unhingedselfships · 2 years
Finally making a post on the gods/monsters/myths AU ideas. Some of them. I'll forget things prolly lol
So for those who know it, the general concept fits (ish) in Ayakashi Romance Reborn world building. For those who don't, short version, monsters/myths/etc exist passably as and among humans. They have a "human" form and their "monster" form. Pretty basic premise but there ya go.
My thoughts from these are pulled from a few different places, headcanon, character personality/background, their tattoos.
Kiryu Kazuma, the easy one, he's a dragon. A lot of people associate Kir with fire, and fair, but with the dragon, I go for water. River/water/etc. His dragon specifically is a rain deity.
Daigo took me a bit to settle before I gave up and was like "fuckit yer' a god now". Or rather, he's an avatar of a god. Sort of. Specifically as per his tattoo, Fudo Myo-oh/Acala. Fudo Myo-oh carries a sword (Kurikara) and rope for subjugating and restraining demons. So I HC him as something of an enforcer of sorts. Keeping the supernatural part of society in line.
Majima was one I flip-flopped on. So I'm keeping both ideas. I tend to lean towards Inugami by default. However naga also suits. With the naga I feel it fits base Majima wonderfully, ties to his tattoo, etc. Inugami however, fit his past, the year of torture he endured. There are aspects of both dogs and snakes that fit him well.
Akiyama doesn't have a tattoo. But I still had some ideas for him. Phoenix (ho-o) fits with his history of rising from the "ashes". He's hit the bottom more than once and always returns. Buuuut. I really liked the idea of him being a "crossroads demon" peddling deals. Perhaps less malevolent than they tend to be depicted, but the same basic idea. Alas, I could not find anything similar in Japanese mythology so.
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