#Axe the Waster was cool but I wasn't too attached to her
pushing500 · 2 months
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Alas, no cool Waster colonist. It's probably for the best, our colony is growing too fast from all the babies anyway.
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Speaking of growing, Dire Wolf has reached double digits!!! Hooray! She's acquired the "cat person" trait from growing up around Salvatore, Cecil, and our new phoenix owlcat, Cannibal (I swear that name was randomly generated).
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Vasso and Euclid have been working away on some wholesome, family-friendly research to amuse themselves while we prepare for the next leg of our journey towards the starship.
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Finally, we received a distress call from a man named Vance who wishes to join us. What do we think, everybody?
Thank you for your votes, and enjoy your day!
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