#Ayurved Anti-Acne Spot Oil
chandigarhayurved · 6 months
How to Cure Acne Naturally?
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Understanding Acne:
Acne vulgaris is a skin breakout condition which everyone suffers once in his/her life. It is a very common skin condition that causes spots and pimples on face, forehead, neck, back etc. it occurs when hair follicles lodged with oil, dirt or dead skin cells. It causes pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, pustules etc. Sometimes the large pus-filled bumps are painful to touch. Depending upon the severity of the acne it leaves scars and emotional distress on a person. Puberty and adolescent is the time when sebaceous glands activates and causes acne, but can occur at any age. Acne breakout leaves a negative effect on a person skin as well as self-confidence. Popping out the acne is not the cure but only leaves a permanent scar.
Different types of Acne:
Fungal acne (pityosporum folliculitis)
Ayurveda’s view over Acne:
Our aacharyas mentioned Acne Vulgaris as Yuvanpidika. The major cause explained by them is the vitiation of doshas such as Vata, Kapha  along with Rakta dhatu. Yuvanpidika has been discussed under the heading of Kshudra Roga. All these vitiated dosha along with Rakta circulates all over body with the help of Sarotas (microchannels) and causes acne wherever it lodged.
Aachaya Charaka has mentioned hormonal acne as Vivridhadhatu kala at the age of 16-30 years. He explained  this as a starting period of functional state of shukra dhatu (reproductive phase), which modern medical science otherwise explained the hormonal imbalance caused by the androgenesis.
What causes Acne?
Stress increases the level of cortisol that flare up acne
Fluctuation of hormonal levels during women’s period, pregnancy
Picking up acne sores
Eating spicy and deep fried food
Dairy products such as milk, cheese
Air pollution and humid weather conditions
Using oil based skin care products
Lack of exercise
Not drinking enough water
Medications such as corticosteroids, birth control pills, lithium etc
Bacterial or fungal infection
Using makeup products too frequent
Lack of skin care regime
Polycystic ovarian disorders
Lack of sleep
Cigarette smoking
Skin breakouts
Skin discoloration, dark patches, hyperpigmentation or redness
Swelling and inflammation
Pain or tenderness over touching
Sometimes itching
Preventive measure for Acne:
Applying aloe vera                                  
Avoid touching face
Use honey and fullers earth face mask
Drink green tea
Wash your face with oil free cleanser
Apply tea tree oil
Never ever squeeze pimples
Use less makeup products
Eating food rich in Omega 3 fatty acids
Proper sleep of 6-8 hours
Stay hydrated and eat fibrous fruits
How Ayurveda helps in managing Acne breakouts?
Ayurveda heals acne by balancing Vata and Kapha dhautu along with purification of rakta dhatu from toxins. Ayurveda has immense herbs that reduces acne inflammation and their dark spots, purifies blood living glowing skin inside out. Some classical Ayurvedic formula are really effective in Acne such as Mahamajisthadi kwath, kadhiraristha, kumkumadi thailam, mahatikta ghrita, panchtiktaghrit guggul etc.
Beneficial herbs for Acne:
Neem: It is a well-known blood purifier and greatest properties to control blood sugar levels. It can be taken orally but due to its bitter taste it is advisable to apply as a paste over acne.
Aloe vera: Aloe vera soothe the inflamed and painful skin and gives a glowing skin and is a greatest moisturizer.
Amla: Amla is the richest source of vitamin C, which is good for acne free glowing skin. It should be consumed empty stomach.
Tulsi (Holy basil): Tulsi has antimicrobial properties that helps in fighting back pimples and breakouts.
Haldi (curcumin): It is a great anti-inflammatory and healing properties which leaves pimple free skin.
Managing Acne with Chandigarh Ayurved Centre:
1) Neem Soap:
Neem is one of the miracle herbs that offer many health benefits. It is an ultimate acne killer & acts as a powerful healer. The soap is very beneficial in healing the acne naturally. It treats issues like too much oiliness or dryness of the skin, red rashes due to permanent inflammation and painful big acne lumps.
Method of Application – Use as daily bathing purpose.
2) Twak Tailam:
Twak tailam is used for those who have acne-prone skin, skin discoloration and equally good for all skin types. It includes – Wrightia tinctoria, Coconut oil. This oil has been subjected to less intense refining, lower temperature with no chemicals. It has pacifying or cooling properties which further beneficial for improving the skin’s elasticity. In one single step, the skin is deeply cleansed as well as moisturized. It seeps into the pores and hydrates deeply and the molecules present in the oil ensuring the repair of the collagen layer.
Recommended Dosage: For external application over the affected area.
3) Aloe Vera Gel:
Aloe Vera Gel is formed with the pure extract of herb Aloe Vera and the mixture of rose petals. Thus this wonderful composition provides a cooling effect on the skin that relieves from burning sensation, itchiness, etc. The gel helps in maintaining healthy skin and repairing skin damage.
Recommended Dosage – Gently apply over the affected area of the skin.
4) Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu:
The tablets are very beneficial in curing skin diseases as it contains the Pitta pacifying ingredients such as Shuddh guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Amrita (Tinospora cordifolia), Gajapippali (Piper chaba), Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis), etc. The tablet is Tridoshahara, thus is very effective in maintaining the hormonal level in the body.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
5) Skin Care tablet:
Skin care tablet is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimba churna, Panchatikta guggulu, Patol patra, Ajmoda, Khadir chhal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Manjistha, Chopchini, Gandhak, etc. Skin care tablet is a blood purifying. It cools and detoxifies the blood, dissolves obstructions in the blood flow that further increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimises the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems. These tablet also act as a skin moistuirizer, Improves blood circulation, Remove blemishes, Reduce itching and burning sensation of skin, Prevent acne and pimples, Relieves leucoderma.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
6) Detox Premium Powder:
This is a herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients like Parwal Pishti, Giloy satv, Shukta Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Gandhak Rasayan, etc.
Parwal Pishti: This Pishti reduces inflammation, flaking, itching of the skin. The Pishti is composed of natural coral calcium processed with rose water.
Shukta Pishti: It helps to balance the Pitta dosha in the body. All signs and symptoms related to Psoriasis patients are managed with this article.
Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties of this herb deal with psoriasis easily.
Kamdudha Ras: This herbal-mineral classical preparation balances Pitta dosha in the body.
Gandhak Rasayana: This herbal preparation is used since ancient times for all types of skin disorders.
Tal Sindoor: It contains ingredients like Shuddh parad, Aloe vera, Gandhak, etc that relieve redness in psoriasis patients.
Akik Pishti: This Pishti reduces all types of Pitta related disorder hence it gives good results in Psoriasis.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water.
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aagyarthayurved · 3 years
Beautify your Skin with Ayurvedic Treatments
Everyone loves an attractive skin – skin free of pimples, dark spots and fine lines. But there are many people who try to keep the skin clean and healthy. It would not be enough to show the reasons for the same laziness or lack of time. If you choose natural methods to keep an eye on healthy- and good-looking skin, it is not difficult and time consuming. Skin Ayurvedic Treatment in Ahmedabad for pimples and pimples can give you a permanent solution by controlling excess production of sebum, which is the root cause of acne.
Blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, tumors, papules and pustules are various types of pimples. Each one has their own level of seriousness but it all starts with the filled holes. Pimples usually affect the face, neck, shoulders and back.
How to avoid pimples with Ayurvedic treatment?
Pimples are considered a normal part of puberty. About 85% of teens have acne during their adulthood. Also, people who experience hormonal changes, such as depression and stress during pregnancy, are more likely to become pimples. Some facts also indicate that the breakdown of pimples is a problem for the specific skin of the penis. Women are more susceptible than men. This happens because women go through the menstrual cycle that activates hormones that cause pimples. The exact causes of some acne while others are not yet clear. There are many factors, such as genetics, diet, age factors that can cause acne and rash. However, it is not considered a serious condition, severe pimples can cause permanent scarring. Therefore, it is important to know what to do and what not to do to keep the skin free of acne
Dos ==> If you wear cosmetic or sunscreen creams and lotions, make sure they are labeled “non-comedogenic.” This label ensures that the product does not close your pores. ==> Frequently wash your face frequently. Washing with mild soap twice a day is enough. ==> Avoid Irritant Cosmetics ==> Maintain cleanliness Don’ts ==> Do not rub or scratch your skin ==> Do not ignore Pimples. However, it is common to see one or two pimples. ==> Do not your harmful beauty products
Ayurvedic skin treatment There are no serious health risks associated with pimples, but pimples affect a person’s self-esteem. Therefore, it is good if one takes immediate action on developing pimples. Pimples are easily cured and resolved within a few days to a few weeks. There are numerous cosmetic products on the market that claim to cure pimples. But the downside is that these products take a lot of time. However, Ayurvedic treatment for pimples is a proven method of treating pimples effectively in the short term. Apart from Ayurvedic remedies, people can also adopt various home remedies for the treatment of pimples.
Egg albumin is a good source of protein and vitamins. In addition, they absorb excess sebum from the skin. Apply a mixed mixture of egg albumin to the affected area.
Raw papaya is beneficial for skin related problems. It contains an enzyme called papain, which helps to reduce inflammation and the formation of pus.
Vitamin-C regenerates skin cells. Closed holes can be corrected if a paste made of orange peel and water is applied to the problem areas.
Tea tree oil is beneficial for acne. It is not oily in nature. This helps unblock the holes.
Ana banana peel contains lutein – a powerful antioxidant. The banana peel rubs across your face in a circular motion. It reduces acne swelling and redness.
Aloe vera gel can fight acne. It also has an anti-bacterial property which in turn makes it difficult for the bacteria to develop. Apply gel to your face and wash with cold water after 20 minutes.
Conclusion: Acne or pimples are a long-term skin-related disorder, being a very common problem. It occurs when the pores of the face, chest, and back are either filled with dead skin cells or the excess production of sebum (an oily substance) is produced by the sebaceous glands attached to these hair cells. Sebum is really good for the skin. Aagyarth Ayurved offers the Best Skin Ayurvedic Treatment in Ahmedabad that works as a natural moisturizer. It prevents the skin from becoming dry. But many factors, such as hormonal imbalances, pollution, stress and some drugs (e.g. steroids, oral contraceptives, drugs). It stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum. As a result, our skin begins to divide the dead skin cells at a dead rate, which is combined with excess oil. Bacterium Propionibacterium acnes also gets in the mix, causing the skin pores to clog.
All you need to do is to meet an experienced Ayurvedic Dr. Milan Prajapati - MD AYURVED
For More details contact Aagyarth Ayurved & Panchkarma Hospital: +91 9724575599 | +91 7778994755
All Mediclaim Facility Available.
Visit to get the latest update on Ayurved Panchakarma Therapy: www.aagyarthayurved.com
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robisonwoles-blog · 7 years
How To Treat Dark Spots And Blemishes With Herbal Aloe Vera Gel?
Even though most of us know that beauty is not skin deep, we always wish to achieve or to maintain a glowing skin. But, the exposure to many external factors like chemicals, sun, and pollution gives a dull and dry look to our skin. To handle these problems, it becomes important to nourish the skin not just externally, but also internally. When herbal aloe vera gel is used externally, healthy skin-friendly foods are to be consumed internally to maintain the glow and also the health of the skin. To treat dark spots and blemishes, aloe vera can be the best choice.
The common misconception that many of us have about individuals with dry skin type is that the regular use of moisturizers is important for them alone. But, the fact is that even individuals with oily skin need moisturizers. The difference is that those with oily skin needs nourishment and also balancing of the natural oil levels becomes important for them. If you are regularly visiting spas for nourishing your skin, you are not doing anything good for your skin. Yes, with the regular application of chemical-based creams and lotions, your skin will worsen rather than improving. So, to treat dark spots and blemishes, it is safe and better to rely on the herbal Aloe Vera Gel.
About aloe vera:
Aloe vera looks like it is gaining popularity recently for skin care. But, the fact is that it is being used for centuries by women to maintain a healthy skin. This is why it is called as a plant of immortality and even it is referred to as the fountain of youth. History shows that aloe vera is being used from ancient Egyptian times, where queens and princess have used it to maintain their beauty by combating different skin diseases. The gel of this plant has great qualities to effectively handle dry and flaky skin. Many companies claim that their herbal aloe vera gel is the best in the online market, but when you choose the product from a reliable manufacturer like Ayurved Research Foundation, you are sure to get the entire benefits similar to that of direct use of actual gel from the plant. For these reasons, it is the best remedy to treat dark spots and blemishes.
What are the features?
The following features of the pure skin moisturizing cream make it the best gel to treat dark spots and blemishes:
1. It will improve the suppleness of the skin and will improve the glow.
2. It will balance the natural oil levels and it is suitable for any skin type.
3. Without giving a greasy look to the skin, this product will maintain the healthy moisture content in the skin.
4. As it can heal cuts and wounds, men can also use this product for after shave care.
5. It can treat chronic problems associated with skin like acne and even psoriasis and eczema.
6. It will reduce skin inflammation and irritation by bringing a soothing effect.
7. It will stimulate the growth of new skin cells.
8. It is packed with anti-aging substances to combat the signs of aging.
This herbal Aloe Vera Gel can be of great help in a number of ways to improve not just the skin health, but also the skin glow.
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namaskarayurved · 1 year
Namaskar Ayurved's Guide to Balancing Your Doshas for Optimal Health
Namaskar Ayurved is a well-known Ayurvedic wellness company that offers a range of products designed to promote optimal health and well-being. Among their many offerings, one of the most popular and effective is their guide to balancing your doshas for optimal health.
In Ayurveda, the doshas are the three fundamental energies that govern our physical and mental well-being: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. When these doshas are in balance, we feel healthy, happy, and energized. However, when they are out of balance, we may experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including fatigue, anxiety, digestive issues, and more.
Namaskar Ayurved's guide to balancing your doshas is designed to help you identify your unique dosha constitution and provide you with practical tips and tools to restore balance and promote optimal health. Here are some of the key elements of their dosha-balancing approach:
Identify Your Dosha Constitution
The first step in balancing your doshas is to identify your unique constitution. Namaskar Ayurved provides a comprehensive dosha quiz on their website, which can help you determine whether you are primarily Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, or some combination of the three.
Eat a Dosha-Balancing Diet
Once you have identified your dosha constitution, you can begin to make dietary changes that support balance. Namaskar Ayurved recommends a diet that is tailored to your specific dosha, with an emphasis on fresh, whole foods and spices that are appropriate for your constitution. Ayurved Pure & Gentle Hair Conditioner, which nourishes and strengthens all hair types and is especially beneficial for Vata and Pitta doshas.
Use Ayurvedic Products
In addition to dietary changes, using Ayurvedic products can be an effective way to balance your doshas. Namaskar Ayurved offers a range of high-quality Ayurvedic products that are designed to nourish and strengthen your hair, skin, and overall well-being. One of their most popular products include Ayurved Kumkumadi Ghrit, a nourishing and rejuvenating facial oil that is ideal for Vata and Pitta doshas.
Practice Ayurvedic Self-Care
In addition to dietary changes and the use of Ayurvedic products, practicing Ayurvedic self-care can also help to balance your doshas. Namaskar Ayurved recommends a daily self-care routine that includes practices such as oil pulling, tongue scraping, and dry brushing, as well as yoga, meditation, and pranayama (breathing exercises). You can use Ayurved Nourishing and Strengthening Hair Oil, which promotes healthy hair growth and is ideal for Kapha doshas;
Conclusion By following Namaskar Ayurved's guide to balancing your doshas, you can experience a range of health benefits, including improved digestion, better sleep, increased energy, and more. Whether you are looking to improve your overall health and well-being or address specific health concerns, this guide provides a comprehensive and effective approach to Ayurvedic wellness.
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namaskarayurved · 1 year
Discovering the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda with Namaskar Ayurved
Namaskar Ayurved is a company that offers a wide range of Ayurvedic products and services, including Ayurvedic consultations, herbal supplements, and beauty products. Their aim is to help people discover the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, which has been practiced in India for thousands of years and has recently gained popularity in the West.
Hair Nutritabs
One of the company's most popular products is the Ayurved Hair Nutritabs, which are designed to nourish the hair from within. The tablets contain a blend of herbs and minerals that help to strengthen the hair and promote healthy growth. They are easy to take and can be incorporated into your daily routine.
Oil Treatment for Hair
In addition to the Hair Nutritabs, Namaskar Ayurved also offers the Best Oil Treatment for Hair, which is a unique blend of Ayurvedic oils that are designed to nourish and strengthen the hair. The oil is made from a combination of herbs and oils, including coconut oil, sesame oil, and amla oil, which are all known for their nourishing properties. The oil is easy to use and can be applied to the hair and scalp for a deep conditioning treatment.
Ashwagandha Tablets
Another popular product from Namaskar Ayurved is the Ayurved Ashwagandha Tablets, which are designed to help reduce stress and promote overall wellbeing. Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that has been used in Ayurveda for centuries to help the body adapt to stress and promote relaxation. The tablets are easy to take and can be incorporated into your daily routine to help you feel more calm and more centered.
The Best Oil Treatment for Hair is also a standout product. The oil has a pleasant, herbal scent and is easy to apply to the hair and scalp. After using the oil, my hair feels nourished and looks shiny and healthy. Finally, the Ayurved Ashwagandha Tablets will help you to feel more relaxed and centered. You will notice that you are able to handle stress better and feel more calm and more focused throughout the day.
Conclusion Overall, their products are highly recommended. The company is dedicated to promoting the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and offers a wide range of products and services to help people achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Whether you are looking for a natural way to strengthen your hair, reduce stress, or promote overall health and wellbeing, Namaskar Ayurved has something to offer.
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namaskarayurved · 2 years
Transform Your Hair with Namaskar Ayurved's Powerful Ayurvedic Hair Nutritabs and Ashwagandha Tablets: The Best Oil Treatment for Hair
Namaskar Ayurved is a renowned company that offers various Ayurvedic products for hair care, skincare, and overall health. In this blog, we will review Namaskar Ayurved's top products, including Ayurved Hair Nutritabs, the best oil treatment for hair, and Ayurved Ashwagandha Tablets.
Ayurved Hair Nutritabs
Namaskar Ayurved's Ayurved Hair Nutritabs are one of their best-selling products. These tablets are specifically designed to provide complete nutrition to your hair from the inside out. They contain a blend of potent Ayurvedic ingredients such as Methika, Liquorice, Bhringraj which are known for their hair growth and nourishing properties.
One of the main advantages of Ayurved Hair Nutritabs is that they are easy to consume and do not require any external application. The recommended dosage is one tablet twice a day after meals. The tablets are 100% natural, vegetarian, and free from any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.
Best Oil Treatment for Hair
Namaskar Ayurved's best oil treatment for hair is a combination of various natural oils such Kumkumadi. This oil blend is enriched with Ayurvedic ingredients such as Kashmiri Saffron and sacred Indian Lotus which provide complete nourishment to the hair and scalp.
Regular application of this oil treatment can help improve hair growth, reduce hair fall, and improve hair texture and quality. It can also help in reducing dandruff and scalp irritation. The oil treatment is easy to use and can be applied once or twice a week depending on your hair type and requirements.
One of the best things about Namaskar Ayurved's oil treatment is that it is free from any harmful chemicals or synthetic fragrances. It is 100% natural and can be used by people of all ages.
Ayurved Ashwagandha Tablets
Namaskar Ayurved's Ayurved Ashwagandha Tablets are a powerful Ayurvedic supplement that can help improve overall health and wellbeing. Ashwagandha is a popular Ayurvedic herb that is known for its stress-reducing and energy-boosting properties.
These tablets are 100% natural and are made using high-quality Ashwagandha extract. They are easy to consume and can be taken twice a day after meals. The tablets are vegetarian and free from any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.
Regular consumption of Ayurved Ashwagandha Tablets can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve energy levels, and promote overall wellbeing. It can also help improve cognitive function and memory.
Namaskar Ayurved is a trusted and reliable brand that offers a wide range of Ayurvedic products for hair care, skincare, and overall health. Their products are 100% natural and are made using high-quality ingredients. If you are looking for natural and effective hair care or health supplements, Namaskar Ayurved is definitely worth trying. Their products are affordable, easy to use, and offer a range of benefits for your hair and body.
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namaskarayurved · 2 years
Revitalize Your Skin with Namaskar Ayurved's Ayurvedic Skin Nutritab and Daily Spa Care Set - Buy Now Online!
Introduction: The Importance of Skincare
Our skin is the largest organ in our body and plays a vital role in protecting us from external factors such as pollution, UV rays, and harmful chemicals. It is also responsible for regulating our body temperature and plays a significant role in our overall health. Therefore, it is essential to take good care of our skin and invest in high-quality skincare products that nourish and protect it.
The Problem with Conventional Skincare Products
Unfortunately, many conventional skincare products on the market today contain harsh chemicals that can do more harm than good. These chemicals can strip the skin of its natural oils, cause irritation, and even lead to long-term damage. Additionally, many conventional skincare products are not sustainably sourced and may contribute to environmental degradation.
Introducing Namaskar Ayurved's Ayurvedic Skin Nutritab and Daily Spa Care Set
Look no further to Buy Spa Care Set Online than Namaskar Ayurved's Skin Nutritab and Daily Spa Care Set. This set combines the power of Ayurvedic ingredients with modern skincare technology to provide your skin with the nourishment and care it needs.
Key Ingredients and Benefits of the Ayurvedic Skin Nutritab and Daily Spa Care Set
The Ayurvedic Skin Nutritab is packed with powerful herbs and minerals such as Ashwagandha, Turmeric, and Zinc, which work together to promote healthy, glowing skin. These ingredients have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to heal and rejuvenate the skin. The Daily Spa Care Set includes a variety of products, including a Face Gel, Body Oil Vanilla, Face Wash, Hair Cleanser, Hair Conditioner, each with its own unique blend of natural ingredients. Some of the key benefits of using these products include:
Improved skin texture and tone
Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Increased hydration and moisture retention
Reduced inflammation and redness
Protection against environmental stressors
Why buy Namaskar Ayurved's Ayurvedic Skin Nutritab and Daily Spa Care Set!
There are several reasons to choose Namaskar Ayurved's Ayurved Skin Nutritab and Daily Spa Care Set over conventional Daily Skin Care Set Online. First, the ingredients are all-natural, sustainably sourced, and free from harmful chemicals. Second, the set has been specifically formulated to provide your skin with the nutrients and care it needs to look its best. Finally, Namaskar Ayurved is committed to sustainability and ethical business practices, ensuring that you can feel good about your purchase.
Conclusion If you're looking to revitalize your skin and achieve a healthy, glowing complexion, look no further than Namaskar Ayurved's Ayurvedic Skin Nutritab and Daily Spa Care Set. With natural ingredients and proven benefits, this set is sure to deliver the results you're looking for. Don't wait - buy now online and start enjoying beautiful, healthy skin today!
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namaskarayurved · 2 years
Pamper Your Skin and Hair with Namaskar Ayurved Ayurvedic Nutritabs and Spa Care Sets
Are you looking for a way to nourish your skin and hair from the inside out? Look no further than Namaskar Ayurved's Ayurved skin nutritab and Spa Care Sets. Inspired by the ancient healing practices of Ayurveda, our products are designed to balance and rejuvenate your mind, body, and skin. Whether you're seeking a daily supplement to support your beauty routine or a full spa day experience, Namaskar Ayurved has everything you need to pamper yourself from head to toe. Read on to learn more about the benefits of our Ayurvedic Nutritabs and Spa Care Sets.
Introduction to Ayurvedic Beauty Care
Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health and beauty that has been used for centuries in India. It focuses on using natural ingredients to balance and nourish the mind, body, and skin. With the rise of natural and organic beauty products, it's no wonder that Ayurvedic beauty care is becoming more popular.
The Benefits of Ayurvedic Skin and Hair Nutritabs
The ingredients in the Ayurvedic Skin and Ayurved Hair Nutritabs are chosen for their ability to balance hormones and reduce stress. This is important because stress and hormonal imbalances can lead to skin problems, hair loss, and other health issues. By taking the Nutritabs daily, you can help to keep your hormones and stress levels in check, promoting overall health and wellness.
Collagen is an important protein that gives our skin its firmness and elasticity. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. The ingredients in the Ayurved Skin Nutritab are designed to boost collagen production, giving your skin a youthful, radiant glow.
Hair loss, thinning hair, and brittle hair can all be caused by hormonal imbalances and stress. The Ayurvedic Hair Nutritab contains ingredients like biotin and vitamins that are known for their ability to promote healthy hair growth. By taking the Hair Nutritab daily, you can help to improve the health of your hair, giving you a full, lustrous mane.
Daily Skin Care with the Ayurvedic Spa Care Set
To complement the Ayurvedic Nutritabs, Namaskar Ayurved also offers a Daily Skin Care Set that includes a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. Each of our product is formulated with natural ingredients like aloe vera, green tea, and turmeric to nourish and protect your skin. The set is designed to be used together for optimal results, so you can enjoy beautiful, glowing skin every day.
Buy Spa Care Sets Online with Namaskar Ayurved
With Namaskar Ayurved, you can Buy Spa Care Set Online and enjoy the convenience of having everything you need for a spa day at home. The sets are affordable, so you don't have to spend a fortune to enjoy a relaxing, rejuvenating experience. Simply choose the set that's right for you and enjoy the benefits of Ayurvedic beauty care at home.
Conclusion Our Ayurvedic Nutritabs, Spa Care Sets and Daily Skin Care Set Online offer a natural, effective way to care for your skin and hair. Whether you're looking for a daily supplement to support your beauty routine or a full spa day experience, Namaskar Ayurved has you covered. Transform your beauty routine today with Ayurvedic beauty care from Namaskar Ayurved.
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namaskarayurved · 2 years
Transform Your Hair with Ayurved Kumkumadi Ghrit, Nourishing and Strengthening Hair Oil, and Pure & Gentle Hair Conditioner
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, has been used for thousands of years to promote overall health and wellness. In recent years, Ayurvedic hair care products have gained popularity as a natural and effective alternative to traditional hair care products. Ayurvedic hair care products are made from natural ingredients and are free from harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances.
The Benefits of Kumkumadi Ghrit for Hair
One of the key ingredients in Ayurvedic hair care is Kumkumadi Ghrit, a Ayurved Nourishing and Strengthening Hair Oil. This oil is made from a blend of herbs and other natural ingredients and is designed to improve the health and appearance of the hair. Our Kumkumadi Ghrit at Namaskar Ayurved can improve the health of the scalp and hair, promote hair growth, and reduce hair loss. It also helps to prevent damage caused by exposure to sun, wind, and other environmental factors.
Nourishing and Strengthening Hair with Ayurved Hair Oil
In addition to Ayurved Kumkumadi Ghrit, Ayurvedic hair care also includes hair oils that are designed to nourish and strengthen the hair. These oils are typically made from a blend of natural ingredients, such as coconut oil, castor oil, and almond oil, and are designed to provide deep hydration and nourishment to the hair and scalp. Our oils are typically used as a pre-shampoo treatment, and are left on the hair for a set amount of time before washing.
Pure and Gentle Care with Ayurved Hair Conditioner
Ayurvedic hair care also includes gentle and pure hair conditioners that are designed to leave the hair soft, smooth, and manageable. These conditioners are typically made from natural ingredients, such as aloe vera, neem, and amla, and are designed to provide deep hydration and nourishment to the hair and scalp. Our conditioners are typically used after washing the hair, and are left on the hair for a set amount of time before rinsing.
How to Use Ayurved Kumkumadi Ghrit, Hair Oil, and Conditioner for Best Results
To use Namaskar Ayurved’s Ayurvedic hair care products, it is important to follow the instructions carefully. For the best results, use the Kumkumadi Ghrit, Ayurved Nourishing and Strengthening Hair Oil, and conditioner as part of a weekly hair care routine. Start by using the Kumkumadi Ghrit as a pre-shampoo treatment, and leave it on the hair for 30 minutes to an hour before washing. Next, use the nourishing hair oil, and leave it on the hair for 30 minutes to an hour before washing. Finally, use the gentle hair conditioner, and leave it on the hair for 5-10 minutes before rinsing.
Conclusion Ayurvedic hair care is a natural and effective way to improve the health and appearance of your hair. By using Kumkumadi Ghrit, nourishing hair oil, and Ayurved Pure & Gentle Hair Conditioner, you can transform your hair and enjoy the benefits of natural, gentle, and effective hair care. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination hair, Ayurvedic hair care products can help you achieve the healthy and beautiful hair you desire.
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