#Ayruevdic home remedies for diabetes
knockdiabetes · 5 years
Sugar Knocker - Herbal Ingredients For Diabetes
Sugar Knocker is a combination of eleven best anti-diabetic herbal extracts and minerals that have been used for many years in traditional Indian Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes. For more information, just visit our website today. 
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Best ayurvedic herbal medicine for diabetes from sugar knocker to normalize blood sugar levels and knock your diabetes with natural treatment. For more details, visit our website today.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Padma Bhushan Dr. BM Hegde, a renowned professor explains what diabetes actually means. According to Dr. B.M Hegde, diabetes is far from a disease.  For more information, just read our blog now.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Table of Contents
Why follow a healthy lifestyle?
My diabetes story
My diabetes diagnosis and how it affected me
Researching ayurvedic treatment for diabetes
What is in Sugar Knocker? How does it benefit diabetics?
How to consume Sugar Knocker
Why take Sugar Knocker?
Order Sugar Knocker here.
·       Cinnamon
·       Amla
·       Kala jamun
·       Bitter gourd
·       Tulsi
·       Turmeric
·       Gurmar
·       Banaba
·       Heart-leaved moonseed/Giloy
·       Vijaysar tree
·       Salacia reticulata (Saptarangi)
This post is about how I discovered Sugar Knocker – A natural herbal supplement to treat Diabetes and fight diabetes naturally.
Suppose someone were to ask us if our goal was to live a long healthy and disease-free life where we never had to take any medication, we would naturally say yes and jump with joy.
And suppose you were a diabetic and someone asked you if you wanted to control sugar levels naturally—to treat the root cause instead of just symptoms of diabetes what would you say?
I have type 2 diabetes and when Mr Girish Banvi, the brain behind Sugar Knocker asked me, I said yes. I was keen on doing everything I could to get off my diabetes medicine.
However, to achieve that goal, we would need to consciously follow a healthy lifestyle. This means eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and exercise and staying stress free.
Why follow a healthy lifestyle?
I am sure you will agree that sticking to a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. Given a choice between joining friends for a drink and dinner at the end of a long and tiring day—and catching a healthy dinner and sleep—you know what most of us would pick.
We’re human and often end up making choices that are not so healthy. Life gets hectic and, in our quest to accomplish it all, we neglect our health. But making the pledge to eat smart, exercise daily, monitor our stress levels and quit smoking—sets the stage for a healthy future.
Being in good health also means a good quality life with a stronger immune system and less disease, where we enjoy better relationships and are happier at work.
My diabetes story
I lead a reasonably healthy life. No smoking, no alcohol. I am vegetarian and make good food choices. I walk every day. The one area I need to work on is getting enough sleep. And my wake-up call came one day, five years ago, when I went for a full health check-up. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Now, diabetes runs in my family and I knew I was at risk. Yet, during the months preceding the diagnosis, I was guilty of not paying attention to my diet, stress or sleep. Exercise was out of the question with work deadlines.
I could have easily avoided this, but you know what they say—hindsight is always 20/20 vision.
The diabetes diagnosis changed my life forever. After I went through the initial “why me” misery, I pulled myself together, determined to show it who’s boss. I took stock of my lifestyle and made changes. I learned the risks of diabetes. If ignored, diabetes can lead to other health complications that make life hell.
High blood sugar levels affect the workings of other internal organs like the kidney, heart and liver.  To list just some of the complications of diabetes:
Skin issues
Eye health risks
Nerve damage
Numbness in the feet and hands
Kidney disease
Heart health – risk of stroke
High blood pressure
Can you imagine living with all that? If you are overweight, it is even worse. The visits to the doctor, the expenses and the stress can be depressing.
The good news? With the correct treatment and recommended lifestyle changes, the complications of diabetes can be prevented or delayed.
My diabetes diagnosis and how it affected me
My HbA1c, when I was diagnosed with diabetes, was 11.4. My cholesterol levels were high—I don’t even want to mention the numbers. I knew that if I didn’t take my health seriously and make changes, I would be sabotaging my health. I changed my lifestyle overnight. I roped in my family to motivate me to stick to these changes which were:
Healthy food—plenty of salads, sprouts, vegetables and fruit.
Eliminating processed foods and packaged foods from our diet
A one-hour brisk walk every day
In my case, cut down on coffee
Sleep by 11 pm. (I used to stay up much later than that)
I also cut down on my work commitments to reduce stress levels.
But then, making a plan is not the same as following it. Switching to a healthy lifestyle overnight meant working really hard at it.  My doctor put me on diabetes medication. I wasn’t very happy about that. I wanted to believe that I could achieve normal blood sugar through diet and exercise. I had no choice but to take the medication to prevent diabetes complications.
Of course, there were side effects – stomach troubles. Then the new stress: I stressed over taking the medicine on time. I stressed over eating right. I stressed over losing income after giving up assignments so I could have free time. While my family was extremely supportive, it wasn’t always easy for them to follow my diet. Also, my folks have a sweet tooth and dessert was a part of our meal plan. Fortunately, I am not fond of sweets but still. There were days I wished I just didn’t have to do any of this healthy lifestyle business. It gets tedious.
Researching ayurvedic treatment for diabetes
However, something good came out of it all. I decided to educate myself about diabetes and solutions available. I also started a new blog to post tips that worked for me, because every little change helps.
Read: Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
Here’s the first thing to know: are you at risk for type 2 diabetes?
If you answer yes to one of more of the following questions, you are:
Family history of diabetes
Physically inactive
Have high blood pressure or take medication for it
Have low HDL
High Triglycerides
Had gestational diabetes
Have unhealthy eating habits
Don’t get enough sleep
High stress levels
As I said earlier, you can take control of your health by making a few changes.
You can prevent type 2 diabetes! If you have a family history, just keeping track of blood sugar levels can alert you to prediabetes, the precursor of type 2 diabetes and you can take the necessary steps to control it. In fact, you can even reverse type 2 by managing it properly.
On that positive note, I doubled my efforts to find what treatments were available besides the standard pharmaceutical medications and Insulin therapy.
After all, I come from a family that specializes in home remedies and natural remedies for practically every ailment. Moreover, I was alarmed at the potential side effects for some of these medications such as bloating, dizziness, skin rash, weight gain and kidney disease, which seemed as bad as the diabetes itself.
I also came across a number of natural remedies suggested by trustworthy sources. At this point, I must tell you one thing: there is no such thing as a “diabetes” diet. The diabetes diet is just a healthy diet that is applicable to all those who want to stay disease free.
But there are certain foods that enhance a healthy diet and paying special attention to consuming them definitely helps.
As an informal diabetes health educator, my mission is to share whatever authentic information I discover and what works for me.
I came across several interesting Ayurveda products in the process but was a little wary about trying them as the reviews were not always encouraging. Granted that we are not all the same and our reaction to a condition or medicine is different. Nevertheless, there are some standard parameters we look for: such as whether the treatment option has been through clinical trials, the results experienced by those who tried it, the number of years it has been in the market, the ingredient list, and so on.
One day, while talking to my neighbor, she mentioned Sugar Knocker, a diabetes treatment in ayurveda – an ayurvedic sugar treatment product her aunt was using for managing her diabetes and how well it was working for her. She went on to describe how her aunt had started it, the benefits she was experiencing and how she has now almost reversed her diabetes and was in great health.
Curious, I Googled the product. The results led me to its website. There I viewed the YouTube video of a speech by Dr B M Hegde on diabetes. Very inspiring. I was now eager to learn more about Sugar Knocker.
My main question was: would it work for me?  Would it help me get off my diabetes medication? What would I have to do?
What is in Sugar Knocker? How does it benefit diabetics?
Sugar Knocker is made of a combination of 11 natural herbal supplements for diabetes proven to help manage blood sugar levels. These have been used in traditional Indian Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes for decades and considered safe to take even if one is taking prescription medicine for diabetes. In fact, many of these ingredients are already on my kitchen shelf!
Here is a quick overview of the herbal ingredients for diabetes used in Sugar Knocker.
·       Cinnamon
Improves blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, helps with weight control and reduces the risk of heart disease – especially beneficial for people with type-2 diabetes.
·       Amla
Improves the functioning of pancreatic beta cells as well as increasing uptake of glucose by the cells. Is also an anti-ageing tonic and immune-stimulant.
Watch this video – How to use amla for diabetes:
·       Kala jamun
Has a positive effect on the pancreas by checking the conversion of starch into sugar in cases of excessive production of glucose.
·       Bitter gourd
Strengthens the immune system and helps to maintain cholesterol level and triglycerides in liver and blood.
·       Tulsi
Blood purifier, antioxidant, improves heart health, respiratory health and nerve health. Prevents and heals infections, reduces cholesterol levels and emotional stress.
·       Turmeric
Helps reduce blood glucose levels and increases insulin. Prevents oxidative stress and decreases glycosylated hemoglobin, controls diabetic neuropathic pain, heals wounds.
Watch this video: Turmeric for diabetes
·       Gurmar
Regulates appetite, blood glucose levels and triglycerides and pancreatic function.
·       Banaba
Rich in dietary fiber, minerals like zinc and magnesium and vitamins. Improves glucose metabolism and used in diabetes treatment.
·       Heart-leaved moonseed/Giloy
Helps in managing immune system, blood glucose levels and overcoming hypoglycemia.
·       Vijaysar tree
Regulates b cells of pancreas and used as herbal medicine for diabetes.
·       Salacia reticulata (Saptarangi)
Normalizes blood sugar and insulin levels and healthy blood lipids.
I am familiar with almost all of these herbal ingredients for diabetes and was now eager to know even more about ayurvedic sugar treatment – Ayurveda for diabetes.
Let me confess – I wanted to try Sugar Knocker for myself. I called the contact number on the website for more information. I wanted to talk to the CEO of Sushrut Ayurved Industries, Mr. Girish Banvi after I read the story behind Sugar Knocker.
It so happened that Mr Banvi was visiting my city. We made an appointment to meet. It was a most pleasant meeting and I got to hear firsthand about how he developed Sugar Knocker.
He was in the business of supplying medicinal plants to top ayurvedic product manufacturers like Dabur, Zandu, Baidhanath, Himalaya, in the 1990s. During a family function, he noticed many family members and friends taking insulin before food. This and his rich knowledge of herbs inspired him to develop an effective natural diabetes dietary supplement that would not only help control blood sugar levels but also promote overall health.  He then collaborated with industry experts and after intensive research, tests and clinical trials, to arrive at the unique combination of 11 herbs that had the potential to rebuild pancreatic Beta-cells. In 2005 the ayurvedic supplement Sugar Knocker was born.
Sugar Knocker is 14 years old today and regarded as one of the best ayurvedic remedies for diabetes with a user satisfaction ratio of close to 88%, many of whom have reversed diabetes without any side effects.
Here are some testimonials for Sugar Knocker.
How to consume Sugar Knocker
As Sugar Knocker works on the root cause of diabetes and attempts to rejuvenate the pancreatic beta cells, initially it must be taken alongside prescription medication to avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar. After sugar levels stabilize, you can cut down your prescription medicines by at least 50%. Eventually, you can stop your prescription medication and also Sugar Knocker.
A healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise while taking Sugar Knocker speed up the process of achieving normal blood sugar.  Along with my three months of Sugar Knocker, I also received a diet chart detailing what to avoid and what to eat and it looked easy enough as I was following most of it anyway.
Sugar Knocker dosage is designed scientifically to manage and control diabetes.  Here’s the guideline. It is to be taken 15-20 minutes before food.
Sugar LevelCapsules / DayDosage
140-199 mg/dl2 capsules1-0-1
200-250 mg/dl3 capsules1-1-1
300+6 capsules2-2-2
Blood sugar must be checked two hours after meals.
Gradually, as blood sugar levels come under control, prescription medication can be cut by at least 50%, after consulting your physician.
Needless to say, diabetes treatment can be effective provided proper nutrition and exercise are followed along with continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels. Any changes to prescription medication must be done only in consultation with your physician.
Sushrut Ayurved Industries has a range of health supplements such as Amla, Banaba, Berberine, Cinnamon, Curcumin, Fenugreek, Garlic, Kalonji Seed Extracts and Moringa—all of which are proven to promote overall health.
Why take Sugar Knocker?
I have started taking Sugar Knocker because it is made of natural herbal ingredients proven to work for controlling diabetes. It addresses the root cause of diabetes, nudging the pancreas to resume their normal function by generating the beta cells. It helps increase uptake of glucose by cells and exerts an insulin-like action. It also regenerates the lipid mechanism. Besides preventing diabetic retinopathy and oxidative damage it also helps prevent micro-vascular damage. Best of all, there are no side effects, as I have learned after talking to some people who are very happy with their experience.
I am expecting progress in three months and will post an update by December 2019. I am maintaining a chart of my weekly blood sugar levels and will also try to follow the diet chart that came with Sugar Knocker to the best of my ability. I know that if I stick to it strictly, I will see results in three months—if not, a little slower.  I make sure I walk at least one hour every day and stay active. I expect Sugar Knocker will also help me with my overall health because of the ingredients.
If you are struggling with type 2 diabetes, I understand how you feel. I strongly encourage you to invest in your health with a proven natural product.  Allopathic medicines have nasty side effects in the long run. Diabetes is not a lifelong ailment. You can manage it well by making a few lifestyle changes. You deserve to be free from diabetes, just like me. Why not take a holistic approach?
Order Sugar Knocker here.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Ayurvedic Herbs – Turmeric And Diabetes
Turmeric is a popular spice that has been used by us for centuries in both food and medicine. Many believe that it has numerous health benefits for the human body.
Turmeric is a spice often seen in Asian food and curries. It helps provide the food its yellowish color. For ages, it has been used in Eastern medicine for general health. It’s frequently used for improving liver and digestion functions, as well as for easing pain from conditions such as arthritis.
The spice has a huge following among alternative medicine users and is gaining a reputation in mainstream medicine. Lately, it has gained a lot of attention for its potential use in preventing cancer and other diseases. Turmeric is believed to have antioxidant properties that could help fight infection and inflammation.
Could turmeric be a new tool to help manage diabetes?
Turmeric is the common name for the root Curcuma longa. It is a bright yellow-orange spice that is a staple in traditional food dishes from many Asian countries. Curcumin is one of the numerous compounds found in turmeric tree which is mainly beneficial for its curing capabilities.
Turmeric and Diabetes
How does turmeric exactly help diabetes?
Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which appears to be the source of many of the health benefits. Curcumin helps people with diabetes in different ways, which includes decreasing insulin resistance and cholesterol levels. Turmeric help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are factors that play a role in diabetes. Recent studies believe, Turmeric is one of the best ayurvedic medicines to treat diabetes naturally.
Health Benefits of Turmeric!
Managing Glucose:
Taking turmeric or curcumin by mouth help reduce blood sugar to more manageable levels. Turmeric is one of the best ayurvedic herbs to help control diabetes.
Reversing prediabetes:
Studies suggest that turmeric might also protect against the development of diabetes if you are prediabetic.
Preventing complications:
Curcumin helps reduces the risk or severity of many diabetes-related complications like cardiovascular diseases.
Liver health:
People with diabetes experience liver problems, such as fatty liver disease which can be prevented with the consumption of turmeric.Cholesterol and heart health-Diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. This can be reduced considerably using turmeric.
Diabetic neuropathy:
High blood sugar levels can lead to nerve damage, which doctors refer to as neuropathy. Autonomic neuropathy affects body functions over which a person has no conscious control, such as digestion. Peripheral neuropathy can lead to pain, tingling, and a loss of sensation in the hands and feet. Studies suggest that turmeric may help prevent complications of diabetic neuropathy
Wound Healing:
When a person with diabetes has a wound, it can take a long time to heal, and the person will have a higher risk of infection than someone without diabetes. These factors can lead to severe complications. Using turmeric will increase the pace of wound healing reducing the infections.
Type 1 diabetes immune response:
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the immune system attacks insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. Curcumin adjusts how the overactive immune system works in people with type 1 diabetes. Curcumin lowers the body’s T-cell response, which is part of its immune response. Therefore curcumin help strengthens the immune system. It could also boost the action of medicines that doctors prescribe to manage type 1 diabetes.
Turmeric lowers the risk of heart attacks after bypass surgery.
Skin problem:
reduce skin irritation, which is common after radiation therapy for breast cancer.
Side effects.
Turmeric is safe, and people can include it in their diet regularly. However, if people consume too much turmeric or curcumin, they may experience the following signs and symptoms:
thinning blood
People with certain health conditions may also need to avoid turmeric as it could worsen their symptoms:
gallbladder disease
kidney stones
Here are 6 ways in which turmeric can help you fight against diabetes:
Milk and Turmeric-
A simple ways that can help you fight against diabetes is Turmeric Milk. Warm Boiled milk with turmeric in it. Let it simmer, have it warm in the morning.
Turmeric and Black Pepper:
A glass of Warm Boiled milk and then add turmeric in it along with black pepper in the turmeric milk. The phytochemical present in black pepper (piperine) and turmeric (curcumin) will prevent the damage of blood vessels, which is a common effect of diabetes.
Cinnamon and Turmeric-
Mix a pinch of cinnamon powder in turmeric milk and drink it in the morning. This combination of powerful spices can lower the insulin and triglycerides that are triggered by high-fat meals.
Ginger and Turmeric:
You can take a pinch of ginger powder along with turmeric milk. This will help in improving your fasting blood sugar levels. You can take a pinch of ginger powder along with turmeric milk. This will help in improving your fasting blood sugar levels.
Gooseberry and Turmeric:
Mix a pinch of turmeric in two tablespoons of gooseberry juice and have it in the morning. Gooseberry is known to have anti-diabetic properties while it improves cholesterol levels in diabetes.
Turmeric Extract:
it is the best and easiest way to consume turmeric. Pure Herbal turmeric capsules are available in the market which can be easily consumed to improve overall health and prevent diabetes.
Turmeric tea:
Make turmeric tea by adding a little turmeric to your tea. This will enhance the essence and benefits of your morning tea.
Turmeric Rice:
add color and flavor to rice by stirring in a spoonful of turmeric before cooking it. Also, use turmeric to add gentle spice to a vegetable stew
Diabetes should never be considered a disease. It is a lifestyle disorder that can be managed with certain diet and exercises. Turmeric has been a part of medical uses since ancient times. It is used extensively for its anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial properties. It has numerous anti-diabetic properties making it extremely beneficial for a diabetic. Regular consumption of Turmeric not only helps reduce insulin resistance but also keeps cardiovascular diseases away.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Berberine Dietary Supplements is the Great supplement to control blood sugar levels, reduces cholesterol & avoid complications of diabetes, high blood pressure.  You can Buy this Product at https://store.sushrutayurved.com/berberine-diabetes-dietary-supplement
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
How Turmeric and Black Jamun Can Help Diabetic
Ayurvedic herbs are extremely effective to control diabetes naturally. Some herbs are very potent in reducing blood sugar levels. Herbs like Turmeric and Jamun, widely used as home remedies for diabetes treatment. These allow us to have a better sensitivity towards insulin.
 Managing diabetes becomes easy when these kinds of medicinal herbs are a part of our diet. Jamun is a tropical tree fruit that belongs to the family Myrtaceae. Jamun is native to areas such as Bangladesh, India, and Indonesia. Turmeric is a plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It holds popularity in Indian households in cooking and medicinal uses. 
Now let’s talk about the tasty berry Jamun Fruit and its benefits in diabetes treatment as they control diabetes. Black Jamun for Diabetes (Kala Jamun Fruit, Jamun Fruit for Diabetes)Black jamun has excellent curative properties in a variety of conditions. The polyphenolic compounds found in it have shown effectiveness against cancer, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, stomach disorders as well as diabetes. 
Black jamun is good for diabetics. The black plum (java plum) has anti-diabetic properties. It converts starch into energy thereby keeping the blood sugar levels in check. It has a low Glycemic Index and is very beneficial for sugar patients. It also relieves diabetic symptom of frequent urination. 
Along with the flesh of the fruit, the powdered seeds, bark, extracts of the bark seeds and leaves are very useful in the treatment of urine sugar. The fruit and its seeds have low glycemic index. It has a jamboline which controls the conversion of starch into sugar. That is the reason why it is considered as one of the best ayurvedic medicine to curb diabetes. Generally sugar patients can safely eat one teaspoon of powdered jamun seeds. 
Jamun Seeds along with their daily medication is more effective and less invasive diabetes control. While Jamun can easily aid beneficial effects for diabetes. It’s seeds are equally popular in terms of ayurvedic herbs to control diabetes.
Jamboline & Jambosine:
It is a berry found in plenty in India. It is famous for its anti-diabetic properties. It is well known for the health benefits and medicinal properties. It houses fats, vitamins, proteins and various minerals and useful for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. It has got various medicinal properties and rich in vitamins… 
For people with Diabetes the seeds of kala jamun are loaded with Jambosine & Jamboline. That slows down rate of the sugar being released in blood. Additionally, the seeds help in increasing body’s insulin level.   The jambosine in jamun fruit is an alkaloid which is held in high regard. Because of its ability to keep sugar conversion in check.
Better Digestion:
Jamun serves as coolant & helps with the treatment of digestion-related issues. The consumption of jamun seeds promotes healthy movement of the bowel. This aids in reduction of blood sugar level with better metabolism. To control diabetes via Jamun seeds, peel off the outer shell first. 
Then wash, dry the seeds and grind the same in powdered form. Make sure you consume jamun seed powder every day to regulate your blood sugar level. Few people have jamun juice in their routine for better digestion.
Body Detoxification:
Jamun dried seeds are packed with Flavonoids which is a powerful form of antioxidant. It helps flush out the harmful and health deteriorating free radicals from the body. This seasonal fruit also aids in improvement of the immune system’s functionality. That can be particularly crucial for the maintenance of diabetes. It one of the traditional medicines to treat diabetes.
Control Blood Sugar Level:
You can also eat Jamun for its hypoglycaemic effect. It houses alkaloids which prevent the conversion of starch into sugar.
Make sure you consume the powdered form of jamun seeds with luke warm water to keep the sugar level normal. Now that you know the benefits of Jamun seeds, let’s understand what makes turmeric an effective option to control diabetes.
Turmeric for Diabetes
Turmeric is also known as Curcuma Longa by its botanical name. It has been long used in Indian cooking.  It is an active ingredient in the Indian (Ayurveda) and Chinese traditional medicine systems. It is used extensively in pain relief, cancer prevention, lowering cholesterol and also blood sugar levels. In studies conducted by Beijing University of Chinese medicine. 
Curcumin has been known to reduce sugar and cholesterol levels along with liver protection. The main activity of turmeric that reduces the inflammation caused by diabetes complications. It has the ability to suppress the activity of the macrophages causing inflammation. Turmeric improves insulin function by reducing insulin resistance. This is similar to the effect of physical activity by helping insulin enter the cells. During clinical trials, it is found that,It protects the beta cells that produce insulin. 
Though turmeric can be added to many foods especially in the Indian cuisine, it can also be used as capsules. Ancient and current studies also point out the use of pepper along with turmeric for better absorption.  This will otherwise be poorly absorbed. And the very little that enters the body is also flushed out quickly. Most of the diabetics are aware that turmeric serves as a beneficial addition to the low-glycemic diet. This can help to control diabetes.
Turmeric houses curcumin which is effective in terms of weight loss. This aids in better insulin levels as weight acts as a major motivator for diabetic patients. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties stored within turmeric have found its way in Chinese and Ayurvedic herbal treatment.  Turmeric reduces blood glucose by increasing plasma insulin. Prevents diabetes-induced oxidative stress. Its anti-inflammatory effects suppress diabetic neuropathic pain.
Liver Fat Accumulation:
Curcumin aids in the prevention of fat accumulation in the liver. Lower liver fat directlyrelates to lower blood sugar levels.
Avoid Inflammation:
Turmeric helps avoid inflammation caused due to the macrophages present in the WBCs. The usage of turmeric can bring down any diabetes complication. Where inflammation tends to play an important role for the diabetes patients.
Insulin Functionality:
When it comes to controlling diabetes, curcumin is known to improve insulin levels in the body. It reduces any insulin resistance which helps the insulin reach inside the cells. This is the AMPK pathway which is also opened up by any form of exercise.
Prevents Diabetes Progression:
Diabetes as a whole is a constantly progressive degenerative disease. Diabetes leads to the start of various other health issues such as high blood pressure. Regular Consumption of Turmeric gives an excellent halt in the progression of the disease. Curcumin present in turmeric protects the beta cells that produce insulin.Kidney Support:
Curcumin is also known to promote the clearance of any urea. Creatinine present in the bloodstream by enhancing the functionality of the kidneys.
Prevents Nerve Damage:
Curcumin acts on the deteriorative action caused by diabetes. Especially the ones that tend to induce nerve damage.
Treats Diabetic Complications:
Studies have confirmed that curcumin can help treat various complications related to diabetes. The complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, as well as several cardiovascular issues.
Accelerates Healing:
Patients with diabetes often run the risk of slow healing. This lead to various infections and at times need amputation of the body parts due to extended infection. Curcumin helps with acceleration of the natural healing process. This restores the nerve damage and better wound healing.
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