#Azimuth 353
thorsenmark · 2 months
Navigation of Four Corners Monument Navajo Tribal Park
Navigation of Four Corners Monument Navajo Tribal Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While standing in the New Mexico portion of Four Corners Monument Navajo Tribal Park with a view looking generally to the north into Arizona, Colorado, and Utah. My thought on composing this image was to capture a wide angle view, looking across all the states, while capturing some of the surrounding portions of this multi-state and tribal park landscape. The rest was a long waiting for those few seconds in between people moving to the states line crossing.
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yhwhrulz · 3 years
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inovaniteroi · 5 years
Stanley Jordan faz show de jazz gratuito em Maricá
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(Foto: Facebook/Reprodução)
Neste domingo (17), às 20h, Maricá recebe no Cinema Público Municipal Henfil um dos maiores nomes da música instrumental, o guitarrista norte-americano Stanley Jordan, que completa na cidade 353 shows realizados no Brasil em 16 anos de apresentações. O baterista Ivan Mamão Conti e o baixista Dudu Lima acompanham Jordan no palco. A apresentação é gratuita.
O espaço do cineteatro vai ficar pequeno para o enorme talento desse que é aclamado no mundo como um dos instrumentistas de jazz que acrescentaram significativas contribuições técnicas e sonoras à guitarra. Sua técnica única, autodidata, combina o dedilhado com as duas mãos e o chamado “tapping”, quando o músico tira o som das cordas apenas batendo de leve com os dedos.
Apaixonado pelo país já se apresentou em vários estados, sempre em casas lotadas e para grande público. Em Maricá, é a primeira vez que um artista internacional faz show na cidade. “O Brasil, hoje em dia, é a minha segunda casa, mas com muita possibilidade de se tornar a primeira”, brinca Jordan. Musicalmente, é até possível já dizer que sim: o guitarrista gravou com Milton Nascimento e fará em breve nova parceria com Jorge Benjor.
No show de domingo em Maricá, Jordan vai tocar suas versões de clássicos como Eleanor Rigby, dos Beatles, e Stairway to Heaven, do Led Zeppelin, além de músicas nacionais como Partido Alto, de Ivan Conti (banda Azimuth) e Insensatez, de Tom Jobim, não esquecendo, naturalmente, de suas próprias composições na guitarra. Jordan foi número 1 da Billboard’s jazz chart por 51 semanas e lançou, em sua carreira, 15 álbuns solo, muitos dos quais recebendo disco de ouro nos EUA e Japão, sem falar nas suas indicações para concorrer ao prêmio Grammy, o mais importante da área musical americana, considerado o Oscar da música.
“Em sua primeira vez em Maricá teremos uma oportunidade sem igual de ouvir um talento como é o Stanley Jordan, com sua sonoridade única nas cordas, sua criatividade musical. Os maricaenses só precisam chegar e pegar a senha. Escolher o lugar e aproveitar o som”, diz Andréa Cunha, secretária de Cultura.S
O post Stanley Jordan faz show de jazz gratuito em Maricá apareceu primeiro em Plantão Enfoco.
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thorsenmark · 3 years
Making a Decision on Where to Go; It Was Outside (Petrified Forest National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the north while taking in views across the dried up washes and eroded formations present at a roadside pulloff parking area along the Blue Mesa Scenic Drive in Petrified Forest National Park. One can see fragments of petrified wood present looking closely at portions of this image.
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thorsenmark · 3 years
Seeing the Forest Through the Trees
Seeing the Forest Through the Trees by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: Sometimes a saying or phrase is more than just a saying! This was a point not far after starting the walk to Franklin Falls. I was definitely taken in by the greens of all the trees all around me, but I also found this a nice spot to look through the forest. It had a little break and opening to not just take in nearby trees but also what looked to be aspens in the background. I wasn't able to find a good point to meter this setting property as I later noticed that I'd lost some highlights. I was able to bring some back and work with the shadows for the final image in Capture NX2.
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thorsenmark · 4 years
A Flooded Out Campground (Chena River State Recreation Area) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: Yes, the image caption does sound off, but it was there at this setting as I walked along the Chena River at the Granite Tors Trailhead and Campground. While distracting at first when I was attempting to capture an image of this setting, I decided to just leave it alone as it really didn't take away from the view with the hillside of trees and the campground area in this state recreation area just outside of the Fairbanks area. I later made some adjustments with contrast, saturation, and brightness in DxO PhotoLab 2, along with using some control points to bring out the final image for this setting.
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thorsenmark · 4 years
Caught in the Light of the Early Morning Sun (Black & White, Capitol Reef National Park)
Caught in the Light of the Early Morning Sun (Black & White, Capitol Reef National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A conversion to black & white using Silver Efex Pro 2 where I used some color filters to bring out a much richer tonal contrast for the final image.
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thorsenmark · 3 years
Making a Decision on Where to Go; It Was Outside (Petrified Forest National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the north while taking in views across the dried up washes and eroded formations present at a roadside pulloff parking area along the Blue Mesa Scenic Drive in Petrified Forest National Park. One can see fragments of petrified wood present looking closely at portions of this image.
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thorsenmark · 4 years
Caught in the Light of the Early Morning Sun (Black & White, Capitol Reef National Park)
Caught in the Light of the Early Morning Sun (Black & White, Capitol Reef National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A conversion to black & white using Silver Efex Pro 2 where I used some color filters to bring out a much richer tonal contrast for the final image.
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thorsenmark · 5 years
Caught in the Light of the Early Morning Sun (Capitol Reef National Park)
Caught in the Light of the Early Morning Sun (Capitol Reef National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: An unnamed peak seen while walking back from the Hickman Bridge in Capitol Reef National Park.
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thorsenmark · 5 years
A Flooded Out Campground (Chena River State Recreation Area)
A Flooded Out Campground (Chena River State Recreation Area) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: Yes, the image caption does sound off, but it was there at this setting as I walked along the Chena River at the Granite Tors Trailhead and Campground. While distracting at first when I was attempting to capture an image of this setting, I decided to just leave it alone as it really didn't take away from the view with the hillside of trees and the campground area in this state recreation area just outside of the Fairbanks area. I later made some adjustments with contrast, saturation, and brightness in DxO PhotoLab 2, along with using some control points to bring out the final image for this setting.
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thorsenmark · 6 years
Seeing the Forest Through the Trees
Seeing the Forest Through the Trees by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: Sometimes a saying or phrase is more than just a saying! This was a point not far after starting the walk to Franklin Falls. I was definitely taken in by the greens of all the trees all around me, but I also found this a nice spot to look through the forest. It had a little break and opening to not just take in nearby trees but also what looked to be aspens in the background. I wasn't able to find a good point to meter this setting property as I later noticed that I'd lost some highlights. I was able to bring some back and work with the shadows for the final image in Capture NX2.
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thorsenmark · 6 years
Trees Lined Up Along a Draw and Spurs (Wind Cave National Park)
Trees Lined Up Along a Draw and Spurs (Wind Cave National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: Not long after starting a walk along the Wind Cave Canyon Trail, I saw this set of ridges with this one draw in between and some spurs coming off. The way the trees were lined up, seemingly following the curves of the rolling terrain to my front...what a sight it was! I zoomed in as much as I could with the focal length in order to minimize the overcast skies above that afternoon and then cropped some of the foreground to give more of a panoramic feel to the final image.
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thorsenmark · 7 years
Seeing the Forest Through the Trees
Seeing the Forest Through the Trees by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: Sometimes a saying or phrase is more than just a saying! This was a point not far after starting the walk to Franklin Falls. I was definitely taken in by the greens of all the trees all around me, but I also found this a nice spot to look through the forest. It had a little break and opening to not just take in nearby trees but also what looked to be aspens in the background. I wasn't able to find a good point to meter this setting property as I later noticed that I'd lost some highlights. I was able to bring some back and work with the shadows for the final image in Capture NX2.
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yhwhrulz · 3 years
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yhwhrulz · 3 years
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