oldmyths · 1 year
rewatched saw for the first time with the bestie (her first time watching it) and then we watched the princess bride i am so normalpilled and averagebrained rn
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daydreamerprincess4 · 4 years
Consider (Considered, Consideration) Part Two
Let’s go back to the first one, with everything that is going on, every thought that needs to be thought out carefully. As new social media applications are developed and with so many people on it, it is easy to lose oneself and just say whatever comes to your mind. Has anyone ever thought to pause, look, analyze? And not just spitting out whatever is coming to the mind. I know what you're thinking, “It’s my freedom of speech” or “Aren’t you doing the same?” In fact, I am and the reasoning behind is because I honestly believe people have forgotten how to be considerate. When speaking on recent topics I’ve noticed that time and time again, we loosely say words and statements that are proof of a non-consideration behavior. Meaning that the world has missed the concept of being a human being, a decent human being. Our world collides with the cruelty that is in the form of an iceberg. The mindset is “Well if it isn’t me or my family, it’s okay”, which let me tell you aren’t okay. Where did the decent humans go? Do we not care for each other anymore? How selfish have we become? I honestly think that consider/consideration has one gone out the window...and it’s sad.
The next point, the one in which your genius brain needs to come up with a plan. A plan for what is left of the year. If you haven’t realized by now the plans that were set in stone are longer going to happen. I’m sorry. I know that a lot of those plans were big milestones, celebrations, even the simplest of getting together. So now, what do you do? This is probably the situation in which you get the idea of going to a friend, asking your parents or someone that you trust for advice, but how much is “too much advice?”. You ask for one and the end up getting a domino effect in the end. All you can do is consider your own advice. That’s the only one that counts. You will most likely get opinions from every corner of the world. It’s good to listen but at the end of the day all that matters is going to be the one you make, consider them all, sit down, analyze, and decide. I hope that the decision you make is one that can be considerate of everyone and yourself.
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daydreamerprincess4 · 4 years
Consider (Considered, Consideration) Part Three
The last one as stated before is my favorite. As staying at home has become the new “going out”, you can’t help but reflect on what life is now. I am scared, angry, sad, and with no clue on how to act. Should I pretend that everything is okay? Should I worry every second, every hour? Or should I just turn a blind eye and pretend that everything is okay? Well, after careful consideration I decided that I am going to go one day at a time. I know I sound like a machine on repeat, but it’s true, and it’s the only way. Today was good, and that is that. I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow and I can’t control anything about that. You are probably also thinking what in the world does this have to do with consideration and I will tell you. I was sitting in my bed flipping through Netflix deciding what I should watch when I switched over to Disney+, and Frozen 2 popped up! If I haven’t told you I am a big fan of Frozen.
As cheesy as it sounds Frozen has some excellent advice when looking at it closely. Like, don’t marry a guy you barely met, sibling relationships are hard, a change of outfit makes for a powerful statement! The point is that in Frozen 2 ***Spoiler Alert*** as Anna is left without Elsa and Olaf, she wonders what to do? Anna then begins to sing “The Next Right Thing” a song filled with power and emotion. A song that reminded me that after reflecting, the next right thing to do is to wake up day by day and do the best that you can. When obtaining the time to reflect it’s hard to consider what to do? How will life continue? I wish I was a magician so that I can give you the ultimate answer but I don’t. I try really hard every night to wish for magical powers and nothing, but what I can tell you is that when reflecting the next right thing to do is to wake up and go on with your day. Wake up, go about your routine, knowing that every day you are trying. It will take some time but as Anna stated it’s “The Next Right Thing” to do, not the simplest but definitely the right one.
Well, I hope this piece made sense. If it didn’t then I hope you obtain something for it because then I’m a weird average girl rather a normal average girl.
With all my shyness and meows, fighting!
-Nord Stone
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