mirikitakato · 3 months
[Translation] Banquet for the Scarlet Flower Dyed in Darkness: Episode 5
Ivan: ......Jessica's life is at stake, I can’t afford to rest. I’m the one asked for help in the first place, so I can't leave it all to you. I may not be able to do much, but... I still want to do what I can.
Heathcliff: Ivan...
Riquet: I remember! I brought honey cookies for a snack. Everyone, also Ivan, please have some. Let's give a few to Jessica as well. Even a wizard would have a hard time only eating nectar. I'm sure she'll be able to eat something by tomorrow morning.
Ivan: Honey cookies...
Riquet: Something wrong with honey cookies?
Ivan: Oh, no, this reminds me Jessica likes them. This village is remote, but it's famous for its honey because there are many flowers.
Heathcliff: By any chance, you mean honey made from Oz flower’s nectar? Isn’t the flower poisonous?
Ivan: The poison is only in the roots, so the nectar is harmless. The taste is so rich that would make people want to keep eating it. But...thank you, Jessica will surely be happy too.
Riquet: You're welcome, eating what you like gives you energy.
Ivan: ......You all are so kind. I thought I would feel scared of wizards because of Lord Oz’s legend. But you all have been nothing but kind to me since yesterday. Jessica too...I guess wizards aren’t that different from ordinary humans.
Arthur: Lord Oz is like that too. He's no different from us. He's kind and generous, and he makes mistakes like anyone else. For example, when I was a child, I asked him to make pancakes for me, but he didn't cook them well and burned them.
Ivan: Lord Oz…made pancakes...and b-burned them?
Riquet: He is good at making them now. He even draws pictures on them.
Lennox: Cain also said he got a cute drawing of a rabbit on his pancake.
Heathcliff: I was also really surprised when I first heard Lord Oz draws on pancakes.... He's also created illustrated textbooks that are easy for Riquet to understand, since he is studying reading and writing.
Arthur: Yes, he has done that too. It was really fun to draw pictures together.
Riquet: If there are things couldn't be conveyed through pictures alone, he would use magic to make them move. I'm still studying from that book.
Lennox: I once drank with Lord Oz at a bar.
Ivan: Lord Oz went to a bar…!?
Lennox: That time, it seemed he concerned about me throwing myself into danger without regard for my own well-being. He's a kind person.
Ivan: ......
Arthur: Does it surprise you that a Demon Lord would act like a normal person? But it’s also one of Lord Oz’s appearance. His immense power often leads to misunderstandings. Whispers and myths distort the truth, painting him as something entirely different. I think...the flower that blooms in the forest is similar.
Heathcliff: …With its size and beauty, that flower is worthy of being named after Lord Oz. The stories passed down likely contain a variety of circumstances or reasons behind them.
Ivan: You’re right... It’s such a strange rumor that a simple flower likes to suck human blood and life force. Maybe we, and our ancestors who have lived near here for generations, misunderstand the flower because of the name "Demon Lord Oz"...
Arthur: ...... "Oz" is a precious flower to me too. My journey with Lord Oz in pursuit of that flower was unlike anything I'd ever known. The world stretched out below us in a kaleidoscope of sights, each day brimming with the unexpected. It was only for a few days, but it felt like we were having an adventure all over the world together.
Heathcliff: ...... I'm sure Lord Oz felt the same way as Prince Arthur. Given the widespread recognition of Lord Oz's name, clearing up all misunderstandings may prove challenging…but perhaps, we can begin to untangle the smaller grievances over time. I hope this will be the first step towards a positive outcome.
Arthur: Thank you, Heathcliff.
Ivan: ......
Lennox: That pendant is also made by a wizard.
Heathcliff: A protective spell is cast on it. Did Jessica give it to you?
Ivan: This... Jessica gave it to me as an amulet before I left. I see, so it's a protective spell... That's why I was able to travel such a long distance safely...
Arthur: The two of you get along well.
Riquet: Hehe, Ivan loves Jessica.
Ivan: Eh?! Wh-what are you saying all of a sudden...?
Riquet: You had a very kind expression just now. It feels great when the person you love cherishes you back.
Ivan: No, no, no, it's not like that...Jessica and I grew up like siblings because we live close by. Her parents are not around, and my parents were often away from home because of work, so we practically lived together. Jessica can be a bit of an airhead sometimes. There are times I can't tell which one of us is older…
Riquet: ......So you treasure Jessica like she's family? Isn't that loving someone?
Ivan: Ah, you mean in that way...
Lennox: Haha, I'm sure Jessica loves you just as much. The protective spell cast on the pendant seems to be filled with a lot of heart. Wizards use magic with their hearts. So I can feel a warm heart in that pendant too.
Heathcliff: I see. A warm and strong heart. ......But the protective power is a little weak, though.
Ivan: I-is that so?
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Heathcliff: Perhaps it's the effect of time passing, but...it’s definitely also because it's been protecting you with all its might. If it's okay with you, can I fix it? Jessica's magic will remain unaffected, of course.
Ivan: Ah, thank you, if you don’t mind…
Heathcliff: 《Repsev Aivulp Sunos》
Ivan: Wow... it appears even shinier somehow.
Heathcliff: ......Something important given by a precious person, who has grown up with you since childhood, huh…
Ivan: Huh?
Heathcliff: No, it’s nothing… ...Let's pray together that we can get through tonight safely. With Lord Oz and Teacher Faust around, I'm sure we'll be fine. We'll help as much as we can too.
[Scene changes]
After parting with everyone who are in charge of investigating the documents in the village, we are walking along the path that leads into the forest.
Shino: Exactly as Ivan said, the flowers become denser and denser the further we go.
Murr: The air is getting thicker too! The flowers are swaying and moving, like we're being invited into the forest.
Faust: If you were human, you would naturally stop because you could sense the danger. Well, no one is living here to begin with…
Akira: Speaking of which, "Oz" is poisonous, right? Ms. Jessica said she can only eat its nectar for now. Would her body be okay?
Faust: Only the root is poisonous. She’s probably fine as long as she only eats the nectar, but...
Faust stops speaking and looks at the forest, raising the brim of his hat slightly.
Faust: …I can sense an aura similar to the flower in the pot. As I thought, the reason these flowers are discolored is probably due to the miasma floating around the forest. Although the details are still unclear, the bottom line is that Jessica, who ate the miasma-tainted nectar, is now only able to eat it.
Murr: And there are twisted beings lurking in this forest like the undead! Was she seduced by “the source”? Or was she driven by it? In any case, she is now under a curse of sorts.
Shino: So, the flower itself doesn't want life force or sacrifices.
Akira: According to Jessica's dream, the source of this miasma lies deeper within the forest, at the very location where she saw a field of Oz flowers. The closer I get, the heavier the air becomes, like I was being pressed down by something…
Oz: 《Vox Nox》
Oz, who is standing by, recited a spell. A wave of warmth washes over me, instantly calming the tremors of anxiety and cold that have gripped my hands.
Oz: The miasma can’t kill us, but it's not something a human can withstand for long. If you're not feeling well, let me know.
Akira: Oz... thank you.
As we walk through the forest, the trees thicken, casting a night-like darkness despite the late afternoon hour. The canopy overhead blocks out the sky.
Shino: Oz, you traveled with Arthur to find this flower. Did you come here before?
Oz: No, we found it in the North. The ground was covered in snow, and there were fewer flowers in bloom.
Murr: What kind of journey was it? What brought Oz, who had confined himself in his castle for over a thousand years, out of the castle? Why did you think of looking for “Oz” flower? Did you become interested in the flower that bears your name? Or did you just want to show it to Arthur?
I meet Oz's eyes briefly as he turns his head away to avoid Murr's curious gaze. I’m also interested in the story of his journey. Oz realizes the unspoken curiosity in my eyes and slowly turns his gaze to a flower blooming nearby.
Oz: ...It was Arthur who brought it up. He was a child who wanted to know everything. There was nothing special about the trip itself. It was just a trip to find a flower, and we found it, but...
Looking into the distance, he speaks softly and slowly, as if trying to pull up past memories from that beautiful and large flower.
Oz: When Arthur was a child, the twins gave him a storybook telling a legend of this flower. Arthur was happy that it had the same name as me. He wanted to see it with his own eyes, so he held this book, came to me on a broom and said: "Let's go see the Oz flower together!"
Listening to Oz’s gentle voice, a smile tugs at my lips. I envision the image of little Arthur, whose face flushed with excitement, gripping a broom in his hand.
Akira: Sounds so cute... So, you guys went to find the flowers by riding brooms?
Oz: Yes.
Episode 4 | Episode 6
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jacksgreysays · 4 years
Fake Fic Summaries 26/?, the Five Ways Love Hurts edition (2020-04-20)
A/N: I would like to preface this be reiterating the shameful fact that I still have yet to consume any canon BnHA. All of my knowledge is entirely from fanfiction, the occasional wiki-ing, and various meta analysis posts.
I mean... I don't think that really matters considering these are all fake AU/recursive ship fics, but I just feel like it's something I should warn people about?
Anyway, here we go!
1) clockwork hearts (the too many gears remix)
Or, when you're in love with an android because he's so human, but that android loves some other human entirely...
... and that other human hates your beloved android because he's not the real thing.
Aka, I read clockwork hearts by OneshotPrincess and thought to myself, how do I make this beautiful and sweet fic dramatic and sad? Throw some Bakugou into the mix!
Okay, so, I would highly recommend the fic--it's beautiful and sweet and pretty quick and also this next bit is spoiler-y/won't matter much if you haven't read it.
Anyway, clockwork hearts is a TodoDeku fic in which Izuku is an android, and Todoroki is a rich boy completely enamored by this android who seems so human.
And while I cannot say whether or not it's because the android IS based off a human Izuku in the original fic, I can say that's the situation in this little brainstorm because what if that was true? And so because android Izuku is based on human Izuku that would mean android Izuku loves (whether platonically or romantically) Bakugou.
But that means Bakugou knows (and maybe loves?) the human Izuku so android Izuku is like... a despicable artificial mockery in his eyes.
So I guess first I have to figure out what the BakuxHuman!Izuku side of this fic would be--like, is who/why does Human!Izuku have an android version of him? Is he in some way incapacitated or or missing/presumed dead or actually dead?--and then, second, I would have to figure how the TodoxAndroid!Izuku path crosses with the BakuxHuman!Izuku path.
I mean, if Human!Izuku is missing then maybe Android!Izuku has the clues to find him so Bakugou is like "hey, I need your shitty robot to find my [beloved] childhood friend" to Todoroki because he doesn't even think of Android!Izuku as being sentient and Todoroki's just like, wtf no, but Android!Izuku does kind of love Bakugou and is just like. "He needs my help! Even if it's to find Human!me."
And then it becomes a begrudging trio road trip to either a) find Human!Izuku or b) give Bakugou closure on Human!Izuku's death PLUS c) fall in love???
I just love drama!
2) Becoming Real (not too shabby)
Katsuki has long ago put away his childish things, but Izuku's not one for giving up.
Or, in which Izuku is one of Katsuki's childhood toys and wants to become Real.
(aka, a Velveteen Rabbit/Pinocchio AU)
Vaguely reminiscent to the above brainstorm, although I don't know if this would be weird to make romantic or not. Given the whole Izuku starts as one of Katsuki's childhood toys and all.
I'm trying to figure out in this journey to become real, if Katsuki's life is just normal BnHA world (minus Izuku as a human) so he goes to UA and there are quirks etc etc. Because that would mean I couldn't make some of the other toys/beings on Izuku's journey to Realism be the Dekusquad. Like. The idea of Iida and Uraraka and Tsuyu as other toys/Jiminy Cricket equivalents trying to help/guide/keep Izuku from doing something nuts is very fun. But then would that mean they're not in class 1-A anymore? Or is this a weird Wizard of Oz situation? Or are the League of Villains obstacles for Izuku instead of being actual Villains ruining the UA students' lives?
Or... is this somehow a Izuku is actually human with a quirk but long ago something happened to Inko so he turned himself into a toy as a weird quirk defense mechanism and Katsuki took him home and both of them/just Izuku forgot how to turn back? So the answer all along is to get to Aizawa? ... but that one's kinda weird and horrifying, so I'm going to say no.
I don't know, I just thought. Velveteen Rabbit = Izuku was easy to connect but there's not much of a plot to follow through on?
3) Bakugou Katsuki's Guide To House Husbandry and Domestic Bliss
It's just a Way of the House Husband AU but with retired pro hero Ground Zero instead of a former yakuza. That's it.
Weirdly enough I have more semi-angsty backstory for this fluffy nonsense than actual fluffy nonsense, presumably because I was trying to figure out a feasible set up for the fluffy nonsense? So it's something like: 
When Izuku and Katsuki are six years old, they are attacked by a villain made of sludge.
This is after Izuku's quirk has failed to appear, after he has been branded as quirkless and useless, but before the words become pointed and suffocating and bitter. 
This is after Katsuki fell and Izuku leaped after him hand outstretched, after a false sense of inequality has been wedged between them, but before it can permanently shape a dynamic of confused conflict.
This is after their lives have been tied together, for better and worse, but before it can be horrendously tangled and frayed.
When Izuku and Katsuki are six years old, they are attacked by a villain made of sludge and saved by the number one hero All Might--it changes both everything and nothing of their futures lives.
Because Katsuki will turn this horror into determination, will become a hero that always wins--and better than All Might, he vows, staring wide-eyed at the curled form of his best friend in All Might's arms as he run, run, runs to the hospital. And Izuku will still help people with all he can give, even quirkless and one hand short.
And two decades later, as they move in together, this still stays the same: Katsuki is far and away the better house husband.
... and it's basically Izuku is some kind of engineer/doctor/physical therapist and at the top of his industry same as Katsuki who is Ground Zero and who is on some kind of injury related sabbatical and who has decided to be the Best House Husband ever.
I had some more thoughts about how, even though Izuku still admires All Might and doesn't at all blame him for the loss of his hand, that his mentor/goal in this world is the engineer/doctor/physical therapist that helped child Izuku with his prosthetic (and I came up with a name and a non-work related quirk for them, too, Akahana Tonakai who can make their nose glow and that's it. Quirks do not make them great, etc. etc.) And also some angst about how the hand that Izuku lost was the hand that he reach out to Katsuki when they were younger (should've take it when you had the chance!! he sometimes thinks, before shaking that thought away)
I don't have anything concrete tho, so... that's it.
4) Legend of... ???
Power, Wisdom, Courage...
Even without the great calamity, the princess of legend, or the hero of time, the triforce still remains in Hyrule waiting for those who would wield them.
Or, Katsuki was always going to be a hero, he just has no idea what to about with the weird forest spirit that has the other half of his sword.
Basically... Deku = Deku Tree from Legend of Zelda? Not that Izuku is that big old tree, but, like, maybe he was raised in the forest? Maybe it's the only name that non-forest dwellers know? I don't know. I've literally only played Breath of the Wild and, like, 20% of Majora's Mask so... the lore is not strong in me.
I kind of had an idea of, like, mixing the "canon Fantasy!AU" (which is, frankly, bewildering that that's a term that both applies and makes sense) but I don't really know the full lore of that either? I mean, maybe All Might was a powerful hero who had managed to unite all three pieces of the TriForce (at expense to his health) and when his sword was split in two and one ended up with Katsuki while the other was SUPPOSED to be waiting for its other half in the forest protected by the Deku Tree but instead Izuku was like. Hey. I can wield this to protect people and off he went and now it's kind of this chasing me, chasing you type adventure?
I was also trying to figure out the whole Power = Bakugou, Courage = Izuku, Wisdom = ??? thing. Because while I would normally be like, ah, yes, the Big Three would be Bakugou, Izuku, and Todoroki, I wouldn't necessarily say Todoroki is Wisdom? So... *shrugs*
5) i dream of flowers (the always fading remix)
Or, how to take a yearningly sweet and slightly melancholy fic and turn that sad dial up to eleven!
This would be a real sad remix of i dream of flowers (and they're always sad) by Seeress
The idea I have is going to be spoiler-y and it's not worth the spoiler so PLEASE read that first. Trust me, it's worth it. Actually, all of Seeress' fic is so *chef's kiss* if you're into BakuDeku. Anyway, the rest of the brainstorm is under the cut so as not to violate spoilers.
I really just wanted to lean on that ANGSTIER AMNESIA. So the remix is more... in which they can only be together when Bakugou is "Ground Zero" because Izuku's brain is literally incapable of holding memories of "Bakugou Katsuki" after the hanahaki surgery. So not only did the surgery cause retrograde amnesia (in that, all of Izuku's memories of Katsuki were taken out along with his feelings) it also causes anterograde amnesia in that, Izuku can't form new memories surrounding the person he knows as "Bakugou Katsuki." Kind of like a vaccine... or, so as to maintain the flower vibe/analogy, it's like selective herbicide.
BUT (and here's where it gets deliciously angsty) he can still form memories of the hero "Ground Zero" he just can't connect that Ground Zero = Bakugou Katsuki. Which is especially fun given that in the original fic they meet up again and Ground Zero is trying to reconnect with/date Izuku. It's not quite the level of Fifty First Dates, because Izuku CAN keep memories of Ground Zero (and like in the original fic, Izuku has been a fan of Ground Zero for a couple of years) it's just whenever Katsuki tries to say his real name that the memories/connections fail to form. Like the two identities must be kept compartmentalized. So they can have a perfectly functional relationship so long as Katsuki only ever stays Ground Zero to him.
I don't know how to get to a resolution though, or if there even is one? Because on the one hand, I guess I would love Katsuki mildly suffering in order to be with Izuku for infinity, but Izuku is also real smart and I feel like even amnesia wouldn't stop him and he's not really one to be stuck in a dilemma when he can just resolve it through sheer force of will... *shrugs*
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gunsli-01 · 5 years
I adore Spinel, because, speaking as someone who has a history of neglect and abuse, I can empathise with her deeply. She’s a little bit like Oz, another favourite character of mine. Both are, to me, mirrors of my own experiences. Though, how would you compare and contrast them and with Pink and Xai as their abusers, respectively? Xai hated Oz and wanted nothing to do with him, and Pink got tired of Spinel and left her (according to Rebecca Sugar).
I think the one glaring difference and overall more hurtful thing that comes to light when comparing Oz and Spinel is how their abusers acted out said abuse. Oz knew that Xai had negative feelings towards him. Xai never did a thing to hide his distaste for Oz. He avoided birthdays, holidays, and left him to be raised by house staff to a lesser extent he did the same with Ada although he was far more emotionally present for her than him. Overall the most hurtful thing Xai ever did was die protecting Ada right in front of him while simultaneously cursing everything that he was, is, and will continue be things he can never change.
Yes, this is still counting that he asked Oscar a person he knew Oz considered as a father to kill him just because and I quote “Doing so will cause that thing the most pain.” With Xai the intent behind his actions were undeniably cruel and extremely personal up until the very end. That’s why even though I understand Xai’s reasons his belief and what lead him to act this way I can’t forgive it even now. So even at the end Oz was left with this feeling that despite everything Xai had done it was not Xai that was the problem he was not a bad person. Xai cares so deeply for Ada the child he views as undeniably his that he just sacrificed himself to protect her.
He cares about her so much so and Ada knows it when he threatens her life in order to get Oscar to kill Oz, she goes to Oscar unphased saying “Uncle. Do as you wish. Don’t worry about me. Father can’t kill me.” He clearly cared about his brother and could tell that Oz’s existence tormented him as well calling him out for it. Because he knew that deep down, he shared the same wish as him that this boy the child that was here now was either of their’s but Oz wasn’t either of their child. Their kids had died tragically due to very sad complications and life circumstances. The difference between Xai and Oscar is simple Oscar accepted that sometimes bad things happen for no reason that’s life but Xai needed to find a reason a villain and Jack gave him that.
Even Oscar said what Jack had done left Xai so completely alone. Plus, we see that despite his rage and hate he kept Oz alive because he didn’t know how much of what Jack said was true if the world was actually in danger. He dealt with knowing that the body of the man he believed killed his wife and child was growing happily under his roof without a care in the world and distanced himself from said child at jump by giving him the name Jack had told him Oz instead of giving him one of his own choosing. This left Oz having to accept a very troubling reality that it was him, it was the fact that he was the B-rabbit, it was the fact that he was connected to Jack, it was the fact that despite how he would love to not be responsible for any of the tragedy of Sablier he is. His actions whether full of ill intent or not played a part in what Jack caused while his powers are what gave Jack the ability to do it in the first place.
Not once does Oz ever say he hates his father, that he was a truly awful man for everything he’d done to him, but you know who he does say he hates Jack. Which shows how much he associates Jack with every issue he’s had within his life not just for Sablier but for his upbringing under Xai as well. Oz is not one to throw around words lightly and he says this to Jack twice within the manga. Because of the cognitive dissonance between how Xai treated Oz and everyone else because let’s face it he also treated Elliot with more kindness than his own son... Oz was left feeling as though there was something that he had done that warranted this treatment.
That if he was better, he would be treated kindlier by him. He believed that there was a standard that others were meeting that he wasn’t when all along the only standard they meet were not being him. We see him studying, practicing attempting to get better working his hardest to be better just so Xai will visit him acknowledge the fact that he is there, that he’s alive, and his son positively. Yet sadly that’s something Xai will never do. He states his feeling towards Oz clearly within the first few pages of the manga to Xai the fact that Oz exists at all is a sin and he’s never pretended it wasn’t.
He didn’t “play house” like Oscar he looked at Oz from the day he was born and the moment his wife took her last breath and went “This is your fault and I’m gonna fucking prove it somebody take this thing.” With that out of the way I must admit I feel as though it’s a tad unfair to compare the two. There are far too many nuances that PH has that are lacking within SU. Whether that is because of the difference in mediums or the targeted demographics is up in the air. SU at the end of the day is a children’s program and PH is an older teen level manga which is not a rating any manga gets lightly in my opinion.
For reference popular viz manga tend to stay within the teen and all ages group. Yu-Yu Hakusho and My Hero Academia are both teen manga. However, Yu-Yu Hakusho was published far earlier than My Hero Academia in a time when ratings were far more lenient. I don’t doubt that Yu-Yu Hakusho would still be rated that today if it was new on the scene. However, I do own the Kodocha series which was rated teen for a demographic of age 13 and older during its publication.
A manga which was released in ‘94 its rating would definitely be changed if it were redistributed today due to themes such as suicide, discussion of abortion and at times more risqué or sexual implications. Overall if you look at popular manga ratings which can be found on the back of all manga it will tell you a bit about what is deemed as appropriate for teens and what might need to wait until they’re a little older. Other manga rated older teen or OT are Case Closed, Bungo Stray Dogs, and Seraph of the End while another teen manga is Kiss Him, Not Me! and Phantom Thief Jeanne which also deals with familial neglect and is a bit of an older manga as well so I don’t know if that rating would stand if it was made this decade. However, Arina Tanemura’s works have all held teen ratings for the most part so shojo is a completely different beast at times. Which can tell you a little something about Pandora Hearts since it isn’t the most shounen manga and it’s still sitting on an OT rating.
On top of basically being the rated R of the manga world the OT rating comes with its share of shortcomings. OT manga aren’t as marketable as easier to consume teen manga and tend to not be made into anime often enough. Though there are exceptions I mean PH did get an anime adaptation and Case Closed has a beat that won’t stop turning. The only rating higher than older teen is M for mature which is literally restricted to stuff that might as well be porn or is but has a story and things with extreme gore. Though not all M manga are porn manga however the sexual content is not far in between.
I just wanted to state these facts in order to specify that the subtleties that I would usually latch onto in most media I enjoy is greatly lacking in SU. The movie is the first time I’ve genuinely fully enjoyed su content in a long while and su future has been surprisingly more enjoyable than most of the rest of the series to me. I really loved the movie and Spinel. I just feel that it’s important to have this context to fully understand what I’m going to say next. The glaring difference in Pinks behavior when it comes to Spinel and Xai’s behavior with Oz is the biggest excuse people give to Pink and something that Pandora Hearts stresses... Intention.
Pink didn’t intend to hurt Spinel or neglect her. She was just tired of her hanging around all energetic all the time. I mean wouldn’t you get annoyed if someone was just around you being happy? I hate this fucking excuse. I hate it a lot. Not only because it sort of spits on everything PH stands for by just existing in this context at all but...no yeah for that just for that! Half the time I just want to say to folks that make this excuse for her hey you should probably read this and hand them volume one of PH. Like you need this more than I did when I was fourteen.
The big problem with this excuse is it views people as expendable. Like she didn’t intend to hurt Spinel she just got tired of her and left her alone. Alright now imagine a person gets a cat it’s so fluffy and nice and they love it! It does cute little cat things like gets tangled up in stupid situations, explores their house, messes up their bathroom by playing with the toilet paper, knocks over their cup of water on their laptop, never leaves their side. They think one day wow this thing is kind of annoying right?
I mean it’s fine I guess but this isn’t as fun as I thought it’d be. Then they get the opportunity to live in one of their favorite apartments they really want to live there but it doesn’t allow pets. Hmm... I mean this thing isn’t fun anymore anyhow I mean I am tired of it. It’ll be fine if I just leave it. So that’s what they do they leave that cat alone in that apartment continuing on with their little life with a fun new pool to swim around in at this brand-new complex not thinking about that cat again.
Good for you, hypothetical asshole you’re a dick. Anyone with eyes can tell that was a dick thing to do but I hear ya hypothetical Pink apologist but that’s different that cat can’t take care of itself Spinel can. I mean either way she won’t die from hunger or dehydration she’s fine she’s okay, she’s getting over it. How was she meant to take care of herself or the garden when she was told to wait in place under the guise of playing a game? What was she gonna do stop go back to home world?
Well it’s her fault she shouldn’t have been stupid enough to just stand there for so long. You mean stupid enough to believe Pink? Believe that Pink cared about her that she wanted to actually play with her that she wasn’t a nuisance? That’s the fucking issue with Pink. How she disassociates herself from her wrongs. How people excuse all the things she’s done wrong for her. How she walks away from relationships and responsibilities as soon as they’re no longer fun. She’s a flake.
She could have spoken to Spinel. Told her that she was kind of annoying her. Tried to work on the relationship but that didn’t matter to her. Spinel didn’t deserve that courtesy Pink was bored with her little toy and it was time for her to find something more fun something new a planet to run and there was no room for Spinel in that new adventure she would just sour things. That’s why I said Pink was worse than Xai. Xai kept Oz alive someone he hated due to a sense of duty and obligation to make sure that the rest of the world was safe.
Pink isn’t loyal to anyone but herself and her own enjoyment. She never even once thought about another person’s feelings before doing anything that she did. She made Spinel feel stupid for trusting her and forced her to change her entire mindset when it came to making friends. Because of Pink, Spinel had serious fucking trust issues. To the point that after she helped Steven, she immediately thought that’s all he wanted her for, so he was just going to drop her like Pink did.
Steven got his planet like Pink did, so he doesn’t need me anymore he’s just like her. She even asks him if he really found her funny if he honestly liked her. Speaking from personal experience trusting someone who pretends to have your best interest in mind, someone who pretends to care about you and then just shows that they never did makes you expect that sort of lie from everyone. It makes you think no one can really be trusted no matter how many times someone says they really care you don’t want to believe it, you can’t believe it because maybe one day they’ll show that they didn’t care either. Because of this sometimes it may feel a lot easier to be around folks that openly dislike you or have hurt you because like at least you’ll see that shit coming it won’t hurt as much as before the next time. Where Xai ruined Oz’s relationship with the only parent he had Pink completely destroyed not only her relationship with Spinel but how Spinel will view any relationship going forward.
A person has to actively work on building up that sort of trust again and you never really do once it’s broken in such a way. At the end of the day Oz still had Gil, Alice and many other people who loved and cared for him regardless of what his father said. Yet Spinel was deprived of getting that kind of support system because of what Pink did and now it’s going to be even harder to get it outside of the diamonds. Hopefully their very unconditional love can help her rebuild her shattered trust and eventually she’ll branch out more but that takes time. What Pink did may not have been intentionally cruel, but it was careless and sometimes being careless hurts a lot more than being cruel.
We can all see Xai’s bias and a lot of characters in the manga state it’s plain not okay. No one excuses it with he didn’t know better because he clearly does but due to Pink’s nature and the myths around her so many people want to believe she’s good that she’s nice that because she protected earth because she liked humans she was good and because she wanted to change that she’s okay now. Fact is she’s not and she never was. She’s a careless pleasure seeker who will do whatever she pleases to be entertained. Someone shouldn’t get tired of other people and bail on them. Where what Xai did was incredibly personal what Pink did was as impersonal as throwing away a paper plate and that’s just not how things are meant to be between two people.
Xai called Oz a thing while still understanding what would hurt him the most. Understanding that came from the innate ability to emphasize, tell, and recognize that Oz had feelings along with discerning exactly what those feelings were. You know now that I put it that way it makes him more of an asshole but point still stands. Xai called Oz a thing but Pink treated Spinel like one. Despite Xai’s words at the end of the day what he choose to do proved he viewed Oz as a person while what Pink did showed she didn’t view Spinel as anything at all.
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filzmonster · 6 years
song-of-amethyst replied to your post
“Top 5 Ships of my heart Rules: list 5 of your OTPs and tag 5 people. I...”
GilBreak is no crackship, they're totally valid! :D Do you see a lot of people say they are the other's left eye? <3 (also, I don't like to admit how much I relate to the tragic ships thing but here we are) On a more personal notes though I'm very interested in the PH crackships :p *has quite a lot of these too*
Oh look, I’m procrastinating again 
nladsfhalksfhasdf I feel so validated right now ?? :’) Honestly I feel like there are not that much people in the fandom that actively ship them and I’m just here ?? starving for content ?? xD 
(I mean. looking at the fandoms we’re in there’s not much of a choice we have but to let our hearts be broken by the same couple of idiots over and over again. It’s heaven for masochists.)
Oh boy. I show you mine if you show me yours I’ll put it under a read more since I can already see myself escalating with this. Also most of the crack ships basically boil down to Gilbert x Anyone Else b/c that’s just the kind of trash I am  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gilbert x Reim
I fully blame that one special manga scene for this ship. The one in which they are having a tea party and Sharon tells Break that Gilbert learned how to cook because of him and then Gilbert spends two pages gushing about hOW AWESOME REIM IS and that just kinda did it for me (together with all the other little scenes these two get throughout the manga). Because when you think about it, they are very close age-wise, they probably spend a lot of time together and they both bond over what an asshole Break can be. THERE’S POTENTIAL THERE OKAY. Also they would have a very healthy, supportive relationship and it would just be the purest thing ever ?? So yeah. totally shipping them.
Gilbert x Lottie
I FULLY BLAME THE OTHER SPECIAL MANGA SCENE FOR THIS OKAY. The one in Last Dance ?? Where Lottie and Gilbert are bugging Reim b/c they found out he proposed to Sharon. IDK it just hit me how nice their dynamic seemed over those short couple of pages ?? Also I feel like they would really understand each other - they both have Master issues, they are both Baskervilles, they both lost people they cared about, they both had to do horrible things, they both got betrayed by Jack, they both had a special connection with Oswald/Glen, they are both kinda mother hens let’s be real. But they still did very different things with their common ground. Gilbert chose to sort of abandon Oswald/Glen because he couldn’t accept his decisions, while Lottie chose to stop him but still stayed by his side instead. They could talk about these things and it would be such an interesting conversation!! Aaaand someone in the fandom once said that since Lottie likes to cook too, she could help Gilbert learn how to cook with only one hand and just !! imagine !! the cuteness !!
Okay this is the part where it gets really crack-y okay pls don’t judge too hard
Leo x Gilbert
HEAR ME OUT. Bonding over Elliot’s death ?? Bonding over Oswald ?? Bonding over that whole Glen Baskerville thing in general ?? Bonding over Vincent being a self-sacrificing idiot ?? Bonding over Oz & Oz’ death ?? Just. Them being there for each other in ways no one else could be there for them. They are both servants. They are both kind of Glen B. (even though Gilbert isn’t anymore but like. he was supposed to be, he grew up being prepared to take over that role, something must have stuck) They both lost the same people. It probably wouldn’t be like. a very good (as in healthy and based on trust, true love) relationship, but it would be an interesting, darker one. It also probably wouldn’t last but that’s not the point of shipping anyway is it ?? 
Gilbert x The other Nightray siblings
Okay. This one is. Going to take a while to explain. I once read a pretty dark Gilbert x Vanessa fanfiction and that was when it just ?? occured to me that while we don’t get to see much of the other Nightray siblings (RIP I guess) except for Elliot (with whom I do not ship Gilbert with because they actually have a brother-brother bond in my eyes tbh) they still have potential to have interesting dynamics with Gilbert (and Vincent, too, so I guess I ship Vincent with them, too). Especially when you look at it from a ‘we are using each other for things’ point of view. Like them using Gilbert to try and get to Raven’s power or just using him for the Nightray’s dirty work in general. Gilbert using them for information he could pass on to Break. The Nightrays are already a pretty dysfunctional bunch so why not add that kind of dysfunctional relationship/dynamic, too ??
Gilbert x Sharon
I don’t have an excuse for this, they are just both really nice & caring characters and they would deserve each other okay. With that said:
Vincent x Sharon
If I remember correctly, Jun once stated that an arranged marriage between Vincent and Sharon was supposed to be a plot point in the manga so ?? I could see it work in a ‘we are both highly political and totally maybe not on the same side so we’ll just really use each other for our own gain and whups what do you mean we could also team up and be badass together ??’ way. Break would probably kill Vincent first though so 
Break x Rufus Barma
I once got a fanfiction promopt for them so. I blame the person who prompted me. I can’t un-see it, you know ?? B/c once I started to think about their potential dynamic in order to write the fanfic, tHE DYNAMIC WAS JUST THERE OKAY. IT WAS JUST THERE. and it would work ?? I mean. The relationship between these two would probably be based on them constantly trading secrets and informations with each other and trying to out-plot the other one, but they could still be a pretty good couple. Much like Vincent x Sharon: they would just team up and screw over everybode else together.
Oswald/Glen x that Nightray dude that warned him about Jack
b/c why not ?? We know next to nothing about that guy so why not make him someone who cared about Oswald and tried to give him some love because Oswald dESERVES IT OKAY.
Jack x Arthur Barma
Again: why not ? Arthur totally had a crush on him and it would make Jack betraying him so much more brutal and cold hearted (or Jack was actually also in love with him but his obsession with Lacie was still stronger).
Jack x Miranda Barma
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (honestly if I wouldn’t read Jack as kinda grey-ace / not interested in other people besides Oswald and Lacie, these two could just have some kind of. friends with benefits relationship without the being actual friends part.)
Ada x Vanessa
It would be like Romeo and Juliet but gay They could either be using each other to get information, or they could be actually in love and just. be tragically seperated by their family feud. 
Lottie x Sharon
The female power couple I deserve. They are both Queens. They both care a lot about the people important to them. They are both willing to make sacrifices and they are both very smart on an emotional level. Also they could totally bond about the dumb men in their lives.
Oz x Break
... I don’t even know why myself. They are just very similar to each other and it would be like one bunny bumping heads with another bunny.
Reim x Lottie
J U S T. do it for the aesthetic, if not for anything else ?? They are both really smart and - out of their respective groups - the ones who look like they have their life together the most but actually don’t
Elliot x Alice
No idea where that one is coming from tbh, they just seem like they would kinda. click. with each other. also imagine the look on Oz’ and Gilbert’s faces
Alice x Gilbert
In a world where the Tragedy Of Sablier never happened, these two grow up together and have a very ‘slow burn childhood friends to lovers’ trope going on. f i g h t     m e one day Gilbert is sad so Alice gives him a very cute stuffed rabbit (“this one always protects me when I’m sad I can lend him to you”) and from then on they just share the stuffed rabbit with each other as their protector 
I ... I think that’s it. I’m not even sure if you read until here tbh xD Like I said, please try not to judge too hard, a lot of these are very lowkey ships. aLSO FEEL FREE TO TELL ME YOURS PLEASE I AM CURIOUS TOO !!
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dyoun77 · 7 years
Similarities between Hakumaitou (K) and the Golden trio (Pandora Hearts)
As a great fan of Hakumaitou, the Silver clan of K project, I couldn’t not notice the similarities between this trio and the main characters of Pandora Hearts : Oz, Gil and Alice. When I thought about it, a ton of common points came clear between those two trio ! So I had to put it in a list XD Bear with me, it was so fun to do
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(I know there was a discourse about  Shiro being the protagonist are not… Let’s assume it is)
  1) A trio of friends
 - Those trio are made up of 2 guys and 1 girl : the hero, his faithful servant, and a dear friend - The hero is an important person in society : (Shiro = king / Oz = duke), and doesn’t know how to fight (but Oz regains his powers little by little …) - He has a faithful servant who will give his life for him, who knows how to fight and who possesses a weapon ( Kuroh = katana / Gil = gun);
- And a friend who has great powers in spite of herself ( Alice = chain / Neko = strain)
  2) The protagonists : Oz and Shiro
 - the hero is a cheerful, dynamic, friendly but lonely young boy, who conceals a deep sadness / confusion under a charming but false smile… - oz and shiro seek their identity : especially because they are victims of amnesia concerning their past and their origin, and live in a lie without knowing it (Oz = is in reality a stuffed rabbit, a chain -> but he believes to be a Vessalius heir, future duke / Shiro = has an original body, is the Silver King, Adolf k Weismann -> but he believes to be Isana Yashiro, a simple student)
 -The hero, supposed to be young, is in fact much older than one might think! (Shiro = must be ~90 / Oz = lives for more than a century !) - the soul of the hero inhabits the body of someone else (Shiro = is in Hieda Tooru’s body / Oz = is in Jack’s body)
 - They are both immortal (Shiro = because of his powers as the Silver King / Oz = because of the cycles of growing up as an adult and grow young again ability of Jack’s body)
  3) The right hand : Kuroh and Gilbert
- they are both a tall, dark, cold man in appearance, who gets easily angry and is fun to tease ! They hide a big heart and a great kindness. - they both had a master before the protagonist (Gil = Oswald / Kuroh = Ichigen-sama) - they are very loyal to their current master / king, and are ready for all sacrifices for their sake
 - being useful is very important for them, and they base their usefulness on the ability to fight and protect, but also in dealing with the daily life desires of their master (Kuroh = is the one feeding his family, just as a good waifu would xD / Gil = as a servant, this is his job to fulfil his master’s desires, right ?) - Gil and Kuroh are skilled in cooking and know how to take care of household tasks. Plus, I wonder if they are generally “scared” of women ? (Kuroh = we know well how he reacts to Neko’s naked body ! xD / Gil = was surrounded by girls in Lutwidge Academy and he didn’t like it !)
- They also have a nickname some people know (Gilbert = Raven / Kuroh = Black Dog )
  4) The girls : Alice and Neko
 - They are young girls with long hair, playful, free… They are a little simple-minded, always playful, cheerful and support the protagonist by their frank words. They seem to live their own way, detached from all rules. - Neko and Alice can transform (Neko = human-cat / Alice = human-chain) - they lost their memory, just like Oz and Shiro ! (Neko = remembered nothing from the accident of the Kagutsu crater, she even forgot her name / Alice = destroyed her memories, those before becoming B-Rabbit)
- They have both great powers, and it is one of the most powerful / dangerous (Alice = B-Rabbit / Neko = power of illusion) - Neko and Alice looooove eating and are always hungry ! (Neko = fish / Alice = meat) - They also like giving nicknames to their comrade of bickering (Gil is “Seaweed head” / Kuroh is “Kurosuke”), and others (Neko = calls the Blue King “Boss Megane” / Alice = calls Break “Clown”) etc.
 5) Relationships
 - Kuroh-Neko / Gil-Alice : do not support each other at first, bicker all the time for the same things. But they learn to appreciate each other with time ! The girls love the boys’s cooking, give them nicknames, and are never really impressed by their anger xD
- Shiro-Neko / Oz-Alice : the girls are veeeery attached to the protagonist (Neko is Shiro’s cat ! / Oz = is the contractor and the precious plush of Alice), who is the only friend who was there when they were alone ( Shiro = is the first one who paid attention to her as a cat / Oz = was always with Alice when she was alone, in the tour, as the plush)
- Kuroh-Shiro / Oz-Gil : indeed, their is a strong relationship of master-servant, but we can agree that their friendship is stronger. The servants could give their life for the protagonist, and the protagonists count on them for battles.
I didn’t want to study the characters too much, so there is my little list… Nobody can deny that those trios are very alike ! They live in different worlds, but their story and interactions are similar… No wonder why I fell in love with the golden trio from PH, if I already loved Hakumaitou !
This is not very useful if you don’t know both anime/manga, but I hope some people like me will enjoy it !
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weekendwarriorblog · 5 years
There’s only one movie in wide release this week, and it’s the second DreamWorks Animation/Universal animated movie of the year, ABOMINABLE, which is also the third animated movie involving some sort of Bigfoot, Sasquatch or Yeti (if you don’t include Monsters Inc. and Monsters University). 
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I actually really enjoyed this movie quite immensely, even though I’m not sure I’m up for a full review. It features the voice of Chloe Bennet (from Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) as Yi, a young Chinese girl who finds a young Yeti on the roof of her apartment building and goes on a magical adventure to bring the beast (she dubs “Everest”) back to his home (on Mount Everest) along with her two friends, one voiced by Albert Tsai from Fresh Off the Boat. DreamWorks has been somewhat erratic in my book as far as their recent animated films, but Abominable really offered a lot to enjoy, from some of the sillier humor to the magical fantasy elements. There’s also a lot of really touching and even moving moments that really hit me in the feels, partially thanks to the score by Rupert Gregson-Williams. (How this guy has not been nominated for an Oscar is beyond me.) So yeah, this is the third animated movie of the last year involving a Yeti, but I think DreamWorks and director Jill Culton really nailed the storytelling and visuals in a way that was lacking, at least in The Missing Link earlier this year.
You can read my interview with Chloe Bennet over at The Beat later today.
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The movie that people should definitely try to find is Takashi Miike’s latest crime thriller, FIRST LOVE (Hatsukoi), released by Well GO USA in New York (at the Angelika) and L.A. (at the Laemmle Nuart) on Friday then expanding on October 2.
Besides returning Miike to his crime roots, being a movie that involves the Yakuza, it also is as much a love story as Ichi the Killer only without all the genre weirdness that made that one (and many of Miike’s other movies) such a hard sell to mainstream audiences. First Love still has a lot of fun and a tiny bit of weirdness, but it’s also something more akin to the work of Tarantino, at least with Kill Bill.
It stars Masataka Kubota as a young boxer named Leo, who learns he has a tumor and little time to live when he encounters a call girl named Yuri who being forced into paying off a debt to the Yakuza (played by Sakurako Konishi). They meet under the strangest circumstances, as the two go on the run, her trying to escape from being used by a rival faction as a scapegoat in a planned drug heist.
Despite the title, this isn’t a romance film although it definitely has romantic elements between the two characters. The film sets up an intricate cast of characters around them with various factions and double-dealings that unfold over the course of the movie. That’s partially what makes True Love such a breakthrough for Miike, who has been doing so much Manga-derived work in recent years. He manages to take the incredible ensemble of actors and give all of them some good screen time as we follow Leo and Yuri trying to evadde those various factions, most of whom want them dead. It culminates in one of the most amazing action-packed last acts that’s up there with anything in 13 Assassins and Blade of the Immortal, two of Miike’s fairly recent Edo-period films.
As someone who has seen a LOT, if not most of Miike’s films over the last 20 years – we’re talking almost fifty films, here – First Love is his best movie since Audition, and having seen that again recently, I think it’s even better than that. It’s just a brilliant action-thriller from the filmmaking vet that I hope people will look for, even if they’re not a fan of Miike’s work before this.
RATING: 8.5/10
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The other movie worthy of note is the biopic JUDY (LD Entertainment/Roadside Attractions) starring Renée Zellwegger as Judy Garland, directed by British theater director Rupert Goold (True Story). I have to be honest that I was genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie, because I was never a really big Judy Garland fan—I’m not even sure I’ve seen many of her movies besides The Wizard of Oz– and I can’t say I’m really a fan of Zellwegger either.
Although Judy has a few traditional biopic elements as it flashes back to Judy’s dealings with Louis B. Mayer (one of the M’s in MGM) lording over Judy as a teenager around the time of “Wizard,” it mostly takes place in the mid-to-late 60s as she’s fighting for custody of her two kids with her ex Sid, falling for a young piano-playing entrepreneur played by Finn Wittrock and trying to maintain a comeback at a London residency that’s plagued by her bouts with drugs and alcohol.
In some ways, the movie reminded me a little of last year’s Stan and Ollie, another great film about screen stars of yesteryear in their later years based around a solid script. In this case, the script is by someone named Tom Edge (The Crown) who clearly did enough research that as you’re watching the movie, you’re likely to wonder “Did that really happen?”
One of those moment is when Judy meets two elderly gay fans and ends up spending the night hanging with them at their home, a moment that will play a pivotal part later. I also liked some of the rest of the cast around her including Jessie Buckley (who was amazing in Wild Rose) and Finn Witrock, as Judy’s closest confidante.
More than anything, it’s about how Zellwegger embodies Judy Garland, and it’s more than just an impression, as she pulls out some amazing emotions as she struggles with life without her kids, but as soon as she steps on stage in front of an audience, she goes through an amazing transformation.
Again, Judy really surprised me in how much I enjoyed it, but I won’t be even remotely surprised if Zellwegger wins her second Oscar
RATING: 8/10
Before we get to the rest of this week’s limited releases, I need to talk about two great film festivals, one on each coast. Of course, I have to talk about Film at Lincoln Center’s New York Film Festival first, since I’ve been attending it now for almost sixteen years, and it’s another banner year beginning this Friday with the WORLD PREMIERE of Martin Scorsese’s long-anticipated return to crime and reunion with Robert De Niro and Harvey Keitel with The Irishman, which also brings Al Pacino into the fold as Jimmy Hoffa. (I’ll be seeing this Friday morning and reviewing for The Beatsometime over the weekend.) The closing night film is Edward Norton’s Motherless Brooklyn, a crime novel that he’s been trying to get made for nearly a decade or more, but this one also has a significantly incredible cast around him, including Alec Baldwin, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Willem Dafoe and many more. I’ll also review it for The Beat.
Beyond that, NYFF includes a lot of upcoming releases that I’ve missed by not going to many other festivals this year, including Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite, Noah Baumbach’s Marriage Story (the Centerpiece) and a bunch of other movies that have played Cannes, TIFF and other festivals. There’s also a few docs in there that I’m looking forward to, including Michael Apted’s 63-Up, the latest in his ongoing series that began way back in the 60s with a television special about a group of schoolkids who the filmmaker followed over the course of their lives, revisiting every seven years without fail. It’s a pretty amazing achievement, and I’m definitely in until the filmmaker decides to stop (or more likely and sadly, dies). I hope to write more about the New York Film Festival both here and over at The Beatover the next few weeks, so stay tuned!
Over in Los Angeles, the 2019 Beyond Fest will be taking over the Hulu Theater at the American Cinemateque’s Egyptian starting Weds. and for the next few weeks, kicking off with the West Coast Premieres of Richard Stanley’s Color Out of Space in a double feature with Daniel isn’t Real, two movies from Elijah Wood’s excellent horror production company SpectreVision. The festival will also screen Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit and Bong Joon-wo’s Parasite, two movies I still haven’t had a chance to see, probably making me the last person on earth to see both of them. (They both open in October, so I expect that to change soon.) Other movies playing Beyond Fest include The Lodge, Little Monsters (which is a lot of fun) and a few repertory screenings that I’ll mention in the appropriate section below.
A few weeks back, I was a little remiss by forgetting to include the Bulgarian drama ÁGA (Big World Pictures) in my column when it played at New York’s Film Forum. I want to make up for it this weekend, as it opens at the Laemmle Royal in L.A. Milko Lazarov’s film is set in a yurt in the furthest regions of Siberia, and honestly, I thought I was watching a documentary at first, since it’s filmed in such a cinema verité way where you think you’re watching real people, but nope, it’s a scripted film with local actors. It revolves around a couple, Sedna and Nannok, living in that yurt, whose only connection to the outside world is their son Chena, who tells him that he’s found their daughter Ága after a family argument that made her leave home.  I won’t say much more but the way that the story is told and shot really takes advantage of the locale, and I was glad to hear that Bulgaria selected it for the Oscars’ newly-titled “International Film” category.
Another fun movie worth seeking out is Daniel Schneiber’s dark comedy THE DEATH OF DICK LONG (A24), the first solo feature from one half ofSwiss Army Mandirectors, “The Daniels.” Schneiber also plays the title character, essentially a corpse – I’m seeing a trend here –as the film involves two friends who are involved with the accidental death of another man, actually the drummer in their band. We won’t find out for quite some time how “Dick Long” died, and I’m not going to spoil it, because it’s the film’s oddest turn – maybe one where it will lose a few people—but I think it’s another creative film with a great cast, mostly of lesser known actors but ones that really deliver a fun experience. I’m not sure where this is all playing, but I do know that one of the places is the Alamo Drafthouse in Brooklyn on Friday night.
Similarly opening at the Metrograph this weekend for one screening only on Saturday -- but one where star Timothy Blake Nelson will be present for a QnA – is Chris Poché’s The True Don Quixote, which also stars Jacob Batalon from Spider-Man: Far from Home. It’s a new take on Cervantes’ classic tale that shifts it into Louisiana with Nelson’s Danny Kehoe accompanied by Batalon’s Sancho. It’s odd this is coming out the same year as Terry Gilliam’s long-in-development-hell The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, but I’m checking it out on Saturday for sure.
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I won’t be seeing Stephen Soderbergh’s THE LAUNDROMAT (Netflix) until after this column posts, but I know a little bit about it. Like I know that it stars Meryl Streep, who plays a widow who is investigating insurance fraud and finding two law partners in Panama City (Antonio Banderas, Gary Oldman) who are exploiting the world’s financial system. Soderbergh’s cast also includes Will Forte, Jeffrey Wright, David Schwimmer and Sharon Stone, and it’s probably his The Big Short. It won’t be on Netflix until October 18, so if you want to see it, you’ll have to find one of the select cities where it’s playing, including New York’s IFC Center where it opens Friday.
Mini-Review: Let’s just get this out of the way, because I wrote the above before actually seeing the movie, but yes, The Laundromat is indeed Soderbergh’s attempt at making a Big Short-like examination of the world of finance and shell corporations and how the rich exploit the poor or “the meek”… and he has a cast full of well-known actors, many in a higher tax bracket, to tell what ends up being something that is probably more apropos for a documentary than an attempted comedy.
There is little question that The Laundromat is intended to be a comedy, beginning with the “wacky accents” sported by Oldman and Banderas as lawyers Jürgen Mosseck and Ramón Fonseca who begin to explain how the world of finance works. Before that, we meet Meryl Streep’s Ellen Martin and her husband Joe (James Cromwell) on a romantic anniversary get-away where their tour boat topsizes, drowning 21 people, including Joe. She then learns that she can’t collect from the boat company’s insurance due to a series of shell companies that she traces back to Mosseck and Fonseca in Panama. Before that, we see Jeffrey Wright appear as someone else involved in a way that is never quite understandable…. And that’s while the entire time, Mosseck and Fonseca break the fourth wall to try to make what’s happening EASIER to understand.
Frequent Soderbergh collaborator Scott Z. Burns is a fantastic writer – his screenplay for The Report, which he also directed, is proof-positive – but something about this one gets lost in translation. There’s clearly a desire to
The oddest decision is to cast two GENUINELY funny actors like Will Forte and Chris Parnell, and literally have them in one scene before killing them off. That’s just one of the many tangents that seem to come from out of nowhere and have very little to do with the overall “story” – and I use that term loosely. If I were watching this on Netflix, the first major tangent into the dalliances of a wealthy African businessman (Nonso Anozie) trying to buy his daughter’s silence about his affair was me sitting on the remote and actually switching to another movie. The second tangent to China – a complete waste of Rosalin Chao -- is even worse.
And yet, that’s still better than all of the shenanigans and silliness we’re forced to watch great actors like Oldman and Banderas (who is AMAZING in Almodovar’s new film Pain and Glory) get up to – it’s actually painful. Most people already know how little I care for Streep but to play what seems like a kindly widow trying to get through her grief only to have that not being entirely the case. (I won’t spoil it, but if you can’t figure out that it’s Streep under the make-up playing ANOTHER character, then you’re probably not going to get the attempted intricacies of the world of finance being explored.)
Despite being only ninety minutes long, this was a chore to sit through, partially due to the confusing tangents, but also due to some of the questionable filmmaking decisions which would seem below a filmmaker of Soderbergh’s caliber.
It feels like everyone involved with Soderbergh’s latest has grown tired of the Oscars on their mantle and decided to make a concentrated effort to go for a few Razzies. They might get their wish.
Rating: 4.5/10
One of the ACTUAL docs I’ve seen this weekend is Bill Haney’s new doc Jim Allison: Breakthrough (DADA Films), which follows the career of Jim Allison, an amazing geneticist who specializes in immunology, making huge breakthroughs into curing cancer by discovering that antibodies have a special nodes that help them fight against illness and disease and how cancer tumors shut them off. Allison won the Nobel Prize in Medicine last December. It’s a fairly brainy and scientific doc that at times seems more like an advertising for the pharmaceutical company who mass-produced the drug that came out of Allison’s research, but there’s a great case study of a woman who is diagnosed with myeloma and given only a few years to live. The doc is opening at a couple theaters in New York, including the Quad Cinema, and a couple in L.A., and then it expands to other cities next Friday. Oh, and it’s narrated by Woody Harrelson!
I’m a little more mixed on the doc Anthropocene: The Human Epoch (Kino Lorber), a combined effort by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier  and Edward Burtynsky, which also opens at the IFC Center. I’m not even sure I can properly describe this world-spanning environmental doc… so I won’t try. It’s beautifully shot but not quite so obvious what the filmmakers were going for.
I haven’t had a chance to watch Chris Morris’ The Day Shall Come (IFC Films), which stars Anna Kendrick as an FBI agent who must go to great lengths to catch Moses Al Shabaz (Marchánt Davis), a Miami street preacher who wants to overthrow the US government who gets the backing of a Middle Eastern terrorist organization. And apparently, it’s a comedy? Okay, then.s
The last vestiges of MoviePass is their sole movie production, Bryan A. Miller’s 10 Minutes Gone (Lionsgate), an action-thriller starring Bruce Willis as crime-boss Rex, who hires Michael Chiklis’s Frank to lead a crew on as jewel heist, but when things go wrong and Frank wakes up with no memory of what happened (and no jewels), he must solve that before Rex has him killed. It will open in select cities but probably will be seen by most on Video On Demand.
I was kind of hoping I’d have a chance to see Fatih Akin’s new film The Golden Glove (Strand Releasing) as I’ve been a fan of the filmmaker for some time, but no such luck. This tells the story of notorious German serial killer Fritz Honka who terrorized Hamburg’s red light district – I’ve actually been there!!! – in the ‘70s, frequenting the “Golden Glove” bar and chasing after lonely women… and presumably killing them… cause he’s a serial killer. It’s opening at the IFC Center and presumably somewhere in L.A. as well?
Gilles Lelouch’s French comedy Sink or Swim (Level Film) stars Mathieu Amalric as one of a group of 40-something men who decide to form their pool’s first-ever all-male synchronized swimming team.
Samantha Buck & Marie Schlingmann’s Sister Aimee (1091/Obscured Pictures) stars Anna Margaret Hollyman as the title character, America’s most famous evangelist who is fed up with her success, so she goes on a wild trip to the Mexican border with her lover.  It opens in select theaters Friday and will On Demand next Tuesday.
Other films out this week in select cities (and On Demand) include Matthew Currie Ross’ The Curse of Buckout Road (Vertical/TriMuse Entertaiinment), starring Evan Ross, Henry Czerny and more. It takes place on New York State’s “most haunted road.” It should not be confuse with the Venezuelan thriller The Vampire of the Lake (Uncork’d Pictures/Dark Star Pictures), which only opens at L.A.’s Laemmle Glendale on Friday.
This weekend, the Metrograph will begin screening a restored 35mm print of Alain Corneau’s 1979 film Série Noir, which adapts a Jim Thompson novel for the screen. Welcome To Metrograph: Redux will screen Antonioni’s Le Amiche (1955) a few times over the weekend and Pierre Schoendoerff’s documentary The Anderson Platoon (1967), neither which I’ve seen or know much about. The series will also screen the 1955 film Artists and Models, starring Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin, s and Fassbinder’s 1974 film Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, two movies which I ALSO have never seen. (I’m more likely to see the former.) Late Nites at Metrograph  will show David Lynch’s 2001 film Mulholland Drive, which is actually a rather boring choice for the usually innovative series. (Heck, I can go see that at the New Beverly one the one day they’re not showing Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood if I lived in L.A..) On the other hand, my favorite ongoing Metrograph series Playtime: Family Matinees will screen the 1979 film The Black Stallion this weekend, and that’s another movie I have never seen.
Since I’m sort of back on schedule, although tonight’s “Weird Wednesday” Tank Girlis already sold out. You can still get tickets for the weekend screenings of Joel Schumacher’s 1987 film The Lost Boys on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Claude Chabrol’s The Cérémonie from 1995 will screen on Saturday as part of “Cutting Class: Films Inspired by Bong Joon-Ho’s Parasite” – wait, shouldn’t that be the other way around? Oh, I guess maybe the programming was inspired by seeing Parasite, which I haven’t seen yet. Buster Keaton’s 1923 film Our Hospitality will screen on Sunday with “live theater organ accompaniment” – what is this? The Film Forum?  Kidding… Monday night screenings include Mark Wahlberg’s 1996 film Fear and (separately Millennium Actress (2002), the latter part of the “Anime-Zing” series. Next week’s “Terror Tuesday” is Tony Scott’s The Hunger from 1983, but earlier is a 4k restoration of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. Joseph Losey’s The Servant from 1963 will also play that night, as a movie that inspired Bong Joon-ho vs. the other way around. Next week’s Weird Wednesday is Hulk Hogan’s 1989 movie No Holds Barred, which is not sold out… yet.
Although Robert Altman’s Nashville will end on Thursday, the Film Forum will begin a week-long run of a 4k restoration of Fritz Lang’s Indian epic with the two parts, The Tiger of Eschnapor and The Indian Tomb, both from 1959 shown with separate admission fees rather than as a double feature. (Sad trombone.) The movie was originally shown in the U.S. in an edited (almost cut in half) version, so this is a rare chance to see the full movie on the big screen starting Friday. This weekend’s Film Forum Jr. is appropriately Jim Henson and Frank Oz’s beloved 1982 fantasy film The Dark Crystal.
Although the Hulu(ween) Theater is being taken over by Beyond Fest (see above) much of this week and next, there’s a few repertory screenings including a 30th Anniversary screenings of Killer Crocodile and Luigi Cozzi’s 1989 film Paganini Horror on Friday and a 10th anniversary screening of Karyn Kusama’s Jennifer’s Body (with Kusama AND Megan Fox in person!) on Sunday. They’re also showing a screening of Al Adamson’s 1971 film Dracula Vs Frankenstein on Sunday.
A bunch of non-rep stuff going on this week but on Saturday, they’ll screen a new 35mm print of Joan Tewkesbury’s 1979 directorial debutOld Boyfriends with Tewkesbury, stars Talia Shire and Keith Carradine in person! Sunday is the monthly “The Style of Sin: Pre-Code Film” series with a Marlene Dietrich double feature of 1930’s Morocco and the 1932 film Shanghai Express, both directed by her frequent collaborator Josef Von Sternberg. On Sunday night is a screening of Easy Rider (1969) in tribute to the late Peter Fonda. On Tuesday is a matinee screening of Fritz Lang’s 1931 film M, starring Peter Lorre, as part of “Tuesdays with Lorre,” free to Cinematheque members.
FilmLinc is probably going to be pretty busy this week with the New York Film Festival starting Friday (see above), but it includes a few repertory screenings that I’ll try to mention. This weekend, they’re premiering a new restoration of Luis Buñuel’s 1930 film L’age d’or on Sunday as well as a new restoration of his 1950 film Los Olvidados. Béla Tarr’s 1994 film Sátántángo will also premiere in a new restoration on Sunday. On Tuesday, there’s a new restoration of Valerio Zurlini’s Le Professeur, while on Monday will screen new restorations of Three Short Films by Sergei Parajanov.
Weekend Classics: Staff Picks Summer 2019 is Paul Verhoeven’s Black Book (2006), starring Carice van Houten from Game of Thrones, picked by “Carlos” in a rare 35mm print! Waverly Midnights: Staff Picks Summer 2019 is George Miller’s Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), a great choice by “Tashika.” Late Night Favorites: Summer 2019 ends with something new that hasn’t been shown all summer… the 1986 film Critters, chosen by “Shane”!
“See It Big! Ghost Stories” continues this weekend with The Innocents (1961), which inspired Alejandro Amenabar’s 2001 film The Others, and the Japanese thriller Empire of Passion (1978).Also starting Friday is “Five by Forsyth,” as in Bill Forsyth, showing five movies including his 1979 debut That Sinking Feeling, as well as Comfort and Joy (’84), Breaking In (’89), Local Hero(’83) and Housekeeping (’87). On Saturday night, MOMI is also screening William Peter Blatty’s 1980 debut The Ninth Configurationas part of its ongong “Disreputable Cinema” series.
Sadly, “Laws of Desire: The Films of Antonio Banderas” ends on Thursday, but it will end with a screening of Steven Soderbergh’s new movie, The Laundromat as it opens theatrically… at the IFC Center further downtown. (Waugh Waugh….)
Friday night’s midnight offering is the ever-popular Anime Vampire Hunter Dfrom 1985.
On Wednesday night, there’s a special screening of the doc The Blank Generation (1976) about the New York new wave/pun scene with director Amos Poe doing a QnA afterwards. (The movie is also screening on Saturday sans QnA.) On Friday, they’re screening Susan Seidelman’s 1983 punk movie Smithereens. Otherwise, it’s all Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood. What the holy fuck?
Still showing Once Upon a Time …  in Hollywood most of the time so still relegated to the bottom of the repertory section ‘cause IT ISN’T REPERTORY! But at least October is looking more promising for the New Bev to get back on track. We’ll see. The New Bev is showing the 1949 Burt Lancast film Criss Crossas a Wednesday matinee and one of my most beloved Disney movies ever That Darn Cat! (1965) over the weekend as its “Kiddee Matinee” but otherwise, it’s all Tarantino all the time. (Kill Bill: Volume 1 is the Saturday midnight offering.)
Pretty excited to hear that Jim Mickle, who directed Stakeland and Cold in July has a new movie on Netflix called IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON – part of Netflix’s “Netflix and Chills” series (har har). This one stars Boyd Holbrook from Logan as Philadelphia police officer Thomas Lockhart, who begins tracking a serial killer who keeps reappearing every nine years, his murders defying any scientific explanation. I haven’t seen it yet, but it also stars Michael C. Hall from Dexter and Cleopatra Coleman.
Apparently, Gwyneth Paltrow is in a new series called The Politician, but I know nothing about it, except that it’s Ryan Murphy’s first series for Netflix. Sorry!
I don’t have Shudder, so I can’t really say much about its programming, although this week, it will debut its new anthology series based on the George Romero anthology movie Creepshow, which might be a reason for me to subscribe. We’ll see.
Next week, it’s Joaquin Phoenix as Joker, a movie I’ve yet to be invited to see, as of this writing. Sad clown face…
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Shopping Trip Items to Keep Track of For Both Present and Future Reference-Initiated/Started by 1011 pm Saturday November 4m 2017
Shopping Trip Items to Keep Track of For Both Present and Future Reference-Initiated/Started by 1011 pm Saturday November 4m 2017
  Disclaimer/Preface/Please Note: I Stella Carrier must make it clear that I am in process of increasing and improving my knowledge, wisdom, and intuition as with many other people both within the United States and worldwide; Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Africa,Europe, Asia, Latin America etc for both present and future. Therefore I Stella Carrier am still learning towards what information I can use to become a subject matter expert. As a result, I am sharing and keeping this information to be free of telling others what to do yet I Stella Carrier am writing this more in order to write and archive online details for both present and future that I can use towards various writing ideas, present and future investment ideas etc for both present and future in all areas of my life.
Store; Giant Food 3521 East West Highway Hyattsville Maryland near the Prince George’s Plaza metro station and the Prince George’s Plaza mall open until 12 am today Saturday November 4, 2017
I Stella Carroer walked at least a total of approximately 5 miles (2.5 miles each way) from my apartment to Giant Food grocery store and back while my sweet husband waited for me at home. I am saying this not to show off yet more to write and record how my shopping habits are when I am shopping with my husband andor any of my friends compared to when it is just me shopping.
The time that the receipt shows me checking out and scanning the items on the Giant Food self store checkout machine;853 pm sarurday november 4 2017
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 affirmation; I Stella Carrier become wiser, more creative, and more interesting each day in all areas of my life both present and future.
By November 2018 or sooner
I feel blessed to have come across and now know about this article as there is information to suggest that  script doctor Eric Pearson’s persistence paid off. It is clear that he has a passion for writing and he successfully created his own door of opportunity. I hope he enjoys more career success for years to come. I know that Polowy is only coming from a good place when writing and publicly sharing this story. However, the only caveat to this story is that there are details to suggest that Polowy was at first considering giving up living in California all together until one of his scripts paid off. I am glad that he prevailed to great success. However, I do believe that it is possible to still live in whatever place (U.S. state) you prefer regardless of how your career dreams materialize and that sometimes a closed door can become an open door andor an even better pathway to a more lucrative door in the present and future when a person has intent to stay residing in a particular area regardless of how long it takes to achieve their career andor money goals. This is especially if a person has the option of being able to freely choose whatever U.S. state they prefer to reside in for the rest of their current lifetime. I admit that I may be partial in saying this as I am blessed to have been born an American female who has the option of freely choosing whatever U.S. state I prefer to reside in for the rest of my current lifetime (especially since I am blessed with a husband who is supportive of wherever I choose to reside long term for the rest of my current lifetime). However, I feel that there are many other adults who can freely choose wherever they reside within the United States for the rest of their current lifetimes. It is just a matter of being open to follow where you prefer to reside regardless of how you may be publicly judged for your personal reference.
How 'Thor: Ragnarok' screenwriter (and former pizza guy) Eric Pearson became Marvel's go-to script doctor
By Kevin Polowy
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Interior Design; Chandeliers of the 2017 DC House by Virginia Coyne
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Cafe Stella to Open New Location on Granby Street by The Main
April 18, 2017 By Jesse Scaccia
  Condolences to the friends and family member of the US service member who died Saturday as referenced by this article. Additionally, may the soul/spirit of that service member rest in peace and be in a happier place. US service member killed during operations in Afghanistan
By Luis Martinez and Morgan Winsor of Good Morning America
By James Van Praagh
 Songs for me to keep in mind from an iheartradio playlist from today in shuffle mode: I Can’t Stay Away by the Veronicas,Hall of Fame by Script feat. William of the Black Eyed Peas, Saturday I Like To Move It by Basshunter, Out Of My League by Fitz and the Tantrums, I Am The Bullgod by Kid Rock, Freekn You by Jodeci, Lucky by Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Caillat,Dance Hall Days by Wang Chung, Bubbly by Colbie Caillat, Loveshack by the B-52’s, The Walker by Fitz and the Tantrums, A Horse With No Name by America, You Might Think by the Cars, Only In My Sleep by the Corrs, Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer, Best Day of My Life by American Authors  Wonderland by Natalia Kills, The Middle by Jimmy Eat World, Dance For You by Beyonce,Electric Head Part 1 by White Zombie, Cake by the Ocean by DNCE, Trip Switch by Nothing But Thieves, Mesmerized by Amethystium, Caught Up In You by 38 Special, Boys and Girls by Blur,Broken Wings by Mr. Mister, I Feel You by Depeche Mode, I Would Like by Zara Larsson feat. Gorgon City, Rock You Like a Hurricane by Scorpions, Magic by B.o.B feat. Rivers Cuomo, Possum Kingdom by the Toadies, Come Undone by Duran Duran, So Alive by Love and Rockets Touch Me by Armin Van Buuren; Unique Category;I Love A Rainy Night by Eddie Rabbitt (my sweetie handsome was spontaneously singing it earlier Sources I prefer to keep secret; You’re The Best Thing by the Style Council, Freekn you by Jodeci, Feenin You by Jodeci,World In My Eyes by Depeche Mode, Roam by the B-52’s, Rabbit Heart Raise It Up by Florence and the Machine, It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones
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