#sugar knocker ingredients
astarab1aze · 6 months
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Places Around the World (P1)
⸻Salem's Crossing, Miami, FL.
Located in the underbelly of Miami, Salem's Crossing serves one of many meeting places for supernaturals alongside Time's Square in New York, Alcatraz in San Francisco, The Denver Pavilions in Colorado, and others. It behaves as a sort of 'pocket dimension', a place separate from the non-magic world, and all entrances into this 'dimension' can be closed at-will from any suspiciously prying eyes. This easy departure from the world as a whole allows the supernatural world to remain hidden and inaccessible to non-magic people and even other sorcerers if necessary. The presiding sorcerers have a tendency to move entrances as well, thus further preventing detection from non-magic folk in accordance with the Secrecy & Safety Statutes agreed upon by Sorciers and the USDRS.
Aesthetically, Salem's Crossing might appear as a place 'out of time' as it maintains a strange mashup of French, Spanish, and contemporary magic and non-magic motifs, decor, and other design choices from prior eras (chiefly the 1800s). For example: The Bubbler's Brew looks akin to an old carnival ground, dripping in Vaudevillian presentation and Creole ornamentation; The Tattered Cover looks like any old bookstore you might find in, say, Salem itself, with northern coastal construction and plain color schemes, though the inside is a bit of a different story for obvious reasons; and so on.
It is connected to Salem, Mass. and is widely regarded as a more culturally diverse extension of the city, merely located in Miami, FL.
The street all the important shops are on is named Rum-Runner's Circle, and it serves as a sort of hub for the Southern sorcerer states in 'dimensional' conjunction with New Orleans' French Quarter. This is also where the first Gildebanque's was opened, with the other two in Time's Square and Alcatraz respectively (Gildebanque's is run by the Gilde Family and Tommy-knockers, landmark accomplishment in unifying supernaturals).
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Individual Locations
Nightingale's, a general sorcery supply store based in Salem's Crossing, established in 1732. Owned and operated by Talula Burke, who was the Summoning professor at Belegerande's in the 80's. This is the best place to go when shopping for school or to resupply on the basics.
Bubbler's Brew, an apothecary based in Salem's Crossing, established in 1949 by the Oddry-Collins family. Their inventory contains all the ingredients necessary to brew a fine restorative, invisibility potion, something that'll make you grow taller, shorter, rounder, balder-- If you've the money for it, they do also have rarer ingredients, from blackwyrm organs and glands to whole firenewts, dragon eggshell, dragon glass, whole styxie, boonie wings, crocodingo glow sacs, drakodil feet, and plenty, plenty more. All ingredients are ethically sourced uwu !
The Tattered Cover, a bookstore containing magical and mundane publications of most types, connecting Salem's Crossing with the heart of Denver. Working in conjunction with smaller bookstores, an intricate web strings together yet more populations of supernaturals. In a way, it's more or less a supernatural highway with revolving doors and a bookshop.
Gretle's, once known as 'Of Arsenic & Sugar' and 'The Sug' (Dale Gribble's wife opened this place), is a candy and snack franchise that's been around since 1801. Run by witches with a unique talent for it, it's been pumping out all sorts of famous magical confections such as FrankenLeeches, Snallygobsters, among others.
Strychnine Theater, which isn't so much a theater as it is an event arena held entirely underground in Salem's Crossing that is generally used for illegal dueling tournaments among other illegal activities. It was once a highly respected institution, the scene of many elegant magical plays, operas, and other acts, but fell into shabbyness and disrepair, then to crime and cruelty, with the introduction of the drug Noxium, which has the same effect as heroin when ingested (but was otherwise a great topical ointment for snap-trap bites), by poachers, scoundrels, the odd murderer or two, etc. Now, it's a hotbed for all manners of illegal activity.
Mirewood Crossroads, which is simply another name for any liminal space throughout the swamps of the South, most of which are defunct or overtaken by poachers, drug dealers, murderers, ambitious thieves, the vilest necromancers who've no respect for the dead, unchecked vampires, frogmen, wild animals, supernatural beasts, and other such things. Nothing's been quite right about them either, not since they'd been mostly abandoned. Who knows what may be found there? Maybe a mirror or two remains active. The Mirewood Crossroads locations that are still in use today are located in the town square of Salem's Crossing, Belle's Hollow in Belle Valley (named for Alistair Belegerande's beloved wife, Isabella), one in Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama.
Fleur de Lis', Very Nice™️ supernatural fashion store located in Salem's Crossing, run by Fortuna Damaris - the only known true fae in North america. She broke away from the Court to pursue her dream, connecting with the strange, mortal, and human, and create. Since the 1850's, she's been happily running Fleur de Lis' and has a permanent business contract with both Belegerande's and Madame Scrivener's schools. She alone designs and produces their school uniforms, drapes, bedding, etc. Fleur de Lis' as a business has exceptional marks, but is quite expensive.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Sugar Knocker - Herbal Ingredients For Diabetes
Sugar Knocker is a combination of eleven best anti-diabetic herbal extracts and minerals that have been used for many years in traditional Indian Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes. For more information, just visit our website today. 
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bitletsanddrabbles · 5 years
Too Easy: First Draft, Working Title
This is what happens when we get the DA trailer and the GO release in the same month. Of course, having thoroughly reread GO, I’m going to be giving this a pretty hefty over haul before I put it up anywhere else - so many references that need making, etc. - but as an initial concept piece it pleases.
Fandom: Downton Abbey/Good Omens
Characters: Crowley, Thomas Barrow
Relationship: N/A
Warnings: Season 2. Characterization is probably not 100% there yet, but close enough for government work.
Crowley never would have imagined England being boring after a war. Really, even for the English ‘war’ was basically the antonym for ‘boring’ and there was always fuss and bother putting things back in order when one ended and yet here it was, the tail end of a war - The War, if the press was to be believed, which it wasn’t - and, while nowhere near a redeux of the fourteenth century, he was fighting to stave off monotony.  It wasn’t that there wasn’t plenty of room for corruption, mind. It was that he didn’t need to do anything to further said corruption. The men who had lost arms and legs to the German bombs sat on the street corners, begging for food, while the people who had sat at home through the whole thing hurried past pretending not to see them. Soldiers who had fought and come home in one piece looked down their noses at the less fortunate and the men who hadn’t fought at all with equal disdain. Girls who had been seduced by men in uniform worked the street corners, trying to feed children whose fathers denied their existence. It had taken him an age to hit upon a scheme to actually help things along.
Of course, if he was honest about it the black market didn’t need his help much either, but he wasn’t exactly trying to help. The real black marketeers already had their suppliers and their clients and had generally built up a tidy sum to live off of, assuming the government hadn’t caught them and shunted them into prison. No, the people who came to Crowley were the desperate and inexperienced lot, looking to get started. They were the men without hands or half of their faces burned off, men who had given the country everything they had to give and been left to starve as payment. Unable to find good, paying work, they turned to dishonest, risky work that had a great pay off, or so they’d heard.
If they’d found a different supplier, it might have done.
A soft knock, two taps in quick succession, followed after a long pause by a third, made Crowley look up from where the tip of his cigarette met the lighter he carried for appearances, adjust his dark glasses, and call, “Come in.”  The door swung inward. One of these times he was dead certain the knocker was going to prove to be Aziraphael, come to scold him for his misdeeds, but not today. Today the angel was off serving at a soup kitchen or acting as an orderly in a hospital or whatever it was he did to pass the time.
The man who slipped through into the dingy pub backroom was still a surprise. Unlike most of the men who came looking for him to supply their fortunes, this one was awfully respectable looking. Young, tall, well groomed, excellent posture, he looked every inch a respectable member of the English working class. Then he caught sight of Crowley, sitting at the table with his carefully judged rakish posture (looking devil may care was part of the look when one was a black market supplier, after all) and he paused, eyes drinking him in slowly.
That was it then, the demon thought with a private smirk. He was one of those. And wasn’t that just another shining example of mankind at it’s most hellish? All of that insistence that the populace be loyal, upstanding, law abiding citizens and they went and made laws assuring that certain members of that populace couldn’t be law abiding if they wanted to? If society had let him, this fellow might be anything from a spokesperson for public reform to a knowledgeable tailor, but Parliament couldn’t have that, could they? Instead he was here, angry, alienated, and more than ready to take some of his own back from the world.
Well, Crowley wished him all the luck in the world, where that was concerned. Just not today.
“Mr. Crowley?” the man asked, not taking more than a half step from the door. His expression was calmly confident, but his eyes gave him away, shifting from the shadows to Crowley and back. He was young, and probably a fool, but he wasn’t stupid.
Crowley stood, extending his hand and grinning broadly around his cigarette. “At your service, Mr….?”
“Barrow,” the man replied, crossing the room to take the offered hand. Despite the fact he’d apparently liked what he saw, there was no flirtation in his manner at all, meaning he either refused to mix business with pleasure, or he’d been bitten once recently and was now being twice shy. Not that Crowley minded. Flirting was easy enough, all told, but he didn’t feel like dredging up the energy and focus to exude anything resembling ‘sexuality’.
“And what can I do for you, Mr. Barrow?” Crowley asked, even though he knew full well what the answer was. He resumed his seat and gestured for his companion to take the one across the table.
Barrow sat, working the glove off of his right hand and fishing a pack of Black Cats out of his pocket. Crowley approved of the brand on general principle. He also noted that the left hand stayed gloved. “I’m looking to go into business,” Barrow replied, working a cigarette out of the pack and placing it between his lips. Since Crowley hadn’t gotten around to putting his own lighter away, he flicked it to life and held it out. His companion looked momentarily startled, then leaned forward and set the end of his fag in the flame. As soon as it was glowing sufficiently, he sat back and blew a ring of smoke into the air. “Dry goods.”
“Whereabouts are you looking to start this business?” Crowley asked, blowing a smoke ring of his own. The man’s accent placed him somewhere north of Cheshire, but south of Bolton, in the general vicinity of Manchester. Crowley considered that another point in his favor. (He was still quite proud of Manchester. He should stop past at some point before he left the country. See if there was anything he could improve while he was here.) Of course, they were in a pub in Leeds, so no telling where Barrow lived now. “Competition can be fierce.”
Barrow gave a light snort. “No competition in Downton, I promise you. There’s clientele, though. If nothing else, the Earl’s family is looking at a wedding soon. Can’t have a wedding without a proper cake, can you? Other toffs wouldn’t let you live it down.”
“And you’re certain you can get in to pitch your sale?”
“Used to be a footman for the family, back before the war.” The reply held a note of defiance, daring Crowley to look down on him for his service. There was also a spark of ambition, which fanned with his next words. “Not looking to go back to the job. And of course I served in the trenches with the heir, Mr. Crawley. He’s the one getting married. So yeah, pretty sure they’ll buy from me.”
The name caught Crowley off guard and nearly made him choke on a lungful of ash, but he caught himself. He always managed to forget that the name had somehow (he had no idea how) caught on as a human surname. Instead he concentrated on the implications of a wedding. Along with a cake, weddings meant feasts and any feast could benefit from sugar and flour. And when all of that went sour? Even the most lenient of aristocrat would have his nose out of joint at his son’s wedding being spoiled. He’d undoubtedly yell at the cook, possibly at the butler and housekeeper, and if his temper was bad enough, possibly the entire staff. Cooks were even less known for mild tempers than their employers were. All of this, of course, would eventually make its way down to Barrow, as the one who supplied the goods, making him a villain right when he’d be expecting to be everyone’s savior. By that time Crowley would be long gone. He’d already decided to take a trip to America after he’d sold off this lot. There were some interesting rumors coming from that direction in regards to alcohol. “Well then, sounds like the basis for a solid business,” he grinned. “How much do you think you’ll need to get started?”
“Sugar and flour for a start,” Barrow ticked the ingredients off on his fingers. “Sugar in particular. Butter if you can get it. Anything connected to baking, really. Even if it’s not rationed, I know Mrs. Patmore. She’ll be worried that this is going to continue and spread, even if she won’t let on, and if she’s not now, I can make sure she starts.”
“I have that,” Crowley promised. “Give me a time and a place and I can have it delivered.”
“I’ll give you a time and a place when you give me a price,” Barrow countered. So far he hadn’t shown much shrewd business sense, outside of being able to spot an opportunity and knowing what was needed for a cake, more or less. Crowley had no reason to believe he had much more beyond that, but even if his innate business sense began and ended at ‘toffs like cake’, someone had taught him a modicum of caution.
“Getting all of that past the police isn’t an easy job,” Crowley hedged, pretending to think it over. Instead he tallied what he knew of Barrow, adding it up to a crippling sum, but not too outrageous. As a footman he should have made a modest sum, given his height. As a soldier he’d have made spit, same as the rest of them. If he was trying to start a business, he must have squirreled some away for a rainy day. Either that or Crowley had sorely misjudged and he was the biggest idiot in England, but that didn’t seem likely. A fool, yes, or he wouldn’t be here, but a shrewd fool. “A good supply will cost ninety pounds.”
Barrow’s eyes narrowed. “What can you give me for sixty?”
He didn’t as much as say that was all he had, but Crowley could tell it was. “Less than I could give you for eighty,” he countered. “And that’s the least I’d recommend for starting a business like yours.”
For a moment the young man simply watched him through the haze of smoke. “Seventy’s worth, then,” he finally offered. “Sixty now and I’ll pay you the rest from my profits.”
Crowley debated. On the one hand, if he really had risked his neck for these goods, he’d want to get as much from them as possible. On the other hand, he hadn’t risked a thing. The goods were only a few years younger than the earth itself, give or take a century, and there would be no profit. He knew that, but he didn’t need Barrow to figure it out. Finally he smiled and held out his hand, “Deal.”
Barrow shook the offered hand and gave him the address of a vacant shed in the middle of the Yorkshire countryside. He then pulled out his wallet and, without a hint of hesitation, handed over a generous fistful of pound notes. Sixty, as promised. Crowley grinned. The boy had lots of promise, but in the end he was nothing but the shrewdest fool in the land, and now, whether he knew it or not, a penniless fool. “A pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Crowley,” Barrow stood, working his right glove back on his hand and tipping his hat in parting.
“The pleasure’s all mine.”
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jmdmedico · 3 years
Ayurvedic measures to control diabetes
Living with diabetes is not easy. If you want to successfully manage your diabetes you have to understand the conditions that affect your blood sugar level and solutions that can help manage them. Fortunately, the way to its successful management lies with Ayurveda. With so many Indians suffering from diabetes, you have to pay attention to the common signs and symptoms related to the disease like blurry vision, rapid weight loss, excessive hunger pangs, increased thirst, frequent urination, skin infections, extreme fatigue and many more. Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes can relieve you of all these symptoms. You just have to have faith and do the needful.
Ayurveda that deals with the knowledge of life unveils the path to ultimate well being by identifying health characteristics and patterns and underscores way to restore balance to your life. Treatment through Ayurveda involves adjusting your diet as per your body’s requirements by adding certain ingredients to recipes and ignoring the rest, energizing the body and mind through yoga followed by meditation for deep thinking. The main reason for diabetes is hereditary but then it can also happen due to unhealthy stress levels and habits synonymous to modern lifestyle. Ancient ayurvedic medicines for diabetes are engraved with powerful herbs that have the power to manage diabetes.
We have to understand the working of the tridosha in the human body to understand their role in diabetes. Vata dosha is responsible for small and big movements in the body. Pitta dosha regulates the body’s digestion and metabolism while Kapha dosha is accountable for strength and growth. The imbalance of these doshas make the body prone to illnesses.
Diabetes is caused due to imbalance in Kapha dosha. The imbalance when compounded with a weak digestive fire can slow down metabolism, which can lead to problems with sugar levels in the body. It does not mean that individuals with kapha dominant nature will have diabetes for sure. Diabetes can occur when kapha dominance is not counterbalanced by following healthy habits and balanced diet. Therefore, individuals with kapha dominant nature should be careful about including enough air and fire elements in their food habits. Best ayurvedic medicines in India are available and can be trusted. They are made with potent herbs and have little to no side effects.
Managing diabetes can be difficult but it is not impossible. Ayurveda has several ways in which one can stabilize their sugar levels with herbs and natural remedies for diabetes that can be easily prepared at home.
Shilajit is found in and around Himalayan regions during summers has also been prescribed by herbalists as an effective ayurvedic treatment for diabetes. Found in both pills and syrup form it is rich in fulvic acid and acts to protect pancreatic beta cells that are needed to produce insulin. It also helps by repairing damaged pancreas that helps to release insulin and flush out toxins from the body.
Fenugreek seeds also known as methi dana have remedial properties that reduce blood sugar levels to a great extent, thus reducing the risk of suffering from diabetes. The seeds contain fibres and compounds that help to slow down the digestion process as well as absorption of sugar and carbohydrates in the body. it can be taken by diabetics in form of tablets available in stores. Fenugreek is an ayurvedic treatment for diabetes medicine for insulin as well.
Triphala is an ayurvedic mixture composed of three potent herbs amlaki, haritaki and bibhitaki. The combination of the three strengthens your immune system, aids in digestion and maintains a healthy heart and stable respiratory functions. The use of triphala has been mentioned as one of the best ayurvedic medicines for diabetes.
Commonly known as Indian gooseberry, this fruit because of its medicinal properties is deemed as one of the most natural medicines in Ayurveda. The fruits vitamin C content enables the insulin resistance and balances blood sugar levels. This makes it quite effective in treatment and management of diabetes. The added nutrients like tannins and polyphenols help flush out the toxins from the body while their healing properties enable cellular metabolism. The polyphenols protect the body from oxidative stress due to high blood sugar. Amla is known to be the best ayurvedic medicine for diabetes because of a compound chromium present in it which helps the body to better respond to insulin and keep the sugar levels in check.
 Bitter gourd:
Also known as ‘karela’ in colloquial terms in India bitter gourd is well known for its insulin like activity of inhibiting glucose absorption. This fruit contains three active substances namely charanti, vicine and insulin like compound polypeptide-p that together act to increase glucose absorption. Many Indians prefer to drink a glass of karela juice empty stomach for its insulin like activities specially diabetics. Thus, karela is a sugar knocker ayurvedic medicine for diabetes.
Jamun is known for its antioxidant properties and thus known to work well in reduction of blood sugar levels in the blood. The fruit in itself is known to work wonders to manage sugar levels. The seed of the fruit can also be used in powder form by diabetics to manage their blood sugar levels. Many times, you all wonder if ayurvedic medicine is good for diabetes? But ayurvedic medicines are better than most modern medicine as they do not have any side effects as well.
If you try and incorporate these herbs in your lives you are sure to get their amazing benefits as well.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Buy The Best Herbal Medicine for Diabetes
Sugar Knocker is a ayurvedic medicine for sugar control which is made-up of eleven herbal extracts and minerals that have been used for many years in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine Sugar Knocker goes along with your prescription drugs without any side effects.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Padma Bhushan Dr. BM Hegde, a renowned professor explains what diabetes actually means. According to Dr. B.M Hegde, diabetes is far from a disease.  For more information, just read our blog now.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Table of Contents
Why follow a healthy lifestyle?
My diabetes story
My diabetes diagnosis and how it affected me
Researching ayurvedic treatment for diabetes
What is in Sugar Knocker? How does it benefit diabetics?
How to consume Sugar Knocker
Why take Sugar Knocker?
Order Sugar Knocker here.
·       Cinnamon
·       Amla
·       Kala jamun
·       Bitter gourd
·       Tulsi
·       Turmeric
·       Gurmar
·       Banaba
·       Heart-leaved moonseed/Giloy
·       Vijaysar tree
·       Salacia reticulata (Saptarangi)
This post is about how I discovered Sugar Knocker – A natural herbal supplement to treat Diabetes and fight diabetes naturally.
Suppose someone were to ask us if our goal was to live a long healthy and disease-free life where we never had to take any medication, we would naturally say yes and jump with joy.
And suppose you were a diabetic and someone asked you if you wanted to control sugar levels naturally—to treat the root cause instead of just symptoms of diabetes what would you say?
I have type 2 diabetes and when Mr Girish Banvi, the brain behind Sugar Knocker asked me, I said yes. I was keen on doing everything I could to get off my diabetes medicine.
However, to achieve that goal, we would need to consciously follow a healthy lifestyle. This means eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and exercise and staying stress free.
Why follow a healthy lifestyle?
I am sure you will agree that sticking to a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. Given a choice between joining friends for a drink and dinner at the end of a long and tiring day—and catching a healthy dinner and sleep—you know what most of us would pick.
We’re human and often end up making choices that are not so healthy. Life gets hectic and, in our quest to accomplish it all, we neglect our health. But making the pledge to eat smart, exercise daily, monitor our stress levels and quit smoking—sets the stage for a healthy future.
Being in good health also means a good quality life with a stronger immune system and less disease, where we enjoy better relationships and are happier at work.
My diabetes story
I lead a reasonably healthy life. No smoking, no alcohol. I am vegetarian and make good food choices. I walk every day. The one area I need to work on is getting enough sleep. And my wake-up call came one day, five years ago, when I went for a full health check-up. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Now, diabetes runs in my family and I knew I was at risk. Yet, during the months preceding the diagnosis, I was guilty of not paying attention to my diet, stress or sleep. Exercise was out of the question with work deadlines.
I could have easily avoided this, but you know what they say—hindsight is always 20/20 vision.
The diabetes diagnosis changed my life forever. After I went through the initial “why me” misery, I pulled myself together, determined to show it who’s boss. I took stock of my lifestyle and made changes. I learned the risks of diabetes. If ignored, diabetes can lead to other health complications that make life hell.
High blood sugar levels affect the workings of other internal organs like the kidney, heart and liver.  To list just some of the complications of diabetes:
Skin issues
Eye health risks
Nerve damage
Numbness in the feet and hands
Kidney disease
Heart health – risk of stroke
High blood pressure
Can you imagine living with all that? If you are overweight, it is even worse. The visits to the doctor, the expenses and the stress can be depressing.
The good news? With the correct treatment and recommended lifestyle changes, the complications of diabetes can be prevented or delayed.
My diabetes diagnosis and how it affected me
My HbA1c, when I was diagnosed with diabetes, was 11.4. My cholesterol levels were high—I don’t even want to mention the numbers. I knew that if I didn’t take my health seriously and make changes, I would be sabotaging my health. I changed my lifestyle overnight. I roped in my family to motivate me to stick to these changes which were:
Healthy food—plenty of salads, sprouts, vegetables and fruit.
Eliminating processed foods and packaged foods from our diet
A one-hour brisk walk every day
In my case, cut down on coffee
Sleep by 11 pm. (I used to stay up much later than that)
I also cut down on my work commitments to reduce stress levels.
But then, making a plan is not the same as following it. Switching to a healthy lifestyle overnight meant working really hard at it.  My doctor put me on diabetes medication. I wasn’t very happy about that. I wanted to believe that I could achieve normal blood sugar through diet and exercise. I had no choice but to take the medication to prevent diabetes complications.
Of course, there were side effects – stomach troubles. Then the new stress: I stressed over taking the medicine on time. I stressed over eating right. I stressed over losing income after giving up assignments so I could have free time. While my family was extremely supportive, it wasn’t always easy for them to follow my diet. Also, my folks have a sweet tooth and dessert was a part of our meal plan. Fortunately, I am not fond of sweets but still. There were days I wished I just didn’t have to do any of this healthy lifestyle business. It gets tedious.
Researching ayurvedic treatment for diabetes
However, something good came out of it all. I decided to educate myself about diabetes and solutions available. I also started a new blog to post tips that worked for me, because every little change helps.
Read: Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
Here’s the first thing to know: are you at risk for type 2 diabetes?
If you answer yes to one of more of the following questions, you are:
Family history of diabetes
Physically inactive
Have high blood pressure or take medication for it
Have low HDL
High Triglycerides
Had gestational diabetes
Have unhealthy eating habits
Don’t get enough sleep
High stress levels
As I said earlier, you can take control of your health by making a few changes.
You can prevent type 2 diabetes! If you have a family history, just keeping track of blood sugar levels can alert you to prediabetes, the precursor of type 2 diabetes and you can take the necessary steps to control it. In fact, you can even reverse type 2 by managing it properly.
On that positive note, I doubled my efforts to find what treatments were available besides the standard pharmaceutical medications and Insulin therapy.
After all, I come from a family that specializes in home remedies and natural remedies for practically every ailment. Moreover, I was alarmed at the potential side effects for some of these medications such as bloating, dizziness, skin rash, weight gain and kidney disease, which seemed as bad as the diabetes itself.
I also came across a number of natural remedies suggested by trustworthy sources. At this point, I must tell you one thing: there is no such thing as a “diabetes” diet. The diabetes diet is just a healthy diet that is applicable to all those who want to stay disease free.
But there are certain foods that enhance a healthy diet and paying special attention to consuming them definitely helps.
As an informal diabetes health educator, my mission is to share whatever authentic information I discover and what works for me.
I came across several interesting Ayurveda products in the process but was a little wary about trying them as the reviews were not always encouraging. Granted that we are not all the same and our reaction to a condition or medicine is different. Nevertheless, there are some standard parameters we look for: such as whether the treatment option has been through clinical trials, the results experienced by those who tried it, the number of years it has been in the market, the ingredient list, and so on.
One day, while talking to my neighbor, she mentioned Sugar Knocker, a diabetes treatment in ayurveda – an ayurvedic sugar treatment product her aunt was using for managing her diabetes and how well it was working for her. She went on to describe how her aunt had started it, the benefits she was experiencing and how she has now almost reversed her diabetes and was in great health.
Curious, I Googled the product. The results led me to its website. There I viewed the YouTube video of a speech by Dr B M Hegde on diabetes. Very inspiring. I was now eager to learn more about Sugar Knocker.
My main question was: would it work for me?  Would it help me get off my diabetes medication? What would I have to do?
What is in Sugar Knocker? How does it benefit diabetics?
Sugar Knocker is made of a combination of 11 natural herbal supplements for diabetes proven to help manage blood sugar levels. These have been used in traditional Indian Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes for decades and considered safe to take even if one is taking prescription medicine for diabetes. In fact, many of these ingredients are already on my kitchen shelf!
Here is a quick overview of the herbal ingredients for diabetes used in Sugar Knocker.
·       Cinnamon
Improves blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, helps with weight control and reduces the risk of heart disease – especially beneficial for people with type-2 diabetes.
·       Amla
Improves the functioning of pancreatic beta cells as well as increasing uptake of glucose by the cells. Is also an anti-ageing tonic and immune-stimulant.
Watch this video – How to use amla for diabetes:
·       Kala jamun
Has a positive effect on the pancreas by checking the conversion of starch into sugar in cases of excessive production of glucose.
·       Bitter gourd
Strengthens the immune system and helps to maintain cholesterol level and triglycerides in liver and blood.
·       Tulsi
Blood purifier, antioxidant, improves heart health, respiratory health and nerve health. Prevents and heals infections, reduces cholesterol levels and emotional stress.
·       Turmeric
Helps reduce blood glucose levels and increases insulin. Prevents oxidative stress and decreases glycosylated hemoglobin, controls diabetic neuropathic pain, heals wounds.
Watch this video: Turmeric for diabetes
·       Gurmar
Regulates appetite, blood glucose levels and triglycerides and pancreatic function.
·       Banaba
Rich in dietary fiber, minerals like zinc and magnesium and vitamins. Improves glucose metabolism and used in diabetes treatment.
·       Heart-leaved moonseed/Giloy
Helps in managing immune system, blood glucose levels and overcoming hypoglycemia.
·       Vijaysar tree
Regulates b cells of pancreas and used as herbal medicine for diabetes.
·       Salacia reticulata (Saptarangi)
Normalizes blood sugar and insulin levels and healthy blood lipids.
I am familiar with almost all of these herbal ingredients for diabetes and was now eager to know even more about ayurvedic sugar treatment – Ayurveda for diabetes.
Let me confess – I wanted to try Sugar Knocker for myself. I called the contact number on the website for more information. I wanted to talk to the CEO of Sushrut Ayurved Industries, Mr. Girish Banvi after I read the story behind Sugar Knocker.
It so happened that Mr Banvi was visiting my city. We made an appointment to meet. It was a most pleasant meeting and I got to hear firsthand about how he developed Sugar Knocker.
He was in the business of supplying medicinal plants to top ayurvedic product manufacturers like Dabur, Zandu, Baidhanath, Himalaya, in the 1990s. During a family function, he noticed many family members and friends taking insulin before food. This and his rich knowledge of herbs inspired him to develop an effective natural diabetes dietary supplement that would not only help control blood sugar levels but also promote overall health.  He then collaborated with industry experts and after intensive research, tests and clinical trials, to arrive at the unique combination of 11 herbs that had the potential to rebuild pancreatic Beta-cells. In 2005 the ayurvedic supplement Sugar Knocker was born.
Sugar Knocker is 14 years old today and regarded as one of the best ayurvedic remedies for diabetes with a user satisfaction ratio of close to 88%, many of whom have reversed diabetes without any side effects.
Here are some testimonials for Sugar Knocker.
How to consume Sugar Knocker
As Sugar Knocker works on the root cause of diabetes and attempts to rejuvenate the pancreatic beta cells, initially it must be taken alongside prescription medication to avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar. After sugar levels stabilize, you can cut down your prescription medicines by at least 50%. Eventually, you can stop your prescription medication and also Sugar Knocker.
A healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise while taking Sugar Knocker speed up the process of achieving normal blood sugar.  Along with my three months of Sugar Knocker, I also received a diet chart detailing what to avoid and what to eat and it looked easy enough as I was following most of it anyway.
Sugar Knocker dosage is designed scientifically to manage and control diabetes.  Here’s the guideline. It is to be taken 15-20 minutes before food.
Sugar LevelCapsules / DayDosage
140-199 mg/dl2 capsules1-0-1
200-250 mg/dl3 capsules1-1-1
300+6 capsules2-2-2
Blood sugar must be checked two hours after meals.
Gradually, as blood sugar levels come under control, prescription medication can be cut by at least 50%, after consulting your physician.
Needless to say, diabetes treatment can be effective provided proper nutrition and exercise are followed along with continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels. Any changes to prescription medication must be done only in consultation with your physician.
Sushrut Ayurved Industries has a range of health supplements such as Amla, Banaba, Berberine, Cinnamon, Curcumin, Fenugreek, Garlic, Kalonji Seed Extracts and Moringa—all of which are proven to promote overall health.
Why take Sugar Knocker?
I have started taking Sugar Knocker because it is made of natural herbal ingredients proven to work for controlling diabetes. It addresses the root cause of diabetes, nudging the pancreas to resume their normal function by generating the beta cells. It helps increase uptake of glucose by cells and exerts an insulin-like action. It also regenerates the lipid mechanism. Besides preventing diabetic retinopathy and oxidative damage it also helps prevent micro-vascular damage. Best of all, there are no side effects, as I have learned after talking to some people who are very happy with their experience.
I am expecting progress in three months and will post an update by December 2019. I am maintaining a chart of my weekly blood sugar levels and will also try to follow the diet chart that came with Sugar Knocker to the best of my ability. I know that if I stick to it strictly, I will see results in three months—if not, a little slower.  I make sure I walk at least one hour every day and stay active. I expect Sugar Knocker will also help me with my overall health because of the ingredients.
If you are struggling with type 2 diabetes, I understand how you feel. I strongly encourage you to invest in your health with a proven natural product.  Allopathic medicines have nasty side effects in the long run. Diabetes is not a lifelong ailment. You can manage it well by making a few lifestyle changes. You deserve to be free from diabetes, just like me. Why not take a holistic approach?
Order Sugar Knocker here.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Berberine Diabetes Supplement: Benefits, How to use, Side effects, and Warnings
Berberine is a bioactive compound that can be extracted from several different plants. It includes a group of shrubs called Berberis and also several other plants, including goldenseal, barberry, Oregon grape, and tree turmeric. It belongs to a class of compounds called alkaloids. It has a distinctive yellow color and has often been used as a dye. Berberine has a rich history of use in conventional Chinese medicine, where it was used to treat multiple ailments.
Modern science has finally caught up and confirmed that it has powerful benefits for various different health problems
How Does It Work?
Berberine has now been tested in numerous studies. It has been shown to have powerful effects on many different biological systems. Once you consume berberine, it is taken by our body and transported into the bloodstream. Then it advances into the body’s cells. Inside the cells, it binds to many different “molecular targets” and berberine improves their function. This is alike how pharmaceutical drugs work.
One of the main actions of berberine is to activate an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). This enzyme is referred to as a “metabolic master switch” . It is detected in the cells of various organs, including the brain, muscle, kidney, heart, and liver. This enzyme plays a significant role in improving metabolism.
Benefits of Berberine:
Bacterial infections –
Berberine is also a compound in tree turmeric. It has effective antimicrobial agent. Studies show that berberine helps inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. It can, therefore, be used in case of any bacterial infections.
Inflammation –
Inflammation is the main factor in several health conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. Studies have suggested that berberine has anti-inflammatory properties, which means that it could help treat diabetes and other inflammation-related health conditions.
Berberine Benefits Diabetes:
Berberine works as an important herb for diabetes treatment. It has positive effects on blood sugar levels, triglycerides, and insulin. Berberine is better than a placebo at lowering blood sugar levels. Studies also show that a combination of berberine and blood-sugar-lowering drugs is more effective than drugs alone. Using berberine diabetes type-2 can be treated and managed naturally.
Berberine shows promise as a potential diabetes treatment, for those who cannot take existing antidiabetic drugs, due to heart disease, liver failure, or kidney problems. Clinical studies found that berberine combined with lifestyle changes worked better to lower blood glucose. This suggests that using berberine diabetes can be controlled naturally as it increases insulin sensitivity.
Berberine activates AMP-activated protein kinase, which helps to regulate how the body uses blood sugar. This activation can help treat diabetes and related health issues, such as obesity and high cholesterol.
High Cholesterol –
High levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Berberine helps lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Berberine has cholesterol-lowering effects. It will help reduce LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol and increase high-density lipoprotein, or “good,” cholesterol. A meta-analysis found that berberine combined with lifestyle changes works better than lifestyle changes alone in treating high cholesterol. Berberine helps move excess cholesterol to the liver, where the body can process and remove it. This helps lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
High Blood Pressure –
High blood pressure is a principal cause of heart disease. Clinical studies have found that berberine combined with a blood pressure-lowering drug was very effective in controlling blood pressure.
Obesity –
Obesity is a prevalent condition that increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Berberine has the ability to change the bacteria in the gut, which could help treat both obesity and diabetes. Berberine, therefore, is very helpful in aiding weight loss. Using berberine type 1 diabetes can be treated successfully along with obesity.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome –
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is when a female has large levels of certain male hormones. This metabolic imbalance can lead to infertility and numerous other health issues. PCOS is linked with many issues that berberine may help address. A  person with PCOS may also suffer from :
High levels of insulin, diabetes, or both
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Excess body weight
Doctors often prescribe metformin, a diabetes drug, to manage PCOS. Berberine and metformin appear to have similar effects in helping to treat PCOS. A meta-analysis found that berberine has promising results as a treatment for PCOS with insulin resistance.
Cancer –
Berberine can create changes within the molecules of cells.  This can have revolutionary potential and benefit: fighting cancer.
Studies conclude that berberine has “clear inhibitory effects” on the following cancers:
colorectal cancer
lung cancer
ovarian cancer
prostate cancer
liver cancer
cervical cancer
Studies state that berberine aids in treating cancer by interfering with its progression. It also play a role in killing cancer cells.
Canker sores –
Canker sores are small, shallow ulcers that occur in the mouth. It often makes eating and talking uncomfortable. Numerous research shows that applying a gel containing berberine can reduce pain, redness, oozing, and the size of ulcers in people with canker sores.
Side effects of Berberine
There are no serious side effects of berberine found. However, it may rarely cause digestive side effects, such as an upset stomach, constipation, or nausea. Berberine can also cause rashes or headaches in some people. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not consume berberine without the approval of a doctor.
How to consume Berberine??
Berberine is an herbal extract that is found in numerous shrubs. As it is an extract and not easily available, integrating it into the daily diet becomes an almost impossible task. Therefore the best way to consume berberine would be in the form of herbal capsules. These herbal capsules contain the extracts of berberine in their purest form. Consuming them as prescribed will help you obtain all the benefits of berberine regularly. One of the best berberine supplements for diabetes is offered by sugar knocker’s Berberian herbal supplement veg capsules.
Berberine is a very powerful herbal supplement. It is extremely helpful to treat obesity and inflammation. Using berberine diabetes can be controlled naturally and effectively. Some rare side effects include stomach upset and nausea. Berberine has a harmonious distribution into our body, which allows it to fight many conditions causing very little side effects.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
How Turmeric and Black Jamun Can Help Diabetic
Ayurvedic herbs are extremely effective to control diabetes naturally. Some herbs are very potent in reducing blood sugar levels. Herbs like Turmeric and Jamun, widely used as home remedies for diabetes treatment. These allow us to have a better sensitivity towards insulin.
 Managing diabetes becomes easy when these kinds of medicinal herbs are a part of our diet. Jamun is a tropical tree fruit that belongs to the family Myrtaceae. Jamun is native to areas such as Bangladesh, India, and Indonesia. Turmeric is a plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It holds popularity in Indian households in cooking and medicinal uses. 
Now let’s talk about the tasty berry Jamun Fruit and its benefits in diabetes treatment as they control diabetes. Black Jamun for Diabetes (Kala Jamun Fruit, Jamun Fruit for Diabetes)Black jamun has excellent curative properties in a variety of conditions. The polyphenolic compounds found in it have shown effectiveness against cancer, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, stomach disorders as well as diabetes. 
Black jamun is good for diabetics. The black plum (java plum) has anti-diabetic properties. It converts starch into energy thereby keeping the blood sugar levels in check. It has a low Glycemic Index and is very beneficial for sugar patients. It also relieves diabetic symptom of frequent urination. 
Along with the flesh of the fruit, the powdered seeds, bark, extracts of the bark seeds and leaves are very useful in the treatment of urine sugar. The fruit and its seeds have low glycemic index. It has a jamboline which controls the conversion of starch into sugar. That is the reason why it is considered as one of the best ayurvedic medicine to curb diabetes. Generally sugar patients can safely eat one teaspoon of powdered jamun seeds. 
Jamun Seeds along with their daily medication is more effective and less invasive diabetes control. While Jamun can easily aid beneficial effects for diabetes. It’s seeds are equally popular in terms of ayurvedic herbs to control diabetes.
Jamboline & Jambosine:
It is a berry found in plenty in India. It is famous for its anti-diabetic properties. It is well known for the health benefits and medicinal properties. It houses fats, vitamins, proteins and various minerals and useful for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. It has got various medicinal properties and rich in vitamins… 
For people with Diabetes the seeds of kala jamun are loaded with Jambosine & Jamboline. That slows down rate of the sugar being released in blood. Additionally, the seeds help in increasing body’s insulin level.   The jambosine in jamun fruit is an alkaloid which is held in high regard. Because of its ability to keep sugar conversion in check.
Better Digestion:
Jamun serves as coolant & helps with the treatment of digestion-related issues. The consumption of jamun seeds promotes healthy movement of the bowel. This aids in reduction of blood sugar level with better metabolism. To control diabetes via Jamun seeds, peel off the outer shell first. 
Then wash, dry the seeds and grind the same in powdered form. Make sure you consume jamun seed powder every day to regulate your blood sugar level. Few people have jamun juice in their routine for better digestion.
Body Detoxification:
Jamun dried seeds are packed with Flavonoids which is a powerful form of antioxidant. It helps flush out the harmful and health deteriorating free radicals from the body. This seasonal fruit also aids in improvement of the immune system’s functionality. That can be particularly crucial for the maintenance of diabetes. It one of the traditional medicines to treat diabetes.
Control Blood Sugar Level:
You can also eat Jamun for its hypoglycaemic effect. It houses alkaloids which prevent the conversion of starch into sugar.
Make sure you consume the powdered form of jamun seeds with luke warm water to keep the sugar level normal. Now that you know the benefits of Jamun seeds, let’s understand what makes turmeric an effective option to control diabetes.
Turmeric for Diabetes
Turmeric is also known as Curcuma Longa by its botanical name. It has been long used in Indian cooking.  It is an active ingredient in the Indian (Ayurveda) and Chinese traditional medicine systems. It is used extensively in pain relief, cancer prevention, lowering cholesterol and also blood sugar levels. In studies conducted by Beijing University of Chinese medicine. 
Curcumin has been known to reduce sugar and cholesterol levels along with liver protection. The main activity of turmeric that reduces the inflammation caused by diabetes complications. It has the ability to suppress the activity of the macrophages causing inflammation. Turmeric improves insulin function by reducing insulin resistance. This is similar to the effect of physical activity by helping insulin enter the cells. During clinical trials, it is found that,It protects the beta cells that produce insulin. 
Though turmeric can be added to many foods especially in the Indian cuisine, it can also be used as capsules. Ancient and current studies also point out the use of pepper along with turmeric for better absorption.  This will otherwise be poorly absorbed. And the very little that enters the body is also flushed out quickly. Most of the diabetics are aware that turmeric serves as a beneficial addition to the low-glycemic diet. This can help to control diabetes.
Turmeric houses curcumin which is effective in terms of weight loss. This aids in better insulin levels as weight acts as a major motivator for diabetic patients. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties stored within turmeric have found its way in Chinese and Ayurvedic herbal treatment.  Turmeric reduces blood glucose by increasing plasma insulin. Prevents diabetes-induced oxidative stress. Its anti-inflammatory effects suppress diabetic neuropathic pain.
Liver Fat Accumulation:
Curcumin aids in the prevention of fat accumulation in the liver. Lower liver fat directlyrelates to lower blood sugar levels.
Avoid Inflammation:
Turmeric helps avoid inflammation caused due to the macrophages present in the WBCs. The usage of turmeric can bring down any diabetes complication. Where inflammation tends to play an important role for the diabetes patients.
Insulin Functionality:
When it comes to controlling diabetes, curcumin is known to improve insulin levels in the body. It reduces any insulin resistance which helps the insulin reach inside the cells. This is the AMPK pathway which is also opened up by any form of exercise.
Prevents Diabetes Progression:
Diabetes as a whole is a constantly progressive degenerative disease. Diabetes leads to the start of various other health issues such as high blood pressure. Regular Consumption of Turmeric gives an excellent halt in the progression of the disease. Curcumin present in turmeric protects the beta cells that produce insulin.Kidney Support:
Curcumin is also known to promote the clearance of any urea. Creatinine present in the bloodstream by enhancing the functionality of the kidneys.
Prevents Nerve Damage:
Curcumin acts on the deteriorative action caused by diabetes. Especially the ones that tend to induce nerve damage.
Treats Diabetic Complications:
Studies have confirmed that curcumin can help treat various complications related to diabetes. The complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, as well as several cardiovascular issues.
Accelerates Healing:
Patients with diabetes often run the risk of slow healing. This lead to various infections and at times need amputation of the body parts due to extended infection. Curcumin helps with acceleration of the natural healing process. This restores the nerve damage and better wound healing.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Herbal Ingredients – Ayurvedic Herbs For Diabetes
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Sugar Knocker is a combination of eleven best anti-diabetic herbal extracts and minerals that have been used for many years in traditional Indian Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes. These Best Ayurvedic Herbs for diabetes used in Sugar Knockerare regarded as safe for human consumption. They do not have any known side effects on you even if you are under prescribed medication
Here are the herbs which are used as the Ayurvedic Remedies for Diabetes
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Best ayurvedic herbal medicine for diabetes from sugar knocker to normalize blood sugar levels and knock your diabetes with natural treatment. For more details, visit our website today.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
10 Best Natural Home Remedies For Diabetes
Diabetes mellitus or more commonly known as diabetes, is the biggest health challenge of our times. Mostly prevalent as type 1 and type 2 diabetes , this condition is a slow killer. Someone with diabetes will have common symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, excessive thirst, increased urination, cut and bruises that heal slowly and also blurred vision at times.
The only way to control diabetes apart from medicines, if it’s high, is to keep your blood sugar levels under control and lead a healthy lifestyle. Now it’s possible to live a normal life even if you are diabetic as we know a lot of natural remedies for diabetes and blood sugar level control.
Study shows that over 50 million diabetics, India is the diabetes capital of the world. Thankfully awareness levels have gone up now and there are various natural ways by which we can treat diabetes at home. But, do consult your Ayurveda physician before starting on any remedies listed below to avoid complications. Here is a list of what to eat and what not to eat:-
Effective Home Remedies for Diabetes
Avoid refined sugar as it spikes blood sugar level rapidly and at times even the natural form like honey can cause a sudden spike in the blood sugar levels.
Avoid grains that have gluten as its intake can lead serious auto immune diseases.
Alcohol not only damages your liver but also attacks the pancreas that produces insulin hence alcohol consumption is directly related to diabetes. Anything beyond two to three glasses a day is considered a complete no and even beer should be avoided because it carries lot of carbohydrates.
At times cow’s milk can also trigger the immune system though milk coming from sheep and goat is safe as it helps to maintain the blood sugar control.
GMO foods have the capability to promote diabetes along with causing liver and kidney diseases. Go for products which are labeled as GMO-free.
Cinnamon is a known stimulant for insulin activity, cinnamon contains a bioactive compound that can help fight and prevent diabetes.
Aloe Vera is bitter in taste, but combining it with buttermilk makes it taste better. Usually, aloe Vera is used for beauty purposes but as it has anti-inflammatory properties it can heal the wounds. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is said to control the blood sugar levels.
Consuming approximately 100 grams of Jamun every day is said to show tremendous improvement in your blood sugar levels as Jamun leaves have proven to be helpful in lowering the blood sugar levels. It is also increase the insulin resistance. There are lot of health benefits for jamun.
Recent studies have shown that consuming approximately 600 mg of Vitamin C daily can improved the blood glucose level. People who have chronic diabetes should consume foods rich in Vitamin C every day like amla, orange, tomato and blueberry.
Remember the bitter gourd? Not many like the taste of it but it can really do wonders to improved blood glucose control. The People with type 2 diabetes can have it as a stir fried side dish or extract the juice and consume on an empty stomach in the mornings. Make it a regular part of your eating chart and you can notice the difference. It is really helpful in diabetes treatment.
Last but not the least is that every diabetic needs to exercise. It can be any kind of physical activity like yoga, Zumba, aerobics, gym, playing sports. Even walking every day can help to reduce the blood sugar level tremendously. As much as healthy eating is crucial, a good fitness regime is also mandatory. These along with Ayurveda supplements can help a diabetic lead a normal life just like the rest of the world.
At SugarKnocker, our focus is to ensure that you lead a balanced life without diabetes being a hindrance to it.
The ingredients used in Sugar Knocker are the herbs at its purest form, which will work together not only to control Blood Sugar Levels, but also rejuvenates pancreatic beta cells and helps diabetic to treat diabetes from the root without any side effects...
The more you wait, the more you lose!!! Let your journey towards diabetic-free life begin today with Sugar Knocker...
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knockdiabetes · 6 years
At What Blood Sugar Level Should One Start Medication?
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They say, what you eat is what you are! Your health is mostly dependent upon how you manage your diet along with the lifestyle you lead. However, given the busy lifestyle led by today’s generation, it could actually be hard to keep up with a good lifestyle. This is why diseases such as High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Attack, etc have been taking a toll over the youth with numbers rising every passing day. People develop diabetes occurs when the Blood Sugar Levels or the Blood Glucose Levels or the Blood Sugar Concentration increases more than normal.
What is Glucose?
Glucose is actually a simple form of sugar. Approximately, humans have around 4 grams of the glucose present in the blood for an average weight of 70 kilogram. With the help of metabolic homeostasis, our body regulates the blood sugar levels at regular intervals. Glucose is actually stored in the liver cells and skeletal muscles as glycogen. The fasting blood sugar level, i.e. blood sugar levels without eating for hours is actually maintained constantly at a certain number by the body by use of the glycogen stores present in the skeletal muscles or liver.
How Important Is Glucose for Humans?
Among humans, the amount of glucose present in the blood plays a major role. It is a primary energy source which is critical to normal functioning of the body and brain. Blood sugar levels or glucose levels generally show up lowest as you wake up early in the morning. It rises up slowly as you take your meal for the day by few millimoles. Now, any of the diabetes educators will tell you that blood sugar levels that go way beyond the normal usually point towards conditions such as diabetes. While some opt for allopathic medications for controlling these heightened blood sugar levels, some opt for Ayurvedic medicine for sugar level fluctuations.
Blood Sugar Chart
Fasting Blood Glucose Level
2 Hours After Meals
Normal for Person without diabetes70-99mg/dl (3.9-5.5 mmol/L)Below 140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/L)Below 5.7 percent
Official ADA Recommendation for Patient with Diabetes80-130 mg/dl (4.4-7.2 mmol/L)Below 180 mg/dl (10.0 mmol/L)Below 7.0 percent
Types of Diabetes
1-Diabetes Mellitus (Hyperglycemia):
Blood sugar levels with diabetes mellitus remain on the higher side which is way above the normal level stated above. In this condition, when unchecked, people with diabetes might experience the blood sugar levels rising above 300 mg/dl. This leads to fatal reactions and medical complications.
2-Diabetes Insipidus (Hypoglycemia):
Diabetes Insipidus also affects your blood sugar levels but, in a manner that is opposite to Diabetes Mellitus. Here, the blood glucose levels go way below the normal leading to seizures, dizziness, unsteadiness, etc.
When should you start taking medications?
Any level of glucose that is way above or below normal can affect the way your body operates leading to major deterioration. Make sure you get a blood test to ensure that you aren’t diabetic. Even if you are pre-diabetic, it is suggested that you should opt for medical advice and start taking medications to ensure that your blood sugar levels are under control.
Try to monitor information such as:
Medication can affect your blood glucose level, so make sure you monitor the dosage and type of medication you take.
What you eat, when you eat, or if you had been fasting.
The amount of physical exercise you opt in to ensure that your high blood sugar remains normal
Now, there are many holistic ways to control your blood sugar levels. Ayurvedic medicine for sugar can help you aid with blood sugar control. Let’s take a look at some of the best Ayurvedic medicine for sugar that can help anyone suffering from diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, or even pre diabetes.
Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar):
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Known by the common title Gurmar, Gymnena Sylvestre, this herb is aptly described as “Sugar Crusher”. The efficiency of this Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is best when it comes to reduction of blood sugar levels. This herb can affect your blood sugar level by assisting in the regeneration of residual beta cells in the pancreas. It also reduces one’s dependence on the insulin medications.
Coccinia Indica:
Coccinia Indica is a powerful ayurvedic medicine for sugar that serves as an anti-diabetic agent. This herb for regulation of plasma blood glucose helps in the breakdown of the starch content in the food and thereby prevents any sudden surge in the blood sugar levels. Additionally, in the long term, this Ayurvedic medicine for sugar helps protect vital organs in your body that might be affected due to an increase in the blood sugar levels. Coccinia Indica also protects the diabetic patients from oxidative stress.
Azadirachta Indica (Neem):
The bitter taste of this herb might leave you feeling disgusted but trust us; it is a boon for patients suffering from diabetes and high blood sugar levels. This Ayurvedic medicine for sugar control can either be used in empty stomach or along with food. The flowers, leaves, and soft barks of this plant is beneficial for people suffering from diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus.
Morus Indica (Mulberry):
The leaves of Morus Indica are among the most recommended herbs for Ayurvedic medicine for sugar control. Experimental studies on this popular choice among Ayurvedic medicines suggest that the daily intake of this herb especially when soaked in water overnight can aid with a 38 percent reduction of blood sugar levels. The leaves are known to correct the lipid abnormalities among the Type 2 Diabetics. Chewing mulberry leaves with a glass of water daily in the morning can also delay any onset of diabetic cataract.
Momordica Charantia (Bitter Gourd):
Also known as Bitter Gourd, this anti-diabetic food item is a major addition to your diet when it comes to treating diabetes. It is extensively used as an important Ayurvedic medicine for sugar control. It helps with increasing the secretion of insulin in the blood and improves the functionality of beta cells in the pancreas. It also helps correct any pitta dosha or kapha dosha which in turn helps in controlling blood sugar. It also helps in reversing the pancreatic damage with proper insulin secretion while aiding a better management of blood sugar levels.
Eugenia Jambolana:
The seeds and fruit of Eugenia Jambolana can significantly bring down the blood sugar levels with regulation of plasma blood glucose. Further, it could also bring down any potential risk from kidney dysfunction that occurs due to high blood sugar levels. With Eugenia Jambolana, the level of glucose tolerance increases and it also aids in the healing process of wounds among diabetic patients.
Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera juice or Aloe Vera gel serves a greater good when it comes to management of blood sugar levels with this Ayurvedic medicine for sugar control. This particular Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes helps maintain the blood sugar levels with the help of a chemical present in the same called phytosterols that has been known for its antihyperglycemic properties.
This particular exotic herb is an Ayurvedic medicine for sugar that comes from Mediterranean and Spanish origin. Oregano houses chemicals called the glycosides that help lower excessive blood sugar levels. Additionally, it increases insulin level in the blood in a holistic way. Oregano can easily be consumed from day-to-day basis in dried form with soups, salads, or in the form of tea. Not just that, one can get oregano oil from your local seller and add few drops to a glass of luke warm water and consume every day after waking up in the morning before having your breakfast.
Fenugreek is another important mention when it comes to Ayurvedic medicine for sugar. It is known for its hypoglycaemic activities that increase one’s tolerance level to high blood sugar and thus bringing it down to normal. Also, it is high in fibre level and thereby aids in slowing down any absorption of sugar or carbohydrate.
Why Sugar Knocker?
As of now, Sugar Knocker flaunts 87.68 percent satisfaction rate with 14687+ customers satisfied till date. Sugar Knocker has some of the best herbal ingredients that aid your body in restoration of normal blood sugar levels. Sugar Knocker ensures safety and better health in terms of human consumption with no possible ill effects. It houses age-old herbs such as Momordica Charantia, Gymnema Sylvestre, Petrocarpus Marsupium, Salacia Retriculata, Curcuma Longa, Eugenia Jambolana, Emblica Officinalis, Tinospora Cordifolia, Ocimum Sanctum, Cinnamon, Banaba, Chromium, and Zinc Gluconate that are beneficial for bringing down the blood sugar levels.
Treat the Root Cause instead of just Symptoms of Diabetes with Sugar Knocker
We do NOT challenge conventional medicine but provide supplements that help diabetics to manage their condition better with the use of natural and time-tested ingredients. The all natural Sugar Knocker works along with your prescribed drugs without any side effects and will become an excellent addition to your diabetes management regimen.
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knockdiabetes · 4 years
Diabetes? Here is how to boost immunity with herbs to avoid Coronavirus
What is a Virus and how it affects Human?
Microscopic organisms that are smaller than the bacteria are viruses. The distinctive part about viruses is they cannot reproduce outside a living cell. Viruses have upheld the reputation of serving as a contagion for ages now. Public events of death and diseases have been all associated with viruses. A virus affects humans by infecting a living cell and then taking up the host entirely.
Once, the virus lodges in the cell; it starts replicating itself. Some of the viruses affect the immune systems of human beings, thereby making the person sick. You can control your mind and practice habits to Boost Immunity With Herbs.
What is Coronavirus or Covid19?
Covid19 or Coronavirus disease is being caused by a virus, which belongs to an entirely new strain. The virus, when affecting humans, is causing flu-like symptoms. That includes –high fever, dry cough, and difficulty in breathing. You should frequently wash your hands and avoid touching your face to take precautions against the disease. Also, make sure to avoid contact from an infected person. The virus is spreading rapidly through contact. And no cure or vaccine has yet been found against coronavirus. Therefore, you must take necessary precautions to keep yourself and your family safe. And make sure to intake Herbs to Improve Immunity.
What Is a Weak Immune System?
When your Immune System fails to operate the way it should be -it is considered to be weak. Our Immune system is basically comprised of White Blood Cells (WBCs). Whenever any germs enter your body, the WBCs or leukocytes often fight against these foreign particles. This is referred to as the defence mechanism. A decrease in the level of leukocytes in your body results in Leukopenia. That is a sign of a weakened immune system. When a person suffers from Leukopenia, their primary defence against diseases is destroyed. Thus, the individual is at exposed risk to the diseases that are caused due to weak immune systems.  
What has any virus or coronavirus has to do with diabetes, BP, older people?
People with diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, or solely of older age have weaker immune systems. And their body isn’t able to fight against the virus, which ultimately affects the health of the person. These people are particularly prone to be affected by Covid19 or Coronavirus. That is the very reason they are asked to take good care of themselves.
One of the best ways is to consume Herbs to Increase Immunity. Also, the certain drugs that are being used in treating the affected patients can be more harmful to people with diabetes, BP, and old age. Therefore, these categories of people should remain extra cautious.
Causes and symptoms:
Coronavirus is being caused only when you come in contact with an infected person. Even if you come in contact with the objects touched by an infected person, the virus is very likely to get transferred. In such a scenario, maintaining social distancing is particularly requested.
Symptoms of the virus include:
Some people have even experienced the loss of taste and smell. You are suggested to consume a calculated portion of Herbs to Boost Immunity.
Complications and risk factors:
Covid19 is a new disease, which has turned out to be a world pandemic. And there is minimal information gathered on the severity and risk factors of it. Based on the information that is available to us –older people and the ones with low immunity level are at higher risks. People with diabetes have a double challenge to deal with Covid19.
One of the significant risk factors for the severity of coronavirus infection is triggered by diabetes. The patients of sugar should continuously keep a check on their blood sugar level and consume Herbs to Improve Immune System. They are also advised to consume different categories of food to keep their immune system healthy.
Precautions for people with low immunity level:
If you have inmates of older age or with lower immunity levels, you should take these necessary precautions:
Maintain proper social distancing and stay away from pets as well
Wear a mask when around other people
Use tissues to cover coughs and sneezes; throw the tissue away and clean your hands with sanitizers or hand wash immediately
Try to remain in your room and if possible use separate bathroom
Use separate utensils and make sure not to share them with any other members in the house
Make use of separate towels and bedding
Shared spaces in your home should have a good flow of air
Avoid visitors into your home
All the members of the home should regularly wash their hands
Wash the clothes used by the sick person separately
Clean your home and things around with a household cleaner every day
Why are Plants/Fruits/Vegetables vital to your immune system?
According to the nutrition experts fending a viral disease could be a lot more than just eating lots of fruits and veggies. However, your immune system is a complicated relationship between a variety of functions. And if in any case, your body is deficient with any elements, your body might be susceptible to different kinds of infection.
For your body to function appropriately, you need to consume healthy food. And there is no more abundant source of natural elements and resources than binging on plant parts. Meanwhile, you can rely upon Herbs to Increase Immunity. Also, meanwhile, make sure to maintain proper hygiene.
Also Read Fruit and Diabetes: Limits, Guidelines, Risks, and Tips
Natural herbs to increase immunity:
Garlic has been one of the essential ingredients used for boosting the immune system. Eating garlic can provide ample health benefits. Garlic reduces the risk of heart diseases and enhances your immunity level. It also helps in improved mental health conditions.
Here’s How Eating Garlic May Regulate Blood Sugar Levels
Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which automatically boosts the health of your immune system. Ginger is known to enhance the response of your immune system, thereby protecting your body against various diseases.
Turmeric is said to possess immunomodulating properties, which again helps with a better immune level boost. Make sure to add turmeric to your daily diet. This will help you combat against the stressful periods during flu. Turmeric will enhance your immune system and fight against viral diseases effectively.
Also Read Turmeric And Diabetes
Spinach is not only loaded with Vitamin C but is a package of beta carotene and several antioxidants. These properties of spinach will help us fight against infectious diseases. It helps in the strengthening of our immune system as it is one of the best Herbs to Increase Immune System.
Amla is a rich source of antioxidants and is packed with essential micronutrients as well. You can sip on Amla juices regularly, which will serve the purpose of detoxing. Amla juice is not only helpful for your immune system but also skin, hair, eyesight, diabetes, and heart diseases.
Know What are the Benefits of Amla for Diabetes?
Amrutha Balli (Tinuspora Cardifolia):
Amrutha Balli also referred to as Giloy is a fantastic herb that helps with boosting the abilities of your immune system. It helps in the removal of toxic substances from your blood. And it fights against the bacteria and viruses as well. It is also known for reducing the symptoms of allergies related to rhinitis.
A few drops of Tulsi juice every day will not only help with your immune system but also helps in the formation of new blood cells. Tulsi is recommended for regular use. That is because the herb serves excellently in combating with different kinds of infection.
Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogen. It prepares your body to adapt to stressful situations. The herb helps in establishing cell-mediated immunity boosters that help your body to fight against infectious diseases. It also has antioxidant properties, which protects against cellular damage.
The skin of the apple contains flavonoid quercetin that helps in boosting the immune system. It also helps with the reduction of inflammation. Apple also contains antioxidant properties and compounds that help fight inflammation. There are no better elements than Herbs to Increase Immune System.
Sugar Knocker has Vital Ingredients which can boost immunity:
Sugar Knocker works like an elixir for diabetic patients. It is a combination of eleven different herbal extracts that work best against diabetes. The herbs that not only help fight diabetes but also boost your immune system are all included in Sugar Knocker. These elements are namely:
Also Know Sugar Knocker Ingredients
Other Ways to increase immunity:
If you are a diabetic, here are 5 Healthy Lifestyle Tips To Control Diabetes along with increasing the immunity.
Reduce your stress level:
You should look out to limit the level of stress and anxiety that you take. That isn’t healthy for your immune system. Long-term stress has shown results of promoting inflammation. Stress imbalances the functionality of your immune cells. Therefore, practice habits that can reduce stress levels in your body.
Moderate your alcohol intake:
Alcoholic beverages are known to interfere with the defence mechanism of the host body. You don’t have to quit alcohol altogether, but you need to limit the level of intake. This will enhance the productivity of your immune system.
Eat more vegetables:
Not only vegetables but whole plant foods, including fruits, nuts, legumes, and seeds, are rich in antioxidants and nutrients. This will give you an upper hand while dealing with all the pathogens.
Know How to treat diabetes naturally with food!!
Get your exercise on:
Prolonged or intense exercise can work against your immune system. However, if you practice moderate exercising habits, it will help your body effectively. A single session of moderate exercise is known to have increased the effectiveness of vaccines.
Here is How to Manage Diabetes with Exercise.
Get sufficient sleep:
Sleep and immunity levels are closely related. Inadequate or poor quality of sleep can lead to sickness. If you make sure to take an adequate amount of sleep, your immunity levels shall improve. Also, practice meditating habits to Boost Immunity With Words.
How Lack of Sleep is related to Insulin Resistance
Stop the habit of smoking:
You should quit smoking. When you do stop smoking the level of blood circulation in your body is improved. It increases the level of oxygen and reduces the level of inflammation. All of these actions combined, promote your immunity level.
Step out in the sun:
Sun is the most abundant source of Vitamin D. The sun’s rays stimulate the nutrients in your body, which is essential for your immune system, bones, and the blood cells. Also, when you are exposed to the sun, your body can efficiently absorb the minerals.
Improve Your Insulin Sensitivity with These 2 Naturally Available Vitamins
The ultimate motive behind this article is to send you warning signs. If you have diabetes, have high blood pressure issues, low immunity levels, or are an old aged person, you should take appropriate care. All the precautions are essential. And make sure to inculcate habits that can improve your immunity levels. There has been no remedy found to fight Covid19 yet. Therefore, you should be careful enough during the hours of need.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Wow! The Diabetes Puzzle is solved after all
What is the Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes?
VIEWS: 2,600What exactly is Diabetes according to Charaka Samhita?Charaka Samhita is divided into 8 sections. They are Sutra, Nidana, Vimana, Sarira, Endriya, Chikitsa, Kalpa, and Siddha-Sthanas. These are the 8 divisions of the massive treatment of ancient Indian medicine. It describes knowledge covered by every aspect of medicine.Ayurveda describes diabetes as Madumeha. It emerges from a condition in which the urine of a person has a smell. Diabetic urine taste is as sweet as honey. It is a result of reduced insulin production and decreased insulin sensitivity.One can treat it through Ayurveda Medicine for Diabetes. Diabetes is now referred to as a condition where the body suffers from a lack of insulin.
Watch This Video to Understand What is Diabetes According to Ayurveda
When was Diabetes detected in Ancient Ayurveda?
Ayurveda found the emergence of diabetes, back in 1000 BC (Charaka Samhita). All the ways to manage diabetes can is there in the Ayurvedic literature. Charaka Samhita describes many reasons which can lead to one acquiring the disease.Madhumeha falls under the category of eight major diseases difficult to treat. Diet, lifestyle, environment, genetic factors are the causes of Madhumeha, according to Ayurveda. Types of DiabetesThere following are the different types of Diabetes defined by Ayurveda:
Sampraptivishishta Anilatmaka Madhumeha
Dhatukshayajanya Madhumeha
Avritapathata (Avaranjanya) Madhumeha
Kala Prabhavaja Madhumeha
Ayurveda on Diabetes
Madhumeha is a combination of Madhu and Meha. Madhu means sweet and Meha means urine. So, the disease with the above qualities included is diabetes.Ayurveda has mentioned, there are 8 types of diseases associated with urine. These are 10 kaphaja, 6 pittaja, and 4 vataja Urinary disorders. All these infections including Madhumeha are a result of all impurities mixing up with a body’s fat.This results in derangement of the body’s muscles. This is further carried on to Meha and starts the urinary disorder. If there is any kind of impurities present in urine, it affects the exertion of the urine. Ayurveda has classified a few of the herbs and uses them as Ayurvedic tablets for diabetes.
Different ways to Curb Diabetes
It is very important that, if affected with diabetes you must change your diet and lifestyle.
Adopt a lifestyle that is active. You must exercise often.
Avoid sleeping in the daytime.
Consume a healthy diet i.e. foods low in sugar and starch. Avoid Food items like rice, potato, and white bread.
Coated items like sugar-coated cereal, colocasia are a big no. They would act as a hindrance in the working of Ayurvedic Tablets for Diabetes.
Have a daily and a seasonal routine plotted and follow it. Excess intake of food is not allowed.
Include green and leafy vegetables into your diet. It will enhance your nutritional status. Also, it regulates your body’s metabolism.
Also Read:
Diabetes Diet: Make your Healthy Food Choices and Eating Plan
Also – there are several yoga poses that help you cope with diabetes. You can choose to perform them.
Ayurvedic Medicines for Diabetes
There are some natural ingredients that have more power than English medicine. Ayurveda is considered as an alternative form of medicine and some of the herbs act as Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Diabetes. Natural herbs are very effective for people who are suffering from diabetes. There are a total of 12 items given below.
Intake one or more of the above to help you overcome problems caused by diabetes. You can choose any diabetes ayurvedic medicine which has the above-mentioned ingredients.Also Read:
11 Herbs To Manage Blood Sugar Level Naturally
Your Body Takes Some Time to Respond to Ayurvedic / Herbal Medicines
It is important to understand that diabetes has no permanent cure. The best alternatives are in the form of ayurvedic medicines for diabetes. These are natural ingredients that take a lot of time to dell with your body.Down the line, it can show the effect of the cure. Your body takes time to respond as it is a slow, and natural process. However, diabetes ayurvedic medicine is one of the safest ways to treat diabetes.
Simple Formula for Better Life. It is Used to Treat Many of Modern Diseases Including Diabetes
Diabetes is your body notifying you that you need to improve your diet along with lifestyle. You can curb diabetes using Sugar Knocker, Best Ayurvedic Treatment of Diabetes. Sugar Knocker a combination of 11 herbs which put together alongside minerals. These herbs & minerals have been used in the Diabetes Ayurvedic treatment since ancient India.These herbs have no side effects. They are as safe for consumption. The herbs are in their purest form in Sugar Knocker. In Ayurveda, there are 3 simple forms for a better life:
Aahara  means diet
Vihara  means lifestyle
Aushadhi means medicines
Sugar Knocker – A Blend of 11 Natural Herbs with the Goodness of Ayurveda
Sushrut Ayurved Industries have a vast experience in herbs. We bring you a natural herbal supplement called Sugar Knocker. Our company has preserved the ancient practice of Ayurvedic Diabetes Medicine.It has safeguarded it along with implementing it and putting it into the best use. The combination of 11 herbs and minerals has been in practice for many years. These are traditional Indian medicine i.e. Ayurvedic Medicine For Sugar. These herbs are popular for their power to lowers blood sugar. It also safeguards the body from the effect of the disease. This is an alternative approach. Unlike the modern ways of treating diabetes that only treats the blood sugar levels.You can also use diabetes ayurvedic medicine along with the prescribed drugs. It does not cause any harm to your body. This is because it has nil side effects. You can add on Sugar Knocker to your daily diabetes management regimen as it works in an excellent way.
Reasons to choose Sugar Knocker
Quality herbs make up this product the best diabetes ayurvedic medicine
Rejuvenates the beta cells of the islets of the pancreas
Helps cells increase the Glucose intake
Regenerates lipid mechanism
Prevents Diabetic Retinopathy
Prevents Micro-Vascular Damage
Used by 14,687+ Users Across 12+ Countries, Having a satisfaction ratio close to 87.68%
Based on Ancient Ayurvedic Science
FDA registered
Statics show people using Sugar Knocker for a period of 8-12 months have a 90% lesser dependency on allopathy medicines. Also, many have experienced reversal effects from diabetes.
How to Use Sugar Knocker to Get Maximum Benefits in short time
There is no short cut to success. But Diabetes Ayurvedic Treatment increases the pace of bringing diabetes to control. Ayurvedic tablets for diabetes available in the market make diabetes ayurvedic treatment easier.
Take Ayurveda medicine for diabetes along with your allopathy medicines for some time. This is the best way to start as the effect will be more if combined with the allopathy medicines.
Now, you would notice that your sugar levels will come to normal, once the process starts. When you find Sugar levels normal, cut down the dosage by 50%.
With diabetes ayurvedic treatment, you will feel your body improving. You can slowly stop the Allopathy medicines which you combined with Sugar Knocker.
Slowly, you must even stop consuming these Ayurvedic tablets for diabetes as well. If you wish to have the best results or for instance, faster results, follow the diet. Following the diet is a must because diabetes is all about a healthy diet. Along with it, make sure you engage yourself with a lot of physical activities.
There are many modern forms of medicines that can decrease your blood sugar level. But, may also come along with a set of side effects which, in some way or the other harm your body. For an alternative, you can go for Ayurveda Medicine for Diabetes.These have no side effects and can be consumed with the prescribed medicines. Make sure you maintain a balanced diet, lifestyle and necessary herbal medicines. Ayurveda not only reduces blood sugar but also decreases the effects of the disease.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Best ayurvedic herbal medicine for diabetes from sugar knocker to normalize blood sugar levels and knock your diabetes with natural treatment. For more details, visit our website today.
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