#Average Salary Of An ER Nurse
madisonl0817 · 9 months
Career Roadmap
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During college, it's important to focus on building a strong foundation in your chosen field. As an aspiring ER nurse, you'll need to complete a nursing program and obtain your Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. This will involve taking courses in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and emergency care. Clinical rotations and internships will provide hands-on experience in the ER setting.
After graduating, you'll need to pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses to become a license nurse. From there, you can start your career in the emergency department of a hospital to medical center. Starting salaries for ER nurses can vary depending on factors like location and experience, but the average salary range is around $65,000 to $85,000 per year.
To advance in your career and increase your earning potential, you may consider pursuing additional certifications or advanced degrees. For example, obtaining a certification in emergency nursing or pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing can open up opportunities for higher-level positions and increased salary prospects. With experience and advanced qualifications, you could potentially earn over $100,000 per year as an ER nurse.
It's also worth mentioning that as you gain experience and expertise, you may have the opportunity to take on leadership roles or specialize in a specific area of emergency care, which can further enhance your career growth and earning potential.
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jfiwejeir · 1 year
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The number of service jobs is the largest in Seoul, the capital [50], followed by Gyeonggi-do/Incheon. There is a fat that is a chronic labor shortage. Statistically, the farther away you are from the capital, the lower the number of doctors, so wages rise. This is why there is a great shortage of doctors i퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애)n the provinces.[51] Income varies wildly by department. Excluding practitioners, the average income of salaried doctors is clinical doctor > basic researcher > public office, small hospitals and clinics among clinical service doctors > general hospitals > tertiary general hospitals, regional counties > regional small and medium-sized cities > regional metropolitan cities > Gyeongin area > The trend in Seoul is shown, in 2020, the average hospital level is 314.28 million won, g퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애)eneral and advanced hospitals are 276.72 million won, clinics are 219.83 million won, nursing hospitals are 207.64 million won, health checkup centers are 204.27 million won, and public health centers are 100 million won. It accounted for 23.07 million Won.# Thoracic surgery, trauma surgery, and some departments are relatively easy to w퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애)ork with, but it is not easy to become a professor in the first place. There is also medical accident insurance for doctors. In the past, some thought it was a low salary because they couldn't make money compared to opening, but now the competition for opening is fierce and there are many things to worry about, so you and I want to become professors, so the competition is very fierce. In addition, university hospitals not only have full-time professors, but also recruit contract workers.[52]퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애) Excluding public positions, the only careers with lower salaries than junior university hospital professors are full-time jobs, such as on-duty doctors at nursing hospitals, vice-presidents of private clinics, and health checkup doctors, who are mostly untrained general practitioners. The point to note here is that doctors do not only see clinical trials, but contrary to popular belief, they go on to various career paths, and even clinical doctors differ greatly depending on their specialty a퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애)nd subdivision, so it is difficult to talk about a doctor's income uniformly.
Occasionally, due to lawsuits or legal disputes, salaries of service doctors are often exposed. Based on prices in 2018, the 11th-year surgical specialist working as a professor at a general hospital in the Gyeonggi-do area, excellent research and treatment performance in the entire hospital, and p퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애)erforming a lot of surgeries, the total amount of a competent doctor's annual salary for one year was 13,560 before tax. Only cause can be known. However, since this general hospital is a public hospital under the National Health Insurance Corporation, as mentioned above, it should be taken into account that the salary is relatively salty compared to private hospitals.
Currently, as prices rise and the supply of manpower increases, mainly in Seoul, the internal medicine side of the local hospital service is usually about 10 to 15 million won per month based on Gyeongin. Each hospital is different, so it may be higher or lower.
There is a possibility that you will suffer from a lawsuit due to a medical accident, but you can sign up for medical accident liability insurance, and if you are really afraid of that, it is recommended to go to a nursing hospital or public health cent퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애)er. Pay Doctor's popularity continues to rise, and as a result, the increased supply of Pay Doctor reduces income stability. In addition, since the number of patients increases or, conversely, drops out often depends on the attending physician, there are cases where the director storms out because of poor income. Surprisingly, the salary increase rate according to seniority is low, so the difference in salary between퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애) a newcomer and a doctor with 20 years of experience is not as large as expected. As much as Faye is determined by whether or not she can perform xx, her salary may not increase even if her experience is accumulated. Whether you can do endoscopy is important, whether you have 5 years of experience or 10 years of experience is not taken into account, and when you become a service doctor at a퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애) private practice, you will first learn various techniques (beauty techniques such as fillers and lifting, manual therapy, ultrasound, endoscopy, etc.) When you learn , your salary goes up, but there are limits to the skills you can learn in small hospitals, not training, and after that, your salary starts to run in reverse. Because hospitals and clinics want doctors who are young, quick, and easy to work with, even if you퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애) are lucky enough to find a long-term position, the amount of the contract is reduced, working hours are extended, or weekend work increases as the years go by. In the end, they are gradually pushed to a bad seat, to a nursing hospital, and gradually to a bad seat in a nursing hospital, or to be pushed out.
The salary of doctors is raised by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the National Health Insurance Service after publishing statistics for each department. The income level of the service is the lowest in Seoul, followed by Gyeongin, 퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애)and the treatment gets better as you go to the provinces. On the other hand, in the case of practicing doctors who have to take the risks associated with opening a business, the average income level is much higher than that of service doctors, but there seems to be a large individual variation. Mainly, if the opening of the business is less than the sal퀸메이커 다시 보기 netflix 2023 (문소리,김희애)ary of the employee, the business will be closed. Dr. Kook-Jin Moon, who had been an autopsy surgeon at the National Forensic Service in the past, was so tired that he went to see Dr. Jang Ki-ryeo to repeat the surgery. Of course, at the time, the NFS was in its infancy, so the situation was worse than it is now.
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educationnursing · 2 years
How can an ER nurse make more money?
Eight Ways Nurses Can Increase Their Income
Network. Networking refers to meeting new people and establishing contacts in your career. You’ll hear a lot about networking in nursing school or on the job. There are many ways to network these days: Social media, on the job, while you’re in school, and so forth. Allow me to illustrate how networking can pay off. Not too long ago, I heard of a guy on a nursing floor who wanted to apply for a new shift leader position that had opened up. Everyone like this particular guy, and he was sure to get the job. However, the nurse manager over that unit had to promptly step down. A new nurse manager was hired, and she filled the shift leader positions by hiring one of her friends. It’s not always about how hard you work in life–sometimes it’s about who you know! So networking can pay off.
Work Night Shift. A lot of people dislike working night shift due to the change in sleeping habits. However, most night shift positions offer a pay premium. This could be a dollar amount (extra $1-3 per hour), or a percentage increase in pay. Either way, working night shift usually increases your overall income. Sure, it’s not for everyone, but if you’re willing to do it, you can reap the rewards.
Work in Critical Care Areas. If you work in high-stress areas such as the ICU or ER trauma centers, you’ll likely earn more money per hour. Why? These areas can be very stressful and very demanding. Nurses encounter very serious situations, and they require thick skin and quick action. So if you work in one of these areas, you’ll likely earn a premium. Some healthcare facilities call it “critical care pay.” Others may call it something different. The bottom line is that you’ll likely have a bigger paycheck!
Obtain Additional Certifications. You can obtain certifications for many nursing specialties. These may be directly offered by your employer, or you may have to sign-up to take a certification course through a credentialing agency.  One such agency is the ANCC (American Nurses Credentialing Center). This agency offers certifications for many nursing specialties. Once you become certified, your employer may offer a wage increase. In addition, you’ll open up opportunities for advancement throughout your nursing career!
Participate in Career Ladder Programs. These programs are usually offered by hospitals or large healthcare organizations, and they allow nurses to earn an extra bonus based on the completion of their program. My wife participated in one of these programs, and it was called the BEST program at her hospital. BEST stands for Bedside Excellence Shining Through. This program had different tiers, and based on your tier, you had a percentage wage increase from 2-6%. To complete this program, my wife had to submit a paper, put together a portfolio, and some other minor tasks which detailed her experiences and training as a nurse.
Move Into Management, Shift Leader, or Charge Nurse Positions. There are always plenty of ways to grow in your nursing career, and one way is to simply apply for a management or leadership position. By becoming a charge nurse, shift leader, or a nurse manager, you stand to earn a big bump in your earnings.
Earn an Advanced Degree. When it comes to healthcare professions, obtaining an advanced degree almost always pays off.  Consider this: The average salary for an LPN (as of 2014) in the United States is $43,420. The average salary for an RN (2014) is $69,790. You can become an LPN in about one year through a diploma or certificate program, but you can become an RN with just one year of extra schooling (ADN degree, which takes about 2 years). Just one year of additional schooling could give you a gross increase of $26,370 per year (69,790-43,420). Over a 40-year career, that’s over $1 million bucks. Likewise, consider the average salary for a CRNA as of 2014: $158,900. This requires a master’s level education, so there’s definitely more schooling involved, but you could earn $89,110 more than a BSN-RN per year. Over a 40-year period, that’s over $3.5 million bucks! Not bad! Grated, I didn’t factor in the cost of tuition, taxes, or opportunity costs, but it’s pretty clear to see that an advanced degree in nursing (or other healthcare professions) almost always pays off.
Change Your Industry. Some industries just pay more than others do. You may make more money working for a large for-profit company as compared to a smaller not-for-profit company. One of the top paying industries for RNs within the healthcare sector (as of 2014) was specialty hospitals (state owned), which had an average salary of $77,660. One of the lowest paying industries within the healthcare sector was residential mental health and substance abuse facilities, with an average salary of $59,950. So sometimes it can pay to switch employers or work in different industries.
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MD no more?
I just learned last week that both CHED and DOH wont be offering scholarships for medicine anymore to “make way” for the Doktor Para sa Bayan Act.
Guess I just blew my only chance to pursue med?
I wish I just followed my initial plan and didn’t get too emotional? I was so determined to pursue med this 2021, I enrolled in a review center and was so ready to take the March exam but I backed out and changed my plans. As if it wasn’t enough, I even had the audacity to take 5 units of Molecular Biology and Diagnostics.
A little backstory and another episode of “me making everything about me”, my father got into an accident last December which made him disabled (and impossible to go back abroad to support my studies.) It was Sunday and I was having my review class back then when it happened. I was usually locked up in my room to avoid distractions when I overheard noises outside and learned that there was someone who got into an accident few blocks away from our home and they said it was probably my father. Everything happened so fast! My mother told me and my sister to check if it was Papa. My sister got there first and when I saw her come back crying, I immediately ran back to our house, changed clothes and went to the hospital.
I was so busy with my review, I didn’t notice my phone was being blown with calls and messages from my boss and workmates. They knew my father got in an accident before me! Luckily, he was able to tell everyone in the ER I’m an employee that’s why he was given prompt attention.
I have never told anyone about this enough but it was a bit traumatizing for me. To be honest, literally few days before that day, when I was crossmatching and heard an ambulance, I had this random thought na “what if a relative of mine is in need of blood? ako talaga magc-crossmatch kahit na off duty ako” — it didn’t happen. I didn’t know what to do. I almost passed out when I saw the oozing blood out of my father’s leg. I had to get out of the ER to breathe but I had to compose myself because I’m the one who knows the process in our hospital and had to get things done as soon as possible. My father had a “direct OR”. We were lucky because I am working in the Blood Bank and extra lucky because we have stocks at the time! We were able to release five units in a jiffy and it was tagged under his name until we were discharged. The nurses kept telling me we were lucky because there were blood units back then because my father lost lots of blood and probs wont make it if there’s none. If I remember correctly, three units were transfused while he’s in the OR.
From then, I wasn’t able to absorb whatever is being taught in the lectures. I just finished the review class for the sake of finishing it. Even now, just the thought of reviewing again takes me back to that day. The accident made what I was only fearing for before happen and instilled a whole new level of fear to me. 
“What if the same thing or worse happens if I’m away?” We were fine because I am working in a hospital but it would be different if I am no longer working. This and my previous thoughts made me decide not to push through studying this 2021. I also thought diverting my attention to other career path is better. I took up Molecular Biology to satisfy my long overdue desire for it ever since college. But it didn’t last. I really want to be a doctor!
What if I didn’t let my emotions get through me and still pushed through my plan? What if instead of letting the fears and doubts consume me, I should’ve used it as my inspiration to get in to medschool? 
What if I knew of these scholarships earlier and didn’t have to waste years waiting for validation of “my calling”? I should’ve been either in second or third year now had I not been this indecisive. Few years left and I was supposed to be done yet I’m still stuck in my what ifs and doubts.
On a lighter note, I wish I was born with another dream. I wish I was good at other things that didn’t have to be stuck here, frustrated because I may no longer fulfill my childhood dream.
Most importantly, I wish medical education is affordable or at least just as worth the salary we are getting after.
Medicine is for those with money and those with brains. There’s no place for people like me who’s in the middle and can barely maintain the average.
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falasta · 3 years
OK look. This is a personal rant about finances/the economy/etc. with a huge rant on healthcare (I’m in the U.S.) and I’m putting it under a cut so no one has to read it unless god forbid you actually want to.
I am insanely, viciously jealous of people who have jobs with pensions and retirement.
One of my friends works for University of California and she gets full medical (and GOOD health insurance, not a lousy HMO) and Disability and Vision and Dental and PTO AND Sick Leave and most of all--full pension paid out and you can retire at age 55 if you wanted to and you get paid for the rest of your life and I AM DYING!! I teach part time at a community college because like 80% of the faculty are part time BECAUSE if you are full time they pay all those benefits AND you have two months off per year AND your pay goes up automatically every year AND they pay super well and getting that position even when you qualify and have put in time and hours is like winning the lottery. Guys the average cost of a house within 15 miles of where I work is 1.2 million. The average rent--thanks city officials selling out to real estates companies--is over $3000 because EVERY SINGLE NEW APARTMENT BUILDING is LUXURY ONLY! I have a good education and a good career and and I am actually well paid .. but because cost of living is so high, and because no one wants to hire me full time because then they don’t have to pay me benefits I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to retire. A third of my income goes to taxes. Almost $500 per month goes to insurance premiums which pay the doctors I see so poorly that most everything except catastrophes are paid out of pocket. All of the money that goes toward health and health insurance is taxed. I put money aside every month for retirement but the old calculators used for retirement are hopelessly out of date. Everyone lives so much longer. Good medical care where your doctors/nurses/staff are actually paid properly and treat you properly is insanely expensive. No I won’t have a house “I’ve paid off”. No, my expenses won’t be less they will be so much more the older I get! No I don’t have kids to take care of me. I was running the numbers on my salary today-again, it’s a good one!--and putting all my money into categories (taxes, savings, retirement, health care, a place to live)--I literally couldn’t fund them all. I could live just fine without having to put half of my paycheck into retirement. I could retire if I never moved out of my parent’s house (presuming they live forever). I could pay for my healthcare if I didn’t have to pay taxes. I could pay my taxes if the government would stopped pretending it’s paying for my healthcare instead of just running it through for-profit corporations (look at you, Anthem/Blue Cross/Blue Shield) which raise the price every single year AND reduce my benefits. Every government official and politician have the BEST insurance benefits and they all see boutique doctors that are at their beck and call and go to fancy hospitals and think that tossing a few cents per patient at a clinic or a doctor counts as “universal health insurance” and are shocked when SURPRISE anyone except a huge corporation (hospital chains) can absorb it. The failure of government to actually pay for QUALITY medical care drives me insane. I have family that works at government hospitals an that been under the care of HMOs -- they get the runaround, they don’t get the lifesaving treatment they need, they are not diagnosed by overworked doctors, the government won’t pay for specialist treatment. My brother was incensed telling me that a patient he saw in the ER who he diagnosed with probably cancer couldn’t get an appointment with the oncologist at the County hospital for FOUR MONTHS. Ironically if you have no money and no insurance and end up in the major county/university run hospital and are admitted you will get fantastic care, because all of it is free and provided by university staff. But if you have county Health insurance, they won’t pay for anything.
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calzona-ga · 6 years
Timely stories, inspiring legions of medical students and empowering women (and its cast): showrunner Krista Vernoff and star Ellen Pompeo and the rest of the cast talk with The Hollywood Reporter about breaking 'ER's' record as TV's longest-running medical drama.
Two weeks before Grey's Anatomy's March 2005 series debut, series star Ellen Pompeo thought her ABC medical drama was, in her words, "dead in the water."
"The day the network changed our title to Complications it was like someone died in here," leading lady Pompeo tells The Hollywood Reporter from the show's L.A. set during an early January visit.
The title change would not stick. Two days later, ABC would revert back to Grey's Anatomy and, now, 14 years and 332 episodes later, Grey's Anatomy, with Thursday's installment, will break ER's status as TV's longest-running primetime medical drama.
It's a feat that creator Shonda Rhimes and showrunner Krista Vernoff, who spent the first seven seasons working under the former, never expected during the show's early days.
"After we produced 10 of our 12 episodes that first year, I went away to make a pilot and my assistant stayed behind in L.A. and she called me and said, 'They're making us pack up our offices.' They made us move out. They didn't think we were getting a season two," says Vernoff, who worked with former ER showrunner John Wells on Showtime's Shameless before being hand-picked by Rhimes to take over Grey's in season 14. "We owe a huge debt of gratitude to ER — without it, Grey's wouldn't exist. … We have surprised everybody — and ourselves. The staying power is amazing."
And the Seattle-set drama really does have some staying power. Seriously. It ranks as ABC's No. 1 series for the 2018-19 broadcast season with an impressive average of a 3.1 rating among the advertiser-coveted adults 18-49 demographic. Grey's is also, sources say, one of Netflix's top performing acquired series. The streamer has helped bring in a new legion of viewers that further propels first-run originals on ABC. What's more, Grey's has global reach: It is the key asset among all the Shondaland shows that have been licensed in more than 235 territories worldwide and dubbed in more than 67 languages. Grey's remains a top performer for foreign broadcasters and has been adapted into localized versions in Mexico, Colombia and Turkey. The series remains a top-performing U.S. drama abroad.
"It's a $4 billion business and it's everywhere in the world," says Pompeo, who ranks as TV's highest-paid leading lady on a primetime drama series with $20 million per season (plus points of the show's lucrative back end and producing fees). Adds Vernoff: "Shonda says I'm leading a multibillion-dollar worldwide corporation but if I think about that for too long, I won't be able to get out of bed!"
Global Reach Every single one of the current 11 Grey's series regulars has a story about the impact of their show. Most of them include anecdotes from viewers — and their children — about entering the medical field and becoming surgeons and nurses because of Grey's. "Graduating female surgeons have gone through the roof since Grey's Anatomy started," says Caterina Scorsone, who is the only (primetime, live-action) actor to start on a spinoff as series regular and wind up holding the same status on the original series.
Kevin McKidd — who was originally cast as a love interest for Sandra Oh's Cristina Yang and has now appeared in more Grey's episodes than the Killing Eve star did during her tenure — was recognized a few years ago on a dirt road in the "middle of nowhere in Mozambique," where he was helping a doctor friend improve conditions at a local hospital. "To see that in the farthest reaches of a very poor and struggling country there was this show that inspires people was pretty emotional," he says.
TV legend Debbie Allen, who exec produces, directs and has a recurring role, says she's now approached more about her time on Grey's than her iconic part on Fame. "I was in Cuba and accosted by these young girls who were screaming, 'Katherine Avery!'" she says with a laugh.
Giacomo Gianniotti, who has been a regular since season 12, is now repeatedly spotted in his home of Italy. "Because I'm Italian, there's this pride — like one of us made it to America and made it on our show that we watch," he says. "I traveled to Kenya doing some volunteer work this summer and a lot of people approached me to say they love Grey's. The reach is just huge."
Sums up Pompeo, who had an impact off-screen when she fought for her record-breaking salary: "Everywhere I go I get, 'My daughter is a surgeon because of you.'"
Empowering From the Start Grey's was the first TV series creator Rhimes got on the air. (ABC previously passed on a Rhimes drama about female war correspondents). Grey's broke out in season two and became a cultural phenomenon, contributing terms like "vajayjay" and "McDreamy" to pop culture. Grey's has also birthed two spinoffs — Private Practice, which ran for six seasons and 111 episodes — and Station 19, which is currently in its second season on ABC. The success of Grey's has led to other opportunities for Rhimes, who really broke out with ABC's political soap Scandal. That series built on Rhimes' penchant for color blind casting on Grey's. (Former star Isaiah Washington nearly played the McDreamy part that went to Patrick Dempsey, while network execs expected Oh's role of Cristina to be played by a white actress.)
"When they had me come in to read for the role of chief of surgery, I hadn't seen an African-American in that kind of role before," says James Pickens Jr., who remembers sitting next to Rhimes at the 2005 upfronts when she hoped to get five or seven episodes on the air. "Grey's is more than just entertainment. Shonda always wanted to make sure that the show impacted the landscape in a way that we hadn't seen before on TV. I like to think that Grey's had a big part in how the industry casts shows."
In addition to Rhimes' breakout success — she left her longtime home at ABC Studios last year for a $300 million Netflix overall deal — the cast has also been able to add to their skillsets. Grey's has launched directing careers for stars including showrunner Vernoff, Pompeo (who made her debut in season 14), Jesse Williams, McKidd and Wilson, the latter of whom helmed Thursday's record-breaking hour. (Former star Sarah Drew also earned an Emmy nomination last year for directing a Grey's digital short.)
"The atmosphere here is if you want to try something, you're encouraged," says Wilson, who along with Pompeo, Justin Chambers and Pickens is one of the four remaining original stars.
For Williams, that outlook has also afforded him the opportunity to build up his own businesses. "Grey's has made a home for me so that I can launch three tech companies and can go on speaking tours and live a life. A lot of that has to do with being on a show that's run by women and people who can actually multitask," says Williams, who will direct again this season.
Grey's has also created a safe space for its (many!) pregnant stars, who have always been afforded job security. Wilson, for her part, thought she'd be written out of the series when she told Rhimes of her pregnancy early on in the show's run. Instead, it was written into Bailey's season two storyline (and the character's son is now old enough to have been featured in a season 14 episode exploring unconscious bias).
"Instead of shunning it and hoping you don't get pregnant, I watch producers actively encourage all of our actors to have a family," Williams says. "That is the formula and secret for longevity: feeding into a healthy life and happiness instead of running from it or trying to press you out of it."
Opening Hearts, Changing Minds Beyond creating a new legion of directors and producers (Pompeo has an overall deal with ABC Studios and produces both Grey's and Station 19), the long-running medical drama has made an impact on-screen with empowering storylines. More recently, Grey's has explored domestic violence with Camilla Luddington's Jo, unconscious bias and new stories for transgender characters. Grey's this season features a same-sex relationship with its first openly gay male surgeon (Alex Landi, whose Nico is romancing Jake Borelli's intern, Schmitt) as part of its "Season of Love." The latter is especially true for Pompeo's Meredith, who is now exploring serious relationships after losing her "person" when Dempsey's Derek was shockingly killed off back in season 11.
"The most empowering storyline for me has been to portray a woman who has lost the love of their life and what does life look like having to continue on after losing the right side of your body? Did his departure mean I no longer mattered or my magic and chemistry was somehow gone? We saw that I could stand on my own and that women who do lose their partners or children, there is a way for people to go on. To be able to portray someone who could go through the hardest thing you could go through — the death of a loved one — and to be able to portray the survival of that is the most meaningful," a tearful Pompeo says, comparing Meredith's loss to the passing of her own mother at a young age. "After that, you think you can't go on. … So it's all come full circle."
Other cast members point to medical storylines that have helped viewers diagnose loved ones. Wilson is especially proud of the cyclic vomiting syndrome episode, while Chambers singles out exploring mental illness with Alex's mother in a storyline first planted in the show's early days. But all involved can point to several subjects the series has explored that have helped open minds and let viewers see versions of themselves on TV.
"Callie and Arizona's wedding was a really big deal and you think of the different countries that the episode was broadcast in and they may not have thought they were ready for big things like that," Williams says. "Whether it was the transgender young woman I just met who felt like she was included because she saw a trans patient whose storyline wasn't focused on her trans-ness, or the police violence episode — which is close to the work that I do — the running theme is allowing people to feel seen and considered."
And sometimes the impact Grey's is making is subtler than a storyline or patient.
"I've had black women say that I'm the reason they decided to go natural with their hair," says Kelly McCreary, who has played Meredith's half-sister, Maggie, since the end of season 10. "If seeing me on screen representing our hair in its natural state freed viewers from any ideas they had about that being bad, unattractive or unprofessional or whatever else they're trying to feed us about it, that's remarkable."
Doing Something New (That Still Feels Familiar) Everyone on the Grey's call sheet will give credit for the show's creative and ratings resurgence to Vernoff, who as Chambers says, "hit a refresh button and reinvigorated the show." Kim Raver, who reprises her role as Teddy after previously serving as a series regular for seasons six through eight, feels the same old-school energy now that she did a decade ago and credits Vernoff for "infusing the quintessential Shonda Rhimes vibe of it." And while Vernoff smiles when told of the cast's kind words for her work, she is aware of the power that comes with writing for a beloved character like Pompeo's Meredith Grey.
"When Meredith Grey speaks, people listen," says Vernoff, who recently signed a big overall deal with ABC Studios. "There is so much darkness and so much to be frightened of and this show has so much impact. People have grown up with Meredith. So, my goal is to have a voice on the planet and to have an impact: to change hearts and minds."  
Vernoff is aware that she is already achieving that impact. The showrunner — who has been outspoken about timely issues surrounding Hollywood including the #MeToo movement, salary parity and more — recalled a recent conversation with Rhimes in which the Grey's creator shared a story from a makeup artist who noted that his brother is a Korean gay man and was moved to see himself represented on screen. Other highlights include hearing from a current Grey's writers PA who wrote a letter sharing a story about experiencing his father's death at the age of 16 and finding solace in a storyline with George (T.R. Knight) and Cristina talking about the "Dead Dad's Club."
"To put my painful loss on TV and help other people through that is deeply meaningful to me," Vernoff says of the origin of that storyline.
As for what comes next, Vernoff did not want to write in a wink and nod to ER — fitting given her relationship with Wells on Shameless and the fact that the former NBC medical drama was one of the series that made her want to be a TV writer in the first place. Instead, Vernoff opted to do something that Grey's had never done before.
"In the 300th episode we did a huge number of winks at the show's history and beginnings. I don't know if ERdid it or not but what I came up with was a no-medicine episode," Vernoff says of the Grey's first. Adds McCreary: "We're in this party scene and I keep waiting for somebody to need a tracheotomy! But instead it's great because it feels like a real celebration of these characters."
Meaningful Milestone As the episode doubles as a celebration of sorts of the record-breaking milestone, the stars all share the same refrain when asked about the significance of doing a whopping 332 hours of television. All involved recall their initial shock that the series few thought would work has become the powerhouse franchise it is today.
"My goal was to do the pilot, take the check and pay some bills!" Wilson recalls with a laugh. Adds Chambers: "When we were in season two, I'd say to everybody, 'Do you think we've got two more years? I just wanted to get my kids to college.' And now some of them are done with it!" Pompeo also points to the record's value in the current TV landscape where viewers have an option to pick from nearly 500 scripted series and 700-plus unscripted offerings on an array of platforms as competition for eyeballs expands to other forms of entertainment like video games and podcasts.
"The fact that we're still the network's No. 1 drama and can stay afloat in this landscape after 15 years is incredible," Pompeo says. "It's also incredible in a larger sense because it's something that I resisted [and] that I said I would never do."
For his part, Williams has now appeared in more than two-thirds of Grey's Anatomy's total episodes after first joining the cast as recurring player Jackson Avery in season six. It's a jarring fact for the actor who initially thought the show would only be around for only a few more seasons when he first signed on. He now scoffs at those who use Grey's Anatomy as a punchline.
"That response — 'Oh, Grey's is still on' — at first, I took offense to it but now I don't because it's not really about our show; it's about the business because shows don't last that long," says Williams, whose tech companies are all inspired by the message of visibility he sees every day on Grey's. "I'm really proud of what we do here — I wouldn't be here this long if I wasn't."
The Future While Grey's has not officially been renewed for its 16th season, it's considered a lock as Pompeo's deal covers the 2019-2020 broadcast season. ABC Entertainment president Karey Burke and ABC Studios topper Patrick Moran both bow before what Pompeo and Grey's have been able to accomplish. "We are awed by this rare and incredible achievement," Moran says. "To make 15 seasons of television that are creatively fresh and compelling — and now record breaking — is almost unheard of, but Shonda, Betsy Beers, Krista, Ellen and the incredible cast and crew have managed to do that. We're very proud of this show and this team." Adds Burke: "How fitting and well deserved it is for Grey's Anatomy — a show that never ceases to inspire, surprise and move us — to achieve something no other primetime medical drama can lay claim to. The creative bar set by Shonda, Betsy, Krista, Ellen and the entire cast and crew will keep this iconic show in rarefied air for generations, and as one of their millions of fans, I congratulate them on this historic milestone."
Pompeo, too, knows she has experienced something special in her decade and a half on Grey's, where she has been afforded a rare ability to evolve Meredith as a character while growing as an actor and producer. "I've come full circle on this show from being an actor with no voice, no say and terrified to speak up or advocate for myself in any way," Pompeo says. "I'm now someone who is heard here and who has a say here. I'm one of my bosses and that's an unusual situation for an actress in Hollywood — to get to say what I want and what I don't. If I left the show, I don't think I'd have that same situation anywhere."
That's not to say Pompeo hasn't toyed with the idea of leaving Grey's over the years. The actress has been candid many times about experiencing the nagging pull many stars on veteran series experience as they consider leaving and taking on new and different roles. But at the end of the day, the idea of stepping away from something as big as what Grey's Anatomy has become has proven impossible.
"You can't ignore the worldwide phenomenon that this show is. How do you walk away or ignore that?" Pompeo says. "Being the face and voice of something that can generate that much money, there's only a very small number of people who can say that they have achieved that. If you're lucky enough to be the face and voice of something that's generated billions of dollars for a network, that's something to be proud of."
Meanwhile, Pickens is in talks for a new deal that would see him continue on as Grey's Anatomy's elder statesman Richard Webber. ("Nothing is solid yet but more than likely, I'll be here," he says.) Pickens adds the thought of going after Gunsmoke or Law & Order: SVU — the latter of which will break the former's record as TV's longest-running primetime drama series when it is renewed for its 21st season — remains "intriguing." Wilson, for her part, has one goal in mind now that Grey's has snapped ER's streak. "I would love to be a starter and a finisher of a thing," says the original star, whose contract is also up this season. "When the show is ready for that last shot, I want to be in that."
Seeing Ghosts Of the many notable cast departures, Vernoff, Pompeo and the cast all have quick answers at the ready when asked about which former Grey's co-stars they'd like to bring back to Prospect Studios:
Pompeo (Meredith): "I would love for Sandra Oh to be on the show but not more than I love seeing Sandra Oh out there in the world doing her thing. Not more than I love seeing her shine on her own at the Golden Globes and on Killing Eve. So I would say no [to that]. I love everybody who has been on this show, regardless of their time here and whether it was tumultuous or not."
Chambers (Alex): "Richard Herrmann. He played my intern for a while and was such a joy to work with. He passed on but I felt very lucky to work with him."
Wilson (Bailey): "Bailey was crazy about George O'Malley. But the thing about our show is we always keep our past characters alive; there is nobody we don't ever not talk about because every one of those characters has been the foundation for why we're here."
Pickens (Richard): "I've been in this business almost 40 years and Sandra Oh brought something very special to every scene."
McKidd (Owen): "Sandra Oh's Cristina, especially the way things are right now with Amelia, Teddy and Owen. To throw her into the mix at the same time? Owen would literally keel over and never get up again."
Raver (Teddy): "Sandra Oh. I started off having crazy, intense scenes with her — like when Henry (Scott Foley) was dying and I love her as a friend and admire her as an actress."
Williams (Jackson): "Frances Conroy. She was here in season seven and I didn't get to work with her. She is tremendous and was on one of my favorite shows ever: Six Feet Under."
Luddington (Jo): "Kyle Chandler. I love Friday Night Lights."
Scorsone (Amelia): "Chyler Leigh (Lexie). She is so much fun and is great with drama and comedy. I'm sad that I didn't get to work with her more."
McCreary (Maggie): "Kate Burton. I'd love for Maggie and Ellis to interact. Kate and I did a play together in 2014. She's one of my favorite people."
Gianniotti (DeLuca): "Jessica Capshaw. We would laugh until snot was coming out of our noses. I miss having her around."
Allen (Katherine): "I had so much fun directing Patrick Dempsey when he was here. I nicknamed him Dash because he would come on the set, look at his watch and want to keep it moving. He never liked to do a lot of takes but was always great. I didn't get to act with him but I did some of his best scenes while I was here. We think of him fondly."
Vernoff (showrunner): "Sandra Oh. I miss writing for Sandra and Cristina."
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flagstarnursing123 · 2 years
Top benefits of becoming a professional nurse in this time in USA......nursing assistant jobs | nursing career paths | nursing as a career | nursing career information
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The options, as well as benefits, are more when it comes to choosing the Nursing career paths in Pennsylvania. Get into this field and get ready to explore them all and take your career to a whole new level.
Starting from amazing compensations to the maximum level of satisfaction that you earn by helping patient, there is a lot of benefits of choosing career opportunities in nursing Pennsylvania. A professional nursing career can move into different directions, and registered nurses can work in different settings. If you want to know more about the benefits, then keep reading.
Excellent benefits and pay scales
As per the statistical data given by BLS- The Bureau of Labour Statistics, the average per annum wage for registered nurses was around USD 70, 000 in the year 2018. But nursing salary can change depending on the location, specialty, and types of facility. For example, a salary package that comes with nursing assistant jobs in Pennsylvania may be more than normal nursing jobs.
Talking about another nursing specialty, i.e., Emergency Room nursing jobs also come with higher average pay rates. For example, the average salary of ER nurses is more than USD 64,000 per annum. No matter what types of specialty you prefer to pursue your nursing career, you will definitely find that most of the nursing homes offer better compensation and other benefits.
Always in demand Whenever you search for Dietary aide jobs in Pennsylvania, you will find a lot of openings for professional dietary aide experts. That means the nursing field is always in demand. In fact, the BLS statistical report suggested that the employment of registered nurses grow around 15 percent between 2016 to 2026. This employment growth rate is much more than the employment growth in other occupations. So, it is said that if you are looking for better job security, then nursing is the right option for all.
As the population is rising, in the coming years, people will need more medical care. That’s why medical facilities, especially nursing homes, are in need of qualified nurses. Some employers also pay USD 10,000 sign-on bonuses to the nurses.
This is a rewarding career path The American Holistic Nurses Association says nurses always help people, and when they do that, they receive unmatched satisfaction. Why? Because they know that they have made a difference to the patients as well as their families.
The nurses enjoy a rewarding career by helping those in need and pain. In fact, they are like the major link between patients and doctors. They interact with the patients regularly and offer them various health needs. Such a level of care, the ability to work with people in pain, is something that many nurses like to do.
Another major benefit of choosing the Nursing career paths in Pennsylvania is you will enjoy the ability to grow. By getting higher level certificates, you can move yourself to a higher position. So, don’t think much about this. This is the right time for you to kick start your nursing career.
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Duties of ER (Emergency room Nurse) | Nursing Services in Delhi
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There are numerous divisions and various kinds of occupation positions in the medical clinic for attendants. Two stories that utilise many attendants are the emergency division and the clinical surgical units. Attendant services in Delhi are going to tell you the duties and differences of both divisions of the Nurses Unit.
ER nurses services and duties
An Emergency Room Nurse is essentially liable for fostering a patient consideration plan after a speedy and exhaustive assessment of a patient's wounds. Patient attendant in delhi encourage them to perform Normal obligations incorporating bone setting, blood bondings, wound care, medicine organisation, and substantially more.
An ER nurture works in a crisis office or trauma centre. They are answerable for triaging patients who come in for crisis care. They are trained to focus on patients who have exceptionally straightforward and stable requirements, such as projecting a wrecked finger, to extremely mind boggling and elaborate necessities, such as balancing in and out a patient fender bender or experiencing a shot injury.
 There are various duties that need to be performed by ER nurses like -
Besides dosing medications, trauma centre attendants might assist with clinical treatment for everything from sore throats to kidney diseases. Medical attendants may likewise help with minor operations as a feature of the therapy reaction, assisting with balancing out a patient and help the doctor in the matter of stitching wounds to intubating serious patients.
When recommended by a specialist and Attendant services in Delhi, a medical caretaker will be the one to legitimately direct medication, whether it is in setting up or preparing an intravenous mixture or giving over pills for gulping with water. Once in a while E.R. patients will currently be on an existing prescription that should be directed during their visit there. Attendants will affirm current medicine records with patient and family or approach the emergency clinic drug specialist to and gain in-medical clinic remedies from the E.R. specialist for those drugs.
There is no consistency in the trauma centre. You could have a  shift where the unit is totally full, while one more where there are a couple of patients. It's basically impossible to know shouldn't something be said about strolling through the entryway. The objective of the ER attendant and clinical group with  Patient attendant in delhi is to sort out the issue as quickly as could be expected, give the proper diagnostics, and medicines, and afterward get the patient released home if suitable. In the event that the patient is excessively debilitated to return home, they are "conceded" into the clinic and will go to a clinical careful unit, venture down unit, or basic consideration unit.
They need to provide assistance in washing wounds and making them dress properly. Time to time check up and to be aware and know when to release a medical stable patient. Should always be in condition to deal with patient dealing cardiac arrest, sexual assault, strokes and trauma etc. Patient attendant in delhi suggest ER to educate patient family or guardians about patient disease and provide them a plan on how to treat patients in emergency condition or what steps could be taken in the emergency of disease a patient is facing. Securely moving patients up to the clinical careful unit, stepdown unit, or ICU.
Salaries of ER nurses
Salaries of Emergency staff nurses in India mostly depend on the Work experience of an emergency nurse as 1 to 10 year of experience nurse can get 20k to 60k per month with an average annual income of 3 lakh.
Rhode Island, Hawaii, Alaska are some places where you can get highest paid ER nurses with income from 1 lakh to 2 lakh in indian rupee per month.
Education Requirement
There is not only just one way to become Emergency Staff Nurses as it can be acquired through different degree programs & certification. And can also be done through an Online ER nursing program.
It can be achieved through an ADN degree (associate degree in nursing) which could be completed in almost 3 year.
Another one is BSN(Bachelor of Science in Nursing) is a college degree in nursing that regularly requires four years to finish. Notwithstanding the professional preparation you would get in an ADN program, you likewise gain extra training as you would customarily in a lone ranger's program.
By passing the NCLEX-RN you will get the licence as well.
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shermerclassclown · 3 years
FULL NAME.   Sheila Elizabeth Donovan
NICKNAME.   Sheilshells (grandfather); 
GENDER.    cis female. 
HEIGHT.   5′7′’
AGE.    verse dependent 
 ZODIAC.    Aries
 SPOKEN LANGUAGES.    english, french   (high school level)
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 ! 
HAIR COLOR.    ginger red 
EYE COLOR.    emerald green
SKIN TONE.     fair
BODY TYPE.    athletic slender (in high school); average yet athletic (in adult years)
 ACCENT.   american. ( michigan) 
DOMINANT HAND.    right. 
POSTURE.    standing upright
SCARS.    a few on her elbows, arms, and knees from rough play as a child. Large one on Right side due to appendectomy at age 9. 
TATTOOS.    verse dependent
 BIRTHMARKS.     none
 FEATURE(S).     freckles on cheeks and nose, permanently smirking lips, upturned eyes 
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 ! 
PLACE OF BIRTH.    detroit, michigan
HOMETOWN.     Shermer, IL
BIRTH WEIGHT.   7 lbs 8 oz
BIRTH HEIGHT. 22 inches
MANNER OF BIRTH.    vaginal 
SIBLINGS.    none. 
PARENTS.   Marcus Donovan and Darcy Winger 
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT. Mother was completely uninterested in being a parent and often pushing her away or avoiding her. Father was mostly her primary caregiver. Had a loving relationship with him, but was more of a friend than a father. Her father left at age 10. Stepfather was emotionally and physically abusive (forcing her to live like a cadet including doing exercises as punishment). 
 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 ! 
OCCUPATION.    Emergency room nurse
 CURRENT RESIDENCE.    verse dependent
 CLOSE FRIENDS.     verse dependent
RELATIONSHIP STATUS.     verse dependent. 
FINANCIAL STATUS.    as a child, she grew up very poor in the urban city of Detroit. As a teenager, she lived in a upper class suburban Detroit and then working middle class with her grandfather. As an adult, she earned a decent salary as an ER nurse, but is very stingy when it comes to money in order to survive. 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !  verse dependant. Sheila was very sexually active as a teenager, but kind of stopped in college due to her focusing on her studies. As a nurse, she had a few dates and hook ups, but she was often very tired due to working a lot. 
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.     heterosexual
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.     submissive  |  dominant  |  switch.
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.     submissive  |  dominant |  switch. 
LIBIDO.     verse dependent, but high. ( hypersexual ) 
TURN ON’S.    neck kissing, genuine kindness, cuddling, shower sex, girl on top
TURN OFF’S.  unwanted advances, abusive relationships
LOVE LANGUAGE.    quality time 
 RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Sheila is a social butterfly, willing to make friends and often takes initiative when it comes to dates. Sheila likes to make people laugh--often masking her emotions with a comedy mask. Sheila has made a lot of mistakes in her relationships and wants to go slow with a potential lover. 
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.    Be a Clown by Gene Kelly and Judy Garland
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.     making jokes, playing pranks
ILLNESSES.   undiagnosed depression; emotional masking, abandonment issues
PHOBIAS.    being abandoned, witches
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  Sheila is usually confident in her appearance. In high school, but she was insecure about her breasts since they were small. Thankfully, they grew in while she was in college. 
VULNERABILITIES.    not feeling loved 
Tagging: whoever wants me to
0 notes
ninjatengu · 7 years
This is something that you should read. All the way through.
A physician hospitalist colleague posted this today regarding what the average person has at stake in healthcare reform and the domino effect of Medicaid cuts:
Hi there Average Person,
We probably haven't met. Mostly, I meet really sick elderly people when they come to my hospital. Not for tea, but for high quality inpatient medical care. You being an average person and all, we likely haven't had the pleasure of the 7am exam in which I poke and prod you and then ask you weird personal questions. ("Why the hell does she care so much about my poop?" "I do, average person. I care... regretfully for me and somewhat embarrassingly for you. But it's my job.") since we haven't met before, I thought I'd write you this letter about a topic that is important to both of us. It would seem that many people don't understand Medicaid. You may well be one of them. And even if you are not, please humor me. I promise that it will be worth it. Grab a beverage and put your feet up. This will be long. Long but so very important to Y.O.U. Many people think that Medicaid is only for poor people who are not working. And yes, it does cover some people in that category. As Conway recently said, they can just get a job. Amiright? Slackers. Damn toddlers and 98 year olds should be working for their medical insurance. Wait, what?! Yeah, Ms Conway <shockingly> got that statistic wrong. As did you. Did you know that Medicaid pays for about 50% of nursing home stays? Did you know that if your elderly relative breaks her hip or has a stroke etc, that Medicaid is the insurance that will be used 50% of the time to pay for their stay in a nursing home for rehab? This is one reason that the senate's healthcare bill is so destructive. Cuts to Medicaid (making it per capita and ending the expansion) will greatly impact the elderly in nursing homes. And it will impact YOU! Let's get real here. A lot of people think that they have no skin in this game. They have employer based insurance and live a healthy lifestyle. They are young enough with no bad health issues. They make a comfortable salary. So let's forget about helping less fortunate people. Forget helping sick kids. Forget helping the elderly. Forget helping the disabled. I get it. You think that you won't be affected by this bill. But you are wrong. Do you have a parent? Do you have a grandparent? An elderly aunt or uncle? As a doctor, I can tell you that old people fall and break bones. Old people have strokes. Old people have heart attacks. Old people get dementia and are too confused to take care of themselves. Heck, old people get colds and end up in the hospital, weak and infirm. And after their hospital stay in which those issues were patched up, cared for by yours truly, those elderly patients (your relatives) are ready for discharge. Where to? Well, if it was a serious malady, usually not home. They can't care for themselves. They are too weak. They need a month or more of rehab to regain that ability. Sadly, sometimes they never do. That rehab usually takes place at a skilled nursing facility. These magical places are usually covered in part by Medicare and supplementary private insurance. But at an average of $10,000 a month or more, those benefits quickly run out. And then your loved one will quickly blow through their savings. And that's where Medicaid comes in. Medicaid ends up paying for about 50% of nursing home costs. It is a major factor in the care of elderly people in nursing homes. The senate, in their infinite wisdom, has seen fit to make drastic cuts to Medicaid. Meaning that those benefits will not be there for your Nana or Mom or Great Aunt Cecelia when they fall and break a hip. What does that mean? It means that your elderly relative will have to pay out of pocket for nursing home care. That's $10,000 a month. Does your Dad have that in his savings? Guess who the nursing home is going to come to for payment? Y.O.U. Do you have an extra $10,000 a month to pay for your Dad's nursing home? No? Well then, he's going to be discharged home. He can't care for himself, so that means he is going to be discharged home to your spare room! And since he can't care for himself, you're going to have to do the caring. You know, the stuff a nursing home has 24 hour specialty trained staff to do with expensive equipment like hydraulic patient lifts. Not to mention the rehab therapy that your dad needs to regain his ability to care for himself. Are you going to do physical therapy with him? How about feeding him after the stroke? How about bathing and cleaning him? How about moving him every hour so he doesn't develop bed sores? And during all of that, when are you going to work? Forget home care, because that's also covered under Medicaid. And private duty nursing is oh so expensive. Are you starting to hyperventilate yet? But, you say, I just won't take dear old Aunt Martha home from the hospital. If I don't take her home, she's not my responsibility. They can't toss her out on the street, right? Right?!?! Well, probably not. Sometimes we do. But often we don't, because it's a safety issue. So you have chosen to abandon your elderly parent in a hospital. Beyond the fact that that is just morally reprehensible and I will be calling dcf on your ass, let's examine how that can also impact you. So a bunch of people get wise to the fact that they can dingdongditch their sick elderly relatives. That means that the hospital is left holding the short straw: Uncle Marty. Uncle Marty had a stroke. He can't feed himself, much less walk or care for himself. His Medicaid benefit was capped by the senate, so he can't go to a nursing home for rehab. His family abandoned him. He does not have the tens of thousands in his bank account to pay for nursing home care. So for the next two months, Uncle Marty gets to sit on my patient list. I grow to call him one of my permanent residents. He starts getting mail delivered to the hospital. The nurses all know him by name. He gets a full two months of therapy until he is finally able to care for himself and be discharged home (sweet jeebus, don't let me get stuck with that discharge summary). The problem is that for the past two months, dear old uncle Marty has been sitting in a hospital bed for no reason. He is well enough to be discharged, but he needs rehab. So that means one less patient could be admitted to the hospital for two months. But remember, it's not just Uncle Marty who had a stroke. There's Aunt Bedelia with her broken hip. There's Gramma Hortence with her pneumonia and resultant debility. There's Grandad Glenn with his heart bypass. The list goes on. And for the time that they need rehab, they will be taking up hospital beds. And before long, especially in Florida where our state bird has blue hair and enjoys the early dinner special, hospitals quickly fill to capacity with people who don't need to be in the hospital. Hospitals become the new nursing homes. But what, dear young reader living a healthy lifestyle, does that matter to you? Well, when hospitals are full, wait times go up. Car accident? Appendicitis? Migraine headache? Back strain from helping your buddy move last week? Uti on the weekend? Your er wait time just went from 3 hours to 12 hours. Need to be admitted for emergency surgery for your appendicitis? Too bad, so sad. Thank a senator. This hospital is full of nursing home patients. You have skin in this fight. You may not think you do, but you are wrong. Everyone has skin in this fight. Even the young. Even the healthy. Even the people with great employer based healthcare plans. Even the wealthiest among us. And yes, even your senator and Ms Conway. This bill will impact us all. So call your senator. Tell your senator to vote no on the senate healthcare act. Senate switchboard: (202)224-3121 If you won't do it for the disadvantaged, the disabled, the children, the elderly, the pregnant women, the people with organ transplants, do it for yourself. Illness will come for us all eventually. Don't you want affordable easy to access healthcare when it does? Signed, Your Friendly Local Bitter Hospitalist PS Don't be a dick to your elderly relatives. They took care of you. Now it's time to take care of them. Call them. Visit them. Send them a friggin card and some flowers, dude. They're lonely. They think of you often and have probably told me all about you, complete with showing me photos.
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curlygirl84 · 7 years
Found this on Facebook...
Hi there Average Person,
We probably haven't met. Mostly, I meet really sick elderly people when they come to my hospital. Not for tea, but for high quality inpatient medical care. You being an average person and all, we likely haven't had the pleasure of the 7am exam in which I poke and prod you and then ask you weird personal questions. ("Why the hell does she care so much about my poop?" "I do, average person. I care... regretfully for me and somewhat embarrassingly for you. But it's my job.") since we haven't met before, I thought I'd write you this letter about a topic that is important to both of us.
It would seem that many people don't understand Medicaid. You may well be one of them. And even if you are not, please humor me. I promise that it will be worth it. Grab a beverage and put your feet up. This will be long. Long but so very important to Y.O.U.
Many people think that Medicaid is only for poor people who are not working. And yes, it does cover some people in that category. As Conway recently said, they can just get a job. Amiright? Slackers. Damn toddlers and 98 year olds should be working for their medical insurance. Wait, what?! Yeah, Ms Conway <shockingly> got that statistic wrong. As did you.
Did you know that Medicaid pays for about 50% of nursing home stays? Did you know that if your elderly relative breaks her hip or has a stroke etc, that Medicaid is the insurance that will be used 50% of the time to pay for their stay in a nursing home for rehab?
This is one reason that the senate's healthcare bill is so destructive. Cuts to Medicaid (making it per capita and ending the expansion) will greatly impact the elderly in nursing homes. And it will impact YOU!
Let's get real here. A lot of people think that they have no skin in this game. They have employer based insurance and live a healthy lifestyle. They are young enough with no bad health issues. They make a comfortable salary. So let's forget about helping less fortunate people. Forget helping sick kids. Forget helping the elderly. Forget helping the disabled. I get it. You think that you won't be affected by this bill.
But you are wrong.
Do you have a parent? Do you have a grandparent? An elderly aunt or uncle? As a doctor, I can tell you that old people fall and break bones. Old people have strokes. Old people have heart attacks. Old people get dementia and are too confused to take care of themselves. Heck, old people get colds and end up in the hospital, weak and infirm. And after their hospital stay in which those issues were patched up, cared for by yours truly, those elderly patients (your relatives) are ready for discharge. Where to? Well, if it was a serious malady, usually not home. They can't care for themselves. They are too weak. They need a month or more of rehab to regain that ability. Sadly, sometimes they never do.
That rehab usually takes place at a skilled nursing facility. These magical places are usually covered in part by Medicare and supplementary private insurance. But at an average of $10,000 a month or more, those benefits quickly run out. And then your loved one will quickly blow through their savings. And that's where Medicaid comes in. Medicaid ends up paying for about 50% of nursing home costs. It is a major factor in the care of elderly people in nursing homes.
The senate, in their infinite wisdom, has seen fit to make drastic cuts to Medicaid. Meaning that those benefits will not be there for your Nana or Mom or Great Aunt Cecelia when they fall and break a hip. What does that mean?
It means that your elderly relative will have to pay out of pocket for nursing home care. That's $10,000 a month. Does your Dad have that in his savings? Guess who the nursing home is going to come to for payment? Y.O.U. Do you have an extra $10,000 a month to pay for your Dad's nursing home? No? Well then, he's going to be discharged home. He can't care for himself, so that means he is going to be discharged home to your spare room! And since he can't care for himself, you're going to have to do the caring. You know, the stuff a nursing home has 24 hour specialty trained staff to do with expensive equipment like hydraulic patient lifts. Not to mention the rehab therapy that your dad needs to regain his ability to care for himself. Are you going to do physical therapy with him? How about feeding him after the stroke? How about bathing and cleaning him? How about moving him every hour so he doesn't develop bed sores? And during all of that, when are you going to work? Forget home care, because that's also covered under Medicaid. And private duty nursing is oh so expensive.
Are you starting to hyperventilate yet?
But, you say, I just won't take dear old Aunt Martha home from the hospital. If I don't take her home, she's not my responsibility. They can't toss her out on the street, right? Right?!?! Well, probably not. Sometimes we do. But often we don't, because it's a safety issue. So you have chosen to abandon your elderly parent in a hospital. Beyond the fact that that is just morally reprehensible and I will be calling dcf on your ass, let's examine how that can also impact you.
So a bunch of people get wise to the fact that they can dingdongditch their sick elderly relatives. That means that the hospital is left holding the short straw: Uncle Marty. Uncle Marty had a stroke. He can't feed himself, much less walk or care for himself. His Medicaid benefit was capped by the senate, so he can't go to a nursing home for rehab. His family abandoned him. He does not have the tens of thousands in his bank account to pay for nursing home care. So for the next two months, Uncle Marty gets to sit on my patient list. I grow to call him one of my permanent residents. He starts getting mail delivered to the hospital. The nurses all know him by name. He gets a full two months of therapy until he is finally able to care for himself and be discharged home (sweet jeebus, don't let me get stuck with that discharge summary). The problem is that for the past two months, dear old uncle Marty has been sitting in a hospital bed for no reason. He is well enough to be discharged, but he needs rehab. So that means one less patient could be admitted to the hospital for two months.
But remember, it's not just Uncle Marty who had a stroke. There's Aunt Bedelia with her broken hip. There's Gramma Hortence with her pneumonia and resultant debility. There's Grandad Glenn with his heart bypass. The list goes on. And for the time that they need rehab, they will be taking up hospital beds. And before long, especially in Florida where our state bird has blue hair and enjoys the early dinner special, hospitals quickly fill to capacity with people who don't need to be in the hospital. Hospitals become the new nursing homes.
But what, dear young reader living a healthy lifestyle, does that matter to you? Well, when hospitals are full, wait times go up. Car accident? Appendicitis? Migraine headache? Back strain from helping your buddy move last week? Uti on the weekend? Your er wait time just went from 3 hours to 12 hours. Need to be admitted for emergency surgery for your appendicitis? Too bad, so sad. Thank a senator. This hospital is full of nursing home patients.
You have skin in this fight. You may not think you do, but you are wrong. Everyone has skin in this fight. Even the young. Even the healthy. Even the people with great employer based healthcare plans. Even the wealthiest among us. And yes, even your senator and Ms Conway. This bill will impact us all.
So call your senator. Tell your senator to vote no on the senate healthcare act. Senate switchboard: (202)224-3121
If you won't do it for the disadvantaged, the disabled, the children, the elderly, the pregnant women, the people with organ transplants, do it for yourself. Illness will come for us all eventually. Don't you want affordable easy to access healthcare when it does?
Signed, Your Friendly Local Bitter Hospitalist
PS Don't be a dick to your elderly relatives. They took care of you. Now it's time to take care of them. Call them. Visit them. Send them a friggin card and some flowers, dude. They're lonely. They think of you often and have probably told me all about you, complete with showing me photos.
#adca #americandeathcareact #bcra #ahca #doctorsspeakout
----------- Now go call your senator! Senate switchboard: (202)224-3121
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tearitar · 8 years
hey tanya, ive been following you on twitter for a while now (my username there is @granteire!) and im always so interested in your tweets about your job! i was wondering if you could maybe tell me a bit more about what you do/what you studied at uni? im currently doing biomedical science and i'd really love to work in a hospital one day, and i'd love to know what your experience in that career type is! thank you, and all the best!!
Hey! Oh, man. Gosh. Thanks for the interest, my tweets are like, not a good picture of my job since I only tweet the funnier things (or the stressful stuff).  It’s really a grabbag, depending on the seasons. But!! 
Quick summary: I’m a medical-surgical nurse registered in California (important to note, most states are different), though I studied and got my Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) in Arizona. Took my NCLEX in California as well.
Also: it took me 6 years.  I’ve failed/retaken classes, I’ve gotten rejected from, like, 7 schools. But here I am! Intact! I graduated and got a job immediately. So. Anyway.
There’s a lot of pathways to becoming a nurse. Most people I’ve seen get their LVN/Associates degree first (two years of school), work for a bit, and then an additional year or two to get their BSN, which you can do mostly online. This way is good if you’re looking to get a job quick, or if your financial means don’t quite cover up to 4-5 years of straight schooling.
Uh, uh, my college experience was kinda convoluted. I hopped around three universities and one community college over the span of 5 years.  I messed up a lot!!!! But I got through it, ahah.  Nightmare.  I can talk a lot about the nursing school application processes (if they haven’t changed too drastically from 5 years ago) and nursing school itself?? But I see that you’re in biomedical science so I’m not very familiar with that part, but I have friends who started there and focused their classes towards nursing!  What hospital work are you looking into? There’s so much!
But, in case you are sort of eyeing nursing as a career pathway..
Good reasons to become a nurse:
Good money. At some Kaiser hospitals in California, a new grad nurse can make up to 70$/hr starting salary.  I am not, in fact, a kaiser nurse. But more on that later.
JOB. AVAILABILITY. Job availability.
LOTS of different types of nursing. Love bedside care? Go to med-surg. Hate talking to patients? Go to surgery.  Love teaching? Go into nursing education.  Love sitting around counting? Operating room.  You can go into so many areas with a BSN.
Straight pathway to the BSN. It’s basically a tradesman job? If that makes sense? All your classes are set up once you get into a nursing program and you got have to stress much about class availability.
Constant education.  I have to get re-certified every two years and pay a fee to renew my license. I’m always going to seminars about what’s the new hot thing in the medical field. It’s not… much of a con, really, but it does take away your free time.
Nursing School Is Hard. But that goes for, like, college in general. But Cs don’t get the degrees, friend. Most programs need you to keep your exams, assignments, clinicals above a B average.
Uhhhhh, fun factoid: I did not want to become a nurse.  My mom’s a nurse so I kinda knew what was up.  I wanted to be a pharmacist!! Straight out of high school!!! Got rejected!!! So on a whim-ish, I applied to pre-nursing, which is just a university course pathway to the Real Nursing Program.  Pre-nursing usually takes two years to complete, and that’s if the classes are impacted… which.. They usually are. (It took three years for me!)  
So!!!!! I’m a medical-surgical nurse, which is what makes up the bulk of hospital nursing.  It’s a REALLY great starting position as a nurse because it allows you to see all types of patients and teaches you how to manage your time.  At the hospital I work at, I’m usually looking over 5 patients, which is the ideal MAX. During busy seasons like winter, sometimes the hospital gets a high census and I get six patients, which really, really, really sucks, and risks patient safety (and… quality of service… *eyeroll*).  I work in 12 hour shifts at night, 7pm to 7am, ON PAPER. Usually I come in 30 minutes early to get my assignment and look up my patients’ medical condition, their labs, and medical history, and after my shift it’s usually 30 more minutes to give report to the oncoming day nurse. So, really, it’s 13 hours, but I don’t get paid for that extra hour.
Some stuff I do as a med-surg nurse:
Doctors oversee hundreds of patients.  I get five for the night, and those five patients are my focus. I monitor their labs, their vital signs, heart rhythms, and basically their overall condition.  I have a set of orders I follow in case something is not quite right. For example, if a patient has a high blood pressure, I’ve got orders to give them a specific medication.  If a patient can’t breathe, I’ve got orders to slap some oxygen on them or give them a breathing treatment.  I troubleshoot, basically, using what I know as a nurse and what the standing orders are from the doctor.  When nothing works, THAT’S when I page for the doctor OR call for a rapid response team (medical emergency team).
Give medications, oral, IV, IM… I do it all…
Depending on the hospital: draw labs sometimes. I poke a lot of people with needles.
Blood transfusions.
Make sure they stay alive for my shift which, surprisingly, can be hard. But this is what I went to school for, and it’s what I’ve been trained to do.  I hate emergencies, but I’m a dang professional and 75% of the time know what I’m doing. The other 25% of the time is Out Of My Scope and that’s what the doctor is there for. My coworkers, too.
*Patients do die. They do, no matter how hard you try or how much you monitor them. I see patients die maybe once every two months. Sometimes more. How people cope is up to them! I don’t want to say you “get used to it” but.. like... idk. /shrug. I find dealing with the families more stressful than any medical emergency I’ve been in so far.
I also: give out food, feed patients, clean patients, get yelled at by patients, get hit by patients, get hit ON by patients. You know. Customer service stuff. A lot of nights remind me of working in retail, except.. You’re with the white suburban mom wanting to speak to your manager for 12 hours. 12 miserable hours.
The overtime pay is great, by the way.
Anyway, being a medical-surgical nurse is not the area I want to stay in, but I’m under a two-year contract to work in the unit before I can apply to other positions (within the hospital). It has been a GREAT learning experience but med-surg involves a lot of talking and interacting with conscious patients, which is not my thing. I’d rather have them unconscious or knocked out, so for that I’m looking into a more critical care position like ICU or surgery where I don’t have to talk much, lmao.
But also my coworkers have been saying I would be a good ER nurse so I’m keeping that option open too.
AHHH ok. Sorry this got SUPER long, but I hope that kinda.. Generates an idea. Best of luck with your school stuff!!!
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berkeleyjobsite · 5 years
Registered Nurse – RN – Travel Contract
Travel Nurses – RN – Immediate and Future 13 Week Travel Contracts. Specialties: Emergency Department Trauma – ED / ER, Intensive Care Unit – ICU, Labor & Delivery – L&D, Medical/Surgical – M/S, Operating Room – OR, and Telemetry -Tele Adventure Awaits! Voted BEST PLACES TO WORK Modern Healthcare Accountable is leading the way in Travel Nursing – Run by Nurses for Nurses, we Care for the Caregiver. See why Thousands of Nurses are making the move! Ever heard of the Modern Day Gypsy? Want the freedom and pay of travel but enjoy the stability of perm? Tired of negotiating your salary and location every 3 months? Accountable is now offering numerous 26-39 week and even annual contracts with options to renew for longer at many of our partner facilities. Be the Gypsy that wants to know their next contact is guaranteed. Feel more connected on your travel assignment and make lasting friendships while gaining professional growth, stability and flexibility. Be part of a dynamic team while continuing to build greatness and provide healing and compassion to patients and family. We offer the highest quality perks in the healthcare staffing industry for all our Travel options: • Higher pay than the industry average • Knowledgeable Recruiter that have YOUR interests in mind • $800.00 RN Contract Referral Bonus – Cha-Ching! • Medical, Dental and Vision coverage beginning Day 1 of your contract for you and your family • Short Term Disability • Life and Pet insurance • Extension and completion bonuses on many of our assignments FINALLY an agency that Cares of the Caregiver EEO/Minority/Female/Individuals with Disabilities/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity/Veteran
from Berkeley Job Site https://ift.tt/2RCRjxU via IFTTT
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jackkharman-blog1 · 5 years
Legal Eagle Hiring Foreign Workers With Visas
Lots of people have lots of work complaints, plus they seem smaller when they are unemployed. When times are tough, usually do not hesitate to consider employment outside your type of work. Don't stay unemployed in case you are among those from work. Follow these suggestions to nail your interviews and land that job inside a heartbeat. Regardless of what position you might be trying to get, dress well for your interview. People often think the greater dressers would be the better candidates. You don't must make yourself get noticed each time, but it's important do do this if you're just giving someone your resume. If you're unable to obtain the right job, then you may want to begin considering another strategy. There are lots of companies which are not currently hiring, but do not let that to avoid you. You may want to grow your work search area, but ensure that you are able to afford the commute when you get hired. LinkedIn is an excellent spot to research more information about employment. The section about Answers and questions can assist you to flaunt what you understand about the sector you're thinking about. Make use of the same section to speak with other workers on LinkedIn concerning the positions they hold, experience, skills plus much more. Be familiar with the salary of individuals within your field to avoid a reduced-than-average salary. People usually request salaries which are below their actual Finding the best er nursing jobs! worth, anticipating employers to avoid expensive demands. While which may be true in some instances, employers want confident employees and it is recommended to not appear overly desperate. A great resume is vital to landing the task of the dreams. Structure your resume to provide employers feelings of your background. The resume you submit should highlight your education, experience and what you could offer. Ensure that you indicate volunteering experience too. For those who have a silly e-mail address name, produce a new, more professional version for the resume. The very first thing your employer will discover is the contact details. Choose a simple address that a minimum of has your surname inside it. Usually do not let employers dismiss your applications due to an unprofessional e-mail address. It's so heartbreaking to get rid of your work! This short article should steer you in your path towards obtaining a job. Always stay positive! You will end up in this new position very quickly.
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equinoxnursery · 8 years
Great Things About Physical Therapy
Existing applicants who've a pending software on file will not be subject to this fee increase. Previously decade, every one of Canadais physical therapy schools has transitioned from 3-year Bachelor of Technology in Physical Therapy (BScPT) applications that expected 2 years of prerequisites university courses (5-year bachelor's degree) to 2-year Masteris of Physical Therapy (MPT) plans that need pre-requisite bachelor's levels.
While at Duke, Emile concluded elective coursework in Activities Rehab and Manual Therapy to help improve her capabilities in treating athletes and patients. Geriatric treatment includes an extensive section of issues concerning folks although they undergo normal adult aging but is generally centered on the older adult.
Knowing the entire stage route you want, have a look at college position and permit test pass costs. FCAMPT can be an internationally recognized credential, as CAMPT is just a person in the International Federation of Manipulative Physiotherapists (IFOMPT), a department of the Planet Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) along with the World Health Organization (WHO). By getting a higher school level or equivalent to being even a physical therapy benefit or a physical therapy associate, step one is. During the last 3 years, completely of BU students Seeking employment found jobs. Jennifer has been for more than 11 years training mostly in orthopedics a therapist. Therapists will soon be needed to support these people sustain their mobility and control the effects of chronic ailments.
Physical therapy's career is definitely an essential and vital part of the healthcare delivery method. Physical therapists utilize different forms of treatment depending on the kind of patient they are caring for. Like all other profession, there may be significant differences in salary based upon experience. Associate of Science - Occupational Therapy Assistant: Occupational therapists support clients cure accidents by assisting them participate with a specific undertaking or work in other ways. Students should complete all pre-requisites and achieve competing details to be able to apply for acceptance towards the Therapist Assistant system.
UNTHSC is one of the three-college University of Northern Texas System, is approved, and is thought to be one of the fastest growing health research of the state centers. The goal of the actual therapy system at Angelo State University would be to donate to the knowledge of the field, prepare independent enthusiasts, and supply useful support to fulfill the wants of town. Physical therapists must employ their palms to offer manual treatment and therapeutic exercises.
For example 50% of the people who execute the work of Physical Therapist are required to produce significantly less than the average. Some programs confess school freshmen into 6- or 7-year packages that allow students to graduate with both a bachelor's degree as well as a DPT. Since a lot of the work entails standing while giving manual treatment and therapeutic exercises, skill and real vigor are essential also.
Universities with a powerful study importance may offer pupils useful options to work on reports which can be up for publication in professional journals or will soon be introduced at conventions managed by critical corporations such as the American Physical Therapy Association to market friends.
Physical Therapy Specialties' American Board offers accreditation in 8 scientific specialty areas, including activities, orthopedics, and geriatric treatment. Currently, 199 colleges and universities nationwide support 212 accredited qualified physical therapist education programs; 96% today offer the DPT and also the outstanding programs are intending to change. Decide on a condition under for physical therapists to learn more about career and employment expansion.
The job performed by therapists while in the integumentary specialty do work just like what physicians or nurses would do within the er or triage. The aging population is prone to suffer with center attacks, strokes and accidents affecting mobility, that may involve physical treatment within treatment.
You'll orthotics students throughout your first years and take courses with prosthetics and occupational therapy, and have interprofessional options with individuals learning different health disciplines at the UW, including conversation -language pathology and medicine. The Affordable Care Work might also increase the variety of people with entry to physical treatment services. salt lake city utah therapist
The post Great Things About Physical Therapy appeared first on Equinox Nursery Salt Lake City.
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berkeleyjobsite · 5 years
Registered Nurse – RN – Travel Contract
*** Text “Accountable” to 86754 to get started *** Travel Nurses – RN – Immediate and Future 13 Week Travel Contracts. Specialties: Emergency Department Trauma – ED / ER, Intensive Care Unit – ICU, Labor & Delivery – L&D, Medical/Surgical – M/S, Operating Room – OR, and Telemetry -Tele Adventure Awaits! Voted BEST PLACES TO WORK Modern Healthcare Accountable is leading the way in Travel Nursing – Run by Nurses for Nurses, we Care for the Caregiver. See why Thousands of Nurses are making the move! Ever heard of the Modern Day Gypsy? Want the freedom and pay of travel but enjoy the stability of perm? Tired of negotiating your salary and location every 3 months? Accountable is now offering numerous 26-39 week and even annual contracts with options to renew for longer at many of our partner facilities. Be the Gypsy that wants to know their next contact is guaranteed. Feel more connected on your travel assignment and make lasting friendships while gaining professional growth, stability and flexibility. Be part of a dynamic team while continuing to build greatness and provide healing and compassion to patients and family. We offer the highest quality perks in the healthcare staffing industry for all our Travel options: • Higher pay than the industry average • Knowledgeable Recruiter that have YOUR interests in mind • $800.00 RN Contract Referral Bonus – Cha-Ching! • Medical, Dental and Vision coverage beginning Day 1 of your contract for you and your family • Short Term Disability • Life and Pet insurance • Extension and completion bonuses on many of our assignments FINALLY an agency that Cares of the Caregiver EEO/Minority/Female/Individuals with Disabilities/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity/Veteran
from Berkeley Job Site https://ift.tt/2RCRjxU via IFTTT
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