of love? Let's breathe it in, let's all take five breaths, and each breath in I want you to literally breathe in the love from this room Breathe in the love that is here in this room Then...breathe out love From the core of your being let it cascade across your body Breathe in bring a smile to your face uplift your chest Breath out love lift your head up and as you do look around At the he other smiling faces in this room who are breathing in your love breathing out your love and letting it in letting this love inside as a concept, as magic as palpable reality This possibly the most healing energy and we can generate as human beings. So breathe in… Breathe out… And continue for the rest of your lives. Forever endeavor, iRev. Alexander Polinsky
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