#Axm Pay
kristikinzel12 · 7 months
Axmint’s AXM Token Overview
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AXM token is a native token of Axmachine Blockchain Services Pvt Ltd. Having a total supply of 250 million distributed into 6 different networks, primarily on BSC and then on Polygon,Solana, Avalanche, and Axlabs.
70% is locked with a gradual release of over 17500 Days (47.94 years), with 10,000 tokens minted per day. So the last AXM token will be released in the year 2071.
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Why AXM is developed on different blockchains?
The reasons for developing the same token with the same contract address on different blockchains could be diverse and may include:
By deploying the same token on multiple blockchains, developers can enhance interoperability between different blockchain networks
Different blockchains offer varying degrees of scalability. By deploying the token on multiple blockchains, developers can leverage the scalability features of each network to accommodate a larger number of transactions and users..
Diverse User Base Each blockchain ecosystem has its own community and user base. By offering the token on multiple blockchains, developers can tap into diverse user demographics and geographical regions.
Ecosystem Integration By deploying the token on these platforms, developers can integrate it more deeply into the ecosystem and leverage these features to enhance functionality or provide additional benefits to users
Market Expansion Deploying the token on multiple blockchains allows developers to target different markets and cater to the preferences of various user groups.
Use Cases of AXM token
Payment Method: AXM token can be used as a digital currency for making payments and transactions, Users can utilize AXM tokens to buy goods and services, pay for subscriptions, or transfer value to others..
Rewards and Incentives The AXM token can serve as a mechanism for distributing rewards and incentives to network participants, such as validators, developers, or users who contribute to the ecosystem’s growth and development..
Use Cases of AXM token
AXM Pay Users can use their AXM tokens to make UPI merchant payments, charges, and all the UPI features
Trade NFTs’
NFT Trading and Marketplace: AXM token can be utilized within a decentralized marketplace for trading non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
How to encash AXM tokens?
Listed and Listing on Exchanges:
AXM token has been listed on the DexTrade exchange and we will soon be listed on the Top 20 crypto exchanges as shown in Coinmarketcap, in 2 years.
UPI Payment System
The Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is an instant real-time payment system developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to facilitate inter-bank transactions in India. It enables users to transfer money between bank accounts instantly using their smartphones.
Following its launch in Sri Lanka and Mauritius, UPI payments are accepted in France, UAE, Singapore, Bhutan, and Nepal. After the announcement, MyGovindia shared a world map, highlighting the countries where Indians can use UPI to make payments.
Where is the AXM token Audited?
How will the AXM token gain demand?
Social Media Buzz Social media activities, Youtuber’s interests, campaigns, and engagement
Partnerships & Listings Collaborations with blockchain category partners and influencers and listing on different reputed sites.
Increase Utility Use of AXM pay and AXM token for more services
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understandingestonia · 9 months
We, the Sunnis, pay attention to our teaching. All the Sunni countries deal with and work with those who have been committing genocide in the Muslim world. Fathers and mothers, be careful what you are teaching your children. After all, these dictators and officials come from our families and schools. Axmed Bahjad 
View On WordPress
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entreplumasyvuelos · 5 years
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... UPSIDEDOWN ... (hier: Zumaia, Pais Vasco, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/axm-cHhSCg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1505u6qn3ixy8
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reseau-actu · 5 years
L'opposant Juan Guaido (c) lors d'un rassemblement de ses partisans, le 6 avril 2019 à Caracas / AFP
Le chef de l'opposition vénézuélienne Juan Guaido a déclaré samedi avoir lancé la "phase définitive" de l'éviction du président Nicolas Maduro, qui a demandé l'aide de pays de la région pour ouvrir un dialogue entre les deux camps.
Samedi a été une nouvelle journée de mobilisation au Venezuela: les partisans de M. Maduro et ceux de M. Guaido, reconnu comme président intérimaire par plus de 50 pays dont les Etats-Unis, ont une fois de plus manifesté par milliers dans les rues de Caracas et d'autres villes.
"On est là et on va y rester! Tous dans la rue, pour la phase définitive qui mettra fin à l'usurpation!", a déclaré M. Guaido, juché sur un camion équipé d'enceintes devant des milliers de partisans rassemblés dans l'est de Caracas, qui agitaient des drapeaux du Venezuela et des pancartes portant l'inscription "Liberté".
"On est en mode survie, c'est ce à quoi nous oblige cette dictature", a déclaré à l'AFP Marcel Rouaix, un étudiant de 22 ans.
- "Montée en pression" -
Pour que la mobilisation ne retombe pas, M. Guaido a appelé à une nouvelle manifestation pour mercredi prochain. Celui qui à 35 ans préside le Parlement, seule institution vénézuélienne tenue par l'opposition, avait annoncé vendredi "la montée en pression la plus grande de l'histoire".
Le président vénézuélien Nicolas Maduro s'adresse à ses partisans, le 6 avril 2019 à Caracas / AFP
A Maracaibo, la deuxième ville du Venezuela, dans l'ouest, les forces de l'ordre ont violemment dispersé une manifestation et deux députés de l'opposition, Renzo Prieto et Nora Bracho, ont été arrêtés et brièvement détenus, a déclaré à l'AFP leur collègue parlementaire Elimar Diaz.
En dehors de Maracaibo, les manifestations se sont dispersées dans le calme.
Le pouvoir chaviste, qui n'entend pas laisser la rue à l'opposition, a lui aussi fait descendre dans la rue des milliers de fidèles vêtus de rouge contre l'"impérialisme".
"Ensemble, toujours mobilisés, continuons à défendre la paix et l'indépendance nationale. Halte à l'ingérence!", a écrit M. Maduro sur Twitter.
- "Grand dialogue" -
Devant une foule de ses partisans rassemblés près du palais présidentiel de Miraflores, M. Maduro a appelé plusieurs pays de la région à contribuer à l'établissement d'un dialogue intervénézuélien. "Le Venezuela demande un soutien et un accompagnement pour un grand dialogue de paix, d'entente", a-t-il déclaré.
Manifestation de l'opposition vénézuélienne le 6 avril 2019 à Caracas / AFP
Le Mexique et l'Uruguay avaient proposé en janvier de faciliter un dialogue entre MM. Maduro et Guaido. Outre ces deux pays, le président socialiste a sollicité samedi la Bolivie et les pays des Caraïbes.
"Mettons toutes les cartes sur la table", a-t-il dit, "et avec l'accompagnement du Mexique, de la Bolivie, de l'Uruguay et de la Caraïbe, le Venezuela peut organiser au plus tôt une table de dialogue avec tous les secteurs".
Jusqu'à présent, M. Guaido a rejeté toute discussion avec le camp Maduro.
Le pouvoir chaviste a renforcé ces derniers jours sa pression politique sur M. Guaido, le privant de son immunité parlementaire, ce qui permet la poursuite de la procédure pénale engagée à son encontre. L'opposant a aussi été déclaré inéligible pour 15 ans.
- Avertissement américain -
Il est difficile d'anticiper les conséquences concrètes de ces décisions dans un pays plongé dans une profonde crise politique.
M. Guaido a affirmé que "rien" ne l'arrêterait, bien qu'en théorie il puisse être interpellé à tout moment par les autorités.
Des membres d'une milice dans une manifestation pro-Maduro le 6 avril 2019 à Caracas / AFP
Arrêter Guaido "serait une très grave erreur, peut-être la dernière du régime", a prévenu vendredi Elliott Abrams, représentant spécial américain pour la crise vénézuélienne, dans un entretien à la chaîne NTN24.
"La réaction, je vous l'assure, sera très forte, nous avons des plans", a-t-il ajouté sans plus de détails.
M. Abrams a été traité d'"assassin" par le numéro deux du chavisme, Diosdado Cabello, en raison de son implication passée dans des conflits en Amérique centrale.
Le président Donald Trump n'exclut pas d'intervenir militairement au Venezuela, pays qui compte les plus grandes réserves de pétrole de la planète, tandis que M. Guaido songe à demander au Parlement d'autoriser une opération militaire étrangère.
Les manifestations ont lieu alors que le Venezuela a vécu sa pire panne d'électricité au début du mois de mars. Et depuis une dizaine de jours, des coupures de courant intermittentes plongent le pays dans le noir à intervalles réguliers et créent de graves problèmes de distribution d'eau.
M. Maduro rend les sanctions américaines responsables des problèmes économiques du Venezuela. M. Guaido estime, lui, que c'est l'incurie du gouvernement et la corruption en son sein qui sont à blâmer.
Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies doit se réunir mercredi à la demande de Washington, en présence du vice-président américain Mike Pence, pour discuter de la crise humanitaire au Venezuela. Vendredi, les Etats-Unis ont annoncé de nouvelles sanctions contre 34 navires du groupe pétrolier public vénézuélien PDVSA.
"Ce n'est qu'un premier pas", a prévenu samedi John Bolton, le conseiller à la sécurité nationale de la Maison Blanche.
Source: la-croix/layout
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sickeningglasgow · 7 years
TRIGGER is a proLGBT+ weekly variety show housed in AXM, one of Glasgow’s favourite queer spaces, right in the heart of Glasgow’s Merchant City.
Celebrating a year at AXM, 52 weeks of showcasing the very best in drag, they are a collective wholly dedicated to the arts and Glasgow’s creative industries. All money from the weekly ticket sales goes straight to all of the incredible creative people involved in running the show and performing.
Always on the look out for something new and happy to offer their stage to up-and-coming UK talent, Trigger aims to push the boundaries of being just another ‘drag night’.
As their resident photographer, Crawford has been witness to some of Scottish drags fiercest performers, so here at Sickening we though it only fitting that he got to interview the creators of Trigger; Carrie Ann Crow and her partner-in-crime Sean Gallogley
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The Trigger residents support Kim Chi during her recent performance in AXM
Crawford (Cr)- First off, Happy Birthday, it’s hard to believe it’s been a year at AXM already!
What have you got planned to celebrate?
Sean Gallogley (SG) – Thank you so much! It somehow feels like just a couple of months ago we started, but at the same time I can’t remember what life was like before TRIGGER.
Carrie Ann Crow (CC)- We’ve got a super fun night planned for our birthday show, on July 6th! Each of our residents is performing an iconic number by one of the other residents. It’s going to either be hilarious or total chaos and I can’t wait! Like drag queen swap shop!
SG – We’ve also got a diva’s night on Saturday, July 8th, which I think will be every bit as camp as it sounds.
CC – We’ve got Crystal Lubrikunt coming up later on the month (July 20th) which is sure to be incredible. I’ve worked with Crystal I think two or three times in Edinburgh, and she always blows my tits off, but this is the first time I’m getting to work with her on my home turf, so needless to say, I am buzzing!
SG – AXM also has RPDR season 9’s Nina Bonina Brown and all stars winner Alaska performing at the club!
CC – Not for our birthday obviously, But we’re pretty excited.
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Carrie Ann Crow(‘s breasts)
Cr – We interviewed you last year before you relocated. What made you move venues, why AXM and how have things changed since you moved?
CC – Things have gotten so much better since we moved. It means the world to be part of a team that values the work we do and actually supports us.
SG – Our last venue wasn’t a good fit. They basically gave us a big empty hall  and expected us to fill it, didn’t pay us, didn’t help with marketing or advertising, charged me for the use of their resources.
CC – Then to top it off there were literal hate crimes committed against our patrons, which admittedly wasn’t the venues fault, but nevertheless, the location just wasn’t right.
SG – We decided to re-home Trigger on the day of the last show at the previous venue. There were other avenues and offers open, but for us it had to be AXM.
CC – I’ve never really felt at home anywhere else. I always felt I should look a certain way or behave a certain way, whereas at AXM I just feel free to have fun.
Cr – A weekly drag show is a big job, how have you guys managed to balance your passion for it with day-to-day commitments?
CC – WOW! It’s been tough, and don’t get me wrong, there have been times that it’s really gotten the better of me. Life itself, with “boy-jobs” is hard enough as it is, don’t you think? Sean and I have moved flat twice in the last 6 months, Sean has changed jobs twice, in the last year, we’ve got a puppy, Parsnip and he is the cutest, but even he takes up so much time. All of that on top of trying to make time for one another, make time for our families, plus run a weekly show, PLUS the various other events and nights that pop up in AXM and so on, really takes its tole.
SG – It takes its tole on all of us, some of us juggle uni and work with trigger, while others perform 5-6 times a week, sometimes every night. Obviously, exhausting as it is, I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but that’s why it means so much to me that people really get behind us. We’re here to entertain you, so get out there and support your local scene.
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Ann Phetimine
  Cr – Looking back, since its birth, what would you say have been the biggest highlights?
CC – I couldn’t possibly pick one. As far as events go, I think TRIGGER vs The Rabbit Hole Back in April or May was probably my absolute favourite. The club (AXM) was jumping and everyone loved the show. TRIGGER vs Klub Kids was a lot of fun too. We absolutely love the Newcastle klub kids, so anytime they come to town is an absolute blast.
SG – AXM took us to Newcastle to go see Latrice, Alyssa, Tatianna, Raven, JujuBee, and Katya for the klub kids extravaganza which was incredible.
CC – Supporting Tatianna, Raven and Jujubee, Kim Chi, Trinity Taylor, Aja, any of the drag race events really! It’s always a really amazing feeling for me seeing the crowd go wild for the TRIGGER girls so I’ve literally got too many highlights to count.
I think silly as it sounds, the relationship I’ve been able to build and the time that get to spend with the rest of the trigger family, and the team at AXM is a huge highlight for me.
SG – If you like the people you work with it’s half the battle and we absolute love our f*cked up family.
Cr – When I moved here to Glasgow just over two years ago, there was already a small drag scene but what do you think about the recent explosion of drag nights?
And what puts Trigger apart/ahead of them?
CC – I think it’s amazing! Personally, I think the more Glasgow drag grows and spreads the better. I know that there are people in the community who think that drag is so diluted in Glasgow, with the amount of shows and queens, but Reba (Martell) said it best, it’s saturated, not diluted. We have such a diverse and talented scene, so why not. As far as I’m concerned any successes by any of the Glasgow queens is a success for the community. The more we all continue to elevate the standard and awareness of the drag culture in Glasgow, the better it will be for everyone.
I certainly wouldn’t want to put us ahead of anyone else. I think we’re really just here to entertain and have fun. The thing that makes TRIGGER special for me at least is the connection the queens have with one another and the connection we have with the audience. I think there are arguably more conceptual and artistic queens out there, but Divina De Campo taught us there’s a difference between performing and entertaining which made me step back and look at my performances and ask “am I doing this cause it’s what I want to do or cause it’s something the audience would enjoy?”
SG – There’s something different and equally amazing at all of the shows in Glasgow, so you really do have to get out and see it all.
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Sean Gallogley
Cr – As you guys know, I’ve had the pleasure of documenting the show (almost) every week, it’s been amazing to see the Trigger family growing over this last year. 
You’ve recently expanded the night to cover one Saturday a month, as well as supporting any RuPauls Drag Race alumni that come to perform. That must feel amazing, so what have you got in store for us for Year Two and beyond?
SG – It really is amazing. Running a late show midweek can be a challenge, so having these opportunities to see the girls do what they do at the weekend, and in front of the audiences that drag race stars bring in, is a great.
CC – We’ve got an amazing pride lined up with season 9 Miss Congeniality, or Miss fan favourite if ya nasty, Valentina, and we’ve also got Latrice Royale.
SG – Halloween is gonna be a scream too! (That was bad, sorry)
CC – We’re looking to reintroduce the live music/cabaret aspect of TRIGGER, which was of course a huge element of the original format of the show. I’m looking forward to it, because some of our girls, Frans Gender and Ann Phetimine for example are great singers. We’re currently just figuring out logistics of it, so watch this space. Aside from that, we’re just going to continue having a blast, so hope many more people come along and join in the fun.
Cr- Any final words before we wrap things up?
CC+SG – #cometaeTRIGGER
TRIGGER is every Thursday at AXM Glasgow. Door open from 10pm, £3 entry and drinks starting from £1.50. 18+ only.
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Trigger’s Divas Through the Decades show, this Saturday (08/07/17) at AXM Glasgow
    A Year of Feeling Triggered! TRIGGER is a proLGBT+ weekly variety show housed in AXM, one of Glasgow's favourite queer spaces, right in the heart of Glasgow's Merchant City.
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kristikinzel12 · 2 months
Altseason Coming: Three Coins Aiming To Hit $1 — Floki, Notcoin, and Axmint
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With the news of Ethereum ETFs trending across the crypto market, many analysts are optimistic that the price of many altcoins is about to skyrocket to $1. However, Floki and Notcoin, which are currently trading in the red region, might have a tough time hitting this target due to their high market caps.On the other hand, Axmint is soaring on the price charts as one of the few coins with profits. Analysts predict its low market cap makes it a prime candidate for massive gains.Analyst Set Price Targets for Floki (FLOKI) This AltseasonThe price of Floki (FLOKI) has dropped on the weekly and monthly timeframes, mirroring the bearish sentiment in the general crypto market. However, analysts have reacted to the losses with bullish predictions. KingsCharts gave three potential targets that the Floki Inu coin could reach in the coming months.The first target is $0.000369, while the second is $0.000668. If the altcoin can cross both levels, it could rise to the third target, $0.000991. Looking at the $1 target, the chances of Floki reaching this mark is very slim. Its market cap would have to increase by over 4000x for it to reach this level, which is very hard.Notcoin (NOT) Price Drops But Analysts Predict Future GainsNotcoin (NOT), the Telegram-based tapping game which was launched at the beginning of this year, wowed the crypto community after its listing a few weeks ago. The gaming token climbed the crypto ladder quickly reaching a market cap of over $1 billion and an all-time high of $0.02896.However, the Notcoin price has dropped in the past month due to the bearish pressure in the crypto market, but market experts remain bullish about its potential.Asadkvng predicts the price of Notcoin could rise to $0.0230 in the short term. However, hitting the $1 mark, even during an alt season, could be a major hurdle for the gaming token due to its high market cap. Its price and market cap would have to increase by over 50x for this to happen, which makes it less likely.Axmint Has a Better Chance of Clenching the $1 MarkWhile Floki and Notcoin’s high market cap might be a major obstacle for them to reach the $1 region, analysts believe Axmint is the best cryptocurrency for the job. It is currently trading at Dex$trade with $0.66 with yesterday’s new ATH $0.69. The current burning event of Axm tokens impressed investors with a new ATH so there is a high chance of the token jump to $1.Also, data from two platforms, Dextrade and CoinMarketCap, shows that its market cap is still very low, compared to the $1 billion projections for this bull cycle. Going forward, Axmint plans to list their token in Big Exchanges Like Binance, Bitgert, and so on.The UPI payment System Axm Pay making a boom in India 1000’s users using Axm Pay in their everyday lives and enjoying. Over the past month, the Axmint ecosystem has expanded to accommodate over.Smart investors are currently buying the AXM token on the website using blockchain networks Avalanche, Polygon, Arbitrum, & Solana with respective USDT. and Holding for the good returns. The AXM Token Holders are excited for the next big event.ConclusionFloki and Notcoin are currently trading in the red region. Their prices have dropped together with the rest of the crypto market but analysts expect a recovery in the future. On the other hand, AXM is one of the few coins that are trading in the green. As regards reaching the $1 mark, Axmint has a better chance of reaching this level compared to Floki and Notcoin due to its low market cap.Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the Axmint (AXM) Presale Today!Website: https://www.axmint.io/Join Our Telegram Community: https://t.me/AxMintChat
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kristikinzel12 · 4 months
AXM Token Presale Now Live!
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✨ $AXM Token Presale on Demand 🔥
🔸 Buy AXM on Avalanche, Polygon, Arbitrum, & Solana with respective USDT.
🔸 Minimum Purchase of $5.
Sale Price: USD 0.4 / AXM Listing Price: $1 to $2
🔗 https://presales.axmint.io/
📊 Token listed in CMC, Dextrade, and other Big exchanges, $AXM trading at $0.54 📈
Supports Crypto to Fiat Payments💶
Purchase and Own the Benefits of Axm Pay App available at Playstore.
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kristikinzel12 · 4 months
AXM Token Presale Now Live!
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✨ $AXM Token Presale on Demand 🔥
🔸 Buy AXM on Avalanche, Polygon, Arbitrum, & Solana with respective USDT.
🔸 Minimum Purchase of $5.
Sale Price: USD 0.4 / AXM Listing Price: $1 to $2
🔗 https://presales.axmint.io/
📊 Token listed in CMC, Dextrade, and other Big exchanges, $AXM trading at $0.54 📈
Supports Crypto to Fiat Payments💶
Purchase and Own the Benefits of Axm Pay App available at Playstore.
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kristikinzel12 · 5 months
𝐀𝐱𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭
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Mint AXM Print Dollar
Axmint is the key to unlocking your financial potential. Invest smart, invest with confidence.
Register Here: https://www.axmint.io/signup.html?Side=R&ID=TEAMLP
🔸Buy and activate the minting package. starts with
1️⃣ Mint Robo1- $50 Minting Ratio-0.70 %
2️⃣ Mint Robo 2-$100 Minting Ratio-0.75 %
3️⃣ Mint Robo 3-$250 Minting Ratio-0.80 %
4️⃣ Mint Robo 4-$500 Minting Ratio-0.85 %
5️⃣ Mint Robo 5-$1000 Minting Ratio-0.90 %
6️⃣ Mint Robo 6-$2500 Minting Ratio-0.95 %
🔸Each minting bot will run for 365 days and mint new Tokens.
🔸Listed in the Dextrade exchange and Coinmarketcap Exchange. Axm Token Currently trading at $0.53
🔸AXM Pay: Now live on the Play Store! Experience seamless Crypto to Fiat Payments. make payments through your UPI ID.
🔸 Daily Income Daily withdrawal
The higher your package, the higher you get the hash power, hence; minting benefits for more tokens.
Website: https://www.axmint.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AxmintDefi
Telegram: https://t.me/AxMintChat
Medium: https://medium.com/@Axmintdefi/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Axmint
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kristikinzel12 · 5 months
Get Ready for Axmint’s Red-Hot Presale — The Year’s Most Anticipated Event!
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As 2024 continues to rev up, crypto investors are reaping the rewards from price surges across the board, meaning that underpriced gems are becoming harder to find. the Bitcoin price regained its levels above $70,000. This has caused a significant price variation within the altcoins but the real play is yet to begin. The monthly super trend has turned green, with the BTC dominance facing resistance. Hence, this suggests significant money could flow into the small, mid, and large-cap altcoins, which may pave the way for the revival of AltSeason soon.
Meme coins, which draw inspiration from internet memes and trends, have surged in popularity in recent years, capturing the attention of investors and traders seeking to capitalize on the hype and potential gains. MemeCoins such as $PEPE, $WIF, $BOME, $SMOKY, $SHIB,$DOGE, and $RBLZ are currently trending in cryptocurrency.
Meme coins are best known in the crypto market to lift up the mood and sentiment of the investors especially when the overall market is a bit choppy or moving sideways.
In this Whole scenario, Axmint is The native cryptocurrency powering the Axmint ecosystem, facilitating transactions, governance, and incentivizing user participation across various decentralized services and products. A total supply of 250 million was distributed into 6 different networks, primarily on BSC and Polygon, Solana, Avalanche, and Axlabs.
They introduced the Axm Pay app for seamless transactions all over India. Axm token listed in Dextrade exchange. Currently Trading at $0.52 price.
Over the past week, the AXM token has undergone an extraordinary surge in value, reaching a new all-time high (ATH) of $0.49, with a 24-hour low of $0.49. This surge marks a substantial increase from its previous trading price of $0.25 as of February 1, 2024.
Why participate in the presale of Axm token?
The Axm token price has surged from $0.1 to $0.44 in just three months, leading many investors to speculate on the possibility of it reaching $1. The significant price increase has surprised numerous investors. and also they have decided to launch their Network currency.
Apart from this, By watching their strong fundamental they are now moving to launch their presale soon. By participating in the presale, investors gain early access to AXM tokens and play a crucial role in supporting the project’s development and growth.
The upcoming presale event includes the launch of their airdrop program for early participants.
Join the Airdrop: https://www.axmint.io/claim-free.html
To earn rewards and a chance to win 5–50 AXM tokens on eligibility and completing every task available on the AXMint Airdrop list.
Broadening AXM’s user base and exposure.
Strategic Listings and Partnerships: Introducing AXM to New Exchanges, Forming Strategic Alliances, and Elevating Brand Recognition and Trust in the Market.
Market Momentum: Positive Developments Driving Enthusiasm and Potential Growth in AXM’s Demand and Market Presence.
Coin Listing in different exchanges like coinmarketcap,coingecko.
check the official website or read the medium blog for additional details. You can also explore the other features/services displayed on the homepage.
Website Twitter Telegram Reddit
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kristikinzel12 · 5 months
AxmintGet Ready for Axmint Presale: Secure Your Future in Crypto!
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Are you ready to embark on a journey towards financial security and prosperity? Look no further than Axmint, the ultimate crypto-mining platform designed to empower you with multiple streams of income. Here’s what you need to know about our upcoming presale event:
🔹 Investment Opportunities: With Axmint, you can start your journey towards financial freedom by purchasing and activating minting packages starting from just $50, all the way up to $2500. These packages are your ticket to earning passive income in the world of cryptocurrency.
🔹 Minting Bot Magic: Each minting bot operates tirelessly for 365 days, continuously minting new tokens for you to add to your digital portfolio. Sit back, relax, and watch your investment grow over time.
🔹 Thriving Token Economy: Our native token, AXM, is already making waves in the crypto market. Listed on the Dextrade exchange and currently trading at $0.49, AXM presents a lucrative opportunity for investors to capitalize on its potential growth.
🔹 Daily Income, Daily Withdrawal: At Axmint, we believe in putting the power back in your hands. Enjoy the freedom of withdrawing your earnings daily, allowing you to take control of your financial destiny.
🔹 AXM Pay: Experience the future of crypto-fiat payments with AXM Pay, now available on the Play Store. Seamlessly convert your crypto assets into fiat currency and make payments using your UPI ID, opening up a world of possibilities for convenient transactions.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to secure your future with Axmint. Stay tuned for our presale event, where you’ll have the chance to be part of a revolutionary platform that’s shaping the future of finance. Get ready to elevate your financial journey with Axmint! 🌟
Visit: www.axmint.io
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kristikinzel12 · 5 months
Get Ready for Axmint Presale: Secure Your Future in Crypto!
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Are you ready to embark on a journey towards financial security and prosperity? Look no further than Axmint, the ultimate crypto-mining platform designed to empower you with multiple streams of income. Here’s what you need to know about our upcoming presale event:
🔹 Investment Opportunities: With Axmint, you can start your journey towards financial freedom by purchasing and activating minting packages starting from just $50, all the way up to $2500. These packages are your ticket to earning passive income in the world of cryptocurrency.
🔹 Minting Bot Magic: Each minting bot operates tirelessly for 365 days, continuously minting new tokens for you to add to your digital portfolio. Sit back, relax, and watch your investment grow over time.
🔹 Thriving Token Economy: Our native token, AXM, is already making waves in the crypto market. Listed on the Dextrade exchange and currently trading at $0.49, AXM presents a lucrative opportunity for investors to capitalize on its potential growth.
🔹 Daily Income, Daily Withdrawal: At Axmint, we believe in putting the power back in your hands. Enjoy the freedom of withdrawing your earnings daily, allowing you to take control of your financial destiny.
🔹 AXM Pay: Experience the future of crypto-fiat payments with AXM Pay, now available on the Play Store. Seamlessly convert your crypto assets into fiat currency and make payments using your UPI ID, opening up a world of possibilities for convenient transactions.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to secure your future with Axmint. Stay tuned for our presale event, where you’ll have the chance to be part of a revolutionary platform that’s shaping the future of finance. Get ready to elevate your financial journey with Axmint! 🌟
Visit: www.axmint.io
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kristikinzel12 · 7 months
Axmint: Axmachine Milestones Reached Feb 2024, & March Updates
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🔹Launch of Axmint mining program ( axmint.io ) 🔹Launch of AXM Token ( On Binance network) 🔹Launch of AXM Pay UPI payments app ( 8 Countries) 🔹AXM token listing on Dextrade 🔹AXM token listing on Coinranking 🔹AXM token listing on Coin Paprika 🔹AXM token listing on Coincodex 🔹AXM token listing on Coinwatch 🔹AXM token listing on 10+ Tracking sites 🔹AXM reached ATH ( all-time high) from 0.10 to 0.37 🔹Testnet and main net launch of Axlab Experimental Blockchain (EVM-based POA, Profit sharing chain) 🔹Token deployed in new Blockchain with same contract address & on Solana network 🔹Launch of AXB Coin — The Network currency of Axlab blockchain
Milestones by March 2024
🔹Full-scale utility service by AxmPay App 🔹Centralized exchange launch 🔹AXM token listing on 2 more exchanges 🔹Listing on CMC 🔹AxLab experimental Blockchain website, added with new features.
Website : https://www.axmint.io/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/AxmintDefi Telegram : https://t.me/AxMintChat
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kristikinzel12 · 7 months
Axmint Developments-Powered by Axmachine Blockchain Services Pvt Ltd. SA & UK
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Axmint is a crypto-mining program on the blockchain that combines mining rigs with cloud mining to create AXM tokens and rewards for miners. These cloud rigs are easily accessible to users through a simple process and a regular payment system.
Axmint aims to simplify crypto, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone. It’s developed by Axmachine Blockchain Services Pvt Ltd, a leading blockchain services provider based in South Africa and UK, known for its work with companies. Now, they’re extending their services to individual users with the Axmint.
Powered By : Axmachine
Axmachine, a pioneering force in the crypto mining industry, stands at the forefront of technological innovation, providing cutting-edge mining rig services to empower blockchain projects worldwide. With a relentless commitment to excellence, Axmachine seamlessly integrates state-of-the-art hardware and cloud solutions, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency in cryptocurrency mining.
As a trusted partner for blockchain ventures, Axmachine combines expertise and reliability, offering tailored mining solutions that drive success in the dynamic digital landscape.
Fueling the future of decentralized technologies, A machine is the go-to choice for businesses seeking robust, secure, and high-performance crypto-mining solutions to unlock the full potential of their blockchain endeavors.
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Axmachine Developments Offering
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Axmint: The Crypto Mining Program
A blockchain-based platform offering innovative and friendly crypto mining, fostering community pool earning and cloud crypto mining advancement in the crypto space. The program rewards mining rig holders with AXM token and USDT in referral rewards.
Mint AXM, Print Dollars
AXM Token: Minable Native Token
The native cryptocurrency powering the Axmint ecosystem, facilitating transactions, governance, and incentivizing user participation across various decentralized services and products. Built on multiple blockchains like BSC, SOL, Polygon, Avalanche, and AXlab.
The token is a minable token that will have its last token mined by 2071.
● 70% BEP 20 (10,000 Minted per day)
● 10% on AxLab Blockchain
● 7% on Solana Blockchain
● 5% on Avalanche Blockchain
● 5% on Polygon Blockchain
● 3% on Arbitrum Blockchain
Axm Pay: Crypto to Fiat Payments
Seamlessly integrated with UPI, Axm Pay provides utility services, enabling users to make secure and efficient transactions, and enhancing accessibility and convenience in the digital payment landscape. Loaded with all real-time user support and support countries like India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Bhutan, Oman, Nepal, France, and UAE.
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Axm Debit Card
Empowering users with the flexibility to utilize their AXM holdings for everyday transactions, bridging the gap between traditional finance and the decentralized world.
AXM Play: Pocket-friendly Games
A suite of 300+ engaging games leveraging blockchain technology, offering users entertainment while earning rewards through AXM token participation.
Axlab Experimental Blockchain: Blockchain for Everyone
Operating on a Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism, Axlab Blockchain empowers developers with features like 50% royalty and gas fee returns, fostering innovation in decentralized applications. The blockchain supports multiple ledger contracts like ZkSync, Solana, BSc, Etheruem, Optimism, Atom, Arbitrum. Including all layer1 and layer 2 chains.
Website :axmlab.com
AXB Coin: The Network Currency
With a defined supply, AXLAb facilitates development fees, and NFT purchases and offers features like INR conversion, enhancing accessibility and utility within the Axmint ecosystem.
Website : axbcoin.com
Axbscan Explorer: 8800 TPS
This is the world’s fastest blockchain providing insights into the Axlab Blockchain and other blochains too. Explorer offers transparency and visibility into transactions, smart contracts, and network activity, enabling users to explore the ecosystem with ease.
Website : axbscan.com
AxRewards: For Developers, Supporters
AxRewards is a program designed to offer incentives to both developers and supporters within a community or project. Developers are rewarded for their contributions by building smart contracts, while supporters are incentivized to engage and participate actively.
Ax Build: NFT and Smart Contract Development
Ax Build is a development library for developers to build smart contracts and NFTs with ease. The NFT program is advanced to support the creation of NFTs on different blockchains using AXM token of that network.
The NFT launchpad program will enforce listing assets with 10X price of the respective network marketplace.
Stable Coins (AUSD): Reserve your funds.
Offering stability and staking rewards, AUSD provides users with a reliable digital asset for transactions and investment opportunities within the Axmint platform.
Ax Collection: Axmint Unique Collections
Leveraging the AXM token, Ax Collection offers users the opportunity to access high-return NFTs across different blockchains, diversifying investment portfolios and fostering digital asset ownership.
AxWallet: Store and Browse
A centralized wallet solution providing users with secure storage and management of their digital assets within the Axmint ecosystem, enhancing accessibility and usability.
AX Exchange: Crypto Exchange
Providing trade liquidity and a seamless trading experience, AX Exchange facilitates the exchange of digital assets, fostering a vibrant ecosystem for users to participate in the crypto market.
AXCrowd : Crowd Funding
Offering passive earning programs, AX Earn incentivizes user engagement and participation within the Axmint ecosystem, enabling users to earn rewards in smart contract pools. The program offers system of Provide help and give help to generated crowd based distributed earnings.
Ax Host: Domains.axb
Leveraging AXB Coin, Ax Host offers ENS services, providing users with decentralized domain management solutions and enhancing the accessibility and decentralization of the Internet.
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kristikinzel12 · 7 months
AXM Token Surges to New ATH $0.25, Will it Break to $5 By March 2024?
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In the last week, the AXM token has experienced an unprecedented surge in price, setting the stage for an impressive rally of 56%. As the value of AXM reaches a new All-time high to $0.25, the market capitalization of the token is witnessing an unstoppable ascent, currently surpassing $20 million at the time of this writing.
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Trading AXM on Dex trade
The upward trajectory of AXM token’s price movement commenced on December 5, 2023, and has demonstrated remarkable persistence for over a week.
This notable surge is particularly striking when considering the token’s initial launch price of $0.08, representing a substantial thousandfold increase. As of feb 1 , 2024, the current trading price of the AXM token stands at $0.25. The token has attracted significant attention due to its impressive performance, showcasing a quarterly rise of 212%.
The repercussions of this substantial price surge are evident in the token’s valuation, market capitalization, and trading volume. The market capitalization of AXM has exceeded the $20 million mark and is presently hovering around $525 million.
Simultaneously, the trading volume for AXM has surged by over 136%, reaching $0.5 million in the last 24 hours. This surge in price, coupled with the notable market capitalization and increased trading volume, underscores the heightened interest and momentum surrounding the AXM token.
Investors and market participants keenly observe whether this upward trend will persist and potentially lead to new milestones in the coming days.
Another factor that might have played a role in AXM’s impressive price performance could be its connection to Solana (SOL). The latter has been one of crypto’s best performers in the past several months, recently surpassing the $100 mark (a 600% increase compared to January 1, 2023).
AXM is now also built in Solana space.
$5 is the next target , How?
The Launch of AXM Pay UPI app: Potential enhancement of token accessibility and usability.
Increased Liquidity: The anticipated rise in liquidity. The potential attraction of more traders and investors.
Expansion to Other Networks: Integration with Solana, Avalanche, and Arbitrum.
And Broadening AXM’s user base and exposure.
New Listings and Partnerships: Listing on new exchanges, Formation of strategic partnerships, Enhanced visibility and credibility in the market.
Market Dynamics: Positive sentiment driven by fundamental developments. Potential increase in demand for AXM.
Website: https://www.axmint.io/ Telegram: https://t.me/AxMintChat Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Axmint
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kristikinzel12 · 7 months
How to Create an Account with AXMint.io?
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AXMint.io is a new innovative crypto-mining project that intends to deliver a convenient and profitable way for common investors, users, and enthusiasts alike to mine cryptocurrency using virtual machines. This portal is here to provide an incentivized referral system in order to reward users on behalf of inviting others to join the project with them. This is not limited to incentivization, check out a few key features of the AXMint platform:
Crypto-mining virtual machines: You can access the AXMint virtual machines in order to mine cryptocurrency feasibly depending on whatever preferences you choose. In fact, the virtual machines are powered by the AXMachine which is referred to as a decentralized network connecting the overall ecosystem of nodes to boast computational power and security effectively. You have the right to pick from different mining plans including AXMint Basic, AXMint Pro, or AXMint Premium based on your budget and mining goals.
Incentivized referral system: You now have the opportunity to earn bulk rewards while entering the AXMint referral system working on a binary structure. This means you can invite two people to participate in the activities of the platform by creating accounts, and those two people can further refer two more people each, hence, such a cycle will work and every participant will get rewards accordingly.
You will enjoy the shower of rewards through binary earning and periodic minting on the blockchain. Periodic minting refers to the creation of new AXMint tokens every 24 hours depending on your number of referrals and your mining plan. Whereas, Binary earning refers to earning a percentage of the mining revenue initiated from the referrals depending on your position in the binary tree.
AXMint token: This asset is a native currency of the overall AXMachine ecosystem which you can use to pay the mining plans and the referral rewards. The native token is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain and quite compatible with the ERC-20 standard, hence; AXM tokens can be stored in any Ethereum wallet you choose or hold.
The team has carefully initiated the distribution and standard allocation of AXMint tokens with a total supply of 100 million assets. Out of the total figure, 50% of AXM tokens are reserved for periodic minting, whereas 30% of the tokens are kept for the team and development purposes, the remaining 10% will be issued to the early investors and the other 10% of assets will be used for marketing and promotion reasons.
How to Create an Account with AXMint.io?
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- You can now log in to your user account and access the AXMint services by visiting the “Login” option and entering the details you chose while creating the account.
Why AXMint?
If you are interested in crypto-mining then AXMint.io is the best project which is ideal for all types of users and enthusiasts. Crypto-mining refers to the utilization of computational power to validate and initiate transactions while creating new units of cryptocurrency.
By signing up at AXMint.io you will be able to use and access all sorts of crypto-mining virtual machines and services in order to mine cryptocurrency feasibly. In fact, you have the right to choose your own fundamentals based on your preferences that will further benefit in terms of an incentivized referral system.
Grab this golden opportunity to earn rewards while putting your hands on periodic minting and binary earning on this effective and easy-to-implement blockchain. AXMint.io is considered a revolutionary project to integrate the best of both worlds: profitability and convenience of crypto-mining while advancing the security and transparency of the blockchain.
If you are interested in any sort of participating to earn extra funds, you can right away sign up at the official webpage mentioned above or even join the social channels for more updates.
Website: https://www.axmint.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AxmintDefi
Telegram: https://t.me/AxMintChat
Medium: https://medium.com/@Axmintdefi/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Axmint
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