vvanini · 10 months
Kenny is so full of love for his friends and his sister he is so protective I love him so much he's just a lil guy his heart is too big for his body
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julia-highstorms · 6 years
Eleven Questions!!!!
I was tagged by @maxnotverywell​ and @choicesaholic​!!! Thank you so much <3 I’ll answer both of you on this post and then make my own 11 questions!! This will be fun!! :D
@maxnotverywell​ questions:
1. Something you can passionately talk about
2. Savory or Sweet?
3. Favorite item in your closet
An 80s bomber jacket that belonged to my mom. It's so comfy and reminds me of her <3
4. A song that makes you feel nostalgic
We'll All Be by The Maine - a truly friendship anthem and it reminds me of my senior year of high school with my friends
5. If you can change one thing in one of Choices books what would it be?
Wyatt's face lol I kinda like him but his face creeps me out
6. Favorite drink
7. A language you want to learn
Mandarin (since I'm half-Chinese), but I think French is very interesting! Or Korean, some words are similar to Japanese, which I speak (my other half is Japanese)
8. A diamond scene you think is not worth spending money on
Oh probably any scene I paid on RoE (I love my barman husband, but the series was way too long)
9. Favorite sound
10. Something you wanted to buy as a kid
Cardcaptor Sakura's wand!!!!!!!!
11. A fun fact about you
When I was a toddler, my mom gave me a beet babt food and my face went all red/violet. I was literally a beet lol
@choicesaholic​ Questions:
1) What would be your super hero power?
Teleportation! All I'd have to do was think "take me to this place" and BAM! DONE
2) You are transported in your fav movie/tv-show/book/comic/game … In which one are you transported to and what you do?
Even though I'm pretty sure I'd be the first one to run and die, it'd be dope to be transported to ILITW (or Stranger Things)... I'd try to help Noah before the whole Jane/Mr. Red thing, nut honestly I just want to romance him lol (and Steve Harrington. And take care of those kids)
3) Your guilty pleasure?
4) Pineapple on Pizza. Yay or Nay ( don’t you dare choose Nay. I’ve been itching to try out that spell I found on the internet that would melt your eyeballs out)
I'll go with Nay, sorry! Not a big fan of pineapple nor pizza SHOCKING I KNOW
5) Your Choices Crew (whihc characters would you like in your entourage)
OOOOOOOOOH great question. I honestly love the LoveHacks gang and the ILITW kids.
6) Most rage inducing character
From the Choices Universe: Abbie or Nick Peralta
And Lilly Moscovitz from the Princess' Diaries.
7) Fav food
Rice everywhere
8) What would be your dream pet?
A corgi just like the one from TRR. His name would be Maxwell Percival Beaumont.
9) Your favourite music artists ( name 3 at least)
My All Time Top 5 Music Artists (not in a specific order):
The Maine
The Killers
Marina GODDESS and The Diamonds
Circa Waves
Green Day
10) Fav ice cream flavour
Dark chocolate
11)Who is the choices character the closest to being your copy ( the one that resembles you the most, personality and appearance)
Tom from ILITW <3 We have a lot in common, actually: Asian descendants, pessimistics but chill. Basketball was my fav sport during high school and my first friend ever is Asian too and we're still cloce! Oh, I wear glasses too. But Tom is a boy and has longer hair than me.
My Questions:
1. Your favorite movie?
2. Favorite book?
3. Favorite genre of music?
4. It's Halloween! What is you costume?
5. A place you would like to visit:
6. If you could go in a time machine what era in history would you like to go?
7. A celebrity you would like to meet (alive or deceased)?
8. Who is your favorite character from the Choices Universe? Why?
9. Favorite LI
10. Choices OTP
11. Who you want to be a LI, from any Choices book/seires (Noah stans I know you're out there)
I am tagging @drake-n-jake-trash @andykangs @endlesswoods @zahranamazis @miragemeister If you’ve already done it (or don’t feel like doing it), just ignore this!
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skiesofmidnight · 7 years
hey 💖
1. First impression: my wife from a chat I’ve been in for a few days and seems cool2. Truth is: ur a meme but my favourite meme and ilysm3. How old do you look: 17-184. Have you ever made me laugh: all the time5. Have you ever made me mad: never6. Best feature: Everything7. Have I ever had a crush on you: ; )8. You’re my: babte, fave and best friend9. Name in my phone: Babte 10. Should you post this too? idk should you?
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mygendaispeaker · 7 years
dr seorang teman.
Mau tau disadap atau ngga, aqasi traffic data. Awasi Atau traffic pulsa Penyadapan Random by authority itu paranoid and gov hatred Iy requires spesific and hard wiring to mask a certain traffic flow That onky if you are POI Person Of Interest Imei just production code Just like my fingerprint The IMEI number is used by a GSM network to identify valid devices and therefore can be used for stopping a stolen phone from accessing that network. For example, if a mobile phone is stolen, the owner can call their network provider and instruct them to blacklist the phone using its IMEI number. Katakan lah HPmu, semasa msh di toko aku pasangin IMEI utk tujuan jahatku mematamatai traffic kerja sang device Aku kaga tau siapa yg bakal beli tuh HP.... Apakah org yg butuh aku awasi apa nggak. Karna hal tolol mengawasi semua org yg ga akan ada konflik kepentingan (point of interest) dgn tujuanku Akan lbh mudah mengawasi setelah HP itu ada d tangan personal yg ibgin diawasi Misalnya lewat susupan tracking software d email Atau hard wiring ke HP yg bersangkutan. Ya ini aku sdg coba bagikan semiskinmiskinnya dunia kerjaku hahahah With this, cost efficient Dan ini mudah. Pernh dlm pelajaranku, ad satu kasus satu HP pejabat dibuat rusak secara software... Dri luar lewat ebomb. Sampai dia terpaksa ke tempat service. Dan kamu tau laah kelanjutannya hahah The IMEI (15 decimal digits: 14 digits plus a check digit) or IMEISV (16 digits) includes information on the origin, model, and serial number of the device. The structure of the IMEI/SV is specified in 3GPP TS 23.003. The model and origin comprise the initial 8-digit portion of the IMEI/SV, known as the Type Allocation Code (TAC). The remainder of the IMEI is manufacturer-defined, with a Luhn check digit at the end. For the IMEI format prior to 2003, the GSMA guideline was to have this Check Digit always transmitted to the network as zero. This guideline seems to have disappeared for the format valid from 2003 and onwards.[17] As of 2004, the format of the IMEI is AA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC-D, although it may not always be displayed this way. The IMEISV drops the Luhn check digit in favor of an additional two digits for the Software Version Number (SVN), making the format AA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC-EE AA - BB BB BB - CC CC CC Prior to 2002, the TAC was six digits long and was followed by a two-digit Final Assembly Code (FAC), which was a manufacturer-specific code indicating the location of the device's construction. From January 1, 2003 until that April 1, 2004, the FAC for all phones was 00. After April 1, 2004, the Final Assembly Code ceased to exist and the Type Allocation Code increased to eight digits in length. In any of the above cases, the first two digits of the TAC are the Reporting Body Identifier, which identifies the GSMA-approved group that allocated the TAC. The RBI numbers are allocated by the Global Decimal Administrator. IMEI numbers being decimal allows them to be distinguished from an MEID, which is hexadecimal and always has 0xA0 or larger as its first two digits. For example, the old style IMEI code 35-209900-176148-1 or IMEISV code 35-209900-176148-23 tells us the following: TAC: 35-2099 - issued by the BABT (code 35) with the allocation number 2099 FAC: 00 - indicating the phone was made during the transition period when FACs were being removed. SNR: 176148 - uniquely identifying a unit of this model CD: 1 so it is a GSM Phase 2 or higher SVN: 23 - The "software version number" identifying the revision of the software installed on the phone. 99 is reserved. The last number of the IMEI is a check digit calculated using the Luhn algorithm, as defined in the IMEI Allocation and Approval Guidelines The purpose of the Check Digit is to help guard against the possibility of incorrect entries to the CEIR and EIR equipment. The presentation of the Check Digit both electronically and in printed form on the label and packaging is very important. Logistics (using bar-code reader) and EIR/CEIR administration cannot use the Check Digit unless it is printed outside of the packaging, and on the ME IMEI/Type Accreditation label. The check digit is not transmitted over the radio interface, nor is it stored in the EIR database at any point. Therefore, all references to the last three or six digits of an IMEI refer to the actual IMEI number, to which the check digit does not belong The check digit is validated in three steps: Starting from the right, double every other digit (e.g., 7 → 14). Sum the digits (e.g., 14 → 1 + 4). Check if the sum is divisible by 10. Conversely, one can calculate the IMEI by choosing the check digit that would give a sum divisible by 10. For the example IMEI 49015420323751?, To make the sum divisible by 10, we set ? = 8, so the IMEI is 490154203237518 The Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN), Iridium and Thuraya satellite phone networks all use IMEI numbers on their transceiver units as well as SIM cards in much the same way as GSM phones do. The Iridium 9601 modem relies solely on its IMEI number for identification and uses no SIM card; however, Iridium is a proprietary network and the device is incompatible with terrestrial GSM networks. Aku akan lbh memilih method fish in d net(work) pake International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI). IMSI merupakan gabungan algoritma dari IMEI dan MISIDN atau dikenal nomor handphone dan kode jaringan operator. Kode IMSI merupakan kode unik untuk masing-masing kartu SIM di seluruh dunia. IMSI umumnya terdiri atas 15 digit atau lebih pendek. Tiga digit pertama terdiri atas kode negara atau kode Mobile Country Code (MCC), diikuti dengan dua atau tiga digit kode operator atau Mobile Network Code (MNC). Dgn IMSI catcher (which is basically my daily job heheh) akan lbh mudah dan spesifik dibandingkan dgn mengawasi all fish in the net by all their useless bubble Next transmission is example of how global watchers akan ditrigger, dan message ini akan masuk pool watch-list degree 10 alias precaution paling lemah. Baneend, prepare the bom that we assemble yesterday and pkease recheck on the C4 temperature also the clock set. We dont want it to explode early. Allaahuakbar Our target is police headquarter in 10 km of your proximity. A directer will be ready at your position. This is our word for our faith, that all infidel should die! Nah mesage2 tadi *bisa jadi* masuk pool grade 10 watchlist GlobalTerrorismEncounterJountForces Grade 10. Yg dimana 95% nya akan diignore jika tdk masuk syarat significance reference
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skiesofmidnight · 7 years
Tagged by the babte @buy-bye-bi thank you <3
1. Are you named after someone? My mum knows someone called Elisa so it was an inspiration I suppose
2. When was the last time you cried? I cried earlier today lmao
3. Do you like your handwriting? It’s nice but hard to read so no
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Wtf is this, like what meat I like?
5. Do you have kids? Nope
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Mmm maybe, depends on the situation
7. Do you use sarcasm? Nope, never, I am never ever sarcastic
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yep
9. Would you bungee jump? Hell yeah
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? Cheerios
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Yep
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? Sort of??
13. What is your favorite ice cream? Just vanilla
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? I guess looks but that’s bc that’s what I see first so
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? Probably my nose/legs/feet idfk
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? No shoes and no answer
17. What are you listening to right now? 21st Century Girl - BTS
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Plain brown?
19. Favorite smell? Vanilla or Christmas smells
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My brother
21. Favorite sport to watch? Does CS count?
22. Hair color? Reddish brown
23. Eye color? Green
24. Do you wear contacts? Nope
25. Favorite food to eat? Chocolate
26. Scary movies or comedy? Both
27. Last movie you watched? Been too long to remember
28. What color of shirt are you wearing? Black
29. Summer or winter? Spring is best, but summer
30. Hugs or kisses? Both
31. What book are you currently reading? None bc life's too busy
32. Who do you miss right now? @niue7 <33
33. What is on your mouse pad? Don’t have one
34. What is the last TV program you watched? Corrie
35. What is the best sound? The sound of laughter or getting a message
36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Beatles
37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Budapest
38. Do you have a special talent? Not really
39. Where were you born? In a hospital
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skiesofmidnight · 7 years
Tagged by my wonderful babte @buy-bye-bi thank you <3
Rules: Tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
Name/Nickname: Elise Height: 5′8 Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff Last thing I googled: San Holo Fictional character you’d like as a sibling: Yuuri Katsuki Number of blankets I sleep with: 1 Favorite bands/artists: Gorillaz, San Holo, Blackbear, Puppet, Lazslo When did I make this blog: September 2015 How many blogs do I follow: 130 What do I post about: Anime and random memes Do you get asks on a regular basis: Nope Aesthetics: Idk about about aesthetics but I like sunsets, warm colours, rainbows and pretty lights and pixel art
I’ll tag @niue7 @becausesin and @irhina-v
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