randomfandoms2004 · 5 years
rYU SOOOO COOL screaming abt ep 12
aw shit, here we go again (I missed a chance to watch the raw ver. bUT IM watching subbed this time!)
I’ll say it once, and I’ll say it a million times
Also Wyzl speaking French BRo, we’re noT going back into LuPat (I mean, Wyzl does look like a LuPat villian soooo) bUT HEYYYY TOWA AND BAMBA BEING THEIR FINE SELVES YkNO???
I feel like that the whole “fire cadet wants to be a movie director” doesn’t really float my boat. but eh, the writer usually writes for Kamen Rider so this isn’t something they’re used to.
Dime falling for a girl is just 
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asshole armor is here to party
im still waiting for Kanaro though, WHERE IS MR GOLD!!
Like I know we’re twelve eps in (usually 6th rangers show up around ep 20 or later i think)
But like the least they could do is like nOT over-hype him? Like if it’s not ready to be shown in the show, don’t have his character written out to the puBLIC???
Like I’d rather have mystery as to who Gold is going to be
also I’d kinda like it if Oto has a little big of a solid role rather than just being Kanaro’s sibling
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caelesjjk · 6 years
Push (Part 3)
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Hello my loves. This this took so much longer than expected and I hope it doesn't disappoint! Let me know what you think okay? The feedback I've gotten has been so nice.
It was nearly impossible to stop thinking about that night. I couldn’t forget the way it felt when he touched me, even if he barely was. Something about the way he talked to me and the way he knew exactly what I was thinking was intoxicating to say the least. And yet, here I was, lying in my bed wondering if I should just skip my coffee all together again today so I didn’t have to see him. Seeing him would make those thoughts I was having so much worse and I had been avoiding the coffee shop for the last two days because I couldn’t let this go any farther than it already had. But I got up, and since it was Friday, and a dress down day at school, I slipped into a pair of jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. It was comforting, and that was something I needed right now.
When I reached the Hatfield’s coffee shop, I paused a few feet away and tried to gather my thoughts. I was most likely going to see Calum inside. He was going to be breathtakingly beautiful, as usual, and I was going to have to control myself. I took a deep breath, and opened the door, hearing the familiar sound of the bell on the door. “Good morning, Isabella.” Mr. Hatfield greeted with his usual saying. “Morning.” I said, clearing my throat. I let my eyes take a quick glance around the shop. There were only about 8 tables inside, and they all appeared to be empty at the moment. Part of me was relieved, and more of me was disappointed. Maybe he was trying to avoid me as well. “The usual please.” I said, biting my lip to try and hide the unexpected frown on my face. As Mrs. Hatfield was handing me my scone, the door behind me opened with the ringing of the bell. The smile on her face as she looked over my shoulder to see who had walked in, was a dead giveaway. “Morning, Calum.” Mrs. Hatfield said, winking at him. I couldn’t turn around, I was frozen. Mrs. Hatfield looks at me with a huge smile on her face. I close my eyes for a moment and then turn around to see him standing there.
He was dressed in all black, form fitted dress pants and a white button with black polka dots on it. He decided to top off this panty dropping look with a leather jacket and unruly curls. Damn him. Damn him to hell. “Morning, Bambs.” He licks his lips as he smiles at me. “An even worse nickname from the already horrible nickname you decided to give me?” I raise an eyebrow in curiosity. “It’s not so bad.” He steps around me and grabs his plain black coffee from Mr. Hatfield. “Why are you all se…I mean fancy today?” I almost choke when the word “sexy” tries to come out of my mouth. He laughs quietly. “I do have to go into the office every now and then.” He blows into his coffee cup and I feel my knees weaken at the shape his lips make. “Guess that would make sense.” I say, watching as he walks towards the same table we had been at just a few days ago, motioning with his head for me to follow him. Just turn around and walk out of the door, Izzy, run far, far away. But I don’t, I make the short trek over to the table. Calum pulls out the chair for me to sit in. “Thanks.” I say, a little surprised. “You haven’t been here for a few days.” He says, taking another sip of his coffee. “I know. I tried taking a new route to school.” I couldn’t meet his eyes when I was lying. "You sure it wasn’t because I almost fingered you in the middle of my kitchen the other night?” He says the words so nonchalantly, and I have to spit my coffee back into my cup. “Calum!” I quietly screech at him. “You can’t just say shit like that!” I lean back in my chair and look at him in disbelief. “What? Should we not have been doing that?” He sits his cup down and watches me. “You know damn well we shouldn’t have been.” I hiss between my teeth. “Then why’d you let me?” Calum leans over the table, his elbows resting there as he gets closer. “I…I don’t know.” My heart is beating so fast that I can hear it in my ears. “Sure you do, Bambs. And I want you to say it.” He holds my eyes with his stare as he whispers the words. “Why? So I can stroke your ego a little more? Thanks for reminding me of why I think you’re a complete ass, Calum.” I roll my eyes and make to get up from the table, but his hand his wrapping around my fingers, lightly pulling me back down. “Look. Don’t go. I’m just really bad at this.” He lets go of my hand when I sit back down. “At what? Being a decent human being?” I scoff. “At being someone’s friend, I mean. There’s only about a handful of people that put up with me.” He leans back a little. “Well that’s not surprising.” I tease him with a small smirk on my lips. He laughs quietly as I sit back down. “You’re a sweet girl, Bambi, but Mike’s my best friend.” Calum says. “Right. I mean I know. Things shouldn’t of gone this far.” I bite my lip, looking down into my coffee cup. “Please don’t do that.” He says lowly.
“Do what?” I ask. “Dig your teeth into that pretty bottom lip.” He sighs. “Stop looking at my lips.” I look up to meet his eyes, and it was a horrible idea. “I can’t even begin to tell you, how badly I wish I could.” His cheeks turn a bit pink as he sits down his cup and starts to stand up. I can feel my mouth fall open in surprise as I watch him stand. “Have a good day, Isabella.” “Calum, wait.” I say. He stops and turns back to look at me. “Michael invited some of my friends to go out for my birthday tomorrow. Will you come?” I ask. “I’ll see what I can do.” He smiles with the corner of his mouth before continuing to walk out of the coffee shop. I wait a few minutes before I get up. Mostly because I wasn’t sure if I could even walk straight with how wildly my head was swimming in confusion. He didn’t want to continue this weird attraction that we have going on, but he also says things like that and completely contradicts himself. The bigger questions here, was why I continued to entertain the idea of messing around with Calum when I was definitely dating his best friend. Why was I so willing to put myself in this situation? It just wasn’t me.
The rest of the day went by in a blur. And that was becoming far too usual lately. I tried to keep busy and distracted. I cleaned my classroom multiple times just so I didn’t have to go home and think about the mess that is my life. I took the long way home, driving around and listening to music to drown out the thoughts. But there was no way to avoid the birthday party that Michael had planned for me. Saturday evening came around and I was more nervous than ever. Not knowing if Calum would show up or not was stressing me out far more than it should. And to add to that stress, I was staring at myself in my full length mirror wondering how I had talked myself into buying this dress. It was a deep navy blue color and it clung to body in places I didn’t want it to. But it was far too late to go out and get another dress. So instead of changing, I grabbed my black leather jacket to help make me feel a little less awkward. I slipped into my favorite pair of black heels and called it good. I didn’t want to look in the mirror again, that girl in the mirror was unrecognizable these days anyways. I drove to Michael and Calum’s house where we were all planning to meet and “Pre-game” as Michael called it. Apparently we needed to get drunk before we went to the club to get even drunker. I didn’t object, because if I was being honest, I needed the drinks. Michael had invited a few of my girlfriends to come along, and when I pulled up to the house I could see that their cars were in the driveway already. Andrea, Grace, and Hillary were some girls that I had met in college and had tried to keep in touch with. We were never extremely close, but they were always fun nonetheless. I didn’t bother knocking as I walked into the house. There was loud music playing over the stereo in the living room but everyone seemed to be gathered in the kitchen. The girls were laughing and the sound of ice being dropped into cups was very prominent. I quietly stepped into the doorway, immediately seeing Hillary standing next to Calum at the kitchen island, her hand on his bicep as she laughed at something he just said. It makes my chest tighten involuntarily. “Babe! You’re here!” Michael says, walking over and wrapping me into a hug. “Happy birthday!” The girls all shout, coming over and taking turns giving me hugs as well. “I can’t believe you guys came.” My voice lacks enthusiasm, but they don’t seem to notice. “It’s your birthday, Iz! Of course we’re here! Michael seems to be quite the catch.” Grace says with a not so subtle wink. “Yeah, he’s really great.” I say, feeling Michael step up behind me and wrap his arms around my shoulders. He presses a few kisses to the side of my neck and cheek. “Can I get you a drink, birthday girl?” I hear Calum’s deep voice say from across the kitchen island. I take second to admire the way he looks in just a plain white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. It isn’t fair, honestly. “Yeah, that would be great.” His eyes don’t leave mine as I reply, but he smiles and moves to fix the drink. “I hope you’re ready for tonight.” Michael whispers against the shell of my ear. “Why’s that, handsome?” I smile sweetly and turn in his arms. “You’ll see when we get home.” He leans down and presses a few quick kisses to my lips before releasing my body and walking over to the stereo to change the song. “Izzy, come have a shot!” Andrea grabs my arm and pulls me over to where she and the other girls were standing at the counter. They poured shots of blue vodka into some shot glasses and handed them out to everyone. “Happy birthday, babe. Cheers to you!” Michael says as he clanks his shot glass with everyone else’s. I smile and tip the glass back against my lips and let the disgusting vodka burn my throat on the way down. I cringe and sit the shot glass on the counter. “No more of those.” I cough and wipe my mouth with my hand. Those words were in vain however, because before we left the house we ended up drinking three more of them. The uber van showed up just in time to save me from having to take another. I watched Calum slide on a green jacket over his white shirt before walking outside behind the girls, Hillary constantly looking over her shoulder and smiling at him. I couldn’t help but scoff.
Michael had reserved a VIP area for our group, so when we arrived at the club we were taken back to a corner area. There was a low round table in the center with big plush couches surrounding it. There were 4 or 5 different types of alcohol already on the table with enough glasses for everyone to use. “What do you think?” Michael says. “You didn’t have to do all this Mikey.” I say while he helps me slide my jacket off, kissing the exposed skin between the strap of my dress and my neck. “Anything for you.” He whispers against my skin. It should have given me goosebumps, or made my knees feel weak. “Thank you.” I lean up to kiss him quickly, but his hand slides up my back and into my hair keeping me there so he can kiss me more. I can feel the rest of our groups eyes on us and I pull back away from his hungry mouth. “More to come, babe.” Michael winks down at me before pulling on my hand for me to follow him over to the sitting area. The girls all giggle as I sit down, gushing about what a cute couple we are. Calum is sitting back, jaw clenched as he watches me. His gaze could burn a hole right through me. Hillary seems to of taken a liking to Calum, and as the night goes on, and the more shots she consumes, the closer to him on the couch she gets. She touches his leg and he puts his arm behind her on the couch, his other hand holding a whiskey neat. The only way to get rid of the nagging jealousy in my stomach was to drink. So as quickly as I could, I downed two glasses of champagne and another shot of vodka. “I’m going to dance.” I slam the shot glass down and stand up on wobbly legs. “You okay, sweetheart?” Michael asks, he slurs the words a little and doesn’t bother to get up from the couch. “Fucking fantastic.” I clap my hands together and start making my way towards the dance floor. “Wait up, Iz! Cal and I will come with you!” Hillary shouts from behind me. I feel sick for two reasons. One of them being the alcohol, the other being the fact that she just called him Cal. They’re on a nickname basis now? I bump into a few people on the way, not bothering to apologize. I needed to get on the dance floor so I could be consumed by something other than Calum Hood. There was some unknown club music being played by the DJ but I didn’t care. Once I got to the middle of the dance floor I let the music sway my body however it wanted to. My hips moved without my control. There was sweat forming on the back of my neck and my feet were killing me, but it didn’t matter. None of it did, until I felt a pair of hands touching my hips. "Why don’t we go sit back down, Bambi.” He says in my ear. “No. I’m having fun. You should go have fun with Hillary.” I pull away from his grip so I can spin around and look at him. “You’re really drunk. Let me take you back to the VIP.” He reaches for me and I move away from him again. “Pssh, you’re drunk.” I laugh and hiccup at the same time. “I think I should take you home.” He reaches out for me again, and I don’t fight it this time. He turns me so that my back is to him and his hand is wrapped around my elbow while he begins steering me through the crowd. In my drunken haze, I decide that if Calum wants to mess with my head, then I can mess with his too. I stop walking before we get off the dance floor making him bump into my back. “What are you doing?” He says lowly. I can feel his breath against my ear. “Dance with me.” I say over my shoulder. I start moving my hips, lightly grinding my ass back against his crotch. "Isabella…” He says between clenched teeth. “Stop me if you don’t like it.” I move down his body and slowly bring myself back up against him with a little more pressure this time. “Fuck.” He almost growls the word as his big hands grab onto my hips and pull me harder against him. I can feel the warmth of his body radiating into mine. He holds me close and skims his nose against my temple. “You’re going to get us both in trouble.” He whispers. “No one will see. There are hundreds of people on this dance floor.” I let my body relax against his chest. Once of his longer fingers trails down the front of my body and stops at the hem of my dress, brushing over any skin that he can get to. I wanted to get lost with him. “Enough, Bambi. We need to get back over there.” Calum moves away, grabbing my hand and pulling me the rest of the way through the crowd and back to our VIP area. When we got there, sweet Michael was asleep on one of the couches. His soft blonde hair was sticking up in all directions and his lips were slightly parted. I smiled as I approached him, Calum’s hand staying in mine up until that moment. I bent down next to the couch and softly touched Michael’s face, making him stir. “Lets get you home, Mikey.” He grunts and tries to sit up. Calum quickly comes over and helps him stand up, wrapping Michael’s arm over his shoulder so he can help him out of the club. “I gotcha buddy.” Calum tells Michael. We meet eyes for a moment before he turns and starts walking towards the exit. “Is Calum leaving?” Hillary asks while I’m gathering my things. “Um, yeah. I think so.” I slide my jacket on quickly. “Do you think he wants me to come home with him? I could use some great sex from him.” She giggles and my stomach flips. “I think he just wants to get Mikey home, Hillary.” I try to smile convincingly. I don’t say anything else, I just quickly make my way to Calum and Michael who are starting to get into an Uber. I slipped into the seat next to Michael, letting his head fall against my shoulder. I used my hand to reach up and brush some hair away from his forehead. I cared about him so much, but something wasn’t letting me give him all of myself. He would be good for me. I could be happy. But there shouldn’t be that nagging feeling of second guessing. But how could I hurt him? How could I break up with him when he’s done nothing wrong? “Love you, baby.” Michael murmurs against my shoulder. My mouth drops open in surprise, my eyes immediately going to Calum, who was sitting on the other side of Michael in the back of the car. He just looked away as quickly as he could. But I know he heard it too. The rest of the car ride is in silence. When we get back to their house, Calum helps Michael out of the car. He wraps his arm around him and lets him lean against his body while they walk up the sidewalk to the house. “You’re a good friend, Cal.” Michael slurs again. “Lets get you to bed, bro. Alright?” Calum pats Michael’s back and unlocks the front door. “Think I’m gonna puke.” Michael tries to pull away from Calum but stumbles over his sloppy footsteps. “Get him to the toilet.” My own stomach threatening to spill its contents. “Did you think of that all by yourself, Bambi?” Calum says sarcastically. He shifts Michael back against him and walks him down the hallway. After reaching the bathroom, Calum lowers Michael down until his face is over the toilet and his arms are hugging it. I move past him into the bathroom and kneel down, trying to help Michael and keep myself together at the same time. When he starts heaving, I get a horrible taste in my mouth and I know it’s coming. I crawl across the bathroom floor past Calum who only watches with an amused look on his face. “Stop laughing at me.” I whine and get myself into the hallway so I can breathe again. I breathe in and out a few times while I press my back against the wall and lean my head back against it. The earth felt like it was going to spin out from underneath me, so I closed my eyes tightly to avoid the dizziness that was sure to follow. “You alright, Bambs?” Calum asks. I can hear him walk around me, sliding down the wall across from me to sit on the floor. “This is such a shitty birthday.” I half laugh still refusing to open my eyes. “Didn’t really seem like your type of thing.” Calum says. “Because it wasn’t. Not even a little.” I sigh, letting my head roll forward and fall between my knees. “What is your thing?” He quietly clears his throat. His sudden interest in my life throws me completely off guard, so I risk opening my eyes to look at him. He’s already looking back at me. His cheeks are tinged pink, probably from the 3 or 4 whiskey drinks he had at the club. The color of his slightly parted, thick lips almost the exact same color. My body itched to move across the small space between us and grip his curls between my fingers. But I stayed right where I was.
“Something more simple, I guess. We could have hung out here on the back deck and drank cheap beer and I would have been much happier.” I sigh, and he smiles at the words, which causes me to have to look away. “Then why did you agree to the plans?” He picks at a loose string on his jeans. “Because I care about Michael. And he worked hard on the plans.” I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, biting a little too hard. “Michael’s a big boy, I’m sure he could have handled it if you told him the truth.” He looks at me expectantly, a bit of anger in his voice. “Have you always been an asshole? Or is this all just specially for me?” I let my legs slowly fall out straight in front of me. “I wouldn’t flatter yourself too much Bambi, ‘m pretty much an asshole to everyone.” A quick smile crosses his lips but he just looks back down at the small hole in jeans. “Why?” I ask. “Am I actually supposed to answer that question?” He replied sarcastically.
It was like talking to a brick wall sometimes when it came to Calum. He wasn’t willing to give many parts of himself to anyone. Except maybe Michael, who seemed to be the only friend I’d ever seen him have around. Other than that, he was always reading. There was always a book in his hands even when I’d just walk past the kitchen to see him warming something in the microwave. I turned to the side to look into the bathroom and check on Michael. He was still slouched over the toilet, snoring softly. My eyes were having a hard time focusing on much, but I could easily recognize that a copy of Wuthering Heights was lying on the side sink. Of course he had a copy of one of the best pieces of literature sitting next to his toilet. I giggled, not realizing that I had done it out loud. “What’s funny?’ I hear his voice say, so I slowly turn back towards him. “You have Wuthering Heights next to your toilet.” I can’t help the big smile on my face. "Yeah. I mean I leave a book lying in just about every room around here.” He shrugs his shoulder. “That’s kind of a strange thing to do.” I tease. “Never know when you’ll need a book.” His eyes meet mine again and we both smile. Something about the way he said it, and the idea of it, made me happier than it should of. I have to force my eyes away from his so that I don’t give away the fact that I’m staring a little too intently. I sigh, moving my back away from the wall so that I can lie flat on my back in the middle of the hallway. Staring up at the ceiling, I sense Calum scooting closer and then he’s lying down on his back, his head right next to mine but his feet are doing the other direction. “Do you feel guilty? For whatever this is that we’re doing.” I say quietly, hoping that Mikey is completely asleep against the toilet. I hear Calum suck in a long breath and exhale it slowly. “I think I’ve hurt Mike in the past, and I don’t want to do that again.” He explains vaguely. “How did you hurt him?” I ask. “Hooked up with his girl. It never should have happened, but it did. I cant take that one back. And for some reason Mike forgave me. I don’t think he would be so forgiving a second time.” Calum shifts a little, his head still close to mine. “You’re probably right.” I bite my lip, a thousand thoughts running through my mind.
“I know you’re biting your lips, overthinking this right now Bambi.” He says. I allow myself to look to the side and see him still staring at the ceiling.
“I don’t think you understand half the things going on my head right now, Calum.” “You’d be surprised.” He doesn’t need to say anything else. I knew what he meant. He was thinking the same things. He was wishing things were different. That we had met some other way. Some other time. I sigh again. “I’m starving. Is there food around here?” I finally say. “Depends what you consider food.” He says, making us both laugh in unison as we continue to look at the ceiling and not each other. “I think just about anything would do at this point.” I sit up on my elbows and look down at him, his chocolate eyes meeting my gray ones.
“Let’s get you something then, shall we?” He winks before sitting up and getting to his feet. Once he’s up, he puts his hand out for me to take.
Calum pulls me to my feet and we walk quietly to the kitchen. He goes to fridge, bending down to see what he can find inside. I slump over to the counter and jump up to sit on it, it takes way more coordination than it normally would. He smiles as he watches me over his shoulder and pulls out a couple leftover Chinese containers.
“I wish that I thought this was disgusting right now, but I’m about to devour these.” I open a container with noodles inside and sniff them. Calum laughs, throwing his head back a little.
“Hand them over, I’ll warm them up for you.” He takes the container from my hands and scoops the noodles out onto two plates, placing them in the microwave for a few minutes.
"Are we friends?” I randomly ask.
“I don’t know, are we?” He leans against the counter a few feet away from me.
“I want to be. We should be. I think we should. Right?” I stutter and trip over the words.
“You know as well as I do, that there’s something else between us.” Calum says, moving to take the plates out of the microwave when it beeps.
“We’re attracted to each other. Doesn’t mean we have to act on any of those feelings.” I take a plate of noodles and start putting them into my mouth with my fingers. Calum shakes his head and hands me a fork.
“I won’t if you don’t.” He takes a bite of his food. Only meeting my eyes for a second before he look away.
“Fine. Easiest deal I’ve ever made.” My mouth is full of noodles as I speak but calum only laugh quietly at the sight.
“Don’t be so sure Bambs.” He smiles knowingly.
The rest of the night is filled with light conversation. Books. Poems we love. Poems we don’t love. Favorite quotes. Favorite times of day. Favorite nearby parks with the best views. I told him the park on 7th had my favorite hydrangea bush. He told me the park on Monroe street had the best benches and that it was always quiet.
Things had to be different from now on. I couldn’t give into the urges I was having. I wasnt going to hurt Michael that way, not after he’s already been hurt like this once.
I could be Calums friend. That’s just how things were going to be.
@chilleezliz @slimthicccal @bbycal @kinglyhood @sugarcoated-pain
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randomfandoms2004 · 5 years
rYU SOOO COOOL screaming abt ep 13
yeye lezgetit as always, spoilers under the cut! TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR SUICIDE MENTIONS
i thought that towa and bambs was kreon (aka bastard mushroom boi) for a hot sec
she seems to be very mom...I like this
also she managed to live for like a longgggggggggggggg time....
so apparentlY! OH!!! 
I-I mean, I kinda get why she wanted to pass on so quickly, she’s lived for so long she just... wants to age ig....
bUT STILL... (toei really going down the darker edges...must be that Kamen Rider touch)
“(bamba says something I can’t translate but I got a chunk) We have always chosen our own path.”
also I like this minasaur, neat powers, pretty cool design
I kinda get why Towa wants to know about his master (WE DO TOO, BRO!)
hiya Gaisorg.... how are ya?
I guess pm lady really just wants to be with her family member(maybe lover???) in death... she seen so many people she loved pass away because she’s lived forever
brb going thru it (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
Asuna, I don’t why u mad, but...you should not be fighting...
Damn... Bamba snapped, go off bro
But yeah... he’s right, they really don’t have options to pass away, because they’re the ryusoul tribe, they have a duty
“Don’t run by choosing death.” This is a REALLY ROUGH TRANS BUT eHM
Aweeeee, Dime and Tyramigo made up! That was cute, yay for closing a minor plot hole
ok, they’re really milking the whole pm suicide thing....
like literally all the monster is say is “I wanna ***”
Asuna and Melt made up!! that’s so cute I wanna cry (lowkey do I ship??? that’s a hard mmmmmmaybe........)
uwu beans
thankfully, pm seems to be going away to find herself, maybe go home to the tribe
*the following is a rough translation of the ending of this ep*
*towa pulls out the look-see soul* “Give it up! In the end, she was just trying to use us.”  “Whatever it was about our masters, I would’ve liked to hear it...” “(We followed) Our masters’ disappearance. But, there must be a reason.” *this one is really rough, I only understood the last bit of that sentence* “They’re alive? Somewhere...” “I’m, looking into it now.” “Someday...will we meet them again?” “Until then... we have something we need to do.” *resolute nodding*
Preview Time!!!
Wow, Gold sounds a lot more mature-ish??? than I imagined...then again idk how old he is BUT YES!!!
Now we play the waiting game...
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randomfandoms2004 · 5 years
rYU SOO COOL screaming abt eps 27 to 32 (MASS Post)
playing catch up before sunday! I’ll be (hopefully) doing a rider kick for zero one as well
Spoilers under the cut as always!
Episode 27 highlights
chibiagroo’s lil cry of “Daddy!” before the opening...
I might have squealed...
Kou breaking Red Ranger stereotypes with a single sentence
Gachiellius/Boat Man/Mr. New Bad coming back (OK BRO WTF I THOUGHT WE KILLED U) with news of... a new villian??
soft boi Kou throwing up Chibi and sacrificing himself
Melt coming clutch with that Smash Soul
The bros pulling an uno reverse card on Sparkles “You may be sad, but don’t lose hope.” I WHEEZED
Overall thoughts: Pachy and Chibi are so cute! also @ nada: don’t be suspicious (unfortunately I was spoiled for the plot twist BUT  N E WAYS)
Episode 28 highlights
Bamba being a fuckin softie for Asuna, he’s such a dad i love that
I gotta admit... doing a little neener neener is a pretty unexpected source for a minasaur
@ Nada again, u’re fucking sus....
Asuna giving Kou courage made me tear up a little... because I could actually fear for Asuna’s life. Knowing how dangerous it is, yet having so much faith? (I FUCKING LOVE ASUNA SHE IS BEST GIRL OKAY??? IM- 😭😭😭😭) OH THANK GOD SHE LIVES!!! (Kou sounded so sad... baby boy TT)
Again, Bamba being a softie... I love that god, please keep it up
The trio are such cuties, you can feel the childhood best friend energy (tm)
Overall thoughts: Having Ryusoulger being a little bit dark around the edges is such a refreshing feeling. It’s the first time I ever felt genuinely terrified for a character because of the intense risk. I really love the story for this one.
Episode 29 Highlights
Sparkles is FINALLY GETTING SOME??? IS IT REALLY A HIT THIS TIME?? (nope... *sigh* it’s okay though)
Fuckin... Nada eavesdropping... I don’t like that (also Mosa Rex’s evil sensor going of the moment he shows up? love that foreshadowing)
Damn, she really might be the one but it’s holding Sparkles back... he wants to save people but honestly that’s an understandable condition for her to make... (also Nada lied, im-)
God... Sparkles really chose the team I-
Bamba practically figured out who Gaisorg really is and god, his motive is such an easy thing to spot. Plus he’s gotten the ability to infiltrate on the inside because he wants so much...
Oto!!!! my baby, what do have? oooo... a new zord?
Overall thoughts: Idk if it’s considered character development for Sparkles??? But I loved the foreshadowing leading up to the reveal. Also... it seems that Nada has a greater ryusoul, but i wonder how he got it.
Episode 30 Highlights
Loving that Kou will always stick to his character
OH MY GOD MASTER BACKSTORY??? Oh... not abt Master Black, BUT MASTER GREEN! okay I can live with that
Yeah the whole “I wanna show everyone how wrong they were” kind of motive seemed pretty obvious
Dang, the bad juujuu abt this armor really ain’t smth to sneeze at, it’s real strong...
I’m honestly very impressed with Kanaro. That slap was such a power move.
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NADA WTF Dude. DUDE. *I noticed there was a change in color of the overall video... nice editing touch, made me be aware that smth was going to go wrong. And then as the episode ends, the color gets darker... nice, nice* BUT SHIT! I ACTUALLY DIDNT EXPECT NADA TO TURN THAT FAST
Overall thoughts: Backstory, character development, and editing tactics took this episode up really high! I loved it!
Episode 31 Highlights
Peril montage for Piitan was hilarious
Kou you really gotta stop, SHIT HE’S BLEEDING!
OH SHIT ROGUE!Kou is BACK?? (and... fuck is his actor ripped....) oh nvm he’s just really fired up...
Also holy shit, how the hell did Kou manage to handle all that pain???
OH! Piitan at max capacity!! (holy shit, his voice got DEEP rofl)
Heeeeyyy squad’s here! Loved that Melt corrected himself, shows that his aim is at the armor and not the person wearing it
Overall thoughts: Nice introduction for Pteradon! (also i loved the whole cape? thing going on there, reminded me of KyouryuGold tbh)
Episode 32 Highlights
We know Bambs and Nad have a history, but what is it? Hope they go in depth at some point...
Dang, taking all that hate was such a power move...
Shit... Bamba... (dude. I’ve never seen him this emotional...)
OH DAMN WAIT HE CAN SEE THE MEMORIES RIGHT? WHICH MEANS- oh.... Nada... Now you got everyone cryin’ man! C’mon! (that scene really hit me, but it would hit a lot harder if we saw flashbacks from Nada’s POV)
Man, that fake Gaisorg scare was really funny. I suppose, Nada’s a redeemed villan now?
Overall thoughts: I liked it! I’ve heard from others that they didn’t like this arc, but I certainly appreciate it! It gave a lot of growth and showed a lot of different sides to the main rangers that we didn’t get to see.
Preview Time~
As I predicted, Nada will join the team as a Ryusoulger! Really dug his tag line “Knight of Resilience” because that’s truly what he’s become. Struggling with armor for who knows how long since he got it. But... strange... he’s seem to add to Red’s armor... And Uden seems really powerful... I’m predicting a death will occur next episode...
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